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Municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad of Schoolchildren on Biology. Claims of flowers and botany Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra

Flower - noticeable, often beautiful, important part of flowering plants. Flowers can be large and small, brightly colored and green, odorless and odorless, single or assembled together from many small flowers into one common inflorescence.

Flower - a modified shortened escape that serves for seed reproduction. The flower usually ends the main or lateral escape. Like every escape, the flower develops from the kidney.

Flower structure

The flower is a reproductive organ of coated plants consisting of a shortened stem (the axis of the flower), on which the cover of the flower (perianth), stamens and pestles consisting of one or more fecents are located.

Flower axis - called talk. A colorland, raging, takes a different shape flat, concave, convex, semi-shaped, cone-shaped, elongated, column. A color to the bottom goes into a flower pad that connects the flower with a stem or flowers.

Flowers not having flowers, are called sedent. On the pedicle, many plants are located two or one small leaves - bracts.

Pokrov flower - perianth - It can be dissected for a cup and a whisk.

Cup forms an outdoor circle of the perianth, its sheets are usually relatively small sizes, green color. Distinguish separately and aggregate cup. It usually performs the function of protecting the inner parts of the flower before the opening of the bud. In some cases, the cup is falling when the flower is dissolved, most often it is saved and during flowering.

Flower parts located around the stamens and pestle are called the perianth.

Internal leaflets are petals that make up a whin. Exterior leaflets - cupid - form a cup. Porcelier, consisting of a cup and a bunny, call a double. A barrel who is not divided into a whin and a cup, and all the leaflets of the flower are more or less the same - simple.

Venchik - The inner side of the perianth, differs from a cup of bright color and larger sizes. The color of petals is due to the presence of chromoplasts. Distinguished separately and strokebeal whites. The first consists of separate petals. In agricultural heating rudders, there is a tube and perpendicularly located with respect to it, having a certain amount of teeth or whores of a whisk.

Flowers are symmetrical and asymmetrical. There are flowers that do not have a perianth, they are called naked.

Symmetric (actinorphic) - If you can spend many axes of symmetry through the whisk.

Asymmetric (zigomorphic) - If you can spend only one axis of symmetry.

Thermal flowers have an abnormal enlarged number of petals. In most cases, they arise as a result of splitting of petals.

Stamen - Part of the flower, which is a kind of specialized structure that forms microspores and pollen. It consists of a stitching thread, by which it is attached to the color, and the anther containing pollen. The number of stamens in the flower is a systematic sign. There are stamens according to the method of attaching to a color, in the form, size, structure of the stamen thread, a connector and the anther. The totality of the stamens in the flower is called Andrzem.

Stomaching thread - Sterile part of the stamen, carrier on its top of the boot. The sticky thread is a straight, curved, twisted, winding, broken. Over the shape - hair-hair, cone-shaped, cylindrical, flattened, male-shaped. By the nature of the surface - bare, dodged, hair, with glands. Some plants are short or not developing at all.

Anther Located on the top of the stitching thread and attached to her a connector. It consists of two half, connected by a connector. In each half of the anther there are two cavities (pollen bags, cameras or sockets), in which pollen develops.

As a rule, the boot is a four-dimensional, but sometimes the partition between the sockets in each half is destroyed, and the boot becomes two-chaired. In some plants, the boot can even be one-sick. Very rarely meets truder. By type of attachment to the stitching thread distinguish between fixed, movable and swinging anthers.

In anthers is pollen or pollen grain.

The structure of pollen grain

Dustkins formed in the anthers of the stamens are small grains, they are called pollen grains. The largest reaches 0.5 mm in diameter, usually they are much smaller. Under the microscope it can be seen that the dust of different plants are not at all the same. They differ in size, and in form.

The surface of the dust covered with various protrusions, tubercles. Finding on the pistil's stil, pollen are held with the help of the growth and released on the straight of the sticky fluid.

The nest of the young anther contain special diploid cells. As a result of meiotic division from each cell, four haploid disputes are formed, which are called microspores for very small sizes. Here, in the cavity of the pollen bag, the microspores turn into pollen grains.

This happens as follows: the core of the microsage is divided by mittochically into two cores - vegetative and generative. The sections of the cytoplasm are concentrated around the cores and two cells are formed - vegetative and generative. A very durable shell is formed on the surface of the cytoplasmic membrane of the microsphere from the contents of the pollen bag, insoluble in acids and alkalis. Thus, each pollen grain consists of vegetative and generative cells and covered with two shells. Many pollen grains make up pollen of the plant. Pollen ripens in anthers by the time of the flower dissolved.

Germination of pollen

The beginning of the germination of pollen is associated with mitotic division, as a result of which a small reproductive cell is formed (sperm develops from it) and a large vegetative cell (a pollen is developing from it).

After the pollen in one way or another falls on the stitch, its germination begins. Sticky and uneven surface of the still contributes to the holding of pollen. In addition, the stil is distinguished by a special substance (enzyme), which acts on pollen, stimulating her germination.

Pollen swells, and the deterrent effect of the eccine (the outer layer of the pollen grain shell) causes the contents of the pollen cell to break one of the pores, through which the intintine (internal, deprived of the pores of the pollen grain) is protruded in the form of a narrow pollen tube. In the pollen tube, the contents of the pollen cell.

Under the epidermis, the stroke is a loose fabric, into which the pollen penetrates. It continues to grow, passing either by a special conductive channel between ease cells, or a tortuous on the intercellites of the conductor tissue tissue. At the same time, a significant number of pollen tubes is simultaneously promoted in the column, and the "success" of one or another tube depends on the individual growth rate.

Two sperm and one vegetative kernel are moving into the pollen tube. If the formation of sperm in pollen has not yet happened, the generative cell passes into the pollen tube, and here the sperm cells are formed by its division. The vegetative core is often located ahead, in the growing end of the tube, and sperm is sequentially located. In the pollen tube of cytoplasm is in constant motion.

Pollen is rich in nutrients. These substances, especially carbohydrates, (sugar, starch, penosany) are strongly spent during pollen germination. In addition to carbohydrates B. chemical composition Poloes include proteins, fats, ashs and an extensive group of enzymes. In pollen there is a high phosphorus content. Substances are in pollen in a moving condition. Pollen easily tolerates low temperatures up to - 20cº and even lower for a long time. High temperatures quickly lower the germination.


Pestik - part of a flower forming a fruit. It arises from the rest (sheet structure, carrying the seeds) afterwards the edge of the edge of the latter. It happens simple, if it is composed with one fruitful, and difficult, if you are composed of several simple pestles that have contradicted with the side walls. Some plants have pestles underdeveloped and represented only by rudiments. The pestle is dismembered for the marking, the column and the still.

Ovarybottom part Pestka in which there are seed beginnings.

Entering the wounded, the pollen tube is growing further and enters the seedness in most cases through the dust (micropile). Implementing in a germ bag, the end of the pollen tube bursts, and the contents are poured into one of the synergies, which darkens and is rapidly destroyed. The vegetative core is destroyed even before the pollen penetrates the embryonic bag.

Flowers are correct and incorrect

The leaflets of the perianth (simple and double) can be located in such a way that several planes of symmetry can be carried out through it. Such flowers are called correct. Flowers through which you can spend one plane of symmetry, called incorrect.

Obroat and separate flowers

Most plants have flowers in which there are both stamens and pestles. These are rim flowers. But some plants have alone flowers have only pestles - pestile flowers, and others - only stamens - stitching flowers. Such flowers are called separation.

Singome and dwarm plants

Plants on which they develop both pestle and latch flowers are called one-bedroom. Divorous plants - stitching flowers on one plant, and pestle on the other.

There are species that, on one plant, it is possible to detect ripples and same-sex flowers. These are the so-called multigurous (polygamy) plants.


Flowers are formed on shoots. Very rarely they are alone. Much more often the flowers are assembled into noticeable groups called inflorescences. The beginning of the study of the inflorescence was lazy. But for him, the inflorescence was not the type of branch, but the flowing method.

In inflorescences, they distinguish the main and side axis (seating or on flowers), then such inflorescences are called simple. If the flowers on the side axes are complicated inflorescences.

Type of inflorescenceScheme of inflorescenceFeaturesExample
Simple inflorescence
Brush Separate side flowers are sitting on the elongated main axis and at the same time have their own flowerwomen, approximately equal lengthCherryumuha, Lily of the Cabbage
Ear The main axis is more or less elongated, but flowers without legs, i.e. Sitting.Plantain, Yatryshnik
Copper It differs from the spoole with a fleshy axis.Corn, whitefly
Basket Flowers are always seated and sit on a strong thickened and extended end of a shortened axis having a concave, flat or convex look. In this case, the inflorescence outside has a so-called wrapper consisting of one or many consecutive rows of columous leaves, free or fragile.Chamomile, Dandelion, Astra, Sunflower, Vasileuk
Head The main axis is strongly shortened, side flowers are sedentary or almost seating, closely located to each other.Clover, Scabiosa
Umbrella The main axis is shortened; Side flowers come out of one place, sit on the legs of different lengths, located in the same plane or dome.Primula, onions, cherry
Shield It differs from the brush by the fact that the bottom flowers have long flowers, so as a result, the flowers are located in almost one plane.Pear, Spirea
Complicated inflorescence
Sophisticated brushThe side branching axes are departed from the main axis, on which flowers or simple inflorescences are located.Lilac, oats
Sophisticated umbrella Simple inflorescences are departed from the shortened main axis.Carrots, parsley
Sophisticated Separate spikelets are located on the main axis.Rye, wheat, barley, drinking

Biological value of inflorescence

The biological value of the inflorescence is that small, often non-spoiled flowers collected together, become noticeable, give them large quantity Pollen and better attract insects that carry pollen from a flower on a flower.


In order to occur in fertilization, it is necessary that pollen get on the pistil's stil.

The process of transferring pollen from the stamens on the pistil is called pollination. There are two main types of pollination: self-pollination and cross-pollination.


In case of self-pollen, pollen from the stamech falls on the pistil of the same flower. So pollinated wheat, rice, oats, barley, peas, beans, cotton. Self-population in plants most often occurs in a non-discontinued flower, that is, in bud, when the flower is revealed, it is already completed.

In self-pollination, sex cells were merged, formed on one plant and, therefore, having the same hereditary features. That is why the offspring formed as a result of the self-polling process is very similar to the parent plant.

Crossing pollination

In cross-pollination, there is a recombination of the hereditary signs of paternal and maternal organisms, and the resulting offspring can acquire new properties that parents were not. Such offspring is more viable. In nature, crossing pollination is found much more often than self-pollution.

Crossing pollination is carried out using different external factors.

Anemophilia (Shopping). Anemophilic plants are small flowers, often collected in inflorescences, pollen are formed a lot, it is dry, small, when opening the anther with force is thrown out. Light pollen of these plants can be transferred to the wind at a distance of several hundred kilometers.

Anthers are located on long thin threads. Pestley Strugs Wide or Long, Curly and Across Flowers. Anemophilia is peculiar to almost all cereals, dies.

Entomophily (transfer pollen insects). The adaptation of plants to the entomophilia is the smell, color and size of flowers, sticky pollen with growth. Most of the flowers are two-way, but the ripening of pollen and pestles occurs simultaneously or the height of the fish is larger or less than the height of the anthem, which serves as protection against self-pollution.

In the flower of insectopillary plants there are areas that allocate a sweet fragrant solution. These sites are called neckers. Nakrit can be in different places Flower and to have different forms. Insects, flying to the flower, stretch to nectures and anthers and during the meal dust dust. When the insect moves to another flower, carrying pollen grains stick to the stilts.

When pollution insects, smaller pollen is being wondering, and therefore the plant saves a substance, producing less pollen. Pollen grains have no need to hold for a long time in the air, and therefore they may be hard.

Insects can pollinate rarely located flowers and flowers in windless places - in the forest more often or thicker herbs.

As a rule, each type of plants is pollinated by insects of several species and each type of pollinators serves several types of plants. But there are such types of plants, the flowers of which are pollinated by insects of only one species. In such cases, the mutual matching of lifestyles and the structure of flowers and insects is so complete that seems wonderful.

Ornithophilia (Pollination of birds). It is characteristic of some tropical plants with bright-painted flowers, abundant sections of nectar, a solid elastic structure.

Hydrophilia (pollinating with water). Observed u water plants. Pollen and the stig of these plants most often have a stray shape.

Zoophilia (pollination with animals). For these plants are characteristic large sizes Flower, abundant selection of nectar containing mucus, mass products pollen, in pollination battle mice - bloom at night.


Pollen grain falls on the pistil's stroke and is attached to it due to the features of the structure of the shell, as well as sticky sacrarous discharge, to which the pollen sticks. Pollen grain swells and germinates, turning into a long, very thin dust tube. The pollen tube is formed as a result of the division of the vegetative cell. At first, this tube is growing between the cells of the stroke, then the column and finally grows into the cavity cavity.

The generative cell of the pollen grain moves to the pollen tube, it is divided and forms two men's gears (sperm). When the pollen tube through the dust penetrates inside the germ bag, one of the sperms merges with an egg. Fertilization occurs, and zygote is formed.

The second sperm merges with the kernel of the large central cell of the germ bag. Thus, in flower plants in fertilization, two mergers occurs: the first sperm merges with the egg, the second - with a large central cell. This process opened Russian Botanik in 1898, Academician S.G. Navashin and called him double fertilization. Double fertilization is characteristic only for flowering plants.

The weight of the zygota formed during the merger is divided into two cells. Each of the cells arising again is again divided, etc. As a result of multiple cell divisions, a multicellular germ of a new plant is developing.

The central cell is also divided, forming an endosperma cells in which the reserves of nutrients accumulate. They are necessary for nutrition and development of the embryo. From the Intercession of the Summer develops seed skin. After fertilization, a seed consisting of peeling, embryo and supply of nutrients develops from the seed.

After fertilization to the wounds flow nutrientsAnd it gradually turns into ripe fruit. The ocoplate, protecting seeds from adverse effects, develops from the walls of the wound. In some plants, other parts of the flower take part in the formation of the fetus.

Education spores

Simultaneously with the formation of pollen in stamens, the formation of a large diploid cell occurs in the seed dip. This cell is divided Maoyotically and gives rise to four haploid disputes, which are called macrospores, as they are more than microspores.

Of the four formed macros, three die out, and the fourth starts to grow and gradually turns into an embryonic bag.

Education germs bag

As a result of the three-time mitotic division of the nucleus in the cavity of the germ bag, eight cores are formed, which are taught by cytoplasm. The devoid of cell shells are formed, which are located in a certain order. On one pole of the embryonic bag is formed an egg apparatus consisting of egg cells and two auxiliary cells. Three cells (antipodes) are located on the opposite pole. From each pole to the center of the germs, migrates one kernel (polar kernels). Sometimes the polar kernels merge and form the diploid central nucleus of the germ bag. The germ bag in which the differentiation of the cores occurred is considered mature, it can perceive sperm.

By the time of ripening, the pollen and the embryo bag flower is revealed.

The structure of the seed

Selfies are developing on the inner sides of the wound walls and, like all parts of the plant, consist of cells. The number of segments in the strings of different plants is different. Wheat, barley, rye, cherries ovary contains only one of the sicks, at cotton - several dozen, and in poppy, their number reaches several thousand.

Each family is dressed in cover. At the top of the sector there is a narrow canal - pops. He leads to the tissue that occupies the central part of the nephery. In this tissue, an embryonic bag is formed as a result of cell division. Opposite the inlet in it is an egg, and the central part occupies a large central cell.

Development of covered brine (flowering) plants

Education of seed and fetus

In the formation of seed and fetus, one of the sperms merges with an egg cell, forming diploid zygot. In the future, the zygotes is expanding repeatedly, and as a result, a multicellular embryo plant is developing. The central cell, which fastened with the second sperm, is also repeatedly divided, but the second embryo does not occur. A special fabric is formed - endosperm. Endosperm cells accumulate nutrient reserves required for the development of the embryo. Child covers grow and turn into seed peel.

Thus, as a result of double fertilization, a seed is formed, which consists of an embryo, a flat tissue (endosperma) and seminal peel. The wall of the fetus is formed from the wall of the waters, called the ocoplodnik.

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction of coated plants is associated with a flower. Its essential parts are stamens and pestles. They occur complex processes associated with sexual reproduction.

In flower plants, men's games (sperm) are very small, female (egg cells) is much larger.

In the anthers of the stamens, the cell division occurs, as a result of which pollen grains are formed. Each pollen grain of coated grain plants consists of vegetative and generative cells. Pollen grain covered with two shells. The outer shell is usually uneven, with spines, warts, outgrowths in the form of a mesh. It helps pollen grains to hold on the pistil. Pollen plants ripening in anthers, by the time the flower is dissolved consists of a variety of pollen grain.

Formula flower

For the conditional expression of the structure of flowers, formulas are used. To compile the flower formula, the following notation is used:

A simple perianth, consisting of some cups or from some petals, its parts are called perianth leaves.

C.A cup, consists of sewers
L.Corn, consists of petals
1,2,3... The number of flower elements is indicated by numbers
, The same parts of the flower differing in the form
() Strong flower parts
+ Location of elements in two circles
_ Top or lower marking - screenshots over or under a digit that shows the number of pestles
Wrong flower
* Right flower
Same-sex sticky flower
Same-sex peastic flower
The number of parts of the flower exceeding 12

An example of a cherry flower formula:

* H 5 l 5 t ∞ n 1

Flower diagram

The structure of the flower can be expressed not only by the formula, but also a diagram - a schematic image of a flower on a plane perpendicular to the flower axis.

Make a diagram on transverse sections of unscrewed flower kidneys. The diagram gives a more complete than the formula, an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of the flower, because it also shows the mutual arrangement of its parts, which cannot be shown in the formula.

Tasks "C" EGE_ 2007 - from 2

Call the method and phase of dividing the cells shown in the figure. What process do they illustrate and what is its essence?

1) MEIOS I proofased;

2) the conjugation and crosslinker are depicted;

3) Crossingrigner - exchange of sections, genes between homologous chromosomes, which leads to the recombination of genes.

Determine the type and phase of dividing the cell shown in the figure. What processes occur in this phase?

1) the figure shows mitosis metaphase;

2) in this phase, two-line chromosomes are built in the equator plane;

3) The filaments of the separation of division are attached to the center meters of chromosomes.

Name the monomer shown on the diagram presented. Describe the functions of the biopolymer, which includes it. What is indicated by letters a, b, in?

1) DNA thyminic nucleotide molecule;

2) DNA functions: storage and transfer of hereditary cell information;

3) A is a nitrogenous base of thymin, b - carbohydrate deoxyribosis, B - the residue of phosphoric acid.

ABOUT offer the root zone designated in Fig. Figures 1, 2, 4, and specify their functions.

1) 1 - root case, protects the root tip from mechanical damage;

2) 2 - the division zone, ensures the growth of the root in length due to cell division;

3) 4 - zone of suction, zone of root hairs, ensures the absorption of water and minerals.

Name parts of the pistil designated in the figure in the figures 1, 2, 3, and the functions they perform.

1) 1 - a stitch, catches pollen;

2) 2 - an embryonic bag, in it there is a double fertilization, participates in the formation of the embryo and endosperm of the seed;

3) 3 - seed coverings, from it is formed by seed peel, covering seed.

What parts of the bean seed embryo are indicated in the figure figures 1 and 2, and what functions do they perform?

1) 1 - root, tieney (germinal stem and leaves), 2 - cotyledts;

2) the root develops into the main root, escape develops from the kids;

3) cotyledts - provide seedlings with nutrients

ABOUT offer a class and family of a coated plants depicted in the figure. Name the types of inflorescences and fetus characteristic of this family.

1) a class of dietary plants;

2) Bob family (moth);

3) inflorescence - brush, head;

4) Fruit - Bob.

Which family of flowers include a plant shown in the picture? Name the organs marked with letters a and b, and indicate their role in the life of the plant.

1) family of cabbage (cruciferous);

2) A - Kochan - this is a modified escape (kidney), provides winter-air cabbage wintering;

3) B - the fruit - the pod, ensures the distribution and protection of seeds.

N. azovite the object presented in the figure and its systematic position (kingdom, bite, type). What process is depicted in the figure and what is its biological meaning?

1) shower infusoria; The kingdom of animals, facing the simplest (unicellular), type of infusoria;

2) the process - the useless division of the division in two (simple division); 3) Biological significance: reproduction of organisms identical to parental individuals.

ABOUT offer and family of flowering plant depicted in the figure. Describe the structure of its flower. Name the organ marked in the picture of the letter A, and explain its role in the life of the plant.

1) a class of dicotyledtic, family of rosetic;

2) Flower: perianth of 5 bunny petals and 5 cups, many pestles, in some types of families - one, many stamens;

3) The modified escape is a mustache (or column), provides vegetative reproduction.

Specify the numbers of simple and complex inflorescences. What figures are the inflorescences basket and head are indicated? Plants of which families have them?

1) Simple - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, complex - 8, 9, 10;

2) 5 - head, 6 - basket;

3) Basket - Family Family Color, Head - Family Moth (bean).

TO what type of animal depicted in the figure? What is marked with numbers 1 and 2, what is the role of these formations in the life of the animal?

1) type of sarkozhikovy;

2) 1 - a contractile vaccination, collects and outlines excess water from the cell and exchange products;

3) 2 - the kernel, participates in the storage and transfer of hereditary information, regulates the metabolism.

Name parts of the flower designated in the figure of 1, 2, 3 figures, and explain their functions.

1) 1 - stamens, participate in sexual reproduction, form pollen with men's gates (sperms); 2) 2 - the marking of the pestle, participates in sexual reproduction, contains a sickness with an egg (Women's Games);

3) 3 - CHASSELISTICS AND PETALS OF THE HOWER (DISCOVER), serve to protect the stamens and pestle, are involved in attracting insects (pollination).

Find errors in the given text. Specify the numbers of offers in which errors are made, explain them.

1. The front spinal cord roots include sensitive neurons processes. 2. Rear flares consist of motor neurons processes. 3. When the front and rear roots are fused, a spinal nerve is formed. 4. The total number of spinal nerves - 34 pairs. 5. The spinal cord has a cavity filled with spinal fluid.

1) 1 - the front roots of the spinal cord contain the processes of motor neurons;

2) 2 - rear spinal cord roots contain sensitive neurons processes;

3) 4 - the total number of spinal nerves - 31 steam.

Name the fetus whose incision is shown in the figure. What elements of the structure are indicated in the figure figures 1 and 2, what functions do they perform?

1) the fruit is a grain;

2) 1 - endosperm - the stock of organic substances;

3) 2 - an octoplodnik, who has grown with a seed peel, is the protection of the seed and the embryo.

Task 1. "The reproduction of flowering"

  1. Why flower plants Called covered bridges?

Task 2. "Vote and Flower"

Fill the table:

Task 3. "Flower. General characteristics"

Give an answer to one sentence:

  1. What kind of species unites the separated department?

  2. Life forms of flowers plants?

  3. What is the appearance of the flower?

  4. What is the male gametophyte of flowering?

  5. What is the Women's Gametophyte Flower?

  6. The main aromorphoses that led to the appearance of flowering?

  7. What are the presented microsporegies of flowers?

  8. What are the megaloprangies of flowers?

  9. What is the gamentangia of flowers?

  10. When in life cycle Flower occurs Meiosis - when hamet or dispute?

  11. What is developing from microspores and megapar flower?

  12. Which group includes flowering - equivalent or pareting plants?

Task 4. "Evolution of Plants"


** Task 5. "The origin of a flower"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. The first flowering plants appeared (_).

  2. Flower occurred from (_).

  3. Evanty, the strobilex hypothesis of the flower origin assumes that flower (_).

  4. According to the pseudial hypothesis, the flower is (_).

** Task 6. "The origin of the flower"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What are the types of guinesev shown in the picture?

  2. What is the name of the hynetsae, formed from one fertility?

  3. What guinesees can be called price jams?

  4. What kind of hynetsa is called pseudomon-circuit?

Task 7. "Dichomotic and Monocarbon Plants"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. Write down, which figures are drawn signs characteristic of monocotyledonic plants.

  2. Write down, which figures are drawn signs characteristic of bipartite plants.

  3. What plants, digestive or monodernian, more ancient?

Task 8. "Dichildo Plants"

  1. Spare nutrients in the seed can be in (_), in (_) or (_).

  2. Packer has a sheet more often (_).

  3. Cambier in the stem (_).

  4. Root system Usually (_).

  5. Life forms - (_) and (_) plants.

  6. The number of flowers parts usually multiple (_) or (_).

  7. The perianth is more often (_).

Task 9. "One-Oil Plants"

Write down issue numbers and missed words (or words group):

  1. The number of seeds in the nucleation of the seed - (_).

  2. Spare nutrients in the seed are in (_).

  3. Residential leaf usually (_).

  4. Packer has a sheet more often (_).

  5. Cambier in the stem (_).

  6. Conductive beams in (_) type are located in the stem (_).

  7. Root system usually (_).

  8. Secondary thickening of the stem and root (_).

  9. Life forms - (_) plants.

  10. The number of flowers parts usually multiple (_).

  11. The perianth is more often (_).

Task 10. "Family of Cruccetic"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What amount of species combines the family of cruciferous?

  2. What is the formula of a cross-flower?

  3. What are the fruits from cruciferous?

  4. What are the leafs of cruciferous?

Task 11. "Family rose"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What number of species unites the family of rosetic?

  2. What life forms are the plants of the family?

  3. What is the formula of a flower roster?

  4. Try to guess: Who are the brothers five, two beardeds, two faborrow, and the last fifth seems freak - only to the right beard, there is no trace on the left.

  5. What fruits in plants shown in the picture?

  6. What are the leaves in roses?

  7. What groups of plants differ in the family?

Task 12. "Family of legumes"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What number of species is united by the bean family?

  2. What life forms are the plants of the family?

  3. What is indicated in the figure figures 1 - 8?

  4. What is the formula of a bean flower?

  5. What are the inflorescences for legumes?

  6. What are the fruits from legumes?

  7. What are the leaves from the legumes shown in the picture?

  8. Why are legumes call "vegetable veal"?

  9. Why are legumes called "live fertilizers"?

Task 13. "Family Polenic"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What amount of species unites the family of paroles?

  2. What life forms are the plants of the family?

  3. What is the Flower Flower Flower?

  4. What are the fruits from the Parenic?

  5. What are the leaves of the paroles?

  6. What is the value of the plant's plants?

  7. What kind poisonous plants Families are you known?

Task 14. "Family of complex color"


assume drawing and answer questions:

  1. What amount of species unites the family of comprehensible?

  2. What life forms are the plants of the family?

  3. What flowers are indicated by numbers 1 - 4?

  4. What is the inflorescence of all plants of the family?

  5. What fruits (5) in difficult?

  6. What is the value of the plant's plants?

Task 15. "Singlean class class. Filly family


assume drawing and answer questions:

  1. What number of species unites the Lily family?

  2. What life forms are the plants of the family?

  3. What is the Flower Flower Flower?

  4. What are the fruits of Lily?

  5. What underground shoots are characteristic of Lily?

  6. What is the value of the plant's plants?

Task 16. "One-Odong class. Family Zlaki »

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What is indicated in the figure figures 1 - 8?

  2. What life forms are the plants of the family?

  3. What are the features of the structure of the Flower of cereals?

  4. What are the inflorescences in plants of the family?

  5. What fruits from cereals?

  6. What leaves from cereals?

  7. What are the features of the stem of cereals?

  8. What is the value of the plant's plants?

Task 17. "Plant diagrams of major families"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

  1. What is the digit to the diagram of the cross-color? Formula flower? Fruit?

  2. What is the figure indicated by the roster diagram? Formula flower? Fruit?

  3. What is the number indicated by the bean diagram? Formula flower? Fruit?

  4. What figure is marked with the chart of the Parenic? Formula flower? Fruit?

  5. What is the digit of the chart of comprehensible? Types of flowers? Inflorescence? Fruit?

  6. What figures are monodular charts marked? Formulas of flowers? Fruit?

Exercise 1.1. 1 - Sumpers; 2 - germ bag; 3 - stitch; 4 - pollination; 5 - germination of the pollen tube; 6 - double fertilization; 7 - seed; 8 - Sleeps, developing sporophyte. 2. Seeds are formed inside the octal cell.

Task 2.

Signs for comparison



  1. Number of species

  2. Flowers

  3. Male Gametofit

  4. Female Gametofit

  5. Fertilization

  6. Fruit

  7. Summer

  8. Location of Major

  9. Seeds

  10. Tracheid in Xilery

  11. Trachea in Xilery

  12. Synotoid cells in Lube

  13. Synotoid tubes in Lube

  14. Life forms

About 700 species


Pollen grain

Endosperm with two archeganis

Sperm + egg cell



Two on the scaway of a female cone



Only woody, trees and shrubs

250,000 species


Pollen grain

Germ bag



Inside the margins of the Pestik


Trees, shrubs, herbs

Task 3.1. About 250 thousand species. 2. Trees, shrubs, shrubs, half-workers, Liana, herbate plants. 3. Flameable plant. 4. Pollen grain. 5. A germs bag. 6. The appearance of a flower and fetus. 7. Dust Nockets of the Anther. 8. Nicklus in the Summer. 9. No. 10. When forming a dispute. 11. Gamenaophytes. 12. Different plant plants.

Task 4.1. Spores in algae are more often absent, the diploid of the zygote; at moss - a box on the leg; Playov, horsages, ferns, gone and flowering - leafy plant. 2. Gametophytes in algae are presented more often represented by a layer, forming a gamete; at the moss - a leafy plant; in plauines, horsages and ferns - a reproduction, in a vicered pollen grain and endosperm with two archeganis; At the coated-brine - pollen grain and a germs bag. 3. The development of the sporophyte and the reduction of the gametophyte occurs.

Task 5. 1. In the Mesozoic Era in the chalk period. 2. From non-specialized ancient voted. 3. This is a modified shortened sporing escape, originally reminded the bump of gifted. Megarophylls turned into rest, microspophilles - in the stamens. 4. Assembly of reduced dilution of gates that have surrendered among themselves.

Task 6. 1. 1 - apocarpny; 2 - sinkarpny; 3 - Lysicpnaya (fruits are fucked by sides, but their walls are then destroyed with the maintenance of the central column, to which the nephelters are attached); 4 - Paracardic (arises as a result of the captivity of the structures of the edges). 2. Monocarpny. 3. Sinkar, lizicpnaya, parakropny. 4. Tagging Ginetsay, in which the boundaries of the instinction are invisible, and the only nest of the wound is carrying only one of the segments.

Task 7.1. Signs of monocotional: 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. 2. Signs of dicotyledtles: 1, 6, 7, 8, 10. 3. Dicotic more ancient.

Task 8.1. Two. 2. endosperm, perisperm or cotyledons. 3. Mesh. 4. Present. 5. Is available. 6. Open; round. 7. Rod. 8. occurs. 9. Herbaceous and woody plants. 10. four or five. 11. Double.

Task 9.1. One. 2. endosperm. 3. Arc or parallel. 4. None. 5. None. 6. Closed; Two and more rings. 7. Uriscouched. 8. None. 9. Usually herbaceous plants. 10. Three. 11. Simple.

Task 10.1. About 3200 species. 2. Herbate plants prevail. 3. * h 4 l 4 t 2 + 4 p 1. 4. Pods or pods. 5. Simple and complex. 6. Vegetable and decorative plants.

Task 11.1. About 3000 species. 2. Herbal plants, shrubs and trees. 3. * h 5 l 5 t ∞ p 1, * h 5 l 5 t ∞ p ∞., Or * h 5 + 5 l 5 t ∞ P ∞ 4. Chaphelistic in rosehip (see figure). 5. Rosehip - false fruits from a concave scared color (zinarodies) and inside the real fruits - nuts; Cherry - Kostyanka; Strawberries - false fruits from a convex scared color (frag, or earthland) and real fruits nuts (multi-case); Blackberry - Kostyanka (multicast); Apple tree and pear - Apple. 6. Simple and complex. 7. Fruit-berries, decorative.

Task 12.1. More than 12,000 species. 2. Trees, shrubs, herbs. 3. 1 - CHASSELISTICS; 2 - sail; 3 - oars; 4 - boat; 5 - Pestik; 6 - ten stamens; 7 - Bob fruit; 8 - Nodules on the roots of pea. H (5) l 1 + 2 + (2) T (9) +1 p 1 or h (5) l 1 + 2 + (2) T (10) n 1. 5. Brush, head. 6. Beans. 7. The pea is peristoids; At the beans - the trochy; At peanuts and yellow acacia are peristoids; Lupine has a palc clutch. 8. There are food plants (peas, beans, soy), there are decorative (Karagan, or yellow acacia, robinity, or white acacia, sweet pea), Feed (clover, alfalfa), medicinal plants (donon). 9. contain a lot of protein. 10. Together with roots in the soil, nitrogen compounds formed by the nodule bacteria remain.

Task 13.1. About 3000 species. 2. Herbs, shrubs, tropical latitudes - even trees. 3. * h (5) l (5) T 5 p 1. 4. Berry or box. 5. Simple and complex. 6. Food plants (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, annual pepper), decorative (petunia, fragrant tobacco). 7. Belena, Duram, male, tobacco.

Task 14.1. About 25,000 species. 2. Herbatous plants, shrubs are found in tropical countries. 3. 1 - Tubular, 2 - Languages, 3 - False-language, 4 - funnels. 4. Basket. 5. Seed. 6. Food (sunflower, salad); decorative (asters, dahlias, chrysanthemums); lot medicinal plants (Dandelion medicinal, daisy medicinal).

Task 15.1. About 4,000 species. 2. Perennial herbaceous plants. 3. * O 3 + 3 T 3 + 3 P 1. 4. Berry or box. 5. Rhizomes and bulbs. 6. Vegetable (Asparagus, onions, garlic); Decorative (lilies, tulips, hyacinths, aloe), medicinal (Voroniy Eye, Lily of Mayski).

Task 16.1. 1 - sparkling scales; 2 - floral scales; 3 - pestle with two twisted fluffy stigs; 4 - stamens; 5 - two flowering films; 6 - Stem Solmin; 7 - Vagina Sheet; 8 - fruit grain. 2. Most are grassy plants, but there are shrubs and wood forms. 3. Flowers have two flowering scales, two flowering films, three stamens and one pestle, flower formula - o (2) +2 t 3 p 1. 4. Complex spicy, spill, pillage, Sultan. 5. Grains. 6. Vaginal, narrow, long with parallel housing. 7. In most cereals, Stem Solmin. 8. Grain crops (wheat, rye, corn, rice and others) are the main food product containing protein.

Task 17.12; * H 4 l 4 t 2 + 4 p 1. Fruits of pods or pods. 2. 6; * H 5 l 5 t ∞ p 1, * h 5 l 5 t ∞ p ∞., Or * h 5 + 5 l 5 t ∞ n ∞. False fruits from a nude from a concave cut color (zinarodius) and inside the real fruits - nuts; False fruits from a convex scaled color (frag, or earth farming) and real fruits nuts (multi-s); Kostyanka; Prefab Kostyanka (multicast); Apple. 3. 7; H (5) l 1 + 2 + (2) T (9) +1 p 1 or h (5) l 1 + 2 + (2) T (10) n 1. Fruits - beans. 4. 1; * H (5) l (5) T 5 p 1. Fruits - berry or box. 5. 4; Flowers - tubular, bunch, false-language, funnelid. Inflorescence - basket. Fruits - seed. 6. 3 - Lily; * O 3 + 3 T 3 + 3 P 1. Fruits - berry or box. 5 - cereals; O (2) +2 t 3 p 1. Fruits - grains.

Task 1. "The reproduction of flowering"

Task 3. "Flower. General characteristics"

Give an answer to one sentence:

1. What amount of species unites the separated department?

2. Life forms of flowers plants?

3. What is presented by the sporophyte of flowering?

4. What is the male gametophyte of flowering?

5. What is the presence of a female Gametofit of flowering?

6. The main aromorphoses that led to the appearance of flowering?

7. What are the presented microprangies of flowering?

8. What are the megaloprangies of flowering?

9. What is the gamentangia of flowers?

10. When in the life cycle of flowering meyosis occurs - when forming a gamemet or dispute?

11. What is developing from microspores and megapar flower?

12. Which group includes flowering - equally - or sorting plant plants?

Task 4. "Evolution of Plants"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

1. The first flowering plants appeared (_).

2. The flowering occurred from (_).

3. Evanty, the strobilex hypothesis of the flower origin assumes that flower (_).

4. According to the pseudial hypothesis, the flower is (_).

** Task 6. "The origin of the flower"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

1. Write down, which figures are drawn signs characteristic of monocotyledonic plants.

2. Write down, which figures are drawn signs characteristic of bipartite plants.

3. What plants, digestive or monocotyledonian, more ancient?

Task 8. "Dichildo Plants"

The number of seeds in the nucleation of the seed - (_). Spare nutrients in the seed can be in (_), in (_) or (_).

Packer has a sheet more often (_). Cambier in the stem (_). Conductive beams in (_) type are located in the stem (_). Root system usually (_). Secondary thickening of the stem and root (_). Life forms - (_) and (_) plants. The number of flowers parts usually multiple (_) or (_). The perianth is more often (_).

Task 9. "One-Oil Plants"

Write down issue numbers and missed words (or words group):

1. The number of seeds in the seed embryo - (_).

2. Spare nutrients in the seed are in (_).

3. The housing of the leaves is usually (_).

4. Sheet snacks more often (_).

5. Cambier in the stem (_).

6. Conductive beams in (_) type are located in the stem (_).

7. Root system usually (_).

8. Secondary thickening of the stem and root (_).

9. Life forms - (_) plants.

10. The number of flowers parts usually multiple (_).

11. Porceller more often (_).

Task 10. "Family of Cruccetic"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

What number of species unites the family of rosetic? What life forms are the plants of the family? What is the formula of a flower roster? Try to guess: Who are the brothers five, two beardeds, two faborrow, and the last fifth seems freak - only to the right beard, there is no trace on the left. What fruits in plants shown in the picture? What are the leaves in roses? What groups of plants differ in the family?

Task 12. "Family of legumes"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

What number of species is united by the bean family? What life forms are the plants of the family? What is indicated in the figure figures 1 - 8? What is the formula of a bean flower? What are the inflorescences for legumes? What are the fruits from legumes? What are the leaves from the legumes shown in the picture? What is the value of the plant's plants? Why are legumes call "vegetable veal"? Why are legumes called "live fertilizers"?

Task 13. "Family Polenic"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

What amount of species unites the family of paroles? What life forms are the plants of the family? What is the Flower Flower Flower? What are the fruits from the Parenic? What are the leaves of the paroles? What is the value of the plant's plants? What poisonous plants of the family are you known?

Task 14. "Family of complex color"

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

What amount of species unites the family of comprehensible? What life forms are the plants of the family? What flowers are indicated by numbers 1 - 4? What is the inflorescence of all plants of the family? What fruits (5) in difficult? What is the value of the plant's plants?

Task 15. "Singlean class class. Filly family

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

What number of species unites the Lily family? What life forms are the plants of the family? What is the Flower Flower Flower? What are the fruits of Lily? What underground shoots are characteristic of Lily? What is the value of the plant's plants?

Task 16. "One-Odong class. Family Zlaki »

Consider the drawing and answer questions:

1. What is the digit of the cross-color diagram? Formula flower? Fruit?

2. What is the number indicated by the roster chart? Formula flower? Fruit?

3. What is the digit of the legume diagram designate? Formula flower? Fruit?

4. What is the number marked with a chart of the Parenic? Formula flower? Fruit?

5. What is the figure indicated by the chart of comprehensible? Types of flowers? Inflorescence? Fruit?

6. What figures are monodular charts marked? Formulas of flowers? Fruit?


Exercise 1.1. 1 - Sumpers; 2 - germ bag; 3 - stitch; 4 - pollination; 5 - germination of the pollen tube; 6 - double fertilization; 7 - seed; 8 - Sleeps, developing sporophyte. 2. Seeds are formed inside the octal cell.

Task 2.


1. Number of species

3. Male Gametofit

4. Female Gametofit

5. Fertilization

7. Summer

8. Location of Summits

10. Tracheida in xylem

11. Trachea in Ksilem

12. Synotoid cells in Lube

13. Synotoid tubes in Lube

14. Life forms

About 700 species


Pollen grain

Endosperm with two archeganis

Sperm + egg cell



Two on the scaway of a female cone



Only woody, trees and shrubs


Pollen grain

Germ bag



Inside the margins of the Pestik


Trees, shrubs, herbs

Task 3.1. About 250 thousand species. 2. Trees, shrubs, shrubs, half-workers, lianas, grassy plants. 3. Flameable plant. 4. Pollen grain. 5. A germs bag. 6. The appearance of a flower and fetus. 7. Dust Nockets of the Anther. 8. Nicklus in the Summer. 9. No. 10. When forming a dispute. 11. Gamenaophytes. 12. Different plant plants.

Task 4.1. Spores in algae are more often absent, the diploid of the zygote; at moss - a box on the leg; Playov, horsages, ferns, gone and flowering - leafy plant. 2. Gametophytes in algae are presented more often represented by a layer, forming a gamete; at the moss - a leafy plant; in plauines, horsages and ferns - a reproduction, in a vicered pollen grain and endosperm with two archeganis; At the coated-brine - pollen grain and a germs bag. 3. The development of the sporophyte and the reduction of the gametophyte occurs.

Task 5. 1. In the Mesozoic Era in the chalk period. 2. From non-specialized ancient voted. 3. This is a modified shortened sporing escape, originally reminded the bump of gifted. Megarophylls turned into rest, microspophilles - in the stamens. 4. Assembly of reduced dilution of gates that have surrendered among themselves.

Task 6. 1. 1 - apocarpny; 2 - sinkarpny; 3 - Lysicpnaya (fruits are fucked by sides, but their walls are then destroyed with the maintenance of the central column, to which the nephelters are attached); 4 - Paracardic (arises as a result of the captivity of the structures of the edges). 2. Monocarpny. 3. Sinkar, lizicpnaya, parakropny. 4. Tagging Ginetsay, in which the boundaries of the instinction are invisible, and the only nest of the wound is carrying only one of the segments.

Task 7.1. Signs of one-bedroom: 2, 3, 4, 5, signs of dwaround: 1, 6, 7, 8, digestive more ancient.

Task 8.1. Two. 2. endosperm, perisperm or cotyledons. 3. Mesh. 4. Present. 5. Is available. 6. Open; round. 7. Rod. 8. occurs. 9. Herbaceous and woody plants. 10. four or five. 11. Double.

Task 9.1. One. 2. endosperm. 3. Arc or parallel. 4. None. 5. None. 6. Closed; Two and more rings. 7. Uriscouched. 8. None. 9. Usually herbaceous plants. 10. Three. 11. Simple.

Task 10.1. About 3200 species. 2. Herbate plants prevail. 3. * CH4L4T2 + 4P1. 4. Pods or pods. 5. Simple and complex. 6. Vegetable and decorative plants.

Task 11.1. About 3000 species. 2. Herbal plants, shrubs and trees. 3. * CH5L5T ∞P1, * CH5L5T ∞P∞., Or * h5 + 5l5t ∞ ∞ 4. Chashloristers at the rosehip (see Figure). 5. Rosehip - false fruits from a concave scared color (zinarodies) and inside the real fruits - nuts; Cherry - Kostyanka; Strawberries - false fruits from a convex scared color (frag, or earthland) and real fruits nuts (multi-case); Blackberry - Kostyanka (multicast); Apple tree and pear - apple. 6. Simple and complex. 7. Fruit-berries, decorative.

Task 12.1. More than 12,000 species. 2. Trees, shrubs, herbs. 3. 1 - CHASSELISTICS; 2 - sail; 3 - oars; 4 - boat; 5 - Pestik; 6 - ten stamens; 7 - Bob fruit; 8 - Nodules on the roots of pea. H (5) l1 + 2 + (2) T (9) + 1P1 or h (5) L1 + 2 + (2) T (10) P1. 5. Brush, head. 6. Beans. 7. The pea is peristoids; At the beans - the trochy; At peanuts and yellow acacia are peristoids; Lupine has a palc clutch. 8. There are food plants (peas, beans, soybeans), there are decorative (Karagan, or yellow acacia, robinium, or white acacia, fragrant peas), feed (clover, alfalfa), medicinal plants (dononnik). 9. contain a lot of protein. 10. Together with roots in the soil, nitrogen compounds formed by the nodule bacteria remain.

Task 13.1. About 3000 species. 2. Herbs, shrubs, tropical latitudes - even trees. 3. * h (5) l (5) T5P1. 4. Berry or box. 5. Simple and complex. 6. Food plants (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, annual pepper), decorative (petunia, fragrant tobacco). 7. Belena, Duram, male, tobacco.

Task 14.1. About 25,000 species. 2. Herbatous plants, shrubs are found in tropical countries. 3. 1 - Tubular, 2 - Languages, 3 - False-language, 4 - funnels. 4. Basket. 5. Seed. 6. Food (sunflower, salad); decorative (asters, dahlias, chrysanthemums); Many medicinal plants (dandelion medicinal, daisy medicinal).

Task 15.1. About 4,000 species. 2. Perennial herbaceous plants. 3. * O3 + 3T3 + 3P1. 4. Berry or box. 5. Rhizomes and bulbs. 6. Vegetable (Asparagus, onions, garlic); Decorative (lilies, tulips, hyacinths, aloe), medicinal (Voroniy Eye, Lily of Mayski).

Task 16.1. 1 - sparkling scales; 2 - floral scales; 3 - pestle with two twisted fluffy stigs; 4 - stamens; 5 - two flowering films; 6 - Stem Solmin; 7 - Vagina Sheet; 8 - fruit grain. 2. Most are grassy plants, but there are shrubs and wood forms. 3. Flowers have two flowering scales, two flowering films, three stamens and one pestle, flower formula - o (2) + 2t3p1. 4. Complex spicy, spill, pillage, Sultan. 5. Grains. 6. Vaginal, narrow, long with parallel housing. 7. In most cereals, Stem Solmin. 8. Grain crops (wheat, rye, corn, rice and others) are the main food product containing protein.

Task 17.12; * CH4L4T2 + 4P1. Fruits of pods or pods. 2. 6; * Ch5L5T ∞P1, * C5L5T ∞P∞., Or * b5 + 5l5t ∞p∞. False fruits from a nude from a concave cut color (zinarodius) and inside the real fruits - nuts; False fruits from a convex scaled color (frag, or earth farming) and real fruits nuts (multi-s); Kostyanka; Prefab Kostyanka (multicast); Apple. 3. 7; H (5) l1 + 2 + (2) T (9) + 1P1 or h (5) L1 + 2 + (2) T (10) P1. Fruits - beans. 4. 1; * H (5) l (5) T5P1. Fruits - berry or box. 5. 4; Flowers - tubular, bunch, false-language, funnelid. Inflorescence - basket. Fruits - seed. 6. 3 - Lily; * O3 + 3T3 + 3P1. Fruits - berry or box. 5 - cereals; O (2) + 2T3P1. Fruits - grains.


The value of inflorescence.Inflorescence is called Escape or System of Escapes Carried Flowers. The biological meaning of the occurrence of inflorescences is obvious because the likelihood of pollination of flowers both in the anemogamic and entomogamous plants increases. It is clear that the insect per unit time will visit much more flowers collected in inflorescence than solitary. The consistent blooming of flowers in inflorescence is also a significant biological advantage. Some scientists note that the damage to a single flower leads to the infertility of all escape. It is very important that one or another type of inflorescence is associated with a certain type of nozzle and with devices for the spread of fruits and seeds. Taking all the above, it does not have to be surprised that inflorescences are characteristic of the enormous majority of flowering plants.

Classification of inflorescence.The inflorescences shall share and complex. Among simple inflorescences, two groups are distinguished: 1) racing (beacon), or monopodial, and 2) cloous, or sympodial. For racing sophisticated inflorescences, the dissolution of the highest flower is last. Flowers are dissolved acroptally (bottom-up), centripetally (from peripherals to the center of inflorescence). Basic options for racewall inflorescences Three: 1) brush and related demolois, head and cigarette, 2) umbrella inflorescences, 3) baskets.

Figure - Schemes of simple raceous inflorescences with finite flowers: 1 - Brush, 2 - Colosis, 3 - Coppoon, 4 - umbrella, 5 - head, 6 - basket, 7 - shield

For cerebral inflorescences, blooming the upper flower is characterized on the main axis first. Flowers are dissolved Basiphetally (from the top to the base), centrifugal (from the center to the periphery). Cyms of inflorescences are divided by: 1) monohasia, 2) of dichanis and 3) playohyzia.

Figure - Schemes of some cerebral inflorescences: 1, 2 - Monohaziy, 3 - Dihazii, 4 - Pleiozia

IN simple forms Cyms and racewall inflorescences are easily distinguishable, but in specialized forms to establish the type of inflorescence is often very difficult.

All mentioned inflorescences relate to simple inflorescences. Complicated inflorescences are formed from several or many simple inflorescences, both racing and cloous.

The number of flowers in inflorescences is quite different, sometimes reaches tens of thousands. The largest inflorescences seem to have a CoryPha palm with a diameter of up to 12 m.

Romacious inflorescences.It is acidically combined by the location of flowers on the elongated axis, on the flowering. A similar type, but with sedent flowers are called spike. The spikes with a thick fleece axis are called the chick. Finally, if the main axis is shortened, the inflorescence is called the head. The inflorescences of the first two options are especially common.

Colos, very close to the brush. The difference is exclusively in the fact that the spike flowers do not develop. In this regard, there is a lack of bracts. Often, the form of inflorescence serves as a systematic sign.

Cophew is a spacing with a thick fleet of inflorescence. The cobs are extremely characteristic of the species of the tropical family of aroid, which bright coloring the pillage often contrasts with an equally bright coloring sheet. All this attracts small insects-pollinators. Very few Aoid are found in the moderate zone of Eurasia. The most famous is often in our overwhelming water bodies with a whitish connector sheet.

Umbrellas are complicated in nature quite wide. Typical can be considered on the example of usual in our garbagest places. Umbrellas finish both the main and side shoots. The latter carry fewer flowers. The main umbrella consists of 7-9 flowers and corresponds to the scheme. It was too mentioned that the umbrella can be derived from the brush, in which the height of the axis is completely inhibited and the cutting leaves and the flower makers are bored in the socket. The inflorescences of the apple tree that are formed on shortened shoots and are typical umbrellas, for the most part of 6 flowers. Typical umbrellas also have bows, some primors, bars and other plants.

The shield to a certain extent intermediate between the brush and the umbrella. It is found, for example, near the famous apple tree of garden pear, and like an umbrella of an apple tree has beyond the side of the top flower.

Typical basketcharacter for the huge, largest among covered bridge, families of complex color. Schematically baskets are depicted on , however, the crumbling leaves in many species are very small, and sometimes absent at all.

In baskets, flowers are tightly adjacent to each other and are located on a platform or a conical surface corresponding to the extended axis of inflorescences. On the edge of the basket there is a wrapper consisting of leaves, to varying degrees of specialized. It should be emphasized that wrapper is formed by sterile riding leaves. Biologically, but not morphologically (analogy, but not homology!) The basket corresponds to the flower, and the external similarity is aggravated by often differentiation of flowers. The expanded saucer or conical base of inflorescence is sometimes called a common bloody or just a bowl.

Like the brush, in a basket, essentially, the acroptal order of blooming flowers. The latter blooming central, upper flowers.

Since the wrapper is the most characteristic sign of the basket, it should be touched specifically. Biologically, it corresponds to a cup (again an analogy, but not homology!) And it has, actually, similar to a cup of origin.

In some comprehensive leaflets, wrappers are brightly painted and playing the role of petals. This is very pronounced at the so-called immortals (XERANThemum, Helichrysums dr.). A particularly large number of leaflets of wrapper in garden immortalsfrom South Africa.

Complicated inflorescences are distributed in nature quite wide, especially complex, or double, brushes and complex, or double, umbrellas.

To the doubles, the inflorescences of many Veronica, a number of moths and other plants. Consider a double brush on the example of the clover inflorescences (trifoliumcampestre). It is formed in the latter by several commercial brushes, coming from the sinuses of crumbling leaves. The interstices are very elongated, and brushes far away from each other. Along with the brushes, which in this case are replicated inflorescences, in the sinuses of the crumbling leaves, the clover also arise the apparent kidneys. At a certain distance from the top of the sinuses of the main axis, there is no brush, but the desirable shoots, that is, the second order axes repeating the branching of the main axis. Their calls are called enrichment, and the plot of the main axis, on which they arise, is a zone of enrichment. So called the main interstitial intercourse (between the upper escape of enrichment and the lowest private inflorescence) separates the inflorescence from the vegetative zone with the enrichment zone.

Complex, or dock, umbrellas for the enormous majority of representatives of a large asylum family. Double umbrella can be imagined if you imagine that in a simple umbrella, each flower is replaced by an umbrella. As a rule, complex umbrellas are open. Therefore, private umbrella inflorescences arise as a stubby formation. Usually umbrellas are sitting on legs, and the length of the latter in many umbrella (carrots) decreases in the direction of external umbrellas to the inner.

Figure - Scheme of a complex umbrella

The so-called complex ears, characteristic of some cereals, represent very peculiar inflorescences to a large extent due to the fact that their sheets are very specialized and transformed by the scenes. The scenery of cereals are always complex, consisting of private inflorescences-spikes; In a complex spike, the spikelets seem to replace the flowers of simple collisions. Spikelets are located on the axis of the inflorescence is double-row or spiral. The crumbling leaves of the spikelets are absent, which often happens in the inflorescences of other types. Each spikelet encloses one or more (rarely more than 10) flowers. The latter, except for stamens and pestle, have yet tiny films - Lodikulas . The flower is concluded between the two scales. Flower dissolves contribute to the lection. Flowers are located in the spikelet mostly double-row. In addition to the above-mentioned organs, the spikelet usually has at the base of the lower and upper spiked scales .

Figure - Wheat inflorescence: 1 - flower after removal of scales, 2 - circuit breaker of the spikelet; NCC - Lower oskoskaya scales, ankle-top flame scales, NCCC - lower flower scales, VCVC - upper flower scales

In most cereals, the spikelets are sitting on the legs, and the axis of the inflorescence is branched, resulting in the inflorescences of a buzzing character (Oats, Mintik, Bonfire, etc.).

Equelching from a double brush with a multi-life branch system. Of course, the third order axes are usually only in the lower and middle parts of the pancake, and only the main axis with side and (often) finite flowers remain in the upper part of the top and (often) finite flowers. Memaker occurs in lilac, elderly, viburnum, grapes, tolts, hydrangea and other plants .

Figure - Makele scheme with opposition

Cyminosional inflorescence.Simple cerebral inflorescences are divided into mono-, di- and playohyazial, which are adjacent to some less common types.

Dihazium is obviously the easiest possible version of cinema inflorescence. The blooming of the inflorescence begins with the top flower, called the first-order flower; Both side flower turn out to be second-order flowers. Of the sinuses of the latter there are third order flowers and so on. , and the frudition axis becomes sympect.

Dichazional inflorescences are particularly characteristic of plants with the opposition, for example, for representatives of the clove family. The inflorescences of the species of star, Yaskolok (Cerstium) correspond to the above disassembled scheme. You should pay attention to the movements produced by flowers. During flowering, they are directed upwards, during flowing, sharply fade down and again straighten with the time of fruiting. Sometimes the "correctness" of Dihasia is violated due to the fact that one of the branches develops stronger than the other (SusteliaMedia Musicians). Like many other signs, the number of flowers of flowers in Dihasia depends on the surrounding conditions.

So, many species of Yaskolock and Smolevok (Silepe) in the extreme conditions of existence form single flowers corresponding to the first-order flowers of dichazial inflorescences. There are cases among the same cloves, when one of the two branches of each pair is regularly suppressed. The inflorescence arising, like some Sminsheng (Silenenglica, S.PenDula), externally extremely similar to the brush (Fig. 358), i.e. The axis of inflorescence turns out to be winding. It is already a transition to monohazial inflorescences.

Typical monohasihasharacterizes by development, as a rule, only one bractank (prevenue), especially among the flowers of the third and higher orders.

Monohazal inflorescences are divided into two groups: winding and curls. Ivilina occurs when the consecutive axes of monohasia relative to the covering sheet of the top flower go to the left, then to the right , in the case of an axis curl, in relation to the cover sheet, aimed in one direction is sent, due to which the unacceptable part of the inflorescence is spinning as if spiral.

Monohazia is very common in the Burent family, and, since the axis of inflorescence in the formation of fruit is completely straight, they are often extremely reminiscent of brushes or ears.

Figure - Celebration Charts: 1 - Dihazii, 2 - Cross, 3 - Curl, 4 - Double Curl

Complex cinema inflorescences made up of monohaziev and dikhaziev are called tirzoid inflorescences.

Tirzoid inflorescences include, in particular, the ferries of alder, birch and other, so-called surveillance plants. Inflorescences Here often separately, characterized by the development of crumbling leaves and bracts. Olhi, for example, the axis of men's earring carries the crumbling leaves, from the sinuses of which there are first-order flowers; The latter have bracts that serve as tailoring leaves for second-order flowers; The latter, however, is developed only by one bract. Thus, the inflorescence consists of three-color dichaziev. Sometimes (like Oshness) the picture is very confused due to the fire of sheet and axial organs.

Figure - Olhi Scenery Parts

Playohasius is characterized by the fact that from each axis carrying the top flower, it comes out more than two branches that develop the main axis and having the same type of branch.

Self-infloretia from the vegetative part and its origin.

Sign of inflorescence is not always specialization of leaves. It should be borne in mind that the inflorescence is delivered from below the so-called basic interstilius, often exceeding the length of the next length. It is preceded by a leaf (or a couple of leaves), in the sinus of which the enrichment can occur, repeating the main escape. Thus, there is differentiation on the inflorescence and "foundation" (vegetative zone) with shoots of enrichment.

Scheme of the inflorescence of Veronica. Ohm - the main intersection

Some scientists believe that the phylogenetically initial location of the flowers is their single location on the tops of the shoots, which can be seen in magnolia, some peonies and other plants. The stubborn position of single flowers is secondary. Other scientists believe that inflorescences, possibly cinema, possessed the very first coated bridges.