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What in Natal Map denotes. Corner houses horoscope. Ascendent, Descendant, MC, IC

If the moon is well aspected, then this often provides the popularity to people of acting and bohemian professions. At the same time, the goal is achieved by connecting intuition, the ability to influence the masses (among actors and artists). The art of these people affects the subconscious, on the emotions of people.
With bad aspects - the placement of the target, the inability to concentrate, gather, several blurred initiative. Disappointment in the goal of life, in its own existence. If at the same time a strong Saturn on ASC is the impossibility of the purpose of the target. P.Globa

The moon in conjunction with MS - your feelings and emotions are in direct contact with the ego, and if you get prestige, success and social situation, you feel in your plate. However, if there are obstacles to the implementation of your ambitions, you feel not understood and depressed. You have a congenital ability to see what to like the public, so you can become a successful seller if you have success in public relations. Women will provide you with business support, and your mother, without a doubt, provided strong influence Your choice life path. If the moon is in the 10th house, in childhood your authority was a mother. In the horoscope men, the weak sun, Mars or Saturn indicate that your opinion about myself as a man may not be high, and you will need a lot of confirmations to feel more confident.

Trigon (trin), sextile moon - ms

The moon in trigon-sextile with MS - thanks to the innate ability to understand the desires and needs of other people, the work associated with the public will bring you the most success. Since you are full of attention and compassion, people believe your judgments, and sensitivity to the needs of others lays your way to success. You must rely on intuition, since you learn and learn through feelings. You are attracted by tradition and past, true values, but it does not prevent you from harmonizing them with new currents, and people perceive it positively. You could have succeeded, being an intermediary for the sale of real estate, according to the mining, agriculture or trading. If the moon is in the 6th house, maybe you will try to try ourselves in several different professions before making the final choice and determine a permanent activity in life.

Opposition, Square Moon - MS

Strong position of the moon, home inclinations, close family bonds. Without home and family feel unhappy and abandoned. Give tribute to gurmanacy and cooking, love to be in the water, often wrapped from place to place in search of new emotions. Deep feelings, skillful gardeners, love the land. After marriage - close connection with the mother. F. Sakyan

The moon in quadrature opposition-kvikonse with MS - taking into account the fact that you always openly express your thoughts and feelings, you better avoid or treats you very carefully. You quarrel with people, and their desires and needs are not consistent with your feelings, and you are not easy to decide what is better to do to please yourself or listen to other people's advice and persuasion. It seems that you often go to the mercy of your senses, and maybe in a period of life you will have to solve controversial relationship with your business partner. Despite the strong attachment to the house and the family, you will unsubscribe from them when it comes to your own success and reliability of your position, especially if the moon is in the 5th house. If the moon has many other heavy aspects, your popularity will be given to you not easy, you can become notorious for some negative events or incidents.

Consider what they are in astrology ascendent, descendant, MS and IC in partner horoscopes. I already wrote about the importance of these two axes in astrology in chapter 3. They acquire a special meaning when data from four points in a horoscope of one of the partners aspect of the planets of another.

Ascendant and Descendant in partner horoscopes

Very many books are devoted to the description of the aspects of the connection, trine and square with these points. General principle Such: Any planet forming a certain configuration with them contributes to the manifestation of the unique features of the position of two axes in the human horoscope (which may be best visible when MS is exactly 90 from Ascendent).

If in the MS horoscope is in a square with an ascende, this does not mean their adverse effects on each other: MC speaks of a fundamentally different dimension of the human person, its role in life. If some planet is in a square with Midheaven, it speaks of the effect of it on the entire identity of a man in general, asked points

  • ascendent
  • and Descendent.

Therefore, a huge encryption has any aspect of the internal plane of one person with points of Ascendent, Descendent, MS and IC in the horoscope of the other.

The ascendant point carries the most information about the appearance, physical manner of a person, so its aspects with the planets in another horoscope (especially - the compound) indicate the physical attraction of partners to each other.

Descendant in partner horoscopes

Descendent says that we are most impressed in people, and has a huge impact on the choice of a partner. If the planet is in conjunction with the descendant, it thus forms an opposition with an ascende (as it is true and the fact that it has a sextile with an ascendant).

Therefore, a certain position of the descendant in the horoscope also talks about the physical attachment of the people to each other. The difference in connecting the planets with one of these points is best illustrated by the example. If the moon of one partners is in conjunction with the other ascende, the latter will have a significant impact on the emotions of the first.

And on the contrary, if the moon of one connects with a descendant of another, the first partner will be emotionally influenced on the second. Actually we are talking On two directions of energy flow on the pole, formed by the ascendent and the disposate.

Midheaven and Imum Coeli points also play an important role in the relationship between two people, although their effect is not physically manifested.

Aspects of planets with the axis of MS / IC

MS - point pointing to the perfect presentation of a person about himself - and this factor may also be meaningful for two relationships, as well as their physical attraction to each other.

Planets forming a certain aspect with MS to a great extent talk about the desire of a person to gain recognition from others, while the planets associated with the point IC indicate more on the deep emotional needs of a person. Here again we are dealing with two multidirectional energy streams. Human ability to exercise in life certain personal qualities (MS) depends primarily from the depth and strength of his personality (IC).

Referring to the example: when connecting the moon of one of the partners with a point of the MS of another, the first of them will largely support the emotionally personal aspirations of the other. If the moon is connected to the IC point, then the first partner will be drawn from the emotional connection with the second inspiration and even to some degree of justification to his ideals.

Consequently, the aspect of one of the four points of one of the partners with the moon of another indicates a strong connection between the emotions of the first with the depth mental essence of the other.

Of course, the strongest aspect in this regard is a compound, albeit trine, sextiles, squares and quincunks are also important. The configurations of the sun, the moon, Venus, Jupiter or the ruler planet of one of the partners with the four main points of each other are most information about their relationship, although their aspects with other planets are important.

Interpretation of the position of Verdex in partner horoscopes

Vertex - the point of the zodiac circle, located exactly to the west of the place of birth of a person at the time of its appearance. Vertex in horoscopes of partners --Ordinate in the horoscope is very important. Opened relatively recently (American astrologer Edward Jondro), it is associated with karmically solved, predetermined events in a person's life.

Aspects of the planets to Verdext

From my own experience, I know that the compounds and oppositions formed by the planets and the main points with the Vertex are unusually important, and the aspect is more accurate, the better. Connections and opposition

  • Sun,
  • Moon
  • ascendent
  • descendent,
  • MS or

The IC of one of the partners with the Vertex other indicate that very important events in the life of both partners will occur due to their relations.

In Hitler's horoscopes and Eva Brown aspects aspects both vertices (aspects, however, not very accurate): Pluto Hitler is connected to the Vertex Eve, and its Mars - with Vertex Hitler. The aspects of the lunar knots and Saturn in both horoscopes are also talking about the karmic predestinage of their relationships.

Houses symbolize circumstances.

Circumstances are neutral, and only a way to get experience gives them a flavor. Life gives us innumerable opportunities. The system of twelve houses gives only the basic rules of interpretation. The signs of the zodiac in which are certain homes, increase existing opportunities. Located in homes planet Do focus on methodwhom this man Perceives a certain situation. The impressions of each person relating to this situation are very different, every experience is unique and unique.

At the moment of birth, the sign, ascending on the Eastern Horizon, denotes an ascent or the beginning of the first house. Thus, the system division system arises depending on the houses. Ascendant can be located in each of the 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees of the zodiac. A sign on the ascende determines the day after day, how we begin every type of our activity.

Depending on the site in the zodiac, the ascendant determines the place of other signs in the houses.

Thanks to the sign in which the house is located, the value of the house is enriched. Traditionally, each of the signs owns a certain home in accordance with the order of the zodiac. Thus, I house belongs to Aries, II - Tales, etc. The position of signs in houses depends on Ascendent. Sign, occupying this house, attaches simultaneously its symbolism additional value.

The planets in the house indicate a specific experience associated with the circumstances that it symbolizes. If Mars is in the I home, it means that it will have an impact on the initial phase of each new enterprise. When the first house is occupied by Venus, it gives a friendly and soft focus of this person.

House in which The sun, determines the circumstances in which we allow our personality to fully express themselves. House where is located Moon, Means the circumstances conducive to the development of our reflective opportunities. House in which Mercury, symbolizes the circumstances in which we find the topic for conversation. House where is located VenusRepresents our favorite classes. House Mars means the circumstances in which we show most of all the energy, and the house where JupiterRepresents the circumstances in which our temperament is detected. House where is located Saturn, indicates the field of our greatest responsibility, and the house in which is located Uranus, makes it possible to a spiritual meeting with people close to us. Position Neptune In the houses indicates the circumstances in which we are aware of space measurements Life. Position Pluto In the houses defines the area of \u200b\u200bour greatest development.

Loyalty to yourself

The depth of the sky (or i c) provides information on human genetic predispositions. It symbolizes the basic protection in which a person needs to feel safe. She also describes a house, family or a person's life in the family. It should be clearly understood: which is protection for one person, it will not be so for the other. For example, a man with scorpion at I grew up in the situation of eternal scandals and soulful injury, Therefore, it does not consider them as a threat. And with the I C in Aquarius, constant changes are needed to feel protected. This experience is laid in childhood, in the family, because it is subconsciously recreated in subsequent life.

Internal self

In the value of IC, the deep concept of internal self is laid down - thanks to this, a person can learn everything about himself. "Internal landscape" can be safe or threatening, boring or exciting, fantastic or pragmatic, ordered or vague in accordance with the sign on I S. Sign and Planets on I C Also show how the person is tied to the past and can he investigate the depths of his Subconscious.



Need recognition and often alone in your family.


For sewn needed ordered life. Stable Taurus is the cornerstone of his family.


Needs listeners. This person will serve as an intermediary between the family and the rest of the world.

Time is needed to get into your shell and think everything. This provision gives strong attachment to the family and difficulties in the breaking of already exhausted links.

Finds protection when recognizes himself a special, set in the center of events. The lion needs the approval of the family and rarely tears with her connection.


Finds protection in routine life and ordered surroundings. As a child, this man was surrounded by too much concern or born in a family with overpriced standards of life.


He feels under the sewn of a harmonious family, but he wants everyone to like, because rarely expresses his own opinion.


It will be self-sufficient and somewhat mysterious for other family members.


Finds protection in freedom, hates any connections.


It needs a safe environment that can be controlled at the inner level. It has a huge sense of debt towards the family.


It needs a personal space in which only feels protected. This position can give a burden or a person who is appreciated for its independent individuality.


It is very difficult to carry out the line between yourself and the rest of the family

), the position of the ruler and. Now we approached another important point of the horoscope - the discsenter or 10 house.

My discpondent (MS) is in cancer:

He is also called Regnum, Meridien, the Honor House, the middle of the sky, the House of Honor, Good luck, Career.

This is the Sector of the Public Provision and Career of Man. Here are the achievements of the individual, the success in business, fame, professional and public reputation. X Home - focus of responsibility and significance of the duties of a person, as well as its hard work on the elected field. With an underlined X house, a person is supported by the responsible posts providing power and strength, especially in large government agencies. Prestige and honor are important to humans, but require a certain contribution to society. According to the planets, the X houses also judge the role of a dominant parent in the formation of a person's personality, his profession, reputation and career.

The X house - the corner, cardinal in nature, is one of the four main houses of the horoscope, significantly inferior only to the as-psychodent and requiring detailed analysis. It is similar to the sign of Capricorn and is controlled by Saturn. The helper of his first third - Saturn, the second (moderate) - Venus and the Third (Last) - Mercury. The first third of the house: success on their own, parents and their influence on profession and social status, father-in-law, sophistication, housing, women, primacy disease. The second third: the second one third of life, ability and success in the profession, government agencies, enemies and allies in the profession. The third third: the last one third of life, quality of mind, honesty and morality. Key concepts: authority, position in society, growth, profession, recognition, honors.

Cupid X Houses is the highest point of the ecliptic, the zenith of the horoscope, the "middle of the sky", MS, the "medium of the target" ("Medium Coeli"), which, with an IS opposition point, a custody of the IV house, forms the second most important line in the MC-IC horoscope, Meridian, a dividing zodiac circle on the eastern and western half. It is said that the planets closest to the MC are in Elevation and more than others affect the fate of a person. Often the middle of the sky is the critical point of the influence of the planets on the earth's life.

X The house shows what potentials provide a person to implement in the outside world, and what profession it uses as a tool for this implementation. From the population of this house, it is possible to conclude which response in society causes its activities where its ambition is sent and what potentials contribute to the growth of personality in the social plan. X The house gives an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich methods uses a person to achieve its goals and what significance he gives his success in society. The opposition X and IV at home shows the relative psychological value of family, home life and career. Good and evil find their bright expression here in the categories of honor and dishonor. According to the x home, the social relationships, the popularity and stability of the position of the person are judged. Here he acquires true or false authority, manifests organizational abilities, the desire for the prestige and power. When installing "Power for power", the fall is inevitable as a deserved fee for no accuracy of motivation.

MS in the signs of the zodiac

The position of the MS in the signs of the zodiac largely determines the business qualities of the person and the system of its life values In relation to the profession and home life, as well as the successes and failures in public life. MS represents the image of a person and affects the choice of profession (in the characteristics of the profession, it should always be compared with ASC), the possibility of employment, the attitude of a person to public affairs. The greatest deviation from reasonable equilibrium occurs when locating moon nodes In the X house. We describe the position of the MS in the signs of four elements.

In fire signs (Aries, Lion, Sagittarius) A person energetically creates and uses opportunities for the seizure of a significant position in society and the development of its business activity. He improves his professional skill and takes care of fast promotion in a career.

In land signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Man is stubbornly and persistently seeks to the goal. He is smart and productive in its activities. He sets practical goals and seeks to receive tangible results.

In air signs (Gemini, Scales, Aquarius) The person is intellectually oriented by the humanitarian professions than technical. He gets well with people, which makes him a career. He is successfully developing spiritually, looking for the highest meaning in life.

In water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) A \u200b\u200bperson is looking for emotional satisfaction in its activities and intuitively adapts to changing circumstances in his life and profession. In search of the meaning of life, he is guided by feelings.

Ms. in cardinalsigns(Aries, Cancer, Scales, Capricorn). A person straightly pursues the set goal and uses all his talents. He dreams of becoming a leader in his own business.

MS in fixed signs (Taurus, Lion, Scorpio, Aquarius). The man slowly realizes the purpose of his life, but realizing it, moves to her stubbornly and persistently, without being distracted by extraneous classes.

MS in mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Fish). Man is inclined to change his interests and intentions, often moving in perfectly different areas, turning the hobby in the profession and vice versa. The main requirement to work with him so that it is interesting. He does not seek a governing position in life.

MS in each specific sign of the zodiac gives the character of its special features.

> MS in Ovnepromotes aggressiveness, activity, creating conditions for the implementation of plans, generates a discoverer and pioneer, attentive to the whole world and forever looking for new impressions and achievements. He is eager for fast public recognition, but impatient and impulse, is sharp, it is easily annoyed, when something happens, contrary to his expectations, which often leads to failures and harms his reputation, especially with the amazed Mars. He often begins a few cases, not one does not bring to the end. A person wants to make a career, but has a vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe goals, desires and means of achieving it. He needs to put a real and worthy goal and persistently strive for it. In his career, he envies more successful competitors, it is inclined to always consider itself right and often makes himself enemies in the profession. Active in public life is optimistic, confident in herself, eager to lead. By inheritance, it acquires its energy, excitability and inclination to quarrels from the parent of the opposite sex. It is distinguished by great ambition, sometimes fanaticity, rashness, greed. Much depends on the position in the horoscope of Mars and the Moon, especially with ASC in cancer. With ASC in cancer, a person is fad with traditions and is subject to momentary moods. Sometimes there is a dominant parent who wants a person to walk on his tracks. He has enough strength and perseverance to succeed, especially with ASC in Lev, but with ASC in the twins he suddenly can change views on the direction of the career. With ASC in the twins, the achievement of success will interfere with the scattering, lack of constancy. MS in Aries, ASC in twins - a good combination for trading.

> MS in Tales Forms stubborn, persistent character with a solid point of view in any case, looking for comfort, material gain and reliability in the profession and independently seeking new opportunities in it. Life for him is an alternation of labor and peace. It is characterized by purposefulness, endurance, tolerance, self-ability, infractiveness. A person has the need to take a leading, authoritative position in its industry. He is tacty and diplomitically. From the parent of the opposite sex, a person inherits consideration, physical beauty, practicality, but also stubbornness. The goals are construed with money (achieving welfare), possession and relationships. Money increases prestige, material security gives confidence in tomorrow. A person has good friends, but he should not rely on them. He acquires welfare through friends and association, it easily spends money on friends and loves to see them in comfort. It is characterized by the ability to work with the soul to indulge in holidays and entertainment. With ASC in the lion, all problems of the X houses have paramount importance for a person, it is important for him to social position and self-realization. If the horoscope has instructions on trade, a person can benefit from financial transactions. He is a good boss, but must learn part of the job to shift on the subordinates, and not try to do everything yourself. His failures hides, wears a mask of constant prosperity. With ASC in cancer or in the Virgin, the need for self-expression is weaker, but ambitiousness is high, only more hidden.

> MS in Gemini It draws up a living, versatile nature with a variety of goals and strong motives, with a free, reasonable, limited look at life, creates a messy and superficial, but the diversified approach to the case. The person chooses a profession combining a variety of situations and includes game elements. It is characterized by periods of creativity, fast, but unstable formation of individuality. He is artistically gifted, seeks to fully express himself, the opponent of monotonicity in life and work, he sometimes relates to the monotony of the actions performed, for example, on the conveyor, he quickly gets tired of it and allows mistakes. He fits well into the working team and often masters several professions, which he helps the versatility of interests. Being a multi-axle, he is able to engage in several cases at the same time, differing speed of reaction. However, a tendency towards spraying forces and surfaces is manifested. He is hardworking and constantly busy. He has a very developed self-criticism. It works successfully in the field of communication. This is a good teacher. Intellect and realism he inherits a parent of the opposite sex. The person is sociable, has many friends throughout life, it rarely remains alone and creates the impression haired man In this group. He has an excellent sense of humor, love for witty jokes and entertainment, great ingenuity in this area. It is attracted by young, clever, bright people, he is a bit on everything amazing, curious in life. In the circle of friends and admirers, he finds the forum for his ideas. He has good speech abilities that need to be developed and improving: people like to listen to a person. Open friends help achieve intended goals. With ASC in Virgin, the wider person has a circle of interest, the more fully achieved by them satisfaction from life. The propensity is exhausted at work can lead to nervous breakdown. With ASC in Lion or in the scales, the most favorable classes, theater, theater, design.

> MS in cancerhe reports a mild, but the expressive formation of individuality, the desire to perceive everything from a single point of view, the intuitive knowledge that people need. He dismantled in people, but does not understand the Aries and Scorpion. He has a tendency to change the life path and to the change of profession. He is smart and responsibly refers to his professional duties. A person chooses a lesson who promuls him the reliability and constancy of a living standard may succeed in the service sector and mercy. He seeks to work in the collecting and is very sensitive to criticizing his professional abilities. Pretty conservative refers to changes in society, but reliable in business, is valid for circumstances and opportunities (opportunism). A person has expressed a desire for independence, despite great respect for other, thrift, simplicity and modesty. He has few friends with whom he communicates in a relaxed manner in public life Does not climb, avoids large groups and associations. Foreigners and sect members annoy it. He is happy to take care of his favorite people, heavily affects the surrounding hotness of feelings and imagination. A person tactfully and diplomatically seeks to implement its goals and does not sweep the elbows around others in his career. This is a whole non-complex character, rarely resorting to straightforward moves in his life. It is impressed and sensitive. Emotions can cause skin diseases. It feels deep respect for parents from which the dominantine belonging to the opposite sex is conservative. In childhood, he gets traditional upbringing, parents are waiting a lot from him. He is inherent in the inner insecurity in himself, it is difficult for him to make a career. In the early stages of career are strong temptations and obstacles. There is a lot of change in it, especially at Pluto in the X House. If he has a moon in an angular house or generally strong, the contribution of female influence is significant in his successes. A person is looking for protection and patronage, sets her creative goals.

> MS in Levforms an idealistic mindset, a strong need for recognition from the environment and the desire for strength, significance and power, a personal prestigious. A person has a desire to take a leading position in society and profession, make a name to themselves, achieve recognition, but by itself it does not work, and it takes a lot of strength on this path. It is capable of full inclusion in solving the problem with the return of all forces to implement. A person is self-confident, optimistic, noble, can open the very essence of the phenomena, full of energy, selfish and ready to cheer if necessary, has significant organizational abilities and the inclination to dispose and command. With the Sun in the scales, he has tacticity, stagnation, charming and diplomatic abilities. He is sure in own power And his high destination, dreams of life, full of shine. This is a strong ambitious personality with a huge desire for authority and success. Showing unnecessary autocratism. He is not a group player, does not like to walk in the harness. He has a tendency to blame others in his failures, and at the affected sun, the unrealistic owner of the MS in Lion turns into a cynic offense at the whole world; This is a pretentious self-freelance. From the parent of the opposite sex, a man inherits conservatism, authoritarianism and vitality. One of the parents - strong personality And he is trying to dominate him, especially when ASC in Sagittarius. He has a tendency to make friendship with influential peoplewhich can be proud and squeak familiarizing with them. Colleagues love him. With ASC in Scorpio, a person needs to learn to understand others, not to impose discipline. With ASC in the scales in its success, it is obliged to many personal charm, but it is difficult for him, being thorough, to maintain his authority, for he wants to be loved by everyone. He has a sense of humor, but not only towards himself.

> MS in Vid. Forms a person aimed at serving people to benefit society. A person does not crave to be the center of attention, seeks to identify something important for everyone, is distinguished by the black and white perception of life. It is characterized by doing business with great feasibility, pedanticism and pragmatism. A person has organizedness, tidiness, desire for safe conditions Life and stable position. He willingly elect the profession of teacher, teacher, nurse or service in the field of service, without losing the amount of payment for its labor and prospects for further growth. Better, if the profession is associated with a large, powerful organization, institute. Sometimes a person waiting best conditions Labor changes his profession. He does not miss a favorable chance to improve his qualifications, can be realized as a literary critic or a writer, exposing the public ulcers. He is self-critical and does not miss the case to draw the attention of colleagues to the mistakes made by them, which which can acquire a reputation of the bore. With ASC in Scorpio or Capricor, the demanding to itself and other is raised, a person hardly recognizes his wrong. With ASC in Sagittarius and Harmonious Mercury, a person distinguishes the exceptional coherence of actions, and with good Mercury - success in affairs requiring organized and tacty. He strives for perfection. This is a smart, business and skillful person attentive to trifles and having a tendency to dive into work, sometimes spending more strength on it than it is required. It is characterized by attraction to knowledge, a sense of duty, organizational abilities, sober and practical attitude to life. Parents teach him to practicality, accuracy and criticality. With an amazed Mercury - petty, dropness on flattery, capriciousness.