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Definition of ascending sign (Ascendant). Ascending zodiac sign or an ascendant in a horoscope

If you draw a circle of the movement of the Earth around the Sun (plane of ecliptic) and a line from the center to the east, then the ascende will be the intersection point in the east of the horizon. Determine where the East helps the exact place of the birth of a person.

The zodiac sign (the location of the sun in the sign) reflects the external behavior of a person in relation to the world as a whole, career, people. The moon in the sign indicates the internal features, what resources are in man and how he sees himself. Ascendant is hidden motifs. Considering the concepts from the point of view of psychology, Zodiac will be an interaction with the world, the lunar sign - consciousness, and Ascendent - the subconscious.

How to calculate Ascendant?

Calculate an ascendant with the help of special tables and schematic sketches. Alone, the approximate is calculated according to the exact time of the sunrise and sunset on the birthday of a person (can be found in the calendar).

Draw a zodiacal circle. The point of reference (sunrise) will be your zodiac sign. Every 2-4 hours after sunrise, the ascendant moves to about one sign clockwise.

It happens that the point of sunrise coincides with the sunny sign. A man who was born at dawn, in his ascende will have a sign equal sign of the zodiac. This is called a dual sign (for example, double, etc.). At the same time, all the characteristics are enhanced as positive and negative.

Effect of Ascendant on character

Ascendant is divided into male and female. Male signs are the signs of fire (lion, Sagittarius, Aries) and air (twins, scales, aquarius), female - water signs (fish, cancer, scorpion) and earth (Virgin, Taurus, Capricorn).

If a woman has a female sign in the ascende, it favorably affects motherhood and the character as a whole. There is a smooth movement, softness, ability to forgive, etc.

Male sign enhances hard character traits and volitional qualities. A man with a male sign in the ascende is a born fighter and the conqueror. When signs change: a man is born with a female sign, and a woman with a male, it allows us to talk about the flexibility of character - a person is easily adjusted to any situation (provided that the ascendant is not pronounced).

A pronounced female Ascendant in a man (cancer, fish, Virgo) suppresses men's energy, making a man with timid and shy, driven in skillful hands. And the male (lion, Aries, Scorpio) Ascendant in a woman makes a woman with an adamer and somewhere rude.

Complete nature should be compiled, taking into account all the features: a typical-atypical zodiac sign (depends on the decade of birth), etc. It is worth considering that science denies the influence of the horoscope for character and writes off all sorts of coincidences by the strength of the faith of a person in the prediction.

Each person has two signs of the zodiac. The first sign is determined by the hour of birth. It is called an upward sign, or an ascendant, and characterizes the individual personality of man.

The second sign is determined by his birthday. It is called sunny and at the situation of the Sun fixes the degree of birth, which characterizes the unique essence of a person.
In the first part of the book, explanations are given, how to choose its upstream sign to know the inner ily, which contribute to the disclosure of the possibilities and character of the personality.
The second part of the book reveals the innermost value of the birthday, fixed by degree of birth, and determines those leading manners that their patronage actively affect the formation of earthly opportunities provided by the embodied entity.
Separately, the definition and characteristics of the leading planets during their location in a particular sign of the zodiac and their direct impact on the course, rhythm and color of the life cycle are given.

Ascendant - personality person

Ascending sign, which is determined by the hour of birth, characterizes the personality of man.
The personality of a person is a combination of properties and qualities of character, its external manifestation, as well as physical and spiritual potentials, which are given essences for realization on earthly conditions of opportunities provided by the degree of birth.
The scope of the personality - earthly life.
Sunny sign, which is determined by his birthday, characterizes the essence of a person.
The essence of a person is the spiritual basis of individuality, his ego, his monad, carrying the experience of all past incarnations.
The field of activity is an endless life in a thin plan.
Personality is constantly under the control and influence of the essence, taking on all the joys and adversity of physical existence in a dense material world.
In its activities, the person is completely independent and free to accept any decisions. However, each decision is fixed by the highest forces, which are followed by the execution of fate (karma).
As mentioned above, the combination of properties and personal qualities determines the upstream sign.
The ascending sign can coincide with sunny and thus strengthen all its qualities and, giving him its vital energy, to determine the character, often strong. The person becomes the carrier of his double sign, that is, it becomes initially twice Capricorn, or twice with airy, or, say, twice with a fret.
However, often ascending sign is not a mirror reflection, does not coincide with the sunny. Such people become carriers of the vital energy of two signs of the zodiac. This is often often leading to confusion in the minds of those who are familiar with the beginning of astrology. They see the behavior of a person, know his birthday, that is, they know the sign of the zodiac, and it cannot understand his actions nor the properties of character, for they do not correspond to this particular sunny sign, its characteristics. In such cases, it is usually mashed with a hand on astrology as science is very approximate, far from concreteness, and in general ... how can you believe the signs of the zodiac, if we know exactly that this person was born in early January and on the horoscope it is the purest Capricorn, but actually behaves How is the most real twin?
Such examples are often found in everyday reality, and people, superficially familiar with astrology, blame the ancient science at groundless. They just do not know that
Each person has two signs of the zodiac, and in the above example of a typical order of Capricorn, an upward sign is in twins, and they are, the qualities of twins, and dominate behavior. We repeat - in behavior, that is, in the external manifestation of the essence. And inside, in his core, this man remains Capricorn, and when the case will concern serious questions, the hardness will show its siliceous kony.
Often the ascending sign has a decisive effect on the appearance of a person: on his face, on the physical structure of the body. The man will look at the church woman, he considers that the charming and sensual rakin, he starts to care, start acquaintance, and it turns out that, instead of the emotional sensuality, Rakini, he met with cold calculation of the Virgin.
The ascending sign is an external manifestation of the essence, the "clothing", according to which it is found in which it manifests itself, and in which it is marching through life.
To avoid unpleasant mistakes in determining the character of a person, you need to learn to recognize its ascending sign.

Defining ascending sign (Ascendent)

The ascending sign is determined quite simple. Take a simple tear-off calendar, open it on a specific birthday page. As a rule, in all tearless calendars, the sunrise time is indicated. Sunrise time on a specific birthday and is the starting point, starting position to determine the ascending sign.

Next comes arithmetic calculation. But before you begin to calculate the ascending sign, you need to know two rules.
The first rule. The ascending sign changes through every two hours of direct time. In the days - 24 hours, and the signs themselves - 12, therefore, for each sign there are two hours.
The second rule. The definition of the ascending sign begins at the moment of sunrise, and the first ascending sign will be the repetition of it, this person, a sunny sign. The man, for example, was born in the sign of Capricorn, and the first two hours after sunrise on his birthday will belong to the ascending sign of Capricorn. And if a person was born in the sign of the Taurus, then the same for the first two hours will be the ascending order of the Taurus, then the clock of twins, cancer and so on.
Let us explain on a specific example. Man was born on March 31. Open the calendar and look at the numbers. They indicate that the sun on this day rose at 6 o'clock 2 minutes. This is the start time to determine the upstream sign.
And then there is a simple arithmetic calculation. If, for example, this person was born between 6 and 8 o'clock in the morning, his ascending will be familiar with Aries with all the ensuing consequences that enhance his sunny sign.
If born from 8 to 10 am, his ascending will be a bet that will impose its own characteristics and will bring its energy.
If it was born between 10 to 12, then his ascending sign will be the sign of twins, which will impose its strong imprint on behavior and appearance.
The next ascending will be cancer will be, then in a couple of hours, he will become a lion, then the Virgin and so on. The latter will be the aspect of fish in this row, if a person was born exactly on March 31 during the time between 4 and 6 hours, that is, before the dawn. It is quite natural that his behavior in life will be far from the HOW of the Aries.
An important feature. It is necessary to know that if the upward and sunny signs belong to one element or related, then they complement and strengthen each other. For example, Aries has an ascending sign in the Sagittarius (Element of Fire) or in Aquarius, that is, in the relative element of air. But it is precisely this strengthen that can sometimes lead a person, since he will be easily given everything in life, which means that from the permanent "lucky" he can selfish and lose the vital vigilance and fighter energy that it is necessary for him in this earthly incarnation.
And vice versa, if solar and ascending signs belong to the non-related elements, for example, Aries has an ascending sign in cancer, that is, the element of fire (Aries) met with elements of water (cancer), then in such cases there is no mutual suppression and muffling of characteristic qualities , and simultaneous feeding with opposite energies. They, as a rule, also complement each other with high demands of these opposites. Here, life does not go "like oil": the most global, and the most simple life questions are solved in a tense, but more fully and often with the best than in the first case, result. Conclusion: This ARVA in his earthly incarnation needs to have "clothes" of cancer in order to best fulfill the task, fulfilling his fate.
We will specify that there are neither good nor bad combinations and everyone are given to a person with a certain goal. Accident excluded, every soul, going to the earth's life, in its next embodiment, knows the goals and objectives, and the conditions in which it will have to live, fulfilling his destiny.

The features of the ascending sign (Ascendent)

Now, knowing how the upstream sign is determined, we turn to the consideration of its characteristics and the qualities of the nature of the personality, which it determines, while in every single sign of the zodiac.
The ascending sign indicates the constellation that was sorted over the horizon at the moment when a person was born, and it was this constellation, and more precisely - a sign of the zodiac, becomes a point of support in his earthly life, like a house and land, strengthening the concept of oneself about their own Will and its manifestation in the surrounding world, that is, characterizing the person.
Below we give a description of typical, we can say, normal, or ideal, or classical manifestations of ascending signs, although in reality it is possible to observe that these descriptions do not match several specific cases. These differences, or rather, some changes in the appearance and characteristics of the individual occur for two reasons.
The first reason. If at the time of birth over the horizon in the constellation was planet, which will have an impact on these signs. Happy, the relative planet with its influence will strengthen the good and weaken the negative qualities of character, and on the contrary, if the planet is hostile.
The second reason. Influence the formation of personality and national characteristics, inherited features, early training, environment, professional features and geographical, racial influences - all have some impact on changes and character, and the features of appearance.
We repeat that these both reasons take place in reality, but they only partially affect without changing the main characteristics. For example, the influence of the planet can be determined by the outermost type of man. Jupiter determines the tendency to overweight. Mars develops a muscular system. Venus points to the grace of forms and a pleasant appearance, a unique attractive smile. Saturn usually makes hair, eyes and skin color darker than indicating the characteristic of the sign. Mercury gives high and medium height, restless activity. Neptune indicates some physical sign - pale, transparent face color, something remarkable in the depths of the eyes, lip lines. Uranium leads to long limbs, slender forms or an unusual, strange face expression and, often, to an enlarged nose. Ascending Mars, Uranus and Saturn usually leave their "label" on the face or head in the form of a scar, celebrated.
The planet, which appears above the horizon at the moment of birth, affects the physical and mental warehouse of man.

What is ascendant (aspant sign)?

Ascending sign, which is differently called an ascende, is a zodiac sign that goes back on the eastern horizon at the moment of the birth of a person. If a person's birthday is known, you can calculate Ascendent online for free.

It is believed that if the Ascendant falls closer to the beginning of the sign, then its influence will be more pronounced in the individuality of the person. The same thing happens if the sun is in a weak position on a birth chart (if it is as if a person was born at night). It is also assumed that the influence is weaker if the person is born closer to the end of the aspense sign, at the moment before the next sign comes out.

Since the ascertal sign is determined by the time and place of the human birth, it represents the environment and conditions that can affect the person during her childhood, and this is considered as an important and essential sign, as well as the signs of the Sun and the Moon, because all aspects are on the chart Penetrate through this sign.

Ascendant talks about what mask we put in public, this is the first impression that we produce, getting acquainted with people. Often, if a person is confused by how surrounding describes it, it is because they describe this aspect of his personality. Ascendant is present in the appearance and personality of a person, sometimes it goes as far as the influence of physical characteristics. The sign becomes tangible in the image of a man, style and manner to keep himself. It also affects how a person acts. Some astrologers believe that the sign becomes weaker after a person reaches 30 years, since his confidence is what it is, grows.

The ascending sign is manifested in the first personalities that are inherent in man, in how he reacts to the environment.

Like the signs of the zodiac, the ascendent falls under one of the following categories: fire, earth, air and water. Fire ascending signs, Aries, Lion and Sagittarius, seem energetic, optimistic and possessing enthusiasm. They are usually perceived as friendly, non-critical, tolerant. Ascending signs of the Earth: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, are considered practical and safe. They may seem a bit timid or ridiculous and serious. Air ascending signs: Gemini, Scales and Aquarius, are good in communications. They feel great in the company with other people, they are friendly, but they are independent or detached. Water ascending signs: fish, scorpion and cancer are seen as emotional, having intuition and thinly feel. These people usually hide their real feelings and emotions, they feel the need to protect themselves from the outside world and represent themselves to others in such a way as not to feel risk.

Ascendent (ascending sign): Calculate online for free
Your ascending sign, which is differently called an ascende, is a zodiac sign that goes back on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. If you know the time of your birth, you can calculate Ascendent online for free.


Calculation of ascending sign

You already know the characteristics of your sign, however, do you want to know more? Calculate your ascendant. Ascendant affects the predictions of your zodiac sign, changing some of its characteristics.

Calculate your ascendant!

Each sign of the zodiac has its influence on a person's ascendant, while changing some of its characteristics. Calculate your ascendant!

In astrology, the knowledge of Ascendant is very important for accurate predictions. What should the Ascendant count? Ascendant is the ascending sign of your birth. These are your fingerprints: the characteristics that are inherent in you and only you. The influence of Ascendant on your personality, on your behavior is very large. Calculate your ascendant to learn absolutely everything.

e need to know that your zodiac sign (your birth sign) is your "I", your true essence. Ascendant is the external part of your personality, your connection with the outside world. Calculate your ascendant and find out the hidden sides of your character. Calculate your ascendent online and give a ticket to the world of discoveries and adventures. This is your chance to develop and change, it will help you live harmoniously and happily, to improve in all life areas.

Knowledge and experience are priceless. Click on Calculate your ascendant online, successful adventures! Clicca Su Calcolo Ascendente On-Line E Buona Avventura! Read the heading 12 zodiac signs and find out the characteristics of all zodiac signs. This will help to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their character and people around you will help to live in full harmony with a partner, friends, relatives, colleagues.

We are also talking about.

Characters of signs

Each zodiac sign is associated with certain human characteristics and one of the four elements (fire, earth, water, air) and can be the main, permanent and non-permanent. On the following pages you can read these and many other interesting features of signs.

Ascendant in Natal Map

Sun, Moon and Ascendant - the three most important figures in the natal map, determining the identity and form of its manifestation. They rarely converge in one sign, although such cases are (it is such cases most of all correspond to the classical descriptions of a particular sign). As a rule, men, the Sun constitutes the "basis" of the person, a set of its constant properties, and the moon determines the forms of their manifestation - the degree of adaptability to the environment, trends and development dynamics. Women both shine "change roles".

Ascendant shows the degree of implementation of the opportunities laid in person. It can be said that the sunny-lunar horoscope is like a "genotype" of the personality, a set of properties, a person at birth, a product of a certain geomagnetic situation (left hand in the chiromantia). While the ascendant can be called an astrological "phenotype", a set of properties purchased by a person more or less consciously during his life (in the Hiromantia - right hand). This is the expression of the very freedom of the will, about whom another Ptolemy, indicating that "stars" define fate only half, - all the rest of the person suits himself. Another thing is that far from all people can (or want) to become the "grasshoppers of their own happiness," many only float within the flow, providing fate to make decisions for them.

Another difficulty lies in the fact that in the West it is customary to record a person's birth time with an accuracy of a minute, so the calculation of Ascendent rarely causes difficulties. In the countries of the East (including in the Soviet Union), such an opportunity is not always available; Birthday error can reach a few hours. Here you have to either rectocate an ascendant on life events, or a sunny-lunar horoscope, which is unfortunately more like a magazine horoscope for large masses of people.

But back to the houses counted from Ascendent. We received twelve multiple houses - their value varies depending on the geographical latitude, the time of year, as well as from time to time. In addition, we received four important points, of which one is an Ascendant. Consider them in more detail.

Descendant in a cosmogram

Directly opposite Ascendant is a descendant, downward (or coming) degree. If at the time of the birth of a person in the east, some degree of the celestial circle dates back, then in the West, naturally, at the same time some degree comes and is called a decendant or Deesandant. The descendent is the edge of the seventh house and is indicated by the letters DS.

The ascent decendent line represents a horizontal or, simply speaking, the horizon. If the ascendant corresponds to the human "I", the beginning of the human person (the edge of the first house), then the descendant is the point of knowledge of the surrounding, the point of the human relationship to other people and their relationship with him, no wonder, the descendant opens the seventh house, "Marriage and Partner House" .

Next, on the cosmogram there are two more points, constituting the isvy of IV and X houses; The first point is called Nadir, the second middle of the sky. Nadir opens the fourth house and is indicated by IC (from the lat. "My goal" is the lower part of the sky). The middle of the sky corresponds to the edge of the tenth at home and is indicated by the MC (from the lat. The "medium of the target", meaning the same).

In the physical sense, IC corresponds to midnight, and the MC - noon: these points of ecliptic The sun passes (approximately) at twelve o'clock in the afternoon or night of this calendar date. On the cosmogram of a person born, let's say, at 11.45 local sunny time, the MS point almost coincides with the point of the sun position, and at birth at 12.05 - will leave it a little bit behind.

In the Occult Plan, Nadir (IC) personifies the "initial capital" of a person, genetic and mental baggage, given to him at birth; The middle of the sky (MC) is the purpose of his aspirations, that Zenit, to which his personality seeks during its development. Human life is like a line connecting nadir with zenith. This line (IC-MC) is called meridian.

The horizon line divides the cosmogram on the North and South, and the line of Meridiana is to the Western and Eastern Half. There is already a quick look at the cosmogram, it is enough to determine how planets are located relative to these lines, and make some conclusions.

Ascendant and appearance

Effect of Ascendant on the appearance and character of a person

Zodiac sign has a huge impact on temperament, appearance man, on the pattern of origin of the most important events. Unconsciously, a person chooses this profession or makes acquaintance with certain people under the influence of zodiacal influence. A sign affects success, a position in the family or in society.
It is impossible to underestimate the influence of planets and stars on everyday life. All people born on Earth have two signs of the zodiac. One depends on the calendar date of birth, the other is determined accurate Birthday. Zodiacal signdefined by the time of appearance is called ascending. Thanks ascending sign A person has individual behavioral features. It is he who defines the forms and features of the contact of the person with the surrounding world.
Knowledge of your ascending zodiac will help determine the type of personality providing serious influence on the life position of man gives you the opportunity to adjust the features character and form your own style.

Influence of the ascending sign of the zodiac on the fate and character of a man

Ascendiac also called ascendent. This zodiac is directly related to the physical body of man. Ascendent Determines how many people are perceived by surrounding people, he sets the external side of the manifestation of the personality, create the very distinctive "highlight", image.
The first sensation that occurs when looking at a person is created by influence ascending zodiac. This one zodiac Determines its own human "I", the level of independence and self-consciousness.
Ascendiac, as if imposes a mask on a man, according to which he evaluates the world around. It is like the entrance door, to the inner world of man.
Ascendent It is taken as the basis of building a horoscope, since other main parameters are built from it. Therefore, if a person set forth the goal to build his real astrological horoscopeHe needs accurate information about birthday, and with an accuracy of minutes.
Building horoscope Pretty fascinating occupation. Do not be upset if a person who wants to build his fate horoscope, does not know the exact period of its appearance. Man is the main astronomical figure, so he himself, without help horoscopescan create your destiny.

How to find out your ascendant sign?

Calculate your ascendent You can on this site using an astrological program online. Left side icon ASC or as I. zodiac sign in which he is this and there is your ascending sign.

Ascendant and appearance
Ascendant and appearance The influence of Ascendant on the appearance and character of a person The sign of the zodiac has a tremendous effect on the temperament, human appearance, on the pattern of origin

How to calculate the ascendant in the natal map?

The importance of Ascendent in astrology is difficult to overestimate. The calculation of the ascendent will learn a lot of interesting things about the faces of your personality, will help to understand the features of character. Let's talk about how to calculate the ascendant in the natal map.

In Vedic Astrology, Ascendant is called by one of the following names: logna, Dzhanma Lagna or loan Lota. All these concepts denote the zodiac sign in contact with the line of the horizon in the east at the time of the birth of a person (aspant sign). Before answering the question of how to calculate your ascendant, let's remember the effect of the Sun and the Moon on the character and personality of a person.

Sun, Moon and Ascendant in the horoscope

Most people got used to pay attention only to sunny and lunar signs of the zodiac, i.e. What kind of sign was the sun and the moon during the year of man. But the ascending sign plays hardly an important role in the compilation of a complete "space portrait" of the person.

Moon (Chandra) "Heads" the unconscious, emotions, peculiar to us by reflexes, habits. The lunar sign is determined by the zodiacal sign during your birth was the moon. It indicates how a person adapts to external circumstances, building a kind of psychological protection, as well as a person behaves alone with himself.

In the case when the sign located in the ascende coincides with the lunar or solar signs, the potential laid in the ascending sign is intensified.

The ascending sign determines how we perceive this world, how our self-expression occurs in it . In other words, Logna affects the first impression that we are surrounded, and, on the contrary, the impression of the world around us, which is in the process of his knowledge.

How to calculate Ascendant?

We believe, you have already been convinced of the importance of the ascending sign in Vedic astrology. Now let's tell you how to determine your ascendant. If you already have your natal card, look at the first home, it begins with the first degree of Ascendent, marked on the map of the ASC (AS) letters.

Zodiacal sign on the line of Ascendant of your natal card and there is your ascending sign.

You can calculate the lag and without a natal card. To do this, you need to know the exact time of the human birth, as the Ascendant is pretty movable: it goes into the next zodiacal sign in just 2 hours (for comparison: the sun goes to it, the moon is 2.5 days). Calculate your ascendant using our table:

The article presents the method of determining the ascendant in the appearance of the person and its behavioral features.

The definition of ascendent in the appearance of man's appearance The task is not simple, however, solved. It is necessary to remember that the ascendant is a top, and the 2nd Field Cup is the feet. It should also be understood that the appearance of a person has a huge impact of heredity, so the instructions in this article on the color of the hair, eye, growth and similar characteristics should be understood as classical. Larger attention to the definition of ascendant must be given to behavioral manifestations - gestures, communication characteristics, gait, manner to keep yourself and so on.

  • 12 basic types of appearance and external behavior on zodiac signs
  • 4 types of elements
  • 2 types of male and female sign.

Stage 1: Definition of the female / male sign of Ascendent

Men's ascending signs: Fire, air is the growth of the middle and above average. According to behavior, open. They say what they think do not hide their thoughts. Protect their inner territory with a smile unlike women's signs.

Women's ascending signs: Water, Earth - Growth of the Middle and below average. Hidden or discreet. They do not say what they think or say not everything - part of their thoughts hide.

Stage 2: Definition of the Element of Ascendant Fire / Air / Water / Earth

Fire ascending signs Frank and say what they think even if they do not ask them. They are overwhelmed with energy, they wish to show themselves to demonstrate themselves, to discover their opinions. We strive for leadership in the company, capture the initiative in a conversation. Do not silent a second. Conversation all the time in Tonus. Energetic behavior, active, impulsive, temperament. Tell the monologue in conversation. It is important to express your opinion, and not hearing the interlocutor. Good physical addition even large, with a developed muscular system, wide bone, wide shoulders. Love in sports, make charging or running in the morning. Love red.

Aerial ascending signs Open, they say what they think, sincere, but not so frank like fiery. Reply directly to the question, i.e. When they are asked. In communication lungs. Sociable, conversation, but always enable the interlocutor to speak and even love it. They are important dialogue, but not a monologue. Character light. There is little energy, no temperament. Nervous, nervy, restless, are easily worried, but the excitement is not strong. The physique is asthenic, thin, thin bone, narrow shoulders.

Water ascending signs. On behavior emotional. Hide thoughts, but splashing feelings. Reactions are very violent - with tears and hysterics. They love to talk and chat in souls, about secret, secret. About themselves are also told in secret. Affected to rounded forms. With age, prone to fully and round. Short limbs.

Ascending signs of land.

There are no external laws. Designed in emotions, hide thoughts and feelings.

3 Stage: Definition of Ascendent's Sign

Ascendant in the OVNe.

Dark \\ light shaws. Eyes light brown.

Tell the head back (they look like from high). Problem hair.

Very straight, frank assertive, literally capture a person and fall on it all their problems. They can literally talk about intimate things with unfamiliar people. Loud, energetic.

Ascendant in Lev

Brown eyes, blonde hair.

Adorable, nice, heartfall, natural, charming open, hearty smile, conquering. The back is held directly if they are sitting in an uncomfortable posture, then there are always straightened shoulders. Problem hair. Features of the gait are more pronounced in women - graceful and beautifully - walking of the mannequin. Often wearing high heel. Natural in the Council of Behavi. But in the conversation they capture the initiative and lead a monologue, the truth is a little softer than the Aries. Love to command, leading. Love to be the center of attention. Do everything to pay attention to yourself (clothes, conversation).

Ascendant in Sagletse

Large blondes with blue eyes.

Well folded, with broad shoulders. Captures the initiative, says loudly, attracts attention to himself. The inclination to completeness becomes sometimes fat, often have abdomen and full cheeks. Fight with this, playing sports. Slouch. The problem of hip joint is closed, poor gait. They put socks inside when they stand or sit or on the contrary - turn outward. Good hair, early seeding. They say sharply, as if fired from Luke. Each portion of words is a shot of onion.

Ascendant in scales

Light hair, blond eyes. SUTHT FROM LABOR OF LIVER ENERGY. Increased fatigue, two-way appearance, straight nose, fine features. Cute outwardly. Twood appearance. Teenage type of face, up to 60-70 years old look like a young man.

Very smile and friendly, with humor, friendly. They nod your head as a sign of approval and encouragement of the interlocutor. Scales love a slight conversation about pleasant things. Peacefulness, are easily worried, but quickly calm down. More others tend to blush - they sometimes feel inevitably and they are easy to confuse.

They say beautifully with pauses, beautiful gestures. Artistic.

Ascendant in Aquare

Brunette with black eyes. Often smile, but, as a rule, not to the place and not about the situation. The smile is not so pleasant like the scales. The character is lightweight, sociable, characterized by a sharp change in the position of the body or direction of movement. Fragrance, screaming. With performances, restless and even "twigging".

Ascendant in Gemini

(Brunettes with blue eyes). Long hands legs. There are very high and highest. Basketball players and volleyball players. Narrow shoulders, asthenic physique. Very sociable and even chatteries. At the same time, like all air signs are capable of dialogue, in contrast to fiery signs. An irregular sign is characterized by digging, tapping, swinging legs. When walking, swing your hands and swings shoulders. Proposed to gestures in conversation.

Ascendant in cancer

Light hair and blue eyes. As a child, literally white, with age they can darken.

Taken with age to fully and round, short legs and hands. Short fingers. Men have a strongly noticeable cancerous position of the hands - greatly bent in the elbows. Emotional incontinence, hysterics and tears (especially in childhood). Robust, shy, afraid to seem like funny in an unfamiliar company. Behavior is the opposite of Lion - better not to pay attention. They strive to look like everyone else - otherwise you will attract attention to yourself what is scary. Emotionic, sociable, psychological, sensitive, sensitive. Tell constantly moving through their eyes - as if they prove the surrounding environment. Cancer gait does not stand out from a common background. Often nose with a hubble.

Ascendant in Scorpio

Dark hair, dark eyes, eagle nose (large nose). Some are quite well folded. Men may look very courageous and sports, muscular, like a fiery sign. Courageous, coarse face features. Women have a male face type. It happens rive in hair, beard.

They look extremely confident in themselves. The gait is solid, confident, men's women too), maybe a little in the march. Often ironic and mocking facial expression. Strong expressive, hypnotic look. Rough in their behavior. May be obscene to express. Of course, it depends on the culture. Emotionally powerful, unrestrained, prone to splashes emotional, scandals, are unbearable. Hidden. In the photo, as a rule, a wary glance. It is possible to confuse with fiery signs, but the difference is that in the conversation they do not seek to capture the initiative and are too emotional.

Ascendant in Fish

Light hair and eyes. Quiet modest, timid. The company is the most silent - listen and silent. Dreamers and Tikhoni. At home, there may be prone to hysterias and stormy emotional emissions. With age, inclined to completeness, the figure can become loose. Problem with steps - Pain in the feet, small leg size, seed gait, small step, bad walkers.

Ascendant in Capricorn

Square body shape, head.

Looks older than his years. He tells a quiet voice, can go on a whisper, does not like to raise his voice. Serious, thoughtful. Often, as if sad. Aspect of despondency, sadness or seriousness on the face. Bowl of all low growth, sketchy, small slender. Black hair, black eyes. Ash hair and sulfur, inexpressive eyes.

Ascendant in Telza

Square body shapes and heads. Large head short neck. Dark hair and dark eyes. Very love sweet and therefore are full. There are high - well feed. Very slow, lazy. If they say, everyone sleeps, because They say slowly and emotionally not expressed. Some suffer from tie-up, too lazy to speak. Confident calm and slowness -Furning difference.

Ascendant in Vid.

Normal physique proportional. Blonde hair, blond, dark-blond, light eyes - blue (transparent). Thin features. The face is small. Nose is large. Externally younger than its years. Looks like scales. Sociable, conversation, seems frank. But, unlike weights, Virgo speaks on one note (there are no votes modulation) and tend to taraturt, chatty. No beautiful gesticulation of characteristic weights.

on lectures Shestopalova S.V.
prepared Kotenko A.Yu.
Source www.Syt.

What is ascendant (aspant sign)?

Ascending sign, which is differently called an ascende, is a zodiac sign that goes back on the eastern horizon at the moment of the birth of a person. If a person's birthday is known, you can calculate Ascendent online for free.

It is believed that if the Ascendant falls closer to the beginning of the sign, then its influence will be more pronounced in the individuality of the person. The same thing happens if the sun is in a weak position on a birth chart (if it is as if a person was born at night). It is also assumed that the influence is weaker if the person is born closer to the end of the aspense sign, at the moment before the next sign comes out.

Since the ascertal sign is determined by the time and place of the human birth, it represents the environment and conditions that can affect the person during her childhood, and this is considered as an important and essential sign, as well as the signs of the Sun and the Moon, because all aspects are on the chart Penetrate through this sign.

Ascendant talks about what mask we put in public, this is the first impression that we produce, getting acquainted with people. Often, if a person is confused by how surrounding describes it, it is because they describe this aspect of his personality. Ascendant is present in the appearance and personality of a person, sometimes it goes as far as the influence of physical characteristics. The sign becomes tangible in the image of a man, style and manner to keep himself. It also affects how a person acts. Some astrologers believe that the sign becomes weaker after a person reaches 30 years, since his confidence is what it is, grows.

The ascending sign is manifested in the first personalities that are inherent in man, in how he reacts to the environment.

Like the signs of the zodiac, the ascendent falls under one of the following categories: fire, earth, air and water. Fire ascending signs, Aries, Lion and Sagittarius, seem energetic, optimistic and possessing enthusiasm. They are usually perceived as friendly, non-critical, tolerant. Ascending signs of the Earth: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo, are considered practical and safe. They may seem a bit timid or ridiculous and serious. Air ascending signs: Gemini, Scales and Aquarius, are good in communications. They feel great in the company with other people, they are friendly, but they are independent or detached. Water ascending signs: fish, scorpion and cancer are seen as emotional, having intuition and thinly feel. These people usually hide their real feelings and emotions, they feel the need to protect themselves from the outside world and represent themselves to others in such a way as not to feel risk.

To make a person's ascendant online for free, enter the person's data into the form below:
Place of Birth:Country:
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Date of Birth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 January 31 31 January February March April May June July August September October 1951 1952 1953 1954 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1981 1981 1981 1984 1995 1991 1992 1993 1994 2000 1995 2006 2007 2009 2009 2010 2012 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Time of birth: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
If you do not know the time of birth, leave noon.