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Decoding a natal chart guide. Method for parsing a natal chart (cosmogram)

The fate of a person always remains a mystery to himself. This explains the desire of most people to at least slightly open the curtain of mystery and look into their own future. Some turn to astrologers, magicians and psychics. Others are looking for an answer to the question: how to compose natal chart by date of birth independently and influence the happy development of your own life with its help.

What is a natal chart and what is its use?

Natal chart (in other words - cosmogram, individual horoscope) is considered the basis for the most accurate astrological forecasts. After all, it is known, but a combination of several specific factors at the time of his birth has a huge influence on the character and fate of a person.

Thus, it is the most accurate projection (map) of the starry sky, characterizes the location of the planets at the time of the birth of this or that person.

At the same time, it is not only the specific position of the heavenly bodies at the moment of your birth that matters, but also under the influence of which they are. In addition, the correspondence between the planet and each of the twelve main houses plays a significant role, since this determines two critical factors: the state of human health, his relationship in society.

Having issued a natal chart, it will be much easier for you to determine your most strengths and small weaknesses, this will help you know what to strive for and how to behave in a particular difficult situation. Through the map, you can get important information about key points in destiny, as well as about the main areas of life: relationships, career, health. Among the most important data that can be learned are the following:

  • traits;
  • the energy of social and personal planets, as well as the way of using it for favorable development;
  • leading life position and motivation;
  • the most influential planet, which is the impetus for important actions;
  • the most favorable spheres for material and personal self-realization;
  • suitable professions and fields of activity;
  • characteristics of the most suitable partner in life, with whom it is better to marry;
  • the most vulnerable parts of the body, which should be paid special attention to, taking care of your health;
  • possible problems in relationships and ways of their harmonious solution;
  • the most effective life activity;
  • spheres of life in which there can be all sorts of obstacles, restrictions.

But how to draw up a natal chart on your own is a question that worries many astrology fans.
Taking into account the availability of information on the Internet, it can be noted that the compilation of the cosmogram does not require much effort and time. Thanks to the presence of all kinds of programs and applications, a personal horoscope of each person can be drawn up in a matter of minutes. However, it should be borne in mind that there is no full guarantee of the accuracy and veracity of such a cosmogram, since online resources have their own characteristics.

So optimal solution will get acquainted with the information on how to draw up a natal chart and make it yourself. The reliability of the source data is very important. Accordingly, it is necessary to indicate, to the nearest minute, the time of your birth. The stars in the sky change the location of the owl very quickly, respectively, the accuracy of the indicated time can fluctuate within 5-10 minutes, but no more, since with each subsequent minute the chances of making the most correct version of the natal chart decrease. In addition, you need to know the place of birth in order to be able to determine geographical position planets in the sky.

The method of drawing up a cosmogram consists in the following steps. First, you need to calculate the position of certain planets, the Moon and the Sun for a specific period of time. For this, it is important to correctly calculate the ecliptic longitude of each celestial body on the coordinate plane. In astrology, the ecliptic is a circle divided into twelve separate parts (30 ° each), which represent the signs of the zodiac. It is by the ecliptic longitude that one can determine in which of the sectors this or that planet will be located.

For example, the moment you were born, the Moon was at 45 ° ecliptic longitude. Accordingly, the Moon was located under the sign of Aquarius. Similarly, you can calculate the location of other celestial bodies.

Secondly, it is required to determine the angular distance between stars and planets. In the case when the distance is identical to the value of one of the astrological aspects, it can be concluded that the stars and planets are in aspect with each other. When creating an astrological forecast, the planets in the aspect must be connected with a straight line.

Thirdly, it is important to draw up a detailed description of the celestial sphere for a specific area. This is the last step in creating a cosmogram in, for which you need to know the exact geographic place of birth. It is necessary to calculate certain indicators of intersection with the horizon. These quantities are:

  • points of intersection with the points of the middle of heaven and the base of heaven,
  • descendant,
  • ascendant.

All information is entered into the natal chart and represents a complete picture of the location of the heavenly bodies at the moment of your birth. At this stage, the compilation of the cosmogram can be considered complete.

How to decipher a natal chart in order to be able to predetermine the character and fate of a person. Before you read a natal chart, you need to familiarize yourself with its main indicators. So, before you is a complex interaction of luminaries and planets located in certain houses and signs of the zodiac, which have harmonious or tense aspects. Most strong influence on the meaning of the horoscope are: Sun, Moon, Ascendant. It is read that the Sun is responsible for inner world a person, his ego.

The moon is responsible for the emotional state. The ascendant, in turn, denotes the personality that a person wants to represent from himself to others. In other words, the Sun and the Moon express inner self-awareness and experiences, and the Ascendant is a kind of outer shell of a person, accessible to the outside world for viewing. These characteristics are basic. It is with them that the decoding of the natal chart begins. The rest of the elements are only added in the process of creating a personal horoscope. As a rule, the Moon has a greater predominance in women and children, and the Sun in men. The ascendant in both sexes is expressed to the same extent.

At home, they show the most important events in life:

I House - an individual (character traits, charisma, personal growth).

II House - acquisitions (material goods, success).

III House - exchange (friendship, family ties).

IV House - home (family, home).

V House - creation ( love relationship, children).

VI House - the present (everyday life, health, career).

VII House - union (relationship, connection with the outside world).

VIII House - detachment (solitude, passion).

IX House - ideal (travel, leisure).

X House - independence (position in society, social ties).

XI House - aspiration (dreams, goals).

XII House - achievement (endurance, mystery).

Depending on the sign to which the houses correspond, the further development of fate is determined.

Correct drawing up and decoding of a natal chart is an opportunity to obtain extremely important information about your own character and destiny. This information can be used in the future for your own improvement and harmonious life.

People have always wondered how their future will turn out. Therefore, interest in astrology, palmistry and horoscopes will never disappear. But today we will tell you about the natal chart. Having learned to read it, anyone will be able to independently interpret the sequence of events in their own or someone else's life.

We read the natal chart

If someone does not know, then the natal chart is a diagram on which, in the form of symbols, is depicted in what state the cosmos was at the time of the birth of a particular person.

Let's take a look at how to read a natal chart. If you look closely at the circle of the birth chart, you will see that in addition to the sectors that correspond to the twelve signs of the zodiac, there are also lines dividing the circle like slices of a pie. These are the so-called Houses. Each of them symbolizes some area of ​​our life: friendship, relationships with others, entertainment, work and much more. The health on this card depends on personal experience, which is represented in all areas.

So, first you will need to compose full list elements, namely: highlight the heavenly bodies in the Houses, mark the Houses in signs, mark the aspects that affect the personality, and in addition - write out the rulers of each of the twelve houses. Thus, you will have a complete list of items to decrypt.

At the moment of your birth, each of the planets is located in one or another sign of the zodiac and in one of the twelve Houses. The way the planets are located relative to each other affects the character and determines the fate of a person. The Sun affects the personality, the Moon affects the subconscious, Mercury is responsible for thoughts and communication, and Venus is responsible for love. Development is predetermined by Jupiter, and Saturn shows the desires and aspirations of a person. O unexpected sides personality will tell Uranus, and Neptune will reveal the most secret properties of character. Human activity is controlled by Mars, and Pluto can tell about any changes.

Astrological houses

As for astrological houses, they are divided into three groups: angular (1,4,6,8,10), subsequent (2,5,8,11), falling (3,6,9,12). Each of them carries a special meaning.

  1. talks about external manifestations
  2. about the financial situation
  3. sociability
  4. marital status
  5. personal relationships
  6. health status
  7. partnerships, including marriage
  8. informs about crises
  9. worldview and attitude
  10. professional activity
  11. social activity
  12. hidden secrets.

Aspects in the natal chart

  • trine is the most auspicious and harmonious of all aspects. With its help, the planets freely exchange energy;
  • sextile - an aspect similar to the previous one. It is also positive, but at the same time provides more practical opportunities;
  • opposition is a rather tense aspect, the planets are located here relative to each other according to the principle of "eye to eye". Interpretation of this aspect may suggest that life is a tug-of-war;
  • quadratures are another tense aspect. Indicates that there are problems that require close attention.
  • conjunction - is expressed by the almost complete unification of two planets.

An astrological chart, or, more precisely, a natal chart, is a symbolic designation of the planets, the Sun and the Moon at the time of a person's birth. Each planet occupies a certain zodiac sign at a certain point in time, and the interpretation of this location allows astrologers to understand the characteristics of human behavior. Since an astrological chart is based on facts such as the position of the heavenly bodies (relative to the moon) at a certain time period, it is more related to astronomy than astrology. The following tips will help you create an astrological chart yourself.


Creating an astrological chart

    Use the compass to draw concentric circles on the paper. The inner circle should be smaller than the outer circles.

    • Instead, you can take blank horoscope forms from an astrologer or astrology store. It is much easier to draw circles by hand.
  1. Divide the space between the two outer circles into 12 equal pieces. Each part symbolizes one of the 12 signs of the zodiac (Cancer, Libra, and so on).

    Label each part with a zodiac sign. If you designate one part as Leo, the next part must be Virgo, so that each zodiac sign is designated in order of priority.

    • If you know the time of birth, define the ascendant ( zodiac constellation) before filling the map with zodiac signs.
    • If the horoscope is drawn up in accordance with north longitude, place the ascendant sign on the left side; it is the eastern part facing south from the north position. Then fill in the remaining characters counterclockwise.
    • If the position is determined relative south longitude, put the ascendant sign on the right side, while the rest of the signs should be located clockwise.
    • Strictly speaking: if the position is between 27.5 ° longitude, the deviation of the ascendant must be comparable to the longitude to determine its position in the north and south, that is, in which part it should be located. In practice, however, this is very rarely used, so you should follow general instructions described above !!
  2. Divide each part (sign) by 30 equal degrees. A whole circle equals 360 degrees, so each of the 12 parts equals 30 degrees. Using the small marks on the second circle, mark each degree. You can only mark a few degrees, but remember that the angles between the points of the circle will play a decisive role in the interpretation of the map, so accuracy is important here.

    • If you are using a card purchased in a store, this is most likely already done for you.
  3. Find the ascendant sign of the person you are interested in based on his or her date of birth and time on the astronomical table. An astronomical table is a map of the location of celestial bodies at a specific time. You can buy such a card or find it in the library; you can also search the internet. The Ascendant is a zodiac sign that rises above the eastern horizon at a specific time (in this case, the time of birth) at a specific place (a person's birthplace) on Earth. So to make up accurate map, you will need to find out the longitude and latitude of the person's place of birth (use the Internet search if you do not have a reliable card in hand), as well as exact time and date. Free computer programs that can be found on the Internet can help you determine the ascendant if you fill in the required information.

    Mark the ascendant sign on your map. A computer program or astronomical map that you use to determine the ascendant sign will show you the location (in degrees) of that sign, for example 12 degrees Virgo. To indicate the correct location, find the zodiac sign (in this case, Virgo) on your map and, moving forward along the signs, count in degrees (in this case 12) from the "original" angle of the sign. You can explain this example in another way. If you think of a circle as a clock, where Virgo occupies the space between 9 and 8, the countdown goes from 9 (not 8), and you need to count 12 degrees from point 9 to point 8 in order to determine the location of Virgo.

    Determine the position of the Moon, Sun and planets and mark them on your map. Use the astronomical chart again, or computer program to determine the location of the zodiac of the main celestial bodies, starting from the time, date and place of birth. In the case of the ascendant, these locations will be determined by the sign and degrees of the zodiac sign. Just like with the ascendant, you will need to determine the location using an astronomical map, starting from the time and place of birth of the person. If you use a computer program instead of an astronomical map, all this will be done for you. Mark the positions in the space between the two inner circles on your map. Mark the positions with glyphs ( special characters used to represent each celestial body) and write down the position of the sign in degrees next to the glyphs.

    Complete the Astronomical Pavilions. Pavilions are imaginary divisions (usually there are twelve), each of which denotes one aspect of a person's life (money, children, family, personality, and so on). They are located in a large area of ​​the map between the inner and second circle. The method of dividing the pavilions is rather controversial; there are several such methods. One of them (probably the simplest) is the equal pavilion method, in which the width of each pavilion is 30 degrees. The "original" corner of the first pavilion is drawn near the ascendant. If the ascendant is 12 degrees with the sign of Leo, then the first pavilion is located near 12 degrees of Virgo, and the second is between 12 degrees of Virgo and 12 degrees of Libra, and so on. These pavilions are counted 1-12 counterclockwise.

    Calculate the aspects. An aspect is the angle that forms between two celestial bodies with the Earth at the center (or apex) of the sign. You can appreciate the aspects just by looking at the map. For example, if you represent a chart in the form of a clock and assume that the Sun is at point 12 on the clock, and Venus is at point 3, then you will see that the angle between them is equal to 90 degrees. For greater accuracy, you can calculate aspects using the degree readings available on the map. Remember that the whole circle equals 360 degrees and each sign equals 30 degrees. You can draw aspects in the center circle as you like.

  4. Look through the book on the interpretation of the planets for each sign of the zodiac and pavilion, and draw conclusions about the behavior and personality characteristics of a person.

    • If all this seems too complicated for you, you can make a personal card in a few seconds by entering all the necessary information into free program drawing up astrological charts on the Internet. If you are in doubt about the accuracy of the map, use several programs to compare the results. Despite the fact that making a chart this way is faster than manually making a chart, you are missing out on the chance to learn more about astrology.
    • You can create a natal chart without specifying the exact time and place of birth, but then it will not be as complete and less accurate.
    • If the person's date of birth is on the polar cusp, from two to four days on both sides of the beginning zodiac sign, personal qualities a person will be identified by both signs of the zodiac.
    • To estimate the ascendant sign of a person without the help of an ascendant chart, you must calculate the sunrise time on the person's birthday (click on the corresponding link to find more parameters). If a person was born at sunrise, his or her ascendant sign will be the same as his or her sun sign (a sign that most people consider to be their "sign"). Approximately every two hours (remember that the time differs from sign to sign) after sunrise, the ascendant moves forward one sign (for example, from Leo to Virgo). So, if the sunrise on a person's birthday and at his place of birth was at 6:15 am, but the person (Leo) was born at 11:15 am, the sign you need will be two signs ahead of Leo. Since a person was born more than 4 hours and less than 6 hours after sunrise, the sign of Libra will be the ascendant.
    • If you are checking data on an astronomical chart, try to accurately determine the local time of birth of a person indicated on the astronomical chart. Astronomical charts usually provide information about the position of celestial bodies at midnight (00:00) GMT, so you do not need to interpolate the positions according to the current time of birth of a person; you will need to account for the time difference and daylight saving time if necessary.
      • Remember that what is written above are only approximate calculations, and the error of the obtained data can vary from 2 or more characters. The signs do not move at the same speed, since the angle of the equatorial ecliptic depends on the longitude of the terrain. If you take into account the above, the results obtained will be more accurate.
    • Use a pencil when creating a map, as you can make mistakes in the calculations. You can later erase the pencil marks.
    • Time of birth is usually defined as the time the baby takes its first breath. On birth certificates, birth times are usually rounded off to half an hour or fifteen minutes; thus, the exact time of birth is not known exactly.

When we just start to study astrology, questions immediately arise: where to start to disassemble the natal chart (horoscope)? How to read a natal chart yourself? Which method of parsing the card should you choose? What is the most important thing in a horoscope? How to understand the natal chart? As he studies, each astrologer chooses for himself his own method of analyzing the natal chart. But general rules parsing the birth chart, of course, is.

In this article I want to describe my method that I use when looking at natal charts.

1. The core of the horoscope- Sun in the sign of the zodiac + Moon in the sign of the zodiac + Ruler of the ascendant in the sign (the power of the planet of the ruler of the natal chart).

2. Expressed elements and crosses, stellium, zodiac zones, hemispheres.

3. Mars, Venus, Mercury in signs. Each planet is analyzed according to its own principle, but:

Venus is considered in the horoscope in conjunction with the Moon, as the planet of emotions. Mars is in conjunction with the Sun, as the planet of will. Mercury - in conjunction with the Sun, as an expression of your "I".

4. Jupiter and Saturn in the horoscope, as going beyond the personal "I". Jupiter as a form of self-expression for gaining self-confidence, Saturn as a way of protection and self-preservation.

5. Higher planets in the horoscope- Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Have exact aspects with personal planets and map angles.

6. Aspects of the planets- harmonious as inborn talents and opportunities. Strained like internal conflicts, difficulties, as an incentive to action.

7. Planets in the houses of the horoscope- event level - the strength of the planets in the natal chart.

8. Lunar nodes, as a direction to the main destination in this life.

9 Lilith- the temptations to which a person can be subjected.

10. Lunar day. Stars in conjunction with personal planets. Degrees of the Sun, the Moon, the ruler of the chart and the ruler of the MC. Pars of Fortune.

11. General synthesis all factors of the natal chart.

Planets and signs of the zodiac

Personal planets of the horoscope and their aspects in the birth chart characterize the psychological level, i.e. are responsible for our character traits. Undoubtedly, for each of us The sun is the most important planet in the natal chart. The sun is our personality, our I. The sun is responsible for the consciousness of a person, i.e. shows what the Ego should strive for. It is very easy for a person to say, in accordance with the zodiac sign in which the Sun is located, what are the main features he possesses. Therefore, the description of the solar signs of the zodiac is suitable for almost all people. moon personifies our subconscious, innate habits. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to understand what his soul is really asking for, this will be especially characteristic if The sun moon in the birth chart, they will be in incompatible signs of the zodiac or in tense aspects with each other. The moon and the sun need to be considered first, because it is the main core of the personality. Next, you need to consider ruler of the Ascendant what sign of the zodiac it is in. The zodiac sign of the ascendant itself shows a superficial manifestation of a person, how he carries himself into the world, some features of his appearance, but not deep convictions. We analyze the power of the ruler of the card, if he is in the monastery or in exaltation, it means that a person will feel more confident in life, and if in exile or in a fall, then the person will have to overcome more difficulties.

Mercury in the horoscope are responsible for the mind, the features of the intellect, for how we perceive and transmit information. Mercury never moves away from the Sun by more than one sign of the zodiac, i.e. it depends on the Sun, therefore Mercury should be considered only in conjunction with the Sun. If Mercury is in the same sign as the Sun, then it will enhance the manifestation of the solar sign of the zodiac, and if in a sign next to it, Mercury will give some features in accordance with the sign of the zodiac.

For the ability to love and our needs for feelings, in the birth chart is responsible Venus... Venus does not move away from the Sun by more than two signs of the zodiac, just as Mercury depends on it, and should be considered taking into account the solar sign of the zodiac. Venus and the Moon are feminine planets, so they can be seen as planets of emotions. Mars- this is our physical energy, activity and will. Mars is associated with the sphere of instincts and indicates how a person acts based on his spontaneous needs, how he defends his rights. Also Mars is responsible for sexuality, the stronger it is, the more need for sex(you still need to see the zodiac sign of Venus, the Sun, 5th, 8th houses and their rulers). The strength of Mars is very important, you can read about it here - ANDindividual behavior model

Jupiter and Saturn are located between the personal and higher planets. Jupiter determines our outlook on life, our worldview. It shows through what we want social fulfillment, i.e. our going beyond the personal "I". Jupiter is our desire to expand our personality through education, travel, spiritual growth, religion, ideology, belief in something. Saturn lowers us from heaven to earth into reality, and is opposite in meaning to Jupiter. Jupiter is expansion and Saturn is contraction and limitation. Saturn in the horoscope shows our way of protection and self-preservation, what kind of security we need in life - spiritual and emotional security (water), material (earth), individual (fire) or social and intellectual (air), depending on what element we are in Saturn... Saturn is our fears. A person is afraid of something and wants to build a reliable structure in some area.

It is necessary to understand what features give the planets the signs of the zodiac. Whether the planet is in its proper zodiac sign or not. For example, for the moon, it is more suitable water element except for Scorpio. In the fiery element, the Moon will manifest itself inadequately, it will be too agitated, tense. In the air element, the Moon will also be good, but for example, the zodiac signs Aquarius and Gemini will emphasize personal freedom. The earthly element inclines the Moon to evaluate itself in accordance with the work performed, especially Virgo and Capricorn, and in Taurus, the Moon feels stability and peace. Of course, there are still aspects of the moon to look at. If there are many tense aspects, then such a person will be restless, or irritable, or conflicted, etc., depending on which planet aspects the Moon. We analyze other personal planets.

Consider the Sun, the Moon and the ruler of the Ascendant, then all the personal planets. Moving on to the description in the signs of the zodiac and the houses of Jupiter, Saturn and the Higher planets, we interpret them without deviating from the basis of a person's personality (personal planets). In this article you can read more detailed description, how to consider the planets in the signs of the zodiac - Planets in the signs of the zodiac in the natal chart - how to understand, interpret, analyze correctly? The functions of the planets in the signs of the zodiac, and this section describes the planets in the signs - Planets in the signs of the zodiac

For the Higher planets in the horoscope, the house is most important, and not the sign of the zodiac. The zodiac sign in which Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are located are features of generations. The sign of the zodiac for the Upper planet will be important if she is the ruler of the corner houses. If the Upper Planet rules 1 house, then its influence will manifest itself only with age. For example, Asz in Aquarius. In his younger years, Saturn will act as a ruler, and determine the behavior of the native, and with age, the influence of Uranus will manifest itself. It can also be characteristic of the MC ruler.


It is necessary to determine which element is expressed, and at what disadvantage. Water and Fire are the most powerful elements, Earth and Air are more inert, stable elements. Fire and Air are male, compatible elements. Earth and Water are female, compatible elements.

Excessive fire in the card will make a person active, active, with tense aspects, conflict, in extreme cases, aggressive. The person is more likely to be ambitious, confident, and optimistic. With a negative option, selfishness is possible (especially Leo, Aries) and great changeability and impulsiveness in ideas and desires (Sagittarius, Aries).

Lack of fire will make a person more calm, patient, in a negative version, insecure, passive. A person may be afraid to prove himself.

Excessive water will give great emotionality, sensitivity, empathy, in the negative version, hysteria, energy vampirism. It is very difficult for such a person to control and restrain their emotions.

Lack of water a positive effect is that a person does not get involved in the situation too emotionally and as a result, experiences less and quickly gets out of stress. But such a person rarely listens to his intuition and does not have empathy.

Excessiveness of the earth characteristic of materialistic people (especially Taurus and Capricorn). Such people stand firmly on their feet, can make long-term efforts to achieve their goals, they do not hang in the clouds. On the other hand, they can be insensitive people and inveterate conservatives who are only interested in a career and material savings.

Lack of land leads to impracticality, but it can be expressed in different ways. In some cases, the impracticality will lie in the fact that a person does not know how to make savings at all, does not value things, although the material side of life may even be very interesting this person(expressed as 2 or 8 houses). In another variant, a person will be an ascetic - everything material will interest him little, he can live in a very simple terms and will be pleased. There is also a third option of impracticality - a person leaves everything for a rainy day, i.e. he has shown materialism. He acquires things and does not use them, as a result, all things fall into disrepair from time to time and it turns out that the money was wasted and things were not useful, this is also a kind of manifestation of asceticism. The third option can appear if fixed signs, Cancer are expressed and the earthly element is absent.

Excessive air will make a person sociable, but also give a great love of freedom and changeability, not only in mood, but also in feelings. Especially if the signs of Gemini and Aquarius are expressed. If the sign of Libra is expressed in the card, then such a person will be non-conflicting, inclined to compromise, and in the case of a negative version, a hypocrite.

Lack of air will make a person too subjective. Such a person will not be able to fully communicate, i.e. it will be difficult for others to convey their ideas to him, because such people mostly hear only themselves.

If there is a lack of any element, it is necessary to assess which element is most pronounced, and draw appropriate conclusions from this.

The elements of the zodiac signs are the elements of fire, air, water, earth. Astrology is the power of desire and achievement in life

Cardinal cross Libra, Cancer, Aries, Capricorn are the most primary manifestations of the elements. The cardinal cross is characterized by action at the level for which the element is responsible. Relationships, communication - air, emotions, depth into oneself - water, activity, self-expression - fire, material achievements - earth. There is no common line of behavior among the signs.

Fixed cross Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus are the slowest changing ones. With the severity of this cross, people are not prone to change, which also applies to feelings (except for Aquarius). Such people can long and hard to achieve their goals. They are stubborn and persistent people.

Mutable cross- Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo, Gemini. People of this cross can adapt to circumstances and adapt to others. In the negative case, people with a pronounced mutable cross rarely change anything at all, but they have plenty of plans. They want to do both this and that, and in the end there can be only one plans. With a positive option, such people can have many seemingly incompatible activities and will be very talented in many ways. It must be remembered that a mutable cross is the weakest manifestation of the elements.


Expressed The upper hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are above the horizon - from the 7th to the 12th house. Such people are mainly aimed at external realization in life. They can be famous people, politicians, scientists, actors, travelers, etc. If at the same time the signs of the zodiac Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces are also expressed, then such a person will have a late realization. All important events are likely in the second half of life, it will be more eventful than the first.

Expressed The lower hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all planets are under the horizon - from 1 to 6 houses. Such a person in life is most focused on family, making money, children, communicating with relatives, etc. Such people have less ambition and often lack the desire for power. If at the same time the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Virgo are expressed, then all the most important events will occur in youth, i.e. the first half of life will be more eventful.

Expressed Eastern hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are located near the ascendant - houses 1,2,3,10,11,12. A person relies more on himself, achieves everything in life on his own, often does not listen to advice, but acts as he considers right.

Expressed Western hemisphere in the horoscope, i.e. when most or all of the planets are located near the Descendant - 4,5,6,7,8,9, at home. Such a person is oriented towards other people. He needs the support and approval of others. And other people have a certain influence on this person during his life.

Houses of the horoscope

You need to understand what each house is responsible for. Further, consider how the planets act, falling into different houses- event sphere.

1 house- features of character, appearance, personal qualities of a person. The ruler of any house, falling into 1 house, will be a significant indication that this sphere goes directly to a person, which means that it is important for him.

2 house- talents, how a person can earn his living. Material sphere.

3 house- our closest environment. Neighbors, acquaintances, brothers, sisters, distant relatives. Travel and travel. Transport. All kinds of information. Initial training, various courses. If the 3rd house is expressed in the card, a person is surrounded by many people, most likely, such a native will be sociable.

4th house- home, family, parents. The beginning and end of a person's life, i.e. childhood and old age. Real estate, land, homeland of man. The 4th house is the house of the Moon and it is responsible for our deep habits, at home we cannot constantly play some roles and restrain ourselves, at home we behave naturally. In astrology, there is no clear rule, whether a father or a mother walks through the 4th house. I believe that the more authoritative parent is the 10th house. If the father performs the mother's function - he takes care of the child, and the mother provides for the family and builds a career, then the father will correspond to the 4th house, and the mother to 10. And if the family is traditional patriarchal, then the mother is the 4th house, the father - the 10th house.

5 house- love, flirting, children, hobbies, sports, creativity, games, social masks, theater. This house, in my opinion, is responsible for the gifts that are given to us from above. Talents in creativity, children, the fruits of our creativity (a kind of also our "children") and love - we can receive all this as a reward.

6 house- work, daily duties, illness, general mood, constrained circumstances, serving others. Our health directly depends on the state of mind, whether a person is an optimist or a pessimist. Anxiety, workload daily activities and work can lead to disease. When the 6th house is very pronounced in the map, such people mainly live for the sake of others, they have practically no personal ambitions. Especially if in this house there are both the ruler of the chart and the Sun, and if most of the planets are under the horizon.
7 house- all types of partnerships. Our business and marriage partners. Our enemies, opponents. Planets in the 7th house describe the types of partners who are attracted to us and whom we would like to see next to.

8 house- crises, dangerous situations, death, sex, occultism. "Other people's money" - loans, credits, taxes, money of a partner in marriage or business, inheritance, common money in business, in politics.

9 house- religion, ideology, philosophy. Travel, abroad. Education. Churches. The 9th house is responsible for our worldview, what we believe in. If the 9th house is expressed in a card, a person can expand their horizons, either through travel or through knowledge.

10 house- career and all the highest achievements in life. The planets, as rulers of houses, falling into the 10th house are very important. Those spheres for which these planets are responsible will be significant in human life, in these spheres a person will have ambitions and a great desire to be realized. For example, Venus is responsible for the 4th house and for the 11th house, located in the 10th house - a person really wants to have a comfortable and beautiful house and social fulfillment is also important.

11 house- social status, friends, groups of like-minded people, patrons. Freedom, plans and dreams. With a pronounced 11th house, a person's life most likely passes in plain sight, surrounded by a large number people. Such people often have many friends and acquaintances. Probably stubbornness in ideas and unwillingness to shackle their freedom.

12 house- solitude, charity, secrets, secrets, security institutions. With a pronounced 12th house, there are many closed areas in a person's life, even close people do not know everything about him. It can be difficult for such a person to express their feelings, especially if the Moon or Venus falls into the 12th house. Or it is difficult to fully understand yourself if the Sun is in the 12th house. But on the other hand, he will be comfortable being alone with himself, he will always be able to occupy himself with something. And from time to time, a person needs peace and solitude to regain their strength. He may get tired of communication or when he often has to be in sight. If in the 12th house there is North Node, then a person is destined to be in solitude for some time in life. It doesn't have to be a prison or a hospital. Perhaps a person will live in a sparsely populated city or village. Or just a person will be uncommunicative and withdrawn by nature, but this does not mean that the person is experiencing discomfort at the same time. After all, all self-restraints occur at the will of the person himself, and not by compulsion. Perhaps others will not understand his way of life, and they may think of him as an unhappy person. Of course, if the 12th house is damaged, there may be forced isolation, but there will be diseases even if the 6th house is affected, and the prison may be due to many other factors, even not related to the 12th house.

To indicate imprisonment you need to look at the psychology of a person first. In the charts of the prisoners who committed the murder, the Sun struck by Pluto, Mars, plus the tense aspects of Mercury and Pluto, Mars and Pluto, are often found, i.e. aspects of cruelty. Theft and fraud - struck by Mercury, especially Mars - I take whatever I want, expressed by Lilith (in conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, on the cusp of the 4th house). Mercury has traditionally been in charge of thieves. Prisoners often have a ruler of the 4th house in the 12th or 6th houses, expressed as 11th and 3rd houses. And if you found these instructions in your map or the map of relatives, then for final conclusions - whether a person can end up in prison - check the stars in conjunction with personal planets and with the planets that govern the corner houses, especially MC and Asz. If there are many negative stars such as Algol, Etamin, Sinistra, Bellatrix, Aldebaran, Fegda, Mizar, etc. and plus other indications, jail time may be likely. Also, for clarification, you need to look at the degrees of the planets, it is better to use the Teboic calendar for this.

After we figured out what the houses of the horoscope are responsible for, let's move on to the event part.

Ruler Asz and MC, to see which house they are in - characteristic of their nature or not, in the corner or not (whether a person is able to achieve a lot in life). The rulers of the 1st and 10th houses, in which houses they are, are the main areas in life.

In the event plan, according to the situation in homes, personal planets can be analyzed as follows:
Where the Sun and Leo are- important areas in human life.
Where the Moon and the zodiac sign are Gemini- many changes, instability of the situation. Where is the moon- there a person rests, there he is drawn subconsciously.
Where Mercury is- the human intellect is directed into this sphere, which is what his mind is doing.
Where Venus is- it is pleasant for a person to be there.
Where Mars is- struggle, quarrels, conflicts, especially if affected. In what area is a person ready to invest their energy.
Where Jupiter is- empowerment, desire for self-realization through this area.
Where Saturn is- difficulties, delays, restrictions, in this area you need protection and reliability, with good aspects with age, success.
The sun for a woman is a father, a husband. For a man - a father. The moon for a woman - what kind of mother, wife, for a man - characterizes his mother, wife.

3. Aspects of the planets

The more tense aspects, the more conflicting personality will be and the more energy will need to be invested in achieving goals. But the motivation for action will also be stronger. With very harmonious cards, it often happens that a person does not want to invest energy for self-realization, such a person may be lazy, and he does not want to develop his talents. It is good when there are harmonious and tense aspects in the birth chart.

The more accurate the orbis of an aspect, the more pronounced the energy of this aspect in a person's character.

Each aspect has a psychological and event level. For example, the Sun is the ruler of the 7th house in a square to Saturn, the ruler of the 12th house in the female chart. The psychological level of this aspect is lack of self-confidence in young years, fear of showing one's “I”, fears. And on the eventual side - a difficult relationship with the father, delays and obstacles in marriage. The marriage partner may be an ex-con, or the marriage will be hindered by the conclusion of a partner, or other obstacles. Perhaps he will simply disappear before the wedding, or some unpleasant, hidden facts about him will be revealed. If the Sun is in the 10th house, and Saturn is in the 7th house, then this may indicate that the native's parents will be negatively disposed towards the native's partner, that there will be difficulties for entering into an official marriage. The ruler of the 7th house at 10 can say that the native wants a prominent person for himself, higher in the position of a marriage partner, that in the profession the native will interact with many clients, etc. And also all other aspects of the birth chart should be considered.

We mainly look at the psychological level by the planets in signs and aspects, and eventual by the planets in the houses and by the aspects connecting certain houses. But the psychological level can also be traced across the planets in the houses. For example, Venus in the 12th house - such a native will enjoy spending time in seclusion, he will always find something to do with himself, it will also be difficult for him to show his feelings, he will be restrained (you need to look at the sign of Venus)

Astrology is an ancient system of knowledge, which, of course, cannot be accommodated in one article. We will analyze the basic concepts, learn how to create our own natal chart and make our plans in accordance with the situation in the sky.

What is a natal chart?

Astrologers believe that when a person is born, all celestial bodies influence him to one degree or another. The position of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth determines his purpose, his character and personal qualities, his strengths and weak spots, his talents and even key events that can happen to him in life. Imagine being born and being photographed from above. So such a "photograph", which shows the position of the planets and luminaries, is called a natal chart.

What, then, is a zodiac sign?

The entire celestial sphere is conventionally divided into 12 sectors, each of which is associated with one of the 12 constellations, which gave the name to the signs of the zodiac. The sun, moving across the sky, turns out to be in each of these sectors in turn during the year. The one in which the Sun was at the moment of a person's birth is called the person's zodiac sign, and speaking in astrological terms - his sun sign, which can also be found in the natal chart (they say “The Sun in Sagittarius”).

What else is in the natal chart?

It is very important to know where the Sun was at the moment of a person's birth. But this is too little to reliably tell about his character and fate. That is why, when reading descriptions of the signs of the zodiac, many people find qualities or habits that are alien to them in such texts, and sometimes they do not see any resemblance to themselves. For in-depth analysis, you need to see in which signs of the natal chart the rest of the planets and the Moon are located. And the most important thing is how they interact with each other: for example, does Mercury cover your Moon, does it change its properties to the exact opposite, and much, much more. This can only be done by a professional astrologer - it is not in vain that people study in astrological schools for several years before starting work. But even beginners can learn something from the natal chart.

Ready? Let's get to practice!

Create a natal chart

Previously, creating a map required special books and painstaking work. Now everything is simpler: there is professional programs, many of which have free online versions and detailed instructions, guided by which, even a beginner can build his own natal chart.

True, this map can look like a completely incomprehensible drawing, which is much more difficult to interpret than to build. The program will, of course, offer you an interpretation, but it can be ambiguous and contradictory. For an accurate analysis, it is necessary to see the map as a whole, and computers are not yet capable of this.

Therefore, do not read the entire interpretation, but find information about the position of the Moon and Venus. So you can learn something new about yourself, because the Moon and Venus affect our unconscious - something that may be unknown to us.

What is the Moon responsible for?

The moon has a tremendous influence on a person. Its position in the sky at the time of birth will determine the behavior of a person in Everyday life, is responsible for how well he adapts to the circumstances. The moon governs habits, needs and reflex actions. In addition, the position of the moon can tell about the attitude towards the world, describe the behavior up to 7 years and the relationship with the mother.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account other aspects, for example, the interaction of the Moon with other planets, which will also characterize the general outlook of a person. But you can get a general impression of a person by finding out what place the Moon occupied at the moment of his birth. Knowing in what sign a person has the Moon, we can predict his reactions, give him the maximum effective advice, find out what will help him achieve his goal.

What is Venus responsible for?

Venus determines which manicure we like, she is also responsible for our preferences in makeup, hairstyle, clothes, and also manages preferences in the choice of brands and brands. But this, of course, is only part of its functions. This planet is responsible for internal choice and the unconscious attraction of partners in personal life. Venus rules femininity and shows what we expect from romantic relationship what is most important for us in union with a man, what emotions we need.

Venus is not the only planet that affects privacy. Usually, there are dozens of pointers and hints in the natal chart that are worth paying attention to. However, it is from Venus that astrologers usually begin their analysis when they are asked about which man is suitable for a woman.

How to plan important things?

Do not forget that European astrology was created for practical purposes: people were interested in when it is better to sow the land and then water it in order to get a rich harvest. Therefore, if you coordinate your plans and important meetings with the position of the luminaries in the sky, you can achieve great success. By the way, many public figures have lived based on astrology for many years.

When planning important things, you need to check with lunar calendar... First of all, you can study the characteristics of lunar days and take into account the recommendations of astrologers. If you are ready for a more complex analysis, find information on the so-called idle Moon and try not to plan important affairs, meetings and negotiations for such periods.

It is necessary to pay attention to the "behavior" of Mercury. If this planet is retrograde, you need to be very careful.

Here's what astrologers have to say about the periods of retro-Mercury:

  • At this time, you should not plan important matters, since there is a high risk of equipment breakdown, road accidents, petty theft and other troubles.
  • You need to be careful and, if possible, accumulate energy, and not waste it.
  • If it is impossible to postpone the travel dates, submitting or receiving documents, concluding the current contract, be very careful and pedantic, negotiate each point.
  • Be extremely careful with dates and numbers; scrupulously double-check what is written, read the fine print, etc.