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Natal card values. Cupid in the signs of the zodiac

Astrology is a science that studies interaction between the planets, stars and personal qualities man. With help natal map You can explain the nature of the person and make a forecast of his future. Learn how to read a natal map to get valuable information about yourself.


Part 1

Explore your zodiac sign

    Find your zodiac sign. The outer ring of the zodiacal card is divided into 12 houses. One of them includes the date of your birth. Section in which your date of birth is located, and defines your zodiac sign. There are 12 zodiac signs, and each of them reveals different character traits. Determine the sector to which you belong to find out your sign.

    Learn the value of your zodiac sign. Astrologers argue that the zodiac sign affects the personal qualities of a person. For example, a person from the air element is a passionate, brisk, ambitious and sociable personality. Any Internet user may find data on the features of its character in accordance with the zodiacal sign. In addition, you can buy a book about the zodiac signs online or in a bookstore, as well as take it in the library. Such literature will help better know themselves, relying on a personal zodiac sign.

    Understand exactly what affects proper interpretation Your zodiac sign. It should be borne in mind that the zodiac sign is just a small component of a natal card. For its proper interpretation, it is necessary to take into account many nuances. Full decoding Natal map implies taking into account all the other components, such as houses and planets. This information depends on the place and date of your birth.

    Part 2

    Interpret home
    1. Find Ascendant. Ascendant is a very important part of the natal card and goes back on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. The ascending mark will allow you to learn the placement of houses on your card.

      Check out the first six houses. Each house indicates various aspects of a person's life. On your natal map affects a sign that controls one or another home.

    2. Learn about the last six houses. In addition to the already listed, there are six more houses. To decipher the natal map, it is necessary to determine the location of the houses, as well as calculate the planets and zodiac signs that dominate them.

      Part 3.

      Open the Planet value
      1. Determine the location of the planets. Planets that pass through different houses Your card affects its decryption. They are presented in the form of different characters and scattered throughout the map.

        • The sun is depicted in the form of a circle with a point in the center. The moon has a crescent crescent.
        • Venus is a symbol of female, and Mars - male. Mercury is represented in the form of a male symbol, but with two small lines protruding from the top circle.
        • Jupiter is represented as a symbol that resembles a number 4, and Saturn is a digit 5.
        • Symbols of uranium, Neptune and Pluto have fairly intricate configurations. Uranus looks like an inverted female symbol With four lines, two on each side, which bend outward in the opposite direction. Neptune looks like an inverted cross with two lines with each of the sides, which are bent up. Pluto is a kind of combination of Neptune and Uranus. This is a female symbol, directed up, with two lines with each side that is spinned up.

Loyalty to yourself

The depth of the sky (or i c) provides information on human genetic predispositions. It symbolizes the basic protection in which a person needs to feel safe. She also describes a house, family or a person's life in the family. It should be clearly understood: which is protection for one person, it will not be so for the other. For example, a man with scorpion at I grew up in the situation of eternal scandals and soulful injury, Therefore, it does not consider them as a threat. And with the I C in Aquarius, constant changes are needed to feel protected. This experience is laid in childhood, in the family, because it is subconsciously recreated in subsequent life.

Internal self

In the value of IC, the deep concept of internal self is laid down - thanks to this, a person can learn everything about himself. "Internal landscape" can be safe or threatening, boring or exciting, fantastic or pragmatic, ordered or vague in accordance with the sign on I S. Sign and Planets on I C Also show how the person is tied to the past and can he investigate the depths of his Subconscious.



Need recognition and often alone in your family.


For sewn needed ordered life. Stable Taurus is the cornerstone of his family.


Needs listeners. This person will serve as an intermediary between the family and the rest of the world.

Time is needed to get into your shell and think everything. This provision gives strong attachment to the family and difficulties in the breaking of already exhausted links.

Finds protection when recognizes himself a special, set in the center of events. The lion needs the approval of the family and rarely tears with her connection.


Finds protection in routine life and ordered surroundings. As a child, this man was surrounded by too much concern or born in a family with overpriced standards of life.


He feels under the sewn of a harmonious family, but he wants everyone to like, because rarely expresses his own opinion.


It will be self-sufficient and somewhat mysterious for other family members.


Finds protection in freedom, hates any connections.


It needs a safe environment that can be controlled at the inner level. It has a huge sense of debt towards the family.


It needs a personal space in which only feels protected. This position can give a burden or a person who is appreciated for its independent individuality.


It is very difficult to carry out the line between yourself and the rest of the family

If the moon is well aspected, then this often provides the popularity to people of acting and bohemian professions. At the same time, the goal is achieved by connecting intuition, the ability to influence the masses (among actors and artists). The art of these people affects the subconscious, on the emotions of people.
With bad aspects - the placement of the target, the inability to concentrate, gather, several blurred initiative. Disappointment in the goal of life, in its own existence. If at the same time a strong Saturn on ASC is the impossibility of the purpose of the target. P.Globa

The moon in conjunction with MS - your feelings and emotions are in direct contact with the ego, and if you get prestige, success and social situation, you feel in your plate. However, if there are obstacles to the implementation of your ambitions, you feel not understood and depressed. You have a congenital ability to see what to like the public, so you can become a successful seller if you have success in public relations. Women will provide you with business support, and your mother, without a doubt, provided strong influence Your choice life path. If the moon is in the 10th house, in childhood your authority was a mother. In the horoscope men, the weak sun, Mars or Saturn indicate that your opinion about myself as a man may not be high, and you will need a lot of confirmations to feel more confident.

Trigon (trin), sextile moon - ms

The moon in trigon-sextile with MS - thanks to the innate ability to understand the desires and needs of other people, the work associated with the public will bring you the most success. Since you are full of attention and compassion, people believe your judgments, and sensitivity to the needs of others lays your way to success. You must rely on intuition, since you learn and learn through feelings. You are attracted by tradition and past, true values, but it does not prevent you from harmonizing them with new currents, and people perceive it positively. You could have succeeded, being an intermediary for the sale of real estate, according to the mining, agriculture or trading. If the moon is in the 6th house, maybe you will try to try ourselves in several different professions before making the final choice and determine a permanent activity in life.

Opposition, Square Moon - MS

Strong position of the moon, home inclinations, close family bonds. Without home and family feel unhappy and abandoned. Give tribute to gurmanacy and cooking, love to be in the water, often wrapped from place to place in search of new emotions. Deep feelings, skillful gardeners, love the land. After marriage - close connection with the mother. F. Sakyan

The moon in quadrature opposition-kvikonse with MS - taking into account the fact that you always openly express your thoughts and feelings, you better avoid or treats you very carefully. You quarrel with people, and their desires and needs are not consistent with your feelings, and you are not easy to decide what is better to do to please yourself or listen to other people's advice and persuasion. It seems that you often go to the mercy of your senses, and maybe in a period of life you will have to solve controversial relationship with your business partner. Despite the strong attachment to the house and the family, you will unsubscribe from them when it comes to your own success and reliability of your position, especially if the moon is in the 5th house. If the moon has many other heavy aspects, your popularity will be given to you not easy, you can become notorious for some negative events or incidents.

Houses symbolize circumstances.

Circumstances are neutral, and only a way to get experience gives them a flavor. Life gives us innumerable opportunities. The system of twelve houses gives only the basic rules of interpretation. The signs of the zodiac in which are certain homes, increase existing opportunities. Located in homes planet Do focus on methodwhom this man Perceives a certain situation. The impressions of each person relating to this situation are very different, every experience is unique and unique.

At the moment of birth, the sign, ascending on the Eastern Horizon, denotes an ascent or the beginning of the first house. Thus, the system division system arises depending on the houses. Ascendant can be located in each of the 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees of the zodiac. A sign on the ascende determines the day after day, how we begin every type of our activity.

Depending on the site in the zodiac, the ascendant determines the place of other signs in the houses.

Thanks to the sign in which the house is located, the value of the house is enriched. Traditionally, each of the signs owns a certain home in accordance with the order of the zodiac. Thus, I house belongs to Aries, II - Tales, etc. The position of signs in houses depends on Ascendent. Sign, occupying this house, attaches simultaneously its symbolism additional value.

The planets in the house indicate a specific experience associated with the circumstances that it symbolizes. If Mars is in the I home, it means that it will have an impact on the initial phase of each new enterprise. When the first house is occupied by Venus, it gives a friendly and soft focus of this person.

House in which The sun, determines the circumstances in which we allow our personality to fully express themselves. House where is located Moon, Means the circumstances conducive to the development of our reflective opportunities. House in which Mercury, symbolizes the circumstances in which we find the topic for conversation. House where is located VenusRepresents our favorite classes. House Mars means the circumstances in which we show most of all the energy, and the house where JupiterRepresents the circumstances in which our temperament is detected. House where is located Saturn, indicates the field of our greatest responsibility, and the house in which is located Uranus, makes it possible to a spiritual meeting with people close to us. Position Neptune In the houses indicates the circumstances in which we are aware of space measurements Life. Position Pluto In the houses defines the area of \u200b\u200bour greatest development.

Corner houses of the horoscope (Natal Map) - the first, fourth, seventh and tenth. Cupid corner houses are important in astrological interpretation.

Caspid of the first house - Ascendant, Cuspid of the Fourth Homes - IC, Cuspid of the Seventh House - Descendant, Cupid of the Tenth House - MC.

These four points are installed using astrological calculations and are known as the corner points of the horoscope. Signs and planets located in them can say a lot about the perception by the world of the world and how the world perceives him.


While the location of the planets in the signs of the zodiac depends on their movement relative to the Earth, the house is determined by the rotation of the Earth around their axis. The countdown of houses in astrology begins on the point of intersection of ecliptic with the eastern half of the true horizon at a certain point and in a certain place. Ecliptic is called a line on the heavenly sphere, along which the sun, from the point of view of the earth observer, makes its one-year movement relative to the Earth.

Ascendent or ascending degrees is the beginning or cascad of the first house. Zodiacal signin which an ascendant is called ascending familiar. For example, about the one who was born at the moment when the Sagittari sign was sent on the eastern horizon, they say that he has an Ascendant in Sagittarius. Since the earth is constantly rotating, the ascending degree or the ascendant changes approximately every four minutes. Therefore, to make a personal horoscope, it is important to know exact time birth.

Whenever a person is born, he always carries the moment of time imprint in which it was born. The properties of Ascendent affect how he perceives life and as refers to new impressions. For example, a person with an ascendent in the Aries will refer to life in general more positively than the one who has an Ascendant in Virgin.

Ascendant is a lens, through which a person looks at the world, the worldview depends on him. According to him, it can be judged about the degree of self-confidence, about the personality of man and how the individuality is manifested, in other words, about how he wants to look in the eyes of others.


Together with the opposite point of the natal card, the ascendant forms a horizontal axis of a natal card. The descendant is an ecliptic point, in which, at a given point in time and in a certain place, Ecliptic crosses the Western half of the true horizon. Descendant is a cure of the seventh house.

The descendant shows a person in relations with other people - what he consciously or unconsciously seeks in relationships. Descendent also symbolizes the parties of the person who is looking for a person in others. There is a relationship between the ascendent and the disposate - the larger the quality of the ascendant, the stronger the descendant. The perception of itself (ascendant) is formed in communication with others (descendant).

Middle Sky or MC

Another important element of the astrological map is the southern point of intersection of ecliptic with heavenly meridian. It is known in astrology as the middle of the sky or MC (Lat. Medium Coeli). The middle of the sky (MC), as the highest point of the horoscope, symbolizes the desire and direction of movement. It can be judged by the qualities that a person wants to develop in order to influence society, about the purposes, the need for recognition, ambitions and careers. In accordance with the sign, where the middle of the sky (MC) is located and the planets in the tenth house, a person seeks to achieve respect, recognition and approval by society in a particular form of activity.


The opposite of the MC point is IC (or Imum Coeli), which means "the bottom sky. Ic symbolizes the most unconscious side of the personality, childhood and family is rooted in IC, at this point you can judge the origins and origins. This point and planets located in the fourth The house testifies to the deepest motives, many of whom a person does not even know, but they are not less than their influence.