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Lunar nodes in the horoscope - a guide in life. Moon nodes in the signs of the zodiac

Good afternoon, dear astrologers.
Today we will talk about the karmic points of the horoscope -
Moon nodes.

All previous lessons can be found on our website.

Symbol of the North Moon Node -

Symbol of the South Moon Node -

Moon nodes are the intersection points of the orbit of the moon with ecliptic. The course of the river life is directed from the descending (southern) node to the ascending (Northern) node. The ascending node leads us towards the achievement of life goal. Shows our karmic task. The downward node is the path already passed, this is a past experience. We have already passed this lesson, it was well mastered. Continue to move on it easily, but this is trampled in place.
The lunar knots are not planets, they are not material. But they have no less influence on our lives.

Nodes are also called:

Northern lunar knot=
\u003d Ascending knot \u003d
\u003d Dragon Head \u003d Rahu

Southern Moon Knot =
\u003d Downward node \u003d
\u003d Dragon Tail \u003d Ketu

The position of the northern node can be found in ephemeris. The southern knot is the opposite point in the exact opposition to the North.
The northern knot is the point where we give us, the fate itself helps to achieve the goal. At the same time, reaching it, we understand that only the stage passed and we see more tempting prospects in this direction. This is the path of spiritual growth.
Southern Moon Knot, on the contrary, a place where we must give and help. This is the easiest way out of the situation. This is already a long-time traveled path, carefully studied and thoroughly mastered, accumulated life experience. If you go through this path, the spiritual progress does not achieve.
Lunar nodes show the evolution of personal development. Throughout life, we are removed from the southern node area and we are moving towards the prospects of the North.
The cycle of lunar nodes is 18.5 years. The return of the lunar nodes is often marked by serious life tests, checks on the conformity of the life path of the established program. This age is 18-19 years old, 37-38 years, 56-57 years, when fateful events can occur, and karmic payback is possible.
The lunar nodes in the signs of the zodiac show the lifestyle and the behavior of the behavior to which we are accustomed to (sign of the southern knot), and what you need to strive (the sign of the northern knot) to avoid problems and difficulties in the path of evolution.

Moon nodes in the signs of the zodiac

Aries - Scales

Northern knot in Aries, South - in the scales.
A peaceful person, prone to compromise, but hesitating, doubting, depending on the opinion of the environment.
It is necessary to learn determination, energetic, initiative, the ability to count on yourself, strive for leadership, do not hesitate to make a choice.
Movement from finding a compromise to decisive independent action.
Northern knot in scales, southern - in the Aries.
Active, impulsive, energetic and energetic in making independent decisions.
Diplomacy should be learn, a compromise, affiliate, trust, justice.
Movement from impulsive, independent action to partnership and search for a compromise.

Taurus - Scorpio

Northern knot in Taurus, South - in Scorpio.
Man secretly and mysterious. It has a tendency to intrigue, deep experiences, the struggle for power.
It is necessary to learn practicality, business, thoroughness, avoid participation in all segments.
Movement from secret affairs to real work.
Northern knot in Scorpio, South - in Taurus.
Man practical and economic. Able to enjoy life and fruitfully work. The sense of property is strongly developed.
It is necessary to learn authority and influence. Search a more favorable position in life.
Movement from real practical affairs to power.

Gemini - Sagittarius

Northern Knot in Gemini, South - in Sagittar
A person is quite self-confident, loving advise and teach. Optimist and idealist.
It should be studied to really evaluate your abilities and knowledge, search for communications with others, try to delve into the details.
Movement from solving global issues to adopt specific, detailed solutions.
Northern Knot in Sagittarius, South - in Gemini
The person is inquisitive, sociable, striving for knowledge, but sufficiently superficial and frivolous.
It is necessary to learn to see everything in the future, do not bike on the details, abandon excessive chatty and variability.
Movement from thinking of specific details to solving global issues.

Cancer - Capricorn.

Northern knot in cancer, south - in Capricorn
Man is cold, strict, mandatory. She strives to live according to the rules, demanding itself and others.
It is necessary not to distance themselves from people, to take care, learn to make a solution with your heart, and not a cold mind.
Movement from rigor and restrictions on caringness and emotionality.

Northern knot in Capricorn, South - in cancer.
Man emotional, caring, dive.
It is necessary to learn the self-discipline, self-concepts, to set goals and reach them. Refuse affection to one place of residence.
Movement from emotionality to rigor.

Lion - Aquarius

Northern knot in Lev, South - in Aquarius.
Man eccentric, unpredictable. Neglects authoritations, enthusiastic scientific ideas.
It is necessary to learn to love concrete people, and not just abstract ideas, look for a creative beginning in yourself and others, recognize authorities, get rid of the feeling of permissiveness.
Movement from excessive independence to credibility.
Northern knot in Aquarius, South - in Lev.
Man proud and his creative achievements. Appreciates the authority as its own and someone else's.
It is necessary to strive for unification with like-minded people, to deal with isolation.
Movement from actions for the sake of authority and honors to the actions for freedom and independence.

Virgo - Fish

Northern knot in the Virgin, southern in fish.
Man wounded and emotional. Advance and self-sacrifice - his lifestyle.
It is necessary to more critically refer to the requests, look for practicality in everything and strive for a healthy lifestyle, clarity, collens. Refuse concreteness.
Movement from mercy to practicality.

Northern knot in fish, southern - in Virgo.
Man is practical, attentive to detail. His actions are rational and logical. Prefers a healthy lifestyle.
It is necessary to learn to forgot people of their weakness, trying to sometimes swim through the course of life. Refuse petties, skepticism, calculating.
Movement from practicality to mercy.

Lunar knots today:

From February 19, 2014, the Northern Lunar Knot is in the scale of scales (southern, respectively, in Aries) and they will stay there until November 12, 2015.
The nodes in the cardinal signs prefer to make cardinal and decisive changes to the life of society as a whole, and in the fate of each person individually. And because Aries and scales are male zodiac signs, these changes are active.

In the twentieth century, this position of the nodes was:

September 1939 - May 1941
June 1958 - December 1959
January 1977 - July 1978
July 1995 - January 1997

Events that took place in these periods both in society and in privacy can either be repeated or becoming their logical continuation.

In general, the position of the assemblies of Web-Aries teaches out of the main deficiencies of the Aries - aggressiveness, intolerance, impulsiveness and the acquisition of the scales - calm, compromise, tact, harmonious relations with people. Those. On the path of evolution from militant Martian qualities, it is necessary to get rid of, and to grow into a diplomatic veneranial personality (or the state). This is the period of transition from the war - to diplomacy, from "I" to "We". In the name of harmony and progress, it should be sought in general with other people and countries, and not their own uniqueness and chosenness.
The most unpleasant moment in all this is that the influence of the nodes is strong and inevitable. They do not ask to act according to their instructions. They indicate how to live and will rigorously punish naughty.

Take the topic of lunar knots in the horoscope (birthday) of a person. Immediately I want to note that this topic is first of all for those people who believe in karma and in their karmic tasks, as well as in the idea of \u200b\u200breincarnation and purpose. The lunar nodes in the horoscope are fictitious points. They show the experience and challenges with whom the person came across in a past life or past incarnations. Also lunar nodes in the horoscope indicate the tasks that are given to a person here and now. What mission of a man's soul came to this embodiment? What important lessons are facing man? After having studied the lunar nodes in the horoscope, you can find answers to these questions. We can conclude: the lunar nodes in the horoscope show the purpose and tasks that are facing a person on fate. If you do not believe in fate or predestination, then accordingly consider the lunar nodes in the horoscope, by and large, it is not worth it. The stronger the lunar nodes in the horoscope are accented, the stronger the influence of fate per person. Especially on those themes that focus the lunar nodes in the horoscope. Nodes may emphasize either a certain axis of the signs of the zodiac or some kind of axis of astrological houses. In accordance with this accent, you can say a lot about the fate of a person. For example, the case when the lunar nodes in the horoscope focuses the axis of the 4th and 10th astrological house - the topic "Family - Career" in the fate of a person is karmically included. Or another case when the lunar nodes in the horoscope emphasize the axis of the 1st and 7th houses, the axis of "self-expression and relationships with other people." Accordingly, on this axis, in these areas will be the most important person to solve all the questions that arise.

South and North Moon Knot in the horoscope

The lunar nodes in the horoscope is a single fictitious point that is divided into two components. there is South Moon Knot in the horoscope, it shows what has already been accomplished by a person in past incarnations. This is the past experience, these are the themes of life in which a person feels confident and they give him well. Accordingly, a person will try to broadcast in the current embodiment and maximize the use, the accumulated experience in which the southern moon node indicates in the horoscope.

The second part of the node is North Moon Knot, it shows a human task in this embodiment in the horoscope. This is the necessary experience that is still to have a person to get in life. Here is the task: find the balance between the northern and southern lunar nodes in the horoscope. It is only dangerous to leave on the south lunar node that was dangerous, because such a tendency deprives a person the opportunity to develop. For example, if the southern moon node in the horoscope stands in the tenth astrological house - then a person, most likely, will simply be given a career theme. It will be easily implemented in the professional sphere, but it is dangerous only in one profession. After all, the northern lunar knot in the horoscope will be in the fourth astrological house and the task for a person will be: learn how to build attitudes in the family. His mission is to work on all situations that add up in the family. Also, such lunar nodes in the horoscope indicate the need to study their generic roots and traditions. Although it can be given to a person not just, because there is no right experience here.

This is a very important topic of karma! And this topic is too complicated and volume to raise it within this article. You can read more about Karma on page :.

Ideally, it should be based on the accumulated potential of the southern lunar knot in the horoscope to be able to solve the tasks that the northern node puts. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are highlighted, for example, make important major aspects to the planets or are in the angular points of the card. In such cases, the lunar nodes in the horoscope will significantly influence the life of a person. If the lunar nodes in the horoscope are not aspects and are not in the angular points of the card - in this case, the effect of lunar nodes will be minimal. A person gets in this life the possibility of choice, he can solve problems on the northern node, and may not decide.

Moon nodes in the horoscope and relapse

Frequently asked question: Does the map of the relapse affect the karmic goals of a person? For example, when the position of the lunar knots in the horoscope changes in the remocope map, and they fall into another axis of astrological houses. Here you can give such an answer: it is important to understand that the tasks for incarnation to us are still given at birth. And moments of personal choice, unfortunately, do not play a serious role. Therefore, the remocion itself, when we ourselves choose a new place to live and think that this will change our karmic destination - it is not.

Moon nodes in the horoscope. Position of nodes in astrological houses

Next, we suggest you to determine exactly where you have lunar nodes in the horoscope are. To understand what they say exactly in your case. To do this, you can build your personal horoscope with the help of the Astrological program "Antares", how to do this - read on page :. In the figure below this text, you can see the characters that the lunar nodes are designated in the horoscope. Next, find these characters in your horoscope and determine which astrological houses are lunar knots in your horoscope. In the specified example, the nodes are located on the axis of the fifth and eleventh house.

The main axis - the seventh house

If you have a southern knot in the first house - this means that in previous embodiments you were a person fully focused on yourself and on their personal interests. Such lunar nodes in the horoscope say that your past was actually associated with himself, with the themes of self-expression in the world. In the past, you could have a tendency to pay attention to and demand something from others for yourself. Your "I" or other words "Ego" is the main fundamental factor from which you are hard to abstract and pay attention to the needs of other people. With this position of the lunar knots in the horoscope, you are accustomed to many life questions to your opinion and your beliefs. And the opinion of other people interests in the second place.

Accordingly, if the southern knot is located in the first house, then the northern knot at the same time you will be in the seventh astrological house. As you already know, the northern lunar knot in the horoscope shows our future and the guidelines of spiritual development - the nature of the nature and sphere of life, which first of all need to be worked out. When the northern moon node in the horoscope falls into the 7th house, it raises the topic of partnership here. In the second half of life, you will more and more in the topic of relationships. In particular, after 40 years, there is more need to be in relationships with other people than it was before. The desire to build communications and relationships with the outside world increases. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are so located, life itself causes a person to shift the focus of their needs for the needs of surrounding people. The topics of agreements and obligations assumed in relations are raised. A person to learn to interact with partners and the outside world. Learn to see their needs and learn to combine these needs with your personal needs. As a result, a person who has so many moon nodes in the horoscope is no longer closed on himself, as it was in past embodiments, but feels part of society. Such a person knows how to integrate into society in such a way as to achieve social success in it. He knows how to build harmonious relationships with surrounding people and with partners.

The second axis - the eighth house

If you have a southern moon node in the horoscope is in the second astrological house, and the northern in the eighth house. This means that you have an emphasis on the themes of well-being and personal property. People who are so located the lunar knots in the horoscope are usually able to manage their personal finances. It is of great importance for them than they possess (what to be in their property). From birth, such people focus on their own resources, money. And everything else, including the material well-being of other people, is not so worried. But the fact that in this case, the northern moon node in the horoscope falls into the 8th astrological house - means that such people the second half of life (especially after 40 years) will increasingly participate in a large global financial picture of the world. That is, maybe they will work with loans or with collective resources or money of other people (for example, partner money).

The third axis is the ninth house

The situation when the node of the past (the southern moon node in the horoscope) is located in the third astrological house is a very interesting point. A person is born with conditional to society in which he lives. But in the second half of life, fate pushes a person from this limited environment to completely new realities, which was not in life before. For example, these realities may be a society and culture of another country. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope are located on the axis of the third - ninth home: this often suggests that the second half of the human life (especially after 40 years) may be related to travel, traveling abroad or the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bor comprehension of cultures and traditions of other countries . For a person, this is an excellent opportunity to go beyond the scenario social conventions in which he lived before.

Fourth axis - tenth house

When the South Moon Knot falls into the 4th Astrological House, and the northern moon node in the horoscope is in the 10th house. In this case, as a rule, a person in the first half of life is more domico. He came into this life very burdensome family connections and family circumstances. Such a person has a close relationship with traditions and his native. The lunar nodes in the horoscope on the axis of the fourth - the tenth house, talk about great importance for a person of the family, but not always this family will be good and not always it will be a positive way to reflect on a person. But, nevertheless, these family circumstances will be extremely important for humans. A person, as it would be born in these home circumstances and often these circumstances burden and do not give normally to develop. In the second half of life, a person comes to what it is necessary to change something and begins to more and more focus on the topics of the 10th astrological house. The 10th house in astrology is associated with the professional sphere of man, with social progress. The lunar nodes in the horoscope at such a position will urge a person to leave the narrow family framework to society. The nodes urge to implement themselves in society, express themselves in their business. Therefore, the difference between the first and second half life will be obvious. It's like in a fairy tale when Ilya Muromets lay on the furnace until 40s, and then suddenly decided to take the sword and go to search for adventures.

Fifth axis - eleventh house

If you have a southern moon node in the horoscope is in the fifth house, and the northern moon node in the eleventh house. This provision may indicate a person who in the past was prone to risk and adventures, for example, it could be a gambling player. Such lunar nodes in the horoscope can still say that a person in the past has accumulated strong creative potential. The person is used to in the past to engage in various kinds of arts. Or it could be an actor entertaining and having fun. In this embodiment, a person already has acting skills and understanding, how to behave with the audience. There is a creative game charisma, which is not needed to learn. The man in the first half of life can in creativity or in the field of entertainment it is very good to succeed.

But when the lunar nodes in the horoscope are on the fifth axis - the eleventh house: in the second half of life, a person will feel how the theme of the 11th house is included. These are the topics of friendship and collective activities. The 11th house is liable to people who are friends for you or with whom you work together in a team. The lunar nodes in the horoscope on this axis are directed to ensure that the person gets rid of the surface adventurism. And more and more included in the social theme, for example, implemented projects that suggest team activities. Such a person for personal and spiritual development useful projects where the support of friends and like-minded people is important. When the lunar nodes in the horoscope on the axis of the 5th and 11th house: the second half of life will be somewhat connected with any adventures or personal creative realization, how much will be aimed at interacting with other people inside the team. From a person will need the ability to see not only their personal, but also collective interests and goals. Such a person is designed to learn to work in the team.

Sixth axis - twelfth house

If your southern moon node (past, in fact, is karma of your past lives) is in the 6th astrological house. This provision may mean that in the past life you were "hardy". And up to 20 - 30 (sometimes even 40-ka) years for you, the theme of work is preserved, fulfilling your labor duties. The sixth house often creates such conditions that a person may lack personal freedom, he is accustomed to being in limiting circumstances or subordinate to other people. Also the sixth house is associated with themes of health and treatment. The lunar nodes in the horoscope located on this axis often indicate a person who in past incarnations was forced to constantly fulfill the strengthening or treatment of his body or its activities was associated with healing, the treatment of other people. Such lunar nodes in the horoscope often indicate a person who in the past is used to work a lot, to work and in this life, a person retains hard work in this life, shows high results in a professional sphere. Such a person has a gained habit: with its own forces and work to achieve their goals.

The node of the future, that is, the northern moon node at the same time you will be in the twelfth astrological house. The 12th house is the house of secrets, mystics, sacred things and phenomena (psychological and spiritual plan). It is connected in astrology with the topic of privacy and care from public affairs. Therefore, people who have lunar nodes in the horoscope are located on this axis, in the second half of life more and more go into privacy, begin to lead more hidden and separate life. Often such people go into religious activities, turn to God or begin to engage in occult mystical practices. With age, the topics of faith and spirituality are increasingly becoming important for them.

The lunar nodes (hereinafter) are not sources of energy and do not represent any principles in the natal map. They characterize the inclusion of a person into the evolution processes of the internal and external world, which always comes from the balance between past and future. Therefore, the nodes always mean specific circumstances, although less defined than the houses of the horoscope.

Southern (descending) Node of the Moon controls the attitude to what is happening as a friend to be placed in the usual schemes, but as a new one, which requires the creation of special schemes - the northern (ascending) Lou.

Strapping Lu comes on three lines: study of the southern, northern and balance between them. Depending on the level of elaboration and accentuation of one of the nodes there is a daily life of a person and his household globility. With the defeat of the Sun and the Moon or at the low level of the card, the person often realizes itself, emphasizing the nodes and without affecting the central mental structures.

The development of each node involves a deeper vision of the corresponding phenomena and the correlation of the external and internal meaning of this node, that is, the problems of the development of society and the person himself. The development of nodes is often unevenly, and what is the level of balance of the balance can be said only by examining the life of this person.

Moon knots in signs

Indicate the style and general circumstances in which the human orientation manifests itself to the tradition (southern) and new social attitudes, views and programs of the subconscious, only beginners to enter his psyche (Northern). The axis of signs in which the nodes stand define the type of transition from the old to the new consciousness, the subconscious and self-awareness. If it is a cardinal signs, then it is expected to participate in active public processes, and in the inner life, a person is inclined to change itself energetically and ruthlessly. In fixed - interest in long-term, sustainable social update processes (or vice versa); Internally, it changes with difficulty, but, by choosing a direction, he should. In mutable - special interest in superficial, momentary change in society; Internally - a large mobility of subconscious programs, superficial assimilation of the new and oblivion of old skills, but also delusions.

If l l l ld in male signs, there is an active position in relation to social changes, which also directly affect the fate of a person; Internal development is perceived as a necessity, and a person understands this in accordance with the culture of its social layer.

If Lu. in female signs - passivity in relation to the processes in society, the position of the observer, and social changes relate to its most often indirectly; Internal development is gently, in the main way of perception and may be launched, after which strong karmic blows are possible, especially with a tight map.

South Lou - Aries, North Lou - Scales

Very predensive attitude towards tradition and cold-mental, weighted, often elitarly painted - to new trends in society. In the internal development, the dusty protects in itself what it likes, and so dusty denies everything else. Adaptation of new subconscious programs is a mental way, after a long study of the new idea, decisively embeds it into its inner world and really changes himself. The main problem of the balance of the nodes is to transmit the energy of the Aries by the Northern node to assess and master the new subconscious programs, and the effect of weights - southern to more objectively evaluate oneself.

The main contradiction in the raising of children: the dogmatic part is being introduced powerfully and vigorously, sometimes with scandals, and the work of children is perceived by the cold-reasonable way, which causes a natural protest in a child.

South Lou - Taurus, North Lou - Scorpio

Perceives the tradition financially, loves old things and forms of an old lifestyle. New social ideas attitude deeply, sharp and emotional. In the inner life - large inertness of the psyche, on the one hand, and powerful transforming forces of new subconscious programs - on the other. Operation gives a person who develops internally powerfully, uncontrollably and steadily.

In the upbringing of children: at a low level of study - a difficult parent, strongly pressing and harshly requiring, often unfair. For study, the basic burden of development ideas are important to transfer from children to themselves, limiting the impact of light strokes.

South Lou - Gemini, North Lou - Sagittarius

Mental interest in tradition and desire to trace the thought of the past in the present. In relation to new trends - enthusiasm and great idealism associated with the reluctance to trace the idea before its incarnation. Studies and balancing of nodes makes it possible to combine social energy ideas and enthusiasm with a subtle mental analysis of the present and past. Internally - very rational refers to the well-established subconscious programs, when working can be managed by them. To master new subconscious programs, one enthusiasm is not enough, hard work and understanding of the processes occurring in the psyche are needed.

In the upbringing, it is inclined to hold the norms of tavern to children, but can walk along with the youth concerts of the most fashionable direction and get a lot of pleasure, not too posted.

South Lou - Cancer, North Lou - Capricorn

Traditions affect this person in the most personal way and deeply worry, he is inherent in a big boss of the steady views. It is just as cold and practical perceives the discount of the future. Balance the nodes is very difficult: to participate in long-term social programs it will take the depth of cancer penetration and its ability to deep internal changes. Internally - a gentle attitude towards their tested subconscious programs, protects them, does not tolerate critics; The new phenomena refers strictly, kept, skeptically and allow them to implement only after a thorough check.

There is a problem of gentle maternal education of egoism in children as the norms of their minigration together with the strict regulation of their development program, often quite tough. At a low level, a projection on children of parental frustrations of two types is possible: what they suffered from life and what they did not reach it.

South Lu - Lion, Northern Lou - Aquarius

With respect to the traditions of his society, it is determined, respect for the covenants of the ancestors is not exposed to the ancestors, and the objection attempts are aggressively suppressed. The attitude to the new ways of the development of society is very reasonable and progressive, when working can see far ahead and give society a strong push in an unexpected direction. Synthesis is achieved due to the fact that in the assessment of the phenomena of the past in this person applies non-standard thinking, and in new flows, it turns on and spends part of their energy and will. Internally - jealously protects the kernel of his psyche from attempted from the side, although it improves him; The news is considering carefully, but cold, rationally reflecting that he needs, and what is not.

Education: The child is vigorously interpreted on compliance with social norms and rules, but otherwise they provide greater freedom and focus on the mental perception of the world, exciting fantasy and interest, which can lead to chaoticness and carelessness, especially in thinking.

South Lou - Virgo, Northern Lou - Fish

Surface-Pedantic followed by beloved rites and traditions, in the best embodiment - their study and picking up. New
social flows circle his head, he hardly disassembled in detail, perceiving more emotional content. Internally, cling to the formal signs of an eluding mental mental past, trying to ensure the sustainability of the main subconscious programs. New subconscious programs float gently, unobtrusively, and imperceptibly adapt to the psyche until the established programs have been achieved, whose deformation causes the feeling that the world collapses. Balance is possible only at a high level of study of both signs, with a high level of internal honesty and concentration of impartial attention.

Education is based on the principles of petty control and formation of romantic ideals with a religious or mystical tint.

South Lou - Scales, Northern Lou - Aries

It makes attention to the aesthetic tradition features, impresses ethics of old times - in the part that takes, the rest is considered. The problems of the further development of society are inclined to discuss hot and impatiently, what I like is to introduce immediately and everywhere, the rest is to destroy along with the root, however, enthusiasm soon goes out. It is necessary to produce the objectivity and principle of comprehensive consideration and deepening to the essence of what is happening in the present. Internally, inclined to insist on its ethics and established aesthetics, with indignation rejecting qualitatively different views. However, new impressions, forcing it to change, ripen vigorously and strongly, and subsequent changes in psyche can be painful because the elite scale and aesthetics are disturbed, which determines the final fine internal balance of the person.

Education of children is largely in the impersonal manner, but what is permitted is permitted from the soul, and the violent manifestations of youth find an understanding in the parent heart. The secret dream - the children will conquer their place in the next social layer.

South Looform, North Lou - Taurus

Emotional-biased attitude to tradition, low-level - hatred to those who do not respect her. The future measures the measure of the thoroughness and practicality, is interested in concrete new forms. Internally - desperately protects the historically established subconscious programs, being simultaneously not satisfied; New are durable and reliable, and often trying to master the primitiveness for his practicality and simplicity, for which then it has to hurt.

Education: At a low level - psychologically-rat, which leads to neurosis and even (with the defeat of the nodes and 5 at home) to mental disabilities; The formation of ideals and goals is a strong practical bias. A person conveys his child's emotional frustration to the child so that they materialize them and outlived on the material plan.

South Lu - Sagittarius, Northern Lou - Gemini

Abstract-delightful attitude towards tradition, especially highly appreciates the commercial prophecies, can see its manifestations in modern times and fill energy, give a new life. New trends are attentive at the mental level, but there is not enough symptoms of generalization, the specific facts do not see development trends. Internally: ardent enthusiasm and sincere love for its image "I", especially for my ideals and aspirations, and is a calm reasonable attitude to the necessary changes in the inner world. Working requires to be more logical about its topical "I" and check new ideas and subconscious programs for compliance with your highest ideals in advance, and not when they have already become part of the psyche.

Education: At a low level - with scandals, where the child is reproaches in the absence of high ideals. The general direction of development is given in mental spheres, they say that you need to be tricky, not trust anyone, live by your mind. The projection of frustration is lacking at the highest beginning in itself, in the hope that the child compensates for this with a mental development, everything will be known.

South Lou - Capricorn, North Lou - Cancer

The most respectful attitude towards the tradition, in the support of which a person sees the highest meaning of his life, takes from her not only the form, but also its meaning. It is extremely careful about the manifestations of the future, since they are deeply worried and he is afraid to be disappointed. Internally: experiencing a large influence of sustainable subconscious programs that will direct attention towards practicing and karmic programs; New subconscious programs will concern the very intimate-deep spheres of the psyche of a person, and it will take them carefully and carefully, especially after several painful mistakes.

Education in the dogmatic part is driving dry, consistently and purposefully, often ignoring the emotional side, resorting to a light bribe and a moderate blackmail. Further goals perceives emotionally and often complained from them, fearing that his hopes will not justify. The projection of frustration due to the shortcomings of its internal education in the hope of seeing emotional and spiritual self-realization in children.

South Lou - Aquarius, North Lou - Lion

This person especially appreciates the mind, the dismissions and creative genius of ancestors, expressed in the great inventions, can give an original interpretation of the element of the tradition. The glimpants of the social future applies very personally, they inspire him and awaken enthusiasm. For what I like is ready to fight, however, criticalness and ability to control your dust are reduced. The balance is achieved due to the more energetic adaptation of the tradition to the current life and a more scientific and objective approach to new social flows. Internally: may originally clean their historically established subconscious programs and even manage them; New subconscious programs use when they attract it by external effects and strong energy, but the flame desire for internal honesty comes only with a significant elaboration of the card, therefore delays in the development of the psyche and personality are possible.

Education is pretty free, and the dogmas, inspired by the parent, still correspond to adopted in his social layer. Waiting for accomplishments and formed ideals will be large, authoritative and with the taste of power. At a low level - transfer to the child with its mental carelessness and ambitions of force and power.

Southern Luisnik, North Lou - Virgo

Gentle, indispensable love for tradition, the excellent ability to adapt the tradition to reality, the perception of the emotional and the work of thought does not cause. In relation to the future, picky and attentive to detail, but the most likely to maintain carefully and meaningfully, trying to give it a concrete form. Here it is necessary to synthesizing the influence of fish that will enrich the emotional moment of perception of new ideas and projects, and Virgo can help understand the details and being of the influence and presence of the past in the present. Internally: it feels warm, comfort and strong reluctance to dig in the established programs of the subconscious, it is difficult to see their evolutionary "tails" and assess the level of their love for the world; Changes go on specific items and here a person can be very meticulous, which leads to the stagnation.

Education: low-level - in a formless-emotional style, that is, first everything is allowed, then decisively and emotionally stop, and the concepts that it is possible, and that the most vague and plastic can be obtained, which can lead to falseness, shamelessness and absence Debt feelings. Ideals and goals are formed grounded and practical, parental fantasy is clearly not enough. There is a projection of his own spiritual chaos in the soul of the child in the hope that he is already ordered and builds a large, the bright building of our self-realization with him.

When preparing, the book of A.Advodnaya "General Astrology. Planets "

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Trace all possible positions of lunar knots in the horoscope on the sign, home, their aspects with the planets are not a task of this article. We will concentrate on the study of compounds of planets with lunar nodes, considering Orbis in 5-6 degrees. \\

Moon nodes in the horoscope

Let's study, as the planetary energy is put forward to the forefront of the planet falling on the head or on the tail of the dragon, in accordance with the problems discussed. Remember that the lunar knots are points on the ecliptic, where the antique snake dragons swallowed the sun and the moon, where the divine comes with personal

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with the Sun

When connecting the Sun and the Head of the Dragon, the ego intensification occurs. The sun, being the energy of recognition and achievements, can benefit at the personal level in the Commonwealth from the head of the Dragon. Connection, due to its exceptional material nature, may correspond to glory and material success.

Actress Brooke Shields has a joint of a dragon head with the sun in the twins in the IX house. Already by 11 years she was a professional model. For two years, she became a millionaire and went along the way to glory. Manfred von Richthoffen, the German pilot-ac, who participated in the 1st World War, had this connection in the Taurus in the V house.

He was born in the militant family of the military. His passion for recognition was so strong that he only for two years of air fighting registered more than 80 opponents killed. To early death at the age of 26, he reached the disadvantaged fame as the "Red Baron". Finally, Richard Alpert, known as Ram Das, had this accurate connection in the Aries, in the X House.

He was famous in Harvard professor of psychology, worked together with Timothy Liari, who accepted Eastern philosophy and became known as Western Guru, author of the books "Be Here Now", "Grist for the Mill", "The Only Dance There Is"

Customers also show the intensification of the ego with such a compound of the sun with the northern lunar node. A woman with an accurate compound in a cancer in the VII house could not find satisfaction in relationships for a long time. She got married four times, and is not going to give up. The desire for married happiness has always been "around the angle" in every next relationship.

Another woman with this compound in Aquarius in the XI House is deeply involved in spiritual searches in this life. She participated in several religious groups, but ultimately disappointed and left. But her passion for the community of religion was so strong that in the end she again started all-consuming searches in a new form.

A man with an accurate connection in the Taurus in the XII house unsuccessfully tried to sell the product of the "New Century" to the business community. He constantly endured failures and bankruptcy, but not disappointed. The passion for the recognition of ideas was so strong in him that even bankruptcy did not disgregate him. We may read about it in the section "From dirt in Prince" in the coming years, because his personal need is so great that he does not know the words "stop"

The connection of the Head of the Dragon with the Sun gives the persistent need to perform the impulse of the ego in the material world. There is a passionate need for recognition. Glory and good luck often accompany such people, but the desire for more does not leave them ever.

This can lead to spirituality, as in the case of an alpert, but only after a person is being frustrated in material life. This compound may also lead to degradation, as in the case of Richtheffen, - Ego pulses can never be satisfied, all the time is required, until the balance and personality is broken.

Southern Moon Knot in Connection with the Sun

When the South Moon Knot connects with the Sun, the ego often displaces from this world. Personality is identified with unusual, others, or otherworldly. The ego needs achievements in this world, but directed searches through unusual or spiritual channels. In the end, they are looking for output from personality, which is usually motivated by some conscious personal losses.

Mysterious German General Erwin Rommel had a precise dragon tail connection with the sun in the Scorpio in the x home. He gained fame as "fox deserts" due to the unusual strategy of warfare in the desert, and in the end he sacrificed himself for an even more egoistic goal: his suicide ensured his family's safety and his fame to him

The famous film acter Paul Newman has this connection to aquare in the first house. Interestingly, his first film, "The Silver Chalice", depicts it in spiritual light. In other films with his participation, such as "Cool Hand Luke", "Hombre", "The Mackintosh Man" and others. It is depicted as a single and a fighter with traditional beliefs. Unfortunately, he lost his son, Alan Scott Newman who died from the overdose of drugs. Alan also had such a connection within two degrees

Finally, the famous film director Roman Polansky has this accurate connection in the VIII house. Although professionally he is very lucky, his personal tragedies touched: the loss of mother in Auschwitz; killing his wife, Sharon Tate; The application for his incorrect sexual behavior ruined his reputation in Hollywood, it was urastraized and isolation in Europe

Customers and their close with such a connection in the map also survived the loss of earthly identification. The client with the joining the tail of the Dragon and the Sun in the Vi house in the fish was devoted to his own father. Later she devoted her life to serving to others - began to work in the social sphere. Another client had this connection in the XII house.

Strong mental ability to cause visual images, combined with experiences outside the body, first made devastation in her mind. But when she realized and accepted that there is a reality, big than this world, she sent their energy to life and began to engage in healing, drawing energy from a more enormous reality. Finally, three famous astrolots have such a connection: the first in the Sagittarius in the I home, the second in Scorpio in the Vi house, the last in the Virgin in the XII house

All three are privacy. They all survived personal loss, and this loss changed their earthly identification. They are extremely useful to their customers in their crises and injuries, as they themselves experienced similar. When the southern lunar knot in conjunction with the Sun, there is a refusal from what a person identifies himself and what was improved, as in cases with Rommel, Newman and Polanski.

This usually happens with some personal loss. This compound often indicates a realization of the personality of returning to the Divine or a certain other reality in an attempt to comprehend that outside of our ability to control or change. On this path, the personality is getting rid of the material world and in the end can be lightweight. The bite of the snake and the sun is torn off the individual from the advantages of this world, and the children of sadness become carriers of joy

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Moon

Moon - Planet Awareness. It is identified with feelings, with understanding created with the help of feelings. From this understanding our feelings are formed. When the northern lunar knot is connected to the moon, the awareness of feelings and thoughts is enhanced. Sensitivity and restless increases, as the mind is eager for more and more satisfaction. This compound increases the perception to the extraordinary level, often to genius

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche Moon was in an accurate connection from the head of the dragon in Sagittarius, close to the ascendant. His perception experience was incredible, which was complicated by syphilis. In the end, this led him to death as a result of breathtaking

In the cult killer Charles Manson, this close connection was in the aquare in the X house. His religious beliefs were so strong that he forced the "family of Mansons" to act according to his crazy genius

The cult priest Jim Jones is a connection in the Aries in the III house. The insatiable thirst for spiritual knowledge led him to the creation of a spiritual organization called the temple of people. Like Manson, he founded the family according to a truly lunar pattern, but when his feelings took the form of paranoia, he convinced almost a thousand followers to the mass suicide in Guiana in 1978

In conclusion, as a positive example, we give an example of Karl Marx, a philosopher, a social theorist, a writer, a political figure. He has a disconnection of the head of the dragon with the moon in the Taurus in the II house. Understanding the public classes, presented in the "Communist Manifesto" and in "Capital", convinced a generation to accept his ideology in the Grand Public Experiment - communism.

Another insightful brilliant person is Emmanuel Swedenborg. He has a connection in the Taurus in the III house. This outstanding mystic in 1745 received a revelation and taught the fact that heaven and hell do not actually exist - rather this state of consciousness here, on Earth

The compound of the head of the dragon with the moon gives a deep awareness and the ability to influence the masses. Insatiable factories in conjunction with the moon can give great geniuses like Marx and Swedenborg, or crazy geniuses like Manson and Jones

Customers with such a connection in the map also demonstrated the power of perception and belief. One woman with such a compound in Scorpio in the VIII house - genius of multi-level marketing, it reached great wealth through the use of market strategies. Another client with such a compound in the twins in the XI house is a gifted teacher who teaching several disciplines, among which massage, homeopathy and kinesiology.

He is incredibly popular. Finally, the lecturer of the new era (the connection of the second of the second house), traveling around the world, carries the huge audience to his deepest insight. His mother was mentally ill and created in the family not the usual basis for the perceive voltage. This compound gives a grand awareness, passing into safety and success in the general sense for business people, teachers and healers

South Moon Knot in Connection with Moon

The connection of the tail of the dragon with the moon takes feelings and thoughts in the otherworldly reality, strengthens the understanding of other plans of consciousness. Personality is aware of great reality. It can be very inspired by consciousness or lead to dementia. It is given to a person to feel and understand the reality as not given to others. This understanding overwhelms consciousness and weakens its concentration on the material

One of the greatest Holy Indias, Sri Ranmanna Maharsha, has a dragon tail joint and the moon in a cancer in the IX house. He was born immediately after the lunar eclipse. His philosophy is to be just himself. He often translates his immense understanding of the nature of life into silence language - empirical stream for those who are looking for enlightenment

Great German composer Richard Wagner had such a connection to aquare in the IX house. Instead of the general language of the silence of his genius, he created a universal language of music as an intermediary. His awareness stood up to other areas, the spheres of the myth in the cycle operas "Ring Nibelung". His themes displays the eternal conflict between the forces of light and darkness

The Killer of Theodore Bundy has a dragon tail connection with the Moon in Sagittarius in the IV House. Here we have susceptible consciousness, impregnated with madness, obeying only by their obsessive, otherwise forcing. His manners were so convincing and chagging that he seduced and killed more than a hundred women.

Customers having a dragon tail joint with the moon experienced similar enhanced awareness. One woman with such a compound in the XII house used its extrasensory knowledge, helping the sale of real estate. Another woman with such a compound in the fish in the IV house came out of a very religious family.

Her mother from an early age directed her attention to the Divine and allowed to evaluate the religious beliefs of other people. Another woman has this connection in Sagittarius. She was very susceptible. Prescribed medicines led to the deterioration of its ability to perceive reality. Unfortunately, at the time of despair, she committed suicide.

Finally, one of the clients is a connection in the twins in the XII house. This woman has very sublime knowledge. She is married to the priest. Other reality invade its perception, which requires long psychotherapy

The connection of the tail of the dragon and the moon enhances the consciousness of the individual. This strengthen increases the perception of other areas of consciousness and can create deep spiritual or idealistic knowledge, as in cases of Sri Ranman Maharshi and Wagner. It may also give extreme dementia and otherworldly intrusive ideas, as in the case of Bundy

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Mercury

When the northern lunar node is connected to Mercury, the intellectual abilities of a person increase. There is a strong desire to comprehend and call all the phenomena perceived by the mind. It often gives knowledge and experience in the field of commerce and other

Brilliant financier J. R. Morgan had a compound of the Head of the Dragon with Mercury in the II House. Here we are dealing with a mind dedicated to the huge accumulation of property. From the same area - a connection in cancer in the IX house at Nelson Rockefeller. Inheriting almost half a billion dollars from the Father, he used these huge resources to achieve personal and political power.

The great French novelist and the prolific playwright of Honor de Balzac had an accurate compound of the Head of the Dragon with Mercury in the Taurus on MS. He was known as a tireless writer, and the number of his characters held in the head and on the pages of novels, exceeds two thousand

Dark side - Anton Levi, who had such a connection in the Taurus in the II house. He is the author of the "Bible of Satan", the founder of the first church of Satan in San Francisco in 1966. Grigory Rasputin is a connection in the twins in the IV house. It is widely known that the crazy monk had a huge impact on Alexander, the wife of King Nicholas, and the royal family

Customers with a compound of the Head of the Dragon and Mercury demonstrate the various degree of acute intellectual development. A man with such a connection in the Taurus in the IV House is a brilliant marketing manager in a large company engaged in computer security. Another man with such a connection in the XII house is gaining personnel for technical support of the line to solve problems related to computers. Each of these people succeeded in his knowledge

The northern lunar node in the compound in Mercury enhances the activity of the mind. It becomes insatiable and requires more knowledge, measuring, counting and placing valuable information. This compound can be created by the creation of great merchants, as in the case of morgan and rockefeller, or intellectuals, such as Balzac, Levie and Rasputin.

Southern Moon Knot in Connection with Mercury

When the Southern Moon Node is connected to Mercury, it sends intelligence to the study and measurement of perception of perception. There may be an interest in spiritivity and occult. The mind is often distracted from everyday life and is focused on another reality, imaginary or fantastic

Uri Geller has a dragon tail joint with Mercury in Sagittarius in the II house. His ability to telechinosis was tested and confirmed by the Stanford Research Institute. Io-Hanne Eckhart, nicknamed "spiritual grandfather Hitler" had this connection in fish in the I home. Eckhart was known as a poet and playwright.

He partially received imaginary sensations as a result of a tendency to receive alcohol and morphine. Comic Freddie Prince is a connection in cancer in the IX house. This comedian rapidly ascended to fame thanks to a quick witty manner of the game. Unfortunately, he left his life at the time of depression.

Finally, John Robbins - the heir to the success of ice cream "Baskin Robbins" - such a connection in Scorpio in the III house. He is a writer, lecturer, providers, distributing a message about food products around the world in our time. He all more deserves confidence, as turned his back to the success of the family

In the everyday world, people having a dragon tail with Mercury are also interested in alternative realities and demonstrate unusual mental abilities. One woman with such a compound in Aquarius in the III house is a representative for sales of international food for health.

Another woman with such a join in the twins in the XII house traveled around the world in search of spiritual teachers and information. Another lady with such a compound in Scorpio in the IV house complains of bizarre dreams and depressive uncontrollable turns of reason. As a result, each of these individuals demonstrates mental "intoxication" or the passion for any mental search

If there is a dragon tail connection with Mercury, some unusual mental abilities are observed with Mercury, as in cases with Geller and Ek-Hart. The mind is carried away by other areas - from imaginary robbins to leading to a disorder like a prince. Snake bite poisoned and exacerbates mental abilities that allow sweat outdoor phenomena

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Venus

When the northern lunar knot is connected to the Venus, Venusian Features are enhanced, such as artistry, musicality, beauty, and increases the sense of predetermination of relationships. This position may result in fame in art, as it envelops the personality with all sorts of attention. Such people are often drawn into karmic relations with others.

Connie Francis, a popular singer, Sensation of the 60s, had a join of the dragon head with Venus in Sagittarius in the XII house. Four of her marriage ended in a divorce, and in 1974, beaten and raped, she lost his wonderful voice and lived for several years in isolation. Jean Anuye, one of the outstanding post-war playwrights, had such a connection in the Taurus at the I Home. His heroes tearned relations with others to stay alone. The most famous his work "Waltz Toreador"

In Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, is a connection in the Aries in the Vi house. His work included ongoing close contacts with patients.

A masterology teacher J. Arien has such a connection in a cancer in the XI House. She married a person 10 days after he came to his classes. After 6 years he killed her, and then sent a gun on himself

Customers have similar painful relationships. A man who has such a connection to aquare in the IX house is a priest in great congregation. He is known for its special susceptibility; He declares connections with a group in past life. Another man with such a compound in a cancer in the XII house for several years has constantly endured torment from his wife. When he lost his job, she threw it. Finally, a woman with such a connection in the X House, being a child, suffered repeating insults and humiliation from his own mother. Now it is drawn into such relations with other special personalities, and the lifestyle of her family is repeated. The above-described individuals demonstrate the domineering, personally intrusive image of relationships, they are drawn into karmic relationships with others

South Moon Knot in Connection with Venus

When the southern moon node is connected to the Venus, the Veneranian qualities can know or idealize or idealize. There is an exacerbated need for relationships at another level. This creates an increased spiritual orientation in life and in relations with others. This orientation can be based on spirituality, idealism or fantasies.

Christopher Ishherwood has a southern moon node in conjunction with Venus in the Virgo in the IV House. His works are predominantly devoted to Vedic philosophy, pacifism and finding the meaning of life.

Michelangelo has a connection in Aries on IC. His frescoes, sculptures, Sicstinskaya Madonna in Rome reflect human relations and drama religiosity as never before

Dean Martin, actor and singer, also has this connection, almost accurate, in cancer in the IV house. He had predetermined relations with Jerry Lewis and with his son Dino, who tragically died at the accident of a military aircraft

On the dark side, we have an example of William Bonin, a famous California killer. He has a connection in Sagittarius in the II house. He killed more than twenty boys, attracting other young men to assist crimes

In customer maps, the question of obsessive relationships is also faced. A woman with an accurate connection in the twins in the Vii house was sexually persecuted by the same man throughout her whole life, and she compared everyone with him. Another woman has this connection in a cancer in the IX house. She communicates exclusively with people of oriental origin

When connecting the tail of the dragon with the Venus, we see literary and artistic inclinations, like Ishherwood and Michelangelo. But the most important thing is that there is a thirst for personal relationships that emphasize the limits of this world. This can lead to spiritual altitudes of consciousness, to close relationships with someone's artistry or someone's deity or an obsessive relationship of madness, like William Bonin

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Mars

When the northern lunar node is connected to Mars, the desire is enhanced. This can lead to large AM-WW bits, inspiration, passion and achieve. Such a person can be a powerful supporter of personal belief. Often recognize that Mars is associated with the materialization process. But if such personalities meet obstacles to the fulfillment of their worldly desires, they can easily twist and show cruelty

Hugo Black, a well-known assistant judge in the US Supreme Court, has a joint of a dragon head with Mars in the Virgin in the X House. It was characterized as a "militant humanist." Sir Richard Burton, the famous British Orientalist, had this exact connection in fish in the IV House. This adventure seeker traveled by Arabia, Ethiopia, Africa, writing everything that finally saw the actor Sal Mineo had this connection in Scorpio in the X House. He began on Broadway at 11 years old with endless enthusiasm. In 1976, he died for a violent death, in part because of his big energy

So, we see individuals with tremendous energy and passion for what they do. Often it is the absolute assertion that promotes them to the vertex in their activities. The compound of the head of the dragon with Mars gives constant impatibility in search of the following accomplishments

In customer maps, this connection is no less powerful. One woman has this connection in the twins in the I home. She was the president of the corporation, a suitable called "Compare Intellect". Later she left it for the sake of shelter for victims of women. Another woman who has a very accurate connection in aquare in the X house, contributed to the creation of several types of business and is now organizing a non-profit enterprise. Both of these women are very successful, real leaders. On their own, they achieved recognition in their chosen affairs. Both of them are tireless and certainly achieved even more

When connecting the head of the dragon with Mars, the snake bite poisons like a desire. These individuals passionately pursue what they wish, and this can lead them to power and prestige, as in the case of Berton and Black. However, dissatisfaction is often growing, fading the person to start all over

Southern Moon Knot in Connection with Mars

When the South Moon Knot is connected to Mars, desires increase the same way as when the dragon's head is connected. However, the source of inspiration is other. The need to achieve is often quite idealistic and from time to time can be impressed spiritually. If the strong wishes of the nature are blocked in some way, individuals may experience disappointment, getting angry and if they provoke, fall into rage

Mark Space, the famous Olympic swimmer, has an exact connection of the dragon's tail with Mars in the II house. He began to engage in a swimming at an early age, and the desire of his strong nature led him to the title "The Best Swimmer of the World" at the age of 17. He broke five world records and received seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympics

President of President Edmund Jerry Brown has this connection in the Taurus in the X House. He was elected governor of California in 1974. Jerry was known in the circle of friends and employees as a labor-Golik. Here we have the encouraging energy of Mars used in an idealistic political business. This person will never stop, and we will hear about it again and again thanks to the tireless compound of Mars with a snake

Finally, the King of Mongute IV king had such a compound, almost accurate, in Lion in the XI house. He became known thanks to the book and the film "Anna and King Siam", and on Broadway there was a play about him "King and I". It is known that he had more than 60 children, and this is the more noteworthy, because within 27 years before the adoption of the throne, he kept celibacy. Here, the strong desire of Mars is exceeded due to the idealistic religious motivation to remain chaste in the face of the Divine

Customers demonstrated Martian qualities defined in a similar way. One man has a southern moon node in conjunction with Mars in scales on the as-psychiatric. He is a brilliant therapist and a massage therapist, students adore him. In another man, this is a connection in the scales in the V house. He achieved fame in military art. Here we are confronted with the exceedment of a strong Martian nature due to some greater idealistic spiritual reality. Finally, a woman with such a compound in Capricorn in the II house was a victim of violent sexual relationships. Her husband shot himself from a gun

When connected to the dragon's tail, passionate Martian nature is enhanced and poisoned by the snake bite, inspiring the individual to idealistic achievements, as in cases of Space and Brown. Passionate nature, intensifying, looking for self-expression in reality, which is not from this world. This reality can be an idealistic or religious, like the King of Mongut IV, but may also be no other and obsessive

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Jupiter

When the Northern Moon Node is connected to Jupiter, it creates a powerful combination of forces for great earth achievements. A person may have exaggerated dedication or significance. Often it can give great knowledge and ability to teach others in the selected sphere. There may be ambitious plans with a strong humanitarian and social bias. The poisoning of the snake of earthly desire and the planet of growth in combination is almost always manifested by some majestically

Jean Claude Killi, the famous Olympic skier, has an exact connection of the Head of the Dragon with Jupiter in Lion on the Ascendant. He one of two people in the world won the Triple Crown at the Winter Olympics. Here we see huge abilities, ambition, achievements and recognition

Dr. Luis Berman, a famous endocrinologist, has this connection in the Aries in the IV house. He helped the shy, delected from business, thanks to his knowledge to make a scheme of the human endocrine system. He first allocated a hormone of the pancake

Finally, the genius Nikola Tesla had this connection in the Aries in the XII house. He was a scientist, a great theorist and a prolific inventor, his dream - to help mankind

This topic is also manifested in the maps of ordinary customers. Men has a dragon head with Jupiter in Scorpio in the III house. He declares that he can sell anything. He sells art objects and oriental carpets around the world. At the age of 18, selling shoes, he realized that with the same success could sell something much more magnificent. He is very successful and rich and wants everyone to know about it

The woman has a connection in the scales in the V house. She is engaged in massage and sincerely ready to help everyone who appeals to it. She continues to build up their skills and knowledge, including other techniques

When connecting the head of the dragon with Jupiter, greatness can be achieved in the public sphere, as in cases of Killie and Berman. Individuals are often very knowledgeable and philosophically are formed, it is impossible to know their subject. Tesla is one of the representatives of such a variety of people. Their goal is to leave your mark in the world

Southern Moon Knot in Connection with Jupiter

When the South Moon Knot connects to Jupiter, often this means deep humanitarian, philosophical or religious inclinations. It seems that such people can embrace huge topics that are outside the horizons of ordinary people. They passionately want to understand idealistic or divine principles in their lives. Their head in this world, but not from him. Often it is the greatest philosophers or social theorists

Martin Luther's great reformer had a jumper connection with a dragon tail in the scales in the III house. He was a famous professor of theology when he broke with the Catholic Church and began the Reformation in 1525. His understanding of spirituality and today affects us

The Great Astrologer Alan Leo had this connection in Lion in the XII house. He was one of the founders of the theosophical lodge in England. He is almost the only popularizer of astrology at the time. Here we are dealing with the Jupaterian philosopher, who helped astrology to use her Western spiritual roots

The great statesman Sir Winston Churchill had this accurate connection in the scales in the I home. Twice Prime Minister, Nobel Laureate in the field of literature, this man of the broadest horizon helped England to play a leading role in world politics at a time when it was actually in a state of decline

Other notable individuals - Lord Alfred Tennison, the Victorian poet, who had such a connection in the Aries in the XI House, and William F. Buckley, a highly political pontifer who had this connection in Capricorn in the IX House

Customers have similar features, but at a lower level. One client with an accurate join of the Dragon's tail with Jupiter in Scorpio on MS publishes a success of a foreign magazine, exactly named "Planet", - issues of philosophical and religious content. A woman with such a compound in Scorpio in the V House is a practitioner, travels through the countries of the third world, spreading knowledge and curable patients. Finally, a client with an accurate compound in cancer in the XII house is a religious leader, conducting a lot of time in spiritual privacy

When the South Moon Knot connects with Jupiter, it raises an individual in idealistic, imaginary and prophetic explorations. Their worlds can lead to a spiritual rise of mankind, as in cases with Martin Luther, Alan Leo and Winston Churchill. There are also other worlds that can serve as a place of refusal or care. Snake bite in conjunction with Jupiter has an idealistic nature achieving the spheres of humanism and spirituality

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Saturn

Connection of the Head of the Dragon with Saturn - a powerful combination for earthworks. Snake and Saturn testify about wisdom, as wisdom is tested on the experience of knowledge. This wisdom is aimed at earthly affairs. The connection can give an insatiable need to achieve increasing skill in his well-known lesson, as well as a sense of insulation throughout life

Famous French artist Onor Houses had an exact compound of the dragon head with Saturn in Scorpio in the IV House. His skill and energy were so great that he released almost 4 thousand lithographs and about two hundred paintings. He became known in the truly Saturnian manner - shortly after death

August Caesar, Emperor Rome, had this connection in the Taurus in the VIII house. At the same time, Rome reached his zenith with cold calculating policies. He announced the Great, Golden Age in Literature and Architecture

Here we have two examples of a large personal skill inherent to people with this compound.

Benvenutto Chellin, a famous artist and jewelry business Master of the Renaissance, had an accurate connection outside the sign between the Taurus and the twins in the XI House. It is generally recognized that he was the greatest designer for metal in the medieval period. Finally, Guderian, the famous German general of armored troops, perfectly owned the skill of tank fighting both in the Western and Eastern Fronts. He is known thanks to his Blitzkrieg plan, developed at the beginning of the war, but he owned both experience in protecting at the end of hostilities. Again, we have a great artist and a strategist with outstanding skill each in the famous form of expression. The experience of each of them was repeated, and they admired them equally and friends, and enemies.

From customers: One woman has an accurate join of the dragon head with Saturn in the Viii house. She is a capable responsible secretary of a large corporation. Another woman has an almost accurate connection in the Taurus in the II house. She is from a very rich family, her father manages a family corporation. She avoids family, father and money and lives alone; her goal is to become an independent

When connecting the head of the dragon with Saturn, great abilities encourage a person to seek power and recognition, as in cases of houses, Caesar, Chellin and Guderian. They often feel lonely on top. Their huge skill and wisdom admire, and at times the disciples are looking for their societies, dreaming once become as capable. Here the bite of the snake makes a person achieve perfection in excerpt and independence in search of domination of this world

Southern Moon Knot in Connection with Saturn

When the South Moon Knot is connected to Saturn, this is a sign of asceticism, experience in spiritual areas of existence. Such a personality has an insurmountable need to retire from the everyday peace of people. Here the snake bite can give harsh loneliness or a great feeling of self-esteem, the call to leave this world and enter the other. There may be deep depression or religiosity. Such people find spiritual satisfaction in monasteries and places of privacy, in staying alone with Divine

Jean Paul Sartre, the famous French philosopher, novelist and playwright, had this compound (in minutes from exact) in the fish in the II house. He is the leader of the French intelligentsia after 1939. His philosophy of existentialism suggests that this world does not matter for an individual and that the case of each of us to determine their fate. Here the snake bite leaves no desires for this world, creating the independence and responsibility of everyone for themselves and for all

Astrologer Elbert Benjamin, known under the pseudonym S. S. Zayn, had an almost accurate compound (with a difference in minutes) of the dragon's tail with Saturn in Taurus in the Vi House. Until 1900, he studied on the natural hand, until he experienced mystical experience. He founded the Church of Light in Los Angeles and wrote a series of religious and astrological books

Another creator of spirituality is an astrologer Max Heyndel, who has a connection in a degree from accurate in the libeles in the IV house. Heindel founded the Rosenkraucers partnership in the US on the threshold of the century. Here we see a call to enter other spheres and find a permanent form, something installed that others can follow this spiritual reality.

Finally, the Great Poet, the philosopher, the artist Camille Djibran had this connection (in minutes from the exact) in the Taurus in the IX house. A lone figure in the "Prophet" eloquently testifies to his skills and penetration. Claude Bragdon said about him: "His power comes from some huge reservoir of spiritual life, otherwise she could not be so" comprehensive and powerful "

In the everyday world, we find similar dignity and asceticism. One client is a connection in the I home. He is very rich, but absolutely not changed in connection with this. He has a restrained sense of self-esteem, and he is mainly engaged in the goal of his life. The woman has this connection to aquare, a few minutes from the exact, in the X house.

She followed the spiritual path almost all his adult life. She is absolutely true. She suffers from a sense of loneliness and depression and intends to defeat them extremely spiritual way. Finally, a woman with such a compound in Aries in a V house has experienced a lot of grief and financial failures as a result of the game on the stock exchange. Now she heads a religious consortium, helping to publish the books of "New Century"

The connection of the tail of the dragon with Saturn gives skill not from this world, like a rider, Handel and Dzhibrana. Special attention at this point of the map on Saturn, giving the most realistic planetary energy, is to ensure that the person chooses the reality greater than this world. Everyone must find this reality, measure it and subjugate.

It does not matter whether other spheres exist - it is only important what exists for them. The snake bite moves these individuals from this world with the help of asceticism, privacy and times of loneliness to prepare for the introduction of a new life. Snake bite here leaves the imprint of spiritual creation

North Moon Knot in Connection with Uranium

External planets, starting with uranium, are moving so slowly, which is connected to the dragon nodes for a very long period of time, so these compounds are common. However, accurate connections in the corners of the card or next to them are completely unusual

When the northern lunar knot is connected to uranium in the nodal point of the horoscope, an enhancement of individuality occurs, as a result of which there are special ingenious trends, and a person leaves his mark in this world. Elevated individualism leads to a strong sense of uniqueness and dissimilar to others. As a result, a person feels incorrectly understood and, in the worst case, isolated and alienated

In having a bad fame of Nazis Martin Borman North Moon Knot in conjunction with uranium in Sagittaria next to the middle of the sky. He was known as the evil Gyteler genius and was the second after Hitler man in the third Reich. This is one of the strongest, however, the most mysterious and least understood Nazis. Here the snake bite created a terrestrial, distorted genius, which tries to form reality in the image and likeness of his unique upset Streltsovsky vision.

Southern Moon Knot in Connection with Uranium

When the southern lunar node is connected to uranium in the angular point, it gives an enhancement of individuality. As a result, a person brings experience or spiritual gifts from past lives. Elevated individualism gives a strong sense of uniqueness and differences from other, which often makes a person think that these feelings are not from this world. Sometimes it leads to isolation and hostility to other

Mozart has the southern moon node was in conjunction with uranium in fish on the descendant. This is a powerful spiritual genius. Mozart learned to play several musical instruments at the age of three, participated in concerts at five years, attracting the special wealth of musical abilities from past lives. He is known as one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time. Here the snake bite gives a genius not from this world, expressing himself through the universal language of music in the manner of fish.

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Neptune

When the northern lunar node is connected to the net in the angular point of the horoscope, there is an enhanced desire of an idealized or highly valued earthly existence. A person feels the actual need to surrender to his character and experience that changes, reflecting current circumstances. Since the Northern Moon Knot represents the Involution Process, there is a need to express their dreams at the earthly level of existence. This is a magazine to lead to the experience of a spiritual refusal and as a result - "to a great understanding of self. It can also lead to tricks and dementia as a result of the knowledge of worldly fantasies, deception and delusion. It all depends on the degree of development of the individual.

In the famous actor of the theater and movie Rex Harrison, the compound of the Head of the Dragon with Neptune is a few minutes of the arc from the accurate in cancer close to the decendant. He played many roles in awarded Oscar productions "My beautiful Lady", "Cleopatra", "Dr. Dulitl". This actor is perfectly owning his skill.

The northern lunar knot in the conjunction with Neptune allows an individual to abandon his personality, go beyond its limits and play a few roles in this life. Here snake bite enhances the experience of the vision. He also strengthens the need to lead a high-level material life.

South Moon Knot in Connection with Neptune

If the southern moon node is connected to the neptune in the corner point of the horoscope, in humans intensive desire for idealized, spiritual or otherworldly experience. Personality feels an impassive need to succumb to its nature and experience coming from another reality that arose in past lives. Since the tail of the dragon represents the evolution process, there is a need to express the image of its dreams on the spiritual or religious levels of existence. This can lead to religiosity or enlightenment or may result in experience outside the body and madness

German naturalist, doctor, climber Karl Herligkoffer had an accurate connection of the dragon's tail with Neptune in several degrees from Ascendent in Lion. Here, longing for otherworldly experience, expressed in the conquest of the peaks of Himalayas. This experience belongs to something more than our earthly area. The snake bite here enhances spiritual, elevated vision.

Northern Moon Knot in Connection with Pluto

When the northern lunar knot connects with Pluto in the corner points of the horoscope, the person is purposeful to fanaticism. The personality with obsession is involved in the charismatic, transforming, self-assistive experience, in the fire of which she lives, dies and reborn again. There will be a struggle between power and deterrence. This person constantly experiencing the sharpness of the blade - he is controlled, then unmanage. When the fear of stay is not under control (ultimately fear of death), then the soul is exempt at this level of existence

The famous preacher Marjo Gerdner has a joint of a dragon head with Pluto in Lion in several degrees from Ascendent. Since childhood, he preached the Word of God, fulfilling the functions of the priest for 15 years. It was his vocation from God.

Later he left the church to become a film actor. In this case, the snake bite early created a strong sense of dedication. However, this goal must die and may be revived in the epic struggle between the divine and personal purpose.

South Moon Knot in Connection with Pluto

When the southern moon node connects with Pluto in one of the corners of the horoscope, the personality is involved in charismatic, transforming, self-sufficient, religious or spiritual experiences, with whom the person lives, dies and reborn again. This person is also constantly experiencing the acute stay under control and without it. When the fear of life without deterrence is defeated (and in the end, fear of death), the personality is exempt on the spiritual or religious levels of existence

The famous model and lover of Alfred Blooming Dale Vicky Morgan had a dragon tail in the map with Pluto in Lion in several degrees from Ascendent. In this case, transforming, self-satisfying experiences are from among the otherworldly, since Vicky was occupied mainly in a sadomasochist relationship with Bloomingdale.

Trends to self-destruct moved from sexual relations with Bloomingdale in the real world, when her companion and lover, during the dispute, beat her to death with a baseball bat. Here the bite of the snake calls on the otherworldly areas. The blade of restraint and uncontrolcity manifested itself in the world of sexual fantasy.

This obsessive need for transforming otherworldly experienced ultimately led it to other areas of fantasy - to drug abuse and alcohol. In the true manner of this join the tail of the dragon with Pluto, she lost herself, and then lost her life

Here the snake bite shows one of the greatest divine secrets of life - when he to restrain himself, and when not. This is the main question of Pluto. Being under control, we often do not know what is really going on in our life. But paradoxically, being aware of what really happens in our life, we are incomprehensible in terms of most controlled. One Divine experience, another crazy. To find out the difference between them, you need wisdom, and for this we need snake bite

Northern and southern lunar nodes in the horoscope

In this article, we saw that the northern lunar knot and the Southern Moon Knot were significant points not only on the ecliptic, where eclipses occur. These are significant points in the interpretation of the card. Myths about the creation and on snake-dragons, oriental and western, helped HIM understand and evaluate these points on the ecliptic. Use their close connections with planets, and your interpretation of cards will be replenished with important information. These are important tools in the dimension. With their help, you can determine where the divine comes with personal

Dennis Flarerty

Astrologers predict our fate for the day, week, month and even a year. Is there an astrological factor that accompanies a person all his life, constantly intervening in it, and which to some extent determines his fate? ..

If my life is defined in advance, I think, if the horoscope is a drawing of my fate, then on this drawing there should be a pointer that would have reported to me what to seek where to go than in life. Fate should have a compass. And it exists. On the one hand, his arrow is the northern lunar knot, on the other - the southern moon node. And in the middle ... in the middle there is a struggle ... The struggle with himself, with its own destiny and with the circumstances of life because of her ignorance.

How to turn life into fate

The invasion of God's fishing is the prediction of fate - a long-time fun of humanity. How much it exists, so much try to answer eternal questions. The purpose of the human life is hidden from him, so he always wants to understand her all the time. It is impossible to know the meaning of life or predict the fate of the fate, as it depends on many reasons.

The process of astrological prediction is a peeping into the keyhole of the "Divine Kitchen". We predict what they see. From here you can conclude that God remains God, and we know what ...

Life itself is a permanent conscious and unconscious infantry, since although it is predetermined from birth, but at the same time depends on the will of a person. A person has the right to choose ... True, only from what is offered in this life. A person depends on fate and fate - from man. Joint efforts of over and personal will or their struggle with each other and determine real life. To grow spiritually, a person needs to overcome anything in itself or surrounding, you need to fight for myself for my place in the world.

Astrology is asked as far as human life corresponds to his cosmic destination. She is trying to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like "Who am I?", "What is my mission on this earth?" I do not think that God was boring and opposed astrological agents. God, I think it is sometimes necessary to help!

Human life is a period of time from the birth of a person before his death, for which the fate on earth is embodied. Life is called fate if they want to emphasize that it depends on the will of God and is defined in advance. A person turns his life in fate, reflecting on her.

It is pointless to be offended by fate. Each makes it for himself. The fate of a person is not a punishment, but a work plan for life.

The meaning of the fight of the will of the person and the divine presense - in the lunar nodes, the lessons of fate, which we need to learn are identified. Like a life compass, lunar knots indicate the direction of the person to take place as a person and become happy.