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Year of the Monkey - characteristic. Chinese horoscope. Year of the Monkey Chinese zodiac: emotional and expressive Monkey people

Year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

The monkey is ranked ninth among 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac... The Year of the Monkey occurs every 12 years, according to the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Lucky Colors: white, blue, gold
  • Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
  • Happy flowers:

Were you born in the year of the Monkey?

A simple rule will help to determine the year of the Monkey: if it is a multiple of 12 (for example, 1980), then almost certainly this is the year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. Why "almost certainly"? The thing is that it is not always possible to determine your zodiac animal only by the year of birth.

The signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined by lunar calendar, with the onset Chinese new year . New Year in China comes in the period between January 21st and February 20th, and the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Identify Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese oriental calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky Colors:

Let's figure it out on specific example... Take 2004:

2004 who?

In 2004, the year of the Wood Monkey came on January 22nd. If you were born after January 22, then your zodiac sign is Monkey. But if you were born before January 22, then your zodiac animal is Goat, the previous sign. Take advantage of special calculator on the right to find out exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign!

Chinese New Year Dates for Monkey:

Year of the Monkey

Dates in different years

Monkey Type

1932 February 6, 1932 - January 25, 1933 Water Monkey
1944 January 25, 1944 - February 12, 1945 Wood Monkey
1956 Feb 12, 1956 - Jan 30, 1957 Fire Monkey
1968 January 30, 1968 - February 16, 1969 Earth Monkey
1980 Feb 16, 1980 - Feb 4, 1981 Gold (Foil) Monkey
1992 February 4, 1992 - January 22, 1993 Water Monkey
2004 January 22, 2004 - February 8, 2005 Wood Monkey
2016 February 8, 2016 - January 27, 2017 Fire Monkey
2028 January 26, 2028 - February 12, 2029 Earth Monkey

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Monkey

According to Chinese astrology, each zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers, days, colors, flowers, and even cardinal points that bring it good luck. This is the similarity between the Chinese and Western horoscopes.
By the way, you know What is the Difference Between the Chinese and Western Zodiacs ?

  • Lucky numbers: 4 and 9 and numbers containing them (for example, 49 and 99)
  • Happy Days: 14th and 28th Chinese lunar month(interval from new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky Colors: white, blue, gold
  • Happy flowers: chrysanthemum, lagerstromia (Indian lilac)
  • Happy directions: north, northwest, west
  • Happy months: 8th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

Following Chinese astrology, those born in the year of the Monkey are advised to avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: red, pink
  • Unlucky numbers: 2 and 7
  • Unlucky destinations: south, southeast
  • Unlucky months: 7th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

People born in the year of the Monkey are attractive, quick-witted and witty. And the natural craving for pranks, curiosity and resourcefulness add to their character of mischief.

Monkeys love pranks and play a trick on others. They enjoy fooling around, and while they have no ill intentions, their jokes sometimes hurt the feelings of those around them.

Monkeys learn quickly and know how to find benefits under any circumstances. They have many interests and need a companion / companion who will be able to motivate and inspire them... While some like the Monkey's eccentric nature, others are wary of their restless, cunning and inquisitive nature.

Although they are smart and resourceful, Monkeys do not always know how to properly present their talents. They enjoy challenging tasks, and usually Monkeys prefer to live in big cities.


Monkeys usually have excellent health, in part due to their active lifestyle and the desire to diversify their life. If, nevertheless, ailments happen to them, then usually this is due to nervous or cardiovascular systems.

People born in the year of the Monkey often spend a lot of time at work. In order not to spend too much strength and energy, the Monkeys should remember about rest and highlight in their busy work schedule break time.

Since Monkeys usually spend more time on fresh air they should pay particular attention to safety; the same goes for traveling or driving.

The most suitable professions for the Monkey

Monkeys always work really hard. They adapt perfectly to a wide variety of work environments.

Lucky professions for the Monkey: accounting and banking, science, engineering, stock market trading, air traffic control, directing, jewelry and sales.

How to build a relationship with a Monkey?

Monkeys do not immediately decide to settle down, they are usually windy and easily lose interest. However, once the Monkey finds the perfect companion, they completely devote themselves to him / her. Since Monkeys are friendly and sociable, it is easy to get along with them.

Year of the Monkey Compatibility with other signs

Each sign of the Chinese zodiac is different. characteristic features... In China, traditionally, special attention has been paid to the compatibility of signs. And nowadays many Chinese they are very sensitive to this ancient knowledge and be sure to turn to the zodiac before starting courtship.

  • Better Compatibility: Bull or Rabbit
  • The least successful: Tiger or Pig

Famous people born in the year of the Monkey:

  • Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Lev Landau, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Boris Akunin, Sergei Diaghilev, Andrei Tarkovsky, Faina Ranevskaya, Sergei Bondarchuk, Oleg Yankovsky, David Oistrakh, Georg Ots, Valeria, Leonid Agutin, Ilya Lagutenko, Viktor Vasnetsov, Isaac Levitin Alexey Yagudin.
  • Pope John Paul II, Leonardo da Vinci, Scott Fitzgerald, Ian Fleming, George Lucas, Elizabeth Taylor, Tom Hanks, Herbert von Karoyan, Celine Dion, Spinoza, Rene Descartes, Bertrand Russell, Harry Guddini, David Copperfield, Michael Schuma.

Types of Monkeys according to the Eastern calendar - 5 elements / elements

In the eastern zodiac, each sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. It is believed that the differences in the character of a person are influenced by the element (element) and the sign of the animal in whose year you were born. In this way, there are 5 types of Monkeys, each with its own characteristic.

For example, the year of the Earth Monkey, which will come in 2028, happens only once every 60 years.
Find out about other interesting Chinese Zodiac Facts that you most likely have not heard of.

Monkey Type

Year of birth


Gold / Metal Monkey

Smart, resourceful and confident, but also irritable and stubborn

Water Monkey

Smart, quick-witted, loves to be the center of attention, but arrogant

Wood Monkey

Always ready to help others; compassionate, dignified, but stubborn

Fire Monkey

Ambitious and adventurous, but irritable

Earth Monkey

Optimistic, fearless, sincere and open

2019 will be a good year for the Monkey, especially in terms of development and financial well-being... However, they should pay more attention to their health and try to keep themselves in shape.

2019 will be a very successful year for the Monkey, they can easily achieve their goals. Monkeys will have good career opportunities throughout the year. Be attentive and work hard and you will be successful.

Financial well-being of the Monkey in 2019

Prosperity and success awaits the Monkey in 2019. Salaries and incomes will increase, there will be interesting projects... The costs will pay off, and the investment will make a profit.

Monkey Health 2019

In 2019, Monkeys should devote more time to their health. If you were born in the year of the Monkey, think seriously about regular physical activity and preventive medical examinations.

Year of Monkey Love in 2019

In love, 2019 will also be a happy year for the Monkey, they will easily achieve success in a relationship. And if they wish, they can easily meet their chosen one / darling.

Year of Destiny 2028 Monkey

When the year of your zodiac animal comes, in China they say that it has come Year of Destiny (Benmingnian)... For example, in 2028, Benmingnian will occur in people born in the year of the Monkey.

The Chinese believe that this year will be special, but those people whose year has arrived may face trials or unexpected changes.
Find out, How to keep your luck in the Year of Destiny and what is customary to give in Benmingnian and the traditions of modern China.

We wish those born in the Year of the Monkey and their families a successful 2019!

Travel to 2019 with China Highlights!

  • Best Tours to China in 2019 - Competently organized, proven tours in Russian
  • China Tours with Pandas - Find out where to see a panda in China
  • Holidays in Hainan and Classic China - Beach vacation and cultural traditions of China

Monkey oriental horoscope: legend, character, career and money;

Monkey compatibility horoscope; Monkey zodiac sign

Monkey - years:

1932 - water

1944 - woody

1956 - fiery

1968 - earthen

1980 - metal

1992 - water

2004 - woody

2016 - fiery

2028 - earthen

Monkey eastern horoscope: lthe legend

There are many legends about the origin of the horoscope and the 12-year cycle, two are especially common in China. First: once the Buddha called for a feast in honor of his departure from earthly world all animals who wished to appear to him. To get to the Buddha's palaces, it was necessary to overcome a wide cold river. This was done by 12 animals, which the Buddha gave the years of reign. The ninth was the Monkey: she swam across the river only when she was convinced, by the example of others, of the safety of the enterprise.

The second tells that the heavenly Jade Emperor ordered a servant to find on earth and bring 12 most beautiful animals to reward them. The beasts chosen by the servant were carefully prepared to please the emperor. The monkey received the ninth year of management - for agility.

Monkey eastern horoscope: character

Unreliable, contradictory, smart, inventive people, Monkeys are original, dexterous, easily solve problems. In almost any field of activity, the Monkey is able to turn around. She wants to do everything right there, right away. The monkey is headstrong, temperamental, quick-tempered, of the signs - the most eccentric. However, it is quite easy to distract her from what was planned and persuade her to change her mind. The monkey knows how to make decisions, has a sound mind. If she does not interfere, she can achieve fame and glory.

In general, life for Monkeys is interesting game... Monkeys are quick-witted, fast. They may seem frivolous, funny, harmless, but behind this lies resourcefulness, sharp mind, observation. Few people can guess the true intentions of the Monkeys, although they sometimes seem simple and superficial.

In communication, Monkeys are the soul of any company, feast, party. Their captivating stories are listened to with open mouths, and laughter explodes over their anecdotes. Monkeys love to make fun of numerous friends and acquaintances, but they also treat themselves not without humor. True, the Monkey's caustic sarcasm can hurt mercilessly, therefore, those around them still treat the Monkey with great caution.

Even in a crowd, in the epicenter of the event, the Monkey is on its own, in the position of an observer. Her sharp mind grasps and remembers everything in order to extract it at the right time, often she knows the smallest details about what is happening, when even those closest to her know the least about her. Some of the Monkeys do not mind intrigue and conspiracies. Coming up with cunning plans, they deftly implement them in order to achieve the goal or to defeat the enemy.

But more often the Monkey uses his talents more harmlessly. It is enough for her to feel control over what is happening, which the collected information perfectly allows. And even if the master of the situation is not her, the energetic Monkey will not give up. Ingenuity and dexterity help her even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

Life for a bright, sociable, witty, dexterous Monkey is a difficult, and therefore exciting game, where she knows how to play by her own rules. And win.

Monkey eastern horoscope: money, career

The title of the position is not at all important to the Monkey, the main thing is the influence that lies behind it. Therefore, the true status of the Monkey is usually higher than the position held. The monkey is dexterous, smart, far-sighted, builds an excellent career, and very rapidly. And the secret of success is in the charisma and talents of a public person, and not in routine work.

The monkey lacks perseverance, patience in business, but its sociability, intelligence, eloquence and ability to manage secret levers can help to achieve fame, build a career, especially in politics, journalism, commerce, show business. The Monkey does not know how to accumulate purposefully, but always with money.

The monkey knows how to make excellent money and spend money brilliantly. She will not deny herself anything. And, if necessary, she is able to make money quickly, in more than one way!

Celebrity Monkeys

Jack London, Marquis de Sade, Byron, Sergei Bondarchuk, Paul Gauguin, Rockefeller, Elizabeth Taylor, Anton Chekhov, Harry Gooddini, Igor Kio, Rod Stewart, Spinoza, Harry Truman, Nelson, Federico Fellini, Schopenhauer, Gianni Rodari, George Lucas, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Poincaré, Ivan Diaghilev, Alexander Dumas-son, da Vinci.

Monkey zodiac sign

Capricorn is meticulous, scrupulous, but it's all comparative and relative.

Aquarius is cunning, restrained, secretive, plays his own game.

Pisces is resourceful, dexterous, always knows which course to choose.

Aries is a gorilla, "heavy", beware.

Taurus is charming, harmless, but so defenseless ... well, almost.

Gemini - passionate, hot-tempered, bursting of soap bubbles!

Monkey zodiac sign

Cancer is the kindest Monkey, perhaps the least cunning of all.

Leo is ardent, passionate, teases the Tiger, holds his tail.

Virgo is a tightrope walker, risky: the desire to please can destroy her.

Libra - will always strive for balance, balance in everything.

Scorpio is “a bag of tricks; scrupulousness is not her feature.

Sagittarius - Monkey waiting for something, let him wait.

Monkey compatibility horoscope

Fine - Dragon, Rat

So so - Monkey, Dog, Cat, Goat

Unluckily - Boar, Snake, Tiger.

Finding personal happiness is difficult for the Monkey: too fickle character, she is passionate, but quickly satiated, looking for new love. Only an innate sense of humor makes her laugh at her sorrows, saving her from despair.

She can have a good alliance with the Dragon: she shares cunning with him, using his power. These are good companions in business, but the Monkey will constantly try to secretly beat the Dragon. He needs to be alert.

The Monkey will charm the Rat, and that from the Monkey will endure everything, continuing to love passionately all her life, even in the absence of reciprocity.

The attractiveness of the Tiger does not touch the Monkey, she only laughs at him. However, the Monkey must beware of the Tiger: it risks becoming a victim, being eaten. Any connection between them leads to disputes, outbreaks, explosions.

Whoever becomes the Monkey's companion in life, she is predisposed to have more children.

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 23:30

A person born in the Year of the Monkey sees life as a big playground. He dexterous, savvy, fast and always plays by its own rules. From the outside, his behavior resembles the antics of a funny kid, but the first impression is far from reality. Behind a harmless appearance is an observant, resourceful, cunning and perceptive person.

Monkey Man sociable, talkative, knows how and knows how to captivate the interlocutor incredible interesting story on the verge of reality. He always has a lot of friends, acquaintances and just those with whom you can communicate.

He loves pranks and jokes, but they are not always harmless. His caustic, sarcastic remarks can hurt more than a slap in the face.

Few people know the true goals and thoughts of the Monkey, even being in the thick of things, she always and on everything has his own opinion... Her tenacious mind is used to grabbing information on the fly, immediately interpreting it and remembering the smallest details that may be important in the future. Very often, as a result, it turns out that the Monkey knows absolutely everything, while its environment is in complete misunderstanding and ignorance of the situations in which they were present together.

Sociable and talkative person born in the year of the Monkey

The Monkey uses most of the information accumulated in the head at the first opportunity to get profit. She knows how to intrigue, weave intrigues and fraudulently gain authority and trust. However, she does not need all this, because the main thing is to realize that the situation is under control. The monkey is inventive, it is very easy for her to find a way out of any situation, and even the biggest problems will not make her fold her arms.

What is the year of birth of the Monkey

When the year of the Monkey comes, the element of metal comes into force and the year begins under the influence of the masculine principle "yang". According to legend, the Buddha summoned all the animals in the world and those who arrived first were rewarded with power over a certain period. In addition, in the East, it is generally accepted that that everything in the world consists of 5 substances:

  • water;
  • wood;
  • fire;
  • land;
  • metal.

Therefore, each sign of the zodiac corresponds to a certain substance and is endowed with its main properties.

Monkey:Year of birthCharacteristic
Earthen1908, 1968 Contemplation, the ability to achieve balance, cunning, sociability, artistry, loyalty
Metal1920, 1980 Immodesty, selfishness, boastfulness, pretense, sexuality, high performance
Water1932, 1992 Rationality, friendliness, disinterestedness, openness, passion, high leadership qualities
Wooden1956, 2004 Originality, openness, charm, irritability, consistency and consistency
Fiery1956, 2016 Inconstancy, outstanding qualities of a leader, sociability, success, fearlessness

Next year 2028 will be held under the auspices of the Earth Monkey

Characteristics of Monkey Man Chinese Horoscope

The monkey guy is pretty active, completely satisfied with his life, appearance, environment and all that fate gave him. He always knows what he is doing and why he needs it. It is simply impossible to confuse the Monkey man, dynamic and easy-going, he always follows the intended path to the cherished goal.

Handsome and laid-back Monkey guy

The Monkey man knows how to express his opinion on any issue so naturally and easily that a person can immediately take this point of view for his own. If you communicate with a man of this sign longer, then you can get used to a similar manner of expressing thoughts and understand that, in fact, he is always right.

Participation in any scams, shenanigans and dirty deeds of male Monkeys does not frighten at all. However, they will not participate in them for the simple reason that they may well earn money in an honest way. Under this zodiac sign a lot of very successful men were born, each of whom made himself and at the same time remained a good person.

The Monkey man is absolutely sure that he was born in order to help people and do special things in life that no one else can do.

Next to a man like that the woman's wishes will be fulfilled with the wave of a magic wand. However, if the lady is used to dominating the pair, then it is better for her to leave this gentleman right away. There will be no gender equality in this case.

Characteristics of the Monkey woman according to the eastern calendar

Charming and funny Monkey girl

The Monkey Girl is chatty, but not stupid. She is very charming, always has her own opinion to any question, he prefers to work and do important things in splendid isolation, despite the fact that he adores society.

Monkey woman is successful in everything, for which he only undertakes. It can be realized in any field of activity, but especially where it comes to trade or the provision of any kind of services. She hates narrow-minded and stupid people and will never tolerate such a neighborhood in her own office. Thanks to a well-developed sense of humor, she will quickly put in place of a presumptuous arguer or an arrogant snob with a sparkling sarcastic remark.

The character of the Monkey woman is a real mystery for many men. On the one side she values ​​her own independence, on the other hand, she just needs support and a strong male shoulder.

Emotionally, the lady of this sign is fickle, but by becoming attached to a partner, she becomes the most loyal, devoted and sexually liberated

In the house, the Monkey woman is an excellent hostess and a wonderful mother. The appearance of a woman born under the sign of the Monkey is very attractive. She attracts men's looks and is far from a mediocre lady. In order for her to show all her abilities, it is enough to let her know that they trust her and know that she will definitely cope with the task at hand. To feel absolutely happy next to a Monkey woman, a man must show patience and a bit of condescension.

Monkey compatibility

Monkey people love compatibility

Despite the seeming openness and sociability, the Monkey chooses partners very carefully. So, alliance with the Rat is just perfect for the Monkey... This is one of best combinations eastern horoscope... With the Rabbit, mutual understanding is possible and a strong family, but only if the Monkey "walked up" from his youth and is now ready to create a strong family.

The sublimity and theatricality of the Goat will somewhat amuse the Monkey, but the delight will not last long. The dog simply cannot stand the fickle and in some cases deceitful Monkey. The latter need to become a little warmer and more attentive to the partner, perhaps in love something will work out.

Two Monkeys in marriage is an extravaganza! Quite an interesting union from any point of view. It cannot be otherwise if there are two smart, emotional and bright personalities in a pair. With a calm and formidable Tiger, jokes are bad, so the Monkey, in order to maintain at least a visible balance, will have to restrain all his emotions.

Restless and active Monkey will find material and moral support from a solid and faithful Rooster. With the Ox, an alliance is possible only if the Monkey really needs it.

Ideal compatibility between Monkey man and Rat woman

The naive and wise Pig will endure the antics of the Monkey for the whole life know, because competition in wit and wit doesn’t appeal to him. The marriage of the Monkey and the Horse is initially doomed to failure. The latter is used to treating relatives with trepidation and trust, and it is simply impossible to entrust the Monkey with such a role.

Things are excellent in the union of the Monkey and the Dragon, because Monkey is always looking for its own benefit, and a reputable partner will be an excellent springboard for further successful life... With the Serpent, the marriage union is doomed from the beginning. More cunning and insidious, she will play with the feelings of her partner, letting him in and out of her own accord.

Compatibility table of Monkey and other signs of the eastern horoscope:

Maximum compatibility Moderate compatibility Not compatible
Snake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, rabbit, DogTiger
Dragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
Rabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
Tiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
Ox, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
Rat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
Boar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
Dog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
Rooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
Monkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
Goat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
Horse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull

What zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Monkey?

Monkey Release - Metal, the colors of luck are white and silver, the talisman-stone is garnet. The exquisite Monkey is very fond of the combination of gold and garnet inclusions. If you are going to give an expensive gift to a person of this zodiac sign, better idea just can't be found. Lucky number zodiac sign - 10. Western horoscope Monkey corresponds to the sign of Leo.

Children born in the year of the Monkey

The Monkey child is witty, active, cheerful, charming and very cute. Boys and girls of this sign always live full life , they have a lot of interests, they try to be in time everywhere and get as much knowledge and information as possible. In relations with parents, this kid is naughty, but all his disobedience can be discounted, if you consider, then this is an incorrigible optimist who is always full of ideas and far from the stereotypes of behavior adopted in society.

In the East, children born in this year have always been considered geniuses, in which from birth lies the ability to solve everything life questions and difficulties yourself

They are magnetic personalities who are not just sociable, but know how to use their surroundings and popularity for the benefit of their beloved.

Thanks to innate discernment, the Monkey child is very easy to find weak spots any adult and knows how to manipulate. Very soon, the elders realize with horror that they are not the main ones in the house, but little tyrant and despot, who somehow mysteriously subdued everyone else.

Very often, Monkey children behave this way unconsciously, so carefully monitor the situation and try to the baby was raised by you, not he by you... It is imperative to instill in the child of this sign discipline, responsibility and the basic qualities of a decent person.

Monkey child according to the eastern horoscope

Celebrity Monkeys Eastern Horoscope

It does not matter what the Monkey man will work for. The main thing is the ability to manage... For a person of this sign, it is simply necessary to always be aware of all events and have power over them and people. He quickly makes a career in those areas of activity that are related to communication with people. It can be trade, politics, journalism, commerce, show business, etc.

The monkey will never be left without a livelihood, because he knows how to make money and knows how to do it.

Among men born in the year of the Monkey and having achieved success and recognition, it is worth noting:

  • Jack London,
  • Paul Gauguin,
  • Anton Chekhov,
  • Harry Gooddini,
  • Igor Kio,
  • Federico Fellini,
  • Gianni Rodari.

Women Monkeys who have achieved recognition in society include:

  • Elizabeth Taylor,
  • Anna Magnani,
  • Marina Ladynina,
  • Valeria,
  • Miley Cyrus,
  • Ekaterina Strizhenova, etc.

In conclusion, it must be said that people of this zodiac sign really extraordinary and bright personalities... They combine in their character quick-wittedness, ingenuity, openness, cunning and cunning and many more contradictory qualities that are not characteristic of other signs. eastern zodiac... Monkeys know how and want to love and be loved, you just need to understand these funny and calling people and let them be who they really are.

For a person born in the year of the Monkey, all life is a big game. He is agile, quick-witted and quick, and plays only by his own rules. From the outside, he may look frivolous and even funny, but behind an innocuous appearance, there is an observation and a sharp, quirky mind.

In communication, the Monkey usually has no equal: she is the soul of the company, the queen of any feasts and parties, over whose anecdotes it is impossible not to laugh and whose incredible stories everyone listens with bated breath. The Monkey has a huge number of friends and acquaintances, over whom she is not averse to making fun of, and she also treats herself with a considerable amount of humor. True, the Monkey is not always "white and fluffy": humor is not only her strong point but also her formidable weapon. Her caustic sarcasm can be merciless and, knowing this, others are very wary of her.

Few can boast that they know the true goals and intentions of the Monkey. Despite the fact that at first glance it may seem superficial and rustic, in reality it is far from the case. Even being in the thick of the crowd, in the very epicenter of events, the Monkey is always on its own, takes the position of an observer. Her sharp mind is used to catching on the fly and memorizing any information that might ever be useful to her, and it often turns out that the Monkey knows the smallest details about what is happening around, while even those close to her know practically nothing about her affairs.

The monkey is able to deftly use the information received at the right time, using them in his own interests. Some Monkeys are not alien to conspiracies and intrigues, they know how to come up with cunning plans and skillfully implement them in order to achieve their goal or destroy the enemy. Most often, however, the Monkey uses his talents much more harmlessly. Usually it is enough for her to just feel in control of the situation, and the information she has collected perfectly allows her to achieve this. If, for some reason, she does not manage to be the master of the situation, then even the most difficult problems are not able to make the energetic Monkey give up. She is resourceful and able to quickly find a way out even in the most seemingly hopeless situation.

In affairs, the Monkey does not have enough patience and perseverance, however, thanks to her sociability, intelligence, gift of speech and virtuoso ability to use hidden levers, she can make an excellent career and achieve fame, especially in areas related to politics, show business, commerce, journalism. Although she does not know how to purposefully accumulate capital, she usually does not need money.

Bright and witty, sociable and dexterous, the Monkey boldly challenges Fate. Life for her is a difficult but interesting game, the rules of which she knows very well and in which she knows how to play and win.

Monkey Years:

1908,1920,1932,1944,1956,1968,1980,1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

In China, the Monkey is believed to bring success and protection. In the south of the country and in Tibet, families proudly spoke of the fact that they were descended from monkeys.

But at the same time, the Chinese believe that unreliable and contradictory people are born this year. Being the most eccentric of all signs, the Monkey, nevertheless, always remains the soul of society: she has humor, she is sly and cunning.

It seems that the Monkey gets along with all the signs, but this agreement is often just a tactic. She is selfish. Playful, even helpful, the Monkey covers up his opinion of others with undeniable affability. In fact, she despises all other signs and considers herself superior to the rest.

She is very persuasive and enjoys talking and participating in discussions. Her friendliness and confident demeanor help to gain admirers. She is always happy to help useful advice, although she herself prefers to rely only on her own judgments.

The monkey is smart and well-read; possesses an outstanding memory that can only be envied. She is able to remember the smallest details of what she has seen, read or heard. Ultimately, this memory is necessary for her, since everything is in disarray.

The monkey is unique, has a rich imagination. There are practically no problems for her. She is an optimist and her life is rich in events and adventures. Having a well-developed survival instinct, she will be able to extricate herself from the most seemingly hopeless situations.

Many Monkeys are temperamental and headstrong people, quick-tempered, but easy-going. Real monkeys living in flocks raise a cry in case of danger, throwing twigs and nuts from the enemy's trees. So it is with people. If the Monkey has an enemy, she will not fight him one on one. She will convene all her relatives and friends and, having created a “support group”, will feel confident, climb onto a branch and drop “coconuts” on the enemy from an unattainable height, that is, will fight him at a distance.

The monkey is a careerist. And she has all the data to do well. This is an invaluable worker, but wayward, with strong character... There is almost no field of activity where she could not succeed. However, she can be easily distracted and persuaded. She wants to do everything right there, this minute. The slightest obstacle can ruin her mood, thwart plans.

Thanks to their artistry and ability to work with information, they make good artists, journalists, mediators, secretaries, administrators. They can find their calling in theater, cinema, television. And they will be happy and successful in this field. Commercial activities will also bring them success.

Monkeys are good at feeling the mood of the people around them, they are able to find weaknesses others and use it to achieve their goals. Many Monkeys are skilled schemers, crooks and charlatans. They are completely devoid of conscience and remember it only when they themselves are treated unfairly. They don't need morality.

The monkey is not scrupulous and can easily lie if necessary for the case. It can commit dishonest acts if it is sure of impunity, but the Monkey is easy to catch. For some Monkeys, such a flexible consciousness leads to theft, but this cannot be called a rule.

Monkeys are prone to narcissism. They are fascinated by their own reflection in the mirror. But with all these negative features(vanity, deceit, lack of scruples) they are not too angry with the Monkey, since she is very successful in the art of liking.

Possessing a variety of talents, she knows how to make money and knows its value, but she loves a luxurious life too much to deny herself something.

The overactive and active Monkey is actually melancholic. She has a skeptical view of the world. And where there is skepticism, there is always a training of intelligence. So with the general unsystematic thinking, the Monkey is by no means stupid. Rather, it can be called abstruse. Her thinking lacks simplicity, and everything else is more than enough.

The symbolism of this sign is multifaceted. Denoting lower forces, darkness, unconscious activity, the Monkey can be both a destroyer and a creator. It all depends on where she will direct her force, which is beyond logic and reason.

The first part of her life will be happy. The second is stormy, vague, her plans will often collapse. The third part will be calm.

Monkey man. Characteristic

The Monkey Man is ambitious, resourceful, not devoid of talent. The main property is the incredible physical strength of the Monkey men.

Those born under this sign are mostly careerists. They are especially good at work that requires communication with people. They are successful in large enterprises, in financial transactions, as well as in all areas where ingenuity and awareness are required. Sometimes they are ready to make a deal with their conscience. But in general, they can succeed in any field. Politics, diplomacy, commerce, industry are not a secret for them - they can take on everything, afford everything, especially if they have a higher education.

A Monkey man can achieve fame if he follows his calling. He only has to avoid verbal outpourings, which can tire people.

As a rule, the Monkey does not have a relationship with the opposite sex. He himself does not know how to love, and it is difficult to love him. His inner qualities are not conducive to this. He is superficial and selfish, for him the main thing is to be loved. Typically, the Monkey becomes a dictator in the family. The Monkey man is aggressive, loves to suppress and impose his will. Behind his rigidity and desire to completely control family members are self-doubt, internal instability, low self-esteem and all kinds of fears.

Monkey woman. Characteristic

The Monkey Woman needs a man as the support of life. In them, she is attracted by material security, reliability and intelligence. If family life seems to her monotonous, she easily goes to treason. Woman - Monkey is very touchy. She does not like to listen to the truth in her address.

The main advantages of Monkeys in the sphere of traditional female values ​​are beauty, peace, comfort, tenderness, care, bottomless eyes, depth and beauty, born of inner peace. After the boundless, indefatigable, sometimes very strange activity of the Monkey men, the female evenness and smoothness is striking. Balance, harmony, a sense of proportion and an abyss of taste. Nothing pathological, no outrageous, no defiant gestures.

At the same time, she is inventive and original to the extreme and is able to solve the most difficult problems with amazing speed. But, if she does not immediately begin to implement her ideas, she drops the case halfway through.

Being very diplomatic and cunning, the Monkey can always get out of the most difficult situations. Most Monkeys have absolutely no patterns in behavior, in family relationships, in communication with the outside world. It is difficult to catch them by the tail, although you know for sure that they can lie at any moment. Posing and an irresistible craving for entertainment - this is how you can define its inner essence. She is madly in love with noisy parties and holidays, where you can show off non-existent virtues. The monkey always tries to be in the spotlight and is ready to climb out of his skin for this.

She is independent, and nothing can be imposed or inspired on her.

She will not find happiness in love. A man-woman relationship will be bad. Passionate, she will easily find a passion for herself, but she will quickly get fed up and look for another love. Unfortunately, this search will be in vain. Her relationship is of a fickle nature.

An innate humor saves her from despair. Moreover, she can laugh at her own sorrows and draw appropriate conclusions.

To keep a life partner, the Monkey tries to have children. But in most Monkeys, paternal and maternal feelings are poorly developed.

Varieties of Monkeys

Metal Monkey (1920, 1980, 2040)

Water Monkey (1932,1992, 2052)

Wood Monkey (1944, 2004, 2064)

Fire monkey (1956, 2016)

Earth Monkey (1908, 1968, 2028)

Born in the year of the Monkey

Alexander the Great, Leonardo da Vinci, Rene Descartes, Giordano Bruno, George Byron, Benedict Spinoza, John Milton, Ivan Kozhedub, Alexandra Kollontai, Alexander Herzen, Yegor Ligachev, Boris Polevoy, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Nikolai Dobrolyubov, Georgy Chicherin, Anton Denikin Chamberlain.