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What is the number of the full moon in May. How many days long full moon

The moon is generally, and especially in the full moon, has a big impact on the work of the human body systems, in particular, on his nervous system. Poem B. moon days Not all people can safely endure changes in the energy level, many have a subconscious, they are sharpened or reflexes are changed, suddenly arise both positive and negative emotions, Causeing that inappropriate joy and carelessness, the feeling of fatal dooms and despair. The new moon causes subconscious reactions that contribute to the origin of fears and complexes. Moon energy as it should highlight them and pulls out.

The full moon begins to be felt in two or three days before the peaks of the position and has one very unpleasant feature: all the problems that there are, of course, in any person, in this period begin to be perceived much more acute. Therefore, the fact that on ordinary days it seems to us just a small trouble, it may seem in the full moon to be a real catastrophe.

How to make a wish to full moon right

Tradition to make a desire to the full moon was known in the ancient century, when our ancestors during this period were given various rites and conspiracies. The time of the full moon was considered the most mystical. Now many are also in a hurry to take advantage of the lunar energy to improve their life, attract good luck and prosperity. Full moon on May 11, 2017 - another wonderful chance to make a desire.

The desire should be one, so concentrate on what is now most important for you in life. So you will send all your energy into one goal and, accordingly, it will achieve it faster. Take a glass of water and put it in front of yourself. Correctly and clearly formulate your desire, because if it is not clear or incomprehensible, it will not only come true, but also can turn something negative. During this ritual, the palm of the palm should concern the glass so that the water can charge your energy. After pronouncing the desire to drink water. The rite is made!

What to do in May Full Moon 2017

Full moon is the time of completion started, summing up. This fact is useful to take into account in your life and strive to ensure that in the period of the full moon you could complete one stage and go to another.

Because of the unstable emotional background for this period, it is better not to appoint important events. Do not find out the relationship with your loved ones, even if it seems to you that it needs to be done urgently and immediately. Let the full moon end. Also during this period should be refracted from surgical operations and very carefully take medicinal products. It is not desirable to go on travel and business trips.

Surely you have repeatedly heard about the full moon. This is the time of global accomplishments, so if you want to schedule something at this time, then plan it with a big scope. This is a great time to forget all the old, and let go to life with something new. This is the best period for cleansing pollution, including astral and invisible.

A huge number of rituals is carried out in full moon. How to find out how much does the full moon? Let's try to explain to you. Full moon is the Phase of the Moon, which can last a few days. Full moon itself is a moment when the moon is completely lit. Usually in various practices, fortune telling something like "The ritual must be made in full moon." So when to make? It is believed that the full moon is one day after the start of the actual full moon, it is then that the energy of the moon is very high.

Why do people behave in full moon?

Full moon is the time when someone "goes crazy", falls into hysterics, feels the decline of the forces and the inability to do something, and someone, on the contrary, feels full optimism and strength. In any case, for all the full moon is an increase in emotions and sensations. Why? Everything is simple - the moon is a planet responsible for emotions, in what position she and from interaction with other planets largely depends on our sensual perception of the world. Women have a lunar nature, and the power of the moon is felt by them more than men. How does the moon act? Imagine, for example, a sign of Aries: Persellement, strength, activity, energy. Now imagine the moon in the Aries - exactly the features will be possessing the moon in the days of Aries. The reason why people "go crazy" in full moon is its huge force at this time, and, accordingly, a huge power of emotions that are difficult to control (and there is no need). At this time, feel the very deep part of your soul "in action".

May 1, 2017,5-6 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. The best day for important, long-term projects and long-distance trips. All things started during this period are managed as it is impossible. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Listen to each spelling word. It will help you understand your destination in this life.

May 2, 2017,

May 3, 2017,7-8 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev. This is a day of loneliness and concentration that will require reasonable and rationality. The ideal time of self-knowledge, deepening, asceticism and humility. It is recommended to purify the physical and spiritual; Light a candle and go with her room or apartment. Avoid the bustle, do not waste energy into the back.

May 4, 2017,8-9 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev. The day is quite intense in the emotional plan. You can start only well-thought-out and carefully planned affairs, otherwise you can face problems. It is not necessary to appoint meetings with those who are not related to you relatives, no matter how important they seem to be - success this communication will not bring.

May 5, 2017,9-10 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Drive support to those who need it. The "instinct of the crowd", low-lying instincts, so do not follow their absorbers and indulge in desires.

May 6, 2017,10-11 lunar day. Growing Moon in Virgo. Watch with all endeavors, finish the started, plan the future. If you control your emotions, today you will be comfortable. The calmer it will take this day, the better. Avoid stress and try to look into yourself.

May 7, 2017,11-12 Lunar day. Growing moon in scales. On this day it is undesirable to do something and start. It is well calculated with debts, to perform the promised, especially for children. Refrain from visiting big stores And in general places with large quantity People. Watch your thoughts, forgive offenders.

May 8, 2017,12-13 lunar day. Growing moon in scales. Do not overvolt and do not give up. If there is an opportunity, relax go spend time in nature. Think over and plan your actions: today's plans, thoughts and desires have every chance to come true.

May 9, 2017,13-14 lunar day. Growing moon in scorpion. Day of work on yourself, knowledge and humility. Do not lie and do not gossip, do not give in, avoid hasty and sharp judgments. Make the first steps to implement the goals that you have planned. Positive communication with those who are close to you in spirit and energy.

May 10, 2017,14-15 lunar day. Moon in Scorpio. The day is quite intense in the emotional plan. If you want to take some decision today, you first think about everything a hundred times. You can start only well-thought-out and carefully planned affairs, otherwise there is a risk of falling into a difficult situation, facing problems.

May 11, 2017,15-16 lunar day. Full moon at 00:41.Descending Moon in Scorpio. In full moon can not be shown any devastating emotions. This is a period of some completion, but at the same time he frees the road to be new vitality cycle. Slap the candle, close your eyes and mentally imagine how your next month will be held.

May 12, 2017,16-17 lunar day. Descending moon in Sagittarius. Today is the day of assimilation and absorption of the aerygia of space. The most favorable time to establish and restore contacts, in finding like-minded people. Call old friends. Drive support to those who need it. On this day, you can fix a lot in human relationships, turn your life for the better.

May 13, 2017,17-18 lunar day. Descending moon in Sagittarius. Today it is not worth talking about other people's roles, to imagine yourself on the site of others - it would be nice to deal with your problems. Do not refuse the planned, even if the circumstances shall be challenged at first glance, bring everything to the end. Avoid chaoticness and nervousness.

May 14, 2017,18-19 Lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn. If this day does not fold well, if everything falls out of the hands, it means that it urgently needs to be changed - and rather not in external circumstances, but in yourself. Listen carefully to those who appeal to you with criticism: they will help to look at ourselves soberly, evaluate their achievements, opportunities and resources.

May 15, 2017,19-20 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to someone else's influence. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, excerpt and nature, not to succumb to provocations, avoid other influences. It is undesirable to actively communicate, to be in places of crowd of people.

May 16, 2017,20 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn. Best time for relax. Positive communication with nature. Well on this day to think about the traditions of your family, ancestors, how these traditions support and strengthen. Work with information, listen to your inner voice. Try not to succumb to bustle, talk less and listen more.

May 17, 2017,20-21 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius. The day in which care and care are needed in doing any case. Do not throw the started, be sure to bring everything to the end. This is the time of awakening hidden reserves, human nature transformations. In order to take advantage of this force, you need to be absolutely clean spiritually.

May 18, 2017,21-22 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius. Day of love, creativity, spontaneity and joy of being. Whether they are attentive and indulgent to themselves, manifest altruism, but do not relax. The period is favorable for business negotiations - you can achieve mutual understanding with others. Mercy and compassion today is simply necessary.

May 19, 2017,22-23 lunar day. Descending moon in fish. This is the time of accumulation of information. Better not rush forward, and look back: many situations in these moon day Repeated, returned, as poorly completed lessons: for correction, refinement and alteration. Productive contacts with people new or not too close.

May 20, 2017,23-24 lunar day. Descending moon in fish. The best day for important, long-term projects and long-distance trips. All things started during this period are managed as it is impossible. The next such chance will have to wait a whole month. Listen to each spelling word. It will help you find out your way, your destiny, understand your purpose in this life.

May 21, 2017,24-25 lunar day. Descending moon in fish. The day is quite intense in the emotional plan. If you want to take some decision today, you first think about everything a hundred times. You can start only well: thoughtful and carefully planned affairs, otherwise there is a risk of falling into a difficult situation, encounter problems.

May 22, 2017,25-26 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aries. Today, spiritual comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation - this is what will help to overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signals about spiritual slapping. Today, the stars will favorab to those who clearly know what he wants, and knows how to plan their actions correctly.

May 23, 2017,26-27 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aries. Avoid impulsiveness and ill-conceived actions. Today conflicts are possible, so let yourself have a good physical burden in the gym. Refrain from frills. Control your emotions and desires. You can feel your vulnerability, it will be difficult to find mutual understanding with people.

May 24, 2017,27-28 lunar day. Descending Moon in Taurus. The day as a whole is not very favorable, you need to try to get rid of negative energy. Think about your thoughts. Drive support to those who need it. The "instinct of the crowd", low-lying instincts, so do not follow their absorbers and indulge in desires.

May 25, 2017,28, 29, 1 lunar day. Descending Moon in Taurus. New Moon at 22:43.. In no case, do not try on this day to somehow show self-addiction and egocentrism: the consequences may be the most unpleasant: you can lose credibility, work, respect for others

May 26, 2017,1-2 lunar day. Moon in twins. An ambiguous day, successful for active people and dangerous for those who are subject to someone else's influence. Today it is important to show independence in decisions, excerpt and nature, not to succumb to provocations, avoid other influences. It is undesirable to actively communicate, to be in places of crowd of people.

May 27, 2017,2-3 lunar day. Growing moon in twins. Day of illusions, delusions, deceptions and poisoning (can be poisoned even with high-quality products). Do not succumb to suggestion, laziness, earthly temptations. Postpone all important things, no matter how urgent they did not seem to you. Stay alone with you. The best thing to do is routine things.

May 28, 2017,3-4 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. Smooth and harmonious day, time of mercy, patience and spiritual transformation. Practical efforts will not give special results. But do not learn the case and be sure to bring to the end. Overload today are contraindicated. Dedicate the evening home, family, loved ones.

May 29, 2017,4-5 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer. Active, creative day associated with changes, victory, triumph, with force and movement. Today you can show decisiveness in your actions, to part well with harmful habits. Fold contacts, communicate and decide urgent questions.

May 30, 2017,5-6 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev. Critical day, one of the most difficult in the month. Limit communication, control, emotions. Beware of misunderstandings associated with manual solutions.

May 31, 2017,6-7 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev. The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that the revelation may be conducive to a person. Do not foresee sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life - this is the time, especially in the first half of the day. Go well on trips and travel.

Moon without a course (Hosta Moon) in May 2017

  • May 01 23:23 - 02 May 7:12
  • May 4 7:35 - 04 May 12:46
  • May 06 15:42 - May 06 21:20
  • May 09 1:59 - 09 May 8:00
  • May 11 0:42 - 11 May 19:59
  • May 14 5:14 - 14 May 8:37
  • May 16 13:22 - 16 May 20:50
  • 19 May 3:33 - 19 May 6:52
  • May 21 6:39 - 21 May 13:11
  • May 23 9:59 - 23 May 15:33
  • May 24 22:08 - May 25, 15:15
  • May 27 9:18 - May 27 14:24
  • May 29 9:59 - 29 May 15:12

The full moon period has always been a mystical time of each month, since the splash of lunar energy at the peak of the growth of heavenly luminaries has incredibly powerful abilities. And that this day is filled only positive emotions and events, it is important to know the exact date Time, as well as pre-prepare for the emission of lunar energy.

Also, astrologers recommend to make a desire to make a desire during the full moon period, if it is the only one, the most cherished. This is explained by the process of activation. vital energy man, liberation of hidden internal potential. This time is suitable for creativity. but emotional people It is necessary to fear the lunar burst, because he threatens to pour out in negative emotions, Be the cause of conflicts with others. Specialists advise to maintain a good mood in full moon with long walks and meditations.

Full moon in May 2017 will be a unique chance to change your life

So, use the power of the moon will be May 11 at 00:41 (in Moscow). Night heavenly shine on this day will be in the constellation of Scorpio. The period will be simple for those who know how to keep their emotions under control and are open to new acquaintances. However, the full moon can negatively affect people whose genus activity is associated with long business trips. Prevent the emergence of trouble can only be possible thanks to the scrupulous performance of work. Also on this day it is important to care their health and avoid emotional fatigue.

In the period of the full moon may occur:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Ears and injury
  • Nervous breakdowns
  • Increased pressure

It is worth smiling more often, relaxing more, to eat and observe sleep mode.

Oh, how I love to write good forecasts!
Sit comfortably.
Take a handle and make a plan for the near future .

Full moon - Large emotional load. Confrontation of the earthly plan under the shoulder and emotional plan under scorpion.

Sun in Tales Promotes earthly affairs, growth, raising creative opportunities, material creation. Earth blooms. We are captured country work, plans for the summer, excessive desire for the material world.

Moon in Scorpio. The moon is in the sign of his fall. The moon gives a man a desire to possess, a sense of property, inner concern, emotional incontinence, jealousy.

The sun and the moon in the confrontation. The topics of debts, money, rights to anything will be relevant.
The most rational at this time will be the rejection of earthly dependencies. It is advisable to abandon overeating, feasts, shopping.

A distance between our desires, earthly affairs and spiritual realization, removal from passions, asceticism is necessary.

"We are all mired in a swamp, but some of us look at the stars"
Oscar Wilde

To get the support of stars, you need to learn to understand their language! Then you will, warned and get rid of failures and problems.

Knowing his natal Mart You can find out where to find your well-being, what is your destination how to build a harmonious relationship, in which city you will be healthy, where financial luck!

You can walk in life simply, not knowing the future, "blindly". Sign the bumps and bruises, complain about fate, karma, scold the government, housing and communal services, prices, neighbors, etc.
Isn't it tired of such life? After all, you can change everything !!

Go training in our astrological school

The following aspects.

The sun and the moon are at the time of the new moon in the midwives between Saturn and Jupiter. An important point. Saturn's limitations are harmoniously related to tasks. There is a harmonious possibility of realizing the prospects, its forces and overcoming obstacles. Perhaps it will be necessary to wait something, a little to suffer. Even if any obstacles arise, then you need to understand that these braking will be good. Perhaps the Universe makes it possible to collect strength and energy. On this aspect you can lay long-term projects.

And on the other hand, the sun and the moon are in the middle point between Mars and Uranium / Mercury. The aspect will give activity, determination.

12 May - Saturn in Sagittarius, in Trinina to Uranium and Mercury in Aries.
Trigon B. fire signs. Saturn in Streltsy concentrates us for purposes, on learning, searching for knowledge, communicating with teachers, development of intellect. Uranus sends to the future, opens up new opportunities. Mercury contributes to communication, the desire to act quickly, achieve the result. The aspect opens up new features and tasks.

may 13 - Mars in the twins in the trine to Jupiter in the scales.
Mobile action, communication energy and reflections support long-term projects, cooperation, agreements. This aspect of the agreement signs easily and quickly. The aspect may be inclined to arrogance, adventurism, gullibility. It must be borne in mind that Jupiter promises, but does not always perform. So that the implementation takes place, it is necessary to note that the partners with whom you are negotiating were reliable and time-tested.

Northern Lunar knot In Trini to Uranium / Mercury and Trinina to Saturn.
This position of the planets instills the hope that if a person is determined and constructive, then the main thing is that the material does not capture, so that spiritual tasks, the vision of global plans is not captured by the bustle, desires, energy scatter, excessive sensitivity.

Favorable full moon.
Gives an impulse to the development of significant, revolutionary changes. The moment promotes to a new future. Promotes the development of new interpersonal and social and household projects. The time of internally young, persistent, purposeful and decisive. Capable of perceiving new images of the future capable of investing in the implementation of their tasks. Time does not contribute to inaction. Many fertile energies.
The main problem of new moon - confrontation Mars with black moon. The exact aspect will be on May 12. Mars in the twins Active communication, wordhatmother. Black moon - deception, temptation, betrayal. Let's hope that the ideological, legal, information fields of battles will remain at the level of words.

Successful to you endeavors!