Repairs Design Furniture

Bunk bed from the massif do it yourself drawings. Bunk bed: options for children and adults from wood and metal, diagrams, manufacture. Beds of extraordinary and even matches

When the second child appears in the family, which happens often, the question of compact sleeping places for children is inevitably. The most rational and aesthetic solution is to buy a bunk children's bed. But not everyone is on his pocket, but it is much cheaper to make it with your own hands and easier.

Pros and Cons Children's Bunk Bed

Such a double bed for many families is sometimes the only acceptable option, because the advantages of the flaws are outweighted here.

The main advantages of the bunk bed for children:

  • it takes little space in the room (in the conditions of urban apartments, where every square meter is important, it is a substantial plus);
  • the two-storey bed looks beautiful, if made by skillful hands with due diligence;
  • it can perform at the same time a sports corner and a working place for a child;
  • the manufacture of a bunk bed is possible with minimal skills in the joinery.

But such furniture has disadvantages:

  • the whole design due to the high height looks sometimes too cumbersome;
  • purchased bunk bed in the stores of cabinet furniture is expensive (from 7 thousand rubles and more);
  • the child can fall from the second floor, if the side is not fixed sufficiently;
  • the bed may be unstable, it will probably have to be additionally attached to the wall.

But all these disadvantages Vevev are not terrible if you collect the product and comply with all the recommendations of specialists.

Photo Gallery: Bunk Beds for Children

Design with a staircase from the end will be convenient for use by both children for a small room fit the bed with a sliding bed with a sports corner function. Like the boys symmetrical furniture will not leave anyone deprived bedrooms can be located perpendicular to each other the staircase in the form of drawers will save the place if desired You can make a whole functional complex suitable bunk bed and adolescent bunk beds can have different shelves and drawers in its design. Classic option is equipped with a regular staircase.

How to make a bunk bed do it yourself (option 1)

And you need to start, as at all serious matter, with the thinking of the design and the design of the project.

Design Description, Drawing

Most often, the product is made of wooden bars and plywood. This is the easiest and most cheap option. Remember that the width of the bed should provide sufficient capacity and correspond to the standard size of the mattress. The optimal value is 80 cm.

As for the height of each tier, these parameters are accepted individually. The first floor should not be lower than the highest drawer for toys, which will then depart under the bed. It is usually 35 cm.

The second tier will rise to a height of 1.3 m from the floor or more. If you do below, certain inconveniences may occur. For example, an adult will not be able to sit right.

The overall height of the design should be about 2 m. More bad - the eldest (younger) brother (or sister), getting up in the morning, will poke her head into the ceiling. The bed length is taken equal to the maximum average age of adult. Ideally, this size is from 1.75 m to 2 m.

The optimal is the width of 610 mm for the stairs. It will be convenient to use children and adults.

As for the distance between the steps, it must be at least 200 mm, and a maximum of 260 mm. Otherwise, there will be difficult for a child, crossing from one step to another.

Selection of material and calculation of quantity

For a bunk bed, bars are ideal, because there is such a material inexpensive.

Taking the bars, you need to immediately look at their quality. You should buy only those whose as possible bitch, a smooth surface and a good eye straightness. Pine or spruce is best. Such material is inexpensive, durable and easily processed.

Let the height of the bed be 2 m, width is 0.82 m, and the length is 1.88 m. We will take the height of the first tier 35 cm from the floor, and the second is 1.5 m from the floor. The width of the steps will assign equal to 63 cm.

So, for the main framework you will need strong bars with a cross section of 40x60 mm. Remember that there will be 4 vertical racks for 2 m and 4 horizontal crossbars of 1.88 m, and 4 end horizontal beams are needed by 0.82 m. This sawn timber is sold by beams with a length of 2 m. From each such bruck, 2 end crossbars . As a result, you will need the total number of marked bars n \u003d 4 + 4 + 2 \u003d 10 pieces.

In addition, you will need a side of a bar with a smaller cross section - 30x40 mm. Steps can be made of the same lumber.

A homemade bed can always be stylized under the overall design of the room.

Now you can make calculation of bars with a cross section of 30x40 mm. The staircase will be located on the left side of the construction facade. At the same time, the right ends of the steps their ends will be splashed into a separate vertical rack and will also be enshrined. And the left ends of the flashes are fixed on the facade main vertical of the bed with a cross section of 40x60 mm. The steps themselves will remain with a rectangular profile. Their total number of 6 pieces (t. By. The distance between them is taken 250 mm, we divide the height of the second tier on this value and we obtain n \u003d 1.5 / 0.25 \u003d 6).

So, for the stairs you will need:

  • vertical right rack with a cross section of 30x40 mm and a height of 2 m;
  • steps of the same section with a total length L \u003d 6x0.63 \u003d 3.78 m.

It is not difficult to calculate that from each bar of the standard length 2 m, 3 steps are obtained (0.63x3 \u003d 1.89). So, only 2 beams need for these elements. Total, we use 3 bar with a cross section of 30x40 mm standard length of 2 m.

As for the sides, downstairs, on the first floor these elements are not needed. On the second tier, you can make two sides on the facade and from the ends. On the back of the bed, it is enough to make only one crossbar, because the wall of the room will be there anyway.

Two facade boards have a length of each in the size of the bed (minus the width of the stairs). The same applies to the rear. And the end is 0.82 m long. There are 4 pieces of them. It is not difficult to calculate that from one billet in 2 m, 2 end beams are obtained. It means that you will need it for the sides of the two-meter bars with a cross section of 30x40 mm, equal to n \u003d 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 \u003d 5 pieces.

The surface of the bed made by your own hands can be decorated at your request.

Flooring places for sleep is made of plywood and strengthening beams with a cross section of 20x20 mm. You will need plywood area equal to the area of \u200b\u200bbeds.Thus, using the dimensions of the bed, get: S \u003d 0.82x1.88 \u003d 1.54 m 2. This is the area of \u200b\u200bone place. For the whole bed we accept the value of 3.1 m 2.

It remains to calculate the brucks with a cross section of 20x20 mm. It will take 4 pieces of two-meter blanks to fasten on long horizontals of the bed. These beams will be recovered in the future, reinforcing the plywood segments. There are enough of these segments of 8 pieces per single bed. The total length L \u003d 8x0.82x2 \u003d 13.12 m. That is, 7 two-meter blanks. The total number of bars of this profile: 4 + 7 \u003d 11 pieces.

In addition to wooden parts, it is necessary to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. This design has 8 nodes connecting the most powerful beams with a cross section of 40x60 mm. For each such element you need to use 2 corners.

Self-tapping screws are enough 100 grams of each of the two sizes - 80 mm long for the main mounts and a length of 35 mm for small pieces.

It is better to use black tapping screws with a nominal diameter of 3 mm. They are easily screwed into any tree without prior drilling. And then the hats can be closed with special decorative "butchers".

Now you can make a final list:

  • bar cross section 40x60 mm - 10 pieces;
  • billets 30x40 mm - 3 beams for the stairs and 5 for sides - 8 pieces;
  • plywood with a minimum thickness of 3-5 mm and an area of \u200b\u200b3.1 m 2;
  • bar 20x20 mm - 11 pieces;
  • metal corners - 16 pieces;
  • self-tapping screw with a length of 80 mm - about 0.1 kg;
  • self-tapping screws 35 mm - about 0.1 kg.

Before starting work, it is better to decompose all materials into separate stacks, combining by types and sizes.


For the manufacture of a bunk bed, the following plumbing and power tools will be needed:

  • screwdriver;
  • electrolzik with a set of pylons on a tree;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • electrodel and drill on a tree with a diameter of 4 mm.

For the assembly, only a minimum set of conventional tools is needed.

Step-by-step manual instructions

All work on the collection of bunk bed consists of several stages:

  1. Cut long horizontal beams with electric bikes, 4 pieces. The total length of the bed, equal to 1.88 m, includes the size of the vertical profile. That is, you need to cut off the horizontal beams with a length of 1.8 m each. Since the vertical has one of the sizes of 0.04 m in section (40 mm), then when assembling it turns out the total length of the bed L \u003d 1.8 + 0.04 + 0.04 \u003d 1.88 m.
  2. At the next stage, just collect verticals with long horizontal beams. To do this, first cut a two-meter billet to the bottom cut crossbar on the markup and secure with the help of the corner. Then do the same with the upper horizontal.
  3. Take the second vertical to other ends of the cut beams. Then, repeating all operations, collect another symmetrical node consisting of bed racks and its horizontal beams.
  4. By collecting the frame of the facade and rear parts of the product, connect these sidewalls into one design. To do this, pre-cut from the bar with a cross section of 40x60 mm 4 lines of 70 cm long. This is the end crossbars of the bed.
  5. Collect them with other parts of the bed. Pure first with the corners in the same places where long horizontal beams are coming. Then the entire design is the strengthen with long screws that score bars to the "body". If necessary, pre-drill holes for fastener drill. As a result, the width of the bed will be 0.82 m. This size includes a segment of each end beam 0.7 m and two profiles of verticals of 0.06 m (with a cross section of 40x60 mm).
  6. Now that the skeleton of the bed is made, you can take on the installation of the stairs. To start, make six steps (from the blanks with a cross section of 30x40 mm) with a length of 0.63 m each.
  7. Measure out the distance of 0.63 m on the facade from the most extreme left point of the bed and tick the location of the vertical rack for the stairs. Screw the right two-meter duct vertical to horizontal facade beams of the product.
  8. Take steps in increments of 0.25 m, counting it from the floor.And the left part should fall on the bedside rack.
  9. The right end of each step should continue to the vertical beam of the ladder. Consequently, on the right of the screw, each time, drive into the profile of the vertical, and on the left - in the profile of the steps through the bed rack. For fidelity, when installing steps, you can use the level, applying it from top of the mounted segments.
  10. It remains to fix the boards and laying sleeping places. Cut the beams for the fencing from the bar with a cross section of 30x40 mm. The end length is equal to the same magnitude of the corresponding bed crossbars - 70 cm. In the front sidelights, check the length at the place, putting the workpiece to the right rack of the bed and to the stairs. The fence should end where the right edge is located. Finally, the rear side is equal to the total length of the bed minus two vertical profiles (1.88-2x0.04 \u003d 1.88-0.08 \u003d 1.8 m).
  11. Screw all fences to the overall design on the top tier. Step between sides - 0.15 m.
  12. Arrange the first and second bed flooring. To do this, first screw to the bottom of each horizontal bed from the inside the workpiece with a profile of 20x20 mm, pre-enclosing it. Supports segments supporting the phaneer. They should be 0.66 m long. And screw to the support beams.
  13. Cut the phaneer size with a sleeping place and screw to the main, the strongest beams of the bed.
  14. It will also not hurt to fix the flooring on the support segments. At this stage, use small screws. Two bunk bed.

It is desirable to still attach the entire design to the room wall with the same corners. Otherwise, when the child will start climbing the steps, the product can bendled.

Usually, the plywood is sold in standard sheets with dimensions of 1.2 m x 1.4 m. Removing it is simple: First, the part is cut into the width of the bed 0.8 m along the entire length of 1.4 m. Then it remains to be left to approximately 0.5 m. Disposable from the remaining piece of plywood of 0.4 m x 1.4 m two rectangles of 0.4 m x 0.5 m and the open space is covered with them.

You can already use the bed, but it is better to further arrange it, in order to avoid feeling that something is missing.

Decorating design

First you need to cover the tree with varnish. It is better for this purpose to use a matte coating, since the glossy gives the old one. You can use an inexpensive braid instead of varnish. It is well emphasizing the structure of the tree. The coating applies a simple brush.

Decor depends on the floor of children

But besides painting, it will be nice to attach some facade for flights under the color of furniture that occupy the children's room. Any universal option is suitable. The size of the facade should be such that all the sides hide behind this detail. Best of all, if you manage to choose a decorative laminated chipboard with a rounding.

Do not forget that beautiful mattresses are needed for a children's bunk bed. They are, of course, notice. If such mattresses are not affordable, you can purchase a simple version with cotton filler.

How to make a bunk bed with your own hands (option 2)

The product of the second type is assembled from the chipboard. This design will eventually look more beautiful, however, the costs and attached effort will noticeably.

Design Description, Drawing

The backs of such a bunk bed are made of solid parts. The same applies to sides and flooring. Details of the chipboard of the desired size, order in the joinery workshop. They will make them the right color and according to the required parameters, and also reel all the ends of the plates.

Now you need to decide on the size. Let the backrest be 1.8 m and 0.8 m wide (each of 2 pieces). Standard plate thickness - 16 mm. At the bottom it is necessary to provide support plastic linings that are nailed with small cloves.

Take the length of the bed to 1.8 m. So, for the flooring, order two plates with a size of 0.8 m x 1.8 m. To strengthen the design, you will need more supports under the flooring - long plates in the form of a 0.2 m x 1,8 m in the amount of 4 pieces.

Board will have similar sizes. They will only be needed for the upper tier. Dimensions of long facade details (2 pieces) - 0.4 m x 1.8 m.

Draw an exemplary sketch.

Of course, the plates are not necessarily ordered perfectly rectangular. For beauty, it is possible to provide different cuts, roundings. And at the bottom, if there is an opportunity, there may be retractable boxes.

As for the staircase, make it from the end. To do this, please order 5 stages from chipboard. The first size of 0.8 m x 0.48 m, the second is 10 cm already. And so on: each decreases by 10 cm. The right side of the stairs let it be the back of bed. Left plate Order a size of 0.8 m x 1.36 m, with this reference to the top.

List of essential materials

So you will need:

  • slab chipboard (16 mm thick) 1.8 m x 0.8 m - 4 pieces;
  • sheets 1.8 mx 0.2 m - 4 pieces;
  • sheets 1.8 mx 0.4 m - 2 pieces;
  • 5 stoves for steps (first 0.8 m x 0.48 m, each subsequent 10 cm in short);
  • side slab with a mile 0.8 m x 1.36 m;
  • furniture screws under the hexagon - about 50 pieces.

The latter are used to fasten the design. They are also called Eurovints.

List of necessary tools

You will need some tools:

  • roulette;
  • electrode with a drill with a diameter of 4.5 mm;
  • key hexagon under the EuroSint;
  • sculpture.

The bunk bed differs little from the usual: frame, but high height, and two bottoms instead of one. Make it with your own hands almost just as and collect. The difference is only the need to independently determine the size of the design and acquire materials.

How to make a bunk children's bed with your own hands? If you judge the assortment of products in the store, it is quite suitable for a children's bed - MDF, DVP, OSB. But, first, to use, nevertheless, it is not necessary for any fiberboard, but only that, in whose passport is a low emission class. And secondly, it's not more difficult to make a bed from wooden boards, and this material is much more secure and reliable.

Bunk bed from pine massif (photo)

The most accessible option is an array of pine. Wood cheap, so it's not necessary to choose the right amount of the first grade. Much more expensive oak or beech. It is harder, it is harder to work with it, but also the product from oak serves decades.

In any case, wood should be well dried - no more than 18% moisture, and processed by antiseptic means. It is recommended to get the puzzle boards.

For a bunk bed, you will need:

  • wooden bar for racks - 10 * 5 mm;
  • bar for stairs - 4 * 6 cm;
  • board for strut and side - 10 * 2 cm, 15 * 2 cm, 20 * 2 cm;
  • plywood for the bottom or set of rails with lat producers is the last option preferably.

Fasteners - screws, screws, screws, metal corners, glue.

For stripping edges and edges, sandpaper is needed, and a plastic edge or a thermolent is for sealing.

The following will be required from the tools:

  • screwdriver or drill with an appropriate nozzle;
  • lobzik,
  • hammer, screwdriver, passage;
  • cornel, roulette and construction level.

Schemes and drawings

The manufacture of any design of the bunk children's bed begins with your own hands from the drawing. And this drawing needs to be made independently. Finished schemes and drawings of two-story beds do not always fit with their own hands and that's why.

  • The determining parameter for the dimensions of the bunk bed is not so much width and length, how much height. If it is assumed that the children will sleep on it for several years, then the sizes are selected with a large margin. Most often it is standard - 90 * 190 cm. Alternatively, you can measure the mattress to be used, and determine the parameters of the sun bed by its width and length. In this case, the bed length should exceed the mattress length of 8 cm, and the width is 10 cm.
  • The height is determined by the height of the ceiling in the room. A child on the second tier should not just sit freely, but also to move. In addition, hanging straight over the face of the ceiling is very unpleasant. Minimum - the seated child should not get a raised hand to the ceiling.
  • Between the first and second tier, the distance is selected on the basis of the same principles. The easiest way to do is adult: sitting on the second tier, dad does not touch the bottom of the top bed.
  • The distance between the bottom of the lower bed and the floor is at least 30 cm.
  • Holding the ratio must be taken into account by the thickness of both mattresses.

Drawing must be fulfilled. Moreover, the schemes of two beds are required, the facade of the design and the end. It is necessary to draw the scheme, given the scale, and as much as possible. By this drawing, calculate the required number of materials is much easier.

If you are using a finished bunk bed diagram with your own hands, found on the site pages, you need to make sure that the dimensions specified on it are suitable for children. You can only change them proportionally: it is impossible to simply increase the height of the bunk bed for 30 cm and place the bottom bed above. Any change affects the stability of the design. This requires compensation as by adjusting other parameters and the overall enhancement of the frame.

Drawing bunk bed do it yourself

Manufacturing and assembly process

We make a bunk bed with your own hands. Bar and boards before assembling the product need to withstand in the room for several days so that the tree is acclimatized. In such a simple way, the storage and drying of the material is warned.

Cutting boards can be independently, and you can order a cut in size at the acquisition site.

  1. The first thing is made by bed frames. For this, the timing segment 5 * 10 mm is bonded in the form of a rectangle in size of the sun bed. The best mount is the spike method in the groove on joinery, but this option is possible only if there is a milling tool. If there is no such possibility, the compound is produced on metal corners.
  2. The frame is installed in the framework of the same bar or board 10 * 2 cm, pre-cutting it in width. Depending on the alleged load, the strut can be from 1 to 4.
  3. Frames screwed to the frame: from the board with a cross section of 15 * 2 cm for the lower bed and 20 * 2 cm for the top. Self-tapping screws from the inside and ensure that they do not pass the side through.
  4. Produce 4 racks for the frame. For this, 2 bar with a cross section of 5 * 10 mm and a length equal to the height of the bed together with the fencing of the second tier, fasten two so that they formed a L-shaped profile. At the same time, the self-tapping screws in the tree, and the recesses put sand and sketching sandpaper.
  5. At the height of the first and second levels in the finished supports make holes under the fastening screw. The same holes are produced in the frames of sun beds.
  6. It is recommended to fix the design to the wall. To do this, the top level is fixed to vertical risers. Then the product is applied to the wall to mark the place of fixation. At this stage, without a helper, it is not necessary, since the mount should be tough. The walls drill holes at the level of the second tier, then the corresponding holes are made in the bed itself so that it passes through the ram and racks. The design is tightly pressed against the wall and fixed with screws.

If the bed is installed differently, the fastening to the walls do not produce.

  1. Mount the first level - metal corners are used for reliability.
  2. At the second level, there are sides: the boards of 20 * 2 cm are fixed on the racks. Self-tapping screws are screwed from the inside, the holes are close to the method described above. On the plot where the ladder is planned, the sides are not fixed.
  3. For the stairs, two vehicles 4 * 6 cm are fixed on the frame of the beds and the top, and the bottom. Install the crossbars fixing them with self-draws.
  4. The plywood sheet is placed on the frame - the bottom, or renisy on the latter holders.

Design, if necessary, sandwiches, open with matte or brilliant varnish. The edges close the thermal or plastic edge.

How to make a wooden bunk bed with your own hands (video):

Metal bunk bed do it yourself

The design of the metal bunk children's bed is even easier than wood. But it is much more difficult to collect it: there is a welding machine and some experience in handling it.

  1. For the frame, the under bedding is used metal corner 45 * 50 mm. The product is cut in size - with a hacksaw of metal or a grinder. At the ends of the corners, the sections are cut for a more dense docking and connect with the kings - channel 65 * 32 mm. Details are welded by checking the parallelism of the elements and the magnitude of the straight angle.
  2. There are no flights in a metal design.
  3. From a thin-walled pipe with a diameter of 25 mm, vertical racks are cut. The racks weld the frame of the sun bed. All welding seams snatch
  4. Frames for the upper tier, headboard and pack are more often ordered in the workshop: forging, hot or cold, it allows you to get not only a durable, but also a beautiful product. However, they can be assembled independently from the pipe of the same diameter and rods. In any case, flights on the second tier in the form of one curved raill are not suitable. Bursts must be performed by the type of perile fence with a bolt filling.

Video manufacturing

  • Most risks devoted to the manufacture of bunk beds with their own hands demonstrate only certain assembly points. The lion's share is removed only to familiarize themselves.
  • Amateur videos are more often filmed by experienced domestic masters: here you can learn a lot of useful. But there are only interesting or important points from the point of view of the artist. The processes that he considers trivial or all well-known are not enough.
  • The most informative source for the beginner is the instruction on the assembly of the finished wooden bed. Here, the material includes not only the sequence of installation, but also a description of all parts required, indication of sizes and illustrations to fasteners.

Using instructions and more detailed stock. Make a bunk bed is quite real.

A homemade bunk bed do it yourself - a practical and attractive solution for the nursery. It is pretty simple, so make it under the power and a novice master. And it is easier to arrange to taste.

Instructions for assembling the finished wooden bunk bed (video):

Bunk beds are popular for many reasons. They help save space in small apartments, are easy to use, very much like children. You can buy such a bed in the store, but better and cheaper to make it with your own hands.

Types of bunk beds

The view and size of the beds depends on the purpose, age of children, their preferences and other factors. Sleeping places may differ width. It does not depend on the age of the child, as usually the baby sleeps downstairs, and his older brother or sister on the top tier.

A two-star bunk bed is used if one child lives in the room, but there are few places in it. In this case, the baby sleeps upstairs, and at the bottom there is space for games, a wardrobe or a writing desk with shelves.

If the lower tier is double, two single-sex children can sleep on it. The kids are placed on the lower tier, and an older child's child - on the top.

From what age you can put a baby upstairs

A child of 1-1.5 years old can be put on the lower bed, but it should be protected by a high side so that the kid does not fall in a dream and not frightened.

In order for the child to do not fall during a raising or descent to the second tier, it is necessary to supply the staircase of the railings, and anti-slip stickers are sticked up on the steps. The sleeping place should also be protected by high sides.

Duplex beds come in different designs.

  1. Two-section with two tiers. If you remove the upper bed, the design turns into a regular bed.
  2. Whole bunk. At its cost, such structures are practically different from the collapsible.
  3. A bed of an attic type with a built-in wardrobe, a table or shelves. Usually there is a sleeping place on the top tier, and at the bottom of all the necessary details.
  4. The bed of an attic type that has a free access area at thenime. Side is a staircase.
  5. Bed with a leaving tier. This design is height from 60 to 120 cm. The lower tier with a sleeping place is shifted only if necessary.

Some models of children's bunk beds are manufactured with a length of 150-170 cm. Sometimes it is not very convenient, as parents often laid babies and fall along with them. For greater savings, it is better to make a bed with a length of about 180 cm.

The attic bed can not be called a full-fledged bunk model, she has only one sleeping place. At the same time, such a design very much like children, gives the scope of their fantasy and an extra room for games.

Unusual options for two-storey beds in the photo

What to make a bed: pluses and disadvantages of different materials

Metal is the most durable material for the manufacture of beds. Finished products have a light and aesthetic look, withstand a lot of weight. Cons of metal structures - high cost and the need to work with the welding machine.

An array of wood is an expensive and complex material in processing, but the beds are obtained beautiful, durable and reliable.

The most common beds made of edged or planed board. For the manufacture, it is necessary to acquire a well-dried material, otherwise the design can "lead" and it is deformed. With properly creating drawing, such a bed can withstand an adult.

Beds from MDF - an inexpensive option. The product is durable and beautiful. During the processing of the MDF plate, there is no dust and does not form a chips. It is better to use such a design only in children's rooms, because at large loads it can break.

LDSP has a formaldehyde as part, so it is not recommended to use it without a hermetic coating for the manufacture of bed. This material is not suitable for the main structure, as it will not be able to withstand a large weight. It is better to make backs, decorative panels or retractable boxes for things and toys.

Furniture shield - reliable and durable material. This is a stove that is glued from various bars of a natural tree. It is great for the manufacture of a bunk bed. It should be borne in mind that the stove has an internal stress that must be considered when working.

From the solution, what material to choose, depends on the view of the bed, how many kilograms it can withstand and how long will last.

Suitable staircase and sides

Equally important in the manufacture of a bunk bed to pay attention to the stairs and sides, because they ensure the safety of the child.

  1. Flat vertical staircase. It is usually mounted on the Swedish wall and serves as an unbreakable protective board for the lower tier. The design does not have a rail, so it is not entirely safe for the baby. This option is suitable for children from 5-6 years.
  2. Flat inclined or arched staircase. It can be in front of the facade wall or side of the bed. This design, equipped with safe railings, is very convenient for children.
  3. Staircase with steps in the form of drawers. The design is comfortable and roomy, but the minimum length of such a bed is 240 cm, so it can take almost the entire wall in a small room.

The main plus of sides - the safety of the baby. Their optimal height is from 30 to 60 cm. Even if your child has grown, such fences will still be protection against fall during sleep.

Bunk beds can be high or low depending on the preferences of children, their age and other interior features.

How to assemble a staircase and drawers for a crib - video

We make a bed with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

There is a huge number of beds of various modifications. The choice of an independent manufacturer depends on the capabilities of the wizard and the preferences of small owners.

Bed-attic: drawings and manufacturing process

A bunk bed can consist not only of sleeping places, but also serve as a gaming or educational area for a child.

For the manufacture you will need tools:

  • electric screwdriver;
  • glue joiner;
  • sucks;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • tree printing, varnish or paint;
  • metal corners.

Materials in advance make bed items:

  • stands vertical - 4 pcs. 50x100x1650 mm;
  • boards side for carrier frame - 2 pcs. 50x150x950 mm;
  • blocks transverse for ends of the bed - 4 pcs. 50x100x950 mm;
  • elements for fencing - 4 pcs. 50x100x1900 mm;
  • tsargi (side bearing frames) - 2 pcs. 50x150x1900 mm;
  • bruks that will be attached to the kings inside the bed for mounting lamellas - 2 pcs. 50x50x1900 mm;
  • bruks for steps with cut and rounded edges at 45 ° - 6 pcs. 25x50x200 mm;
  • boards for steps - 6 pcs. 50x100x450 mm;
  • the element of the vertical rack, which is located near the stairs - 1 pc. 50x100x1050 mm;
  • side staircase boards (from two ends trimged at an angle of 45 °) - 2 pcs. 50x150x1000 mm;
  • plaques for facing the staircase - 12 pcs. 50x100x550 mm;
  • end boards for the site - 2 pcs. 50x100x500 mm;
  • boards for installation under the site - 2 pcs. 50x100x950 mm;
  • horizontal boards for site backup - 2 pcs. 50x100x800 mm;
  • mattress laying lamella - 13 pcs. 120x25x1000 mm.

Assembly stages.

  1. We collect the left side of the bed. We connect the transverse boards with racks of worst, which are secure glue into the pre-made holes. For strength, fix even and self-drawing, deepening them a few mm in the tree. To this side, we will mount the staircase.
  2. In the same method we collect the right side of the bed. It will also serve as a protective fence.
  3. We glue the kings with dividing parts, fix them with self-draws. Then connect the end items of the kings and boards for the fence. All elements we collect with bolts (you can use screws and sewages), which must be fixed with carbon black glue. As a result, the sleeping place is obtained by 1.9x1.0 m. Then on the bar fit the lamella.
  4. We collect the support frame-rack for the site. It should be very strong to withstand a lot of weight.
  5. Rama is secured by the frame of the staircase, then the entire system mounted to the main frame. To do this, we use iron corners that are screwed with the inner invisible side of the structure.
  6. We are wearing a staircase board. At first we attach them to glue, then additionally fix the screws. Hats cut down a few mm in a tree. All recesses can then be chipped by sawdust, mixed with glue, or a special putty on wood.
  7. We collect a staircase for the bed. We place all the places of attachment of the bars, using the construction level, mark the installation points. Steps should be located strictly parallel to the floor. Bruks are fastened opposite each other without distortion.
  8. On the screwed bars we put the boards of steps and secure them using self-tapping screws. For convenience, it is necessary to first fasten one boards on top of the span, and one bottom. So the design will acquire greater strength. Finished staircase screw to the podium using metal corners. Check the strength of the bed and stairs.
  9. Close up all deepening and polish the design. We cover all the elements of the wood with the wood, then apply lacquer or paint. After they are completely dried, put the mattress. At the bottom you can make a game zone or put a desk.

Bed with a wardrobe with their own hands - Video

Retractable (Picky) Design of LDSP

In small children's rooms it is better to install a retractable bunk bed. It is easy in manufacturing a design that does not require special skills and work experience.

For its assembly, you will need:

  • leaf of LDSP (19 mm), from which we will produce the main details of the design;
  • furniture shield (22 mm). From it we will drink the lid and lower board of the podium.

Making framework for drawings

In order to assemble such a bed yourself, it is necessary to cut the sheets to separate parts, and then with the help of corners and screws with bolts to assemble the design.

The lower tier is equipped with wheels so the bed can freely leave if necessary. For the root, we use wooden boards with a thickness of 10-15 cm. For a bed with a length of 1.8-2 m, it is necessary to use a minimum of 5-7 bands.

Two-level bed of wood array

Wooden two-story bed is the most convenient classic model that is suitable for children and adults.

Name details Size (mm) Quantity (pcs.)
Stands (bars) vertical38x76x17304
Outdoor lining for racks38x76x17304
Side frame boards (Tsargi)38x140x2030.4
Planks for laying frame boards that are attached to the kings inside32x44x18504
Panels for assembling ends of the design (headboard and finite)20x140x914.4
Boards are central for assembling headboard and squatting20x90x914.4
Planks for the manufacture of fence20x90x1800.2
Locks transverse to create a bed20x76x100024
Side Boards for Carcass20x140x914.4

Tools you need:

  • electric drill;
  • plane;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • sander;
  • a hammer;
  • glue for wooden parts;
  • special impregnation for wood;
  • waterproof varnish;
  • hardware (screws, screws);
  • mattresses of the required size - 2 pcs.

Bed assembly stages.

  1. We make 4 lateral parts (kings) to create the upper and lower floors of the structure. They will keep slave.
  2. We collect the ends of the bed (headboard and popping), using racks and crossbars. Supports are made from a bar and parts that will close the holes for fastening the design details and create a groove to lay the kings in it.
  3. We collect headboard and stocking design. At the top of the head of the Bar Barpim 3 overlays, between which we will mount the elements of the protective fence. In the legs, krepim one whole lining.
  4. At the specified sizes we collect the details of the bed.
  5. We collect elements of fence and sleeping space on the second tier. The rack shows how the steps are located. There are only three of them. When we secure the lower step to the rack, it is necessary to ensure that the screws do not rest in the frame mount screws.
  6. We connect the side parts of the designs of the kings. To do this, we set them into the gaps that left between overlays. Finish four self-sides each of the sides.
  7. We put the design on the floor and begin to mount the handrail, staircase, steps and crossbar for fence. All elements twist first between themselves, and then with the racks of the bed with the help of screws. After we have collected a one-piece design, we lay the lamellas between the barges on the kings.
  8. The finished design, if necessary, polished so that there is no hooks. We proceed with special impregnations and cover with varnish or mourn. Giving structures to dry completely, put the mattresses.

For security, it is necessary to fix the bed on the wall so that the children do not accidentally overturn the entire design.

The easiest option: bed for cottages - video

Bunk bed made of metal corners and pipes

Metal two-tier beds have long been used in ordinary life. Strength and durability - the main criteria for choosing such a design. If earlier they stood only in army barracks, barracks or hostels, then designers began to pay attention to them.

Such a bed is not just a coarse fabric of iron with two beds. If it is supplemented with forged elements, it can be a real decoration of the children's room.

The standard bed has dimensions of 1.9x0.9 m. The frame is made as a metal frame with bedroom places from a solid grid. The width of the bed must be about 10 cm more than the mattress, and the length is 8 cm.

Required materials and tools:

  • metal profile or corner 45x50 mm;
  • special grid for sleeping places of the desired size;
  • schwlerlers - 32x65 mm;
  • pipes with a diameter of 25 mm;
  • keys for bolts and nuts;
  • bulgarian with metal circles;
  • hacksaw;
  • welding machine;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • level and corner.

Assembly stages.

  1. We make a frame for sleeping places from the corners. Cut the grinder or hacking metal corners on the details of the desired dimensions.
  2. At the ends of the corners for reliable fasteners, cut the special sections and connect them with the help of challers. All items weld, check the smoothness of the angles and the parallelism of the framework of the frame.
  3. Cut the vertical racks from pipes and weld the frame to them. All actions make accuracy according to the drawing. The main thing is correct and smoothly to strive all the elements, the strength and reliability of the entire design depends on it.
  4. We weld to vertical stands of sides of the bed on the second tier.
  5. From metal pipes, we cut off the elements of the crossbar for sleeping places and weld them at the same distance from each other. What it is less, the stronger the whole design.
  6. On the drawing, the staircase is located with two ends, so we weld the crossbars in the required places. You can cook the staircase separately the desired height, and then install it from the headboard or flying the bed.
  7. After we have finished welding, you need to sand seams. It is best to make a grinding machine. Then we clean the metal structure from rust, we proceed with a special primer and painting.

Bed of two tiers: from the diagram to the finished product - video

If the room is not enough space for installing two beds, a bunk or retractable design will come to the rescue. Develop a project and make it on your own drawing quite easily. The thing made by your own hands will look perfectly in the interior, save the place to provide convenience to all family members.

Bunk beds will always be popular among children and their parents. Children love bunk beds because they give more square for games, and usually become part of the gameplay. Parents bunk beds are like their compact sizes. Bunk beds allow two children to live in one room or, for example, leave to spend a friend.

Although personally, I am not a special fan of such beds - it's nevertheless, how to make a bunk bed I don't know why there is a few pieces to order them.

How to make a bunk bed. Bunk Bunk Bed Bed Drawings

Many notice that my bunk drawings are somewhat different from the finished sample presented in the photo at the beginning of the article. In particular, I did not draw the internal railing of fences. When the bed is constantly standing by this side close to the wall, they simply do not need, and the saving of lumber is evident. If you need these railing, then you add them without problems when implementing the project.

It is clear that this is one of the many constructive and external versions of bunk beds for children.
If there is a desire, you can see a small video review of designer and design solutions for children's bunk beds.
Video - at the end of the article.

It is not worth reminding that in the manufacture of a bunk bed for children, the choice of quality material needs to be paid to special attention - from this, in the end, their safety depends.

If you don't need a bunk bed yet, or vice versa - the family is expected to replenish, you can read about how to make your own hands stylish and reliable wooden cot for baby.

Bunk bed. General view, detailing

Boots of lumber for the manufacture of a bunk bed

N. Number of Size mm Name
1 4 38 x 76 x 1730 Vertical stands
2 4 38 x 76 x 1730 Billets for external pads for vertical racks
3 4 38 x 140 x 2030 Bed bearing boards
4 4 32 x 44 x 1850 Longitudinal layers of support for the mattress (not visible in the picture)
4 24 20 x 76 x 1000 Cross rail support racks (in the figure are not visible), trim around the place
5 8 20 x 140 x 914 Upper and lower heads / trap
6 4 20 x 90 x 914 Central Heat Planks / Flying
7 1 20 x 90 x 1510 Railing stairs
8 3 20 x 64 x 482 Stairs stairs
9 2 20 x 90 x 1800 Railing fences - cut to the desired size when installing

The headboard bunk bed is almost identical in design and grades. The difference is on the drawing at the top.

Bars, glued on the inside of the carrier frame board over the longitudinal bar, are designed to eliminate the movement of transverse mattress support regimes.

The longitudinal bar, after gluing the bearing board, it is desirable to further fasten to it with screws not to the full depth of the board, for greater reliability of the design.

The transverse rails simply fit between the boards of the carrier frame without fastening, and hold on the spot under the action of gravity.

The staircase is simply screwed into the rest of the bunk bed, and it can then be easily removed.

Well, how to make a bunk bed you now know. The final finish remained, which is an important stage of work, because it will protect the wood and extends the life of the product.

If high-quality material was chosen, and the work was taken carefully, then it is enough to span a bed well, and then in several layers to cover with transparent or tinted, matte or glossy water-based varnish - the best, in my opinion solution.

I hope that the drawings of the bunk bed were helpful to you. By the way, if a bunk bed is not enough for you, you can read about how to make a simple, reliable and functional three-core bed.

And here is the promised video:

The manufacture of furniture at home is enjoyed in our time with great success. Everywhere the wizards crawling sofas, chairs and other furniture items, including various sorts of beds. Do it yourself a bunk bed - not a difficult task. To do this, you need to have initial skills and know what you want to get after the completion of all works.

The value of the bunk bed

In our time, a fairly fashionable and popular mounted is the installation of bunk beds in the rooms for children. And not because only the current bed saves space (this is also an important factor). Such an original design is of great importance, as it makes the children's room more cozy and original. A bunk bed may not only be double, but also single. On the first tier can be a desktop, for example, for a computer.

Photos of bunk beds with their own hands like children. Yes, and often you can see that the kids are a child on this bed with a big hunt, if they have ordinary beds in the kindergarten. Also, children become friendly because they have to negotiate among themselves who will sleep on the top tier.

If you are going to buy a high-quality bunk wooden bed, then you know that it will cost you quite expensive, and inexpensive beds cause big doubts about their quality. A bunk bed, about the manufacture of which we will tell on, should be very strong, and able to withstand both an adult and a child. Another important factors of such a bed is its stability.

By the way, some masters in large families make even three-core beds, but still experts consider it to be busting, because they are afraid to hear a characteristic knock from the fall of their child. Then we look at how to make a double bed properly with your own hands.

Size definition

Before making a bed project for a given room, it is important to take into account the following. First you need to decide where the bed will stand. Next should be deciding where the vertical staircase on the second tier will be located. Based on this information, you can understand what size you need to make sleeping places.

It is also worth considering that the size of the bed that will be manufactured, respectively, the size of the bedroom must be exceeded in length by 80, and in width - by 100 millimeters. From the side where the vertical staircase will be, it is necessary to add 45 millimeters to dimensions.

After that, it is recommended to weigh everything and think about what is the height of the future bed. Be sure to know the height of the ceiling for the bunk bed. In the room, the higher you are, the shorter becomes, and the children in the second tier are very loved. Hence it becomes clear that the second tier should not be very high.

Remember that the distance between the bedroom is the first tier and the wooden frame of the second tier according to the drawings of the bunk bed with their own hands should not be too small. In other words, an adult man, when sitting on a child to the lower tier, should not get the head of the top tier.

The height of the lower berus of the bedroom should be such that it is convenient to sit on it, you also need to know that under the lower tier you can put something. In the bed, which you will produce, the height of the tiers should be made under the height of the ceiling of 2500 millimeters and also under the thickness of the mattress of 200 millimeters. The size of the mattress, that is, the bedroom will be about 1800 per 800 millimeters.

Bed Material and Tools

The bed is made to make a pine board. To find it easier to find materials for further manufacturing bed, you need to look for a board 18 at 140, 30 to 30, 40 by 80 and 40 per 140 millimeters. To a certain length, it is better not to be attached, but simply paint, what details are needed, and how much you need to make them from each type of board.

In addition, you need "qualified hands." Maybe some people can do it, but most are not under power. But if we replace the wood on the laminated chipboard, then almost completely will get rid of labor-intensive operations, replacing them with incoming (edge \u200b\u200bprocessing and gluing chipboard).

Make your own hands a two-story bed is easy, quickly and not laborious. Furniture made in a similar way, for strength and appearance does not inferior to products made of wood.
The base is also required, which is placed under the mattress (2 sheets of plywood size 900 per 1850 by 9 millimeters), component parts (3 pipes made of steel with PVC coating), fasteners - screws with a size of 3.5 per 40 millimeters, decorative washers Caps and glue.

Before making a bed of boards, which you will use, you need to withstand in the room during the week so that the temperature and humidity have been approximately as in the room where the bed will be installed. All this is done so that the boards and bars do not breed.

Wooden board will be based on. In this case, the choice is considered correct, but it all applies to handicraft production. Any furniture needs high-quality processing such as alignment, grinding and painting large surfaces. And this means that you need a special workshop and good equipment.

For making with your own hands, a wooden bunk bed will need such tools: a screwdriver or the so-called rechargeable drill, saw or ordinary hacksaw, a roulette, a level, a milling machine, with which it is very convenient to smooth out sharp edges of wood, metal detector and wiring (can also be used by an ordinary magnet ).

Approximate calculation of materials

For the manufacture of a sun bed (grid), on which the mattress will lie, you need an 18-to-140 millimeters board. On each tier, it is customary to place nine boards. This is probably enough so that there are so many children on the mattress, how much they fit there. In our case, the width of the bed of 800 millimeters, now it is necessary to take away from it, so that it is not to clog the sun beds and increase this number of two boards.

The bar on which the sun beds will be placed, has dimensions of 30 to 30 millimeters. We need a 40-line plan for 80 millimeters for the manufacture of ladder and sidebar. There are also options, because the number of details of a given length directly depends on the place where the ladder will be located, and also the presence on the lower tier of the removable side. In our case, it is worth considering such an option when the ladder is located on the side of the facade (in length) on the right.

It also requires a massive board with a size of 40 to 140 millimeters for tightening throughout the perimeter of the structure. The details you do from this board will later be called the Tsargi. One of the destinations they perform is the role of "soap" for the mattress.

Here are approximate values \u200b\u200bin meters so that you can approximately estimate the cost of a lumber required to produce a retractable bunk bed with your own hands. Remember that a bunk bed made of chipboard, heavier than 2-3 times than the furniture from the board. But with a handful non-relocated manufacturing bed and chipboard cheaper every 5-10.

Manufacturing a bunk bed

1. The mattresses that you plan to use should be measured. To these sizes, it is necessary to add approximately 2 centimeters from each side to make it convenient to fill bed linen - so you will find the size of the frame. When you acquire sheet material on the sawmill, ask it to be cut according to your design sizes on the machine. It is also necessary to remember that trimming should not be thrown away, they will be more useful to you.

2. Brussic size of 50-100 millimeters must be connected with screws, as a result of which two frames for a bunk bed of wood are obtained.

3. You need to screw the board 150 by 20 millimeters to one side and the end of the frame. Fastening, naturally, should be quite reliable. When you screw the screws from the inside, make sure that they do not pass the boards to the side. If suddenly you have too short self-tapping screws, you should drill holes in the bars of the larger diameter frame, using in this case the depth limiter on the drill. Also in places of the depth limiter you can also mark on the drill itself with the help of a tape. On the second frame on the same technology you need to install a side of 200 by 20 millimeters.

4. With the mass production of children's bunk beds with their own hands, legs usually make 25 per 100 millimeters from boards. Our model is designed for quite large loads, so the legs are made made from two bars, the size of 50-100 millimeters. It is necessary to connect two timber in length so that the end turns out the L-shaped form. Next, the resulting holes from fasteners can be embedded with putty and sand. Accordingly, the length of the leg must be equal to the height of the fence, which is located on the second tier.

5. You also need to know that without an assistant when installing you will not cope. It is necessary to drill a hole in the leg at the height on which the second tier will be attached, and in the frame with a side hole with a height of about 200 millimeters. Next, in the leg, drill a deepening so that the washer and the screw is not visible to be seen, it is enough to make a deep hole so that the screw has passed through the leg. Next, it is recommended to screw the screw.

6. Next, determine the place where the rack profile will be (unless of course the walls are made of drywall), and mark their place for drilling. Remember that the assistant should help support the frame from the bottom, pressing well to the walls. Stop the frame using the level correctly. You need to drill the guide holes through which the ram ram will be held, the rack profile and drywall so that then the screws with 6-face heads can be screwed. For such purposes, you will need a rather long thin drill. You need to screw the screws so that they fasten in the rack profiles. The lower tier is installed in the same way.

7. Fencing is a metal bunk security tool with your own hands for children. It can be made of several boards of 20 per 100 millimeters, which are fixed on vertical racks from 50 per 100 millimeters. Self-tapping screws need to be screwed from the inside. It follows in the fence to leave the discourse for the stairs.

8. Mostly ladders are two species - vertical and inclined. To begin with, install two bars that will be guided. With 6 mm bolts, attach the steps. The longest bolts are used for fastening the top steps and at the same time to attach the ladder to the bed.

9. Next, install plywood sheets on the frame and put the mattresses. As a result, you will get a pretty durable folding bunk bed with your own hands for children, which will serve for quite a long time. Due to the fact that the bed is collected on screws and bolts, it can be very quickly disassembled and assembled in a new place.

10. In order for the bed to do not give glare and retained this natural color and drawing, it is recommended to cover it into two layers of matte nitrole. And also do not forget that the appearance of this product is improved.

11. After the lacquer is completely driving, bring the furniture nails made from plywood 4 millimeters thick and covered with a rather beautiful fabric ceiling from below the upper shelf. Draped panels Close the opening between the edging boards and the fence, as well as the openings in the headpieces.

12. Next came to watch a video view of a bunk bed with its own hands and its installation. For large safety and stability of the bed, it is worth attaching the upper ends of 3 racks to the walls of the room, for this it is customary to use steel brackets.

All children love bunk beds so much, so you should ask the method of making this object of furniture. Prelay the desired material - a tree or chipboard and calculate its quantity. Then it is necessary to boldly begin the practical part of the work. Follow carefully step-by-step instructions, represented by us, and you will get the most practical bunk bed!

Choosing a mattress, do not forget to buy baby covers on mattresses. Children will be delighted with a beautiful and soft bed.