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Sun line on a man's hand. Sun line on hand: signs, location, behavior and complete decoding

The line of good luck is also called the line of happiness, talent, art or the Apollo line, the sun line. The name "The line of Apollo" and the "Line of the Sun" originate from the planetary division, as the ring finger is called the finger of the Sun or the finger of Apollo. The name line of happiness is associated with a value of a line that gives human with high optimism and cheerfulness. Also, this line shows the degree of calling to some art, artistic talents.

The luck line dates back from the top of the moon hill or from the plain Mars and goes towards the finger of Apollo (Unnamed). In the picture - the red line. You can take only the line that lies under the finger suitable for her, that is, it is in its place, along the finger's axis.

No line. Failures and disappointment in life, however, the owner of the hand is talented. Monotonous, monotonous life without special success and joys.

Clear and straight. Happy man with light and cheerful character. The sublime nature, prone to all kinds of art, the desire for the beautiful. Glory and wealth achieved thanks to art.

Thin, weakly pronounced, winding. Indecisiveness of character, the fancy of the fate, which, however, can be changed in the presence of abilities.

Consists of parts. Speaks about too big gusts, a man eager to apply his strength in the field of any art, but does not find ways to implement it. Such a line shows a bit of art, but periodic, and depending on the type of palm there is always a reason that creates interference and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

It consists of very small and broken lines.Big desire for arts, love for effects in part of clothing and fashion.

Starts on the line of life or the line of fate, ends on the sun hill. Success is the result of talent and energy. Location of high-ranking specials.

Starts on the head of the head. Success at middle age is the result of its own effort.

Starts on the line of heart. Heat, happiness and wealth in old age. This is basically good-natured people who will enjoy in life a good reputation, the talents of which will always find their application in the area of \u200b\u200bactivity to which they belong and have abilities.

Starts on Mars Hill.When achieving success will be used internal vitality, courage, so as if defending its place under the sun and resisting bad influences. World Glory.

Begins on the moon hillside. Man O. darin of the mighty power of imagination and in a pair with a good head line can transform and express their talents as a writer.It is very attractive for the opposite sex, a person, which becomes an idol masses.

Begins on the Venus Bugre. Odam artistically.

Ends in many small lines. Unsettled, has a lot of contradictory interests.

Ends in fork.Multilateral talents, spraying between them. A person could achieve greater success if B concentrated in one of the two selected directions. It is necessary to make the choice of that classes or hobbies, which will bring you the greatest satisfaction and benefit.

Ends in a trident on the sun hill. Worldwide glory and recognition, great merits, this is the purpose of over.

Branch to Mercury and Saturn hills. A person uses to achieve success and riches of quality inherent in these hills in which wisdom and insight will be combined.

Ascendingbranches.Happiness in life a person will achieve due to its own efforts.

Downward branches. Mean the periodic need for help to promote it, without which he will not be able to achieve great success.

Line, cutting basic.Obstacle and braking in the promotion and development of man talents. When the success line Ends deep cross, suggests that talent and success stopped by some reason that a person is no longer overcome.

Signs on the Happiness Lines

Cross. Disappointment; Damage inflicted by others; Lack of self-esteem.

Square.Levels "Defects" line.If the square is at the end of the Apollo line, it indicates protection over, and protects against any trouble in the field of art throughout the human life. Another difficult to stain his reputation.

Island. The ability to get rich or significantly correct your financial situation due to illegal communication.

Star. Great success in the field of arts, and accordingly, celebrity and glory. At the end of the line on the sun hill - worldwide glory and recognition in The beginning of the line is a Wunderkind sign with a well-developed health line (Mercury).

And at the end I want to say that One presence of talent line, sun on hand already Speaks about the happiness of a person acquired with the help of his abilities and talents; And it does not matter that it will be not a famous artist, an artist or a businessman, but a simple gardener, growing flowers, or a mother who gave birth to a long-awaited child.

Be talented and happy!

A man's palm carries a lot of interesting information. We can learn about the characteristics of the character, about the suitability in the professional sphere, about personal life, about the present, about the past and the future. But there is such a packer in the chiromantia, which speaks of our aspirations, success, it indicates the strength of man's desire to fame and glory. She is called the line of the sun, the success line or the Apollo line.

The line of Apollo, the line of good luck is so also called the Sun line in the chiromantia. The presence of her on his hand suggests that a person has a reliable angel who keeps him from dangerous situations, trouble in fate and other bad luck.

The line of the Sun in the Chiromantia is one of the most mysterious and mysterious drops on the hand. It provides its owner reliable protection and serves as a kind of protective guard. The Apollo line is capable of directing a person in the right direction and repels it from an increasing act.

The Apollo line helps each person who has it. Its presence on the palm is not a sign of wealth and luxury. Success line can be like a rich and poor man, she speaks of his fate. It is not possible to find it on the palm. And if your palm is absent in the absence of wealth, you need to look for an answer in your past life. The answer to this question lies in your actions and in relation to others.

How to find and solve the Apollo line on hand

The line of the sun on hand is located at the bottom of the palm. The Apollo line passes in parallel with a dash of fate and ends under a ring finger. Such a line of Apollo (line of the Sun) must be ideally. But most often it is not so long and has a smaller size.

Most often, this feature manifests itself on palm in adulthood, and not from the young age. But there are exceptions - talented children and shorterkinds. From the Small years they prove that they are talented and successful in life. They can see the feature of wealth and good luck from an early age.

The line of wealth, beginning with the heart feature, speaks of late recognition. Such people at the young age were unrecognized geniuses, carried out all sorts of projects, carried out plans. And by fifty years they find themselves in life, become happier and lucky.

    • Clear, smooth, without islets, points and interrupts line of the Sun speaks of the success of its owner. These are the balovni fate. They are very successful, there are no defeats and failures in his life. But it happens very rarely. But most often there are various defects on the quarrel of wealth.
    • If your Apollo line (Sun line) is short, it is interrupted and comes from the mind line, and ends under a nameless finger - you are a successful person. Your success in the career was quite rapidly and the same rapid will be your fall. But do not despair. In the Hiromantia, this sign on the palm only warns you of a possible fall. You must listen to him and make it all depends on you to keep afloat and do not feel your fate for strength. Sometimes it is enough to change the place of work, change the scope of activities or simply fulfill your project to the end to appreciate you.

  • The Apollo line with the islands in Hiromantia speaks of the scandalous person and the lack of positive reputation. Such a dog may be criminal personality. In its sphere, they can also be quite successful. But most often it is available in people positive, and not negative, having a good heart.
  • If the sun line is overshadowed with a cross, she talks about disappointments in life, about financial losses. The cross in the middle of the rich dash speaks about overcoming the obstacles, the incompleteness of the work project, and at the end of the richness of wealth - the end of the career, loss of business and so on.
  • Numerous gaps on a rich dash can be due to non-appreciation and not a valuation. Such people are not recommended to be sprayed around. They need to come together with thoughts and not lose interest in their work or project. Just so it will be a real success. It is very important to wait for this period.
  • Square in Hiromantia has always been a faithful sign of the overag and protection. The Apollo line and the square on it speaks of a person's protectedness from gossip, intrigue and envious.
  • If the success line has an intersection with a star, it will bring a great success to its winner. They are known, rich and easily completed the already started projects.
  • If the sun line is not alone (it is triple or double) - its action on person is intensified at times. Such people are very famous, talented in the fields of art and not only, as well as very rich. But to achieve this fame, such people need to gain experience, go through difficulties, failures and falls. To achieve popularity, they will need to make not one working draft, but the result will not make himself wait long.

What does Star on the line of the Sun say

The Apollo line (the success line) and the star on it in Hiromantia speaks about charismatic and extraordinary personality. These people live in freaks with themselves. The star is able to attract the spiritual energy to its owner, affects his fate. The star illuminates people to implement all their dreams, plans, projects and ideas. Star in Hiromantia is able to endow people with good intuition. Of these people, the famous personalities are obtained: artists, poet, musicians, politicians, and so on.

The star is very difficult to find among the inactentive people or those who have achieved popularity through money and influential acquaintances. These are unique people who are able to independently implement their talents, projects and plans. Increasingly, the star on the hand speaks about the presence of the Divine Patron in fate. Star protects and protects its owner in difficult life situations. It has a positive impact on the fate of her people having.

The sun line in the chiromantia has many titles. It is called the line of happiness, the line of good luck and the line of Apollo. This is a sign of great luck and happiness on hand. This line starts at the wrist and goes up, reaching the base of the nameless finger.

The value of the sun line on the palm in the chiromantia

The most favorable sign on hand is a clear continuous line of the sun. Alas, such a line is very rare. This is a sign of happy fate that a man gets from birth.
The sun line indicates a happy life, glory, respect and recognition. This line is often found on the palms of celebrities, artists, musicians, artists and writers.
Most often, this line appears in more mature age. She arises at the moment when a person acquires his happiness, reaches his goals. In such cases, this line will be short, and will be taken to either on the mind line, either on the heart line.
If the line of the Sun begins on the mind line, then a person will gain his happiness and implements all his talents about 35 years.
If the sun line begins on the heart line, then a person will feel completely happy by 50 years.

Signs on the sun line

When analyzing the line of the Sun, it is important to take into account the signs located on it. - If the line intersects with several or one short line, then this means temporary obstacles to success.
- If the line of the Sun has a break, then this indicates risky character and adventures in life.
- If the sun line looks like a chain, then a person is looking for bad glory.
"If there is a cross on this line, then this is a sign of disappointment. There is a sign about the incredible good luck and luck.
- The island is dissatisfaction with its achievements.
If you do not have a lot of luck on your hand, it does not mean that you will not be happy in life. Yes, in this case you do not receive happy fate from birth, but you have the opportunity to find your happiness yourself, and not by definition.

The desire to look at the veil of reality and try to solve the signs of fate were born with a man. Whether it is a fortune telling or reading on the palm - the main asked question remains "Who am I? Where is my place in this life? ". The desire to understand the true purpose often leads a person to the art of the chiromantia, as not to be obsteed by a centuries-old interest in this area of \u200b\u200bsuper-recognition.

Apollo was known in ancient Greece as a patron of arts, his name was a named by the Unnamed finger and a tubercle on his palm, located right under it, the loud names were given not by chance: it is these parts of the hand will tell if the person will be famous, whether he should choose the art of art in quality of life of life.

The sun and Apollo are associated with luck, talents, life success, kind, generosity, inspiration and moral qualities of man. Having considered this area of \u200b\u200bpalm, it is possible to understand whether a person comes correctly manages its internal energy resources, in which area of \u200b\u200blife he will achieve great success.

Azatry and attention to their own person, harmonicity of development - everything is concentrated on a small portion of hand. Also, the pronounced elevation of pink color will talk about the presence of a genius at its owner, such a person will definitely achieve large heights in life. At the same time, these people are generous and friendly.

Secret meaning of the sun line.

The line of the Sun is one of the most undervalued chiropractors of the palm areas. It comes out, as a rule, from the top of the hill of the Moon towards the hill of Apollo, but it can take its origin and significantly higher. The line of the sun is located near the line of fate, most often parallel to her.

Often this feature is associated with the life success and the presence of talents, partly this is true: but the long and clear line of the sun often characterizes a person how too relying on their talents. They often lack perseverance and hard work for the implementation of their ambitions. But if the talent is united with energy, the success of man will be provided.

Similarly, the lack of the sun line does not mean that the doors of self-realization for a person are closed. Just he will need to make much more effort to achieve his. The expressive feature of the Sun makes it easier to success, but do not guarantee it.

The line of the sun, like the trait of Saturn, do not have guidance on human health. In exceptional cases, severe mental illnesses may be reflected on it. However, the value of this line for the characteristic of a person is difficult to overestimate.

The line of the sun, clearly expressed on the left hand in the right hand and on the right hand of Levsh, suggests that the talent man was given by the highest forces, while her manifestation on the work hand will report that a person has put a lot of effort for its own development.

Characteristics of the sun line and their influence on fate.

The line of the Sun manifests itself immediately: often it cuts over in a mature age, when a person has already committed some steps to develop internal inclinations and talents, children have extremely rarely. The exception is the so-called adderkinds, endowed with a genius from birth - they have this shortcut clearly from the first years of life.

  • A clear, smooth line of the sun, the location of which corresponds to the reference pattern, can meet in nature extremely rarely. Her owners are the real dumplings of fate, with ease, everything, for which they would not take. Success follows them on the heels;
  • A short, intermittent, originating from the line of the head of the Sun, belongs to the successful, realized in the life of people. But behind the dizzying up the career ladder can follow the same rapid fall, such people should be on guard to prevent missile;
  • The line of the sun is interrupted, with a lot of islands inherent on the personalities of the outrageous, prone to scandaling and the game with fire. Often they go to prison or bind to the criminal sphere;
  • The multiple line of the Sun, the concomitant lines of the Sun vertical lines reinforce its impact on fate. Such people are usually not only known, but also rich. Success may not be soon, but he will surely happen;
  • The wavyline of the sun, branch from the line - the success on the career front will be changed, the feeling of the swing in life will pursue the holder all his life;
  • The lubricated, fuzzy or interrupting line of the sun speaks about the throwing of a person, the talent for life will increase, then it is completely disappearing that it will not bring stability into life.

Signs on the sun line: how they affect fate.

When analyzing the sun marker on the palm, not only the type of feature can play a key role, but also the characters located on it:

  • Fish - a happy sign that is carried on the palms of people successful, implemented both in creativity, and in the financial aspect of life;
  • A trident or fork - if the sun line ends with triple features, reminiscent of Poseidon's magic attribute, a person will definitely achieve recognition, but let it be not easy;
  • Pentagram - promises success and wealth, often occurs on the palms of practitioners of magicians;
  • Butterfly - a symbol-like symbol can be found on the hands of talented, original, not similar to anyone. The sign promises a great success in the field of art;
  • Rhombus, square or rectangle - a sign of strong protection, fate protects the carrier from all sorts of infants and problems.

Hill Apollo: Secrets of Interpretation.

Apollo Hill is responsible for the inner human harmony, his ability to focus its energy on significant things and the degree of talent. People with the developed Hill Apollo more often have a tendency to various types of arts, they are successfully implemented on this field, showing themselves as talented creators who are able to illuminate the world with their genius.

Hill dimensions.

When analyzing the Apollo Bug, first of all it is necessary to estimate its dimensions - the value of the entire palm and the degree of elevation over its surface play a crucial role to read any drawing in the chiromantia. The hill of Apollo or the Sun is the only section of the hand, the excessive dimensions of which will not be affected by the personality is unnecessarily negative. Its dimensions are directly related to creative potential, the greater the magnitude - the greater the possibility of man.

  • The complete lack of elevation on the palm - such palms can be found among people without creative principle, they are much more expensive to healthy pragmatism. A person who has been poorly developed by the Hill Apollo, is not inclined to rely on intuition - he doesn't have it, he does not get it for reflections on the meaning of life. In work, such people prefer professions related to monotonous physical or mental activities that do not require the effort or application of specific skills and skills;
  • The average development is the hill not stand out in relation to the rest of the palm parts, but is clearly noticeable. The owner of such a hand is an open and friendly man, he knows how to empathize and understand those surrounding from the first word, this is a pleasant interlocutor and a good friend. The host of the Middle Size of the Apollo Bugra has a rich inner world, good intuition and a lot of unscrewed talents. All his strength he invests in personal relationship, sometimes too trusted partners. They like to needle, create home comfort, and they are not too interested in the financial side of life, as a rule, they have enough money;
  • A large, standing on the palm of the hill occurs on the palms of people loving art, often they associate with this sphere all their lives. The personality is bright, gifted, such people are always in the center of attention, they admire. The main goal in life is Glory and Fame, which will be fulfilled, if a person makes a sufficient amount of effort;
  • Excessively developed bulge - if the dimensions are superior to all other palm areas, the hand holder is the personality hypertrophically artistic, often outrageous. Such people seek to achieve glory by any paths, not believing with the norms of morality. The high development of the Apollo hill gives the identity of the mercenary, depending on the material goods and values.

Displacement of the elevation of Apollo.

Normally located hill - the point right under the nameless finger. If the tubercle was shifted relative to this point or even merge together with another hill - it will definitely affect the interpretation of lines on hand, and therefore on the character of a person.

The displacement towards the elevation, the patron of which is Saturn, characterizes a person as a creator who is not alien philosophy and psychoanalysis. Of these people come out excellent writers in the genre of detective and fantasy, talented musicians and artists. But to achieve this inner harmony, they are not necessary at all self-realization in the profession, but a strong happy family. Love and warmth they value much higher than money. The full merger of the hills of Apollo and Saturn characterizes people of talented, but closed, prone to depression and discontent with themselves.

The shift to the hill Mercury characterizes the personality directly opposite: art is important for them, but not as an act of creativity and self-expression, but as a way to earn large sums. These are pragmatics to the bone's brain, they are best implemented their talents on the field, close to show business: the beautiful directors and producers, actors and musicians come out. The obligations and restriction of their own freedom will be pretended to such people, so they are rarely marriage and reluctantly, rather in favor of society standards. The closer the elevation of Apollo to the Hill of Mercury, the more important for the person money.

Deciphering characters on the hill of Apollo.

Often on the hill of the patron of arts there are lines and signs. They are extremely important for interpretation: good and bad, symbols will tell about a person more than he himself. The following regularity is often observed: the symbols of a negative nature are found on the underdeveloped hill, while favorable signs are a distinctive feature of people with a large hill of Apollo. Negative signs say that a person cannot send energy to himself, for good purpose. It obeys the pressure of more developed hills and lines - as a rule, it is Jupiter and the damning of the mind.

  • The grille - first of all it is worth paying attention to the size of the sign. So, a wide, a large lattice, which occupies almost the entire hill, can say that the owner of the hand is a man's vain, with a huge ego that will push him on thoughtless actions. The desire to look in the eyes of others better than they are in fact, makes people with such a kind of signs of shaving family and friendly connections in favor of the opinion of the majority. In trying to achieve fame, a person will sacrifice too many, spending all its energy without a balance, which will ultimately lead either to the nervous breakdown, or even to the loss of reason. The narrow lattice is most often found on the palms of people prone to congenital mental illness;
  • Cross - often testifies to the religiousness of the owner. This is the most ambiguous symbol to which the rest of the palm hills will largely influence. The carriers of the cross risk testing a lot of grief and disappointment in life due to unfulfilled expectations and hopes, but at the same time, they can easily achieve wealth and even fame, subject to well-developed hills of Mercury and Saturn. The degree of exposure to the cross can vary through life, awaiting brighter, this sign will enforce financial problems. The sign holders need to find a strong patron, who will help in a difficult situation;
  • The star is one of the most favorable signs on this hand. His owners can get rich overnight, money will come from the most unexpected places - inheritance, lottery, a sudden contract on a round sum. People marked with a star, and their family life would be similar to the magic fairy tale. The most favorable area of \u200b\u200bactivity for owners of such palms is art - here they will be able to reveal their potential to the highest degree, achieving fame and recognition. There is only one nuance for this sign - when a happy star will play a key role - unknown, fame and wealth people can wait for many years, and get only at the end of life;
  • Ring - a favorable sign. A person who is wearing a circle on the hill of Apollo, smiles good luck on the field of art. Their path to success lies through difficulties and dangers, but ultimately they will achieve the desired fame and popularity;
  • Square - carriers of the sign alien to vanity and the desire for success. Everything comes to them by itself: financial well-being is achieved easily, literally playing. Under certain concise circumstances, people with a square can gain popularity, but they are not endowed with outstanding talents;
  • The triangle is the best sphere for people self-realization with this sign - science. Holders of a non-trivial analytical warehouse of the mind, they can make a truly amazing scientific discovery. On the other hand, the career in the field of art will also be more than successful. What would the triangle carrier choose - science or creativity - he is waiting for recognition. Checking copper pipes on such a person will not affect: Glory and success will not spoil him;
  • Single feature or grooves that do not fold in the drawing - this means that a person has a potential for achieving success in the field of art, however, to fame and success, he is still very far away. He needs to put a goal for himself and move to its implementation, otherwise hidden talent risks such and remain;
  • Molenka on the hill of Apollo is a bad sign. Most often, such people are not lucky in personal relationships: families are disintegrating, and friends simply does not happen. A bad glory is enshrined in the society, and he goes long and hard for his goals.

How to change your destiny?

As a novice fan of chiromantia and experienced specialists, it is important to remember: the drawing on the palms is changing during the life. Each person can adjust his fate, in time to show the place of a negative sign or line. Each step aimed at improving its own inner world, family relationships will find a response and palm, changing fate for the better.

Today there is even a surgical service called "Correctional Chiromantia": For several sessions of the doctor, the drawings of the hand will correct, bringing them to the desired ideal. Of course, it is not necessary to expect that the one-time procedure will turn into a prince in a couple of days: but many assure that life is really changing for the better.

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Hiromantia for those who want. The concept and simple explanations of her tricks.

The line of the sun on hand is a sign of talent, creative imagination and success. It begins at the wrist, not far from the feature of fate, and ends near the founding of the nameless finger, on the sunny tubercle.

Not all it is expressed, sometimes represented by a small segment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Sun hill or in the center of the palm. Some people do not have this line at all.

General view of the trait

Each person has a line of the sun differently. If there is no trait on the palm, then a person is unhappy, he is talented, but cannot apply his abilities. Here are some options for the appearance of the solar branch:

  • Long and clear
  • Short
  • Wavy
  • Lubricated
  • Interrupted
  • Consist of several drops.

Each type of sun line has its own value, indicates the degree of human talentedness, his way to success, the impact on the lives of other people. Let's consider in more detail how the features affect the fate of people.

Long and clear line

The trait that stretches from the wrist to the Bugra Apollo himself, and clearly visible even in the photo - the most favorable sign. Her owner has an imagination, many talents.

The trait promises success, fame and recognition. The character of his cheerful and good-natured, he was happy, satisfied with himself. Confidence and good arrangement of the spirit infects everyone around. Therefore he has many friends and fans.

Short line

The short line of the Sun indicates that its owner is interested in music, literature, painting, but his own talents are not very well developed. If it realizes himself in other areas, and art will be his hobby, will be happy. People with such a feature are found among collectors, art historians. They are provided, know how to dispose of money.

Too short, barely noticeable trait - a sign of lack of talent. Such people often seek to conquer fame and recognition, but do not have for this prerequisites. Therefore, they become envious and greedy, embittered on the whole world. Hiromantia advises the owners of a short twig to search themselves in other areas, and not to spend the power for useless attempts to achieve success in creativity.

Wavy and lubricated lines

A man with a wavy sun line is an elegant, artistic, charming. But he has a negative feature - pessimism. It is subject to mood drops, often flows into depression.

Line of happiness, good luck, success, creative gift, talents ... Sun line .. Lecture number 6. Hiromantia

Lines speakers about luck, well-being, happiness, love, material stability

sun Line (Apollo line) / Hiromantia / General Characteristics / Clause of Hiromantia

Emotional instability becomes an obstacle to the achievement of success. The owner of the lubricated line cannot focus on one purpose. He is in vain shelters forces, does not implement all the talents in him.

Emergency and multiple line

The rupture on the line is a sign of fatigue, unsolvable problems. If it is restored by dashes, walking around, then friends or relatives will come to the rescue. If there are several parallel identical branches to the Apollo hill - it means a person confidently goes to success, enjoys supporting close. Dashs of different lengths, reaching near, mean uncertainty. Their owner changes professions, can not be determined where he best to realize himself.

When two lines in the form of a Latin letter V are suitable for a solar tubercle, two forces affect a person. Each of them pulls it in the opposite direction. It is important to determine which one is positive, and what a negative one. A bunch of branches in one point on the sun hill, belongs an insightful personality, with a good taste. But the diversity of interest does not allow its owner to correctly determine priorities, and inhibits development.

Start and line

The line of the sun begins in different places on hand. Here are some options:

  • On the hill of the Moon
  • On the hill Venus
  • From the line of life
  • In the center of Palm
  • Over the heart line.

Lunar elevation

The owner of such a feature loves flattery and praise. He violently proves his opinion, leading many arguments and arguments, with difficulty recognize its own wrong. If the line begins on the hill of the moon - it means that the success and good luck accompany the person.

Buds Venus

The line of the sun, the beginning of which is located at the hill of Venus, peculiar to people self-sufficient and happy. They have a critical mind warehouse, they are not easy to please. Often remain lonely, as they do not want to associate life with a person who does not share their views.

Life line

The beginning of the branch of life is characteristic of artistic natures. They choose a creative profession, or revolve in the world of art. If the head of the head is clearly defined on the palm, then its owner is waiting for a great success. When the line of the Sun from the line of fate proceeds - the human life will be especially happy.

Center palm

Apollo branch, beginning high in the center of the palm of the palm of the patronage of nature. These people become poles, promote young talents. They like appreciation, admiration. When the person is not spiritually developed enough, becomes tyrant and despot.

Heart line

When the sunny branch originates above the heart line, it foreshadows success in adulthood. People with such a sun line are talented and gifted, but to achieve fame and confession, they need time.


The sun line in its path often has branches that stretch in several directions. They matter in the definition of the fate and character of a person. Here are some options:

  • Branches stretch to fingers
  • Branches go to the wrist
  • Branch to Jupiter's Hill
  • Branch to Bugorka Saturn
  • Branch to the upper Marse Bug
  • Things to the moon or Venus.

Branch to fingers

Three clear branches running up, meaning ups on certain segments of life. They give new opportunities, indicate positive changes. If there are a lot of twigs, then a person pursued failures. As a result, he was disappointed, afraid to change something, the fear of remaining a loser closes the path to true success.

Branch to the wrists

If the clear line of the Sun is visible branches going to the wrist, then a person has attached a lot of effort in life to succeed. Unfortunately, not all of them were rewarded. As a result, he was disappointed and stopped. Homoantia advises to look at this situation on the problem. The decision, as always, in the hands of the person himself.

Branch to Jupiter

The line of the Sun with a clear branch to Jupiter is a testimony of large ambitions and tremendous patience. Such people give all their energy and time to achieve success. Congenital talents and diligence are rewarded, and the owners of the branch reaches the heights of fame and recognition.

Branch to the hill Saturn

Holders of such a branch are energetic and sociable people. They know how to attract others to their projects. Apollo and Saturn complement each other, give people the liveliness of the mind, a good sense of humor and restraint at the same time.

Branch to the top Mars

A man with a line of a sun having a branch to the Upper Mars Bugger, purposeful and independent. Talents are connected in it with endurance, aggressiveness and strength. He finds himself in the Zenith of Glory without anyone's support.

Things to the Moon and Venus

The branch to the hill of the moon will bring happiness to a person with figurative thinking. Often it can be seen from writers and composers. When the branch stretches to Venus's tubercles, then a person will gain unexpected help. Perhaps heavier tests are waiting for it, but all problems will be allowed, often and thanks to their own efforts.

Signs on the Line of the Sun

In the Chiromantia, the sun line is marked by a number of signs. The value of each of them can be positive or negative. Here are some celebrations on hand most often:

  • Trident
  • Damn
  • Star
  • Island
  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Cross.


Split at the end of the line, consisting of three twigs called a trident. From characteristic of people who loving admiration, recognizing their own success. They do not know how to distinguish flattery and true praise, prefer to look at the world through pink glasses.


A branch that crosses the sun line, talks about delays on the way to success. Perhaps no interference was external circumstances or ill-wishers. The problem is serious, it will take time to solve it, but it is passing.


Star sign that is on hand in the field of Apollo Branch, foreshadows success and glory. His owner of lucky, positively affects other people, is able to change the course of history. Often such personalities have acting talent.


A small island or circle at the beginning or in the middle of the feature is a sign of an idealist. He takes on a pedestal of everyone who loves, does not notice the shortcomings. Often such people are waiting for disappointment and collapse of illusions.


A triangle sign is a sign of a strong personality. His owner knows how to pay any circumstances to its favor. Even adverse effects and pressure from it uses to achieve success.


A sign is found in people independent who do not like anyone to adapt. They are lucky, they are crazy, everything they start, bring to the end.

It is important to remember, the influence of lines on the course of our fate is not final. Pictures and predictions define only general trends. The life of each person depends on its own efforts. Without movement in the right direction, work on yourself, it is impossible to achieve success.