Repairs Design Furniture

Rope railing stairs do it yourself. How to make a rope staircase. Rope ladder facilities

There you have a country house or a country area, then most likely there is a well on its territory that requires periodic cleansing. And here there may be a problem with penetration on the bottom of the well, since it is quite difficult to find the staircase of the desired width. In this case, the rope staircase will be a great way out.

Of course, you can go easier and acquire a ready-made product in the store, but its price is unpleasant to surprise you, the poet the process of independent manufacture is worth considering in more detail.

Making a rope ladder (the first method)

So, to make the above-mentioned design, you will need the following materials:

  • Two coils of a polypropylene rope, the length of each of which is 20 meters, and the diameter is 8 mm. This material is the most optimal because it is not afraid of water exposure and is not amenable to stretching.

  • Coloring cuttings with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of 140 cm in the amount of seven pieces.
  • Small-raised hacksaw.
  • Small agriculture.
  • Harsh thread (1 motok).

After preparing the necessary inventory, proceed to the manufacturing process, which consists of several consecutive actions.

  • Cut the cuttings for 25 segments, the length of each of which will be 30 cm. It will be steps, while trying to sprinkle them so that the rounded end is on the one hand, and the cone-shaped-on-one. As a result, you have to stay a cutlery near a meter, which will be required for further fasteners of the design.
  • Fastening steps to the rope is carried out by using a node called "Constrictor", which will help to avoid manufacturing holes in steps.

  • Despite the reliability of this node, it is necessary to take care that the rope does not spike with steps, by making grooves along the edges. To do this, retreat 1 cm from the edge and make a slot of a 3 mm depth and 1.5 cm wide. Before you make markups, after which small ring rods, and make a roller with a knife. At the end, treat the step of the skin.
  • Prepare the steps, proceed to the assembly. Originally prepare the rope so that in the future it does not break. To do this, it is necessary to use a hot knife for cutting the material, or the ends of the rope. To increase reliability, wrap the edges of thick thread.
  • Tie a node and make a loop, the diameter of which should be about 6 cm. Thus, it is necessary to do with the ends of both machines of the rope.
  • Using the "Constrictor" node, tie steps. The distance between them should be no more than 45 cm.

  • During the work, you will come across certain difficulties, which include saving parallelism of steps so that they will be tied up with the node several times, so it is not necessary to delay it too tightly.

The final assembly stage will be the same loop as at the beginning. The result should be 11 meter design, characterized by convenience and a small mass.

Making a rope staircase (second method)

Everyone may encounter such a situation as a roof leakage with subsequent repairs. As a rule, for this, a special staircase is used, which is attached for the roofing horse. However, after repair, it remains there, since it is no longer any use. In this case, preference is worth paying more simple in the manufacture, as well as portable rope staircase.

In addition, this design can be used both by direct purpose and as a hammock or sports equipment, which is distinguished by ease of transportation and storage.

Stages of ladder manufacturing are as follows:

  • Initially, you will need to prepare future steps. To do this, it is necessary to drink a bars of 6 * 4 cm on the segments of 35 cm.
  • Then retreat three cm from each edge of the bar and make holes using a drill. In this case, the diameter of the holes must be no more than 1.5 cm.

  • Using sandpaper, carefully process the surface of the steps, because in the future you will not only have to step on them, but also hold on with your hands.
  • To increase the service life of the stairs, the stairs must be painted with antiseptic means, oil paint, or to cover the oil and only after that it is necessary to prepare a rope with a length of 8 m, which should be divided into two equal parts.
  • After that, start the assembly as follows: At the ends of the two ropes, make knots, then skip the rope through the holes in the parsing. In order for the steps not to hang them out, you can additionally secure nodules from above;

  • The next step is attached at a distance of 30 cm in the same way. Having finished the process, tie the ends of both ropes from two sides into one node.

From the considered manufacturers, you should choose only the most suitable and convenient for you.


From this video, you will learn several ways to manufacture a rope ladder.

The rope staircase is a very useful device that is widely used in many spheres of human activity.

  • courts are equipped with stormtrapes intended for emergency landing of people in the boat;
  • mandatory attribute of climbers' equipment;
  • used as rescue stairs , adopted by firefighters and services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the evacuation of victims;
  • indispensable in everyday life and economy. When ordinary designs do not help, for example, if necessary to descend into the well. And of course, if there is a child in the family, a children's suspension staircase at the same time and the most interesting toy and a wonderful sports simulator;
  • remain in demand and appliances for disabled , which helps a person go from a lying position in a sedentary and vice versa. The staircase for lying patients is made of a dense unsengiving rope and withstands the weight of 130 kg or more. As a rule, it has 4 or 5 wooden crossbars.

Photo Gallery: Applying Rope Stairs

Of course, rope stairs are not intended for everyday use, since they are not too comfortable and will not replace ordinary marching structures. But still have a number of undoubted advantages: low weight, compactness, multifunctionality, ease of production - the ability to make a rope staircase without help professionals.

Safety requirements

The products from the rope impose certain requirements to ensure security.

  • steps should not have sharp corners that may make a person, or prevent his movement;
  • the suspension staircase must have no longer than 15 meters long, and the width cannot be less than 25 cm;
  • the distance between the steps should not exceed 35 cm;
  • the product from the rope must have steps, the configuration and the size of which ensure safe and convenient movement. If the steps in the section are round, their diameter cannot be less than 2.6 cm;
  • the portable staircase must be mobile and weigh no more than 20 kg;
  • the product to be used by adults should withstand weight in 360 kg;
  • must be equipped with stops that will not allow to touch the wall. The length of the stops can vary in the range from 11 to 22 cm;

What materials to choose

To make the staircase, it is necessary, above all, a durable rope. Most often, models are used from synthetic materials: nylon, capron, lavsan and others, as they are the most practical and durable. For a sports corner or "Swedish" walls, it is better to choose a high / b rope. If you are going to make a maritime room, then you can not do without a staircase made of flax or cannabis.

Steps are most often performed from wood, metal or plastic is also used. Sometimes products do not have steps, and loops or nodes are imposed instead.

Depending on why the staircase is needed, and the materials for its manufacture will be selected. So, the rescue staircase, which is used by firefighters, is performed from non-combustible materials. For climbers, the main requirement is strength and frost resistance, and for tourists and climbers - lightness and compactness. If the product will be used exclusively in the household as a children's staircase or decor element , The choice of materials will depend on your preferences than from acute need.

How do you make a rope staircase - Methods of manufacturing and assembly


We will do a universal staircase that will be useful in any farm. For this we will need:

  1. Two polypropylene ropes of the same size, 20 meters. Polypropylene is good because it is durable, not stretched and does not lose its qualities during wetting. The diameter of the rope should not be too small, otherwise it will cut your hands, also suffers the strength of the structure. The optimal dimensions are the diameter of 8 mm and more. Choosing a length, consider that depending on the method of fastening the steps, the length of the finished staircase is half, and sometimes 1/4 from the initial length of the rope.
  2. For the manufacture of steps, cuttings are perfectly suitable from shovels that can be bought at any household goods store. Usually they have a diameter of 3 cm and a length of 140 cm. If a children's staircase is designed, you can use thinner cuttings from the robber.
  3. From the tools, prepare the hacksaw with small teeth, fine-grained sandpaper and thick thread.

Let's grab the process of making the stairs, everything is very simple, and now you will make sure of it.

  1. Cuttings are cut into segments of 30 cm each. It should turn out 25 pieces. This will still be a meter segment that is useful for fastening the structure. Steps are processed by sandpaper. Be sure to make sure the surface turned out perfectly smooth;
  2. So that the nodes are not cleaved, on the edges of the steps it is necessary to perform slots with a depth of 3-5 mm and a width of 15 mm. To do this, place the steps, perform on each edge two ring cut down at a distance of one and a half centimeters from each other, and then make the grooves with a knife. To increase the service life of the product, the steps are processed by special compositions or collaps with paint. At the same time, remember that the surface should not be slippery.
  3. Preparation of rope. Cut the two pieces of the desired length from the ear (in our case 20 meters). That the rope does not bloom, it is cut by a preheated knife, or subsequently fall. For reliability, the ends are wrapped in thick thread. On the one hand, each of the ropes, make a loop with a diameter of about 6 cm, with their help you can hang the staircase in the right place.
  4. Lay down the steps. If the product will use an adult, then the distance between the steps should be no more than 45 cm, if the staircase is manufactured for the child, the value should be reduced to 30 cm. To put the steps strictly parallel to each other at the same distance, we will use a special device (shown on the picture). It allows you to hardly fix the steps between the bars, and the edges remaining outside will conveniently tie the rope.
  5. In order for the staircase to be comfortable and durable, and the steps were well fixed, it is recommended to use the "Constrictor" node, which allows you to make a staircase without resorting to drilling holes in the steps under the rope. The video and photos show how this node fit.

This is a self-tasking node that provides very good fixation. But it is necessary to apply it only on objects without sharp corners, the best round, like our steps. If the ends of the rope, after the node is tightened, there are strictly perpendicular to the axes of the steps, which means the node is knotted correctly. It is necessary to remember that it is extremely difficult to unleash the conservator, so do not tighten it until you make sure that the steps are correct.

Video: How to Knit Knot Conservator

Thus, we make all the steps that are methodically combined. At the ends of the rope also tie a loop with a diameter of 6 cm. If everything is done correctly, then you should have a robust staircase of 11 meter length.

With rectangular steps

The second method is more time-consuming and is distinguished by the fact that the rope will pass through the holes in the steps, and not to wrap them with the node, as in the first case. This time, for the manufacture, we will use a rectangular stage with a length of 40 mm, and a polypropylene rope will be replaced with a nylon.

Before use, be sure to check the staircase for strength and pay special attention to the installation method. For example, a children's ladder can be attached to the Swedish wall or another option when the suspension staircase holds with two anchors mounted in the ceiling.

Without steps

When there is not enough time to make the rope staircase, it makes no sense to build the first two options, but the design, which has the role of steps to perform ropes tied with special nodes, just suitable. Such a product in the presence of certain skills and durable long rope is easy to do.

The stairs on the "Burlats" loops are particularly popular. The advantage of the burlack loop is what it turns out exactly the loop, and not a knot. It is convenient to put the leg in it and easily hold on with your hands. After use, the loop is easy to unleash, not spoiling the rope itself.

Burlats loop fit quite easily: first the rope twice twice, resulting in a figure, reminiscent of the eight. The lower part of the "eight" stretches, as shown by horizontal arrows in the figure. The upper part of the Eight, in the direction of the arcuate arrow, is stretched inside the resulting circle.

Video: Knit Burlats loop

There is a simpler way that allows you to make a staircase in a couple of minutes.

Video: Production of the rope stairs

Cable railing in the interior

Rope railing is an unusual solution that should be thought out even during the design of the stairs. Unlike subsequent options, this method of decor will not be applied to the finished product, as specially prepared balusters are required with rope holes. Several tight tight ropes will be not only a reliable support that will protect the movement along the stairs, but also the original element of the interior.

How to issue

Winding railing rope - a great way to decorate the staircase. Pleasant to the touch texture and association with the maritime will create a unique atmosphere. The process of manufacture is as follows: Cut the rope of the desired length and secure it on the railing so that it keeps well. To do this, use specialty water-based glue, which can be easily laundering.

Ranat handrail

How do you know the idea of \u200b\u200breplacing traditional handrails for stretch rope? The success of this currency largely depends on the correct location of fasteners, which will support the entire design.

Install several brackets so that the rope in between them has not saved. Such nodes are not only the functional load, but perform the role of a decorative object.

The rope staircase can become an excellent find for the cottage, in addition, it will become an excellent attribute for the child's sports development, which can be hung even in an urban apartment. Make this design is not at all difficult even with your own hands, following the instructions set out in the photo and video lessons.

Benefits of construction

Rope staircase on the playground

If we talk about the application of the rope ladder in a private house or in the country, then its advantages are obvious:

  • this design is very light, almost weightless. Even a child can easily raise her;
  • in addition, this staircase is quite compact, it can be stored on the mezzanine or in a barn, because in folded state it will take quite a bit of place;
  • the rope staircase can be easily made on their own at home, and the manufacturing process will not be too long and tedious.

Fastening to steps

In addition, such a staircase fits perfectly into the country's interior, giving him a special color, which is illustrated well in the photo.

The first way of manufacture

Before you start making a rope ladder with your own hands, you need to prepare work materials. So you will need:

  • a couple of coils of a solid rope for about twenty meters long. It is best to purchase a rope from polypropylene, since this material is distinguished by the greatest wear resistance and reliability;
  • seven cuttings, pre-polished, with a diameter of about three centimeters and a slightly more than a meter long;
  • hacksaw with small cloths;
  • sandpaper, preferably fine-grained;
  • motion harsh thread.

Prepare the necessary inventory, you can already begin to make a staircase. Its manufacture will take place in several simple stages:

  • using the hacksaw, put the harvested cuttings on the segments, each length should be approximately thirty centimeters. Leave one long stalk (approximately one meter), which will then be used to secure the structure;
  • fix the steps to the rope should be needed using a special assembly "Constrictor", using which there is no need to drill holes in steps;
  • at the edges of the cuttings, make special grooves, which will prevent the rope slipping. Retreating from the edge of three or four centimeters, make a slot with a width of about one and a half centimeters and treat the step of the sandpaper;
  • to build design, prepare the rope first. Cut it with a hot knife or the ends fall out after cutting;
  • now tie the knot and make a six perianthime loop. Do it with both ends of the rope;
  • fix the steps at a distance of each other in forty-five centimeters using the "Constrictor" nodes.

It is not difficult to make a rope staircase according to the described technology, but during the work you can still face certain difficulties. In particular, there may be a problem with parallel to the steps, to eliminate which the node will have to tie. As a result, you should get a comfortable and lightweight design of about eleven meters long.

The second way of manufacture

The rope staircase can be made with your own hands and by other technology, which is also quite simple and will be only a novice homemaster. Stages of work here are as follows:

  • failure bars with a length of 35 centimeters for future steps;
  • on both sides of the steps, do a hole with a drill, retreating from the edge of three centimeters;
  • carefully process the surface of bars by sandpaper so that in the future it was convenient to attack and keep hands;
  • clear the production steps oliff - it will increase their life;
  • prepare the rope of eight meters and divide into two parts;
  • at the ends of the rope, make knots, then skip them through the holes of the steps and additionally fix the nodes;
  • secure this way all the bars at a distance of about thirty centimeters from each other.

Any serviced minima implies the need to descend to depth. The well is not an exception, but the likelihood that the owner of this building will sooner or later have to go down there, great. And not so important, whether the drinking, plumbing or sewer option is operated. For this purpose, the rope ladder is most often involved. With its help, it is possible to solve all operational issues without any difficulty.

The main function is the need to periodically perform maintenance or repair of the structure. It happens if the headpoint of the well is not compacted (cover or other decorative design), then foreign items can fall into the mine. To maintain the purity of water, they need to be pulled out. To solve the problem, again, the staircase is used.

As you use, the chain break may happen. To restore the design, you will have to somehow organize the descent down. These are the highlights when it is necessary to use stairs for wells. Considering that all the cases described does not require the daily participation of a person, the most convenient is the removable option with compact dimensions and low weight, just such properties and is characterized by the rope version.

Cleaning and held with the stairs

Existing types of stairs for wells

Depending on the user's requirements for a trigger, you can select one of the following options:

  • metal brackets, which are mounted in the wall of the mine;
  • power staircase made of wood or metal;
  • rope design.

It is desirable to consider the brackets in the case when other solutions are not suitable for various reasons. There are several significant drawbacks of metal steps mounted in the wall. First of all, this is the risk of rust.

Tip: To extend the service life of such a design, it is highly recommended to cover anti-corrosion paint brackets.

In addition, damage to the surface of the brackets can lead to disorders of the mine's tightness. For this reason, this option cannot be used in drinking wells. And as a staircase for sewage wells - permissible.

Clean staircase made of metal brackets

The appropriate design of the tree is much better than the solution considered. It is stable, it is convenient to descend for it thanks to the slope. However, there are also their disadvantages: an inlet is not used in deep, since in this case the staircase for cleaning wells should be quite long, and this not only complicates the transportation and operation of the product, but also makes it difficult to store it.

A similar metallic version of the attached design is a little better than wooden, as it is even more difficult, and independently such a ladder for the well is very difficult to transport, and even more so install it in the mine. The main advantage of this solution is the presence of hooks at the top, which makes it possible to hook the design for the ledge.

Rope performances are largely more convenient in operation, during storage and transportation. This is due to the compactness of the design itself (quite a small width of steps for descent), relatively low weight due to the type of materials used. In addition, it can be made independently in a short time.

Rope staircase Easy and takes a minimum place

Overview of the advantages of rope structures

Comparing with analogues, a number of significant advantages can be distinguished, thanks to which the well maintenance task is simplified:

  1. Mobility, which is due to the small weight of the materials used in the manufacture. This allows you to transport the staircase for any distances without the need to attract assistants.
  2. Compact dimensions, which opens up wide items for storing the product.
  3. The staircase can be easily adjusted in length, so it can be used to maintain wells of any depth.
  4. The available value of materials allows you to avoid large expenses.
  5. Easy installation, as the rope staircase with their own hands made does not require special knowledge to implement such a decision.
  6. The ability to use for completely any tasks for organizing the descent.

Such a design can be involved even in situations when it would seem, to make some depth problematic.

Safety requirements for operation

Despite the sufficiently large number of advantages, such structures can be dangerous if you make them, without relying on the basic requirements for safety:

  1. In order to avoid restrictions on the use of the stairs in the future, it is necessary that the maximum standing weight of the product reached 360 kg. This will provide the ability to operate with adults of large weight category.
  2. If the task is to make a mobile staircase to descend into the well, the total weight should not exceed 20 kg, which will be determined by the dimensions (width and length) of the product, as well as the materials used.
  3. To avoid direct contact of the steps with a wall of the mine, the design is equipped with special stops, the length of which can vary in the range of 11-22 cm.
  4. Steps can have a round or rectangular cross section. In the first case, the minimum allowable value of the parameter corresponds to 2.6 cm.
  5. Steps should be located on sufficient distance (no more than 35 cm).
  6. The rope staircase for the service of the well should not be 25 cm. The recommended length for trouble-free operation is 15 m.
  7. Steps must have smoothed angles, as the sharp edges may damage the person.

As can be seen, it is quite realistic to create a simple and lightweight design that will not take much space when stored and will be operated without unnecessary difficulties.

What are the use of materials anybody

To ensure the opportunity to withstand a fairly large weight (for example, one or even several adults), it is recommended to choose material from several recommended options.

To create the basis of the design apply:

  • polyester;
  • cotton fiber;
  • rope from flax or cannabis;
  • nylon materials.

Each of the options is distinguished by a high degree of strength, ease of use (folded the design from the rope and decompose it), not to mention the convenience of transportation.

Considering natural and synthetic fibers, the choice is more often done precisely in favor of the last of these materials due to the fact that it is characterized by greater moisture resistance, long service life, as well as increased resistance to aggressive substances, in particular, solvents.

When the staircase is manufactured in the well with their own hands, it is also necessary to select materials from which the steps will be manufactured.

As suitable options are considered:

  • metal (usually these are light alloys in order not to lose design);
  • the tree is the most common solution;
  • plastic;
  • all the same rope from which the framework of the structure was made.

The strongest metal steps, however, if the edges are poorly processed, a rope will be laid, since the attachment nodes are very tightly in contact with steps. Tree and other materials are lighter, but, accordingly, less reliable, with the exception of the rope, but it is not an ideal solution, since in this case it is not too convenient to use the staircase due to the lack of stiffness of the structure.

Instructions for manufacture

Method 1

When there is a question, how to make a rope staircase with your own hands, you need to prepare a reliable fastening of steps. Such is the "Constrictor" node.

The length of the rope is selected, based on what depth you will have to give the staircase. Rope diameter: 8-12 mm. Wooden cuttings will be required for work. Based on the length of the rope used as the basis of the design (for example, 20 m on each side), the number of previously polished cuttings is determined from which the crossbar will be cut. The diameter of each element 3 cm, length 30-40 cm.

A knitting knot "Constrictor" does not assume drilling holes, but for the strength of the structure, you need to perform grooves, retreating from the edge of the cutter 1 cm on each side. Recommended dimensions: depth 0.3 cm, width 1.5 cm.

Tip: To simplify the task, the location of the grooves should be outlined, performing propyl, and then using a sharp knife to make the grooves of sufficient sizes.

After the end of these works, the surface of the stage is processed by sandpaper until a complete smoothing of chipping and roughness.

Prepare a tree, it is necessary to process the ends of the rope. This can be done, opaliv material on the edge, or during cutting, use a strongly hot knife, which implements two functions at once: cutting the rope and edge processing. Further, by observing the step, on each of the ropes, loops are made with a diameter somewhat large, rather than the steps, and they are fixed with cuttings. This is done, based on the fact that the distance between the steps will be 35 cm.

The loops at both ends of the ropes remain empty, thereby fixing the design. Their diameter should be about 6 cm.

If you want to do there on our website. Considered several methods of manufacture.

What you need to know to spend? The answer is in our material.

But about well pumps and their choice there is information on this

Method 2

You can choose another option involving the need to drill holes. Sufficient sizes of bars: 4x4 cm, the length of them should be within 30-40 cm. Drilling is performed at a distance of 3-4 cm from the edge of two sides of the crossbar. The diameter of the opening corresponds to the size of the rope (+/- 1 mm). The first step is the binding of the G8 node, then the end of the rope is loaded into the hole, after which the loop is performed, which the crossbar is suspended. The distance between the steps and the width of the staircase is repeated, as in the previous case. To comply with the distance between the steps during the manufacture, you can use an improvised device.

Visually described above the process is shown on the video.

Thus, uncomplicated calculations in practice confirm the possibility of making a rope structure. It will cost inexpensively, given the value of the main materials, and work is carried out quite quickly, as the main difficulty is to prepare the crossbar (hole markings at a certain distance). In terms of efficiency in use, this option is most preferable among others. And at least on the finished stairs for the wells, the price is not so high, it can be much more pleasant and more interesting to make such a thing alone.

Make a rope staircase with your own hands more profitable than to buy the ready-made store product. The homemade reliable staircase from the rope is the thing necessary in the economy, and especially in the conditions of a country life. Independent manufacture does not take much time and strength, but requires mandatory compliance with some rules.

The scope of the use of high-quality and reliable rope staircase is very wide:

  • sports inventory used as one of the shells for a home Swedish wall or a horizontal bar on a nursery;
  • for lifting on the attic room;
  • for a well or descent to the basement;
  • when decoring in the marine subject;
  • as a rescue.

Main the most obvious advantages of modern rope ladder can be represented:

  • compactness. The feature of the materials used in the manufacture of such a product makes not only storage, but also moving. The folded rope will take quite a bit of place;
  • insignificant weight. Even a very long product with maximum strength and reliability indicators - the thing is quite light;
  • available cost. The rope staircase is today the most economically favorable solution compared to other categories of stairs.

With independent manufacture, it is possible to determine the most convenient in operation, optimal lengths. Among other things, such a design will serve a good service with the independent implementation of different types of repair work.

How to make a rope staircase with your own hands (video)

Correctly chosen rope for the manufacture of the stairs - security deposit!

To get a durable and reliable product, it is necessary to choose the right source materials. Important to rememberThat the rope from which the staircase will be manufactured should not stretch even after significant wetting, as well as in the conditions of sufficiently high loads. As a rope basis, you can use:

  • durable and reliable cotton rope. This option of the initial raw material is optimal for creating a staircase in children's gaming zones. Gymnastic shells made of this type of rope will be able to withstand the weight of the child up to 25-30 kg. The cable rope has certain advantages, including a high level of naturalness and environmental friendliness;

  • synthetic fiber-based ropesrepresented by a chronicle, lavsan or nylon, can be selected by color scheme. A high-quality synthetic rope is most often used for rope stairs used in street conditions, which is due to sufficient water repellent properties and lack of stretching as a result of wetting;
  • rope based on cannabis flax harnesses, it has sufficient strength and is characterized by a textured, very decorative appearance. This product option is great for applying in the decoration of the interior and when creating a children's game zone.

Stages when creating a rope ladder can also be performed from various types of materials, but most often the durable high-quality plastic, wood, light and reliable metal, as well as directly rope weaving are used. Properly made stage should be durable and comfortable, not slippery and designed for considerable weight.

How to make a rope staircase with their own hands

Suspended design with steps is the most convenient option in terms of operation, which is easy to perform independently. However, often manufactured simpler models, In which the role of steps are correctly tied and located at a certain distance from each other nodes.

Staircase from rope with steps having through holes

A characteristic feature of such a suspended rope product is provided by the presence of end-to-end holes in the steps of the crossbars. As a rule, for independent manufacture of such a staircase, ready-made hollow steps from metal, plastic or wood are used. The basis can serve a rope from nylon threads, which should be skipped through the steps.

A ten meter rope must be divided into a pair of the same parts and the ends of such parts to subjected to heat treatment. If no finished products are used for the manufacture of steps, and standard wooden bars, they should be processed elaborate and drill through holes with a diameter of one and a half or two centimeters from two sides of the stage. From the end of the product to the hole should be an indent of 3-4 cm. Finished wooden stages are necessarily processed by an antiseptic.

On the end of two ropes, reliable nodes are tied, after which the free ends are skipped through the holes done in the first stage. The long part is used to form a loop raised above the step. Similarly, other steps are installed in the same way. As a result, a suspended rope structure should be obtained, in which all steps are placed between a pair of reliable nodes. In order to extend the operating time of the resulting ladder, as well as avoid cracking of the steps, the protective metal rings of the required diameter are dressed on the edges of the crossbar.

How to tie a rope staircase (video)

Staircase with rope, linted around the crossbar

Most often, products of this type are used to serve a deep well. The technology of manufacturing with their own hands implies the acquisition of a pair of ropes with a length of 20 m long, seven wooden peeks with a length of 35 cm with a cross section of 50 mm and rolls of durable threads. A pair of ropes are used to connect partitions.

It should be noted, What, if necessary, get a twenty-meter staircase, use a rope long 40 m. The finished product is always shorter than the original rope length twice. To minimize the risk of dissolving the terminal part of the rope, it is based on a hot knife with a subsequent coarse thread winding. Before installing the first crossbar, you need to link the loop at the end of the rope, which will fix the attachment of the mounted staircase.

Fix the steps at the ends of which the grooves are made, it is required in accordance with the technology of the self-taking assembly of the "Constrictor", which allows you to get a reliable and durable design. In order to increase the ease of operation and extend the period of use, the crossbar is desirable to handle the antiseptic and cover the paint. You can also perform several notches on the surface, which will prevent the leg sloping during the descent-lifting process.

Cable staircase without steps: how to tie nodes

According to experts, the simplest version of the rope suspension staircase is a model that does not have steps possessing the legs in the form of durable nodes. The absence of a crossbar slightly reduces ease of operation, but allows such a design on its own very quickly, with minimal costs of funds for the purchase of additional elements.

In this case, the nodes are replaced by peculiar loops in which legs and wrists are inserted.What allows in the process of descent or lifting to take a break and some time relax.

To make a "born loop", you need to twice the rope twice, creating some kind of figures eight, after which it stretches the lower parts and stretch into the formed circle the upper part of the loop. With a certain advantage, it is also the fact that, despite a very high level of reliability, "born loops, if necessary, you can easily unleash and use the rope completely for other purposes.

How to tie nodes (video)

The rope attached staircase is independently manufactured very quickly and easily, and the benefits of such a product in the household are invaluable. Especially needed such a thing in conditions of suburban residence, if there is wells at the local area or street children's sports complexes with ropes and other types of shells.