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What treats a children's psychologist. Who is a psychologist? Who is not a psychologist

In the world, the number of patients with various mental disorders is measured by hundreds of millions News newsletter. Every fifth adult man at least once felt on himself Mental IllnessWhat is this - to live when my own psyche fails.

Mental health is not only the lack of mental disorders. Mental health is a state of well-being, in which a person implements his abilities, can withstand ordinary life stresses, productively work and contribute to its community.

World Health Organization

Many are difficult to understand why a psychotherapist needs. There are friends with normal people, you need to talk to them with my souls, and then gather with forces - and all problems will be held. And all this is a way to pump out money, there was no such thing before and there was no depression either.

It is impossible to disagree with the fact that they used to somehow accounted for and without psychotherapists. But there is a man, he has a problem, and he does not want to live "somehow, as before," he wants to live well and now. Justified desire to implement which psychotherapy can help.

Who is a psychotherapist

Brief reference not to confuse, who is considered a psychotherapist, and who is not.

Psychologist "This is a person with the highest specialized education, a" psychologist "is written in the diploma. After special training - "Clinical Psychologist". All other names (gestalt-psychologist, art therapist and others) indicate only on what methods he uses. The psychologist helps find a way out of difficult situations, work out problems. But he does not treat mental disorders and diseases, he advises healthy people.

Psychiatrist - This is a person with a higher medical education, a specialist in the field of psychiatry. He treats people with strong psyche disorders, as a rule, in the hospital, mainly tablets and procedures.

Psychotherapist - This is a psychiatrist who has passed additional training. He can prescribe drugs, advise and treat different methods Psychotherapy.

Psychotherapist is needed for the rehabilitation of patients with serious diseases, and for the treatment of disorders that somehow interfere with living, work, build relationships and engage in creativity. In general, psychotherapy improves the quality of life.

When it's time to sign on the reception

Mental disorders are rarely manifested with any of them, as a rule, symptoms are gradually becoming stronger. The perisure is the following:

  1. Character has changed. A person becomes closed, loses interest in matters, does not communicate with people who were previously important.
  2. It goes faith in your strength, and so much that even you don't want to start something, because I'm confident in failure.
  3. Constantly felt fatigue, I want to eat either, or do nothing.
  4. The reluctance to move is so strong that even simple actions (take a shower, throw away the garbage) turn into a task for the day.
  5. There are incomprehensible sensations in the body. Not pain, but just something completely indescribable or very strange.
  6. Mood changes quickly without visible reasons From stormy joy to complete despondency.
  7. Unexpected emotional reactions appear: tears when watching a comedy, despondency in response to "Hello, how are you?".
  8. Often there are aggression and irritability.
  9. A dream is disturbed: comes or constant drowsiness.
  10. Panic attacks rolling.
  11. Changes food Behavior: Noticeably systematic overeating or refusal to eat.
  12. It is difficult to focus, learn, doing business.
  13. An obsessive repetitive actions, habits appeared.
  14. I want to harm myself (or it is noticeable that a person is injured: small burns, scratches, cuts) on the body).
  15. Thoughts about suicide appear.

These are not all exemplary symptoms that signals the difficulties in the work of the psyche.

Chief Criteria: If something prevents you from living and reminds you every day, go to the doctor.

If you notice some kind of symptoms close man Or a friend, offer help. Do not scold and do not laugh at a person, do not make treasure. Tell me what bothers you, and ask how you can help. Find or addresses of specialists so that the person can contact them.

When not necessary

If you have a bad mood because of the vigor of weather, if you got bad ratingYou were fired or you quarreled with your loved one, the psychotherapist is not needed. This is all deciding a few days of rest, the very conversation with the close and cup of hot chocolate or watching a football match.

If you survived strong stress, grief, you can not solve the conflict that is stretched for a long time, and you really need to figure out your feelings to understand what to do next, then you are to a psychologist.

However, if you are afraid that all these situations will badly affect life, and decide to turn to a psychotherapist, there will be no worse. The doctor will help himself or direct to the same psychologist (or to a psychiatrist, if it turns out that your disease is more serious than expected).

What to do before going to a psychotherapist

Many symptoms that sign about mental disorders do not always appear due to the failure of the psyche. General weakness, chronic fatigue, irritability, insomnia and depression may appear with ordinary diseases, not connected with mental health. Therefore, before visiting a psychotherapist, you need to make sure that you are healthy physically.

No one bothers at the same time to visit the psychotherapist and explore the physical condition.

How to check your health when nothing hurts, but in general something is wrong:

  1. Contact the therapist and pass the main analyzes.
  2. Communicate surveys. Lifehaker, what is it and when to pass them.
  3. If there chronic illness, go to the reception to the profile of a specialist and check if there is no exacerbation.
  4. Visit an endocrinologist. Many symptoms of mental diseases are associated with impaired endocrine system.

But do not get drunk. Many sick years are looking for the cause of sudden seizures of mad heartbeat or suffer from insomnia before they recognize that the psyche is to blame.

"The patient does not understand, and my task is to explain to him ..." - I hear sometimes from my colleagues. Yes, and patients themselves are often looking for an explanation psychologist in the office, and sometimes they call work with a psychologist lessons. And how else? The psychologist studied psychology, knows her laws and can teach the patient, explain to him. At the same time, he turns out to be someone like Mom, Dad and Teachers in one bottle, and the patient is not too capable, if he did not understand himself, the student. A psychologist may be nice to act in the role of a large, smart and strong, but, having freed from a sense of own importance, is not so difficult to make sure that such an approach to psychotherapy does not work. And the patients themselves are best expressing: "I understand everything, and the soul suffers."

I imagine making your life as embroidery by Canvay. Good, correct canva, and the picture I came up with a wonderful, and I understand perfectly well what and how to do ... but nothing happens - I want it better, but it turns out as always ... Why? I embroider the thread that is straight from your experiences life experienceIn which with all the clearness of the experience itself (here I did right, it was wrong here, it was necessary, and there, so there, etc., etc.) a lot of nodules, knots and loops. And now I need an important stitch of life. I understand that he is needed and for what he is, and the thread is getting stuck or rushes. Here and I go to a psychologist so that he helped untie, dissolve these invalid, unknown to me, but so interfering spiritual loops and nodules.

Homemade and friends can not help, because due to many reasons they will discuss the experience itself, and not how it is experiencing. This is due to the borders for which we cannot stop within our real relationships with their history, the nature and interests of the participants. Therefore, psychologist the psychotherapy of family members, friends and those with whom he is connected with personal or business relations.

Externally, psychotherapy is a conversation of two people. What distinguishes her from just conversation?

- Just like a lawyer and a doctor, a psychologist serves the interests of this one person. So, working with a difficult child, he does it for a child, and not for a family or school.

- knowing the circumstances of the patient's life, the psychologist is not concentrated on them, but on their experiences. The same divorce can be stated as happiness of liberation, like a wreck of life, as something unimportant ...

- From this it follows the fact that Alexander Badhya calls the psychotherapeutic transformation of the ethical: good specific patient is more important than good peace with his morality, rules, etc. Do not, for example, the crime of Rodion Raskolnikova is disclosed and come to a psychologist of the years in 10-15 years later with words - they say, she stopped two aunt for anything about anything and now I can not live with it, - the psychologist will take his words as an expression of spiritual Flour with which and will help to understand, and not as a jaw with a mantow or confession for the sake of a sin.

- A psychologist takes a patient as it is, without evaluation judgments. Assessment of the patient's actions as good or bad, correct or incorrect, etc. Lies outside of psychotherapy.

- The psychologist does not make it takes place between him and the patient beyond their communication. Even law enforcement agencies, he has the right to give the necessary information only on a special legal decree.

- The psychologist does not say, does not prescribe opinion and behavior does not prescribe a patient, but helps him explore those unconscious experiences of the past and present experience, which give rise to patient problems. The patient, for example, well understands that difficulties in financial relations are related to the fact that it establishes too close relations with people. The task of a psychologist in this case is to help the patient investigate the origins of the desire to look for close relationships and work with it related to these sources of experience.

All of the above makes psychotherapeutic relationships are truly unique, and therefore helping a person to unleash the tormenting soulful nodes and prepare themselves to life without this pain.

In some cases, when a child has problems psychological characterSupport for parents is not enough, and then a children's psychologist comes to the rescue. It is this specialist most often becomes an indispensable mediator between parents and a child, the main task which is the establishment of a solid emotional connection between them.

Parents and other adult relatives often do not understand why the kid has conflicts with peers, why he has a bad time at school, arranges hysterics and does not listen at home. The root of all these problems may be a serious internal psychological conflict, which does not give a person to fully and harmoniously develop in childhood.

To understand what is happening with your child, it is best to sign up for a consultation for a good child psychologist. The help of a child psychologist may need as a child of younger school age and a teenager. The main thing is to advise in a timely manner with a psychologist, to identify and start working on existing problems. Ignore the adverse psychological condition of the child or adolescent is very dangerous, since later it can lead to the development of mental and psychosomatic diseases.

What enters the scope of a children's psychologist

Children's psychologist is a specialist providing psychological help Children and learning the functioning of their psyche taking into account age characteristics. Psychology is one of the most rapidly developing sciences, so it is considered a specialist in this area very prestigious. Contrary to common misconception, a children's psychologist is not a doctor, since he has no higher medical education. Therefore, it cannot be said that a children's psychologist treats mental disorders or diseases.

The main task of this specialist is to provide psychological support and assistance in solving psychologically difficult life situations with which the child may face.

Children's psychologist must have higher education By specialty "Psychology" and additionally pass the specialization in child psychology. During his training, he receives in-depth knowledge of the features of the formation and functioning of children's psyche at different age stages, and also masters the necessary practical skills for further work with children and their parents. Consult the children's psychologist in specialized centers of psychological support of children, private offices. Children's psychologists also operate on the basis of pre-school and school educational institutions. It is advisable to record in advance to the reception to the in-demand specialist in order to avoid queues and long-lasting expectations.

Difference from other specialists

Do not confuse a children's psychologist with a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Children's psychologist engaged in the problems of mentally healthy children who have certain psychological peculiarities Or in a difficult situation in the family or team. At the same time, a children's psychiatrist is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders, including with the help medicines and special regime. The psychiatrist has a higher medical education, that is, is a doctor and works with small patients in need of qualified psychiatric care.

Children's psychotherapist is also a doctor and the specialty of Psychiatry specialty has been trained, but in his practice he uses mainly methods of psychotherapy, and drugs and other visual impact versions are only auxiliary. Psychotherapist helps patients with conversation and detailed analysis of past, real problems and conflict situations. Psychotherapist can also help if against the background of severe stress in childhood, signs of psychosomatic disease or suspicion of neurosis appeared.

When need to contact a specialist

Parents are very important in time to notice changes in the behavior and emotional state of their child. Often, frequent whims, unreasonable tears and disobedience are an unconscious request for help and support. Therefore, it is not necessary to immediately explain the bad behavior of the child with a bad character or spoil, because so you can not notice the beginning of a severe internal psycho-emotional conflict at the kid. The help of a child psychologist may be needed if your child:

  • Very shy, experiencing great difficulties when communicating with peers. Shyness is very often directly related to the negative perception of his body and personality, so it is important to help the child to overcome this feature as early as possible. Shyness and closure lead to the fact that the child cannot fully adapt to a new surrounding and is experiencing severe stress when entering a new social group (transition from kindergarten to school, translation to another school, moving and so on).
  • Hyperactive. Excessive activity is one of the most common problems in children of preschool and younger school age. The child is difficult to calm down and attract to useful activities, he is unreasonable, poorly concentrates attention, which leads to poor academic performance. Hyperactivity in such cases becomes the main reason conflicts between parents and baby. Children's psychologist will help the child to learn how to manage its energy and changeable desires, focus on learning and useful leisure activities.
  • Often frightened, inclined to anxiety and experiences. Many children face fear of darkness, loneliness, fantastic mandes. These, for an adult look, groundless and insignificant fears, can cause a serious damage of the child's psyche. That is why it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible and prevent the emergence of fears in the future. When ignoring the problem, the fear can grow into a phobia, which is one of the symptoms of mental disorders.
  • Aggressive. There are many reasons for the aggressive behavior of the child, to identify and eliminate which will help a qualified specialist. The tendency of K. excessive aggression Harms the health of the child and the children around him, and in the future it can become soil for the formation of a hot-tempered and cruel nature. Therefore, it is impossible to close the eyes on the outbreak of aggression in the crumbs, especially if they repeat regularly. The psychologist will help get rid of aggressiveness and set up a child to a friendly relationship with others.
  • Well study at school. Another important task of children's psychologists is to help students who for some reason do not cope with school program. If the child is not diagnosed with mental retardation, but he brings with an enviable consistency from school twice, then this phenomenon may have serious reasons. For example, the response fear in front of the class that occurred earlier conflict situation With a teacher or classmates, inability to focus on important information, lack of interest in the subject and understanding of its importance for the future. Working with a psychologist in this case will help effectively eliminate the problems.
  • Passed through the traumatic situation. The injury to the child's psyche may be the divorce of the parents, the death of a relative, permanent quarrels in a family circle, moving and even the birth of brother or sisters. It is necessary to refer to the children's psychologist, if such situations occurred in the past (even if it seems to you that there has been a lot of time and everything has been forgotten). Specially trained children's psychologists also work with children who collided with domestic violence or experienced disaster, Military actions or other emergency events.

Every child from the very early childhood It is already a full-fledged person who has its experiences, problems and fears. Careful attitude towards a pediatric psyche and the connection, if necessary, specialists in this field will avoid many unpleasant consequences In the future, therefore, if at least one of the above items concerns your baby, consultation from a children's psychologist will go to him and you only benefit.

How children's psychologist works

A psychologist for children who collided with certain difficulties on a certain period of mature, plays a very important role for harmonious and healthy perception, both self and personality and ambient. Therefore, a specialist in the field of children's psychology should find contact with the most different children and be able to build confidence relations with them.

Primary consultation from a specialist begins with the establishment of contact between him, child and parents.Next, psychodiagnosis of the child is carried out, the results of which will allow to judge the presence or absence of mental abnormalities and reveal the psychological features of his personality.

During the first consultation, it is also determined how in the future work will be held with the child and how much time is necessary to eliminate the psychological problem. At consultation at the children's psychologist, parents receive all the necessary information about the state of the psyche of the baby and recommendations on educational process, improvement of family relationships.

To achieve the desired result, a children's psychologist and parents must work together and create a child favorable conditions for development.

Children's psychologists have many special techniques aimed at the correction of certain other psychological problems Child. Classes can be both individual and group, depending on which communication is needed to know at this stage. Working with young children takes place in a relaxed, game form. In the office of a children's psychologist, a pleasant atmosphere must be created so that the child felt comfortable. Art therapy, training for useful skills and proper behavior on the example of fairy tales, educational conversations passing in the form of an active dialogue with the child are widely used.

Many parents to the children's psychologist are treated in order to find out whether their child's psyche corresponds to the age norm. If during work with the baby from a children's psychologist, suspicions will appear for more serious problems (mental disabilities), then he can recommend the parents to the child's examination in a psychiatrist, which will be able to diagnose and give an official conclusion. If the kid did not find any mental diseases, then regular classes with a children's psychologist and the active position of parents will help in the near future to cope with any, even the most difficult children's psychological problem.

It is no secret that many people still believe in the fact that only madness go to psychologists or, at best, weaklings and whisers. If you interact with such a specialist yourself, you are ashamed to say about this to other people, and you hide. All these anxiety, as a rule, appear from ignorance who is a psychologist, as it works and why he needs people. Let's find out it.

So, who is he, doctor or just a person?

Psychologist is a man who has special education in the field of psychology and performs professional work In this area (as a science) and provides psychological assistance.

As a rule, people who feel the need to change something, solve the task or find the right path in their lives.

If you imagine that our psyche is a straight line, the point above or below this line can be considered pathology and wear a clinical change in the psyche. Only psychiatrists can work with this group of people.

A psychiatrist is a doctor who has a higher education in the field of medicine and has passed special training in a psychiatric institution. That is why he can write off the medicine, to direct a sick person to the hospital for further treatment or determine the degree of legal capacity.

The psychologist works only with mentally normal people, that is, with people who are healthy, but have some problems that can be resolved faster, safer and more comfortably, without the use of drugs.

A psychologist is such a specialist who can look at your problem in terms of your professional experience and can help you find a solution. This is a kind of guide, which carries the lantern while you go to the light.


1. Individual consultation.

At the consultation, the psychologist and the client, as a rule, find out the cause of the client's difficulty and are looking for ways to solve.

Sometimes a psychologist can offer to use other tools for work, such as drawing or playing. However, you are not forced to do things that you do not want to do or talk about things that you do not want to discuss.

You can also ask your questions.

2. Training.

This is training in practice.

At the training, you are offered to master and apply new behaviors and ways to solve different problems.

Usually for learning a group consist of 10-15 people.

Training participants make interesting exercises and share their impressions with the group.

The result of learning is to obtain practical knowledge that can be used in life.

3. Psychological diagnostics.

This is an analysis of the personality with the help of tests.

Psychodiagnostics concerns many aspects such as interpersonal relationships, human, memory, professional self-determination, personal qualities, abilities, intelligence, psychological state, etc.

Relying on the result of these tests, you can give some recommendations in the field of research.

When to turn to a psychologist?

Possible assistance of a psychologist:

  • If you experienced a huge stress (the death of a loved one, violence, divorce, etc.).
  • If you have a feeling of "movement in a circle". When situations are repeated, and you do not know what to do, as it seems to you that there is no way out.
  • If you feel the depressed, depressive for a long time, broken appetite, sleep.
  • If the relationship with someone from loved ones becomes worse than the day, and you are in confusion, not knowing what to do.

Do not forget all different, we have our own unique set of events from the past, which is for one tragedy, for the other trust.

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: a person comes into psychology, first of all, in order to deal with him. Imagine grace yourself and carry it to people. Somewaking to help himself, having understood in a relationship with you, close and loved ones, to know how to find permits of domestic and external conflicts and learning how to improve the efficiency of communications - a psychologist (to suggest) will be able to help others.

Why do people go to psychology?

Answer existential questions about the meaning of life and learn how to communicate ecology. Previously, this was going to the spiritual seminary - now go to psychology.

Motivation of the choice of this profession?

In a psychology, a person comes, first of all, in order to deal with him. To gain your grace and attribute it to people. Somewaking to help himself, having understood in a relationship with you, close and loved ones, to know how to find permits of domestic and external conflicts and learning how to improve the efficiency of communications - a psychologist (to suggest) will be able to help others.

But along the course of learning item, most of them are forgotten, why came. Information on the diagnosis of psychological phenomena and states captures and fascinates. And now the newly-made psychologist has a diagnosis of others, demonstrating their erudition - it is "hyperopka", and this is "procrastination", but here "neurotic affection".

The "spoiled" terminology specialist who has access to an additional "game" can begin to asserted on customers, pronounce complex terms without attempting to explain them simple language. From the go to put the treasured diagnoses, causing the client premature and not yet reasonable respect for yourself as a "specialist" and risks finally forget about your original goal - to help yourself.

Premature activities of a psychologist begins to feed his identity and he loses the need to deal with all those luggage internal problemswith whom he came to psychology. So, the newly-made specialist, lunating the game "I am a psychologist" before will figure it out with the inner insults / thirst for recognition / own uncertainty, instead of healing my own injuries, the soul begins to rely on the Institute of Psychology as compensation for its own damage.

Therefore, it is so important a novice psychologist to remember that the primary goal with which he went into psychology and work on his own healing. To this end, in the space of psychology, there is the territory of "Cats Experiments", which is called the survival of "Supervision" - this is a mandatory therapy that students must pass from each other or from a more competent colleague in order to discuss each other and with the teacher - "What did we do when we did it?".

That is how a good psychologist grinds her skill. After his training, a psychologist is useful to continue communicating with his psychologist, a teacher, a supervisor - this will not give him a misleading about his own infallible competence.

Thus, it will refresh the role of the role of "psychologist's client", which gives the skill to be able to see the "jambs" of their colleagues, ask the right questions, draw conclusions, make discoveries and ... feel the boundaries of the responsibility of each side of therapy.

Liability borders are a very important topic. Its importance is that the psychologist needs to learn to share where his responsibility ends and the client's responsibility begins. This will help him only his own participation in the process of therapy in the role of the client.

Otherwise, there is an abuse of the concept of "responsibility" and a newly-made psychologist, naturally from the best motives, begins to take over the superfluous - promise magical results, emphasizing this its importance. Instead of facilitating the process in which applied becomes more initiative and independent owner of their decisions and his life.

This game is superfluous responsibility leads to the fact that both are offended:

    the client, because he was promised that a miracle would happen easily and dismissed, and it did not happen;

    pSYCHOLOGIST, "UNDERSTAND" in his time, also remains dissatisfied with the fact that his sparks of impulse is unpleasured by the client;

The client, according to the "generous psychologist,", as if he should guess himself, that it is time to show the response generosity and please the psychologist with independent inclusion in the work and taking responsibility for their lives. But for some reason it does not happen.

Does not happen becauseat the very beginning, stillat the start, an incompetent psychologist busy demonstrating his awareness is not able to become an "empty cup" to accommodate a person who came to him and feel, what It is able to awaken the internal reserve of the client - to include its enthusiasm.

If the psychologist passed his own therapy, he has his own story:the history of healing / awakening / growing and he possesses, thanks to his own experience of healing, not so much information about it as Knowledge how to achieve. Knowledge, unlike information, do not occupy a lot of space, how many scientific terminology and erudition occupies.

Knowledge is what exists in emptiness and leads to the acquisition of silence.When we solve some kind of task, we can trace the entire process. From the bustle of the search, through experimentation with ideas and information, to gain knowledge at the time of receipt of the result and subsequent silence in satisfaction.

All the noise that exists inside the person is generated by its concern about the lack of desired or thoughts from longing for the impractixability of their aspirations. Noise and vanity about what is on "Now" is not what it should be - it takes so much place in the person that he does not have "free gigabytes" for joy. The joy that he has, joy from life itself.The person's concerned about the problem does not accommodate life. He is full of reflections on life, he is not in it - it is a paradox of concerned people.

Anxiety exhausts and dealers a person, and exhausted inner noise, it is not capable of effective actions.

A psychologist who managed to help himself, has an emptiness that is ready to accept a person who came to him for help. Located in the silence of this void, in the field of a psychologist, awareness of themselves and their lives occur with the client. In this silence, a person subsides a fussy noise / brainstorming - attention is released for perception. The perception becomes such quality that a person in the process of a story makes discoveries and begins to become understandable to himself.

Therefore, if you did not become better after visiting a psychologist, a doctor or a massagist - this is not your specialist.

Or if you did not heale first time, but from the first meeting you got better, clearer, inspired or calm - this is your psychologist / Your doctor.

And no persuasion of the "specialist" that you must "walk for a long time and only then ... Once ... What do you want to solve the problem at a time if you created it for years" - you should not convince you not to trust your own posture from the first meeting.

No formulas leading to happiness, because the person does not go to him. It, happiness, exists like a lactium paper quality of life. As a phenomenon of the total balance of human life, but they do not go to it.

A child from birth has the ability to happily. And if he is healthy, then being full, he arrives in him - the crazy happy and curious about life. And only the influence of significant adults, corrective by the behavior of a child, deprives him of a constant and coachable ability to arrive in the happy arrangement of the Spirit.

It will be interesting for you:


People in different ways lose their ability to happily, repeal from their desires in favor of a significant and beloved. The path of everyone who decides to restore their own supports - its own ability to happiness, integrity and efficiency in relations and sacrifications

PSYCHOLOGIST - He is only a conductor, unfolding a landscape of hunting for his own self-limiting program.

When a person begins to see how he himself created restrictions on his way to freedom and happiness, the understanding and enthusiasm for the liberation of their road - the inborn power and grace. Published