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Simple tips on the use of the blender. Instruction how to use a blender of different brands submersible blender cottage cheese how to use

It can be safely called the right hand of the hostess, because it facilitates many processes in the preparation of various dishes, for example, grinding products, mixing, etc. Experienced hostesses cannot do without it, because they have already appreciated all the delights, advantages and convenience of his use. But the beginning of the hosts when buying this unit may arise how to use a blender so that it becomes in the kitchen by a real assistant and working correctly. For full acquaintance of this technique, you can see the video number 1.

Why do you need a blender or its main tasks

The basic functions and objectives of the blender are to grind, wash in mashed potatoes and mix products. For each function you need to use a particular program. One cannot replace all kitchen appliances, but its use allows you to quickly and conveniently crush the ingredients. For example, with the help of a blender, you can quickly and deliciously make pies, cheese snacks, fresh fruit puree, cocktails, mousses, etc.

When young households live in the house, the blender becomes a true assistant Mom, because it is possible to make useful fruit or vegetable puree on an ambulance hand with such an appliance. A stationary device can be prepared homemade smoothie, and sustained fruits, cottage cheese or just berries in Kashitz.

Types of blenders

To figure out in detail how to use a blender, it is worth knowing about its views. So this technique may be stationary or submersible.

The stationary view of the blender is the basis with the mechanism and transparent bowl, which is placed on it and is fixed. This cup needs to put products, enable the required function speed and mix ingredients within a few minutes. This kind of blender allows you to make a homemade natural smoothie, chop ice for cocktails or just mix fruit in mashed potatoes. Also with it quickly, simply and easily prepare soups-mashed potatoes, if we put in the technique and grind boiled vegetables.

This device will perfectly cope with its work only when you mix products that allocate juice, otherwise all crushed particles of ingredients will simply stick to the walls. If you still have to turn the products in mashed products that contain little moisture in yourself, then use one little cunning - just add a couple of spoons of any liquid. For example, if you crush nuts, add a spoon-two cream or ordinary water to them. During the grinding of such products, they can still pester the walls, so you periodically shake the product or tapping the device on the table.

The advantage of the stationary type of blender is that it is not necessary to keep in his hand unlike the submersible, it can work independently.

The submersible species of the blender, unlike the above described, has a somewhat wide range of functions. Such a device is characterized by a handle with a nozzle, at the end of which are small knives. It can be chopped in a puree, both small portions of products and large. To properly use the submersible blender, you should consistently perform such actions. Prepare the products that are going to erase in a homogeneous mass, pour them into a special glass (it comes in the kit), immerse the end of the device with knives into the glass and turn it on using the desired key.

Grind the ingredients as long as you do not achieve the desired consistency. Products can not be placed in a special glass, and grind them straight, for example, in a saucepan. Be careful because you can swap, because when grinding products, a submersible blender can be a lot of splashes.

The blender can still replace the mixer to you, as it is usually included in the kit. Before you beat the cream, cream or egg protein, you should remove the submersible leg with the knife, insert the part into the main handle, into which the whisk is inserted. It is worth noting that the wings in the submersible blender will be able to beat only light masses. For example, beat the dough for cooking quarreling or biscuit he will not be able.

Usually in the package of the submersible blender there is another container, which is less in height and more in width than a glass. It is needed for grinding stuffing or other products, as long knives are inserted in this cup. The whole difference is that in the stationary blender the mixture will be almost pasty, and in such a container with long knives, the products will simply finely detaine. The submersible blender will turn products into the desired homogeneous mass.

Some hostesses with the help of the blender make puree, and, both submersible and stationary. With this technique, crushing boiled potatoes, of course, is simpler, but after that it is simply turning into a sticky mass that is not completely tasty. This is explained by the fact that the knives in the product rotate very quickly, which turns boiled potatoes into a beautiful, but tasteful puree.

Innovative technologies or wireless blender

Some modern blender models are very convenient to use, as they do not require connection to the power grid. According to the principle of work, they do not differ with other models, but their main advantage is that the instruments can be taken with them to nature, to the cottage or for any other rest. For full use, the device is pre-charge. The average recharging time is about three hours, after which the device will be able to work on average for twenty minutes.

What can not do

Stationary blender can not be chopped by hot products, as this can lead to the overheating of the motor and the darkening of the plastic in the bowl. This device can not always cope with the grinding of ice - for such a function, the technique should have a greater power. You can't get this technique too much such technique. It is not recommended to load the device to the edges themselves, because during operation, the crushed mass can be poured.

The submersible blender is not recommended to include for a long time, since the motor inside the device can quickly overheat. It can not be immersed in hot products. Also, such a blender can not be grinding those products that have a solid structure and those that do not distinguish liquid. Do not allow the product to be turned on, because in this way you can simply break it.

Before grinding products, to any kind of blender to clean them and cut them into small pieces, because the technique may not cope with the large ingredients.

After using the blender, it is necessary to immediately wash it, so that the remnants of food do not remain on the knives, because in the future they can disrupt the work of the technique. Remember that from the configuration of the submersible blender "Noga" with the mechanism of car wash is not amenable. If she is still contaminated, it will correctly be it just wiped with a wet towel or a kitchen napkin. If you still have questions about how to use a blender, then look at the learning video # 2.



Blender - the desired thing in each kitchen. Now cooking cocktails, dietary smoothies and just beautiful food, for your favorite households it became commonplace.

Thanks to this instrument, you can delight your delicious and useful food every day. It remains to figure out how to use this technique correctly, get as much beneficial benefits as possible.

What is blender

Blender - an electrical appliance allowing to mix like a mixer and grind, like a food processor.

There are two types of blenders - stationary and submersible. They are used mainly to grind food, whipping cocktails, mousses, maize maize. Some models, you can even pricking a lot. In some sets, there are additional nozzles, which allows you to perform a large number of functions.

How to use submersible blender

This unit allows you to keep the entire preparation procedure under control. A big plus is the mobility of its use.

Allows you to use any container and different types of products. They should not stick nuts, coffee and ice. If such a need nevertheless arose - pour some water to the bottom of the bowl.

Very often the special deep bowl is included in the kit, but you can also take another container. The main thing to remember that the bowl should be deep, otherwise the likelihood is that you are blurred all the kitchen flying splashes.

For this type of blender there are several rules:

  • alternating solid products can be alternate only;
  • products loaded in a blender must close the bottom of the leg with the cutting end;
  • fruits are silent without bones;
  • working with large portions of products, make small breaks in work;
  • after use well wash the nozzle in the water to prevent drying pieces of food;
  • do not prepare potato mashed potatoes in a blender. Yes, it will look very appetizing, but in fact, the taste will not be so pleasant.

Submersible blender nozzles

Most often, the kit has two sets of standard species - the chopper, the main nozzle and less frequently - the whisk. It is used for liquid products and for whipping creams and eggs, the effect of it is not like a mixer, but the liquid dough beat is quite possible.

Grinding - It is a container with blades, use chopping seeds, nuts and other solid products. The main nozzle is on the leg, it can be pulled out fruits, vegetables and meat. More expensive models can have nozzles for cutting.

How to use a stationary blender

Stationary blender - plastic capacitance or glass standing on the stand. Inside the bowl of the blender is the chopper.

Requires a specially designated place in the kitchen and it is already necessary to place the exact amount of products that is indicated on the bowl. It has a tightly closing lid, so it is easy to work with it.

Before using all the necessary ingredients you need to cut into small cubes. Then fall asleep into the bowl, close the lid and click on the button.

Several rules for the use of a stationary blender:

  • Under the lid should remain free space, at least 2 cm. This is necessary to avoid overheating of the motor.
  • Do not lay in the bowl of hot products.
  • All ingredients must be finely chopped.
  • Do not start the unit in idle, it can lead to a failure in the mechanism.

Safety technique

When using the device both manual and stationary, the main thing is not to forget about safety technique. If used, it is possible to seriously injure limbs.

  • The blender itself and its accessories should be kept in the place protected from children.
  • You should not leave the device unattended included in the outlet.
  • Regularly inspect the power cords by checking their condition.
  • When breakdown, do not disassemble the blender yourself. Its mining should be entrusted to specialists.
  • Keep the device away from the stove and other heating appliances.
  • In no case do not allow moisture to enter the electric motor casing.
  • Until the device is completely stopped, the cover from the capacitance does not take off.
  • Be careful and careful during the washing of knives. You don't need to wipe them, let them dry themselves.

What can not do

Submersible blender must be used for short periods of time. If you need to grind a large number of products, you should make small breaks during operation. It is impossible to grind products with a solid structure and those of which the liquid does not stand out.

It is not allowed to launch the product, as this can lead to breakage. Stationary blender can also be chopped by hot products. Technique having low power may not cope with the grinding of ice and fresh greens.

Products must be cleaned and cut into small pieces, this is the main thing for any kind of blender. The technique simply may not cope with large pieces.

After the end of work, it is immediately necessary to rinse. Food residues can lead to a failure in the work of technology. Nozzles can be washed in the sink or in a washing machine. It should be removed only after complete drying. Washing the "foot" of the submersible blender is not necessary, it is enough just to wipe with a napkin or a towel.

Observing all the rules of use, you will get an excellent kitchen assistant who will significantly save your time. Especially it will be useful for young mothers who want to pamper their baby with freshly prepared food.

Although the device has long appeared in our kitchens, not all hostesses thoroughly know how to use a blender to extract the maximum benefit from it. There are also their nuances in caring for the device and in its storage.

Two types of device

To begin with, we note that there are two main types of blender:

  • submersible (the chopper is attached to the handle with the motor);
  • stationary (with a bowl).

If you purchased a submersible blender, you can grind it products in almost any container. It is very compact, multifunctional and allows for a couple of seconds to be confused in puree boiled vegetables, beat berries, grind meat and a lot more. Such a blender is convenient to use, and it is simply indispensable if you are often cooking smoothies, puree soups, mayonnaise and pies.

The stationary view requires a dedicated place in the kitchen, and it cannot be placed more or less products than shown on the marks of the bowl. But the stationary blender does not need to be kept in his hand, and it is always tightly closed with a lid, so it's very simple to work with him. It loves to prepare cocktails and sauces.

Let's take a closer look at how to use the blender of one and second type. They have a lot in common, but there are some differences. It will also be useful to learn how to wash the blender and what to do to increase its life.

Submersible or manual blender

Most models are advised to use a blender for grinding not too solid products. This means that crackers, coffee grains and frozen meat in the blender can not be grinding. However, there is one secret. If you need to achieve very small pieces of anything solid, for example celery or horseradish, then you need to add a little liquid to the blender bowl.

Usually, a special bowl or a glass is sold with a submersible blender, which you can upload products. If you decide to use another container, then it must be remembered that in the process of whipping and small cutting will fly splashes. So, a saucepan or a bowl should be deep enough so that you are in the kitchen not staining everything around.

  • The minimum level of the products loaded into the blender should be such that they cover the lower part of the leg, which directly cuts.
  • You can not use the grinding device too hot, just welded products. It is necessary to wait until they cooled, at least up to 70-80 ° C.
  • Before you beat the fruits to check if there are no bones in them.
  • If you do not know, at what speed it is necessary to work with one or another product, then start with the minimum, and then increase gradually.
  • Do not try to cook puree from potatoes on a blender, it will turn out to be tasteless, even if it goes well.

If your blender model has a nozzle in the form of a whisk, then it is used to beat the proteins. Stationary blender can not boast of opportunities. To achieve a strong whipping, such as a mixer, you will not succeed, but it will be enough to prepare a liquid dough or a cocktail.

Features of the use of stationary models

Now let's tell me a little about how to use a blender representing a holistic design in which the bowl and the engine are interconnected.

Here everything is extremely simple. The product must be cut into cubes and fall asleep into the bowl. After pressing the knives button, which are in the bowl, everything is grinding to the desired sizes or go. For such a blender in the kitchen, you need to highlight a special place.

  • Load hot food into the bowl, because it will quickly lose transparency or yellow. Especially this caution refers to plastic materials.
  • You can not load the products under the most lid, tightly fill or, on the contrary, throw a few pieces on the bottom, without reaching the required minimum.
  • If you have a small family, consisting of 2-3 people, then it will be enough for a cup of 1 liter.

Each blender manufacturer advises to use the device only after reading the instructions and this is not just words. Knowing the features of your model, you will better imagine what kind of dishes can be prepared. As a result, you will enjoy more use the device.

Use of various nozzles

Each blender can have several nozzles. Often, the question arises, what nozzles for what can be used.

At the submersible blender, there is necessarily the main nozzle on the leg. It is silent in a puree fruits, greens, boiled vegetables and liver, mix products when cooking sauces.

The bundle can include a whisk for whipping eggs and a bowl with a small mill-mill, allowing chopping nuts and polish meat and vegetables. Some models are provided with replaceable multifunctional nozzles that allow you to cut pieces of different shapes. In this case, a real combine appears in the kitchen.

The stationary blender can be equipped with a special nozzle that allows you to prick the ice. If there is no such nozzle, the device cannot be used to grind frozen water or juice.

How to wash the blender after use

Any technical device requires cleaning, and blender including. That part in which the engine is located and the speed switch, it is necessary to rub with a wet sponge on top. Immerse it into the water or put in the dishwasher for obvious reasons is strictly prohibited.

A bowl and removable nozzles (whine, knives, discs) can be washed in running water, that is, under the crane. Some models manufacturer do not recommend sending to a dishwasher, but in most cases it is possible to do that, which greatly facilitates the process of cleaning the blender.

If fatty foods were crushed, then you can use a liquid detergent, and then carefully rinse the parts, wipe and dry. Clean and dry parts are collected and put the device in their place so that they can be used at any time.

In some stationary models there is a function of self-cleaning (self-cleaning). It allows you to wash the device very quickly, efficiently and without problems. In conclusion, the procedure should only pour water and wipe the device dry.

For modern owners, the power savings and time blender became an indispensable kitchen assistant. Today there are brands with different power, complete set, functionality, design and cost. For the optimal value for the price and quality of submersible and stationary blenders Scarlett enjoy particular confidence in many buyers in our country.

Features and advantages of the company

The company was formed with the participation of British investors in 1996 and first produced products in the average price category under the Scarlett England brand, and then simply Scarlett. Today, the trademark owned by Arima Holding Corp, produces in China and sells hundreds of their names in the CIS, Baltic and Eastern Europe in the CIS countries.

Previously, cheap Chinese production goods supplied to Russia were very poor quality. Nowadays, when the production of consumer electronics of many world brands has been transferred to China and other Asian countries, the ratio of consumers to Chinese household appliances supporting the tradition of European quality has already ceased to be negative. Scarlett products in our country more than once became the winners of the "Product of the Year" award.

The range of the Scarlett brand calculated on the average housewives with low income, decent attention is included. Reliable samples of household appliances, climate techniques of Linek Silver Line, White Edition, Indigo, Comfort, dishes and clocks. In addition, the firm produces high-class beauty devices Top Style and Vita Spa to maintain beauty and health.

Brand specialists, monitoring the home appliance market, taking into account the opinions of buyers and the latest technologies develop new models with improved functional characteristics.


The line of submersible blenders on store shelves is mainly represented by the following models: HB42F25, HB44K03, HB43F70 and HB43M81. The main technical characteristics of these models are presented in Table:

The hulls are made of high quality plastic, the handle is covered with rubber material, which makes capture more confident. The advantage of all SCARLETT models is that the durable leg is made of metal, and the HB43M81 models, HB44K03 from stainless steel. The length of the cord is one meter.

Submersible models have the maximum power from 700 to 1200 W. The turbo allows you to quickly go to the highest rotation power. The weight does not exceed 1700 grams, which allows you to keep in your hand without fatigue.

Stationary blenders are presented here the most sought-after models today: 4142, 4143, JB146G01 and JB146P01. Models have operational characteristics presented in Table:

The container of plastic cup varies from 1.2 to 2.0 liters. JB146G01 jar made of glass. The length of the cord of all stationary models is 1.1 m. The brand allows you to choose a sample with a permissible power from 350 to 1000 watts. Pulse mode, convenient for process control, makes it possible to alternate rotation with brief breaks.

Device and principle of operation

Submersible blender consists of a motor part with a handle, speed switch, turbo buttons, pulse mode and disconnecting nozzles. The blender leg ends with a wedge. Completes the device for whipping liquid products, which joins the body with an adapter.

Blenders are equipped with a glass capacity of 600 ml. The kit is the grinder consisting of a bowl of 500 or 600 ml, the cover-drive, knife for grinding.

The product is suitable for cooking soups, puree, sauces, gravy, for baby food and cocktails. The chopper recycle greens, cheese, nuts and dried fruits. However, it is not suitable for the processing of very solid products and ice. The nozzle is suitable for whipping liquid dough, egg proteins, cream for cake, cream and other desserts.

The principle of the submersible instrument in the following:

  • Before and after work, wash the accessories with flowing water with soap, eliminating the motor part, it can only wipe it slightly damp cloth.
  • Insert the nozzle into the base, which is then installed on the engine part. If the assembly is carried out incorrectly, the processor will not turn on.
  • Connect to the network. Work should be started at the lowest speed. Then adjuster to adjust the desired speed.
  • To disconnect the nozzle, you should simultaneously press both buttons on the sides of the engine part.
  • You should press and hold the turbo button to increase power. To return to normal mode, you must release the button.
  • Press and hold the pulse mode button. The time of work of the blender should not exceed 1 minute, the break between inclusions should be about 4 minutes.

  • To work the shredder, it is necessary to place the knife to the pin, compliance with the safety rules.
  • By loading products into the container, you need to cover it with a drive with a drive so that the locksters on the cover coincided with the grooves on the cup.
  • Insert a blender to the drive before clicking. During grinding, hold the engine part with one hand, and the other is a bowl.
  • During the grinding, it is necessary to disconnect the engine part by clicking on the buttons located on both sides.
  • Disconnecting the drive, carefully remove the knife. Then, unload the ground products from the tank.

The kitchen processor is indispensable for grinding meat, vegetables, fruits, ice, for cooking soups and cocktails. The product consists of a motor part with a control unit, bowl bases, a knife with a silicone ring, a bowl with a lid and a pusher.

Work with it provides the following operations:

  • Before first use, the part needs to be rinsed with water with a detergent, without abrasive particles, wipe dry. The engine part is allowed only to rub a slightly damp cloth.
  • The assembly of the bowl includes a knife compound with a silicone ring and room at the bottom of the Bowl base. Next, the base and knife to the glass are fastened with thread.
  • Put the bowl on the engine part and load the ingredients. If necessary, you can add ingredients during the mixing process using the pusher.
  • Treatment time should not exceed 60 seconds, alternating with breaks of 10 seconds.
  • Connect the device and click the Start button. After completing the work, you need to press the stop and disconnect from the network.

How to use

Before working, you need to get acquainted with the instruction manual. When the instrument is turned on, you need to make sure that the network parameters of the device specified in the manual.

The product is not intended for use by persons with limited mental and physical capabilities, as well as children, if they are not controlled by people responsible for their safety.

It is prohibited to leave the device on unable. It should be disabled before collecting, disassemble, clean. When it is disconnected, do not pull over the cord, but remove the plug out of the outlet. Cord do not twist. It is forbidden to work in a cold, exceed the specified rotation time. It is impossible to disassemble the product, trying to replace yourself. Only a service workshop can be replaced with a cord and details.

Review models

Submersible HB42F25 has a rather powerful motor that contributes to the processing of large volume. Included there is a measuring container for accurate dosage. Nozzles quickly with complex kitchen work.

Modern technologies allow the hostesses without difficulty to prepare dishes of any complexity. Mashed, pies, cocktails and much more preparing for counting minutes with a blender. But not many users know how to use it to serve as faithfully for many years. Household appliances stores are clogged to the failure of a variety of devices for grinding and whipping products. Select the optimal model is easy. It is more difficult to use a blender correctly, it is necessary to take care of it.


Features of models

Blenders are divided into 2 types: submersible and stationary.

Stationary blender is convenient because when used, there is no need to control the process. The design of the blender consists of a rack with a motor and a bowl where products are laid. At the bottom of the container there are special knives made of stainless steel. In size, knives are small, but very durable. The bowl itself is made of either glass or plastic.

A powerful engine is built into the blender stand, which drives the knives. The power of the standard model is 700-800 W. With this power, a device without difficulty grinds nuts, fruits, vegetables, ice and even coffee beans. For solid ingredients, a pulsed processing mode is suitable, which combines the operation and a pause for the motor. The bowl of the blender can be chosen in volume. The volume of the bowl of 1 liter is suitable for a family of 2-3 people. A large amount of bowls, more than 2 liters, is suitable for a family consisting of 3-5 people.

The stationary model needs a separate workplace, preferably smooth, dry and near the electrocer.

The disadvantages of this model of the blender are that the ingredients can be recycled exclusively in the cup included. You can only download the bowl until the maximum mark specified on the bowl. It is recommended to leave about 2 centimeters to the edge.

The plus of this model is that there is no need to control the processing process. The thumbnail is loaded in the bowl. Capacity is closed with a lid and turns the power knob. Speed \u200b\u200bis adjustable. Turning on the device, your hands remain free and can be performed at this time.

Submersible blender is more compact.Products is a plastic root of the rounded form. Inside the box is a powerful motor. Due to the engine performance, the cost of the device itself also depends. On average, the engine has a power of 200-300 W.

Complete to the submersible blender are nozzles for grinding. The first nozzle looks like a leg with small knives. Stainless steel serves material for knives. With the help of such nozzles, you can cook puree, smoothie, grind greens. This option nozzle is convenient because it can be immersed in any container. The main rule so that the container is deep.

The second addition is a whin. The crown is made of stainless steel. The crown is designed for whipping and stirring liquids, cream and egg whites in a dense foam. But with the help of a whisk, it is difficult to place a thick consistency, such as mashed potatoes. The third equipment has the shape of a mill-mill. The mill is a small bowl of about 500 ml. Inside are stainless steel knives. The size of the knives is greater than on the first nozzle. The bowl is closed by a special lid, which is attached to the main mechanism.

Submersible blender compared to stationary more compact. It does not require a separate working area. It is enough to highlight a little space on the kitchen shelf.

Methods of application

Blender is a real find for a modern housewife. With it, it is possible to facilitate manual work and reduce the cooking time of some dishes several times. The device is able to beat, stir, grind and rub. First of all, this device will appreciate young moms. When the pricing time comes, the cooking process for the kid is complicated. Fruits, vegetables and meat should be chopped into a homogeneous mass.

Whipped cream or egg proteins are now reality, if there is a submersible blender in the kitchen. With the help of a special vents, you can prepare a gentle filling for cakes and pastries.

Some home preservations need careful processing of vegetables, fruits and berries. For example, a pump for grinding can be made of leisure, pate of mushrooms, meat or vegetables, fluttered with sugar berry. Vegetables and fruits turn into a uniform puree.

Blender can be used as a mill for solid products, such as cereals, nuts, coffee beans, spices. Special knives and high power helps to crush solid food.

But it is worth remembering that the motor with such manipulations needs to be rest. That is, 1 minute work 1 minute rest.

On the Internet you can find a lot of useful and simple recipes that are prepared with the help of a blender. Soup - puree, mousses, cottage cheese desserts, baking dough and many other dishes are easy to prepare with a wonder-chopper.

The process of cooking fragrant potato mashed potatoes will not take much time if your blender has a special nozzle. The nozzle looks like a leg. Additionally, it has an extension at the bottom with holes, like the ballok. For softening potatoes, the nozzle has knives-shredders. Prepare a puree with such a nozzle will be easier than simple.

Use of use

Blender combines several household appliances at home, often used at home: meat grinder, chopper, mixer and food processor. Instead of 4 bulky devices, modern hostesses prefer to use one. Submersible and stationary blender is used exclusively in everyday life. Sometimes stationary and submersible blenders are used in restaurants and cafes to prepare delicious desserts and snacks.

With the help of a blender, you can easily grind and recycle raw and boiled vegetables, meat or fish. Experienced owners left feedback and recommendations for product processing that contain a small amount of water or juice. During the processing of dry and solid products, the blender needs a break. With continuous operation, the motor is strongly heated and can burn from overload.

Submersible blender can be recycled products in any container. The main thing is that the container is deep. If products are processed in a shallow cup, then there is probability to spat the room with pieces of food. Product temperature should not be too high. For example, if it is preparing a puree soup, you should not immediately take a blender. It is recommended to leave the soup to cool, and only then grind vegetables with a foot-leg.

If a stationary device is used, compliance with the temperature mode is a necessary measure. Plastic and glass from which the container is made, from hot food can darken. Dark spots can no longer be removed. It is recommended to wait 10 minutes and proceed to work.


When working with any household appliances, it is important to comply with the rules of operation and safety, since the device interacts with food, sometimes with a wet, sometimes with fat. To benefit from the blender, manufacturers prescribed competent use rules. When processing products, immerse the blender only until the middle of the nozzle. It is necessary to monitor the food does not get into the instrument motor.

After work, disconnect the device from the network. Spanish nozzle remove from the device. The nozzle is washed under running water with a mild detergent. All items seek. In no case cannot be connected with wet nozzles to the device, otherwise you can harm the device. The housing itself can be cleaned only with a soft slightly damp cloth.