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Psychology how to raise a boy. How to raise the boy a real man: Recommendations, Psychology of Education and Effective Tips

Each mother does everything to make her child to be healthy and happy, and if the son is trying to raise him with strong and brave. However, sometimes these efforts lead to the exact opposite result - the boy is growing not confident in himself, closed, he does not have relationships with friends, he will leave before difficulties. How to avoid mistakes in the education of sons? The psychologist Olga Voronova and the teacher Vita Viktorova are responsible for the most common questions of parents.

1. Few pearers want their son to go to the army. At the same time, it is believed that it is in the army that the boy becomes a real man, since the service temper the character. How to be?

If the child arises a constant desire to approve himself, insisted on his own and give delivery, it means that in the depths of the soul he feels vulnerable and is protected in this way. For the reasons for this vulnerability, first of all, you need to understand.

The army tears to discipline, organized, the ability to cope with difficulties. On the other hand, the disgraces that are worked in our army are rising to health young man. And it is unlikely that anyone will condemn you if you find other ways to teach the son of self-discipline and patriotism. Sport classes will help him feel strong, the lack of increased parental care will make independent, and patriotism is in charge primarily in the family. But if it happened that your boy is taking into the army, adjust it to the fact that for two years he will live according to completely different laws and is better to adapt to these laws than to protest against them. Explain to him that the grandfather (with which the army bosses are not particularly struggling) is present not only in Russia, but also in other much more civilized countries and is aimed at "knock out" individuality from the soldier, because the basis of the army is the unquestion of orders. Young men with a strongly developed "I" suffer more than others. So that these 2 years have not turned into a nightmare, the child must have good physical training, be quite sociable and loyal to those who surround it.

2. What if the boy behaves aggressively - it hurts, offends other children?

Aggression is inherent and girls, and boys, but boys can show her more openly - this time impact of centuries was considered normal and encouraged, while soft and fasciance were considered a disadvantage. The boys aggressively defend their place in the team, fighting for leadership. But too high level Aggression can talk about uncertainty. Installation "The whole world against me" speaks of the absence of a sense of security, and this feeling is formed in the family. If the parents (Mom first of all) belong to the son with love, do not push the baby when he is scary, do not shout at him, do not suppress - the sense of security at the son is present. Otherwise, anxiety arise, the fear of the world. And then, depending on the individual characteristics, the child can fight this hostile world or hide from him, crumble in front of him. Sometimes increased aggression - a consequence of excess energy that is suppressed different standards and etiquette. "Do not run, not shumi, sit calmly!" "As a result, the child goes to the street and holds the first one who looked at him. If your son grows with a big harness, you need to act at once in two directions. The first is to give an output of energy, that is, burn your son to the sports section. Then the aggression will be directed to the normal course and will bring the child the benefit - it will become more confident in himself, it will feel power. The second direction is psychological. It is necessary to respect and love the child so that he felt peace and spiritual comfort, then he will not need to track the environment to stop any hostile attacks. In short, if parents understand and friendly, if consent and mutual respect to the family reign, the world seems friendly to the child and he does not fight with him.

3. How to recognize the Son a tendency to homosexualism and how to deal with it?

There are still disputes, is a tendency to homosexuality congenital or acquired. This tendency can be expressed in the fact that the boy is disturbed by Loroleian behavior - he does not want to actively assert himself in the team, manifests sensitivity, it feels more comfortable in the society of girls, he played in their typical games - stacked toys to sleep, feed them, sews them clothes, and from the machines categorically refuses, etc. In the nature, such boys are more affectionate, vane and sensitive than their peers. They do not like to fight, pass in front of explicit aggression, but at the same time they like to be the center of attention. Children in which many narcissisism are prone to homosexuality, that is, self-confidence. However, there is foundations for anxiety only if all these oddities are manifested in the complex. In addition, it must be remembered that a clear awareness of its sex comes from a child for years to 4-5, and before that age children only compare themselves with the peers and adults, trying to find similarities and differences. At the same time, the kids show great curiosity that sometimes alarming and frightened adults. However, there is no reason for experiences. If there are explicit disorders and in 8-9 years old, you can already seek advice from a specialist who will define whether there is a problem and how to be with it. The following factors influence the sexual orientation of the boys: dislike from the father or his absence in the child's life (the unrealized need for this love will continue, and the boy will look for her from other adult men), the child's desire to have a girl and unconscious imposition of the son of a female behavior model . cruel treatment From the mother's side (in this case, the boy perceives women as a potential source of humiliation and avoids them).

If you understand that your son has an unconventional orientation, or notice a tendency to her, do not shout at him, do not punish, but we will understand the reasons (perhaps you need to change your own behavior) and delicately correct the behavior of the son. But in any case, remember that this is your child and you should not reject it under any circumstances.

The most common mistakes that are allowed by parents when upbringing the Son.

  • Too harsh relationship for the sake of typification of masculinity. Boys, just like girls, need love, caress, care, attention.
  • The desire to raise the child in their image and likeness, ignoring individual features.
  • Quarrels between parents in their eyes.
  • The presence of too high demands ("You're a boy!"), Which he cannot match.
  • Pottakia any whim, pampering (especially if the boy is a junior child in the family).
  • The lack of a sequence in the upbringing (for the same behavior or deed is punished, then praise).
  • Inconsistency in the upbringing between parents - one permits, another prohibits.
  • Comparison with other children and bring them as an example, criticism.
  • Permanent imposition of negative installations ("Do not run quickly, otherwise you will fall," "bad will be learned - you will become a janitor").
  • Learning sciences to the detriment of physical education (the boy must be physically strong and hardy).
  • Lack of personal positive example.

4. Son comes up for a computer all day. How to wean him from this?

The dependence on the computer appears for those children who are generally inclined to dependence. Someone finds dependence on drugs, someone - from alcohol, others from the Internet. It is important to understand that all of the above is the departure from real life In the world fictional. And the victims of these addies tend to become children who do not feel love of parents. This does not mean that parents do not care about them. But this concern is not expressed in the fact that you need a child. Buying things, payment of education is not related to the understanding of children with love. Love - it means paying attention to, respect, listen to problems. If your son doesn't get anything, he is born a feeling of selflessness, loneliness, loss. Hence the desire to go into the world, "where everything is easy."

5. How should the father behave to bring up a normal son?

The behavior of the father is of great importance in, because with its example, he shows how a man should behave in certain situations. If dad is the head of the family, the son will focus on this model and, most likely, wants to play a leadership role in the family, which will create himself. But if at the same time the father is rude and tyranny loved ones, the child will feel the deficit of love, which can undermine his confidence in itself - among the representatives of their sex he will feel weak and vulnerable. Too soft dad with a powerful mother can form a character in which the boy will subconsciously fear women, will become a repeater or he will develop the Don Juan syndrome. First of all, the perfect dad should be loving, but at the same time teach to discipline. Dad must keep the word and go to the zoo, if promised. In general, the principle is simple here - everything you want to instill your son, demonstrate on your example and involve a child in this process. And remember the principle of the golden middle - too severe upbringing (the child perceives it as tyranny) or the provision of full freedom of action (the son considers that you are indifferent) are undesirable. As for the sense of men's fullness, then the boy does not appear complexes, the father must be a respectful, loving and beloved husband, since the harmonious relationship between parents is a pledge of happy family life Son.

07/04/2016 20:30:28, Lech

More focusing your child! Less suites at the computer.

Yeah, i.e. First, parents from homophobia must fight with such manifestations "the tendency of this can be expressed in the fact that the boy is disturbed by Lorolev behavior - he does not want to actively argue himself in the team, manifests a sensitivity, feels more comfortable in the Girls society, playing with pleasure Typical games - puts toys to sleep, feeds them, sews her clothes, and from the machines categorically refuses, etc. " And then their wives will take away from the fact that the husband is aggressive, does nothing around the house, does not help with the child and is generally busy with an exceptional career ...

07/17/2006 08:07:21, Mom Ksenia

the article is very good, especially for those who actually want to raise a real man. Thanks for the advice.

05/27/2006 23:26:13, Natalie

Previous Author.
Of course, you are absolutely right that once parents are imperfect, the child will be even more imperious (or rather - twice worse than parents). And I already convince on my experience that if the father with omissions in culture and in education, then this is instantly catched a small son, and reproduced in behavior, only more aggravated.
And it's better at all without dad, than with Tyran and Despot.

03/31/2006 09:07:09, asya

The article has a lot of "capital" truths, "book" councils. And how, for example, raise a son with his own example, who himself is not without complexes, problems and misses in the upbringing?! Where did you see parents who satisfy all the criteria? I was brought up with a strong disturbing in an incomplete family, the husband is the only and very late child, with all the resulting ... We can't change the minute, just because it is written! What our child will grow "not right", and what is the norm, and what is the deviation? Isn't that subjectively?

03/30/2006 12:42:53, Mom

The article is interesting and informative. Thank you!

I did not like (:, general phrases, nothing concrete, but errors in the upbringing of boys - this is what is written in small fonts - these are mistakes that cannot be allowed when raising children of both sexes.
And I also liked about the army too: "Go son, serve in the army, everything is different there than in a citizen" :) - these words can be explained to the child, and not a young person :)

03/23/2006 21:58:09, Stas

I would like to ask a question to the authors: something about the army was heard of the first mouth of a normal guy, and not Mama's son, Mary Arbatova or a fool-journalist, who blackening from the army, waters her dirt, trying to justify her fear of service? In addition, there are other thinkers. When "the boy is taking into the army" by him, by the way, already at least 18 years old, and if this is not a "greenhouse plant" he himself should be able to understand, and not to listen to the stories of the disadvantaged Pope or (at all in any gate!) Moms about the grandfather as an inevitable evil. So I imagined: Mom tells his son: "Go, son, serving. In the Zabigorny armies, too, there are grandfathers, I know for sure. Be srankom - and you will not touch you." Added a guy of optimism. Next: Cute ladies, forced to disappoint you - the army authorities are fighting with the grandfather and how fighting, maybe not everywhere, but it is not necessary to generalize that it is completely anywhere. He himself served in the part where he had since from the General Directorate (I would not say what kind of military mystery) told the Commission for the proceedings. The reason - one comrade in the morning before charging did not have time to pee (smoked because) Mama complained in the letter (I would be uncomfortable), the command: "Over the son mocked, do not give me to urinate, make me tolerate and in general he lost me etc. " "For two years he will live according to completely different laws." These laws: the Constitution, Charters (a hundred times tested for compliance with the legislation), the Criminal Code, International Humanitarian Law, etc. Of course, no one uses in a citizen. :) if you should understand the word "laws" is not literally, but as some rules, they are two in the army: regime and discipline, when the young man gets used to them, it is also, of course, bad.: ) Without them, it is better - obviously, you think it is. And last. Bulgakovsky hero said: "Destroy is not in the sorts, but the heads." The same with the grandfather. A psychologist with a teacher should know that by 18 years old the personality of man mostly formed, and there is a person from the already established system of views and beliefs, which then manifest themselves. If this did not happen, he was not formed as a person, then the wines are not an army here, but forgive, your parents, teachers, psychologists. For the name of the proverb - "We teach the speech while it's across the shop when it is too late." The grandfather - the phenomenon is not army, and the social, in the army is simply brighter. In any organization (even at school) for whom always more work? On a young specialist. Watch children in children's gardenwhen they think that adults are not near and in the group children of different agesYou will see a lot of interesting things. And these will be children not only men who served in the army. Where is it then? And, in the end, why - Grandfather, not Pakhan, a borgon or how else?

03/23/2006 21:55:59, Stas

And it did not seem that there are mostly common words?

All this, well, or almost everything and for girls fairly. They also need a full-fledged family, a sense of security, the parental example, all the data tips also apply to them, and the transitional age also ... happens ...
We just need to live together, I think. And teach a child, no matter, the boy is or a girl, to build relationships with other people, to be a man.

03/23/2006 15:36:02, Irina

4ush, Osobeno O Homosexualizme

23.03.2006 15:00:39, SV

Comment Article "How to raise my son?"

How to educate boys? The husband swears all the time that I bring my son as a girl. And what's in this criminal? Moms of boys, give me advice, what are the principles of education, teach them to raise a real man)).


So raise up how the heart suggests.

a real man Must respect the woman, age, be strong physically and morally) well, and so on, so much like)
i have to educate caress of course))))) and tough measures can be completely trusted with dad))

"In the second stage, the parents are required primarily attention. Your child went to the courtyard, got into the group of boys. You must carefully study what kind of boys. Your girl stretches to girlfriends in the yard, you should know well these girls. You need to know What are the kids surrounding your child, which they do not have enough that bad in their games. It happens very often that attention and initiative of one father or one mother help change to best life A whole group of children in that or ...

How to raise my son? At the same time, it is believed that it is in the army that the boy becomes a real man, since the service temper the character.


You give at least the initial data of yours - who are you, from what city, what methods do you own, what literature recommended, your developments or at least thoughts in the form of a blog on the topic you must have to start talking to such an ambiguous topic, and not In the form of a question, and in the form of an allegation that you "Profi" in this matter.

late, all that we were interested, we already learned elsewhere

Future mothers learn a lot. How to swaddle baby, how to feed it correctly, what toys to buy it, what temperature water should be for swimming. But no one tells her mother than her child is different from all others. No one explains how to correctly raise the baby, how to give him the most sensation of security and security, without which the normal development of all its innate properties is impossible. And we bring up the kids, guided by our own ideas that ...

Probably, each parent is asked as a question: is it a good father / mother for his child? Is I doing everything right, raising my son, since me my parents sometime? Why are the methods of education that were relevant before, today became inactive? All these endless questions that are difficult to find the answer finally cleared up. In this article, you will read a small part of the answers, which gives the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan on the issues of raising children. Become a good ...

Today's type of men personally annoys me quite strongly, and everything because of the lack of masculinity, because of the indecision and inability to take a certain decision, the inability to stand up for itself and the lady of his heart, because of the desire to get away from the problem further, instead of It is solved. Most likely, such men were simply not well brought up in childhood, which was why all these problems took. Very important from the very early age To teach the child such qualities as courage and ...


I am from the family where my mother went out for the dad with a child.
You read the adoptive care. There are many underwater stones on which you can run away with the best intention.
My sister did not remember my mother in 4. And from the best motives, it will grow and everyone thinks why her mother threw it like such a child. We moved and said that my real mother. I never had an overlook as the younger. Yeah, just in case, it was not offended by an orphan and equal and equal.
What got: With the younger, the entire set of problems of children to which are imposed. With the eldest, at first, ten years of races on the bushes in fear that the mystery will reveal. The blackmail of the bio appeared. And the child was not trouble-free, a lot of time and labor. And the second coming of Bio is already in the adolescent age. Then the parents divorced.
For mom is insulting. She threatened so many years and so much in his sister! She really raised her. And when mom became an old and disabled, when she really needed help, it was very convenient to have a "real" mother, but what really raised "so and not forgive deception."

Here is an example from life, but under other circumstances.
My grandfather has grown from five years old grandmother's sown from the first marriage,
my uncle and brother of my dad. Today, for my daughter, he is the only grandfather.

Why does a child steal? The development of the nature of the natural vectors directly depends on the upbringing. Unfortunately, parents at discharge from the hospital, along with the baby, do not issue instructions for use. Preferably brochure by system-vector psychologythat would help adults correctly define a child's vector and direct it in the right direction. Let the baby go into free swimming, as well as to bind anchor means to grow a loser. The sad reality indicates that ...


This is really a problem when two elements are facing - anal and skin. About the urethral (relative to the skin) is scary and overlooked). Well, how can an anal person with his "I don't need someone else!" Understand this "small rogue", which only soothes his biochemistry, violated by us - parents ..
After the training, we begin to understand that the leather at some point can be allowed and loving .. and if he stole, it is not exacerbated to the top with a strap, but in the end, to talk, explain, ridiculous in the end, send to receive the real satisfaction of the biochemistry. It is important that we understand - a man (child) rules his mental, he does not specifically make it - his desire to paint only the consequence of his innocent excellent properties and .. our upbringing. But how to be other parents who do not know the systemic, not even imagine ... ((

I have one friend whom parents still scored in prison. Such a beautiful skin-sound-visual guy.

How to raise my son? Each mother does everything to make her baby grow healthy and happy, and if in the family of the Son as in the Son to raise masculinity? Times, when a man with a weapon in his hands defended ...


We have a second boy. The first 6 years, and I think it is quite good when it turns out. Spartansky - no. But there is no pamper either. Mascant to instill love for "male" sports - swimming, football, baseball, karate. My husband is doing a lot with him and in the circles he from an early age (swimming from one and a half years old). I always stop my son when he does something bad and explain why it is not necessary to do that, from early age. (For example, why it is impossible to run and yell in a cafe - because other people it is not pleasant, they came to relax.) We always argue who did what. We analyze the heroes of fairy tales. Praise and encourage - be sure. Kiss - necessarily. I am very against what guys cannot kiss - after all, they are convinced of parental love. If you punish - then the child must understand why he was punished (we have this deprivation of interesting activities, cancel TV, expulsion in his room). You can not threaten the fact that you still can't do anyway (if you do not remove the toys, I will choose them - if they said that you need to throw it away). Perform your threats (so they should be actually speaking). And most importantly to devote a lot of time.

"Why should a boy with a mother who can stay with her mother?" - should? Who told you this? No one owes nothing to nobody. On the divorce of the baby give
1.The parent, the CTR wants to leave him for himself (it is very simple when one wants, and then there is no)
2. The rear will be better with whom (this is when both want to leave yourself)
What is your situation? In my opinion, 3rd - when both want the child to take another one. Then it may turn out that you are all trying to incline you to change your opinion, and that "when the dad's separation with the mother should remain with her mother." But it is and remains just a personal opinion of people around you, based on statistics - according to statistics, single moms cope with children better than lonely dads. You can:
1. Send others away and do in its own way, without explaining
2. Explain why your case is special (according to statistics in 99% of cases the boy is better in mom, and you will have better with dad)
3. Agree with what your rear will be better with my mother, for it is not harmful to dream ("I hope that my husband is my responsible person and smart"), but what we hope and what we dream is one thing, and Reality is another. In life, unfortunately, dreams and hopes often so they remain.
I, too, a couple of years ago most of all dreamed about it "How it would be nice if my husband was a good father! In order for Ree to want to live with him!" And t d and t n, in contrast to you with dreams, everything ended. To become experiments with the participation of my rear with a chance for 1/100 success I can not.
You write about the illusions that you can not live with them. And you yourself live with these Iliuzias: that BM suddenly becomes responsible, which will put the interests of the reservoir above their .... 9 out of 10 men do not know how to do it, they are so raised (to be egoists), and they are so laid down (nature Men's individuals laid in fertilization, and go hunting, or to war, and maybe not to return from there ... And the female individuals laid the take care of the offspring to his, offspring, dosency).
You are waiting for a miracle - that from one presence of the Son in KV BM "will transcenet" and change? Wait, wait ...

07/28/2006 23:15:04, Tutting

The best upbringing is a personal example of an adult. For the boy they, ideally, should be a father and the nearest environment - grandfather, brother, teacher, coach ...

However, the reality is such that the boy is in preschool ageWhen the foundations of its polisher behavior are laid, it is not surrounded by men at all. In the field of education, women are almost everywhere, the number of incomplete families increased, and in full families, a man-father is often present only formally.

Some dads are despusting from the process of upbringing the boy, considering it a female business, showing misinventivity, not knowing what to do with the baby. Other infantile themselves, so much can help in the development of male qualities. And it happens that dad would be happy to make up the upbringing of the boy, spend time with the son, to teach him something, but the workload at work does not allow, because you need to think about the future of the family.

However, you should not lose heart, even if the responsibility for the upbringing of sons lies with them. Just followed from the very beginning to correctly organize the process of the boy's upbringing, following the 8 "golden" rules:

1. Boy raising: Do not limit freedom!

So that Mom could raise in the Son men's qualities, it must be raised sometimes not as it is more convenient, easier and calmer. First of all, you need to make the upbringing of the boy formed his character. And for this, for this, it is very often necessary to revise your views on life, installations, fight with your fears, "breaking" stereotypes developed over the years.

What picture can be increasingly and more often watching modern families? In the boys, accuracy, caution, sortability are cultivated. And then mom reaps the fruits of his and grandmother's "kisin education": a grimbery, the son cannot respond to the offender, overcome difficulties, does not want to strive for something. And the parents are incomprehensible, where it came from this weakness in their child.

However, it is precisely such qualities from early childhood into the boy with the words "do not run - you will fall", "do not climb, there is dangerous", "do not do - they will be lost", "do not touch, I myself" and others "not ...". Will there be an initiative and responsibility with such a boys?

Of course, mom and grandmother can partly understand, especially when the child is the only and long-awaited. They are afraid that something happens to the baby. However, egoistic considerations are hidden behind these fears. The child's child is much more convenient, it is not necessary to adapt to it. It is much easier to feed a two-year-old child yourself than to watch how he spreads porridge on a plate. Faster to dress a four-year apartment than wait until he bother with buttons and shoelaces. Calmfully when the son goes around and keeps his hand, rather than running around the site, talked to get lost. Having indulgent to your impulses, we do not think about the consequences.

Such a boy's education distorts the male nature itself, opposing the mental and physical health of boys. They have fears, sometimes turning into somatic problems (stuttering, nerve ticks, allergies, breathing problems, frequent diseases), affected self-esteem is formed, problems in communicating with other children are developing. It is often an inverse situation: the boy can begin to "defend" from the head of parental care with aggressive behavior, thus expressing children's carelessness.

Of course, it is not easy to get rid of habits, but you need to understand that the child without the help of his parents will not be as much as I would like. For this, he needs help adults and certain conditions. Do not limit the freedom of movement of the kid on a walk, do not assign from small "dangers" (conflict in a sandbox with a peer, climbing through a low fence, etc.), but help overcome difficulties, encourage.

2. Boy raising. The child should have an example for imitation

Regardless of whether the boy brings lonely mom or he grows in a full family, you need to try to make the image of a man, and quite attractive for a boyish perception, attended the family life.

While the kid does not enhanced, it is quite suitable that Mom holds him most of the time, but after 3 years, when the child is separated from the mother both in a physical and personal plan, the boy begins to show more and more interest to men: Dad, Uncle , grandfather. And by 6 years it becomes extremely necessary to spend time with adult men, imitating them and imitating their behavior. And here mom should take care that the son is to communicate with whom.

Joint leisure with his father helps the boy to decide in life, understand who he is. After all, only through communication with the father and other men, the child masters the norms of men's behavior, forms his own opinion. And the earlier the dad will begin to raise the son, the faster the male stereotype of behavior will be formed.

But what to do if there is no dad near? In this case, mom must be found among relatives or friends of a person who could at least appear in the life of the boy. For example, you can take the baby to the grandfather on the weekend and leave them to solder, strict and tinkering together. And when the baby is growing, you should find a sports section or a circle to him, the leader of which is a man who really loving his business.

In addition, the image of a real man for his boy can be found not only among real people. Imaginary characters are fully suitable for this purpose. It is enough to find a book character at which the son would like to be equal to hang a photograph of a brave grandfather on the wall, talk about his ancestors and their courageous actions. In other words, it is necessary to create a microclimate for the son, conducive to his male formation.

3. To bring up a real man only in a stable atmosphere

First of all, the boy (however, like a girl) requires love and harmony in the family. Father should not be afraid to show tenderness to his son. Such things he does not spoil the child, but will form it basic confidence To peace and confidence in their loved ones. Love - it means to be not indifferent to the problems and feelings of the child, to see the person in it. The boy raised sensitively and consistently, grows open, calm, confident in his abilities capable of sympathy, manifestation of emotions.

4. Teach the boy freely express your feelings

It is important that the family does not have a ban on the expression of feelings. Play is a natural manifestation of stress. So you should not go on the stereotypes and scold the boy for tears. It's just worth treating them as a signal that the child is bad, and not to suppress his emotions, but to teach them to express them, if possible, in other way.

5. Openly recognize your mistakes

How to raise a real man? Of course, on personal example Show what you should always be responsible for your words. Pope and moms should be critical to themselves. If necessary, to recognize your wrongness and ask for forgiveness from the Son, they will only strengthen their authority, showing justice.

6. Form a child in an empathy skill

Rail in the boiler moral qualities. Being another preschooler, he can understand a lot and do, starting with helping his mother at home and ending with a respectful attitude towards older people in transport. Such behavior should be "submitted" as the norm. Remove the dishes, to store the bed, give way to the grandmother in the bus - this is normal for the future of the man.

7. Rising a boy, encourage independence in it

Much attention in the development of the boy is assigned to its independence. Let it sometimes feel its significance and freedom. In the future, this will help him become happy and successful, to maximize its capabilities. The boys are typical of self-affirmation and leadership. This is very important for their further development. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage the desire of the Son to make its own choice, think independently, remind that he is responsible for his actions.

8. Drink a child in sports sections

Children need physical activity For full physical development. As long as the child is small, you need to walk more with him, allow you to run, jump, fall, climb, explore the world under the sensitive leadership of the parents. Later it is necessary to highlight the time in the weekly schedule of the Son to the sports section, where he could improve his physical opportunities and feel strong, dexterous, confident.

Contributable in advance

Mama should take note of one "secret" in contact dad and child. Fathers are often afraid to stay for a long time with the baby, because they feel uncertain. Therefore, make the leisure dad with the kid as defined as possible.

For example, tell me: "Tomorrow I will leave for a couple of hours. Let's figure out how could you do with the baby. " Or: "On Saturday, you will finally be able to build a chalash, which has long dreamed of our boy." So you give a man a chance to morally prepare for communication with the Karapuz.

P.S. Communicating with the child, moms and dads should not be afraid to be funny, awkward or unsuccessful. Children, as you know, forgive parents, everything except false and indifference.

Star parents

Dmitry Dyuzhev and Vanya (5 years old)

"The best method of upbringing a boy is love, I am sown internally and kiss! My wife and I brought up self-sufficiency in Vanya, we want him not only calm and confident, but also loved people himself. And, of course, it is not necessary to take care of. Let, if necessary, spoil the carpets, let him climb into ink, let the sand tried - do not need to ban. "

Alice Grebenshchikova and Alyosha (5 years)

"Alyosha grows in big familyWhere everyone has its own role. He sees how women behave what they do. Grandmother is responsible for comfort. He has a male game with grandfathers. We somehow went with my son to the store, and I suggested that he choose any toy. Alyosha made a choice in favor of chainsaws. He was 4 years old. "I will cut firewood," the son said. The fact is that he saw the grandfather, who also removes the leaves and cleans the snow. Alyosha understands that all this is included in men's duties. "

Once scientists conducted an experiment. The baby was disguised into the jumpsuit of pink and blue colors, and then asked passersby in the park to donate the crumb. In the behavior of "Nyanka" there was one regularity: if the baby was taken for the girl, there were much more gentle words and smiles to him. And if you thought that before them - a boy, the participants of the experiment showed feelings more restrained - especially men. Thus, psychologists were clearly convinced of the existence of one of the most frequent misconceptions related to the difference in the education of boys and girls. For some reason, many moms and most dads believe that with a son you can not allow the "calf tenderness" and "Sysyukanya". Allegedly, in this case, a real man will not grow out of it. But in fact, everything is exactly the opposite! It is proved that among healthy kids of both sexes, the boys are still more weak, and they are sometimes needed to be more like girls. In other words, that the son grew up healthy and well developed, you need to kiss as much as possible, hugging him, talk about your love. To spoil the peasant with this appeal is simply impossible!

How to raise a boy: clothes

Of course, we will not wear sons in the dress. But during the first months of life, they do not need girls. Almost until the year of the wardrobe boys and girls differs only by color. Although at that time, the sins do not necessarily buy exclusively blue sliders and blouses. Please yourself and crumbling clothes of all the shades of the rainbow. Perhaps only pink color Perceived as "female". IN lately Manufacturers of children's clothing depart from the past stereotypes, and clothes for small men please us with the brightness of the paints. Do not be afraid of cheerful colors - infancy flies so quickly ... When the sons are growing, they will have a much smaller choice of colors in the wardrobe. In general, clothes for boys are democratic and more practical than for girls. First, the dress is not so easy to wear, because the child is not a doll. Secondly, if the children get dirty, then the boy is enough to change either shorts or a T-shirt. But the dress must be washed completely. On the matinee in kindergarten you can dress a small gentleman in a white shirt and a front suit with a butterfly. And having learned from the neighbor, how much the ball's dress is her daughter, you will sigh with relief that these spending did not touch you.

How to raise a boy: toys

Do not be limited various species Weapons and park machines, tractors and motorcycles. Probably many parents will remember, with what pleasure of their sins rolled strollers, being visiting girls. Do you really think that in the boys already from birth there is a need to play exclusively "male" toys? I will give an example of a textbook case from pedagogical literature. At one of the islands in the Pacific, a tribe was found far from civilization. Researchers who studied the life of the aborigines distributed to children to the children. At first, both boys and girls are interested in dolls, cars, guns. But after some time, the toys were clearly divided: the boys played ... dolls, and girls - machinery and guns. Why? It turns out that the matriarchy reigned in this tribe, and for women the main occupation was hunting, and for men - raising children. In our society, other life management, and children copy it. The task of parents is to diversify children's games. Do not hurry to refuse dolls that are offered to you familiar, whose daughters have already grown. The doll is a fairly universal toy, and it is needed not only to girls. Playing with a doll, the child learns to get along with other kids, on the example of the doll, he loses his behavior. Also to toys that often ignore the parents of boys include toy furniture, dishes, kitchenware, puppets dolls. For the development of the sins, they are also needed. Special conversation about toy weapons. Some dads and moms try not to buy the sons of "Shooting", trying to protect children from aggressiveness. Indeed, in the modern world, children surrounds a lot of evil, and the boys themselves are more excite. But since it is impossible to completely protect the crumb from military toys, then your task is to teach children to play correctly. By purchasing a toy, strive so that the gift stimulates in the child is not aggression, but a sports excitement. Choosing a gun with balls (volumetric, but light) and target, arrange the competition for shooting accuracy. In summer, the optimal version is a water gun.
As for the machines, it is better to buy plastic. Metallic more like children, but for cuts they are not safe, as too heavy. And the boys older arises an irresistible desire to disassemble them to make a good look - what's inside? Do not scold kids for it. Want to keep everything safe? For this, the dads of young auto mechanics need to postpone affairs and make disassembly and assembling machine with children.

How to educate the boy: clean

To commit boys to clean up toys after the game are not more difficult than girls. The main thing in this is patience and constancy. Just do not try to get sons to clean if the game is in full swing. They can respond even aggressively, since boys are more impulsive and gambling.

How to raise a boy: life space

Blue, green, turquoise colors should prevail in the nursery. Their energy is equalized by the activity and impulsivity of kids. If your son in nature is phlegmatic or melancholic, add yellow and orange paints to the interior. If children separate roomTry to make it comfortable and safe. For boys, the most natural is a noisy game. Remove everything that limits mobility (for example, mirrors, bedside tables, otfiki). Highlight the place for a sports corner (gymnastic complex, rope stairs, hanging ropes). So the energy of the kids will be directed to the right direction.

How to raise a boy: sport

A very obedient boy is the pride of his parents in the first years of his life. But it is unlikely that such a baby can become a full member of the guys. Stiffness leads either to lethargy and apathy, or to aggressiveness. Allow your boys to shake! And what if the Son is growing uncontrollable and darling? Give the output of its aggressively directional energy. Write the Buyan to the sports section, where he can realize his potential. Do not comprehend time to such useful beginnings. Sport is long-term and favorable attachmentAs in terms of physical development and improving nature. You can be calm for my son and when your child will grow up. The difficulties of transitional age, dubious companies - everything that is a real danger in the future will not affect your son if it is seriously passionate about the sport.

How to raise a boy: creativity

And if the child prefers to draw or compose poems? Often, Pope consider such classes not quite suitable for a real man. Do not distract children from creativity! Recall that our recognized artists and poets are mostly a man.

How to raise a boy: sense of humor

Cheerful man - happy man. Usually the ability to joke is inherited, but the sense of humor can also be developed. Read the children of funny poems and stories. Practice trivial insults and whims. Look with humor to various life situations - your kids will very soon begin to take an example with you. Laughter is a natural and organic manifestation of the feelings of a child. A boy with a good sense of humor is always popular among peers. In addition, as a rule, he has good health (as a result of positive emotions).

How to educate the boy: fathers and sons

Many mothers complain that their husbands do not want to educate children. So, the time was missed when the dads had to realize themselves as such. Fathers are not born - they become if there is a lady's wise woman. Your task is to bring your spouse during pregnancy, that in the upbringing of a real man he has a leading role. The most important thing is that the interaction of the father and his son should begin in the first days of life, and not in 3-4 years, as many newly new dads believe. The key to the successful mastering of paternal duties is your faith in the pedagogical abilities of the spouse. When the son is still tiny, you do not need to expect initiative from the head of the family. It is better to gently and imperceptibly enter into rule the fulfillment of any responsibility for the care of newborns, such as a bathing of a child. The worst thing, than you can forever repeal the desire of the Pope to care for the baby, is constant control and experience that he will do something wrong. Drop fears and leave your men (big and small) alone with each other. In this situation, Dad sharply increases responsibility for trusted Chado. Encourage the initiative of the dad to spend your free time with sins. And do not marry them for the mess, which arises as a result of such joint cases. Building a tower of cubes, training for cycling or rollers - joint games unusually split small men and big children - Dad. Grandous assistants will be interested in repairing a car in the garage on an equal footing with dad, and a fishing trip, and a game of football, and washing in the bath. Show respect for "male" affairs. The result will be the cohesion of the Father and the Son, which all mothers dream of. If you go to the pool to the pool to the whole family - not doubting, send boys along with the dad in the male shower. It is very strange to see 5-6-year-old mistakes under the care of mom in the female soul.

How to raise a boy: Moms and Sons

1. Mom - "Your Guy"
If you in childhood with contempt we treated the game in the dolls, then the appearance of sons, most likely, was perceived as a gift of fate. But completely dissolving in your sons, you forget about yourself as a woman. And for the younger kids, it is so important to see your mother beautiful. After all, it is with the way Moms are related to their ideas about the ideal of a woman. Tip: Dedote the day off only by leaving sons with her husband or grandparents. Go shopping, go to the hairdresser.

2. Mom Uncle Fedor
Like the heroine of the cartoon "Three of Prostokvashino", you consider yourself an approximate mother, because your child is "dressed-stub-fed." Children fun seem too tedious to participate in them. Let the game with the kid do dad. But the son can be proud: he has a beautiful, well-groomed mother. But the child lacks communication with you! Talk to the baby about his affairs and friends, discuss what it is passionate about (for example, different brands cars).

3. Mom - Senior Friend
Such a mom does not come to mind that the cargo of home care should be carried independently - she has excellent helpers. Mom always has time to talk to sons, read them, make some crawl. All children dream about such a mother ... and every woman can become every woman!

Parents want to grow sons with real men, strong and courageous. However, the psychology of the parenting of a boy is 5 years old - real art. Age is ideal for absorption important, useful for life, things. The boys already produce their stereotype of behavior, parents will have to make a lot of effort.

How to raise a boy for 5 years?

Parents need to be remembered that the upbringing of a boy is 5 years old - permanent, continuous work. To this age, the child understands a lot, distinguishes clothes, intonation of voice, manner of behavior. He has his own opinion, often not coinciding with the opinion of the parent.

How to raise a boy for 5 years? Start adjusting close, trust contact. His presence will help to understand the child, his desires, fears and thoughts. Parents - become friends of an exploring child, gradually building the right relationship. Teach the Son a good manner. He is already going to kindergarten, teach to help girls, educators, elderly people.

Responsibility and communication. The ability to behave in society, help people, will help in the future adult life. Trust sons homemade. Let it be one simple order, for example, watering flowers, but it is regular and mandatory. Thereby we are responsible.

Punishment. Twist a minimum of punishment, if possible, exclude them at all. At this age, children are protesting, and they may adversely affect behavior. Talk, explain why you can not perform certain actions.

Mugs. Wonderful age to give the Son into the section. Ask what he wants to do, offer your options. Physical exertion, creativity must accompany the child's upbringing of 5 years constantly.

Practically tips for upbringing a boy of 5 years:

  • surrive care. Dad primarily pays attention to the son at this age. So, he will grow confident, sociable, kind;
  • buy toys suitable for male professions. It's time for a set of tools, fire trucks, aircraft. In the game form, tell us about the importance of professions;
  • develop men's qualities, kindness, responsiveness. From the Small years, cook for adult, family life. If the child has fears, try to help them get rid of them;
  • follow the manifestation of aggression. Play calm joint games, often aggression causes a lack of attention from parents.

In fact, it is not difficult to educate the 5-year-old boy. The main thing is not to forget to pay enough attention to him, show your love. Basically, the upbringing of the Son of 5 years falls on the shoulders of the mother, but the dad must be involved and take care. Pope is enough to allocate a couple of hours for games and communicating with the son alone.

Dad needs to actively participate in the upbringing of the boy, so that the child is solved and confident. At this age it is recommended to start acquaintance with the workers inventors: a screwdriver, hammer, pliers. A child with interest will help dad, feeling an adult man.

It should be remembered about the dolls. Boys are curious to change clothes, bathe, lay a doll to sleep. As a result, boys produces affectionate and caring position to young children is formed the ability to be attentive fathers.

Paul education boy 5 years

Time comes, and children become independent. Sex education of a boy of 5 years plays an important role in becoming it as a person. At this time, children are aware of the differences between boys from girls in gender signs. Sons want to be like dad and are waiting for the moment of growing up.

The question comes from where kids are taken, causing children, they are interested. It is difficult for parents to find faithful words and instructions. Prepare for answers to questions, stock knowledge about the anatomy and physiology. Do not confuse, the baby in vote feels.

IN this moment Properly answer all questions that are interested in the child. To facilitate the task, get a book for children and parents in which simple language Answered answers to tricky questions. Teach your son to hygienic daily procedures. The child will learn to their independently, get acquainted with the naked body, and will not be shy at growing up.

About the appearance of children, tell about the love between a man and a woman, and then about the birth of a baby. Than a fabulous, and less realistic story, the better. Answers are simple and understandable. Do not read the children of medical books, they will not understand them. Poland of the boy falls completely on his father. At the subconscious level, Dad and Son understand each other, it also contributes to the development of trust relationships. In the future, the boy will share his thoughts and problems.

During the stories, avoid the violence. Warn About Such, but do not intimidate. Spear about sex at this age is also too early. There are enough stories that men are girls defenders. Grow a real man will help warm, friendly atmosphere in the family. Children are focused on relationships between parents, in the future often copying their behavior.

Education is not restrictions and prohibitions. First of all, this is a manifestation of love, trust. Parents should not be forgotten that the boy will have its own opinion even at that age. It must be put on the right path, giving advice.

It should be accustomed to the gallant handling of girls. Boys need to understand, they are defenders of girls, help them, take care of them. Such an attitude must be demonstrated to the dad in communicating with mom, grandmother and the rest of the weak representatives.

Tips for the psychologist to raise a boy of 5 years

At the age of 4-5 years, children are developing rapidly. Their perception of the world is complicated, imagination, attention and intelligence improves, behavior changes. At this stage, when the boy has already grown and does not require such guardianship, as aged one to two years, some parents begin to pay a less time.

However, if you want the child harmoniously develops, absorbed right norms Behavior and later was successful at school - this could not be done in any way.

To bring up a five-year-old boy, first of all, helping him to learn the main moral values, acquire the necessary life abilities and skills.

To do this, you need to constantly communicate with your son: pay attention to different situations, taking place in your eyes. For example, seeing the fighting boys in the courtyard, it is necessary to draw the attention of the son to her and express their attitude to this action. It is possible to explain to the child that the fight is not a way to solve disagreements, it is possible to settle everything peacefully.

There is another option: ask the son, as if he did, being in such a situation. This produces the ability to think and analyze the child and allows you to get the first life experience.

All tips on the education of boys of five years can be reduced to the following:

  • help the child to know the world and develop, talk to him, answer his questions, learn communication standards in society;
  • start raising in my son male character: Let him more communicate with the dad, watches him, helps in various household matters;
  • play together in various educational games, begin to prepare for school: learn to read and count;
  • develop in the child to become activity and endurance: walk with your son, let him run on the street (on the playground), she talks with peers - it will help to direct it with energy to the game, and not a pellement;
  • support the desire to contact with girls;
  • to form skills and skills, performance that boys will be created at school. We instill love for knowledge so that the child is looking forward to going to school.

It is also important not to forget to surround the child with love and care, but the main thing is not to overdo it with care. Follow the data on the recommendations and from little boy A real educated man will grow.

The psychology of boys at a five-year-old age implies the formation of their main character traits that they will suffer throughout life. Therefore, it is important at this time to start raising in the Son Men's qualities: courage, endurance, self-confidence.

The upbringing of a five-year-old boy includes active games, communicating with peers on the playground and in kindergarten. It is recommended to buy the son of the game for boys: guns, cars, designers; Tell him about different male professions: a policeman, a fireman.

The child's upbringing is the most important task of parents. Sometimes we live, as living, justifying our failures in raising children with circumstances and the fact that everything happens to others. However, the right upbringing is a hard work that brings invaluable fruits - your child will grow a strong and harmonious personality.

Education of the Son - the process is especially important, since the man formed simply impossible to re-educate. A young woman is able to "go for her husband", adapt to him, to make adjustments to the raising of his wife. And in a man who is brought up by Mamienikin, egoist or irresponsible lazy, there is practically no chance of transformation.

How to raise the boy a real man? Responsible, purposeful, reliable, principled, decisive?

Mother of a little boy, as anyone believes that perfect man exists. This is her baby. In your power, make it so that the whole world around him will be the same.

How to raise the Son: Features of the Education of a Little Men

The upbringing of boys and girls differs in principle. It is easy to explain on the example of the upbringing of kindness. If we raise kindness in the girl, you mean sensitivity and ability to sympathize. It's enough. But the boy's kindness must be constructive and expressed by actions. The man does not need to regret anyone. He is obliged to help! These are two different kindness and require radically different approaches in the upbringing.

How to grow a man from the boy? Help him develop a set of specific qualities. What, from what our boys are made, future men, where you can rely and which will have every reason to respect themselves? We will focus on the main features that form the character of a decent man.

A responsibility. The man is the head of the family, best friend, business partner and just a worker on the edged site. What kind of social role he did not fulfill, responsibility is his second name. He is responsible for the new parents, for younger sisters and brothers, for his wife and children, for subordinates. If it has not been responsible for the pet or at least for a cactus from the small years or at least for cactus, do not expect him to feel it for relatives and loved ones. Rise a little man will help the duty entrusted to him, the value of which he is able to understand. Tell your son to be the main thing in some kind of business. Let him feed fish every day at certain times. Explain that if he misses at least one or two feedings, they will die from hunger. If the Son is not at home within a few days, teach it to take care of the wards at a distance. It is he who must agree with the ket, who replaced him at the moment of absence.

Dedication. How to raise the son of a man who knows not only to put the goal, but also to go to her? The dedication of the adult is formed from curiosity and childhood.

A man is difficult to do anything without understanding the ultimate goal. Boys often ask the question: "Why?".

Learn to interest your son and keep it towards goal. Be sure to help the child correctly evaluate the necessary effort and result.

For example, your boy dreams of a concrete toy or gadget. Together, look at its current cost in an online or regular store, discuss how to accumulate the necessary amount with joint efforts (a child can collect money in a piggy bank or postponing a part of money from pocket; a teenager may have a similar part-time. Seeing the amount and realizing that the purchase will take place not soon, the child can lose interest in the toy. Your task is to show your son that everything is in his hands. Periodically calculate how much you still have left, replenish the piggy bank (but not too often), read reviews about the believed toy.

In the end, parents can make their child the desired gift, but necessarily with his "share"!

When the object of desires turns out to be in the hands of the child, divide his joy with him, ask the functions and capabilities of the gadget, play together.

If a boy knows what he wants, he determined his goal, realizes which dividends will receive from the results of their work, he can all! Teach your son to do everything consciously, set goals and aggressively reach them.

Willpower. No goal will be achieved without a developed will. It is necessary not to go from the planned path so as not to be distracted by minor things to abandon everything that separates from the goal. Little fidget wants everything immediately, and certainly now a minute. Teach him to wait, raise a sense of measure, help realize the need to abandon all harmful and unnecessary. Will force is formed from self-control.

From the smallest years, teach the baby to the standards of conduct adopted in a civilized society. Patiently explain why you do not need to arrange hysterics, offend other children, be grateful. Important: Explanations should be accessible to an understanding of the child. Invalid formulation by type: "Because I said so" and "grow up - you will understand."

If you have already taught your boy to seek your goals, tell us that it is not always easy to seek it easily and pleasant. Together, hand together with failures and lesions, look for in them pluses (for example: Yes, this workpaper fell apart, because it was too splashing from glue, but now we can do everything perfectly, because we know that glue needs less!).

Independence. Let your son first learn to serve yourself. Help, direct, but let him handle himself with each business. An adult sometimes lacks patience to teach a child to anything simple, it is easier for them to remove toys, tie a lace and wash the cup. Grow the Son a man will not work, if you do everything for him.

Determination. In the life of a man, the main thing to make decisions and be responsible for them. Do not decide for my son, what to wear with whom to be friends, how to paint paper craft. If the boy tastes the fetus of irresponsibility, will understand that it is easier to decide anything and do not answer anything, he will not become the owner of life and will shift the decision on others.

Principle. Show our own behavior that such principles: do not break the promises, argue your decisions and do not change them, follow the rules in the family and in society. Our children are our mirrors.

Cleanliness. Correctly educate the baby boy means also to teach him to treat your body as to the temple of the soul. The task of parents is to teach the Son to comply with the rules of hygiene, cleanliness and tidiness should be his urgent need.

How to raise the boy a real man: 5 main rules

Rule 1. How to raise a real man? Grow it confident. This is the most important thing that parents can give their son, except for life itself. Instruct his confidence: Praise in the case, create success situations, emphasize the attention on luck and victories, mark not only the results, but also by the efforts.

Rule 2. Show your love for your son. He should know that he is a favorite child that he dreamed of his appearance that he was the joy of parents and their pride. Do not forget to express love with words, affectionate look, sensitivity, manifestation of attention to it. And do not forget to spend time together.

Rule 3. Encourage the initiatives of the Son. Find a rational, creative, practical or other positive grain in what makes your son, and mark it.

Rule 4. Be a devoted friend of your son. Your son should know that Mom and Dad is the most reliable stronghold. Build the relationship of absolute trust between you.

Rule 5. Rise the Son consciously. It is impossible to raise the child with a real man without giving him to everyday life Decent imitation example. They may be father, uncle, grandfather, godfather, older brother, family friend, coach. The main thing is to have anyone to leave.

Education of the Son: The most common and most dangerous mistakes of parents

All errors mistakes in the education of the Son - bring up the future man, falling into extremes.

How to mislead the son, explain on the example of typical extremes, to which parents often resort to in the desire to raise their boy as much as possible.

How to educate the boy: parent extremes

Do everything for him or Make it all do it yourself

By doing everything for the Son, you will grow an incompetent, inert, compacted by a man who will not be able to be able to, in effect, will not seek help. He will not have chances to conquer authority, both among women and the team of men.

And on the contrary, without helping the son in his affairs, even if he asks about it, you risk raising a closed person who will be unable to work in a team, incredulous and broken. In addition, without help, he will learn little, or will spend more time and mental forces on it than who has been support.

Overly patronize or Allow all possible errors

You will not be able to lay straw on everything life path own son. Do not try to do this and from his small years. Fence the Son only from what threatens health and life, in the rest let him understand the meaning of danger, risk, consequences. This is invaluable life experience.

One day, my friend and we were walking. Together with us was her 11-year-old son. At the Fair, Mom bought him a fairly expensive superhero mask. He rushed with her in every possible way, and then ran to the company of boys on the site. After 15 minutes, it comes back in delight: "There, the older guys are offered to exchange my mask on the iPhone! Cool!". I just began to say something about the fact that I did not see him anyhon, nor a mask, how his mother calmly stopped me and told her son: "Son, do you trust those guys? Would you give an iPhone for a mask? Think, do not rush. This mask is yours, I bought it for you. You are her owner, so decide myself. " The boy suddenly sounded and with such a mood returned to young merchants. He refused to exchange. And if we started persistently convincing him in the only proper decisionMost likely he would have done a chance and lost his mask ...

The policy of complete non-interference to the life of their sons of other parents is amazing. They are philosophically from the side of the errors that inconscent workers make one after another, believing that life - best teacher. Nevertheless, many deposits can be avoided by many, explaining theoretically.

All resolve everything or Punish

How to grow a real man if you feel the souls in your boy and ready to turn the earth for him? Caution! Such immense love can have a bear service to your son! After all, your favorite sons often indulge to such an extent that they cease to realize the boundaries permitted. But life without restrictions in childhood leads to conflict in adulthood, because you have to live according to the rules, and your son is not accustomed to them.

There are no better to those parents who do not imagine how to grow her son with a real man without demanding behavior of him worthy of prince. They achieve perfection in everything and get a hidden, intimidated child, who dreams only to be left alone. Blowing out from under guardianship and demanding atmosphere, these guys will break absolutely all the rules that they tormented them long years Or will remain unhappy captives of these rules for life.

To raise too hard or Raise too soft

How to raise a man from the boy, showing goodness to him and sympathy? - perplexed some parents. And the other on the contrary is consciously too gentle to small sons. As in other matters, you need golden mean. If the son hurts, it must be regret, but not allow him to regret myself. Here you need to feel a thin face.

Rising the Son, remember that you are responsible for his happiness. Only with love and respect, the born boy will be able to grow a self-sufficient man and achieve a lot.

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