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Good teacher - what he is

One of the main councils in the articles about - to navigate not so much on her school rating, but at the professionalism of the first teacher. But what qualities should a good teacher possess?

Of course, expert advice you can apply in practice already when you get to know the teacher of your child a little better. But thanks to him, you will understand what to pay attention to.

So, a good teacher:

The desire to learn a new one is the desire to learn. Teacher's task is to support his desire in the child. No exhortation here will help: the desire to learn is awakened by the child only when he feels him in an adult man.

Many children are bored learn when they do not see the meaning in the proposed knowledge. But when the teacher is passionately passionate about his subject, it opens this meaning, even if it is not specifically mentioned.

A good teacher is not the one who knows all the answers, but the one who constantly puts new questions. He is not a truth, but love for her, the incarnation of efforts to find it. Truth for him is a fascinating process. Never completed, but hit, intriguing! And children fascinates this desire to learn.

Problems of teachers


Of course, there are factors that complicate the work of the teacher. Among them:

  • the system of education with its endless, often contradictory, directive, which requires conformism teachers;
  • learning difficulties related to different levels students in the classroom;
  • conflict with parents of students;
  • lack of support from colleagues.

It happens, children who have fear of study are masked by his junciation and various provocations, generating response in the teacher - and most often unconscious - fear. Fearing to lose the authority, some "twist the nuts", not taking care that the lesson reigns boredom or rivalry, others, on the contrary, let go of the entrance, reducing the requirements and thereby depriving children necessary work Cognition - the ability to reflect, doubt, try.

Galia Nigmetzhanova, child psychologist

Boris Bim-Bad, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

To cope with the situation, the teacher needs to overcome the desire to always be the lord in the center. It is important to be able to be not over, but next to the child. This makes it possible to cooperate with students, leaving them space for independent actions.

Problems of students


Each child faces difficulties in studies related to the features of his personality, character traits or family atmosphere. But if the teacher does not notice, ignores these features, they turn into a real problem. Such teachers prefer to communicate only with strong disciples, and weaker move to the background, providing themselves. Another option is when the teacher knows how to work only with the "middle" and leaves both before lagging behind, and before advanced. Such teachers do not know.

Sergey Volkov, Literature Teacher

One of the main qualities in our profession is the ability to listen and hear every child, to enter into a dialogue with him, to understand his needs (which he does not always realize) and choose adequate tools with him. I imagine teachers as a person in a bathrobe with a lot of pockets filled different tools. And at the right moment, he must get from his pocket that he will help exactly this child and in this situation. The richer is his arsenal, the more he is ready for that insight, which is waiting for it at the entrance to the class.

Of course, positive evaluations are important in our work. But much more important are the thoughts that the child came to mind, the feelings that he survived when communicating in class or study of the subject.

What qualities must have a teacher? This question opens up the abyss of others: what teacher? Why and to whom should? Qualities personal or professional, and which of them are more important? For example, is it possible to change the teacher to the duty of the love of children, or is enough for him to contact them respectfully and taught his subject? Should the teacher be a socket worker? What teacher is better - kind or strict? What will be more successful - rebellor or conformist?

We can endlessly arguing, arguing and prove. All because there is no "spherical teacher in vacuum." Each teacher exists in a specific social, economic, cultural situation, where there are certain goals in front of him and need certain qualities for their successful achievement.

What should be the perfect teacher? Maybe that? Frame from X / F "The School of Rock" (2003)

And if you do not argue, but ask others: what qualities of the teacher consider it important exactly? Such a conversation will help one form participants in a new way to look at others.

Once again, a small study was made to us, undertaken in 2015 by the eleven graders of Goar Sargsyan. Gohar held it among high school students, their parents and teachers of the Shchelkovskaya gymnasium (city Shchelkovo, Moscow region), in which he studied. The purpose of the study was to compare the "state requirements reflected in the professional standard of the teacher, and the needs of society to identify the priority qualities of the teacher."

Or so? Frame from x / f "We will live to Monday" (1968)

There is a document that determines the list of professional and personal requirements for the teacher in the territory of the Russian Federation is a professional educational standard that has come into force on January 1, 2015. Based on these requirements, you can allocate the qualities that the state that would like to see in the teacher.

It is always interesting to compare official expectations with real life. This decided to make Goar Sargsyan.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe study came from observation of students and teachers different schools. At that time, I had already decided to become a teacher myself and sought to learn more about the profession. Seeing that sometimes even the most talented and inquisitive children lose interest in learning, I decided to find the root of the problem and, as a future teacher, simulate the image of an ideal teacher. The image of such a teacher who will help students become better.

The survey was attended by more than a hundred students of high schools, 40 parents and 25 teachers of gymnasium - teachers elementary school, middle and senior link. All respondents were offered in free form to answer the question: "What qualities should the perfect teacher have?"

Respondents independently called or recorded quality and explained that they mean. The answers were systematized in summary tables.

Perfect teacher from the point of view of students

100% of students who participated in the survey believe that the perfect teacher should be strict and patient. Also, all pupils respondents turned out to be one that the teacher should be able to interest the material.

80% of respondents - for an unbiased attitude from the teacher and an individual approach ("everyone wants to be assessed by justice and helped to achieve better results").

Students explained the word "justice" as an estimation on the basis of knowledge, not nationality, external view etc. Approximately the same words are described in the responses of other respondents tolerance.

Perfect teacher in terms of parents

For all the parents surveyed, the perfect teacher is the one who knows his subject perfectly. As a separate quality of 100% of parents designated "love for their profession and children."

In the questionnaires of the parents, an item appeared that the students did not allocate for themselves: no equiforms.

Its notions were explained by their parents as a separate attitude towards students. A not indifferent teacher, firstly, is always convinced that the children learned the material, secondly, provides emotional support when necessary.

Perfect teacher from the point of view ... Teachers

But the teacher seems to be confident that patience and work will be pulled out. 100% of the interviewed teachers of all steps - for excellent knowledge of the subject and patience.

But the main thing is exactly the survey of teachers, according to Gohar, it turned out to be the most interesting part of the study for it.

Speaking with teachers, learning about their feelings, I saw them from the new side. Master the teachers who, instead of the "Right", suitable for the situation, honestly and frankly spoke about all the difficulties of this profession. It turned out that in the teacher practice there are many situations in which the inexperienced person is simply confused. And everything that can make a good teacher from a person is not indifference. "If you have a desire to make the world better, then it is for you," the computer science teacher told me about the teacher's profession.

Goar Sargsyan

student MGOU

All the answers of their respondents of Gohar compared with the requirements of Professandard. The result was consistent. Is that, of course, no standard may require a sense of humor, not indifference, love for children and patience from the teacher. But people in their non-standard, living human relations have the right to expect this from each other.

Of a fundamentally new answer, my research did not give, but it showed me how important personal qualities for this profession are: my respondents spoke not for personal qualities, and not professional qualities said.
Now I study at the teacher, the specialty chose foreign language. What qualities of the teacher I highlight now? The perfect teacher is not a template model. This is an interesting, charismatic, educated person, charged with creative energy, which raises the same active, caring and thinking children.

Goar Sargsyan

student MGOU

And we offer to continue the conversation on a given topic. What qualities of the teacher are valued in your environment? What are the necessary you need?

Modern teacher. ... what should he be? The question is interesting. He must be native! But such a teacher should always be - in the past, and in the present, and in the future. Because he is a teacher! His work should be appreciated, should be demanded! ...



What should be a modern teacher? "

Art of education

there is art a wake

in young souls

Curious I.

then satisfy it.

A. France.

Modern teacher. ... what should he be? The question is interesting. He must be native! But such a teacher should always be - in the past, and in the present, and in the future. Because he is a teacher! His work should be appreciated, must be demanded!In Likhacheva D.S. There are wonderful words that "Temia is art, work is no less titanic than the work of a writer or composer, but more severe and responsible. The teacher appeals to the soul of human not through music, as a composer, not with the help of paints, as an artist, but really. Raises his knowledge and love, with his attitude to the world. "

In our eyes, the country changes and the school changes. The life of a modern student is changing. And the teacher should not fall behind this rapid life. Therefore, teacher B. modern school Must be demanding, but fair and always give the right to the student to answer, realize yourself. Of course, for this you need to be an experienced specialist, a real professional of your business. But what is the main thing in the work of the teacher? It is important to be a good man, identify yourself top Qualitieslaid in the child's shower, encourage children to receive joy from acquired knowledge. But the main thing is to show the world the world, what he really is.

L.N. Tolstoy said one day that a good teacher is enough to have only two qualities - great knowledge and a big heart. I think that these words of Lev Nikolayevich are relevant in the past, and in the present, and in the future. The main task the teacher's work is currently to help children receive new knowledge using modern information Technology and effective methods Training, as well as be able to form information competence from the student, develop curiosity, cognitive and creative interest in students.

In other words, the modern teacher does not just transmit knowledge of his knowledge on some subject, but learns children to think, reasoning, to defend their opinion and respect the opinion of other people, using the knowledge gained in school classroom. And of course, how not to remember the words of Adolf Dysterwarega: "The most important thing in the school, the most instructive subject, the most vibrant example for the student is the teacher himself. He is an impersonal learning method, the embodiment of the principle of education. "

The teacher, first of all, should love children. This means that the chatting of children will be wondering that their judgments will not seem to the teacher with stupid and boring, that their affairs will be sincerely worried. This means to see in children - people endowed with well-defined characters that should be considered, but with possessing, compared to you, much less knowledge and life experience. The teacher must enter the class with a smile on his face and show all his appearance that he is glad to see his students, glad to communicate with them. The teacher must feel that his experience, his knowledge leads students. He teaches his pupil to work, think, create, seeks the student to be His co-author: argued, shared his opinion, defended his point of view. This teacher appeals to the origins of the folk culture, which enrich the person, enjoy his soul, teach him to appreciate the past and the present. The role of the teacher in the development of society has always been extremely important: after all, the teacher transmits knowledge to the following generations.It seems to me that this teacher must be primarily responsive, understanding and able to support the student, cheer it up in a difficult moment. But at the same time, the teacher must be strict and fair, it disciplines children and teaches to be responsible.Modern teacher himself studies throughout his professional activity, improves his skills, shares experience with his colleagues, conducts master classes and open lessons, participates in various contests, writes articles. In addition, this is a person who knows how not only to teach children, but also is capable of learn from their students.

Good teacher - master of his business!

What does a good teacher mean? This is primarily a person who loves children, finds the joy in communicating with them, believes that every child can become a good man, knows how to be friends with children, takes to the heart of children's joys and sorry, knows the soul of the child, never forgets that he himself was a child. Good teacher - master of his business! If the teacher connects love of business and to the disciples, he is a perfect teacher, so Tolstoy said.

Are there any such people? There is, about one of them I want to tell.

ABOUT Pedagogue Ekaterina Nikolaevna Tamarovskaya in the Starobelian village and parents, and students respond equally: "Good teacher!" And when the formation of 1st grade begins, it is constantly questioned: "Take our ..." and with weakened health, and hooliganish, and those who have not learned the program in the past. Be sure to lead their kids and those who have ever studied from her. We are sure: she will not only teach, but also makes up. In her class, everyone is smart, good and kind. Guys respect each other, take care of each other. Such is the law of life class. And therefore, it is probably not to find in the school list "difficult" students: they themselves evaluate their behavior, their actions, their statements in the circle of peers.

The lessons of Catherine Nikolaevna are peculiar, interesting, because psychological harmony, pedagogical tact and experience prevent them. Decades of work helped her comprehend all the best at Sh.A. Amonashvili, S.N. Lysenova, teachers of school schools, scholars of Novosibirsk. The own experience has accumulated, who has ever since the years of work, routine ideas about the structure of the lesson, on learning methods. Now she simply takes from storeroom memory what needs to be in this lesson in accordance with the topic complements electronic educational material And everything is like a fairy tale.

Her student is worried most, his eyes: whether there is an interest in them, whether living thought glows, will he be able to know the new one? And it is also important for the moral and spiritual concepts, the fat ideas about life become the norm of behavior, the life of pupils ...

Educational Ekaterina Nikolaevna Active participants Winners and winners of contests, Olympics, intellectual games different levels. In 2006 - winner municipal Olympiad in mathematics, in 2007 - the winner of the All-Russian Game "Russian Bear" on a reference school, in 2009 - the laureate of the city scientific and practical conference "Little door in big world»

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Active participant of professional competitions. Laureate of the Competition "Teacher of the Year 2000", the winner of the Municipal Competition "Best Teacher" (2007), the participant of the contest "100 best teachers Kuzbass. Methodical association of teachers primary classes Under her leadership in 2006 became the laureate of the municipal competition of methodological associations.

Ekaterina Nikolaevna has honorary certificates of school administration, education management, city administration, administration of the Kemerovo region for decent education of the younger generation, the Presidium of the Kemerovo Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for many years of conscientious work, a badge "Honorary Worker of General Education Russian Federation».

In the footsteps of Ekaterina Nikolaevna, many students went: four teachers work at school number 7. Everyone has one desire to be similar to the first teacher.

For me, Ekaterina Nikolaevna Kumir at work and in life. Good, open, active, hardworking, confident will not leave indifferent or children nor parents nor colleagues.

"I don't think of my life without school ..." Ekaterina Nikolaevna Tamarovskaya was said to such a phrase - Teacher of primary classes. Such people are really called teachers with a capital letter.
The role of the teacher in the life of every person is great. And it is very important that your teacher will be a teacher, something similar to Catherine Nikolaevna. Such responsible, loving his business, loving children who knows how to interest and access everything. I told you about the teacher who all soul is sick for his work. About the teacher, whom the disciples love ....

"He is an artist - but his listeners and viewers do not applaud him. He is a sculptor - but no one sees his work. He is a doctor - but patients very rarely thank him for the treatment and, in general, do not want to be treated. He is father and mother - but does not get the share of sons of love due to every father. Where to take him forces for everyday inspiration? Only in itself, only in the minds of the greatness of their business. Weekdays overwhelm teachers - plan, magazine, marks, parents, director, inspector, small talk in the teacher, and he needs to leave all this at the threshold and enter children with a sublime soul. " So writes about the profession of teacher Simon Solovychik in the "last book" (the first of September, 1999).

To constantly ask yourself, it is interesting to learn to the child, again and again make sure that universal pedagogical recipes do not exist, exceeding yourself, so that the student overcomes the plank of the Company's requirements. Such is the lot of teachers who dedicated themselves to this profession with passion and humility.

They do not write comments in the diaries, sounding like a sentence: "Does not digest anything," "No ability to object" ... On the contrary, they do not get tired to reflect on their work, again and again seek the answer to main question: How to support in the child the desire to know the world, the desire to learn?

"She said: Do not be afraid that it will not work out."

Maria, 27 years old, journalist

"Elegant, smiling, open - Galina Petrovna struck me from the first meeting. I wanted to approach her and speak. In her literature lessons it was interesting to everyone. She took and "strange" work: I, for example, somehow wrote the continuation of the "Eugene Onegin" instead of an essay. She also brilliantly taught the Russian language. I will never forget the results of the first dictation on the journalism of Moscow State University. I, a student from Belarus, made three mistakes, and my classmates - 20 and more!

And yet, for me, it was most important that Galina Petrovna could see any advice. The class in the 9th I told her about my doubts about the future: then I already worked in a local newspaper, but I wanted something more. And she replied: "Do not be afraid, go to learn. Even if it does not work, you will know that at least I tried. " I remembered her words - and it became calmer, more confident, stronger.

I appreciated her and loved it very much: my teacher supported me in a very difficult moment. Then I went to Moscow and entered the university, about which I dreamed of. A few years ago, my teacher did not. But I feel even the presence of her even now, especially in those moments when you need to make a serious decision. When I'm afraid of something or worried, I remember this case from the past and go ahead. "

Convey interest

"The desire to learn a new one is a desire to learn," says Children's psychologist Galia Nigmetzhanov. - Teacher's task is to support his desire in the child in the broadest sense - his vital energy, the desire to have knowledge, assign it to yourself. " No persuasion will help here: the desire to learn is awakened by the child only when he feels him in an adult man.

Of course, you need to help children learn the necessary practical skills: how best to memorize the material, how to distribute time correctly. But interest in the development of the new is transmitted only on personal exampleAnd the disciples feel unmistakably feel if the teacher loves the subject that he teaches.

"Many children are bored learn when they do not see the meaning in the proposed knowledge, - continues a children's psychologist. "But when the teacher is passionately passionate about his subject, it opens this meaning, even if it does not specifically say about it."

"A good teacher is not the one who knows all the answers," adds Dr. Pedagogical Sciences Boris Bim-Bad, "but the one who constantly sets new questions." He is not a truth, but love for her, the incarnation of efforts to find it. Truth for him is a fascinating process. Never completed, but inhabit that intriguing. And children fascinates this desire to learn. "

One on one

Of course, there are many things that complicate the work of the teacher. They immerse inexperienced in despair and make professionals lose faith in themselves. This is the system of education with its endless, and often contradictory, directives that requires conformism teachers. These are the difficulties of learning related to different levels of students in the classroom, and relationships with their parents.

In addition, children who experience fear before studying, often masked by his jokes and all sorts of provocations, generating response in the teacher - and most often unconscious - fear. Fearing to lose credibility, some "twist the nuts", not worrying about the lesson reigns boredom or rivalry, others, on the contrary, let go of the entrance, reducing the requirements and thereby losing children the opportunity to reflect, doubt, try to try. And most importantly, in all these situations, the teacher turns out one on one with his problems.

To cope with the situation, the teacher needs to overcome the desire to always be the lord in the center

"To cope with the situation, the teacher needs to overcome the desire to always be a lord, being in the center, is sure Boris Bim-Bad. - It is important to be able to be not over, but next to the child. This makes it possible to cooperate with students, leaving them space for independent actions. "

"On the one hand, some proportion of authoritarianity is necessary to the teacher, it is precisely such people and are held in this profession," Raal Nigmetzhanov reflects. - On the other hand, it is very dangerous to frozen on your pedestal. The medicine here is one thing - to develop the ability to watch yourself and after others, look into yourself, describe your feelings. And stay open with students. Then the reasons for their difficulties will find a teacher not in others, but in itself. "

"I wanted to be proud of me"

Gleb, 19 years old, student VGIK

"All 11 school years, physical education in our class, Alexey Borisovich and Marina Yuryevna, husband and wife. He is a master of sports on gymnastics, she is figure skating. Our teachers have always been strict enough. But there was time, we are growing up, and our chat was becoming less formal.

At school, I passionately became interested in arm wrestling. My love for sport arose not only because I admired my teachers, but also thanks to our human relationship: good grades, high results - I wanted not to let them, it was important for me to be proud to me. It is very important for me now.

Teachers taught me the most important thing - to achieve goals and overcome difficulties. For this, I am very grateful to them. Although I did not associate a professional life with sports, I continue to engage in arm wrestling - last year I entered the top five winners at the World Championships in Brazil - and big tennis. And with Alexey Borisovich and Marina Yurievna, not only the general memories or impressions of joint trips, but also friendship are connected. Sometimes I now appeal to them for help. "

Different abilities

There is nothing unusual in difficulties with study. They are associated with the features of the child's personality, character traits, family atmosphere. Only when the teacher does not notice, ignores these features, they grow into a real problem. Such teachers prefer to communicate only with strong disciples, and weaker moved to Kamchatka, provide themselves. Another option is when the teacher knows how to work only with the "middle" and leaves both before lagging behind, and before advanced.

"One of the main qualities in our profession is the ability to listen and hear every child, to enter into a dialogue with him, to understand his needs, which he himself does not always realize, is sure the teacher of verbost Sergey Volkov. - figuratively speaking, I imagine teachers as a person in a bathrobe with a lot of pockets filled with different tools. And at the right moment, he must get from his pocket that he will help exactly this child and in this situation. The richer is his arsenal, the more he is ready for that insight, which is waiting for it at the entrance to the class. "

Understanding how different the abilities of students, wise teachers allow children to go to know their own way ... and sometimes they are mistaken on it - after all, the experience of mistakes is sometimes more valuable success. Otherwise, how does the child acquire the ability to think independently?

"Of course, positive evaluations are important in our work," Speakers Sergey Volkov. "But much more important than a specific assessment may be those thoughts that the child came to mind, the feelings he survived when communicating in class lesson or studying the subject." Therefore, a good teacher is not the one who does not allow mistakes, but who appreciates the promotion of his student.

Freedom in contrary

Does a free dictator teacher or populist teacher feeling? No, their forces are aimed at keeping the authorities over children in the first case and the holding of sympathies in children - in the second. Meanwhile, as Simon Solovychik wrote, one of the secrets of large teachers is that "they feel free to children, do not depend on them. It is precisely because it is free that a child resperate with stunning power, keeping and unity with him, and a feeling of distance ... "

"The teacher does not need to depict something when he enters the class," says Sergey Volkov. - First, children exactly feel this artificiality. Secondly, they are interested in a person who is free, which allows himself to be in any situations. Then there is a dialogue of respected people - teachers and students. " And this means that the children feel free on the lesson, are not afraid to express an opinion and at the same time listen to the opinions of others.

Real teachers act contrary to the established requirements and expectations of the system

A good teacher is always difficult. System school Education by no means encourages the freedom of the teacher, nor upbringing on their own thinking people. As Boris Bim-Bad says, the school as a whole "is focused on replicating people obeys, so real teachers act contrary to the established requirements and expectations of the system"

But nevertheless, teachers were always, there will be. Meeting with them for a child priceless. That is why Boris Bim-Bad recommends that parents navigate not to a prestigious school, but look first of all a good teacher who may be working in the most common school.

What should he be?

Reply to this question we offered visitors to our site. A good teacher must first be passionately passionate about his subject - it considers the majority of survey participants, 67%. And this answer coincides with the opinion of our experts. Much less frequently called such qualities as the ability to explain the material - 14%, the willingness to use non-standard techniques - 8%, to take care of their students - 4%, demanding and ability to maintain discipline in the class - 2%. Not that these qualities are not important, but the child's interest in studying parents appreciate the most.

About expert

Galia Nigmetzhanova, Children's psychologist, teacher of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, a leading specialist of the Moscow Psychological Center for Support Family "Contact".