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Dissolving stones in the bustling bubble without surgery. Preparations for dissolving stones in the bustling bubble. Contact dissolution of stones

The formation of stones in bile ducts and in the bustling bubble characterizes such a human disease as a gall-eyed disease. A fundamental approach in the treatment methods of the HCR differs in an electoral approach to patients with varying degrees of disease. A major role in the treatment is powered by a bricken disease. All patients with HCRs are recommended to adhere to therapeutic nutrition. Feature of diet and therapy is a decrease in the energy value of nutrition using products with minimal cholesterol content.

The emergence of the HCB may be explained as a consequence of one of the above factors and in the presence of them in the complex:

  1. Cholesterol disorders;
  2. Infections of biliary tract;
  3. Stagnation in biliary tract;
  4. Genetic location to the disease.

Diet for gallway disease

  • with the restriction of carbohydrates under the excess body weight;
  • with restriction of cholesterol intake with food;
  • with the use of products with sufficient presence in them protein (low-fat curd, rabbit, indyusten, chicken).

Prohibited Products for HCBB

  • fatty grade meat, smoked;
  • yolk eggs birds;
  • by-products;
  • animals refractory fats, including smalts;
  • chocolate;
  • ice cream;
  • drinks with gas;
  • alcohol;
  • some vegetables, mushrooms.
  • salt.

Nutrition for gildery disease requires food intake in boiled form, excluding frying. At the same time, meat broths with boiled meat can not be patients, since cholesterol from meat products has passed into them.

In addition to this restriction, the diet puts compliance with several more conditions in the preparation of products:

  1. Soups should be prepared on secondary broths (draining the fluid of the first rage) or on vegetable broths;
  2. Products are allowed to stew in vegetable or fruit juices, kefir or simply in water;
  3. Vegetable cooking is made in the form of extinguishing or cooking. Consumption in the form of salads is allowed when refueling with olive oil, kefir, yogurt;
  4. It is advisable to drink mineral waters regularly (type "Slavyanskaya", "Polyana Kvass", "Essentuki"), juices, faint teas, limit coffee consumption.
  5. Bread and bakery products are used only yesterday's baking.

Therapeutic food provides a calm condition of the patient organ, thereby creating a period of remission. Meals must be organized often and fractionally. The meal itself is a strong bile agent, and contributes to the necessary allocation of bile and evacuation of it from the gallbladder. Consumption of large amounts of food in one reception can provoke the occurrence of pain due to a sharp reduction in the gallbladder.

Juices of some vegetables in fresh form contribute to the release of bile and can give rise to such a process as a natural dissolution of stones in the bustling bubble .

  • The daily reception of 1.5 liters of beetroot, cucumber and carrot juices has successfully shown - with a reception at 500ml (300ml carrot and 95 beet and cucumber) during the week. In addition, it is necessary to drink in this way in addition during the day 2 liters of hot water with the addition of lemon juice.
  • Purified red beet (1kg) is boiled in 3 liters in a 5-liter pot of 6 hours. After cooling the thick decoction to merge, add syrup from the rubbed and pressed through the gauze boiled beet. Place in the refrigerator and half an hour before eating consuming 3/4 cups. The dissolution of the stones in the bustling bubble with this process is slow and painlessly, but quite a long time - up to the month.

Ball-name disease is a frequent problem affecting the digestive system due to improper nutrition and exchange disorders. What to dissolve the stones in the bustle bubble that can disturb the person for years, tell me in our small material.

Definition and stage of the disease

What is a gallstone disease? This disease associated with the metabolism, in which the concrections in the bustling bubble and liver ducts are formed. Are the stones in the bustle bubble dissolve? It all depends on the stage and the composition of them.

The pathological process takes three stages to which you can affect various ways.

  1. The first stage does not show itself clinically and is characterized by an increase in cholesterol in bile, up to cholesterol flakes and crystals. In addition, it contains less phospholipids, bile acids and lecithin, that is, substances dissolving stones in a busty bubble.
  2. The second stage is defined as a stone, does not show itself and is characterized by the aggravation of the change in the properties of bile. Cholesterol flakes and crystals are converted into stones that gradually fill the gallbladder and its ducts.
  3. The third stage is precisely the calculous cholecystitis that makes a person go to the doctor. In order to dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble at this stage without surgery, it is necessary to adhere to a whole scheme of medical recommendations. Only a specialist can give them.

Symptoms of Disease

The first two stages of gallstone disease are asymptomatic. Clinical manifestations occur when:

  1. Inflammation of the gallbladder and its ducts.
  2. Blockage, stag.
  3. Filling the organ stones completely and impaired its deposit function.

The most characteristic feature of the disease is colic. It is characterized by severe pain in the right hypochondrium or centered under the ribs. Pain can give to the left hypochondrium, in the lower departments of the abdomen, back, right blade or area between them. The pain can continue for hours. In addition to painful sensations, there are various vegetative reactions: sweating, redness or skin pallor, lifting blood pressure and rapid heartbeat. Nausea and vomiting - frequent satellites of bile colic. In addition, the appetite decreases, the patient is worried, the pain does not sleep.

With increasing body temperature, sharp cholecystitis or cholangitis are suspected. The jaggility of the skin, the scler, indicates that the stone makes it difficult for bile outflow.

Diagnosis of disease

It is possible to dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble of various methods, depends on which the calculations were formed in a bubble and ducts.

Stones are the following types:

  1. Cholesterol containing up to 75% cholesterol, as well as pigments, lime salts, proteins and mucins. There are most often (from 70 to 90% of all cases). They are in the bustling bubble and much less often in the ducts.
  2. Brown pigment stones are in their composition of cholesterol to 30%, as well as calcium biliar. Appear in the overall bile duct after surgical treatment, rarely in the bubble itself.
  3. Black pigment contains black pigment, mucin and proteins. There are mainly in the bustling bubble, extremely rarely found in the general duct.
  4. Mixed complex accretions contain fewer cholesterol, as well as salts of lime, proteins, mucin and pigment substances. There are about 20% of cases.

Dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble without surgery in cases if they are cholesterol. These stones are not visible on x-ray. The main diagnostic method is an ultrasound study. Visualizes the concrections and their shadows, as well as the thickened wall of the gallbladder.

On the overview radiographic images of the abdominal cavity, the stones are visible much less often if there are lime salts in their composition, radiospective formations.

Fibrogastroduodenoscopy is carried out in order to inspect the place of the outdoor bile duct in the lumen of the duodenum to recognize the blockage of the stone.

The biochemical analysis of blood is studied the amount of cholesterol and lipid spectrum, as well as the functioning of the liver based on bilirubin and enzyme substances.

A general blood test diagnoses the presence of either the absence of an active inflammatory process by the amount of leukocytes and the rate of sedimentation of red blood cells.

Diet with gallway disease

In any stage, therapeutic nutrition should be directed to a decrease in cholesterol levels, its hypersecretion in the body. An important role here plays proper nutrition aimed at reducing body weight, correction of metabolic processes. Often the pathological picture of bile is associated with endocrine pathology, which requires a specialized diet.

Each eating should be fractionally - from four to six times a day, distributing food evenly by the hour so that there is no stagnation of bile in the bubble. Portions should be small, gluttony is prohibited, as it will cause spasm of bile ducts and painful sensations of various intensity.

Dietary food eliminates the reception of roasted, oily, smoked, acute and high calorie (up to 2900 kcal). Food must be rich in protein. When choosing products, their fat content should be taken into account. This applies to dairy products that need to be purchased with a low fatness percentage. Meat must be low-fat varieties (chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef). River fish or low-fat (bream, perch, cod, pike perch, heck). Cooking meat and fish should be for a couple or cook.

It will be useful to use approximately one hundred grams of raw vegetables or fruits from three to four times a day. There are them necessary before the main meal. Apples and pears, as well as juices of them help to dissolve the stones in a busty bubble, which they deserve the love of many nutritionists. For the same purposes, carrots, acid cabbage, celery are used. Food rich in fiber must be present on the patient's table fighting with stone formation. Eating a tablespoon of wheat bran twice a day is one of the folk remedies. Dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble and improving the work of the intestines helps bran, boiled water and added to the main dish.

Half of fats should be plant origin. Vegetable oils (sunflower, linen, olive, corn and soybean) help reduce cholesterol, enrich the body with tocopherol, drank bile with the help of prostaglandins in their composition.

Neutral and alkaline bile helps to dissolve cholesterol in it, and an acidic medium, on the contrary, causes crystallization and stone formation. This leads to consumption of a large number of flour products and croup. To make the medium more alkaline, it should be added to dieting fermented fermented products, cottage cheese, cheese, vegetables (except legumes), fruits and berries (except red currant).

Soups should be cooking. Eggs sick are allowed no more than one per day. From the seasonings you can use parsley and dill, fruit sauces. Tea and coffee can be disinterested, taking juices well. Strong alcohol and beer are prohibited.

Indications for drug dissolution of stones

Dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble by folk and drugs can be possible under certain conditions:

  1. In the bustling bubble there are only cholesterol counters that are visible in ultrasound examination and absent on radiographs.
  2. Size - no more than two centimeters in size.
  3. The gall bubble is fully functional, accumulating bile.
  4. Stones in the body occupy no more than half of its volume.
  5. The duct coming out of the gallbladder should be passing.
  6. In the overall duct of the concretions.
  7. The deadline for the appearance of stones is less than three years, since later they accumulate a large amount of mineral salts that are poorly dissolved.

Contraindications for drug dissolution of concrections

The states prohibiting the reception of drugs for lysis, as well as which stones in the bustling bubble can be dissolved by medicine.

Contraindications are:

  • Acute inflammatory reaction in the wall of the gallbladder and ducts.
  • Large accrete more than two centimeters in diameter.
  • Pathology liver of any etiology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic pancreatitis.
  • Ulcery disease of the stomach and duodenum.
  • The aggravation of the chronic pathology of all intestinal departments.
  • Calcium calcium stones visible on x-ray.
  • Disabled gallbladder without signs of functioning.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What medicines dissolve stones in the bustling bubble

For medication lysis, preparations of bile acids are used - minoroxychole and ursodeoxycholev, which replenish the lack of these substances in patients prone to stone formation. When using these funds, the absorption of cholesterol from food and its synthesis in the liver is oppressed, which leads to its decrease in bile. Without cholesterol, which is the basis of a stone, his education becomes difficult. In addition, with those who are already present in the bubble, cholesterol, fatty acids create liquid compounds that dissolve biliary conglomerates.

The henodoxicole acid preparation is "Henofalc", produced in the capsules of the German company DOCTOR FALK PHARMA GMBH. A medication is prescribed before the departure to sleep every evening, as cholesterol stones are formed at night with a prolonged gross stool (since the man does not eat at night).

The dose depends on the weight of a person at the rate of 15 mg per kilogram. Even overweight people should be aware that the maximum dose is 1500 mg per day.

Take the drug is necessary for a long time. After six months, a control ultrasound study is carried out on which the result of therapy is estimated. In the absence of positive dynamics, the reception of the medication is stopped. The maximum period of reception "Henofalka" is considered three years. There is a course method for the preparation of the preparation for the prevention of subsequent stone formation in individuals prone to this pathology, subject to the complete dissolution of the previous stones. Reception is carried out within a month with breaks of 60 days.

The tolerability "Henofalka" is good. It follows allergic reactions in the form of itching and rash. With a long multi-month reception, hepatic indicators should be monitored (alt and asat), and when they are raised to reduce the dosage.

Abdominal pain can occur when moving stones. The climb of the chair is possible at large doses due to an increase in fat in feces.

The URSOFALK drug based on ursodoxichetic acid is used in 10 mg dosage per kilogram of body weight per day in the evening. The maximum amount is 1250 mg. The drug is considered to be more efficient for dissolving stones, and portability is good. Reception is carried out under the control of ultrasound. Cancel "URSOFALK" in the absence of dynamics for one and a half years.

There is a method of combination "Henofalka" and "URSOFALK" with a reception of half dosages for the night. Such treatment is more efficient and leads to a dissolution of stones in 70% of cases, in contrast to monotherapy, where success accompanies only half of the patients.

It should be clarified by all contraindications before dissolving the stones in the bustling bubble with the help of acids containing acids. In addition, it must be remembered that their ordinary drugs cannot be.

Herbs dissolving stones in the bustling bubble

The use of phytotherapy for dissolving the concrections should be carried out only after permission of the attending physician. So, the means dissolving the stones in the gall bladder are contained in the following herbs.

It is applied milk thistle, peppermint mint, pyrhem, rosehip berries, beet decoction, lingonberry leaves, lavender flowers, mountain sly. They are used in the form of tablets, infusions, teas. Remember that each tool has its own list of contraindications.

Dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble by folk remedies, including phytotherapy, can be at their very small diameter and cholesterol. Herbs during the acute inflammation process is contraindicated.

Non-media treatment methods

What can dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble, without resorting to surgical treatment, it should be found by consulting with a gastroenterologist and a surgeon.

The method of shock-wave cholelitotripsy allows you to crush large stones (up to 3 cm) into small fragments. Stones must be cholesterol. The gallbladder must perform its function. The method will be particularly effective if two weeks before it starts to use fatty acid preparations. Fragmented stones can be in 95% of cases.

The method of percutaneous transgeacital choletolysis is an invasive procedure performed under local or general anesthesia. It consists in introducing a thin probe into a gallbladder through the skin and hepatic tissue and infusion through this probe solution for dissolving stones. Thus, up to 95% of the concrections are dissolved.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the formation of primary stones and new concrections after therapy above the means described.

The warning measures include:

  1. Proper nutrition in compliance with all the above events.
  2. The use of mineral waters containing sulphate ion ("Essentuki", "Borjomi", "Truskavets", "Narzan").
  3. Spa treatment.
  4. Rejection of bad habits.
  5. Regular physical exercise, including exercises, the developing muscles of the diaphragm and the press.
  6. Body mass control.
  7. Treatment of chronic diseases.

We discussed how to dissolve the stones in the bustling bubble. With competent treatment, the outcome is favorable.

The operation of the gallbladder is directly related to the activity of the liver, which produces bile and cholesterol. If the bile "correct" it will not form a precipitate, and in the future and stones. The gallbladder is considered a reservoir to preserve bile, and in this place from a dense suspension there are stones. They can be cholesterol, hybrid and bilirubin (calcium and bilirubin salts). Large stones usually consist of cholesterol.

Before making a solution to conservative cure, it is necessary to determine the type of stones, because only cholesterol formations can be dissolved and derived from the gallbladder. If we are talking about two other species, then in most cases surgical intervention or laser grinding (if the stones of a small balance) are shown. Conservative therapy is reduced to the reception of specialized substances. It is necessary to know which drugs dissolve the stones in the gallbladder, since each tool has its own characteristics, indications for use and side effects. Consider each in more detail.


Impressive successes in the fight against stones in the bustling bubble demonstrated the URSOFALK medication. Instructions for use, reviews and price (1000 rubles) indicate that the efficacy of the drug is quite large, since the means is not cheap. The main active substance of the drug is ursodeoxycholic acid.

The form of release - the capsules that must be taken in the evening, drinking, if desired, a small amount of water. However, specifically for patients for whom the swallowing process is somewhat difficult, prescribed medicine prescribed a suspension.

The range of the preparation is quite extensive. One of its positive effects can be considered a significant decrease in blood cholesterol levels. The duration of the course of treatment is purely individual. She is selected by a doctor and is directly dependent on the nature of the disease and many other reasons. As a rule, side effects are marked extremely rare, but when you first take the drug, the following may occur:

  • liquid chair;
  • allergic reaction;
  • the deterioration of the overall state.

Who can not?

Despite the high efficiency according to the reviews and instructions for the use of URSofalk, the price of the drug is much higher than the analogues. And in some cases, patients are forced to stop their choice on another medicine. It's not just because of the cost. This occurs if the patient has such diseases as:

  • acute cholecystitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • bile colic.

The effect of the drug dissolving the stones in the bustle bubble on the fruit of a pregnant woman is not known at the moment, so take a medicine or refuse to use it - only the doctor decides.


One of the most famous drugs against stones in the bustling bubble is "ZIFLAN", the price of which does not exceed 250 rubles. This popularity is due to a very high efficiency in the fight against neoplasms in the body.

Unlike its competitors, he is not a medicine. It will be most correct to call it a biologically active additive, since the main active ingredient of the drug is an extractor extract, which has a positive effect on the bandwidth of the liver. Also immortelle reduces the viscosity of the bile and level of cholesterol in the blood. It is noteworthy that Zymoflan (the price of the drug is significantly lower, compared with the analogues), belonging to the category of the BAA, demonstrates no less success in the fight against stones compared to other medicines.

Contraindications to use

Despite the high productivity of the drug, on its use in some cases will have to refuse. Patients who have the following diseases will be forced to stop their choice on other medicines:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • jaundice.

In addition, the use of this medicine is contraindicated to persons with individual intolerance to immortals, and pregnant girls.

As for side effects, it can be noted here only a rash on the skin, accompanied by itching. Release form - capsules.


"Ursochol", the price of which is 562 rubles, is a drug that is an excellent tool in the fight against stones in the gallbladder. In addition to dissolving unwanted formations in the patient's body, this medication successfully slows down the formation of cholesterol in the liver, and also significantly increases its solubility in bile.

The main active ingredient of the drug, and silicon dioxide, potato starch and magnesium stearate can be called as auxiliary. As a rule, the medicine is produced in the form of capsules. If desired, the pills can be piled by water.

The price of "Ursochola" corresponds to the quality. Medicase therapy usually does not exceed two weeks. If during this period of visible changes did not happen, the use of the drug stops.

Side effects

It should also be borne in mind that when using the drug, the following side effects may be observed:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.

Despite the high efficiency of the medication, it will have to abandon it if the patient has the following diseases:

  • pancreatitis;
  • renal failure;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestine.

Also, the use of medication is strictly prohibited by pregnant women.


According to the instructions for use and reviews, "Henofalc", the price of which is only 128 rubles, is a drug intended for dissolving stones in a bustard bubble, as well as reduced cholesterol levels in the body. This medicine is prescribed not only for treatment, but also when preparing for surgical extraction of stones, that is, lithotripsy. The following nuance is equally important: effectiveness is noticeably reduced in the presence of overweight in the patient.

The main active substance is minodoxycholic acid. Silicon dioxide, corn starch and magnesium stearate can be called auxiliary. The drug acts pretty quickly, this confirms the instructions for use and reviews. The price of "henofalk" is significantly lower than other drugs. This is an essential plus.

As a rule, a medication for the treatment of HCB is produced in the form of capsules that need to swallow entirely, not chewing. Despite the high performance, it will have to refuse if the patient is observed:

  • calcine stones;
  • hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • renal failure.

In other cases, the use of the drug is absolutely safe.

Also mention the side effects arising from the use of medication, and this is:

  • diarrhea;
  • colic;
  • allergy.

Reviews of "Henofal" are quite positive, patients note the speed of action and the effectiveness of the means.

Immortelle sandy

Herbs can be used in the treatment of illness on a par with other medicines. The extract is a fairly popular drug dissolving the stones in the gallbladder. Such a reputation is due to its extremely high efficiency and multiple cooking methods. And if more precisely, the plant can be:

  • refrain;
  • make out of it infusion;
  • and also use as an exhaust.

How to cook the immeticer's decoction for the treatment of HCB? For this medication, the patient needs to brew one tablespoon of dried herbs in two hundred and fifty milliliters of steep boiling water and insist for thirty minutes. The remedy should be taken in half an hour before each meal.

No less productively use the infusion of immortelle preparing according to the following scheme:

  • three tablespoons of pre-dried flowers are lowered in boiling water;
  • cover the container with a lid and hold one hour;
  • fix the resulting infusion.

The patient should drink one tablespoon of infusion every sixty minutes.

The extractor extractor is also an excellent helper in the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder. To cook it, it is necessary to grind dry herbs, and then dissolve the powder with alcohol.


In case of diseases that suggest the presence of stones in the bustling bubble, Ursosan preparation is often used. Its action is aimed at reducing and dissolving stones in the organ and intensifying the operation of the gallbladder.

Due to the active components of the drug, the full work of the liver and gallbladder stabilizes. The removal of stones is not a quick and unfortunately, not always pleasant.

Take the drug only to prescribe a physician-therapist, and so according to the instructions for Ursosan. Remember that it is necessary to drink capsules with plenty of liquid.

Contraindications are also available:

  1. The drug is completely banned for any allergic manifestations on the components of the drug.
  2. Not used with reduced activity of the gallbladder.
  3. It is prohibited when infected by any parts of the gallbladder.
  4. It does not apply when the stones in their composition have a large percentage of calcium content.
  5. Contraindicated in sharp forms of cholecystitis and cholegitis diseases.

During the treatment of the gallbladder from stones in it, it is necessary to strictly comply with the prescribed diet and follow all instructions and testimony of the attending physician.


Henosan is a very well-known means to dissolve stones in a gallbub. As a rule, this medication is produced in the form of capsules, due to its extremely high efficiency.

The basic effect of the drug is to increase the solubility of cholesterol. Despite excellent performance, in some cases, patients need to stop their choice on another medicine. Patients who have the following disease are forced to go to a similar step:

  • inflammation in the intestinal area;
  • chronic hepatitis form;
  • ulcer stomach.

Also, the contraindication for the use of the drug is pregnancy and lactation period. The use of the medication is not recommended when breastfeeding.

From side effects, such symptoms are most often observed as:

  • diarrhea;
  • allergy;
  • headaches.

It would be better not to mention that the combination of this medication with other medicines significantly reduces the productivity of the drug. To date, the cost of medication "Henosan" does not exceed three hundred Russian rubles.


Henokhol is a drug that dissolves the stones in a bustling bubble belonging to the group of choleretic and hypocholesterolemic.

Finding into the gastrointestinal tract, Henochola capsules gradually begin to dissolve. The active substances are in a constant state in the intestinal lumen, transforming there in useful metabolites, directly affecting the liver cells and other organs of the digestive system. Thus, the drug is able to not only remove the excess bile and other harmful substances, but also to clean the organism from toxins.

Prescribed the drug to persons suffering from biliary disease, subject to a small diameter of the sediment itself and the smooth operation of all biliary systems.

Inflammatory diseases of the stomach and duodenal interstitis are served by contraindications for the reception of Henochola, the integrity of the mucous membrane (ulcerative disease), gastritis, hepatitis of various groups and intestinal obstruction.

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Dissolving stones in the horizontal bubble


Methods of dissolving (litholization) of gang stones

Modern medicine has two methods of dissolution, or litholis, horizontal stones:

Numerous folk remedies that attribute the ability to dissolve ragged stones (lemon and carrot juice, olive oil, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, etc.), in this article are not considered in view of their ineffectiveness. However, some medicinal plants are advisable to use as auxiliary means, for example,.

Drug dissolution of grained stones with ursodeoxychole and hanodoxichetic acids

For drug dissolution of rash stones use ursodeoxychole (URSOFALK, Ursosan, Ursochol, Ursolizin) and henodetoxycholic acid (Henofalc, Henohol, Henosan, Henodiol). Ursodeoxychole and minoroxycholic acids belong to the number of numerous handful acids, the natural components of human and animal bears. Ursodeoxycholic acid among all horizons is the most secure for use. Henodetoxycholic acid in its properties is close to Ursodezoxychole. Of course, for therapeutic purposes, ursodeoxychole and minoroxichene acids are obtained by synthetic.

For successful dissolution of ursodeoxycholic acid, the following conditions are necessary:

  • cholesterol stones (cholesterol stones differ from the rest of the fact that they are invisible on ordinary radiographs)
  • stones size no more than 1.5-2 cm
  • stones fill in no more than half of the abbess of the gulb bubble
  • complete patency of healing paths
  • there are lack of pronounced inflammatory phenomena in the horizontal bubble and grying ducts, chronic decompensated liver diseases.
  • lack of considerable completeness

As a result, if we take into account so numerous limitations, no more than 15% of patients can take advantage of this method.

Duration of reception UDC - from 6 months to two years.

Stones are larger than 2 cm to dissolve after their crushing (lithotripsy) with ultrasound or otherwise in smaller fragments.

It is advisable to use lecithin as an auxiliary means for drug dissolution, whose role in maintaining colloidal stability of yellow is equally important than the role of behafts.

JUXTRA-Tablet is configured pessimistic:

Do not impose great hopes for ursodezoxychole cystooth. Quite often, the stones appear again after 1-2 years. All surgeons say so.

Indeed, surgeons belong to the prospect of dissolving stones with a special skepticism. Naturally, they see only unsuccessful cases. And failure is inevitable, if you do not make any conclusions and continue to fill your body with cholesterol. This drug is capable of fixing our errors in nutrition within certain limits.

Mechanism of dissolving rapid stones URSO-Osodoxycholic acid

The whole problem is that cholesterol, being by nature a leaf-like substance, completely insoluble in water. If in the aquatic environment (namely, it is a throat, a 95% consisting of water) cholesterol is granted to itself, it immediately forms microcrystals, which, in turn, seek to connect bigger crystals.

In normal yellow cholesterol, cholesterol is packed in micelles - supramolecular cylindrical structures, the shell of which consists of greyhounds, and in the core there are cholesterol and lecithin

But nature can find a way out of hopeless situations. Where it is impossible to dissolve the substance, it creates a colloid - stable suspension of non-individual molecules, but their conglomerates. So, with respect to cholesterol, the nature of nature is invented the most interesting mechanism - cholesterol in it is not in its pure form, but in a complex with greeted acids and lecithin. Lecithin is another natural bile component from the phospholipid group, it is insoluble in water, like cholesterol. Of the whole triads, only greyhic acids are capable of dissolving themselves in water, but together all three substances form a resistant colloid consisting of t. N. Micheel.

Micelles are supramolecular structures of a cylindrical shape, the shell of which consists of horizontal cysts, the core is filled with cholesterol, and the ends are seeded with lecithin. Micelles are durable and self-sufficient formations, not inclined to deposit, no further conglomeration. Cholesterol, concluded in micelles, is completely deprived of the possibility of forming crystals.

Thus, theoretically we have three ways to prevent cholesterol crystallization:

  1. reduce cholesterol content
  2. increase the content of gully acids
  3. enhance the content of Lecitin

Practice has shown that the first two two ways are the most effective. Ursodeoxycholic acid in this regard is a unique substance capable of acting simultaneously in two directions:

  • suppresses cholesterol synthesis in the liver and reduces its content in the harsh
  • stimulates the synthesis of gilic acids, thereby improving the ratio of gulphous acids and cholesterol

So, ursodeoxycholic acid, without being a solvent of cholesterol, creates the necessary conditions for its dissolution, affecting the maintenance of two most important components of yellow - cholesterol and greens.

Question is appropriate: how are stones dissolved if cholesterol is insoluble? The fact is that nature does not tolerate emptiness and everything in it is in motion: if it does not contain cholesterol microcrystals, their number is replenished due to the detachment with a sufficiently loose surface of cholesterol stones. Microcrystals, in turn, also partially disintegrate and unqualified micelles replenish its contents. So, the molecule is behind the molecule, layer behind the layer, cholesterol stones move into the intestine.

JUXTRA-Tablet asks:

Interestingly, is it possible to calculate the dissolution of the stones using a low-holesteric diet, for example, a strict vegetarian?

Only theoretically. Yes, among vegetarians, it is difficult to find a person suffering from yellow disease. But, firstly, without medication stimulation, the dissolution process will go unpredictably long. We cannot reduce cholesterol content below a certain limit, for it is an important metabolite in the body. With a lack of cholesterol, the liver is synthesized. And secondly, there are a little people who can change their lifestyle so radically. However, it is necessary to measure his forces to adhere to the principles of healthy nutrition. Proper nutrition is an important condition for the successful dissolution of stones and the prevention of their appearance in the future.

Chemical, or contact dissolution of gall stones

The method of contact dissolution of raging stones was recently developed and is still experimental. Like medicinal, contact dissolution is limited in its application by a number of conditions:

  • stones only cholesterol composition
  • fully saved hand bubble
  • preserved Pamm Impact
  • lack of inflammatory changes in the horizontal bubble.

Chemical dissolution of stones in the horizontal bubble is carried out by administering through the catheter in the horizontal bubble of a potent solvent cholesterol - methyl terrt-butyl ether

Chemical dissolution is carried out by administering through the catheter directly into the horizontal bubble of a potent cholesterol solvent. The catheter is introduced by a punctured method, that is, through the puncture of the skin above the raging bubble under the control of ultrasonic or x-ray diffraction equipment. Then, with the help of a syringe in small portions to the stones, the solvent is supplied, periodically sucking it together with dissolved cholesterol. The duration of the procedure is 4-16 hours.

Methyl terrt-butyl ether (MTBE) is used as a solvent, which is able to completely dissolve cholesterol stones for several hours.

Interestingly, methyl-terrt-butyl ether when entering the intestinal mucous membrane causes its chemical damage, but completely harmless to the mucous membrane of the gulb bubble.

Unfortunately, insufficient learning of remote results does not yet implement this promising method into broad practice. Often, after the dissolution procedure in the horizontal bubble remains "cholesterol garbage" - minor undisguised residues of stones, which in the future can initiate the re-formation of stones. In such cases, treatment is complemented by continuous reception of drugs. The disadvantages of the method should include the complexity of manipulations, but it is successfully compensated for by good training of specialists.

The method of administering the solvent in the horizontal bubble is also being developed using endoscopic equipment.

To date, the bile disease is one of the most common general general diseases. It ranks third after the pathologies of the heart, vessels and the endocrine system. This multifactorial disease arises due to a violation of the mechanism for exchanging the components of bile (bilirubin or cholesterol) and causes the appearance of stones in biliary ducts and a bustling bubble. To avoid serious consequences of the disease, you should know how to get rid of the stones in the bustling bubble without surgery.

Without operational intervention, it is not necessary to do under such circumstances:

  1. With the presence of large-sized concrections.
  2. Part of the exacerbation of cholecystitis.
  3. Complications of gallbladder diseases.
  4. Bile colic.
  5. Loss of the bubble bubble of contractile ability.

In all other cases, you can try to dissolve the stones with therapy methods.

Therapeutic methods are applied to the use of drugs that contribute to the dissolution of stones in the bustling bubble (litholitic therapy). These funds include bile acids, due to which the broken balance of cholesterol is restored, a special mixture is formed, which contributes to the dissolution of stones. This group of drugs include Ursochol, Ursofalk, Ursosan, Henofalc, Henokhol.

Preparations of bile acids apply more than 30 years.

Experts recommend taking them in the complex, as they have a little different mechanisms of action. Thus, one of them dissolve in bile and form a grinding bile cocktail, while others enter into a chemical reaction with cholesterol, contributing to the transition from the state of the stone into the state of the liquid crystal.

However, the use of hydrogen, as well as ursodeoxycholic acids, conditions should be observed:

  1. There are no problems with a reduction in the gallbladder. The diameter of the stones does not exceed 15 millimeters. There are no stones in the gallbladder ducts. Stones fill less than 1/3 of the volume of the gallbladder.
  2. Such drugs are accepted for a long period (from 6 months to 2 years), it is desirable before going to bed. Then the medicine is taken in the preventive dosage. Twice a year is carried out control ultrasound examination.

Reception of such medicines does not combine with some other drugs:

  1. Cholestyramine, which is used to remove excess cholesterol.
  2. Drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach - phosphhalugel, Almaty, etc. due to them, bile acid preparations are worse.
  3. Hormonal contraceptives containing estrogen (this component contributes to the appearance of stones).

The greatest effect of ursodoxicheological acid is observed in the early stages of the formation of stones. At the same time, with a prolonged course of the disease, litholithic therapy is often ineffective due to the studies of the stones.

The above-described method of dissolving stones in the bustling bubble has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of the method are:

  1. Atraumatic.
  2. Easy to receive a medicament.
  3. With a positive effect, there is no need to carry out the operation to remove stones in the gallbladder.

Method disadvantages:

  1. Long therapeutic course. On the dissolution of a large stone or a decrease in its size will be needed about two years.
  2. Since medicines are very strong and their main components are chemical elements, other diseases can be acted.
  3. The use of this method is excluded during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. With the termination of therapy, it is possible to re-form stones.
  5. For the whole course of treatment, regardless of the results, considerable money is required.

Method of local dissolution

The method of removing stones from the gallbladder is gaining popularity by local dissolution (by the method of local lysis therapy). For example, methylterbutaline ether is introduced into the gallbladder - this is a strong organic solvent. There are no restrictions on the size and number of stones in the bustling bubble, and the positive result is up to 90 percent. Cholesterol gallbladder stone can dissolve for several hours.

But after conducting local lysis therapy, supporting therapy is carried out in obligatory therapy using ursodoxichetic acid preparations for 3 months. Possible recurrences of rock formation.

Method of extracorporeal lithotripsy

Extracorporeal lithotripsy is a procedure by which the shock-wave fragmentation of the gall stone is carried out on multiple grain-shaped particles for their subsequent elimination. Technically, the method of extracorporeal lithotripsy is performed by a trained specialist.

Indications for the application of the procedure are:

  1. The inefficiency of medication lithotripsy.
  2. The size of the cholesterol counter does not exceed 15 millimeters.
  3. Failure of the patient from the operation.

It should be noted that the procedure is not carried out under such circumstances:

  1. During the battery period.
  2. If there are bile colic.
  3. Disabled (does not highlight bile) bile bubble.
  4. Signs of mechanical jaundice.
  5. Disruption of the kidney function.
  6. Malabsorption syndrome.
  7. Complicated acute cholecystitis.
  8. Complicated acute pancreatitis.
  9. With violation of the gallbladder function.

Stone removal by folk remedies

As a supplement to treatment, the funds of traditional medicine can be used.

The juices of raw vegetables are equipped with the grinding properties; Pasteurized and canned juices for this purpose are not suitable.

Thus, black radish juice contributes to the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder and is used to treat other diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Radish washed, cleaned and rubbed on the grater. It is pressed with juice and mix in equal proportions with honey. The medicine is taken over a third of a glass, increasing the volume to one glass.

You can also cook cocktails from fresh vegetables, which, with regular use, dissolve stones in the bustling bubble.

For this use:

  1. Parsley juice, celery and carrot juice in proportions 2: 5: 10, respectively.
  2. Spinach and carrots juice - 6:10, respectively.
  3. Beet juice, cucumbers and carrots - 3: 3: 9.

The volume of consumable vegetable cocktails per day should be from 600 ml to the half-liter.

Additionally make enemas every other day with two liters of water and lemon juice or salt and soda.

For the preparation of beet syrup, there will be a few beet heads. They remove the peel and washed with running water. Then the vegetables are cut and boiled until the decoction becomes like syrup. The remedy is taken inside 100 ml in the morning, at lunch and evening before taking food. With regular use, such a tool contributes to the dissolution of stones in the gallbladder.

You can dissolve the stones in the bustle bubble with the help of olive oil and lemon juice. To do this, you will need 500 ml of ingredients. Treatment starts 12 hours after taking hard food. Its scheme is as follows: 60 grams of olive oil and 15 grams of lemon juice drink. After a quarter of an hour, the reception should be repeated. Fifteen minutes later, oil and lemon juice again take again.

The procedure is repeated until the ingredients are completed. It is recommended to conduct it on weekends. The outgoing pebbles resemble soft rubber.

The dissolution of stones in the gallbladder is carried out with a red rowan. To do this, eat two glasses of berries every day. They are consumed with honey, sugar, bread.

The seeds of dill dissolve bunches in the bustling bubble and have anti-inflammatory effect. 30 grams of dill are poured with two glasses of hot water and boil for fifteen minutes on weak fire. The infusion is cooled and filtered through the siete and take up to four times a day in warm form. The course is 20 days.

An infusion of a dandelion grass is a means that dissolves stones and helps cure liver and gallbladder diseases. For the preparation of infusion of 15 grams of crushed roots or dry grass, 200 ml of hot water is poured and allowed in the thermos. The tool is filtering and take 45 ml several times a day. This recipe is effective if the stones in the bustling bubble are small.

Treatment of biliary diseases is also carried out using a pupising tincture. Since with such a disease, an alcohol tincture is not suitable for each patient, you can make aquatic infusion. To do this, taking flowers and pupinavka stems, crushed and 10 grams of raw materials are poured 200 ml of boiling water. It is possible to brew for four hours, filter and consume 15 grams three times a day.

An infusion of birch leaves with long-term use contributes to the dissolution of stones in the bustling bubble. It also helps to treat other gallbladder diseases. The decoction is prepared in this way: 200 ml of boiling water is added to 30 grams of dried leaves. The mixture is boiled on a weak heat until the fluid volume decreases twice, then the decoction is stored and filtered. The medicine is taken inside three times a day before meals. The course is three months.

Treatment of birch leaves is effective if the stones in the bustling bubble of small size. The movement of stones on bile flows may be accompanied by painful sensations, nausea, colic.

Petrushka, together with the root, it is recommended to use for the treatment of gallstone disease. A tablespoon of raw materials is poured with two glasses of hot water: it is important that the decoction of the plant is strong. The medicine take three times a day for a third of a glass. Parsley has a diuretic and causing spasms with a smooth muscles of action, so it is contraindicated during pregnancy.

The multi-sized herbs also helps to remove stones from the gallbladder. For the preparation of infusion in equal parts, the grass of the Hypericum, the roots of the dandelion, corn stiggers, the grass of Celebre, the fruits of Anisa, coriander, violet. Then take 50 grams of the mixture. They are poured 600 ml of water, leave for 30 minutes, after which they are filtering. The medicine takes one glass three times a day.

Cerencing the bile disease will help the juice of strawberries. It is prepared from fresh berries, so this is a seasonal "medicine". Juice drink in thirty minutes before meals for 90 ml three times a day. It not only dissolves stones, but does not allow the emergence of new concrections.

The juice of fresh fruits of barberry helps to bring the stones from the gallbladder. 15 ml of juice is dissolved in 100 ml of water and take three times a day.

For the preparation of infusion from the city of Snake, you will need 15 grams of crushed root. They are poured with half-hours of hot water, after which they boil in the water bath. The remedy should be insisted ten minutes, after which it is filled. The medicine is accepted by half a glass thirty minutes before meals are eating three times a day.

Dissolve bilirubin stones will help such a means. In the fall, during the period of cleaning sunflowers, they need to take their roots. Small roots cut off, and the main root is dried and crushed. 200 grams of crushed raw materials are poured in the enameled dishes three liters of water and boiled for three minutes.

Such a number of ragger is designed for three days. These roots can be reused, but they boil them then fifteen minutes. If the stones are big, drink three glasses for one reception. Conductors dissolve and outlined with urine, which will have rust color. The procedure is recommended to repeat three times.

To prepare a decoction of a crackling of cracking 15 grams of roots, 200 ml of hot water is poured and boiled for half an hour. The tool must be broken by approximately fifteen minutes, after which it is filled. The medicine takes 15 ml to five times a day.

For the prevention and treatment of gallstone disease, the infusion of herbs heers is used. For this, 15 grams of heather are dissolved in two glasses of boiling water and give two hours. The agent is taken by 1/2 cup in the morning, at lunch and evening before meals. With the same goal, they take the infusion of souls. It is prepared in a similar way, like the infusion of heather. The tool is taken three times a day.

To prepare a delicious means to remove stones, you will need 1 kilogram of raisin, Mineral Water Borjomi and rosehip extract. Raisins are separated by ten parts. Each of them from the evening falls asleep in thermos and pour 200 ml of hot water. The tool will be ready a day later.

Raisins are eaten from the morning on an empty stomach, then mineral water is powered by mineral water, which add 5 grams of rose hip extract. After the procedure, it is recommended to lie down with the heating on the right side. Such a means are taken twice a week first in two days, then once every month.

Preventive actions

Preventing the formation of stones in the bustling bubble will help simple recommendations.

A person must lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. It should be abandoned from fried meat, eggs, coffee, ice cream, drinking alcoholic beverages. It should be preferred by the use of plant products. Undoubted benefits bring regular physical exertion. Excellent prevention are hungry unloading days up to two times a week.