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Presentation, violence. Presentation on the topic "Child abuse in the family" Violence as a social problem presentation

Violence The use of force or various kinds of threats against certain social actors or their property in order to intimidate and coerce certain actions

About 40% of all murders and grievous bodily harm in Russia occur in the family. !) dies at the hands of husbands and partners 14,000 women 75% of husbands hit their wife at least once

Fleeing from domestic violence, 50,000 children leave home every year, and 2,000 children commit suicide Every seventh woman in Russia is afraid of her husband, expecting a “sudden breakdown” from him 57% of women systematically experience violence in the form of insults, humiliation, bullying 30% women are forced to beg money from their husbands for every little thing and account for purchasesAbout 70% of children in families where mother violence is practiced experience the same violence

Criteria for violence intentional action asymmetry of forces violation of human rights action that causes physical pain and mental suffering to the victim of violence


Types of violence Physical Psychological Economic Sexual Use of physical force or tools to harm another person Total control over another person Constant criticism Blackmail Harassment Isolation of the victim Denial of access to livelihood Withholding of income Waste of family money alone Independent solution of most financial issues Forced sexual intercourse (rape ) Sexual Harassment Coercion

Stage 1 - Build Tension CYCLE OF VIOLENCE 1979 - Leonor Walker, Woman Abused

Stage 2 - The act of violence CYCLICITY OF VIOLENCE

Stage 3 - "Honeymoon" CYCLE OF VIOLENCE





Level I loss of a sense of security feeling like a small child desire to isolate oneself from the environment feeling of impotent anger VICTIMIZATION (injury)


Level II = secondary trauma questioning the idea that she is a victim of violence denial or reduction of trials accusing the victim of violence refusal to help indifference to the problems of domestic violence VICTIMIZATION (trauma)


Level III thinking of oneself as doomed to violence, blaming oneself for everything, questioning any personal difficulties, creating a philosophy of life characteristic of the victim, non-recognition of one's own rights VICTIMIZATION (traumatism)

Alcoholism Drug addiction Physical defense Verbal defense Minimizing contact with the abuser Threats VICTIMS 'STRATEGIES Escape P plots Promises

THE ROLE OF SOCIETY FAMILY PARTNER FRIENDS Debunking stereotypes and prejudices associated with domestic violence

Myth: Only drinking men beat their wives.

Fact: alcohol is not a cause of violence alcohol can only be a concomitant cause when a situation of violence already exists alcohol can be a convenient excuse for violence some women convince themselves that this would never have happened if the man was sober

Domestic violence is typical only for families of workers Myth:

The profession and business success of women do not affect the behavior of the offenders. Women with brilliant careers and housekeepers are beaten up. Research data showed that more than half of women have higher and incomplete higher education. Fact:

Probably, everything is not so bad, otherwise women would not have stayed with such men. Myth:

Ashamed to tell strangers about what happened. They are afraid of condemnation from others. Some believe that children should grow up in a family with both parents. Some women are afraid of being left completely without money (economic dependence).

By their behavior, women themselves ask to be beaten - they deserve beating Myth:

No human being deserves to be beaten. The abuser will always find an excuse for his actions - no matter how the victim behaved. Fact:

A slap does not seriously hurt Myth:

Even a single fact of violence brings pain and grief Remains a humiliating and offensive event in a person's life Becomes a serious psychological trauma Fact:


She believes that she will not believe it - feel shame a woman can be sure that only she was in such a difficult situation of economic and depend on the rapist DISEASE, loneliness HI IT in traditional values, such as the inviolability of marriage - at any price we must strive to save the family why the woman STAYS WITH THE ABUSE?


General characteristics of women victims of violence Low self-esteem; Adherence to traditional ideas about the family, the role of women in the family and society, “female destiny”; Assuming responsibility for the offender's actions; Feelings of guilt and denial of the feelings of anger they feel towards the offender;

General characteristics of women victims of violence Expressed reactions to stress and psychophysiological complaints; Belief that sexual relationships can stabilize the relationship as a whole; Feeling helpless and not believing that someone can help them; Psychological dependence on a partner

Psychological characteristics of the rapist Low self-esteem; Low tolerance for frustration; Desire for power and control over another person; Emotional instability (inability to adequately cope with strong emotions); The likelihood of alcohol or drug abuse; Past traumatic events (he himself was a victim or witness of violence)

Consequences of domestic violence Self-confidence is destroyed Self-esteem decreases Irresponsible attitude towards one's life develops, and at the same time responsibility (self-accusation) is assumed for the partner's violent behavior, for his tendency to abusive, violent behavior

Consequences of domestic violence Anxiety develops Noogenic neurosis (loss of meaning in life) is formed. Realistic perception of the situation and the surrounding reality is lost. A distorted "portrait" of the partner and a distorted perception of oneself and one's feelings are formed Decisions regarding one's actions, satisfaction of various needs are made depending on the partner's reactions

Consequences of Domestic Violence Assessment of the actions of people around them occurs in accordance with the partner's assessments There is a desire to "save" a partner when he finds himself in an unpleasant or difficult situation, while there is often joyful excitement as an expectation of softening the relationship as an answer for caring (which, in fact, never not happening)

Consequences for children subjected to male violence 1) immediately after the violence, they experience a state of trauma; 2) changes in the course of normal processes of child development; 3) they live in fear for themselves and their mothers and suffer from other stress-related problems; 4) violent men become their role models; 5) in later adulthood may demonstrate a higher risk of developing problems such as physical and mental problems, chemical dependence, problems in relationships, including violence and abuse of children, involvement in criminal activities. From Barnett, Miller-Perrin, and Perrin's Lifetime Domestic Violence

first conversation police intervention first conversation with a specialist VICTIM SAFETY PLAN family friends referral to a help center assistance social workers legal assistance police assistance medical assistance therapy self-help groups ongoing counseling assistance PLAN



Recommended reading Moskalenko V.D. Addiction: family disease - M .: PER SE, 2009 Savina E.A. Return of Kai - M.: Publishing house Adrus, 2006 Savina E.A. "I love him ..." -M.: Publishing house Adrus, 2008 Johnson V. Method of persuasion. How to help a drug addict or alcoholic make a decision - M .: IOI, V. Sekachev, 2007 Beatty M. Alcoholic in the family, or Overcoming codependency - M., "Physical culture and sport", 1997 Smith W. Grandsons of alcoholics: problems of interdependence in family - M., Education, 1991 Yemelyanova E.V. Crisis in codependent relationships. Principles and algorithms for counseling. - SPb, Speech, 2004 Yemelyanova E.V. How to communicate with a drunk husband. Practical advice for women - St. Petersburg, Speech, 2008 Yemelyanova E.V. Women are in trouble. Program of work with victims of domestic violence "Dignity of Love" - ​​St. Petersburg. Speech, 2008

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DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the City of Moscow “Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University” FACULTY “SOCIAL COMMUNICATION” The problem of violence against children: types, forms, consequences, assessment of risk factors Irina Borisovna Shilina, Ph.D. ., professor, dean of the faculty "Social Communication", Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, 2013

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1.1. Myths and facts about the problem of violence against children In Russia, domestic violence leads to the fact that the number of social orphans and an army of homeless and neglected children increases by 100 thousand every year. Violence is the strength of the weak, largely driven by a person's need for self-affirmation through the suppression of others.

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1.1. Myths and Facts Concerning the Problem of Violence Against Children Violence in the family can have a different directionality: from the side of the husband in relation to his wife; on the part of the wife in relation to the husband; on the part of one or both parents in relation to children; on the part of older children in relation to younger ones; on the part of adult children and grandchildren in relation to parents or elderly relatives; on the part of some members seven in relation to others. In 70% of cases, victims of domestic violence are women and children.

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1.1. Myths and facts about the problem of violence against children Myths: Facts: 1. Children are more often subjected to violence in socially disadvantaged families. Domestic violence is not limited to specific social groups or segments of the population. It can be present in families with a high level of education and income. Socially disadvantaged families are more transparent, the problems of a child from such a family are noticeable to those around them and representatives of the authorities. Families with high incomes are more closed and there is no one near a child suffering from violence in a “socially prosperous” family who could intercede for him. The external well-being of the family is not a guarantee of the child's safety.

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1.1. Myths and Facts About Child Abuse Myths: Facts: 2. Physical punishment can benefit a child. Physical punishment leaves children with fear, humiliation, and a desire for revenge. They increase the state of rage and frustration, while the moral norms and values ​​instilled in this way are not absorbed and do not become internal values. Punishment forces the child to hide the external manifestations of unwanted behavior, but does not eliminate it. Parents who physically punish their children serve as examples of aggressiveness for them.

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1.1. Myths and Facts About Child Abuse Myths: Facts: 3. Children can provoke adults to abuse. Children, like other people, can make adults feel frustrated, irritated, and even intensely angry. But only adults are responsible for which ways, violent or non-violent, they choose to express their anger. Adherence of adults to violent ways reinforces, according to the theory of social learning, immature forms of self-regulation and destructive forms of behavior in children.

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1.1. Myths and facts about the problem of violence against children Myths: Facts: 4. Cases of sexual violence against children are rare. According to the estimates of the Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry. Serbian internal affairs bodies of Russia annually register 7-8 thousand cases of sexual abuse of children, for which criminal cases are initiated. These figures do not reflect the real state of affairs, since they only record cases of violence when the perpetrators were arrested and punished. On average, there are 3 times more cases of child sexual abuse than beatings. About 25% of women in our country were sexually abused in childhood.

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1.1. Myths and facts about the problem of child abuse Myths: Facts: 5. Sexual abuse of children is most often committed by strangers. In 75-80% of cases children are familiar with rapists, of which 45% are relatives, parents and persons replacing them. On average, 9 out of 10 child victims are believed to know or have a family relationship with the abuser. 6. Adolescents are mostly sexually assaulted by adults. Sexual abuse can occur when a child is still an infant, and preschool children are also considered an increased risk group. The most frequently abused children are between 8 and 11 years old.

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1.1. Myths and facts about the problem of violence against children More than 50 thousand children in Russia every year run away from home, fleeing abuse in the family; more than 50% of domestic crimes are committed in the presence of children; the number of street children in Russia has reached 3-4 million. Myths: Facts: 7. Children can be seducers in sexual relationships between an adult and a child. Children, like all living things, can experience sexual feelings, but they lack the knowledge and experience in order to initiate sexual activity outside the peer group. Adults, possessing such knowledge and experience, realize that sexual acts with a child cause him physical and mental harm and, in fact, are his exploitation.

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1.2. Types of violence against children There are four main types of domestic violence against children, each of which can be present in various forms of severity. 1. Physical abuse. 2. Psychological (emotional) abuse. 3. Neglect of the basic needs of the child. 4. Sexual abuse.

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1. Physical abuse - deliberate infliction of physical harm on a child by parents or persons in their stead. This damage can cause serious damage. 1.2. The types of violence against children impair the physical or mental health of the child, developmental delays or even lead to death. Physical abuse can be recognized by the characteristics of the appearance, the nature of the trauma, the characteristics of the mental state and behavior of children. Appearance: multiple injuries of a specific nature and varying degrees of prescription; retardation of physical development, delay in height and weight, dehydration (for infants); signs of poor grooming.

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The main types of injuries: - on the body: abrasions, bruises, scratches, wounds, burns from cigarettes or from burning with other objects, traces of slaps, slaps, punches with a hand, leg, belt, bruises, scars, traces of being bound, from squeezing, from bites. - on the head: areas of baldness, hemorrhage in the eyeball, knocked out or loose teeth, tears in the mouth and lips. - damage to internal organs: fractures, ruptures of the liver, bruises of the kidneys, bladder, concussion. - a change in the physical condition due to the coercion of the child to use alcohol, drugs, poisonous substances or medications. 1.2. Types of violence against children

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Features of the child's mental state and behavior, allowing suspicion of physical abuse: 1.2. Types of violence against children The direct psychological consequences of physical violence against a child include the appearance of characteristic emotional reactions - anxiety, fears, anxiety. Many children who have been subjected to physical punishment have sleep disorders, appetite disorders, various tics, enuresis, encopresis and other neurosis-like symptoms. Age 0-6 months: inactivity, indifference to the outside world, little or no response to external stimuli, a rare smile at the age of 3 to 6 months.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Age 6 months -1.5 years: fear of parents, fear of physical contact with adults, unreasonable alertness, tearfulness, withdrawal, fear or depression when adults try to take the child in their arms. Age 1.5 - 3 years: fear of adults, rare manifestations of joy, tearfulness, fear reaction to crying of other children, extremes in behavior - from excessive aggressiveness to indifference. Age 3 - 6 years: the presence of fears, passive reaction to pain, ingratiating behavior, excessive compliance, negativism, aggressiveness, deceit, theft, cruelty towards animals, a tendency to arson.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Younger school age: the desire to hide the cause of injury and trauma, tired appearance, sleepiness, loneliness, lack of friends, fear of going home after school. Adolescence: running away from home, suicidal attempts, criminal or antisocial behavior, alcohol, drug use. Features of the behavior of parents or caregivers, allowing one to suspect cruelty towards the child: - contradictory, confused explanations of the causes of injuries in the child; - late request for medical assistance or the initiative to seek medical assistance comes from another person;

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1.2. Types of violence against children - accusation of injuries to the child himself; - inadequacy of the parent's reaction to the severity of the injury, the desire to understate or exaggerate it; - lack of concern for the fate of the child; - inattention, lack of affection and emotional support in the relationship with the child; - stories about how they were punished in childhood; - signs of alcoholism, mental disorders or the manifestation of pathological character traits (aggressiveness, excitability, inadequacy).

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2. Psychological (emotional) violence - periodic, long-term or constant influence of parents or persons replacing them on a child, leading to a decrease in self-esteem, loss of faith in oneself, causing the formation of pathological character traits and impaired socialization. 1.2. Types of violence against children Forms of psychological violence: Rejection; Terrorization; Insulation; Exploitation / corruption; Ignoring. Manifestations of psychological abuse are emotional deprivation of a child, depriving him of the opportunity to experience a genuine feeling of affection for his parents, security, warmth, and deep communication.

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Features of the mental state and physical development of the child, allowing to suspect psychological abuse: retardation of physical and intellectual development; nervous tics; sucking fingers; enuresis; sad look; violation of appetite; sleep disturbance; somatic reactions (weight loss, obesity, stomach ulcers, skin diseases, allergic pathologies). 1.2. Types of violence against children

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Features of the child's behavior, allowing to suspect susceptibility to psychological abuse: anxiety; anxiety; a tendency to solitude; depression; aggressiveness; excessive compliance and obedience; ingratiating; obsequious behavior; running away from home; threats and attempts at suicide; communication problems; poor academic performance; low self-esteem. 1.2. Types of violence against children

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Peculiarities of behavior of parents or guardians, allowing to suspect psychological abuse in relation to the child: constant overcritical attitude towards the child; unwillingness to support the child or console him, in cases where he needs it; identification of the child with an unloved relative; shifting responsibility on the child for their own failures; susceptibility to stereotypes about the benefits of harsh parenting measures for children. 1.2. Types of violence against children

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3. Neglect of the basic needs of the child - unwillingness or inability of parents or persons replacing them to meet the basic needs of the child, as a result of which his emotional state is disturbed, there is a threat to health and development. 1.2. Types of violence against children Neglect of the interests and needs of the child is understood as: - lack of adequate food, clothing, hygiene care, housing, education, medical care, including refusal of treatment, adequate to the age and needs of the child;

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1.2. Types of violence against children - leaving a child unattended, which leads to accidents, poisoning and other consequences dangerous for life and health; - depriving the child of due attention and care, as a result of which the child increases the risk of becoming a victim of an accident, being involved in the use of alcohol or drugs, as well as committing crimes.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Features of a child's appearance, allowing one to suspect a disdainful attitude towards his needs and interests: sanitary and hygienic neglect; low body weight, stunted growth; general lag in physical development; delayed speech and motor development; tired look; drowsiness; swollen eyelids; dehydration of the body (in infants); pediculosis; clothing that is unkempt or unsuitable for the season; chronic infections; multiple hospitalizations; repeated damage from accidental injury or poisoning.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Peculiarities of the mental state and behavior of the child, allowing to suspect a neglect of his needs and interests: experiencing constant hunger or thirst; steals food; intensely attracts the attention of other people; easily comes into contact with strangers; not independent by age; has learning difficulties; low academic performance; shows aggressiveness; passivity; depression; regressive behavior; communication difficulties; is engaged in masturbation; demonstrates delinquent behavior.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Specifics of parents and families who neglect the basic needs of the child: they did not get the experience of full emotional closeness with their own parents in childhood; have undeveloped parenting feelings and parenting skills (for example, they themselves were brought up in orphanages); ignore generally accepted norms of morality, considering the child as their property; abuse alcohol or drugs; have mental illness; are members of destructive sects.

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4. Sexual abuse - involvement of a child, with or without his consent, in conscious or unconscious, due to functional immaturity, in sexual actions with adults in order to obtain the latter sexual satisfaction or benefit. 1.2. Types of violence against children The child's consent to sexual contact does not give grounds to consider it non-violent, since the child: - does not have free will, being dependent on an adult who relies on authority or force; - cannot fully understand, due to his functional immaturity, what an adult pushes him to do and therefore his “consent” to sexual relations is conditional;

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1.2. Types of violence against children - cannot foresee all the negative consequences of sexual actions and the harm that will be caused to his physical, psychological and social health. Features of the child's appearance that allow one to suspect sensual abuse: damage to the genital, anal or oral area, abrasions, abrasions, repeated or chronic urinary tract infections, the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, itching in intimate parts of the body, pain when urinating or defecating, pain in abdomen, bleeding, lack of personal hygiene, awkward position of the legs when walking, psychosomatic disorders.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Peculiarities of the child's mental state and behavior that make it possible to suspect sexual violence: Preschool children: nightmares, fears, regressive behavior, neuropsychiatric disorders, open masturbation, inappropriate age drawings of people on which intimate parts of the body are clearly drawn, previously unusual sexual games with oneself, peers or toys, imitation of sexual intercourse with dolls or toys, knowledge of sexual behavior unusual for age.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Children of primary school age: decreased academic performance, withdrawal, desire for solitude, fearful response to hugs and kisses, worsening relationships with peers, sexually colored behavior unusual for age, the desire to completely cover the body with clothes, even if this is not necessary. High school children, adolescents: depression, perception disorders, running away from home or institutions, threats or attempted suicide, sexualized behavior, drug or alcohol use, prostitution, or promiscuous sex.

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1.2. Types of violence against children Features of the behavior of parents or caregivers that make it possible to suspect sexual violence against a child: demonstration of an exaggerated caring and protective attitude towards the child; frequent desires to be alone with the child; a deliberate desire to accompany the child during hygiene procedures, bathing, changing clothes; the desire for bodily contact with the child and the violation of his physical boundaries (sitting down on his knees, kissing on the lips, sexual stroking, the desire to sleep on the same bed, etc.); manifestation of jealousy for a child, limiting his contacts with other children and adults; accusing the child of sexual provocation; the adult has a problem with alcohol or drugs.

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1.3. Features of the physical and personal development of children that increase the risk of violence Groups of children most vulnerable to adult violence: Children with disabilities with physical or mental disabilities; Children with congenital deformities; Children born as a result of rape or casual sex; Premature babies with low birth weight; Children born after a difficult pregnancy and childbirth; Children who were separated from their mother during the first year of life; 1.4. Risk factors that increase the likelihood of parental violent behavior Childhood abuse experiences; Features of the personality of an adult; Features of the relationship to the child; Low level of development of social skills; Underdeveloped parenting skills and feelings; Mental health; Situational factors.

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1.5. Consequences of violence: short-term and long-term The severity of the long-term consequences of violence in the development of a child depends on a combination of a number of factors: Characteristics of violence: from whom the violence originated; whether the child was a direct object of violence or is a witness to violence against people who are significant to him; the type (s) of violence to which he was subjected; the duration of the situation of violence; frequency of violent acts and episodes; the severity of the violent act; specifics of disclosing the fact of violence, in particular the fact of sexual abuse. Slide 36 Physical consequences - changes in the child's physical health and development: 1.5. The consequences of violence: short-term and long-term delay in physical, speech or motor development; physical injury and trauma; violation of the action and development of the nervous and other vital systems of the body; the appearance of neurosis-like symptoms (sleep disorders, appetite, various tics, etc.); the acquisition of psychosomatic diseases; acquisitions of physical injury and mutilation.

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Cognitive consequences: changes in the cognitive sphere and in the system of ideas about the world and about oneself: difficulty concentrating; memory impairment; decreased academic performance; delayed intellectual development; the formation of distorted (negative or and irrational) ideas about oneself and about the world around us. 1.5. Consequences of violence: short-term and long-term 39 Behavioral consequences - persistent negative changes in the child's behavior: 1.5. Consequences of violence: short-term and long-term decline in academic performance and learning difficulties; self-destructive behavior; aggression towards people and animals; sexualized behavior; “Sacrificial” and dependent behavior; engaging in prostitution; offenses; low social status; escapes from home. withdrawal into drug addiction and alcoholism; suicidal attempts.

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Social consequences - changes in the child's ability to build effective social relationships: a tendency towards isolation from social contacts due to depression and traumatized self-image; difficulties in creating relationships due to aggressive behavior and impulsiveness; Difficulty forming stable relationships due to mistrust and impaired self-esteem; reproduction and replication of violent relationships in their own family and with their own children. Among the distant social consequences of violence, self-destructive behavior and the reproduction of violent relationships in the future come to the fore. 1.5. Consequences of violence: short and long term Presentation is prepared by
students of group 213-l
Barsukova Alina and Zamarina Veronika

Domestic violence is a serious health and social
problem. Persons who have been or have been subjected to domestic violence in the past
abused, often suffer from mental disorders. Children and adolescents,
witnessing domestic violence adopt a suitable
gender model of behavior and reproduce it in the next generation

In world practice, there are two
main approaches to the problem
preventing domestic violence:
restorative aimed at
conflict resolution and preservation
families including moderated
comradely courts and compulsory
medical and
psychological assistance, and punitive,
breaking the cycle
violence by termination of the relationship
between conflicting parties.
The punitive approach dominates
most developed
legislative framework and provides
different degrees of responsibility for
committed domestic violence.

Russia does not yet have a separate law on the prevention of domestic violence. Two
international documents applicable on the territory of the Russian Federation - the Universal Declaration of Rights
person (1948) and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
women (1992) are declarative in nature. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides
responsibility for intentional crimes against life, health and sexual
inviolability of citizens. However, these regulations are rather not aimed at
warning, and to eliminate the consequences of what happened

Domestic violence refers to a real act or threat of a physical
sexual, psychological or economic abuse and violence with
side of one person in relation to another with whom this person has or had
intimate or other meaningful relationships. Domestic violence
violence) - an expression to denote abuse in the family and household
sphere. Phenomenon also known by names: domestic violence, gender
violence, becomes a crime, depending on the degree of inflicted
victim of damage.

In the group of victims, persons of average prevail
working age (25-48 years). Other age groups of persons
victims of domestic violence have a significantly lower proportion:
so, children under 10 years old are participants in a family drama in 1.67%, adolescents
10-17 years old suffer in 4.58%, and elderly family members (over 71 years old) - in
6.58% of analyzed cases. Women suffer from domestic violence at 3.33
times more often than men.

Domestic violence often refers to intimate partner violence
- usually a woman or a teenage girl. For a woman risk
to suffer from a sexual partner is about 8 times higher than that of men.

Domestic violence is cyclical and, in rare cases, sporadic. Theory about
the cyclical nature of domestic violence was introduced in the 1970s by the American
researcher Lenore Walker and today is generally accepted.
According to her, domestic violence is a cycle that repeats with increasing frequency.
actions, which includes 4 stages: an increase in tension in the family, violent
incident; reconciliation; calm. After the "honeymoon", the relationship returns to
the first stage, and the cycle repeats. Over time, each phase gets shorter,
outbreaks of violence are more frequent and more harmful.

Physical abuse includes
direct or indirect impact on
sacrifice for the purpose of causing physical
harm, expressed in injury,
grievous bodily harm, beatings,
kicks, slaps, jolts, slaps,
throwing objects, etc. Corporal
damage caused by
physical abuse, may manifest
such dire consequences as
loss of hearing, vision, deprivation
ability to move. Beating
a pregnant woman can lead to
miscarriage. Corporal punishment (in the family)
is a form of home

Evasion of first aid is considered to be physical violence,
sleep deprivation, deprivation of the ability to administer vital functions, attraction to
the use of alcohol and drugs against the will of the victim, exposure to risk, for example, not
exercise of caution when driving a car, threat with a weapon, physical obstacle
victim when trying to leave the house, closing the victim indoors, leaving the victim in
dangerous places. Physical harm or threat of causing it to other family members,
friends, animals for the purpose of psychological impact on the victim is recognized as an indirect
form of physical abuse.

Sexual violence involves treating the victim as sexual
object, abstaining from sex and not showing tender feelings, forcing
undress, have sexual intercourse against the will of the victim, engage in
sexual intercourse after beatings, watching and / or repeating pornographic
actions, sexual intercourse with particular cruelty, manifestation
exceptional jealousy and accusing her of having an affair with someone.
The most common types of sexual violence in the family are:
father-daughter, father-son, mother-son, children as offenders

When examining the consequences of violent
family action forensic medicine, being
an interdisciplinary area of ​​expertise,
accumulates legal, psychological,
psychiatric, obstetric-gynecological, andrological,
biological problems, and only
an integrated approach will allow not only
investigate but prevent
sex offenses
inviolability of the person. disadvantages
examination in cases of sexual crimes
can be divided into organizational-tactical and diagnostic. TO
organizational and tactical mistakes
include the performance of expert examinations, not
trained in obstetric-gynecological examination, the use of not
instrumental research methods,
lack of data on the direction to
dermatovenerological dispensary and
the results obtained

Emotional abuse is expressed in humiliation, insult, control of behavior,
isolation, restriction of the victim's circle of contacts, interrogation, blackmail, threats of violence,
constant criticism of the victim, ignoring her feelings, ridiculing her beliefs, refusing to work
and contribute their share to the family budget, prohibiting the victim from going to work, manipulating her,
while using lies and disagreement, resentment of relatives, friends of the victim in order to drive them away,
refusal to go out with the victim to people, preventing the victim from maintaining a relationship with
relatives and friends, banning the use of the telephone, control of the family budget and
single-handed financial decision making, public humiliation of the victim, harassment at work,
threatening to leave or expelled from home, threatening to kidnap children, punishing children or isolating them from

Economic violence
implemented in control
financial and other
family resources, allocation
the sacrifice of money for "maintenance",
extortion, coercion to
extortion. This also
include a ban on receiving
education and / or
employment, intentional
waste of funds
families with the aim of creating
tense environment.

In medical practice, there are also cases of domestic violence,
carried out on men. Specialists have not developed questions
subdivisions of types of violence against males, but you can
assume that in relationships within the family unit types
violent acts may be similar to those for

Injuries in victims of domestic violence are common, often observed and
their consequences. For long-term survivors of domestic violence,
disorders are detected mainly in the cardiovascular system,
nervous system, characterized by staging, increasing
duration and severity, which allows you to identify and associate them with
the duration of chronic stress, and also used as objective
criteria for assessing the severity of harm to health. Disorders
health states account for minor harm to health in 14.64%, average
degree in 4.27% and serious harm in 2.47% of the cases studied, no damage
causing harm to health account for 78.59% of cases

Shaken baby syndrome

- a kind of child abuse. it
brain damage that occurs in a child. It happens when someone shakes
a child, spanks him or throws him on any objects. The child may shake hands
legs, chest or shoulders.

Shaking Baby Syndrome occurs
when the baby doesn't stop crying and
caregivers shake the child because of
irritation. In order to prevent
the occurrence of this problem, learn
reduce stress and tension, gently
select people who will watch
for the child.
Normal games such as skating
baby kneeling or tossing
baby in the air, does not cause the syndrome
shaking baby.
Shaken baby syndrome is most common
occurs in children under 3 years of age and among
this age group is more common in
children under 1 year old. But from this phenomenon
children under the age of five may be affected.
Shaken baby syndrome can cause
serious long-term problems.

What causes brain damage?

Shaking the child, throwing, hitting objects - all this causes uncontrolled movements
heads forward, backward and around its axis. Brain tissue, blood vessels and nerves are all
is torn apart. The baby's skull can damage the brain causing brain tissue to begin
bleed and swell.
Young children are much more likely to have brain injury because they have:
Large and heavy heads in relation to head size.
Weak neck muscles that do not support the head well enough.
Thin blood vessels in the brain.


Symptoms vary in children
depending on age, on how
they were often abused, how
way and with what force.
With minor injuries
may symptoms may be barely
noticeable. The child may feel sick, he
may be nervous or grumpy
passive, the child may decrease
appetite. More serious injuries can
cause seizures, delayed
palpitations, hearing problems,
internal bleeding in one or in
both eyes.

Symptoms may begin to develop
very quickly, especially with strong
injured. In other cases, for manifestation
brain tumor symptoms can go away
a few days. Very often a person
who shook the child, puts the child in
cradle, in the hope that after rest
symptoms will subside. By the time
the child will go to the doctor, he needs
emergency help. In some cases
the child may fall into a coma before
someone to ask for help.
In children affected by shaking,
other results appear
abuse, such as broken
bones, bruises, burns.

Treatment methods

Child affected by the syndrome
shaking the baby, it is necessary
hospitalize, sometimes to the department
intensive care. Oxygen
therapy can be used to
to help the child breathe. Doctors
can give the child medical
drugs in order to reduce
brain tumor. Sometimes mattresses with
cooling can help reduce
the child's temperature, as well
reduce brain tumor. Baby, u
who had a severe hemorrhage in
brain, may need surgical
Depending on the symptoms, the doctor
can try anti-seizure
medicine, physiotherapy or others
types of treatment.

What are the long-term negative consequences of the syndrome
shaking baby?
About 1 out of 4 children who were violently shaken or thrown at
subject - dies from the inflicted wounds. Those who survived may have
brain and vision problems for life. To such problems
2. Seizures are sudden bursts of abnormal electrical activity in
to the brain. The child may have unpleasant muscle movements and will
unable to speak, see, or interact normally.
3. Stiffness of muscles (muscle spasticity) resulting in
the child's movements are stiff and awkward.
4. Mental retardation that can affect all areas of life
child, for example, the ability to speak or the ability to look for
yourself in the future.
5. Blindness or vision problems.
6. Lagging in physical and emotional development.
7. Behavior and learning problems - they can only appear
when the child starts school.

Findings from a study published in The Journal of Pediatrics,
Demonstrate Doctors' Unanimity About Legality
making diagnoses that indicate abuse
child. This work was carried out to obtain the so-called
general agreement on concepts. On its basis, at
in court cases related to shaken syndrome
child and head injury due to abuse will
to involve representatives of forensic medical examination.

The researchers analyzed data from a survey of 628 doctors who
are employed by ten of the leading children's hospitals in the United States and are often
involved in the examination of injured children. Among them
emergency medical specialists attended,
intensive care, pediatric ophthalmologists, pediatricians who deal with
child abuse cases, pediatric radiographers and
neurosurgeons, as well as forensic experts.
Eighty-eight percent of respondents recognized eligible
diagnosed with shaken baby syndrome, and ninety-three percent are traumatized
head due to child abuse.

When asked about the presumptive diagnosis in a child who has
signs of subdural hematoma, severe retinal hemorrhage, as well as
in case of coma or death, more than 80% of doctors associated shaking with subdural
hematoma, 90% with severe retinal hemorrhage, and 78% with coma or
death. Most experts did not indicate other reasons (except for the collision
vehicles at high speed), which could lead to
similar pathological changes. Some doctors have suggested that similar
injuries can occur after a fall.

There is evidence that strong shaking damages brain tissue and
blood vessels of small children is stronger than a blow to the head from a fall from
low height. Due to the softness of the brain and the underdevelopment of the muscles of the neck
it is especially dangerous to shake a newborn for up to a year, but the risk remains
until about five years of age

Pathological signs

On external examination, normal
baby nutrition, cyanosis of lips and nails
plates, the presence of mucous membranes
bloody discharge from the nose and mouth, oh
dirty anus, absence
signs of a violent death.

Internal examination - liquid state
cadaveric blood, which is usually dark in color;
dilated right ventricle of the heart, while
the left one is empty or nearly empty. More than half of the time
small-point hemorrhages are found in the pleura and in
pericardium. Attention is drawn to the empty straight line
bowel and bladder; often present in the stomach
a large amount of curdled milk. No
macroscopic signs of pneumonia, the thymus has
normal dimensions, however under the capsule, especially below
the level of the clavicles, hemorrhages are found. Everything
lymphoid organs and structures are normal or
hyperplastic. Adrenal glands by volume or
correspond to the age norm, or decreased.

fickle and can
include focal
laryngeal necrosis and
trachea or
inflammation of these

In the lungs, focal
interstitial lymphoid
infiltrates often associated with
bronchi (broncho-associated
lymphoid tissue), focal
intraalveolar hemorrhage and
focal acute or subacute
bronchiolitis, pulmonary arterioles have
thickened wall; around
adrenal glands persist brown fat,
and in the liver - foci of hematopoiesis. V
brainstem showing signs

Discussion about the role of intrathoracic petechiae (ITP) between J. Beckwith and H. Krous led to the conclusion,
Intrathoracic petechiae are a common finding in most cases of SIDS, and
they tend to be more numerous in this condition than in death from others
causes, including death by suffocation (accidental or malicious) and mechanical asphyxiation
Localization and distribution of petechiae suggests that it plays a role in their origin
negative intrathoracic pressure
A number of studies believe that petechiae originating from the pulmonary
microcirculation different from petechiae originating from systemic thoracic vessels
Experimental studies suggest that they play a role in their education
vigorous attempts at breathing, making respiratory paralysis unlikely
These studies support the thesis that upper airway obstruction is
the ultimate mechanism in most cases of SIDS
The frequent occurrence of ITP in SIDS suggests a common etiology of terminal events in
Among the markers of tissue hypoxia, R. Naeye describes a thickening of the walls of the pulmonary arterioles
due to hyperplasia of the muscle layer; hypertrophy of the right ventricle; persistence of brown
fat around the adrenal glands; hyperplasia of the adrenal medulla; abnormal carotid
calf; persistent hematopoiesis in the liver; brainstem bliasis.
Given the increasing popularity of "cardiac" death mechanisms in SIDS, there have been
attempts were made to find their morphological substrate using special techniques
studies of the conducting system of the heart. Among the finds were cartilaginous
changes, fibrosis, stenosis of the penetrating atrioventricular bundle, arterial
blood supply to the heart nodes, branching of the atrioventricular bundle, additional pathways
atrioventricular signal conduction. However, the researchers were unable to
demonstrate any specific findings that could shed light on the mechanism of SIDS.
I.A. Kelmanson proposed an algorithm that can serve as an auxiliary method
diagnostics and help the pathologist in the analysis of deaths of children suspected of SIDS.
The table, including 6 clinical and 12 morphological signs, allows
differentiation of cases of SIDS and sudden death from life-threatening diseases.

Leaving happiness will be the one Who was badly brought up as a child The green shoot is easy to straighten, One fire will fix a dry branch. Saadi

domestic violence

Verbiy E. Yu., English teacher

Demkina V.V., teacher of mathematics

MKOU "Krepinskaya secondary school" Kalachevsky district

Volgograd region

Types of violence

1. Physical

2. Emotional

What do you say to the child, what do you say to the child,

  • when he didn't clean the room again?
  • when did he skip school?
  • when did he come home again at an unspecified hour?


1. "How many times to repeat: immediately clean up the mess in your room!"

  • 1. "How many times to repeat: immediately clean up the mess in your room!"
  • 2. "You skip school and want to remain ignorant!"
  • 3. “You never come on time! Next time you will spend the night under the door! "
1. “I feel embarrassed when guests see an unmade bed. She looks much better under the coverlet. " 2. “The class teacher called today about your attendance. I was very ashamed during the conversation, and I would like to avoid these experiences. Everyone is responsible for their own actions, and if you need help, we can talk about it. " 3. “When someone comes to the family later than we agreed, I am so worried that I do not find a place for myself. I would like to see you at home by ten o'clock in the evening, and in special cases we can agree separately. Then I will feel calm. " 1) Praise 1) Praise 2) Hug, caress, smile 3) Gift, reward 4) Go somewhere together 5) Play your favorite game 6) Allow to do something, do what you love 7) Fulfill desires, give sweets 8 ) Approval of the deed


1) Deprivation of something (moral or material) 1) Deprivation of something (moral or material) 2) Put in a corner, house arrest 3) Scold, shame 4) Silence, i.e. boycott 5) Force something to be done 6) Physical punishment (slap, intentional pain) 7) Scolding 8) Comparison with other children 9) Complaining to dad


1) Respect for children 1) Respect for children 2) Consistency 3) Taking into account age and individual characteristics, level of upbringing 4) Fairness: it is impossible to punish rashly 5) Correspondence between a negative act and punishment 6) Firmness, if the punishment is announced, then it should not be followed abolish 7) The collective nature of the punishment - the whole family is involved.

to consider when punishing

Word Word

2) Don't give your child unfulfilled promises.

3) Do not impose any conditions on your child.

4) Be tactful in the manifestation of measures of influence on the child.

5) Do not punish the child for what you allow yourself to do.

6) Do not change your requirements in relation to the child for the sake of something.

7) Don't blackmail your child with your relationship with each other.

9) Don't make your relationship with your own child dependent on his or her educational success.

Memo for parents

Parents who want to have children should not only ask themselves the question: what kind of child do I want to raise, but also what old age do I want to have and will I have it at all?

Children - in every sense - our future.

If we do not want to have a cruel future, we must confront cruelty and violence in the present.

You can ask all your questions to the specialists on the website WWW.YA-RODITEL.RU

Memo for parents

"Countering Child Abuse"

Before applying physical punishment to a child,


"I love you, we are close, we are together, and we will overcome everything."