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Moon nodes in the natal map. Moon nodes in the horoscope. South and Northern Moon Knot

Lunar knots are fictitious points of intersection of the lunar and earthly orbits. Lunar nodes in astrology are responsible for human karma, its purpose. Two moon nodes - northern (rhau, ascending) and southern (Ketu, descending) - are opposite each other.

The Northern Moon Knot is responsible for karma that needs to be manufactured. This is a certain program that needs to be performed in this embodiment; The path that provides spiritual development and progress. In addition, Rahu indicates a new experience that we have to gain throughout life for the redemption of past mistakes.

The South Moon Knot shows Karma, accumulated in past embodiments. Ketu is depicted in the form of a bowl, symbolically filled with past experience.

In its influence, the ascending moon node is similar to Jupiter, descending - with Saturn. The ascending node helps, downward - creates obstacles.

The vital task of each person should be following the Rahu and avoiding everything connected with Ketu. Everyone 18 and a half years, the nodes return to their place in the natal map, arranging the verification of the correctness of the selected path. Thus, the critical age for each person is 18.5 years, 36 years, 55 years old and so on. If the human life path corresponds to his karmic problem - the check passes quietly, if not - in the life of a person there are unpleasant events, forcing something to change in their lives, to understand the misuse of the selected path.

The analysis of the lunar nodes includes:

    • Lunar knots in the house of the horoscope;
    • Lunar nodes in the sign of the zodiac;
    • Aspects of lunar nodes

Moon nodes in homes

Ascending knot in 1 house, downward node in the 7th house

This provision indicates that in the past life, a person completely gave himself to his marital relations, forgetting about his desires and interests. In this life, the program is minimum - not to enter into official relations. If a person married - it is better for him to be alone and for life. Also, this provision shows that it is better to avoid interaction with the courts, the law. The program is a maximum - to live only for yourself, to do what I want, to fully dispose of our time, invest in yourself, become a person, an interesting person.

Ascending knot in 2 house, downward node in the 8th house

This position of the axis of the nodes indicates that in the past life, a person lived in a stressful environment (the combat zone, or another place with an unstable situation). It may also indicate that in the past life a person was on the content in his spouse. In this life, the program is at least any army, the police in general, it is necessary to avoid everything that is somehow connected with danger and stress. It is necessary to live in a relaxed atmosphere, in a comfortable place, and not being dependent on the spouse. It is better not to contact loans, inheritance. The program is maximum - to become a rich, wealthy person. At least you need to strive for this. You need to independently earn, eat well, dressing well.

Ascending knot in 3 houses, downward knot in the 9th house

In the past life, a person was an erudite, educated personality. Perhaps the whole life was held on a foreign land. The program is minimum in this life - not "shift". One diploma of higher education will be quite enough, and about graduate school and magistracy is better not to think. The same can be said about emigration - it is better to refuse this thought. The program is maximum - to maximize brothers and sisters, if any. It is also desirable to maintain friendly relations with neighbors, classmates, former teachers from school. Good to study in a driving school, drive a car.

Ascending knot in 4 house, downward knot in the 10th house

This provision suggests that in the past life, a person did not receive a person in relation to his parents, was "Pavlik Morozov", betrayed for his own career or other benefits. The compound of the downward node with MS indicates that in the past life, a person was hardly the king, possessed great power over many people. The program is minimum for this life - abandon your career. You can work, but do not seek to take leadership positions. It is necessary to avoid power, not to be a careerist. The program M Aksimum is to devote my life to parents, in all of them to please, love them, whatever they are. In addition, in this life you need to have an apartment owned.

Ascending knot in the 5th house, downward knot in the 11th house

In the last life, the owner of such a position of the nodes was a revolutionary, an astrologer, in general, somehow was associated with 11 houses. The program is minimum in this life - try to avoid all sorts of revolutions. You also need to not forget myself in friendship. Such a person is usually ready for all for friends. But his friendly relationships should not go far. The program is maximum - first of all, give birth or adopt at least one child.

Ascending knot in the 6th house, downward node in the 12th house

In the past life, man led an alienated way of life, was a single, did not let anyone in close to himself. Was alone, did not participate in the life of society, was a hermit. A minimum program for such a person is not to go into itself, live in society, not to distance from other people. The program is maximum - first of all, you need to work, work a lot, even on pensions. It is also necessary to pay attention to your health.

Ascending knot in the 7th house, downward knot in 1 house

This position of the nodes suggests that in the past life, a man was an egoist and lived only for himself. The program is minimum in this life - to realize that it is necessary to make a last time for yourself, everything is just for others. This is an indication of the need for self-denial. The program is maximum - marry, at least once. It is better not to divorce. It is necessary to be official marriage.

Ascending knot in the 8th house, downward knot in 2 house

In the past life, the owner of such a nodal position was rich and wealthy. All past life, such a person dedicated to earning money. The program is minimum - not to put the goal to get rich, while it is possible to be rich, but not to put money at the head of the corner. The program is maximum in this life - to become rich for someone else's account (spouse, parents, other people, inheritance, insurance, etc.).

Ascending knot in the 9th house, downward knot in 3 houses

This provision suggests that in the past life, a person completely devoted himself to his brother or sister. The program is minimum in this life - abide by the distance in communicating with brothers / sisters, does not help them unilaterally - you are all, and they are nothing to you. It is also undesirable to maintain relationships with classmates, neighbors. There is also no need to be a fanatical motorist. The program is maximum - to get at least one higher education, go to graduate school. Attend abroad, at least occasionally, and ideally - emigrate abroad. The more contacts with foreigners and other countries, the better. It is also necessary to develop spiritually, to study religion or philosophy.

Ascending knot in a 10 house, downward knot in 4 houses

In the past life, such a person did not go beyond the limits of native places, perhaps he lived all his life with his parents. The program is minimum in this life - to leave the parent home and live yourself as early as possible. The maximum program is to make a career and achieve success in it, become a boss.

Ascending knot in the 11th house, downward knot in the 5th house

In the past life, such a person had many children. In this life, the program is minimum - to live independently of their children, not to be attached to them, do not devote all their lives to children, let go, as soon as they want to leave the parental home. Also contraindicated love adventures, changing partners like gloves. More time you need to spend with friends, you can engage in astrology.

Ascending knot in 12 house, downward node in the 6th house

This position of the nodes indicates "Uzaknaya Karma Tunestry". All past life, a person worked like Dad Carlo. In this life, you can not work, or work without putting it meaning. Work for such a person should not blame life. It is useful to engage in its spiritual development, go to a spiritual trip, for example, to Tibet. You can become a hermit, work in closed institutions. To live such a person needs spiritual interests.

Moon nodes in the signs of the zodiac

Lunar nodes in signs are answering the question "What to be, what not to be."

Northern knot in Aries, southern knot in scales

It is necessary to be straight and stronger. Do not be intrigued, do not lead a double game.

Northern knot in Taurus, South Knot in Scorpio

It is necessary to be softer and loving people. Do not be despotic.

Northern knot in twins, southern knot in Sagittar

You need to learn to communicate with all people. In the past life, such a person was smart and was arrogant, in this life it is necessary to be able to find a common language with other people, speak their language.

Northern knot in cancer, southern knot in Capricorn

It is necessary to be sincere, naive, immediate, like children. Not being an old man - serious, hard, pessimistic.

Northern Knot in Lev, South Knot in Aquarius

It is necessary to become a bright personality, to be loner, do not run in the crowd.

Northern Knot in Virgo, South Knot in Fish

In the past life, such a person was lost and forgot. Now it is necessary to strive for order and punctuality. Avoid chaos.

Northern knot in scales, southern knot in the Aries

In the past life, this man was Ham, Grabian. It is necessary to learn diplomacy.

Northern knot in Scorpio, South Knot in Taurus

It is necessary to keep a Spartan lifestyle, stop being a sideline and sleep do not downpour. We must harden, load yourself with something.

Northern Knot in Sagittarius, South Knot in Gemini

You need to learn to stop chatting wasted, especially by phone. In the past life, the conversations obscured everything else. We must strive for knowledge, to study.

Northern knot in Capricorn, southern knot in cancer

All the past life, such a person lived a child, was very infantile. Unwillingness to take responsibility. Now you need to become an adult responsible.

Northern Knot in Aquarius, South Knot in Lev

It is necessary to be with the team, to engage in something in the group of like-minded people. It is impossible to be an individualist.

Northern knot in fish, South Knot in Virgo

In the past life, such a person tortured with his notations, it was a kind of walking guiding handbook. In this life you need to stop calling everyone to order. We must relax and add a little chaos.

Aspects of lunar nodes

The connection of the lunar knots with planets is most pronounced. Trigons and sextiles lunar nodes are not interested in a karmic point of view, since this is already spent karma. Orbis aspects of nodes - 4 degrees. It is important to understand the main essence of connections of units with planets - the connection to the northern node says that this planet is our friend, the connection to the southern node says that this planet is our enemy.

Connections of lunar nodes:

Northern Knot - Sun

This is a great indication that the father or man's husband is sent by God. It may also be an indication of the owner of the owner of the aspect itself, or a husband / father.

South Knot - Sun

Father or husband - the appendage from the past, with whom a person connects karmic duty. Relations with father or husband will be difficult. This provision also indicates that it is undesirable to become the boss.

Northern Knot - Moon

Mom or wife sent God. The most owner of such an aspect must be a parent.

South Knot - Moon

Mom or wife - incatch from the past, it is better to distance them, the relationship is not easy, karmic duty. The children of the owner of such an aspect will also "make it" to pay a carmic debt.

Northern Knot - Mercury

A person needs to learn, travel, to communicate more with young people. Younger friends are a gift of fate. Good guidance on commerce.

South Knot - Mercury

Northern Knot - Venus

In this life, a person must love a lot and appreciate beauty.

South Knot - Venus

In the past life, a man was a hetera or a big connoisseur heter. In this life you need to love one.

Northern Knot - Mars

In this life, a person needs to be active, strong, energetic, lead an active lifestyle, hardened, play sports, and also be closer to men.

South Knot - Mars

In the past life, the owner of such an aspect was a warrior or a person of other Martian professions. In this life, they should be avoided.

Northern Knot - Jupiter

The task of this life is to live and enjoy. Also for a person is good all that is associated with foreigners and other countries.

Southern Knot - Jupiter

In the past life, a person was associated with Jupiter, perhaps he was a clergyman. Now it is necessary to stay away from religion and everything that is associated with foreigners.

Northern Knot - Saturn

It is necessary to be disciplined, or work by profession associated with Saturn.

South Knot - Saturn

In the past life, man was an inquisitor, or he himself suffered from this. From everything that is connected with Saturn, it is better to stay away (construction, architecture, agriculture, prisons, etc.).

Northern Knot - Uranus

In this life, it is necessary to become a member of a man independent, freedom-loving, or be associated with the professions of uranium (aviation, astrology, astronautics, programming, etc.).

South Knot - Uranus

In the past life, man was a revolutionary. In this life you need to avoid everything related to uranium.

Northern Knot - Neptune

You need to learn to learn the subtle worlds, art.

South Knot - Neptune

In the past life, a person was not from this world, lived, as in parallel reality.

Northern Knot - Pluto

The task of this life is to become a live man, stress-resistant.

South Knot - Pluto

In the past life, a person was associated with Mafia or hit some kind of trouble, being in a crowd. In this life, you must try not to get into the crowd, to avoid clusters of the people.

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Two nodes (Northern and Southern Knot) (Rahu and Ketu) have a karmic and spiritual meaning, although not real celestial bodies. In each zodiac sign, the nodes are delayed by about 1.5 years. Nodes make a complete turn in 18.68 years.

We have certain rights from birth, and carry certain obligations. No one has complete freedom of will (with the exception of saints).

Karma is not punishment, but certain obligations leading to spiritual growth. Nodes define our karmic lessons and our mission. We are all different - even our initial physical differences are described by nodes - as well as why some people live a lot at first glance, while others are forced to conduct a permanent battle for their existence. The moon is a symbol of the soul, and the sun is a spirit.

Nodes are keys to help discover secrets. The South Pole of this Axis opens up with which we came to this life: our strengths and weaknesses, our accumulated good and bad karma.

South Knot (Ketu) - This is the baggage that we bring to this world with you. The southern knot can be viewed as a weak place.

Northern Knot (Rahu) - This is the path that needs to go through this incarnation, this is a challenge, it is always difficult to learn. But the movement forward brings the greatest happiness. Life awards us with misfortunes when we are trying to join the old way to remind us of our goal and intentions. Indeed, it is precisely those people who are offended by all of us, push us to ensure that we have learned our karmic lessons, and moved on. When we recognize it, we will begin to understand it. If you've ever experienced a feeling that you have an old soul, then you most likely were right about these sensations.

Verification of the right path occurs at each person at the time when the lunar nodes return to their place the first time they return after 18.68 years - this is the first check); For the second time, the nodes return at 37 years. If a person goes along the path of the setting node on a low program, he gets a blow that may not survive. Therefore, age 37 years old for many people becomes fatal (Pushkin, Byron, Mayakovsky, etc.) The third check comes in 56 years (this age turned out to be the limit, for example, for Julia Caesar, Nietzsche, Hitler, Beethoven). In humans, if he goes along the path of the setting node, in these periods there is a shake, but vice versa, it gives change to the better. At last classes, we talked about nodes a little, found out that there is a northern and southern knot.

Northern knot in Aries, southern in scales

Relying on the feelings of harmony, justice, the ability to find a common language, get along with a partner, the ability to easily create a family, he must educate fearlessness, courage, decisiveness, pressure, actively form his own "I", not looking back to the search for compromises, nor to the point of the opposite side, but actively act independently. In the past life, a person was just a reflection of other people, for he wanted to all please and please, all reconcile, and for everyone to find some compromises. He was a pawn on a chess board.

Now it should be a strong person living for himself, defending personal and spiritual freedom, independence and independence, fearlessly accepting this or that decision without tips from the part, he must act actively and decisively, independently, and if you need aggressively. It is time to realize their ambitions, not paying attention to anyone. A person should be equal to Aries, learn from them courage, fearlessly, strive for the dynamics, to leadership, to fight the ability to beat with the "open election". Try to clearly and unequivocally express your point of view, not hiding for the notorious public opinion. Reduce to a minimum number of surface dating, pay less attention to secular life. He can become a star, a great commander, president, revolutionary. However, the scope of the use of forces is not so important, the main thing is that the person would not do, take on the role of pioneer. Fate will put in such conditions that inevitably have to take the initiative in their hands, to make important decisions, risk.

Such a person does not like to live alone, but he wants to rest. He needs to retire for a short time to accumulate his power. His greatest lessons - make his head to control the heart, because it is still too easy to melt at the slightest attention.

Northern knot in Taurus, southern in Scorpio

Based on the best quality Scorpion (survival, the ability to adapt to the circumstances, the lack of fear of extreme situations, the person must work out strength, stability, patience, the ability to create, accumulate both material values \u200b\u200band spiritual, it is necessary to pay attention to their health (massage, simulators, freezing ).

Such a person needs to strive for harmony, to accumulate, increasing energy, to even relationships, in some cases - to the family, to agriculture. In general, to earthly, durable harmony. Learn excerpt, patience and business grip. Defend yourself to everyday life: to establish life, strengthen the financial situation. If you cannot immediately get out, do not despair, because over time, such a person in the business world will feel like fish in water. In addition, you can enjoy painting, singing, theater activities, needlework and gardening. And best of all, such a person - go to live in the village.

It may seem sociable and friendly, while actually plans some mysterious risky intrigue. He needs to learn not to bore and not waste his strength. Its achievements in this life occur, when he having loved the land on which he lives, and the source of constant nutrition and support will appreciate. It is necessary to get awareness that wealth in the Universe is so great that the person always will be able to realize what he wants and is surrounded by everyone that at this moment you need. Such a person chose an accurate program: protect life, strengthen his body, which is a temple for the Spirit, follow the appeal: "In a healthy body - a healthy mind!"

Northern Knot in Gemini - South in Sagittar

You need to take the most direct participation in the life of society, even if at first you will be very clumsy. Explore all the features. You need to strive to be a versatile and interesting interlocutor. Life will make up so that you constantly need to be involved in the lives of other people - strive not to remain alone. You can become a gifted writer, teacher, lecturer.

It is necessary to gain simple knowledge, become a student, extract information, synthesize, look for accomplices, friends. The image of the viewer of the magazine "I want to know everything." You need to learn a simple and unbiased look at the world. You can play the role of an intermediary, but not a mentor. Learn to see the world through the eyes of other people. Such a person to understand why people do not listen to it, you need to put ourselves in their place. In the end, he will come to the awareness that all the negative qualities that he attributed to others are the features that he does not understand. Studying the art of communication, the need for self-education is felt.

You need to learn to respect the rights of other people. You are restless, always in a hurry, are occupied by many cases immediately, without bringing one. We'll have to learn to live in society, take care of everyday trifles, listen to the views and opinions of the opposite side. A married life will seem in your feet, it will take a very patient partner. Greater optimism and enthusiasm, strength and energy can be excellent assistants.

The light path of such a person is the path of the student, a listener, the path of susceptibility. Such a person needs to be an intermediary, a communicator, conductor. He should actively enter into connection, strive to new, constantly absorb life lessons, introduce new methods.

Northern knot in cancer - southern in Capricorn

In young and young years, these people are not bend to the means to achieve attention and recognition of the surrounding world, to get the approval of the Company. Their insight is striking, accurate judgments and the accuracy of criticism. But they cannot bear the slightest criticism in their address, for some period of time it will not be close to themselves to themselves, there will be no advice from the outside, there will be no consolations.

Based on the best quality Capricorn (self-discipline, purposefulness, concentration itself, the ability to wait, the ability to catch up) you need to become susceptible, emotional, alive. You facilitate the task to open and feel that such feeding and education in the entire spectrum of these concepts, learn how to take it and give.

Choose a family life with all its concerns and troubles, strengthen the sense of duty, responsibility. Making a career to pay attention to the family, the genus, tradition, become a patriot of his country and create your own world, house. He must turn the cell in the full bowl, where it will be cozy, comfortable. When everyone strives for you, you have good, warm, satisfying. Perhaps you will leave your family and go for new experience, while maintaining dreams of material well-being and the desire to play a major role. The more you concentrate on your career to the detriment of the family, the more unreliable and unfortunate your life will be. You must learn to feed and educate and pay your attention to the house and family. For example, you can become a great chef and have a happy family life, enjoying the role of her chapter.

It is useful for you to take an example from people born under the sign of cancer: to learn from them patriotism, loyalty and traditions of ancestors, interest in history. It will be necessary for the sake of close relatives to sacrifice ambitions, remain loyal religions and the traditions of ancestors. Only in this case you will find the possibility of fast and easy career climb.

You must learn how to support, as well as get it. Many people with such a position of the nodes are experiencing a strong family burden to learn the emotional needs of other people. You need to learn sincere, apologize if you are wrong, and do not look for advantages over others if right. You need to learn to forgive other people's mistakes, treat them more condescendingly, to conduct a dialogue on equal.

Cancer symbolizes the stomach and food as a biological factor of heat. It means to succeed in life, you need to feed those for whom we are responsible; Return to the roots and traditions of their ancestors, the people, to the traditions of their family. You need to be a patriot, altruist, read the elders, live one life with the people, study national roots, history.

Northern Knot in Lev - Southern in Aquarius

Based on the best qualities of Aquarius (susceptibility to a new one, to non-standard), a person must bring up a bright person in himself, to become an egoist in the best understanding of this word. Must burn, light up as a star. You need to become a creative person, an artist, you have a wardrobe and there are so many hangers, and on every your own image - play: Loving mom (father), passionate mistress (K), best friend, evil neighbor, favorite teacher, bitch becklings. Wear all these images, shock everyone.

From the very beginning of life, you can observe that the friends of this person are a bit, but they are faithful and devotees. In relations with people on the one hand, they love them, because there are those in relation to whom you can show strong feelings of the guardian, and on the other - they do not accept, for they are very much bothering the work that they always have a lot, especially a lot of hindrance they It turns out in the endeavors of the creative, creative plan, which brings the best fruits only when it is engaged in solitude, when all its strength and energy can be sent to a single goal, devotion to the only case - great, global.

However, during periods of privacy with a person, one person can still be - the closest, most beloved. You must learn independence, overcome doubts about yourself and accumulate inside the power, as you are ready to become a leader. Your thirst for friendship only scatters your energy and undermines your ability to develop confidence.

In this life, circumstances will make you be independent - in some moments of life you will not have anyone, to whom you can rely on, but it is these periods of isolation necessary to you to accumulate strength. Take an example from a lion: learn from him to optimism, the ability to be a bright creative personality. Become leaders around you should always boil life, you should come from new ideas and brilliant projects. And remember: you are obliged to answer for each step - otherwise the embodiment of your ideas will bring the surrounding a lot of trouble.

Very often, such a person is not to rely on, while he is not aware that if his life should be better, it must be created by him. Very capable of strong leadership in this life, this person must learn to overcome all doubts. It should more navigate the target. When determining the roots, there will be no stops on the way to success, because Such a person does not like, calm down on something secondary. There is a lot of thoughts devoted to the future, in fact, he got used to living in it until one day comes to awareness that "today is the future of yesterday", and that nothing will exist in the future, which is not created today.

Many people with such a position of the nodes pass the way from poverty to wealth; Large changes come after the trend is overlooking turns into the ability to observe! You can achieve happiness if you find what to devote life. He will achieve the highest achievements, if subjugate the personal will to the ministry to humanity. It can take times wishing loneliness, but will never live without people, because he blooms from their admiration for his achievements. He believes in justice, but quickly forgives when people recognize that they are not right, and will never hit lying. It is necessary to strive to live in the interests of other people, live for children. Such a person is intended to inspire others.

Northern Knot in Virgo - Southern in Fish

Relying on the best qualities of fish (mercy, compassion, unrequited love, monasticism, convicted, orphans) relying on tolerance, understanding, all forgiveness, a person should become reasonable, calculating, enterprising, be able to appreciate the little things, to calculate everything, to be able to organize production, process . Be a methodical, punctual, careful to small things. It is necessary to strive for clarity, rationality, to the definition in work, to educate a sense of duty, responsibility. Preceding trends, such as dependence on others, as well as a vast pity for themselves due to the lack of achievements, obstacles that should be overcome in the current life. He must learn that nothing happens in his life until tasks and objectives are clearly defined.

In the first half of life, they still believe and dream of the world of idealistic, utopian, where justice they rule, good faith, joy and happiness. With such a vital philosophy, with such a position to live on earth is difficult, painfully. And it is required to develop and strengthen the sense of debt and responsibilities, measures and responsibilities, to engage in the systematic development of your own spirit, the expansion of the spiritual horizon. These people know how to swim by the flow and read between the lines.

The main task is to serve society, painstaking and disinterested work for the benefit of others. Most often - these are the most working horses, the gigantic contribution of which in general is evaluated only in a minute, when the employee itself leaves. In this life, you need to learn from selectingly to whom you will help, master practical planning and learn to clearly set goals. Make sure that people you have decided to help worthy of efforts.

You need to learn to say "no".

Northern knot in scales - Southern in Aries

Based on the best quality of Aries (courage, energy, enterprise, fearlessness, the ability to stand up for themselves, to protect the one who is nearby) a person must devote himself to gaining harmony, peacefulness, justice, an active social position. He needs to strive for equilibrium, calmness, to harmony in relations with people and the world around; I have never been in a hurry, do not be ahead of the events. It is necessary to educate an extract, goodwill, remember that all their actions should be suspended, calm, wise. Their bet - on wisdom!

People with an upward knot in the scales must be extremely fair, and balanced in relationships with others. It is possible to show activity and it is necessary only when this is due to the interests of other people. This man with a strong spirit and unshakable will, active and energetic, cruel and merciless, who were afraid not only other people, but also their own. In any profession, in any case, it can become a discoverer who applies new ideas and creating all the necessary prerequisites for their implementation.

True, now it requires cooperation, employees, companions, co-authors. It is not easy to work with him, for elevated impulsiveness and emotionality, self-conception and self-identity are prevented here; Contracts and contracts are often violated, laws and rules of fair games are not complied with. It is required that things are required to answer the words promised on time and on time for a person to take responsibility, respected the rights of other people, more paid attention to the little things of everyday life, to avoid disharmony in relations with a partner. Its strength and energy should be investing in more specific and noble affairs, completely refuse to delibeous desires, strong passions and animal instincts.

With this position of the nodes, you need to learn a lot about self-sacrifice and the needs of other people. Many stubborn and welfare. Listen to the other is new to them, and they find it uncomfortable and undesirable, feeling that it makes it difficult to move forward. Often changes the decision, and loyalty to one case does not apply to the number of its merits. He knows that in this life should be more likely to receive, however, he considers it difficult to cope with such a task. While he is not learning to share, there will always be something that will slow down his efforts.

Such people have a very pleasant appearance, which is part of a karmic lesson about vanity. Any balance of self-disclosure causes difficulties in marriage.

Northern knot in Scorpio - Southern in Taurus

Based on the best qualities of the Taurus (the ability to accumulate, the ability to create) a person should not go be afraid of risk, sacrifice the full Mircoma, "and the eternal fight, we only dream." Destroy all old, rot. This is a very serious configuration of the nodes, and you will have to confront the depths of passion, sexuality, obsession and the struggle of goodness with evil.

If you rarely envy the material well-being of other people, if you learned that for money it is impossible to buy truly important things, then you are on the right pole of the axis of the nodes. It is necessary purposefully, systematically and severely fight with their shortcomings: greed, crumbling, accumulation, laziness.

Losses in this life are expected considerable, to put up with suffering, taking them as proper and deserved in the past life. Now you need to go ahead, without looking back, without turning, boldly and brave, even with a risk, choosing your companion and assistant a real friend and comrade, adviser and mentor, faithful and transferred to the end of life. The fact that in this life a person will give another, tenfold will be random in future life.

This position of the nodes contributes to achieving success through extreme conditions, through sharp changes and changes, fractures and permutations, through self-sacrifice, or even self-destruction for the benefit of the idea, for the benefit of people. You need to actively deal with justice. No matter who your prosthet is people, animals, ideas. The main thing is that you are opposed to evil, lies, slander. Dangerous situations as if I attract you, so life teaches you not to chop off the shoulder, spare and protect the weak. If the lesson is absorbed, then the person acquires internal harmony.

Northern Knot in Sagittari - South in Gemini

Based on the best qualities of the twins (the ability to work with information, contact) You need to be contact, with anyone to find a common language, to become a teacher with a capital letter, the breadth of the horizon, the energy of its can be able to collect people, keep, become an authority for them.

Such people are distinguished by freshness of perception, the ability to work with information flows, the ability to find a common language with any person. It is necessary to engage in activities aimed at uniting people and whole peoples, contribute to the mutual enrichment of cultures. The mind of the philosophical warehouse, all of his knowledge needs to be investigated into pedagogical and scientific activities, where he can be waiting for success, popularity, social career, material goods, especially in other people's countries and in collaboration with foreigners.

You need to become teachers, to negotiate the whole cohort of students - even more intelligent and capable. Your goal is higher knowledge, seeking to gain wisdom, truth and devotion to some one conviction. You can become a spiritual teacher, a philosopher that helps other people understand that we can live together, getting rid of prejudices.

You came to this world to realize that all belief systems have common roots. You understand that we all make this journey of life in search of our connection with the source. It is necessary to choose activities aimed at combining people, mutual knowledge and penetration of various cultures. Such a leader is primarily spiritual.

Northern Knot in Capricorn - Southern Cancer

Based on the best quality cancer (emotionality, adaptation, the ability to feel the mood of the person) is not afraid to go forward, upstream, reach the goal.

Skilled leader, personnel council, psychologist, supports on his intuition. Head, master of his case. At the beginning of your life, you can be shy, easy to fall into depression and suffer from stomach ulcers due to increased anxiety. In the future you will become a leader, but first you need to overcome the restrictions in your family life. You need to learn independence and self-sufficiency.

Those who do not understand their own emotional problems, people who are ready to pay on your chest will be thrown to you, and you will heal their souls, absorbing their emotional problems. Self-discipline and perseverance are your strengths. You can become business owner, architect or organizer, respected and responsible. There will be nothing impossible for you if you put a target and you will work on its achievement. You need to be brave, soberly look at the world around me, do not respond to everything too emotionally.

Such a person over time can play an important role in the affairs of his country, states, people, or will be an exemplary father and family man, in this way, in an effort to grow a spirit, to the expansion of the spiritual horizon. The best thing when a person manage to develop his own individual goal and boldly pursue it. The aim to clearly realize the goal, develop dedication, you need a constant concentration of thought, constant self-improvement. The path of informal leadership is necessary and must be an example for others. Develop a sense of patriotism and devotion.

The northern knot in Capricorn in women gives extraordinarily strong searches of the father's figure, and men have a realization of the need to fulfill their father's role.

Northern Knot in Aquarius - Southern in Lion

Based on the best quality of the lion (a strong nature, the volitional rod, to defend its own, to sell) a person needs to break the old framework for the new idea of \u200b\u200binnovation, become non-standard, unusual. Refuse to self-study, from vanity, deposit, close attention to his person, he is strong, working for the sake of idea, for friends, for the sake of teams, party interests, to become a revolutionary.

It is useful for you to take an example from Aquarius: learn from them freedomiff, altruism and non-crack look at the world. Strive for independence in judgments, strive for friendship, to everything new, do not be afraid to experiment, look for new ways. No need to cling to the past, live in the future, see ahead and only forward and good luck will definitely knock your door. The struggle between his own life and disinterested dedication to mankind.

Such a position of the nodes causes great difficulties in marriage, as a person wants to dominate those who are close to him. You need to exercise modesty. It is necessary to learn more about the world and the sorrows before climbing at a higher level. Perform your mission - Do you have the warmth of your spirit surrounding the warmth, emit the radiance of the Sun to awaken in them the spark of creativity, use all your wisdom to make this world better. You have a great potential of ingenuity, especially if you plan your strategies, relying on your own impartiality.

Northern knot in fish - Southern in Virgo

Relying on the best qualities of the Virgin (ability to organize, debug, take into account any trifle) a person should go to understand the highest harmony, divine love, make for himself the discovery that not everything is measured by reason, the real discoveries come in a dream, they are built on intuition, and then Build a system of evidence. He needs to become disinterested, not petty, be able to forgive, not annoyance, merge and dissolve with the oceans. Develop intuition, creativity, harmonious merging with nature, with thin cosmic rhythms.

Such a person needs to strive for art, aesthetism, contact with the highest world, to absolutely harmonious relations with people. To live by the sea, become a chemist, the seller of water, perfume. Learn to be more modest, do not attempt at each other case to prove your own superiority. Be tolerant to others, show love and compassion.

Your path is the path of truly believers and you will have to perceive what you can not touch, nor feel, and this is not a comic.


Chapter 80.

If the northern moon node: either with Zeus, or with selenium, or aphrodite, or with Helios, then such exile creates [especially if the planet falls out of its sect]. And of course, together with Helios, it brings such harm to the father, and together with the Selenium Mother, discovering, or its low origin, or her audacious (arrogant) temper and arrogant speeches (pride), with the danger of violence over it, especially if at the corners. And of course with benefactors, the northern lunar knot is excellent. On the contrary, with pests, the southern moon node is excellent. Hence, if the lord of the trigone for those shining, the first and second lord, are intolerable from the side (shining) or among themselves this will happen [both lords of the trigone are not related to the sign of the shone and lunar nodes]. Or if both lords of trigons are opposite to each other (diameter or 180 °). And without contemplation during the day, then of course under Helios, and at night under Selena. Then, it creates a similar: capture captured by enemies or the slave existence or the fate of the exile in the run through the confluence of ill-fated circumstances. And also, with his father, all the listed misadventures may be involved. Selena and Kronos in one zodiac sign happening [with lunar nodes], expulsion for permanent time create, and if otherwise, by 36 years or during a period of time, renewable only if in an excellent place will be. And if the Vladyka Fortuna acquires in the 7th or in an underground peg, then similar [with lunar nodes], also expires. And if the Vladyka fortune in the 8th [with lunar nodes], then the ghostly wealth is similar to the [wealth gersion) or an unreliable position will indicate. And when the pests are superior to the shining [with lunar nodes], per square or hexagon, then such great hazards create, with the possibility of violent death ever.

If the northern lunar node in the twelfth place will be, and Helios or Selena [both shining or one of the shone separately] together with Ares and Hermes in the same place happen. In this case, he will cover the sufferings (native) (leprosy?), Or will the bone be squealing close to the ground (drop from height?), Or he threatens blinding, or in fire he will be burned, or the bad death is designed to be designed to be Life. And then, under the enemies, he was destined to death, especially if the Kronos joins the figure. If Zeus and Aphrodite there (in the 12th) will be, then it dares evil, and in addition, it eliminates from a bad death at the end of life. If Zeus and Aphrodite (in the 12th) happen only [with the northern lunar nodes and without the influence of pests], then the evil of the Great they will not test, an insignificant position or a state to ourselves will be tightened, and even from the slave state will be dissected or acquired benefits from slaves. If the southern lunar node will happen in that twelve, and the arises and the kronos will turn out to be in the same place or mark the place with contemplation also [the beam is preferable to 12th], then excellent combination in everything. From here, or ingenuity will open (possibly found?) Or under strangers, they will receive a remuneration (in foreign lands or from non-ferrous property?). If Zeus and Aphrodite there (in the 12th and southern lunar nodes) will only happen, apart from over with contemplation from Kronos, Ares and Hermes [that, there are rays do not cover the peg of degrees in the figure of Zeus and Aphrodite with southern lunar nodes in 12 -wh]. Then, impermanence on the part of the wives and their offspring, or their rebellion or their own way, and all harm will follow his hidden possessions or his spleen (a lot of chagrins). And if Helios, Ares and Hermes are on top of contemplating (southern lunar nodes in the 12th), and the Kronos in the same place (in the 12th) will happen. Then misfortune and wallace will forever pursue this life.

If the Northern Lunar Knot will be near the horoscope, and Zeus and Aphrodite will also happen there, separately with the Kronos and Ares, then the greatness will achieve this husband, in battles and in the state field. If the village of them jointly testifies, the figure will improve for greater good and its virtues. And if Helios simultaneously turns out to be in that place or if one degrees also contemplates, then luck and success will be accompanied among the highest nobility. And, in addition, powerful and great rulers breeds similarly. If the Kronos and Ares are contemplated on top of degrees (northern moon node). And also if the pests together near the horoscope are, then the birth of born will pass in the midst of defects or in complete insignificance, as it will treat the breed of people who burn their lives and their property [as options: will die in the flame or dying in his fire possessions?]. Spiritual sorrow, eye disease, constant failures will chase born until the dawn of his life will cross the 36 years. And as soon as he crosses this age, it will be completely free from evil. And when Kronos and Ares (with northern lunar nodes) and together with Helios, and the Selenium, in a successful way to zeus and Aphrodite under their joint compound or under contemplation (benefactors) over degrees. Then, then the bones on his fault [I believe that the passage reports not only about the "bone fracture", and perhaps about fiscal torture or transcriptions] or he will blind or due to an accident, his members or how much of his The share of property is silent (separation of inheritance and possessions of those intended to him). And, in addition, the cruel death is waiting for him someday, and then a sudden death will overtake him in color of years.

If the Southern Moon Node is near a horoscope, and Kronos and Ares happened there, separately with benefactors or without their rays, then a whole good figure will succeed. Hence, in many sciences, he will succeed, reaches fame and influence, and even it will be no one, will create a dynasty, and considerable wealth has been tightened. And if Helios and Hermes are along with those (pests, near the horoscope), then for his father, the bad figure. For hence the damage to the deeds of the father, his loss, deprivation, litigation, prosecution and all sorts of trials of fate is promised. And if Zeus and Aphrodite there (near the horoscope) will be, and only together with the southern lunar node (without the participation of pests), then such a living condition generates, and especially if (benefactors) together with Selenva. In the latter case, what would he be sought, then in all the mediocre results, it will achieve any valuable self (from property or respect).

If the northern lunar node in that "life-supporting place" (2nd), Zeus and Aphrodite and Yelios and Selena and Mr. Yers are happening there, then he will become a property manager (managing) worthy of trust and Srebrolube (Roshverchik). And if the Kronos and Ares and Selena, will be on top of contemplating degrees also, then youth is a non-permanent and rebellious (over the years, repentance) and complete suffering. Until the dawn of his life crosses 35 years. At the age of age, he will be liberated from the sins of youth and put the beginning of the accumulation of the state. And if the Kronos and Ares there (2nd) happen only, separately with the contemplation of Zeus and Aphrodites. That in the latter case, he will be a loser, when in the end of life and the ill-fated end will gain. If the southern lunar node in the life of life support is (2nd place), it is always bad for the Father, since a considerable damage from envious sicophants for the property of the Father is promised. And if the Kronos and Ares in the same place will be removed along with the southern lunar nodes, then an excellent figure. From here, it began to produce a considerable state, they will be laid, through constant discontent with their affairs, through the corpses, through the wills, through the ruin of other people's homes, with the benefit of an unforeseen turnover of affairs. But, if Zeus and Aphrodite there (2nd) will be, then he will not reach wealth, because failures will pursue him in endeavors.

If the northern lunar node beside the "brothers" will happen (synefoha), and Zeus, Aphrodite and Helios, together with the Selenium there (3rd), will be contemplate or over degrees. That, then, in brothers (sisters), sorrow is assigned to him (as options, mourning for brothers (sisters) or misfortunes from them). He either loses them (brothers and sisters). Either, he keeps silence about them (as an option, brothers (sisters) disappear or he does not communicate with them). If the southern moon node beside the "brothers" will happen, and Zeus and Aphrodite there (3rd) will be contemplated or over degrees. Then this indicates a bad configuration for parents. And if the Kronos and Ares there (3rds) happens (with southern lunar nodes). Then, he himself foreshadows (injuries, fractures, spiritual dots) or other evil. And his father is constant harm (as an option, complete ruin).

The northern lunar knot there (4th) together with Zeus, Aphrodite, Selenium and Helios or if those (stars) overlook (watching down from top to bottom). Promise the well-being of the house (family) born. Helios together with the Kronosoma there (4th, together with the northern lunar nodes) inform about the childlessness (Nat), and the house from where born was born, will be ruined or will be alienated in favor of an outsider. If Helios is one there (4th) along with the northern lunar knot, then this reports that the father of that person will reach the power. If (Helios), together with the Kronosom and Ares, will be, then the house (family) will be ruined with the one born. And his father, in the end, or the expense will be from his possessions. Moreover, the born few years of life is promised. Or to his wife and children, he will be an impermanence (as an option, he will be thrown by his wife and children). If Selena and Aphrodite falls out with the northern lunar node, then he will become an astrologer, and from that skill will begin to void (well-being). If the Kronos, and Ares, and Hermes there (4th) will become separately with Zeus and Aphrodite (or, their rays). Then the torment is promised to him, an accident with him will occur or severe ailment. He will also be crumpled or will be caused to him, some kind of damage. His members or unfortunate death will come up with him. And the house, in which he was born, will be destroyed (as an option, his genus is eradicated). If Helios with those stars will also happen, then his father suddenly dies. And if Selena, together with the Kronos, Arsa and Hermes will be. Then that born and mother will suddenly die. If the southern moon knot there (4th) will happen together with Zeus and Aphrodite, it will not be from that harm to his parents. If Helios and Selena there (4th) are, then both of his parents will die with an unnatural death or go blind or will be overthrown (as an option, abandoned by children).

If the northern moon knot there (5th) together with Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes. Or, if those (stars) on top of the degrees contemplate that place (5th). Then in one of the cases it will be blessed with children [as options: He knows parental happiness, it will be surrounded by numerous offspring] or he will generate a famous descendant, which will bring him a state. If Ares or Kronos, the place is seen [used the verb "IDOSI" - "see", "View", "to have an image", it is possible that it is about anti-ancase (ISOSKELES)], then the firstborn will die (in adolescence) or die During the year (in infancy). If Helios there (5th) will happen or on top of degrees contemplates the place, then (firstborn?) Will be delighted with evil (dying), but some of his children will bring harm (body defect, illness?). If the southern moon knot there (5th) together with the Kronos, Ares and Hermes, then the firstborn will destroy it. Moreover, his wife (born firstborn) will not hurt (the wife does not die during childbirth). And if the southern moon knot, together with Zeus and Aphrodite or on top of the degrees, contemplates them (in the 5th), his son who had reached the adulthood will not return from the military campaign in other regions [as an option: it will be asced to live in another fatherland, will not return to his homeland parents because of abroad].

Chapter 57.

"The North Moon Knot in the 6th, along with Ares and Kronos, or over the contemplation of degrees (pests). Then he threatens falling into the water, in a ditch or a well; And also bone damage to him foreshadows. And if Zeus, Helios and Selena there (6th) will be, and Kronos or Ares contemplate them, or there will be there. Then he will be delighted with evil, except for he to beat himself, after 26 and 35 years. And as soon as it reaches the completion of those years, then the danger will pass it. And if the southern moon knot is in that 6th, he will experience adversity and suffering in adolescence. And if Zeus and Aphrodite there (6th), then there will be illnesses in the hidden places of the body. And if the Kronos and Ares in the 6th, it will be delighted from the evil, with the exception of RAS or damage to some parts of his body (hint of the nature of the zodiac sign). "

61 Chapter. About figures of damage and diseases, in general

"If the northern lunar node in the place of damage will be (6th), and Kronos or Ares happened there. Then damage from falling from a height or from falling into a deep well, as well as bone fractures. And then it makes him in the chain, many ailments and wounds. And it is possible that the prison or captivity, as well as the fate of unhappy cripples or chronic disease is promised to him. And if Zeus and Aphrodite there (6th) happens, and Kronos and Ares do not contemplate them. That will not cause such harm to those born. And if the southern moon knot there (6th) will happen, then promises such adversity and suffering in youth. And if Zeus and Aphrodite there (6th) happens. That is possible from that disease in the hidden parts of his body. And if the Kronos and Ares there (6th) will be. That will not harm his body, except that it hurts its lower limbs. "

If the northern lunar knot in the 7th, together by Kronosom, Aphrodite and Hermes, then from the side of his wife produces two marriages. (In the sense, his wife promises to marry to marriage with a man owner of a horoscope or marital after him). And if Ares and Aphrodite there (7th) happen or will be on top of contemplating those degrees (northern lunar node). Then he marries a rich old woman or combined with a marriage on the side of the eyes. (Idiomatics, since Seseli is an oily plant dedicated to Cyprus; Compare, with the Russian expression "Oil eyes"). If Zeus, Aphrodite and Hermes there (4th). That, this inclined to marriage with a hollow special, gives love and friendly location of the wife, promises family well-being and considerable state after her death. If the southern moon node there (7th). That, in the specified case, the wife before the husband will die or will experience some kind of harm for himself. Kronos and Ares, if there (7th) are or overlooked. That, like that gives a permanent work of his wife or woman from common or widow or siroto. And if the Aphrodite also turns out to be there (7th) or overlook. Then this gives a wife in the color of youthful years. And if Zeus simultaneously with those (stars) will be there (7th) or over degrees contemplates. That, then he will receive a wife of a non-permanent or volatile lava. And when Helios and Hermes there (7th) will be contemplated or over degrees. That, then he is worst with a marriage or an unusual view of a woman. (As an option, on a blonde, on blue-eyed or green-eyed woman, different appearance from the Mediterranean race).

Chapter 57.

If the Northern Moon Knot will happen in that 8th, together with Helios, Ares, Hermes and Kronos. Or, on top of the degrees, the place is contemplated, those specified stars. Then, such a bad death produces or gives a few years of life. If Zeus and Aphrodite are only in the 8th (separately with pests), then similar indicates a peaceful end of life and the acquisition of considerable (acquired state or legacy?). If the South Moon Knot will happen in that 8th, and Zeus, and Kronos, and Aphrodite, and Ares there (8th) will be. In the latter case, such a violent death foreshadows.

Chapter 77.

If the northern lunar knot, will happen in that 8th place and is contemplated with Ares, and Kronosom, and Hermes. Then, violent death is similar foreshadowed, or behead, or the arrival of the pole (crucifix), or planting on count. And if Helios, the specified configuration marks its testimony, then the execution will be public or with sentenced to death also remove the skin. And if it happens that only benefactors contemplate, then the 8th place, separately with the Kronosom and Ares, then such a peaceful death creates. If the South Moon Knot will happen in that 8th place, Zeus, and Aphrodite, and Ares there (8th) happens. Then the violent death produces or decapitation.

The northern lunar knot in the 9th with Helios, and Kronos, and Arrest promises misfortunes and tests abroad or through foreigners, or a captivity, or vagrancy, or a bad death. If Zeus and Aphrodite there (9th) will be without the participation of Kronos and Ares, then such a similar arrangement (friendship) of great husbands is foreshadowed from abroad and prosperity on a foreign land. If Helios, and Aphrodite, and Hermes there (9th) happen. Then, then the god-fearing and pious person will appear, or the priest (priest), bringing victims by the vow of the gods; And besides that, the sanctuary (temples) ends under the beginning of the gods or kings or great husbands. They are also honored abroad, profits from holy places, from articles and income established from public spectacles. Especially if Selena happens together with Zeus, or on top of the degrees, they contemplate that northern lunar node, then she adds similar all the benefits to their sources of existence, mainly when transferring funds (currency and banking operations); And besides, they become lucky and durable. And if the southern moon node is in that 9th, together with the Kronos and Ares or on top of the contemplation of degrees (from pests) as well. That, then this indicates an excellent figure. Since promises the dominant position, fame and good luck in other parts. If Helios and Hermes are there (9th), then they reach a wide fame on the chosen field.

The Northern Moon Knot in the middle of the sky with Selenia, Aphrodite and Zeus produces in all the lucky people, famous, using universal love and location of powerful persons. Kronos and Ares, if those are in the middle of the sky, and also, if (pests) contemplate Zeus, Aphrodite and Helios (near MS). That, then, this reports a bad figure. So in one of the cases, it produces pathetic horses, thieves (casnocrads) living with unworthy women. So whatever wealth they would have tightened, their property is destroyed or becoming community owned (confiscation). In addition, they are promised a few years of life (will not live to old age), and then death in color of their years will take. Especially if Selena is present in the same place (near MS). The South Moon Knot in the middle of the sky, together with Zeus and Aphrodite, reports the impermanence of life and state, more often according to their own fault, about passion obsession in one of the cases, the hazards for life and property, the latter is true for those who produce livelihoods When delivering goods or gives under the percentage. And, in addition, in one of the cases, about the detrimental passions of his mother. And mainly about poverty or poverty. If the Kronos and Ares in the middle of the sky (with the South Moon Node) or contemplate this place [another indirect testimony from the Retreat of Egyptian that the MS and the 10th place coincide!]. That, in adolescence, he will experience a lot of evil because of his little faint or bad inclinations. And after, a happy turn of fate in his life will designate. Since, with the outcome of youth, he will acquire wealth, will see his offspring and will begin to receive a permanent income. True, the start and durable position established by him will be based on other people's deprivation and tyranny. And besides that, coarse and unwanted sons, deprived of concerns about parents and Toliks of the worst prudence, will be sent to him in fee for the fact that Ares and Kronos are rejoiced along with the southern lunar knot. And when the Kronos and Aphrodite are gaining together in the middle of the sky with the southern moon node. That, then, such a one will disappear by the plump and non-permanent wives, which after (attack of obsession) drag, come to themselves.

If the Lord of the 11th place falls on a horoscope, and the evil demon (Lord) at sunset (sits). That gives a similar wealth in youth and moderate wealth in old years. If the figure is changed in reverse order (the lord of the 12th in the 1st, and the Lord of the 11th in the 7th), then the reverse order changes and luck (at age). If the Northern Moon Knot will happen in that place (11th) and in the same place, Aphrodite and Hermes acquire. Then from his wife all his possessions will occur. Or from ENUOV began its state will be laid. However, at first, he will be impermanent to his wife and children, because it will be experienced fleeting hobbies to women. And if it will also be Zeus with them, then all the earthly goods will reach, putting the beginning of the vast state and power among fellow citizens. And if the Kronos and Hermes there (11th) are, and beneficial stars, not contemplate the specified place over the degrees. Then the failures will be comprehended or he will fall into the Western (enemies). Or for life and property will be imposed by a judicial penalty. If Zeus and Aphrodite, together with Selenia or with Helios there (11th) will be. Then he will successfully acquire himself a great condition. And it should be 70 years old. If the southern lunar node will happen in that 11th place, and Zeus and Aphrodite will be in the same way. Then the impermanence of fate will comprehend his possession and brood. From here some part of his property will be irretrievably lost. And only after bitter losses will come to him abundance. And if the Kronos and Aphrodite there (11th) will turn out to be. Then he will test the adversity in his youth. And only after testing, they will be put on the state of the state; And he will rejoice in the picturesque places in the water and the rest of the life of his will live in excellent. If together from the southern moon node to the northern moon node in the passage will be (stars and shining), always well, and for the successful completion of the life, and for the acquisition of property, and to study the issue of accrualing many years (living). But, only after that (judgment is true), as both of the luminaries together with the stars will be in that pass. [It is definitely that the Retains of Egyptian argues about the exclusive position of the planets and shone between the lunar nodes, later the figure will find identifying from Cala Amrita yoga in Indian astrology].

Full text can be taken in the group

Astronomically lunar nodes are the points of intersection of the orbit of the moon with an ecliptic or the path that the sun is moving relative to the stars. These are truly peculiar knots that bind together two major cosmic stands and lunar.

The sun is often associated with a monad, Spark God, a certain spiritual center of the human essence, which travels, reincarnated, from life to life, accumulating in every life some experience. A moon can be compared with the material, mortal shell, built from the earth and playing the role of temporary nesting of the monad - the Sun in this particular life.

In Indian mythology, there is a story about the demon (Rakshas) swarmed into two parts. The upper part was called Rahu, meaning the head of the dragon, and the lower part is Ketu (the tail of the dragon). The upper part corresponds to the direction towards the North Pole of the Earth, so it is also called the northern (ascending) node. The node located in the opposite side is called the southern (descending) node.

In astrology, these points are indicators of karmic savings and spiritual potential. They describe the man's mission and point of destination to which he seeks in the current embodiment.

The life of people is a movement from the past to the future. The vector of this movement is directed from the southern knot to the Northern, from the downward - to the ascending. It can be said that the lunar nodes symbolize the lunar-solar process or the path going through which the man masters the circumstances of the moon and approaches the goal of the sun. The line (axis) of the lunar nodes in the horoscope can be compared with the river of life, which floats each of us.

Only the course of the river here is rather directed from the rising knot to the downstream and to get to the goal, it is necessary to overcome the difficulties of sailing against the current, otherwise those who flood to the flow all the time takes back to the southern node in which everything is so familiar and mastered.

Southern, downstream moon node and its meaning

A person begins his way on earth not from scratch or with a clean sheet. Before his current embodiment, he passed a certain part of the path and acquired an experience, which expresses the downward (southern) lunar knot.

This experience may be bitter or positive. In any case, a person feels some spheres of life more or less mastered, and it is easy to engage in what he is familiar and is good. Meanwhile, contacting the topics of a downward node and life in its framework is stagnation and movement in the opposite direction. It should be done so that the experience of past achievements has become a solid base for future conquests and promotion in life. The past cannot be rejected completely, but you need to go ahead, without looking back all the time ago.

North, ascending moon node and its meaning

Ascending (Northern) Lunar knot just shows the most necessary and correct direction of movement in the boat of life. The future can frighten with its unknown, and in knowledge there is constantly a deficiency. Movement to the goal is often associated with errors and misses, and the vertices sometimes seem unattainable.

However, you need to move in the direction of the ascending node. This will mean the desire to fulfill its vital mission of the current embodiment.

Analysis and interpretation of lunar nodes

Lunar nodes should not be considered separately from other elements of the horoscope. They can strengthen or emphasize the general meaning and promise, laid down in the birth map. A comprehensive study of the lunar nodes and fundamental astrological factors will help to better understand the vitality of the vitality and the fate of the person, since in this case it is possible to carry out parallels between today's existence of a Native with his past and future.

An analysis of the position of the lunar nodes is very important when studying and solving karmic issues and tasks. The zodiac sign in which the downward node enters, will indicate the familiar style of behavior and the lifestyle of the Native, which go roots in past incarnations. The ascending moon knot, the astrological house in which he falls, and his sign will tell the direction in which a person needs to develop in the current life. Understanding the vector of its development will give a native the opportunity to get rid of the problems of the past and fully realize the creative and spiritual potential laid out in nature and destiny.

Moon nodes in the signs of the zodiac

Ascending (Northern) Node in Aries, downward (southern) knot in scales

A man with an upstream node in the Aries has a leader and pioneer task. A descending node in the scales will be inclined to compromise and the behavior of the diplomat, but this is an incorrect path. In order to fulfill its purpose, a person can not be lit on others and hope for support from someone else.

The path of such a person is a born and unique, but this is the path of loners. It is necessary to develop wrestling qualities, determination and independence. The crowd may not behave only the brightest, representative, energetic, confident man.

Ascending knot in Taurus, downward node in Scorpio

The karmic task of a person with an upward node in the Taurus is to develop and improve talents and abilities. It will be fine if the Horoscope holder will choose an activity related to art. It may be painting, architecture, literature (poetry), singing, etc. The creative nature of labor will allow the native to develop and grow. Creativity may be applied. The native can be interested in gardening, animal husbandry, love land and build houses.

And, on the contrary, if a person goes along the path of the descending knot, that is, it will do that he is familiar, life will become meaningless, and most of the karmic nodes will not be able to unleached during life. People with a descending knot in Scorpio cannot be fascinated by intrigues, hinge games and search only for benefits, interacting with partners. They are encouraged to develop thoroughness, hard work, honesty, practicality, the ability to rejoice in the beautiful around itself and create harmonious images with their own hands.

Ascending knot in twins, downward knot in Sagittar

A man's mission with an upward knot in the twins is any intellectual activity. It may be the work of a writer, a scientist, translator, journalist, etc. A person with such a node is also worth developing communicative, intermediary and commercial skills, even if it is difficult for him to be given.

Advocate for people with a downlith node in Sagittarius Activities related to teaching, philosophy, religion and travel. In this life, it is important to learn from yourself, and not to teach others and distribute advice. It may be found that the knowledge of the native is too abstract, and they cannot be applied to solve specific tasks. In this situation, it is necessary to communicate as much as possible, to look for new sources of information, promptly respond to changes in the surrounding world, applying the skills learned recently.

Ascending knot in cancer, downward knot in Capricorn

The ascending assembly in cancer suggests that in the current embodiment, the holder of the horoscope needs to send their strength to the creation of a family, a cozy home and durable rear. The Mission of the NATIV can be the maintenance of family values, the ministry of the Motherland, the expression of love for the debris.

The owner of the downward node in Capricorn should not devote his life to the work and implementation of high ambitions. It is impossible to distance themselves from others, limited only to dry-business relationships. Showing softness, kindness, concern for people, the subject will fully fulfill its karmic tasks. In matters and in life, he will help the intuition and childish ability to emotionally perceive everything that happens around. A person who does not limit himself by the framework of strict instructions and tough plans acting spontaneously and trusting the world will act in accordance with its karmic destination.

Ascending assembly in Lion, downward node in aquale

A person with these nodes should be more attentive to society and the phenomena taking place in it. You need to learn to see the creative beginning in others, but you can not dissolve in the crowd, forgetting about the uniqueness of my own personality.

A man with an upward node in Lev should detect an individuality in himself and develop those talents and abilities that his Creator awarded. Sensing himself implemented in society and necessary to him, the subject begins to "shine" for other people: to give joy, charge positive, to love, create for them.

It will be good if a person with this node will choose activities related to creativity, scene, teaching and training, management.

Ascending knot in a Vero, downward knot in fish

A man with a descending knot in fish is inclined to sail downstream and overloaded itself with the problems of other people. Meanwhile, he should not be too soft in this life, wounded, sensitive and torn away from reality. The ascending knot in the Virgin requires the development of practicality, high performance, a sober approach to cases.

It is desirable to choose for yourself the sphere of activity that will require the use of intelligent (analytical) abilities. The holder of a horoscope, well feeling his karmic task, can become a successful writer, scientist, administrator, doctor, etc.

Ascending knot B.Scales, downward knot in a ramp

The owner of the downward node in the Aries was used to the initiative, to act energetically and decide everything on their own. In this embodiment, a native must be abandoned from such a style of behavior, as this can lead to singing and in vain waste of energy.

You should choose a way dictated by the ascending knot in the scales, which means to behave diplomatically, take into account the opinion of others, look for partners and create trust and harmonious relations. The meaning of life may be associated with business cooperation and marriage.

In addition, scales are a creative sign, because the holder of the horoscope is favorable in the field of art.

Ascending knot B.Scorpio, downward node in Taurus

The owner of the descending assembly in the talented body, works in the sweat of the face, loves comfort and stable life, full of ordinary earthly joy. Meanwhile, from these karmic developments need to leave. Movement along the path of the ascending node in Scorpio - this means not so much to work yourself how much to send the efforts of others to achieve our goals.

A native in this life needs to develop insight, volitional and wrestling qualities. Do not be afraid to lose what you have. You need to be able to risk, because if you put into a promising case, you can win several times more.

The mission of a man with an upward knot in Scorpio will be in accordance with the financial, political activity, as well as the work of a detective, criminalist, athlete, military.

Ascending knot B.Sagittarius, downward knot in twins

A moving lifestyle is accustomed to a man with a downward node in the twins. He drove a lot, learns, communicates. However, in this life, he needs to become more sublime and develop philosophical thinking. The bustle takes a lot of time and energy, and the solution of the same type does not develop at all.

If a person decides to move along the path of the ascending knot, he will be able to avoid many problems: depending on the opinions of others, furities in detail, lack of independence.

It will be fine if a native chooses teaching or scientific activities for himself, will independently generate progressive ideas and engage in the spread of new philosophical concepts.

Ascending knot B.Capricorn, downward knot in cancer

A man with an ascending knot in Capricorn is recommended to educate dedication, diligence and ability to achieve tasks in spite of obstacles. A descending assembly in cancer, symbolizing past developments, may declined to unnecessarily emotional behavior, closets in its inner world and personal needs. Meanwhile, you need to get out of the shell, where comfort, comfort and calm is felt.

A person only then sells his karmic task, when it will achieve certain heights in activities, whether it is a policy, science (mathematics), creativity (architecture) or something else.

Ascending knot B.Aquarius, downward node in Lev

The owner of the downstream node in Lev knows the price and knows how to demonstrate its advantages and talents. Meanwhile, in the current embodiment, such egocentric behavior should be avoided. Ascending node in Aquarius indicates that the native must be focused on the people around the people, help them understand and take themselves, reveal the creative potential.

The subject's mission is not to separate itself and its individuality, but in unification with friends and like-minded people for the achievement of common, humane purposes.

Nat can choose activities related to people and society: work by a psychologist, sociologist, journalist, writer, etc. A person can manifest interest in unusual, rare specialties (inventor, astrologer, cosmos researcher, test pilot, etc.).

Ascending knot B.Fishes, downward knot in Virgo

The winner of the downward node in the Virgin can decompose everything on the shelves, analyze and put in order. Meanwhile, in this life, he needs to develop completely different qualities: psychologicality, intuitiveness of the mind, the ability to abstract from the details and exist in the situation of uncertainty.

In many situations, rationalism in thinking and ideal, well-thought-out actions can lead to errors. A person will benefit more if it trusts unexpected insight, it will take advantage of his imagination and will show a creative approach in work. People with a knot in fish can realize themselves in the field of art, as well as in religion, psychology and occult sciences.

Ascending (Rahu) knot in the first house, downward (Ketu) knot in the seventh house

Such a position of the nodes speaks of the need to turn to himself and its origins. Disave himself, having understood the tasks, desires and motives of behavior, the person will be able to fully interact with others and achieve success in partnership.

Often, with this location of the nodes, a person is experiencing difficult situations in personal life. Partners (like marriage and business) are attracted to him not just like that. Communicating, living and working with them, the NATIV resolves the fatal problems stretching from past incarnations. In this case, you should not change your partners as gloves, choosing a person better and promising. Changing from the inside, we change our closest environment. The kinder, merciful and spiritual becomes native, the more positive and conscious becomes his companion.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the second house, downward knot (Ketu) in the eighth house

With this position of the nodes, a person needs to be attentive when it comes to money, movable property and financial investments. Perfect in life mistakes will affect the material state of the NATIV. And vice versa, the more good deeds the person will make, the prosperity he will live.

A man with a downward node in the 8th house does not need to hope for resources of partners and others. It is necessary to develop their talents and abilities, build up skill, work a lot. This will make it possible to gain independence in the material plan and avoid the temptation with money.

Ascending knot (Rahu) in the third house, downward knot (Ketu) in the ninth house

A person with this position of the nodes will find its purpose and place in life if they actively learn, meet and communicate with others. In order to become happy and successful, you do not need to finish several universities, to pass foreign internship, to defend your doctoral thesis.

The information you need can be the most simple and affordable, and not necessarily search for teachers in order to learn how to cope with the simplest tasks in life. Knowledge obtained in the process of interaction with the outside world can be applied immediately, in everyday life. This will inform the purpose of flexibility, maneuverability and ability to quickly navigate in difficult life circumstances.

A man who committed a lot of good deeds may be completely unexpected and free to get the information you need. As a punishment for atrocities, the native may be subjected to senior and slander.

Ascending knot (Rahu) in the fourth house, downward knot (Ketu) in the tenth house

The node in the 4th field indicates the need to invest in a family, respect traditional values, maintain contact with parents and children. It will be good if the subject decides as soon as possible with its own housing and will create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in it. Culinary classes, raising children, organization of harmonious space are favorable.

The holder of the horoscope cannot be ambitious and unnecessarily pragmatic. Career aspirations in life will be difficult to implement if a person does not have a durable rear in the form of a family.

In a broader sense, the upstream node in the 4th house symbolizes the ministry of the homeland and love for their country. Recognition and success will come to a person if he chooses the profession of historian, military, politics, etc. And it will be honest to fulfill your duty.

Ascending assembly (Rahu) in the fifth house, downward knot (Ketu) in the eleventh house

A subject with a node in the 5th house will be able to realize karmic tasks if he dedicates itself to any creative, stage, public activity. It is important to pay time to children, find time for entertainment, favorite classes and sports. The meaning of life is in the classes from which it becomes joyful and fun in the soul. The positive energy of a creative person will light and inspire those surrounding people.

Often the descending node holder in the 11th house is forced to solve problems associated with friends and team. For this, you do not need to look for their location of like-minded people and give them a lot of personal time. The more happiness, friendliness and enthusiasm spreads around itself the holder of the horoscope, the more people it attracts to himself.

Ascending assembly (Rahu) in the sixth house, downward knot (Ketu) in the twelfth house

The owner of the nodes in these houses will face the need to work and serve for the benefit of people. At the same time, the upstream node in the 6th house directly indicates that it is necessary to provide a specific, effective assistance to others. It is important to be hardworking and efficient in work, and then it will be possible to avoid many problems - spiritual contradictions, the lack of meaning in life, instability and illusions.

In this case, you do not need to be engaged in self-confidence and search for light inside yourself. It should not be sacrificed in the name of others. The person will go correctly, if you choose the path of practice, the rationalizer and an active figure.

If a person goes on the right path and makes good things, it is distinguished by good health and can even heal others.

Ascending knot (Rahu) in the seventh house, downward knot (Ketu) in the first house

If the node is located in the 7th house of the horoscope, then the person needs all efforts to send to the formation of harmonious relations with the marriage partner and the establishment of successful business cooperation. Focusing on the purpose, desire and needs of others, you can look at yourself in a new way and overcome your own psychological barriers.

The downward node in the 1st house will indicate that a person does not need to spend precious time to promote his ideas, care for image and the implementation of its own ambitions.

Cases will go much better if the Horoscope holder will find good partners, gives common goals and will achieve them in collaboration.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the eighth house, downward knot (Ketu) in the second house

A person implements karmic tasks by ordering other people's financial resources. It is always risk and big responsibility, but the faster the NATIV will overcome his inner fears, the stronger and will be more successful. It is impossible to be content with what you have. It is necessary to build up their resources and do so that they strengthen the influence of the individual on social processes. Politics and business will be typical spheres of carmic potential.

The holder of a horoscope can choose any dangerous activity for himself, to build a career of a military, doctor-surgeon, an athlete, a lifeguard, a cascaderator, etc. These and many other professions are taught not to be afraid to watch the dangers in the eyes.

Ascending knot (Rahu) in the ninth house, downward knot (Ketu) in the third house

The node in the 9th house indicates that during the life of the Horoscope's owner, it is necessary to constantly expand its horizons. Do not get closed on the familiar circle of friends. Knowledge of capital truths will not give the opportunity to make a breakthrough. In order to approach their life goal, you need to get a higher education, as you can travel as much as possible, engage in creativity (including intellectual), communicate with representatives of various cultures.

A philosophical view of the world and numerous achievements (in science, sports, religion, politics, art, entrepreneurship, etc.) will be allowed to begin educational and journalistic activities.

A person acting in accordance with his karmic task may experience joy and good luck, being abroad. If he makes serious misconduct, then it may encounter accusations of his address and legal proceedings.

Ascending node (Rahu) in the tenth house, downward knot (Ketu) in the fourth house

People with a node in the 10th house must find their true calling and realize themselves in the profession. In this case, in life it will get to find the desired stability, well-being and joy. No need to hide from surrounding its ambitious aspirations. The node in the 10th house will reward those who know how to set goals, it works a lot and is trying to achieve the highest life vertices.

It often happens that the holder of the horoscope is engaged only by solving the problems associated with the house, family, real estate. Despite the efforts made, the number of questions on these topics increases. In this situation, you need to approach tasks from the other end. High target acquisition and hard work in the name of an important mission will help to find people who are ready to help and maintain in a difficult moment.

Lunar knots are nodes of fate. South, Northern Moon Knot

If our life is defined in advance if the horoscope is a drawing of fate, then on this drawing there should be a pointer that would have reported to me what to strive to go, where to do in life. Fate should have a compass. And it exists. On the one hand, his arrow is the northern lunar knot, on the other - the southern moon node. And in the middle ... in the middle there is a struggle ... The struggle with itself, with his own destiny, the invasion of God's fishing is the prediction of fate - the long-standing fun of humanity. How much it exists, so much try to answer eternal questions. The purpose of the human life is hidden from him, so he always wants to understand her all the time. Astrology is asked as far as human life corresponds to his cosmic destination. She is trying to reconcile a person with his fate and answer questions like "Who am I?", "What is my mission on this earth?" ... it is meaningless to be offended by fate. Each makes it for himself. The fate of a person is not a punishment, but a work plan for life. The meaning of the fight of the will of the person and the divine presense - in the lunar nodes, the lessons of fate, which we need to learn are identified. Like a life compass, lunar knots indicate the direction of the person to take place as a person and become happy.

Lunar knots - Astrological fiction, but their impact on the person do not call the fiction. These are the points of intersection of the lunar orbit with the Earth's orbit when switching the moon from the northern latitude to South and back. The nodes rotate clockwise around the Earth, committing a full turn in eighteen and a half years. In the horoscope they are always in opposite signs of the zodiac. For example, if the northern knot is located in Aries, then in the scales - southern, that is, in the sixth of the Aries sign. Etc. The position of the lunar nodes in signs changes in approximately every year and a half.

Southern Moon Knot Indicates our last life. This is what we come to Earth: our innate abilities, a certain way of life and classes, usual thoughts, feelings, desire. This is what is easy to work and gives support in life. This node determines what prevents human spiritual development, characterizes our attitude towards the past and well known.

Northern lunar knot Determines the future life and defines the true task of a person, the path, following which the person is spiritually developing, and the goal to which he should strive. These are new abilities that can and need to develop, new things to do. It is always difficult to achieve on the way to goal. The northern knot characterizes our attitude towards the future and new to us. The node line shows the direction of fate and predicts how it is possible to live.

"Moon" human life

Our lunar nodes are returned to the initial positions when we are running 18-19, 37-38, 56-57, 74-75 years. These are nodal moments of life that make a person to appreciate and comprehend experienced, find the cause of their success and failures, make it possible to plan the future in accordance with the results of the past. These are critical, and sometimes the fatal years.

At the age of 18-19 years, there is a complete inclusion of the northern lunar node and independent life begins - the psychological period from the state of the child to the state of an adult.

The period of 37-38 years marks the main tests for maturity. The man was educated, seized the profession. At best, he has already planted a tree, the son raised and built a house. He knew life throughout her diversity and now must report before the Lord about the material and spiritual work done. This period marks not only the statistical peak of deaths, when they die healthy, in the heyday of the forces and talents, people, but also such facts as the beginning of married change, attempts to marry or get married, lose weight or add in weight, loss or searching for another work. All life is subject to indigenous changes: goals, tasks, tastes, partners are changing. This is the time when a person is aware of: "I will die too," and begins to pay attention to the external, momentary to think about the eternal. The crisis and deep inner restructuring occurs. A new life is born in man. If the childbirth has passed successfully, it becomes stronger and wiser, if not - maybe irreparable.