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How to find out the personal code and planet of the patron of your destiny? Individual horoscope


The sun in the horoscope. A star named "I"

Zodiac sign Leo. The sun gives us the light that brings life. It is not surprising that in astrology the influence of our luminary is considered enormous. In the horoscope, the Sun is responsible for what constitutes the basis and essence of a person - his personality, his spirit, his ego; his health and vitality, his potential. The sun in the horoscope helps the manifestation of a bright individuality, the development of creative abilities and an unlimited expansion of horizons. The motto of the life-loving Sun: “I am! I want!".


Zodiac signs: Gemini, Virgo. Mercury is the winged messenger of the gods, he flies to us on his light wings and encourages us to talk and argue with each other. This planet in the horoscope is responsible for intelligence, learning ability, way of thinking, logic and reasoning, as well as for any kind of intellectual connections and communication between people. And, of course, for the trade. Mercury's motto: "I'm interested!"


Zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra. Venus's motto: "I love!" Since ancient times, Venus has been called the planet of love and beauty, but astrologers say: in fact, its influence extends much wider. Venus is the planet of human feelings and motivations in all the bright variety of their manifestations. Venus in the horoscope is responsible for sensuality, sensitivity, beauty, charm, grace, inner harmony and, of course, for love. Love for yourself, for the people around and for the whole world.


Cancer zodiac sign. Of all the planets that affect the signs of the zodiac, the moon is closest to the earth. It is not surprising that she sometimes has a much stronger influence on our lives than others. The ruler of the ebb and flow, the Moon is also the ruler of our emotions. Moon's motto: "I feel!".


Zodiac signs: Aries, Scorpio. Mars in astrology is a planet of great energy and great passions. His motto is "I act!" Mars is subject to human emotions, his passion, thirst for activity and thirst for life, as well as violent emotional outbursts. The planet Mars, which bears the name of the god of war, has a masculine character, capable of generating outbursts of anger and aggression. However, in fairness, it must be said that it is Mars in the horoscope of a person that gives his character of activity and strength, so that, despite any obstacles, boldly go forward to the goal.


Zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Pisces. Jupiter in astrology is an abundant, benevolent planet that gives people joy, satisfaction, support and protection. Jupiter's motto is "I enjoy!"


Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius. Saturn knows for sure: nothing in the world comes easily. This is a firm conviction of the planet, which fulfills the difficult role of the strict boss of all the signs of the zodiac. It is at the behest of Saturn that everything that is marked with the word "It is necessary" happens in our life: discipline, organization and self-organization, responsibility, study, duties, work ... Work and work again.


Zodiac sign Aquarius. Uranus is the planet of independence and beginnings, which calls for looking at familiar things from a new angle, expanding consciousness and outlook. The energy of Uranus pushes us into the future - forward, to new achievements, discoveries and new horizons. The desire to find their own path, whether it be the path of an individual person or the path of all mankind, is characteristic of those in whose horoscope the influence of Uranus is strong. Uranus's motto is "I'm going forward!"

People are born who are similar in manners, preferences, or some specific characteristic features. This feature is taken into account by astrologers when drawing up individual maps of a person, where the heavenly bodies play an important role. In order not to have difficulties with how to find out your planet, it is enough to calculate your zodiac sign by date of birth.


The red warlike planet that endows a person with sexuality, aggressiveness and a fighting temperament is Mars. The corresponding day of the week is Tuesday. With a strongly pronounced "Martian" horoscope, especially if the luminary is in the 1st astrological house, "masculine" facial features or complexion, reddish skin type can be traced in the person's appearance and character, especially when splashing out strong emotions, when sunbathing or being in the cold. A passionate love for spicy food, scandals, sex and bright clothes is also accompanied by the influence of this planet. Under the powerful influence of Mars, belligerent, courageous, decisive and extremely impulsive personalities are born, capable of fighting for their own to the last. Leadership blood flows in them. Often such people can exert pressure on others, both active and passive. Mars is also directly responsible for sports, competition and power. The signs of the zodiac, which are accompanied by the luminary, are Aries and Scorpio. Suitable types of professions:

  • military activity;
  • all work related to metal, fire, piercing and cutting objects;
  • sports, martial arts;
  • sphere of management;
  • organizational positions;
  • work with blood;
  • mechanics, mechanical engineering;
  • driver, machinist;
  • engineering;
  • traumatology and surgery;
  • cooking hot food;
  • butchering meat.

How to find out the planet of birth? It is enough to know your zodiac sign. Perhaps Mars is the very patron planet.


Beauty, harmony and love are the keywords for those born under the auspices of Venus, who rules the zodiac signs Taurus and Libra. Taste preferences, femininity, manner of dressing, expressing feelings for the opposite sex, handling money - the "Venusian" aspects are directly responsible for this. With a harmonious position of the planet, a person will be endowed with charm, attractive appearance, warmth and refined demeanor. Such representatives can often be called jack of all trades. With "good" conjunction with Mercury - the innate gift of eloquence, the ability to sing and write poetry. With Mars - plasticity, ability to dance. With Jupiter - boundless optimism, luck, wealth. With Saturn - reliability, loyalty, striving for the classics. He is characterized by sensitivity, the ability to empathize and maintain a positive atmosphere around. With unfavorable aspects, laziness, greed or wastefulness, callousness of nature, "earthiness", "excessive inclination to pleasure and voluptuousness" may appear. Women will show capriciousness, "run themselves", scream a lot for no reason and show envy. Men with "evil" Venus jealous or, on the contrary, cold, like a piece of ice Suitable activities on Venus:

  • design;
  • art;
  • economy;
  • biology;
  • work with cosmetics and perfumery;
  • model business;
  • trade and manufacture of luxury goods;
  • floristics;
  • political activity;
  • diplomatic posts.

To find out your planet by date of birth, contact an astrologer. Perhaps Venus will be the very patron planet. For a deeper analysis - calculate an individual astrological chart, indicating the exact time and place of birth.


Inquisitive Gemini and pedantic Virgo - these are the signs of the zodiac that are patronized by fast Mercury. It is the planet of the mind, mathematics, speech, trade and information transmission. "Mercurial" personalities are sociable, erudite, extremely curious and talkative. Also, the planet is responsible for handwriting, writing style, paperwork and negotiations. Hiking, traveling close distances, social media communication, contacts with neighbors and close relatives also belong to Mercury. People, in whose card the influence of this luminary is clearly expressed, are mobile, witty, cunning and resourceful. They instantly catch all the latest news, both true and distorted. "Mercurians" cannot imagine their life without telephone conversations and correspondence. They can persuade anyone to buy this or that thing. Everything that happens in the world is subject to logic. Those born with a strong influence of this luminary with "good" aspects have a quick, practical and analytical mindset. These are debaters who find it difficult to shut up. The sense of humor is on top. With "evil" aspects, nervousness, quarrelsomeness, love for gossip and weaving of intrigue will be evident. Such individuals will always want to derive great benefit from the smallest. Suitable activities:

You can find out under which planet the sign of the zodiac is based on the calculation of an individual map, where you must fill in the columns with the date of birth.


Cancer is a zodiac sign under the "lunar" patronage. Hypersensitivity, femininity, dreaminess and tenderness are perfectly combined with phenomenal memory, thrift and caring. Love for watching melodramas, sentimentality and a tendency to nostalgia are especially pronounced in individuals in whose horoscope the Moon has a strong influence, especially if she is in her "home" - in the fourth sign of the Zodiac Cancer. It is not for nothing that under the influence of this sign is the world day of family, love and fidelity - the basic values, without which the "lunar" cannot imagine their existence. "He who is thrifty is happy", "My house is my fortress", "God protects the safe one", "That bird is stupid who does not like its nest" - folk proverbs that ideally describe the lifestyle and way of thinking of representatives of the pronounced Moon or Cancer in the horoscope. They often wear silver, go to the water and wear white clothes, especially their round garments. The dwelling is well-groomed and cozy, the table is with pies and pancakes, the place of residence is the Motherland. It is quite difficult for these people to leave for a foreign land, far from their native lands. Passion for history, restoration of the past, retrospective, reverence for ancestors and family lineage are the most important preferences of those born under the auspices of the Moon. Suitable activities:

How to find out the planets in the horoscope, the calculation of the natal chart will tell you.

The sun

From the lips of others, such a phrase as "sunny man" is often heard. Surely such a comparison is awarded to active, cheerful individuals who are able to charge everything around with positive and glowing energy. Inexhaustible optimism, smiling, generosity, nobility, a big heart, love for the holidays, savoring pleasant moments - this is how one can characterize those born under the strong influence of the Sun in the horoscope. This main luminary, illuminating the street with its pleasant, caressing rays, patronizes Leo, the fifth zodiac sign. "The Suns" are rewarded with self-esteem, rebellious disposition and creativity. For them, public recognition, applause, praise and endless signs of attention are important. These are natural born actors, and the stage for them is a second home, where they always want to shine. Their speech is not devoid of pathos and beautiful words, their manners are royal, their posture is proud, their gait is important. Mirrors, huge halls, beaches, catwalks, camera flashes, camcorder clicks seem to have been created specifically for these charming creatures, for whom presentable appearance is of great importance. The corresponding day of the week is Sunday. With unfavorable aspects - egocentrism, aggressiveness, laziness, despotism. Suitable fields of activity:

  • Show Business;
  • acting skills;
  • the photo;
  • oratory;
  • gambling business;
  • organization of special events;
  • work as a TV presenter;
  • jewelry design;
  • work on the beach;
  • modeling activity;
  • circus art;
  • gift wrapping;
  • cardiology;
  • control;
  • pedagogy;
  • art;
  • literature;
  • music, singing.

How to recognize your planet in your personal horoscope, the zodiac sign in which the Sun is located will tell you. It is enough to know your date of birth.


The planet of death, rebirth and underground riches. The patron saint of the zodiac sign is Scorpio. The planet is quite complex, as is the nature of its "poisonous ward", responsible for intimidation, transformation, violence, crises, cleansing and very big money. A person with a strong Pluto influence is hardy, able to take dangerous risks, ready to survive in the most extreme conditions. Passion is what Scorpio lives with to the fullest. He is a sage with a wealth of life experience behind him. His gaze is like an X-ray scanning the interlocutor through and through, making his way into the very "darkness" of someone else's soul. The planet also endows the person with the abilities for magic and rewards the most powerful sexual energy. Activities:

You can find out more about the planets in the houses of the horoscope and the signs of the zodiac by calculating an individual astrological chart.


The planet of luck, teachings and expansions, "commands" the signs of the zodiac Sagittarius and Pisces. Jupiter endows people with philosophical ability, generosity, wanderlust and determination. With good aspects, a person is active, full of vitality, optimism and friendliness. To teach, to give valuable advice, to strengthen friendship between peoples is the strong point of the "Jupiterians". Religion and cultures of other countries play an important role. These are intelligent individuals who are always ready to learn, grasp foreign languages ​​on the fly, receive a good education, and achieve a prestigious position in society. With "evil" aspects, people of a strong Jupiter can be arrogant, impudent and cynical, consume food in unreasonable quantities and spend money recklessly. Suitable fields of activity:

  • travel business;
  • work as a translator;
  • traveling mediation;
  • Horseback Riding;
  • cycling;
  • football;
  • excursions;
  • horse breeding;
  • writing philosophical books;
  • education;
  • work with foreign currency;
  • various types of part-time jobs;
  • international relationships;
  • work in a casino;
  • scientific cooperation.

Astrologers advise how to recognize your planet without problems. It is enough to have an idea of ​​your solar zodiac sign, which corresponds to the day and month of birth.


This strict planet has taken responsibility for the zodiac signs Capricorn and Aquarius. People, in whose horoscope Saturn is strongly expressed, are tall, thin physique, restrained appearance "a la Stone Guest" or "Snow Queen". Skin color is either very pale or, on the contrary, very dark. These personalities are characterized by severity, conservative views on life, asceticism and the desire to subordinate everything to laws and certain algorithms. Time and work are the most important values ​​for the "Saturn" ones, because they love to wear watches so much and try to achieve high positions in the service. Everything should be on time, no delays. With an "inharmonious" aspect, a person is often dissatisfied, can fall into prolonged depression, drive himself out with exhausting diets, walk dirty, and disfigure himself. Suitable fields of activity:

  • leadership of something;
  • work in the mountains;
  • skiing;
  • growing plants;
  • farming;
  • agriculture;
  • asphalt laying;
  • medicine;
  • work with calculations, problem solving;
  • construction;
  • study of stones and minerals;
  • work with watches.

How to find out which planet is in the zodiac sign? For a more in-depth analysis, it is imperative to indicate the exact time and place of birth.


The most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac, Aquarius, falls under the extraordinary planet. The strong influence of Uranus adds non-standard thinking to a person, the desire to be an individual, not adjusting to generally accepted stereotypes and rules. Freedom is one of the main values ​​of Aquarius and all "Uranian" personalities. Their time is not here and not now, but in the very distant future, when the world will be filled with robots and all kinds of technical innovations. All innovations, surprises, changes, brilliant discoveries are accompanied by uranian influence. Altitude, aviation, the world wide web, the Internet, and outer space are also dominated by Uranus. With an unfavorable aspect, a person can become an anarchist, a destroyer of all traditions, who blindly obeys imaginary independence. Suitable fields of activity:

  • invention;
  • the world of technological progress;
  • astronautics;
  • astrology;
  • modern medicine;
  • programming;
  • electrician;
  • humanitarian sciences;
  • freelance.

You can find out your planet in the sign, as well as consider the detailed aspects of Uranus, from astrologers, who build both natal and transit charts in detail.


The ruler of all the world's water spaces, drugs, chemistry and art governs the latest sign of the zodiac - Pisces. Under the strong Neptune, gifted individuals, creators, charities, capable of self-sacrifice are born. They have a subtle receptive nature, strong overwhelming emotions, a desire to retire. Romance, quivering feelings, illusions are the place of residence of many "Neptunians" and zodiacal Pisces. Cunning, secrecy, resourcefulness from any situation - no less expressive features of those born with a strongly pronounced planet. With a tense arrangement of aspects, these people have a risk of stepping on the path of bad habits, tormenting themselves with a deplorable mood, thinking about leaving life. Occupation:

  • charity;
  • work with shoes;
  • art, especially music and choreography;
  • chemical industry;
  • all types of psychology;
  • treatment of infections and fungal diseases;
  • navigation;
  • work in the bath;
  • fishing and fish trade;
  • winemaking;
  • work in the bar.

For a deeper study of their astrological chart, astrologers recommend getting to know the planets in the houses. Thus, a person can understand his character and actions, as well as find a clue for an occupation that is close in spirit, bringing good profit. Having studied all these tips and tricks, a person can easily catch a fish from a pond and understand how to recognize a planet in the sign of the zodiacal constellation.

Some users wonder why the Astrologer puts their Sun in a different sign than they used to see it. Usually I answer that my service is dedicated to sidereal astrology and in my calculations I use the positions of the planets in real constellations. In order not to be unfounded, I will show you a free astronomical online service, where you can interactively verify exactly where your planets were at the moment of your birth.

There is an online analogue of Stellarium on the Internet, with which you can explore the sky online without even installing the program on your computer or phone.

Let's walk through the simple process of adjusting the sky together to see the planets and constellations of interest to us.

Step 1 - Launch Stellarium Online

Click on the big blue "Launch Online" button to open the virtual planetarium:

Step 2 - Login without registration

You can simply try Stellarium without registering by clicking the "Test drive" button.

Step 3 - Setting the Location

In the window that appears, move the mouse to the lower left edge, a vertical menu will appear. Click the "Location window" item and in the dialog box, use Latin letters to find your city. Select a city from the list and close the location window. The program will take the time zone of your city as the time zone. For example, I chose the city of Almaty, which is in the +6 time zone.


If daylight saving time or other time deviations were in effect on the date you are interested in, then you should choose a different location, because Stellarium does not have the ability to set time corrections.

For example, you were born in Moscow, the time zone of which is +3. However, due to daylight saving time, an additional hour has been added in the year of your birth. Thus, you should take the value +4 and select a city corresponding to the time zone +4, for example, Samara.

You can easily find cities in any time zone on the Internet or using the website.

Step 4 - Set the date and time

Move the mouse to the lower left edge of the program window, a vertical menu will appear. Click the "Date / Time Window" item and use the arrows to set the desired time in the dialog box. Close the date and time window.

Step 5 - setting up planets and constellations

Move the mouse to the lower left edge of the program window, a vertical menu will appear. Click the "Sky settings window" item and in the dialog box set the checkboxes as shown in the figures:

On the "Landscape" tab, uncheck the "Show Earth" checkbox to better see the objects below the horizon:

Step 6 - Navigating the Sky

Close the settings dialog and you will see a picture of the sky that corresponds to the location and time you specified. My window displays the position of the planets on August 29, 2016. The Sun is in Leo and the Moon is in Cancer.

To see other planets, drag the sky with the mouse in any direction. But at the same time, it is desirable that the pink line of the ecliptic is always in the center of the screen - this is how you will see all the zodiacal constellations.

Step 7 - Finding planets

To quickly find the desired planet without dragging the map, use the search in the lower left menu. Enter the name of the planet, press the magnifying glass button, and the program will automatically show you the object you are looking for and all the information about it.

The positions of the planets shown by Stellarium are similar to those shown on the "Planets" tab.

Today there are many horoscopes that can tell about the fate and character of a person. Druidic horoscope or Chinese - they to some extent determine the purpose of a person. However, the most popular is the horoscope of the signs of the zodiac. He does not just describe static characteristics, but suggests a change in the main features depending on the position of the planets at the time of birth.

Simply put, if for the horoscope of the Druids or Chinese you only need to know the date and number of birth in order to read a piece of information about your personality. That value of the zodiac horoscope changes depending on the position of the planets at the time of the birth of a person.

With the naked eye, you can see 6,000 stars, however, there are countless numbers of them in the sky. But only a few of them are used by astrologers for observations and forecasts. The constellations, which are considered to be zodiacal, have not changed for several millennia, however, wandering stellar spheres often "float" along them, the name of which is the Planets. Depending on the location of the planets at the time of birth, the fate and character of a person is determined.

All planets move along a straight corridor called the ecliptic. However, for astrology, this does not have a significant meaning, it is still based on the foundations of a geocentric view of the world, and a person is at the center of its research. If you look from the point of view of astronomy, then the solar system is represented in it, the plane on which the orbits of all planets lie. And observing the movement of these celestial bodies from the ground, it can be noted that they all follow the same path, alternately falling into different signs of the Zodiac. Therefore, in the natal chart, it is important to indicate the location of the planets and their interaction.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in astrology, all objects that affect a person's life are called planets. That is, the Sun and the Moon are also called so - for convenience. Together with them, there are 10 main planets. In addition to them, asteroids, fictitious planets, the Black and White Moon, and Lunar nodes are often used for astrological forecasts.

There are different types of planets depending on the influence exerted. For example, the planets of septener (the main 7 planets) tell about the most important moments of a person's life. The higher planets are responsible for the change of generations, intellectual and emotionally receptive development. Fictitious planets affect karmic experiences.

Types of planets

According to astrological teachings, the planets in the natal chart are divided into internal and external. As you know, the Sun stands still, and all the planets revolve around it. And the close position of the planet to the sun is directly proportional to the speed of movement.

Take, for example, the Moon, it is in each of the signs of the Zodiac for 2-3 days. Accordingly, the full circle completes in 28 days. Mercury travels in orbit for 80 days, and Pluto (which is located farthest) for 248 years. So, inner and outer planets, what are these objects?

It is customary to call internal planets that make their circle faster than others. These include the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars. Accordingly, the outer planets will be the slowest.

In astrology, it is generally accepted that the inner planets reflect the development of a person's personal "I" and his consciousness. The outer planets are responsible for communication with the outside world, and since they pass their circle very slowly, they have an impact on entire generations.

Also, each planet belongs to one of three main rows:

  1. First row. This includes the planets of action - Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, the Sun. In turn, the Sun is responsible for life energy, Mars for individual activities. Jupiter affects social life, and Pluto affects interaction with the masses (either a person obeys their laws, or leads him).
  2. Second row. It includes the planets that are responsible for intellectual development: Mercury and Uranus.
  3. Third row. The sphere of emotional experiences, for which the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune are responsible.

Considering the types of planets, one can also define such a quality as movement. There are planets in motion, stationary and retrograde (those that go backwards). This quality also affects a person's character.

The planet that is located in the constellation is considered the main center for the development of the human spiritual world. All the qualities that the Zodiac endows with its owner will be interpreted through the passing planet.

The planet is the decisive catalyst that determines the final characteristics of the sign. This synthesis is based on two basic rules:

  1. In the case of the similarity of the qualities of the Zodiac and the planet, they are enhanced.
  2. When the properties of the sign differ from the properties of the planet, then they change, disappear or change each other.

Also, the planets have their own nature, depending on it, the course of human life is determined. There are planets that give energy (Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Pluto, Uranus). Take it away - the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune or act neutral. Planets can also be good and evil, there are also strong and weak planets. But most important of all, what impact they have on a person.

Influence on character

The planet that protects a person is calculated by the date of birth. Each of them influences fate and character in its own way.

The sun.

A planet under a protectorate with ego and self-esteem. Determines life principles, willpower and fortitude. From the influence of the Sun, you can determine how ambitious a person is and wants to occupy a leading position. This planet gives vitality and empowers creativity.

- the personification of a father, husband or important male person. His opinion is considered authoritative, and his decisions are unshakable. Simply put, the Sun can be a symbol of a person who is endowed with power.

To determine how purposeful and gifted a person is, it is necessary to analyze the position of the Sun at the birth of a particular person.


Determines the inner life of a person. In a word, everything related to emotions, mental state or instincts is under the auspices of the companion of the earth. In fact, the Moon is a type of energy that determines where a person is most comfortable. Adaptation and protection are the main characteristics that the planet endows with its wards. In addition, the Month is also a symbol of life experience.

If the Moon falls in a woman's horoscope, then you can find out how good she is as a mother, wife, mistress. And when he appears in a man's horoscope, it allows him to determine which girls he likes.

The moon shows the depth of relationships with parents, love of relaxation and adaptability to everyday life. That is, the Month is a symbol of everyday life.


The planet that determines the type of thinking, eloquence and style of conversation. In general, it affects the general level of sociability. Manages facts, information flows and analytics. Responsible for the ideological content of consciousness and perception. Patronizes Virgo and Gemini.

Appearing in the natal chart, Mercury is responsible for thoughts, rational conclusions, understanding, discernment, wit, versatility. In terms of emotions, the planet displays the level of cunning, curiosity and lability. It can also manifest on a physical level as agility and agility.


The planet of emotions and feelings that arise as a result of interpersonal relationships. Venus has long been considered a symbol of morality, moral values, aesthetics, beauty and pleasure. Patronizes Taurus and Libra.

The planet influences the moral and ethical values ​​of a person. All levels of life are in a state of harmony and balance. A person under the auspices of Venus is endowed with physical beauty and grace.


The most active and aggressive planet. Under its influence, a person is distinguished by activity and stubbornness. Mars endows its host with physical strength and power. Patron of Aries, before the discovery of Pluto, ruled by Scorpio.

Mars is the planet of power and vigor, creativity, initiative, courage, stubbornness and courage. The conjunctions of Mars in Aries give rise to really outstanding people who, in spite of everything, achieve their plans.


Responsible for the evolution of three levels of life, which include: social, cultural and spiritual. It is a symbol of optimism, sincerity and law-abidingness. Symbolizes wealth and good luck, patronizes Sagittarius.

Endows its owner with liberality, allows him to think broadly and philosophize. It guarantees long-distance travel and prosperity.


The planet is a symbol of obstacles, responsibility and limitations. Determines the level of maturity, tenacity and stability. Saturn patronizes Capricorn and is associated with truth.

Saturn endows its bearer with the ability for a career, responsibility, dedication, rigor, rational thinking and straightforwardness.


Freedom, originality, independence are the main qualities of this planet, with which it generously rewards its carriers. Uranus guarantees unexpected insights and sudden changes in life. Controls the constellation Aquarius.

The planet patronizes everything new, unexpected and unknown. Uranus endows its carrier with a changeable mood, self-will and eccentricity.


The planet is under the cover of mysticism, secrets and illusions. Neptune is associated with deep experiences, which are characterized by a dual nature: on the one hand, a person strives for higher love, sympathy and mercy, on the other, he can be overcome by phobias, manias and obsessions. The planet is the patron saint of the sign of Pisces.

Neptune is a planet that brings with it self-sacrifice, suffering, confusion. The advice that can be given to its bearers is never to neglect oneself and act according to moral laws.


How do you know what's hidden underground? It's almost impossible. The same is Pluto - a lump of unprecedented energy hidden in the bowels of the Earth, which sooner or later will come out. The planet represents power at all three levels of human nature. It is considered a sign of the highest will. Patronizes hidden designs, recovery and recovery. Governs the constellation Scorpio.

Pluto endows its hosts with insight, analytical thinking, emotional stamina, ruthlessness, bigotry, and hidden knowledge.

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If you are interested in how to find out your planet by date of birth, then this is not difficult. You don't even need to study astrology - many services on the Internet offer a completely free opportunity to find out which of the luminaries of the cosmos patronizes you. Some, in order to understand how to find out their planet by date of birth, bypass the entire Internet, although it is enough just to read this article.

In the course of the formation of astrology, scientists of the past could observe in the sky only the largest or closest to the Earth luminaries. This list included the Sun, Moon, and five original planets: Mars, Venus, Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn.

How to determine the influence of the planets by date of birth?

When the planets move in the zodiacal circle, each of them affects a person depending on their location. While most people know their zodiac sign, few wonder what their ruling planet is. But it is she who determines the characteristics of the sign. A planet by date of birth is determined by the sign in which the Sun was at the time of birth.

Each zodiac constellation is ruled by one of the patrons. The definition of planets in the zodiac by date of birth dates back to the most ancient astrological texts. These ancient manuals are essentially the cornerstones of astrology and provide a deep understanding of each person's personality.

Aries and Scorpio

The mighty fiery commander of the stars is Mars. He rules over these two signs. Scorpio's stubbornness and Aries' physical strength are fueled by the energy of Mars. The fiery red planet gives Aries and Scorpions an inner passion and a warlike disposition. These are action-oriented signs that are driven by a desire to succeed. Sports, competitions and skill tests are encouraged by them. These are people who are born to win!

This courageous planet also bestows hard work and perseverance. It takes Mars about two years to orbit the sun. At this time, he can be retrograde for several weeks, and this time is enough to awaken the warrior in each of us. Mars is the ruling planet of Aries and Scorpio. Those born under the sign of Rama are always moving forward and have no time for regrets. Scorpio is a sign of a strong desire for victory, requiring from oneself and others to be faithful to their path.

Taurus and Libra

Directly behind the Sun and Moon, Venus shines so brightly that it even received the nickname "evening star" or "morning star". The fact is that it can be seen in the evening or morning hours. In the zodiac system, it is a symbol of luxury, aesthetics and quality of life.

Taurus and Libra are very creative and naturally looking for the best friendly win-win situation for everyone to find peace and harmony. However, this planet is not limited to charming quirks. Every 18 months, she needs a six-week break to rejuvenate and reflect. Thus, both of these signs know how to wait and take a break, accumulating strength and revising their life priorities.

Venus rules art, beauty and, above all, love. Venus moves in the zodiacal circle for about eleven months, but in a two-year period it makes one retrograde motion. This lasts almost two months. Such a pause inspires the artist and the lover within each of us. It is this planet that prompts some people to become interested in astrology and find out the location of the planets by date of birth.

Venus is everyone's muse. It seems that the signs she controls have little in common. But their personalities reflect the two sides of Venus. Taurus revels in beauty through art, jewelry, and delicious food. Libras love the sophistication inherent in the art world, the elegance of fashion and love for their partner.

Gemini and Virgo

Small and nimble arrows of Mercury fly around the sky at fast speed. It has the shortest access to the Sun, the king of our solar system. In the same way, the bearers of the signs Gemini and Virgo move quickly through life. Their changes in direction and speed allow them to be sociable and socially active. They are the fulcrum upon which great organizations are built, bringing people and ideas together.

These mercurial signs thrive on their unintentional ability to first penetrate deeply into the essence of things (and people) and then switch to relaxation mode, which facilitates the integration of all experiences accumulated over a long period of time.

Mercury moves so fast around the zodiac that when it approaches the Sun from the front, at times it seems that the planet is moving backward. The three annual periods of Mercury retrograde allow us all to rethink our accomplishments and allow ourselves a bit of chaos in our lives. During this time, those ruled by Mercury are learning to be really good improvisers, pulling us out of stagnation.

The zodiac sign Gemini expresses the communication dominance of Mercury, and Virgo expresses its organizational nature. Those born under the sign of Gemini learn to talk about what they think and feel, using speech as the main means of self-expression. Virgos take control of their world, establishing hierarchical systems that only them understand.


The owners of this sign are protected by the Moon. This is the only member of the zodiac who sees his ruling planet once a month. Our ocean's tides and many of our life cycles are based on the rhythms of the moon. Cancer is one of the zodiac signs obsessed with their safety. Those born under the auspices of Cancer while at home love a sense of security and consistency. They have an intuitive understanding of their own territory in the world around them.

a lion

The sun's rays literally make our world go round! Likewise, Leo's charisma makes him the center of attraction for any society he is a part of. High levels of energy and warmth make Leo a desirable mate. Like a real lion in the wild savannah, he is a natural pioneer.

Their dexterity in management makes them good managers in the home and office. When Leo finds a business that he really wants to devote himself to, he shines brighter than everyone around. The more Leos give to others, the more they get in the end. A person born under the sign of Leo has tremendous self-esteem, fiery intensity and a large supply of vital energy.

Sagittarius and Pisces

With its size and gravity, Jupiter has a profound effect on all the planets around it. This is the aristocrat of the solar system. Both Pisces and Sagittarius influence the people around them with their unique thoughts and philosophical views. Many are very interested in seeing the big picture that evokes a sense of meaning in life.

The carriers of these zodiac signs have no problems with the meaning of life - they clearly know it and live according to their own inner ideas. For many people born under the sign of Pisces and Sagittarius, the revelation of how to recognize your planet by date of birth comes as a big surprise.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, the ruler of all big things, expansion and excess. Taking twelve years to go through the zodiacal circle, it stays in each sign for about a year. Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius and the ancient ruler of Pisces. These are the signs that he patronizes.

Sagittarius love to have fun, gambling, while Pisces tend to have great visions of how life should be. Each sign reflecting the nature of Jupiter is named after the Roman king of the gods, so anyone interested should know the patron planet by date of birth. Suddenly it will be precisely this ancient, noble and very influential heavenly body, covered with the glory of ancient Rome.

Capricorn and Aquarius

Saturn has a long-standing connection with time, and therefore Capricorn and Aquarius have a sense of pace and rhythm built into their very essence. They always know when what is happening and what needs to be done about it. Capricorn is more rational and constructive, and Aquarius plunges into the world of thoughts. However, both understand the value of persistent persistence in achieving a goal. They are usually calm and have a light, slightly brooding nature.

Saturn is the only planet that rules two adjacent zodiac signs. He rules Capricorn and is the ancient ruler of Aquarius. It takes Saturn about twenty-eight and a half years to circle the zodiac circle, visiting each zodiac sign for about two and a half years.

Saturn is the planet of limitations, so it is not surprising that from Earth he is seen as the last of all planets. Capricorn and Aquarius are opposite to Cancer and Leo, and therefore Saturn completes the cycle of planetary rulers. Saturn rules the darkest months of the year in the northern hemisphere. Capricorn endows a person with a sense of his own status, he seeks to find out his place in the world, acting freely when these boundaries of social agreement and opportunities are obvious.

Aquarians - love people and crowds, media and popular trends. But at the same time, they are alienated on the individual level of interaction, reflecting the strict distance maintained by the watchful eye of Saturn.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto - planets in signs by date of birth

These three planets were unknown to the ancients, but after their discovery, astrologers sought to establish connections between each new planet and one of the zodiacal symbols. Soon they also became patron planets. By the date of birth of a person, their influence on the character and events in life is determined.

Uranus was recognized as the planet of uprisings and revolutions that became a real scourge of civilization during the French and American revolutions. He was assigned to rule Aquarius. Neptune was discovered in the mid-nineteenth century and is believed to have a strong connection with the art of photography and hard liquor, as well as illusion and the birth of psychoanalysis. He was assigned the rulership of Pisces. Pluto was discovered in 1930 and is associated with secret sources of power, which is a wonderful addition to the Scorpio zodiac sign.

For this reason, everyone should have an idea of ​​how to find out their planet by date of birth. The ancient rulers of Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio are still of great importance in understanding the personal characteristics of the carriers of each of these signs. Modern rulers only complement them. The complex structure of each human personality is easier to see when drawing up a natal chart, when the zodiac sign is already known. The ruling planet reveals the basic characteristics of each person. Understanding others is what allows us to ultimately understand ourselves.