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Article 68 fz on education. Law on secondary vocational education. Is a professional educational organization obliged to issue graduates under the educational program of secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of the main general education

In conditions of a large shortage of multidisciplinary specialists, interest in obtaining a secondary vocational education is growing. Despite the absence of a separate law on secondary vocational education, there are a number of regulatory and legal documents that regulate educational activities for the provision of vocational education.

The main law governing education is the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” No. 3266-1 dated July 10, 1992. This law reflects general provisions regarding the organization of education in the Russian Federation (principles of state policy, objectives of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, requirements for federal state educational standards, etc.); the content and economics of the education system, its management.

The possibility of implementing curricula of secondary vocational education is provided for by Art. 20 of this Law of the Russian Federation. In Art. 21 specifies which institutions are allowed to provide vocational training. And in Art. 23 of the said Law lists: the purpose of training mid-level specialists, the possibility of implementing programs of secondary vocational education.

Also, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Higher and Postgraduate Vocational Education" provides for the possibility of implementing all types of programs of secondary vocational education within higher educational institutions. Therefore, on the basis of this law, more than 100 educational institutions of secondary vocational education were included in the structure of higher educational institutions.

The law on secondary vocational education as a separate legal act exists only in Moscow. Its full name is the Law of the City of Moscow “On Primary and Secondary Vocational Education in the City of Moscow” No. 32 of June 29, 2005 (as amended by the Law of Moscow of February 22, 2006 No. 12). This law on secondary vocational education makes it possible to regulate a number of issues that are not considered in the basic law on education. In this law, much attention is paid to the social support of students, in particular, orphans and children left without parental care.

The forms of social partnership of educational institutions with employers, employment service authorities, Moscow government authorities and enterprises are specified separately. This was done in order to attract employers to the joint development of curricula and the subsequent training of better and more in-demand specialists.

This experience could be implemented and included as one of the foundations in the Law on Secondary Vocational Education as a separate legal act, but so far this has not been considered by the Government.

However, in December 2006, Federal Law No. 1-FZ of January 6, 2007 “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on Ensuring the Accessibility of Secondary Vocational Education and Higher Vocational Education for Military Personnel (Citizens) Undergoing (Passing) Military contract service." Because the necessity and usefulness of the parallel combination of military training with training at the school of vocational and higher education is understood.

The Law on Secondary Vocational Education is needed for more detail on the features of this form of education.

Article 68. Secondary vocational education

1. Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all major areas of socially useful activity in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expansion of education.

2. Persons with education not lower than basic general or secondary general education are allowed to master educational programs of secondary vocational education, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

3. Obtaining secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education within the relevant educational program of secondary vocational education. In this case, the educational program of secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards for secondary general and secondary vocational education, taking into account the profession or specialty of secondary vocational education received.

4. Admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by this part. When applying for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions and specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, entrance tests are conducted in the manner established in accordance with this Federal Law. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, the financial provision of which is carried out at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, the educational organization, in accordance with the admission procedure established in accordance with Part 8 of Article 55 of this Federal Law, takes into account the results of the applicants mastering the educational program of basic general or secondary general education, indicated in the submitted documents on education and (or) documents on education and qualifications, the results of individual achievements, information about which the applicant has the right to provide upon admission, as well as the existence of an agreement on targeted training with the organizations specified in Part 1 of Article 71.1 of this Federal Law.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 238-FZ of July 13, 2015, No. 337-FZ of August 3, 2018)

5. Receipt of secondary vocational education under training programs for mid-level specialists for the first time by persons who have a diploma of secondary vocational education with the qualification of a skilled worker or employee is not a second or subsequent secondary vocational education repeatedly.

6. Students in educational programs of secondary vocational education who do not have secondary general education are entitled to pass the state final certification, which completes the development of educational programs of secondary general education and upon successful completion of which they are issued a certificate of secondary general education. These students pass the state final certification free of charge.

Article 69. Higher education

1. Higher education aims to ensure the training of highly qualified personnel in all major areas of socially useful activities in accordance with the needs of society and the state, meeting the needs of the individual in intellectual, cultural and moral development, deepening and expanding education, scientific and pedagogical qualifications.

2. Persons with a secondary general education are allowed to study undergraduate or specialist programs.

3. Persons with higher education of any level are allowed to master the master's programs.

4. Persons with an education of at least higher education (specialist or master's degree) are allowed to master programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency programs, assistantship-internship programs. Persons with higher medical education and (or) higher pharmaceutical education are allowed to master residency programs. Persons with higher education in the field of arts are allowed to master the programs of assistantship-internship.

5. Admission to study in educational programs of higher education is carried out separately for bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency programs, as well as for assistantship-internship programs on a competitive basis, unless otherwise not provided for by this Federal Law.

6. Admission to study under master's programs, programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency programs, as well as under internship assistant programs is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by the educational organization independently.

7. Applicants for study in educational programs of higher education have the right to submit information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account by these educational organizations upon admission in accordance with the procedure established in accordance with Part 8 of Article 55 of this Federal Law.

8. Studying in the following educational programs of higher education is the receipt of a second or subsequent higher education:

1) for bachelor's or specialist's programs - by persons who have a bachelor's degree, a specialist's degree or a master's degree;

2) for master's programs - by persons who have a specialist diploma or a master's degree;

3) for residency programs or assistantship-internship programs - by persons who have a diploma of completion of residency or a diploma of completion of assistantship-internship;

4) for training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel - by persons who have a diploma of completion of postgraduate studies (adjuncture) or a diploma of a candidate of sciences.

Article 70

1. Admission to study in bachelor's and specialist's programs is carried out on the basis of the results of the unified state exam, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law.

2. The results of the unified state examination for admission to undergraduate and specialist programs are valid for four years following the year of receipt of such results.

3. The minimum number of points for the unified state exam in general education subjects corresponding to the specialty or field of study for which admission to study is carried out, including admission to targeted education, is established by an educational institution of higher education, if the minimum number of points for the unified state exam is not established by the founder of such educational organization.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 337-FZ of August 3, 2018)

4. The minimum number of points for the unified state exam, established in accordance with part 3 of this article, cannot be lower than the number of points for the unified state exam required for admission to study in bachelor's and specialist's programs and established by the federal executive body exercising control functions and supervision in the field of education.

5. Foreign citizens are granted the right to enroll in undergraduate and specialist degree programs in educational institutions of higher education based on the results of entrance examinations conducted by such educational institutions.

6. Admission to study in bachelor's and specialist's programs of persons with secondary vocational or higher education is carried out based on the results of entrance examinations, the form and list of which are determined by the educational institution of higher education.

7. When applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programs in specialties and (or) areas of training that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, these educational organizations have the right to conduct in subjects that are not conducted a unified state exam, additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation, the results of which are taken into account along with the results of a unified state exam during the competition. The list of specialties and (or) areas of training for which additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation can be conducted upon admission to study at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets for bachelor's and specialist's programs, is approved in the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

8. Educational organizations of higher education may be granted the right to conduct additional entrance tests of a profile orientation when applying for training in bachelor's and specialist's programs. The list of such educational organizations, specialties and (or) areas of training, for which such organizations are granted the right to conduct additional entrance examinations of a profile orientation, is formed on the basis of proposals from such educational organizations of higher education. The procedure, selection criteria, the list of such educational organizations, specialties and (or) areas of training for which additional entrance examinations of a profile orientation can be conducted are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

9. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to conduct additional entrance tests of a profile orientation when applying for undergraduate and specialist degree programs in specialties and (or) areas of training determined by Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and St. Petersburg State University.

10. The list of additional entrance examinations and the conditions for enrollment in federal state educational organizations of higher education, training in which is associated with entry into the civil service and the availability of citizens' access to information constituting a state secret, are established by the federal executive body, which is entrusted with the functions of the founder.

Article 71

1. Upon admission to study under state accreditation and (or) at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets for bachelor's programs and specialist's programs that do not have state accreditation, citizens may be granted special rights:
(As amended by Federal Law No. 500-FZ dated December 31, 2014)

1) admission without entrance examinations;

2) admission within the established quota, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations;

3) the pre-emptive right to enroll, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other things being equal;

4) admission to the preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education for training at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget;

5) other special rights established by this article.

2. The list of citizens who are granted special rights upon admission to study in bachelor's and specialist's programs, as well as the procedure and grounds for granting special rights, are established by this article, unless otherwise provided by this Federal Law. Other categories of citizens who may be granted the special rights provided for in clauses 3 and 4 of part 1 of this article upon admission to training in military professional educational programs and (or) educational programs containing information constituting a state secret are established by federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation .

3. When enrolling in bachelor's and specialist's programs at the expense of budget allocations from the federal budget, the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, citizens may exercise the special rights granted to them and specified in paragraph 1 of part 1 of this article by submitting an application for admission to one educational organization of higher education for one educational program of higher education. A citizen has the right to use the right to enroll in preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education once.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 500-FZ of December 31, 2014, No. 162-FZ of June 27, 2018)

4. The right to admission without entrance examinations in accordance with part 1 of this article have:

1) winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of the national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects and formed in the manner established by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education, in specialties and (or) areas of training corresponding to the profile of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren or an international Olympiad, for four years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad. Compliance of the profile of the specified Olympiads with specialties and (or) areas of training is determined by the educational organization;
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 238-FZ of July 13, 2015, No. 232-FZ of July 26, 2019)

2) champions and medalists of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champions, European champions, persons who won first place at the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, by specialty and (or) areas of training in the field of physical culture and sports.

5. The right to enroll in undergraduate and specialist programs at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the established quota are children with disabilities, disabled groups I and II, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military trauma or diseases acquired during military service.

6. The admission quota for higher education in bachelor's and specialist's programs at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is established annually by an educational organization in the amount of at least ten percent of the total target figures for admission of citizens studying at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets allocated to such an educational organization for the next year, according to specialties and (or) areas of training.

7. The right to enroll in the preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education for training at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget has:

1) orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care;

2) children with disabilities, disabled people of groups I and II;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of May 1, 2017)

3) citizens under the age of twenty who have only one parent - a disabled person of group I, if the average per capita income of the family is below the subsistence level established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place of residence of these citizens;

4) citizens who were exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and who are subject to the Law of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 1991 No. 1244-1 "On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant";

5) children of servicemen who died in the performance of their duties of military service or died as a result of injury (wounds, injuries, contusions) or diseases received by them in the performance of military service duties, including when participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to the fight against terrorism;

6) children of deceased (deceased) Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full cavaliers of the Order of Glory;

7) children of employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities , the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, who died (deceased) as a result of injury or other damage to health received by them in connection with the performance of official duties, or as a result of a disease received by them during their service in these institutions and bodies, and children who were dependent on them;
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 458-FZ of December 30, 2015, No. 227-FZ of July 3, 2016, No. 328-FZ of October 1, 2019)

8) children of prosecutors who died (deceased) as a result of injury or other damage to health received by them during their service in the bodies of the prosecutor's office or after dismissal as a result of causing harm to health in connection with their official activities;

9) servicemen who do military service under a contract and whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, as well as citizens who have completed military service by conscription and who enter training on the recommendations of commanders issued to citizens in the manner established by the federal executive body the authorities and the federal state body in which military service is provided for by federal law;
(as amended by Federal Law No. 145-FZ dated June 4, 2014)

10) citizens who have completed military service under a contract for at least three years in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in military positions and dismissed from military service on the grounds provided for in subparagraphs "b" - "d" of paragraph 1 , subparagraph "a" of paragraph 2 and subparagraphs "a" - "c" of paragraph 3 of Article 51 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service";

11) war invalids, combatants, as well as combat veterans from among the persons specified in subparagraphs 1 - 4 of paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ "On Veterans";

12) citizens who directly took part in the testing of nuclear weapons, military radioactive substances in the atmosphere, nuclear weapons underground, in exercises using such weapons and military radioactive substances until the date of the actual termination of these tests and exercises, direct participants in the liquidation of radiation accidents at nuclear installations surface and submarine ships and other military facilities, direct participants in the conduct and support of work on the collection and disposal of radioactive substances, as well as direct participants in the elimination of the consequences of these accidents (military personnel and civilians of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or federal state bodies, military personnel and employees of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, persons who served in the railway troops and other military formations, employees of bodies of internal affairs of the Russian Federation and the federal fire service of the State Fire Service);
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 145-FZ of 04.06.2014, No. 227-FZ of 03.07.2016)

13) military personnel, employees of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the penitentiary system, the federal fire service of the State Fire Service, who performed tasks in the context of an armed conflict in the Chechen Republic and in the territories adjacent to it, assigned to the zone armed conflict, and these military personnel performing tasks in the course of counter-terrorist operations on the territory of the North Caucasus region.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 227-FZ of July 3, 2016)

8. Preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education are accepted in accordance with the procedure established by the federal executive body in charge of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education, in agreement with the federal executive body in charge of functions for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education, the persons specified in paragraph 7 of this article and having a secondary general education, and the persons indicated in paragraph 1 of part 7 of this article, including during the period of development by them educational programs of secondary general education. The training of such persons is carried out at the expense of the budgetary appropriations of the federal budget in the event that they study at the indicated preparatory departments for the first time. The procedure for the selection of federal state educational organizations of higher education, at the preparatory departments of which training is carried out at the expense of budgetary appropriations of the federal budget in accordance with this part, and the list of federal state educational organizations of higher education provided for in accordance with this procedure, are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education. Scholarships are paid to those who have a secondary general education at the preparatory departments of federal state educational organizations of higher education in full-time education at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget within the framework of the state task.
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 497-FZ of December 25, 2018, No. 232-FZ of July 26, 2019)

9. The preferential right to enroll in an educational organization for undergraduate and specialist programs, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other things being equal, is granted to the persons specified in part 7 of this article.

10. The preferential right to enroll in educational institutions of higher education, which are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other things being equal, is also granted to graduates of general educational organizations, professional educational organizations, which are under the jurisdiction of federal state bodies and implement additional general education programs aimed at preparing underage students for military or other public service.

11. The preferential right to enroll in military professional organizations and military educational organizations of higher education, subject to successful completion of entrance examinations and other things being equal, is granted to the children of citizens undergoing military service under a contract and having a total duration of military service of twenty years or more, to the children of citizens who dismissed from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, for health reasons or in connection with organizational and staff measures and whose total duration of military service is twenty years or more.

12. Winners and prize-winners of Olympiads for schoolchildren held in the manner established by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education, in agreement with the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of general education, for four years following the year of the corresponding Olympiad, the following special rights are granted for admission to educational organizations of higher education for training in bachelor's programs and specialist's programs in specialties and (or) directions training, corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren, in the manner established by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of developing and implementing state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher his education:
(as amended by Federal Laws No. 238-FZ of July 13, 2015, No. 232-FZ of July 26, 2019)

1) admission without entrance examinations for training in undergraduate and specialist programs in specialties and areas of training corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren. Compliance of the profile of the specified Olympiads with specialties and (or) areas of training is determined by the educational organization;

2) be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points in the unified state exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad for schoolchildren, or to persons who have successfully passed additional entrance tests of a specialized, creative and (or) professional orientation, provided for in parts 7 and 8 of Article 70 of this Federal law.

Article 71.1. Features of admission to targeted training in educational programs of higher education

(introduced by Federal Law No. 337-FZ of August 3, 2018)

1. Citizens who, in accordance with Article 56 of this Federal Law, have entered into an agreement on targeted education with:

1) federal state bodies, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies;

2) state and municipal institutions, unitary enterprises;

3) state corporations;

4) state companies;

5) organizations included in the consolidated register of organizations of the military-industrial complex, formed in accordance with Part 2 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 No. 488-FZ "On Industrial Policy in the Russian Federation";

6) business companies, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a municipality;

7) joint-stock companies, the shares of which are owned or in trust management of a state corporation;

8) subsidiaries of the organizations specified in paragraphs 4, 6 and 7 of this part;

9) organizations created by state corporations or transferred to state corporations in accordance with the provisions of the federal laws on said corporations.

2. The admission quota for targeted training in specialties, areas of higher education training is established taking into account the needs of the economy in qualified personnel and industry specifics.

3. Establishment of the admission quota for targeted training, approval of the procedure and terms for its establishment are carried out:

1) by the Government of the Russian Federation - at the expense of budget appropriations of the federal budget;
2) public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments - at the expense of appropriate budgetary appropriations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets.

4. The Government of the Russian Federation has the right to establish a quota for admission to targeted training in specific specialties, areas of higher education training, indicating the list of subjects of the Russian Federation in the territories of which a citizen can be employed in accordance with an agreement on targeted training.

5. Admission to targeted training in educational programs of higher education within the established quota is carried out according to the competition held in accordance with the admission procedure provided for by Part 8 of Article 55 of this Federal Law, in specialties, areas of training, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

6. In cases of non-fulfillment by the customer of targeted training of the obligation to employ a citizen accepted for targeted training in accordance with Part 1 of this Article, and by a citizen of the obligation to carry out labor activities for three years, along with the liability provided for by Parts 5 and 6 of Article 56 of this Federal Law , the customer of targeted training or a citizen accepted for targeted training in accordance with part 1 of this article, pays a fine to the organization engaged in educational activities in which the citizen studied , which is directed to the financial support of educational activities in educational programs of higher education. The procedure for paying the specified fine, the procedure and grounds for exempting the parties to the agreement on targeted education from its payment, the procedure for determining its size and directing it to financial support for educational activities in educational programs of higher education, carried out at the expense of the federal budget, are established by the Government of the Russian Federation in the regulation on the target training, but at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local budgets by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation or local governments.

Article 72. Forms of integration of educational and scientific (research) activities in higher education

1. The objectives of the integration of educational and scientific (research) activities in higher education are the staffing of scientific research, improving the quality of training students in educational programs of higher education, attracting students to conduct scientific research under the guidance of scientists, using new knowledge and achievements of science and technology in educational activities.

2. The integration of educational and scientific (research) activities in higher education can be carried out in various forms, including in the form of:

1) conducting by educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education, scientific research and experimental development at the expense of grants or other sources of financial support;

2) involvement by educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education, employees of scientific organizations and other organizations engaged in scientific (research) activities, as well as scientific organizations and other organizations engaged in scientific (research) activities, employees of educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education, on a contractual basis for participation in educational and (or) scientific (research) activities;

3) implementation by educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education, and scientific organizations and other organizations carrying out scientific (research) activities, joint scientific and educational projects, scientific research and experimental development, as well as other joint activities;

4) creation in educational organizations that implement educational programs of higher education, scientific organizations and other organizations that carry out scientific (research) activities, laboratories that carry out scientific (research) and (or) scientific and technical activities, in the manner established the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education;

5) the creation by educational organizations implementing educational programs of higher education, in scientific organizations and other organizations engaged in scientific (research) activities, departments engaged in educational activities, in the manner established by the federal executive body responsible for the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation in the field of higher education.
(as amended by Federal Law No. 232-FZ of July 26, 2019)


About vocational education in the city of Moscow (as amended on June 5, 2019)

About vocational education in the city of Moscow


About vocational education in the city of Moscow *

Document as amended by:
Law of the City of Moscow No. 12 of February 22, 2006 (Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, No. 16, 13.03.2006);
(Tverskaya, 13, N 153, 12/24/2009);
(Tverskaya, 13, N 69, 06/07/2011);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 07.07.2014);
Law of the City of Moscow dated June 5, 2019 N 24 (Official website of the Moscow City Duma, 06/13/2019).


* Name as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition.

This Law governs relations related to the exercise of the right of citizens to receive secondary vocational education in state educational institutions of the city of Moscow in various forms and to the extent established by federal state educational standards and federal state requirements (for persons enrolled in training before December 31, 2010 - state educational standards); determines the forms of participation of the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, enterprises and organizations of the city of Moscow of all forms of ownership, state-public coordinating councils of the city of Moscow for the training of qualified workers, trade unions in the development of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow that meets the needs of professional development and self-determination of the individual, development of infrastructure and labor market of the city of Moscow
(Preamble as amended, entered into force on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12 by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

Chapter 1. General Provisions (Articles 1 - 4)

Article 1. The concept of the system of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow

Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

The system of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow includes: a set of successive and integrated basic and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, federal state educational standards and federal state requirements; a network of educational institutions that implement them and organizations of secondary vocational education of various organizational and legal forms, types and types; the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow, institutions and organizations subordinate to it; associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of secondary vocational education, state-public coordinating councils for the training of qualified workers.
(Article as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of May 18, 2011 N 18; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 2. Goals of secondary vocational education

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

The main goals of secondary vocational education are:
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1) obtaining by citizens of vocational education that meets the needs of the individual in professional growth and self-determination, the needs of society in the effective professional activity of citizens, the needs of the economy of the city of Moscow in stable development;

2) training of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists who meet the requirements of the modern level of qualification, advanced technologies and forecasts for the development of industries;

3) providing qualified personnel for enterprises and organizations operating in the territory of the city of Moscow;

4) preservation and enhancement of the moral and cultural values ​​of society.

Article 3

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. The priority areas of the policy of the city of Moscow in the field of secondary vocational education are:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1) meeting the needs of citizens in high-quality professional educational services, increasing their educational level;

2) updating the content of secondary vocational education, the use of advanced pedagogical technologies in the provision of professional educational services;
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

3) expanding the list of professions and specialties offered to citizens with disabilities (having disabilities in physical or mental development) in educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow;
(Clause as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

4) increasing the competitiveness of graduates of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the labor market of the city of Moscow;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

5) monitoring the state of the system of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow, improving the methods and mechanisms for predicting its development, state regulation of the training of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists, taking into account the needs of the labor market of the city of Moscow;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

6) creation of the necessary economic conditions for the development and improvement of the material and technical base of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

7) improvement of the mechanism of interaction of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education with organizations of industry and the service sector in the preparation of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists and their advanced training;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

8) the formation of state tasks of the city of Moscow for the training of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists, taking into account the needs of the labor market of the city of Moscow - see the previous edition);

9) development of various forms of partnership;

10) implementation of differentiated, personality-oriented social support for students, teachers and engineering and teaching staff;

11) diversity, variability, continuity and integration of educational programs of secondary vocational education;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

12) preservation and strengthening of the health of students, students.

2. Executive authorities of the city of Moscow develop and implement the policy of the city of Moscow in the field of secondary vocational education on the basis of an interdepartmental approach with the participation of employers, associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of secondary vocational education.
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

3. The organizational basis of the policy of the city of Moscow in the field of secondary vocational education is the state program for the development of education in the city of Moscow.
Law of the city of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 4. State guarantees of the right of citizens to receive secondary vocational education

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow guarantee citizens the right to receive public and free primary vocational education, as well as free secondary vocational education on a competitive basis in state educational institutions of secondary vocational education in Moscow within the limits of federal state educational standards and federal state requirements (for individuals enrolled for training before December 31, 2010 - state educational standards), if the citizen receives education of this level for the first time.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. Restrictions on admission to state educational institutions of secondary vocational education are allowed in cases and in the manner established by federal legislation.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow guarantee the creation of special conditions for citizens with disabilities to receive secondary vocational education, treatment, rehabilitation, social adaptation and integration into society, taking into account the individual characteristics of psychophysical development, health, opportunities based on the choice of work profile and providing the necessary equipment and tools with special devices.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

4. Expenses for the maintenance of citizens in need of social support during the period they receive secondary vocational education are fully or partially covered by the budget of the city of Moscow. The categories of citizens to whom this support is provided, the procedure and amount of its provision are established by legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

chapter 2. The system of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow (articles 5 - 10)

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 5

(Name as amended, entered into force on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended, entered into force on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. Basic and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education are implemented in state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, in other state educational institutions where conditions have been created for the implementation of educational programs of the appropriate level and focus, in the manner established by the model provisions on the relevant types and types of educational institutions, including those with features established by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, adopted in accordance with this Law, as well as in non-state educational organizations.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. Colleges - state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, implementing successive and integrated basic and additional general education programs of basic general, secondary (complete) general education and basic and additional professional educational programs of primary vocational education (including those providing students with a higher level of qualification) and secondary vocational (basic training and advanced training) education, providing a consistent increase in the general educational and professional level of students, students and the growth of the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market of the city of Moscow. Colleges are created according to the program-industry principle, which provides for the organization of training in professions and specialties that meet the needs of one industry or urban economy, and according to the territorial-industry principle, which provides for the organization of training in professions and specialties that meet the needs of the urban economy in a particular territory (part of the edition put into effect on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12 - see the previous edition).

3. In order to ensure the continuity and integration of all levels of vocational education, educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow interact with educational institutions of higher professional education corresponding to them in their profile, including by providing university students on a reimbursable basis with the opportunity to master working professions and undergo an internship in the relevant training profile in the manner prescribed by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

4. Basic and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education are mastered in the forms in which the federal legislation allows the development of educational programs of the appropriate level and focus.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

5. When integrating basic and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, the terms for their development may be changed in the cases and in the manner established by federal legislation.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

6. Obtaining a second primary vocational or secondary vocational education, regardless of the form of education, is carried out for a fee paid by students, students or the enterprises that sent them, organizations, except for the cases established by this Law.

7. Educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, having state accreditation and implementing basic and additional professional educational and general education programs, issue to persons who have passed the state (final) certification, a state document on the level of education and (or) qualifications, certified by the seal of the relevant educational institutions or organizations.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

8. Educational institutions and organizations that do not have state accreditation issue to persons who have passed the final certification a document on the relevant education and (or) qualifications in accordance with the license, certified by the seal of the institution or organization, the form of which is determined by the educational institution or organization itself (part of the edition put into effect on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12 - see the previous edition).

9. Basic and additional general education programs, programs of primary vocational education may be implemented in educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education in the presence of an appropriate license in accordance with federal law.
Law of the city of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18; as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

10. The part became invalid from June 18, 2011 - Law of the city of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18. - See the previous edition.

Article 6

1. The main professional educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education for each profession (specialty) and forms of education are developed taking into account the requirements of the labor market, federal state educational standards, as well as exemplary basic educational programs developed by authorized federal state bodies exercising control in education, and are annually updated taking into account the development of science, technology, culture, economics, technology and the social sphere.

2. The curriculum, work programs of academic disciplines (modules), programs of educational and industrial practice, other methodological materials take into account regional socio-economic, environmental, cultural, demographic and other characteristics and needs of the city of Moscow in skilled workers, as well as the educational needs of the population .

3. Additional professional educational programs include work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and must comply with federal state requirements if their establishment is provided for by federal law.

4. For educational programs of secondary vocational education, the main requirements for the minimum content and conditions for the implementation of which are established by state educational standards, including the federal, Moscow regional components and the component of the educational institution, the obligation to comply with these requirements remains valid until the completion of training under such programs by persons enrolled for training on them until December 31, 2010.
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12, - see the previous edition)

Article 7. Implementation of other educational programs in educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. Educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education may implement programs of additional education for children, additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education, vocational training programs, and educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education - also programs of additional vocational education (retraining, advanced training), with having the appropriate license.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. In order to improve educational work, coordinate the interaction of educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the upbringing and additional education of children, participate in federal and international events, prevent negative social phenomena in the children's and youth environment, implement software and methodological support in the system of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow, specialized centers for additional education of children of artistic, scientific and technical, ecological and biological, physical culture and sports, tourist and local history, socio-pedagogical, military-patriotic and other orientations can be created.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. Educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, under agreements with the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow, enterprises, institutions, organizations or citizens, can provide vocational training in order to accelerate the acquisition by students of labor skills to perform a specific job or group of jobs without raising the educational level.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

4. At educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, courses (groups) of vocational training may be organized at the expense of citizens or enterprises, institutions and organizations that sent them for training.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

5. Training, retraining, training of a second profession or specialty and advanced training of workers (clerks) and specialists, unemployed citizens, as well as laid-off workers are carried out with and without interruption from production, by combining these forms, as well as through individual training or in the form external student. The terms and forms of mastering the relevant educational programs are established in accordance with the needs of the employer on the basis of the concluded agreement, based on the need to comply with federal state requirements for the relevant profession (specialty) if their establishment is provided for by federal law (part as amended, entered into force on 4 January 2010 by the Law of the city of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12, - see the previous edition).

Article 8

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Management of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow, coordination of the activities of sectoral, functional and territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, associations of legal entities, public and state-public associations operating in the field of secondary vocational education, is carried out by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow.
(Article as amended, entered into force on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 9

1. In order to coordinate activities for the training of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists, to attract employers, representatives of scientific and public organizations to support secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow may create state-public coordination councils for the training of qualified workforce.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

2. The regulation on the city state-public coordinating council of the city of Moscow for the training of qualified workers and its composition are approved by the Government of Moscow.

3. Regulations on state-public coordinating councils for the training of qualified personnel of a sectoral executive body of the city of Moscow and their composition are approved by the heads of sectoral executive bodies of the city of Moscow.

4. Regulations on the state-public coordinating councils of the prefectures of administrative districts for the training of qualified workers and their composition are approved by the prefects of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow.

5. The activities of members of state-public coordinating councils for the training of qualified workers are carried out on a voluntary basis.

Article 10. Specialized organizations for quality control of vocational education

For the purpose of an independent assessment of the quality of professional training and compliance of the qualification level of graduates of educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education in Moscow and the level of professional qualification of workers and specialists of enterprises and organizations of the city of Moscow with federal state educational standards and federal state requirements (for persons enrolled for training before 31 December 2010, - state educational standards) of secondary vocational education, qualification characteristics (professional standards), including international standards, in the city of Moscow, specialized organizations can be created to control the quality of vocational education in the forms and in the manner prescribed by federal law and city law Moscow.
(Article as amended, entered into force on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Chapter 3. Social support for students, students and employees of educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow (Articles 11 - 14)

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 11

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. In educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, conditions are created for the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of students, students in accordance with the norms and requirements established by federal regulatory legal acts and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

2. Medical care for students is carried out by healthcare institutions assigned to educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. For students, students with disabilities in educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, conditions are created for the development of basic and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education according to individual curricula, as well as on the basis of a combination of various forms of organizing the educational process and passing qualification exams in accordance with medical indications and individual capabilities of students.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

4. In educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, conditions are created for students, students with disabilities, orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans and children left without parental care to receive free psychological, medical and social assistance.
(Part as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2011 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18 - see the previous edition).

5. In educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education, conditions are created to provide students with hot meals in the prescribed manner at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow and their own funds. In educational institutions and organizations, premises are provided for catering for students.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

6. During the passage of industrial and educational practice, students are provided with overalls, safety shoes, goggles, masks, anti-noise, helmets, helmets and other personal protective equipment in accordance with the standards established for workers in the relevant professions (part as amended, entered into force on January 4, 2010 Law of the city of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12, - see the previous edition).

Article 12. Measures of social support for students

1. Students, students of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education in full-time education at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow are provided with scholarships in the amount determined by the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow, but not lower than established for the relevant categories of students, students of federal educational institutions of the relevant types and types , overalls, places in hostels and (or) boarding schools, preferential or free travel on transport and hot meals, other measures of social support in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

2. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education, within the available budgetary and extrabudgetary funds, have the right to independently develop and implement additional measures of social support for students, depending on the social status and academic success of specific students, students.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. Students, students of educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education in forms of education other than full-time, in the prescribed manner, are provided with social support measures in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 13

(name as amended as of June 18, 2011
By the law of the city of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18, -

1. Graduates of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education - orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans, children left without parental care, and children with disabilities enjoy the preferential right to employment in accordance with the federal legislation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow on quotas for jobs.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of May 18, 2011 N 18; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. Within three years after graduating from state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, orphans, children left without parental care, persons from among orphans, children left without parental care, and children with disabilities receive assistance from specialists of an educational institution , which they graduated from, in social and labor adaptation and employment in the modern labor market.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of May 18, 2011 N 18; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

3. The part became invalid from June 24, 2019 -. - See the previous edition.

4. The part became invalid from June 24, 2019 - Law of the city of Moscow dated June 5, 2019 N 24. - See the previous edition.

5. The part became invalid from June 24, 2019 - Law of the city of Moscow dated June 5, 2019 N 24. - See the previous edition.

6. The part became invalid from June 24, 2019 - Law of the city of Moscow dated June 5, 2019 N 24. - See the previous edition.

7. The part became invalid from June 24, 2019 - Law of the city of Moscow dated June 5, 2019 N 24. - See the previous edition.

8. The part became invalid from June 24, 2019 - Law of the city of Moscow dated June 5, 2019 N 24. - See the previous edition.

Article 14

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. Official salaries and tariff rates are considered as a guaranteed minimum wage for the relevant qualification groups of pedagogical, engineering and pedagogical and other employees. The level of remuneration for the said categories of employees of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education is set not lower than the level of remuneration for employees of state general educational institutions of the relevant qualification groups.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

2. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education, within the limits of their available funds for wages, may independently determine the amount of additional payments and allowances, bonuses and other incentive payments.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. Pedagogical, engineering and pedagogical and other employees of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow are provided with social support measures in accordance with the legislation of the city of Moscow in the field of education.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

Chapter 4. Partnership in the field of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow (Articles 15 - 16)

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 15

Article 15

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. The partnership in the field of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the partnership) is focused on increasing the adequacy of the results of the activities of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow to the needs in the world of work, bringing the level of training of specialists closer to the needs of sectors of the economy and employers, strengthening the ties of training with production, attracting additional sources for updating and developing the material and technical base of educational institutions. The partnership is carried out by creating a system of relations between state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, enterprises and organizations of the city of Moscow of all forms of ownership - employers and their associations, executive authorities of the city of Moscow, an executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow, state-public coordinating councils of the city of Moscow for the training of qualified workers, trade unions and is one of the leading mechanisms for the development of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. The interaction of partners is carried out on the basis of contracts and agreements they conclude, aimed at ensuring the main aspects of the modernization of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow in the field of the content of education, personnel and logistics of the educational process, ensuring that the structure and scale of training specialists meet the needs of economic sectors.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. The main areas of interaction between partners in the field of secondary vocational education are:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1) involvement of employers in the development of educational and program documentation that takes into account modern and future requirements for the level of training of specialists; organization of educational and industrial practice of students using the technological base of enterprises; ensuring control over the quality of training of graduates during their state (final) certification (paragraph as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12 - see the previous edition);

2) development of interaction between state educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education with the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow to create economic conditions for employment, including assistance in the employment of graduates; conclusion and implementation of contracts for the training of specialists;
(paragraph as amended, entered into force on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

3) attraction by state educational institutions of specialists with professional experience in the relevant sectors of the economy, to conduct theoretical and practical classes, manage course and diploma design;

4) attracting financial resources from employers for the development of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, carrying out repair work in them, and providing them with modern equipment. It is allowed on a contractual basis to use and update the material base of state educational institutions by employers in order to ensure the process of training and retraining of personnel for small businesses and the development of an apprenticeship system at handicraft enterprises. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education have the right to provide enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership - employers, free of charge, production and other premises for the placement of equipment and other material and technical resources transferred to the balance of state educational institutions within the partnership.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 16

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. Educational institutions and organizations of secondary vocational education promote the employment of their graduates by concluding agreements with employers - customers of qualified personnel and students, students of educational institutions and organizations on the employment of graduates of these educational institutions and organizations in accordance with the specialty (qualification) received.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

2. Qualification ranks, classes, categories assigned to graduates during the state (final) certification cannot be reduced when they are hired (part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12 , - see the previous edition).

3. Features of quoting jobs for disabled people, minors, as well as persons from among orphans and children left without parental care under the age of 23 are determined by federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow.

Chapter 5. Features of the economy of secondary vocational education in the city of Moscow (Articles 17 - 21)

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

Article 17

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. The maintenance of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education is carried out at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, as well as extra-budgetary sources.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

2. The amount of expenses for the maintenance of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education at the expense of the budget is established by the law of the city of Moscow on the budget of the city of Moscow for the next financial year (the next financial year and planning period).
(Part as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2011 by the Law of the City of Moscow of May 18, 2011 N 18 by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

3. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education have the right to attract the following extra-budgetary funds for the maintenance and development of their activities:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1) income from the provision of paid additional educational and other services provided for by law and the charters of educational institutions (paragraph as amended, entered into force on June 18, 2011 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18, the previous edition);

2) voluntary donations and targeted contributions from individuals and (or) legal entities;

3) income from income-generating activities provided for by law and the charters of educational institutions (the clause as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of May 18, 2011 N 18, entered into force on June 18, 2011, applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2011, - see previous edition);

4) funds of partners;

5) other means permitted by the legislation.

4. The attraction of extra-budgetary funds by state educational institutions of secondary vocational education does not entail a reduction in the costs planned in the budget of the city of Moscow for their maintenance at the expense of the founder.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

5. Financial support for the educational activities of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education is carried out on the basis of the standards for the financial support of educational activities, annually established by the Government of Moscow.
(The part as amended, entered into force on June 18, 2011 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18, applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2011; as amended, entered into force on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

6. The procedure for spending funds for the maintenance of state educational institutions of secondary vocational education is regulated by budget legislation, federal regulatory legal acts and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See the previous edition)

Article 18. Realization of products, works and services by state educational institutions of secondary vocational education

(Name as amended, put into effect on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

1. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education sell the products of their training and production workshops and educational facilities, the work and services of teams of pedagogical and engineering and pedagogical workers and students, students, including through participation in the placement of state orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for the state needs of the city of Moscow, in accordance with federal law.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. State educational institutions of secondary vocational education may, within the limits of the number of students established by the license, in addition to the assignments (control figures) for the admission of students, train specialists with full reimbursement of the costs of their education under contracts or other agreements, including interstate agreements concluded with public authorities, enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Russian Federation and other states, as well as with citizens.
(The part as amended, entered into force on June 18, 2011 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18, applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2011; as amended, entered into force on July 15, 2014 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

3. Funds from the sale of products, works and services produced in training and production workshops and educational facilities of a state educational institution of secondary vocational education, the provision of paid additional educational services and other income-generating activities are directed to the development of an educational institution and the payment of wages to pedagogical and engineering teachers, scholarships and financial assistance to students.
(The part as amended, put into effect on June 18, 2011 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated May 18, 2011 N 18, applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2011 - see the previous edition).

Article 19

* The title is in the wording put into effect on January 4, 2010 by the Law of the City of Moscow dated December 9, 2009 N 12 - see the previous edition.

1. The implementation of basic and additional professional educational programs of secondary vocational education can be carried out by establishing state assignments of the city of Moscow for the training of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists.
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of December 9, 2009 N 12; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow of June 25, 2014 N 37. - See previous edition)

2. Lists of professions and specialties, training in which is carried out in accordance with the state assignments of the city of Moscow for the training of skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists, are approved by the executive authority of the city of Moscow authorized by the Government of Moscow on the basis of proposals from the authorized executive authority of the city of Moscow in in the field of promoting employment of the population and state-public coordinating councils of the city of Moscow for the training of qualified workers, taking into account the results of monitoring the needs of sectors of the economy and analyzing employers' applications

Article 21

In order to train skilled workers (workers and employees) and specialists in state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, special-purpose funds of additional funding may be allocated as part of the budget of the city of Moscow in accordance with federal legislation.

Chapter 6 Final Provisions (Article 22)

Article 22. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law shall enter into force 10 days after its official publication, with the exception of parts 3, 4, 6 and 8 of Article 13.

2. Parts 3, 4, 6 and 8 of Article 13 of this Law shall enter into force on January 1, 2005.

Mayor of Moscow
Yu.M. Luzhkov

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

1. Secondary vocational education is aimed at solving the problems of intellectual, cultural and professional development of a person and has the goal of training qualified workers or employees and mid-level specialists in all major areas of socially useful activity in accordance with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expansion of education.

2. Persons with education not lower than basic general or secondary general education are allowed to master educational programs of secondary vocational education, unless otherwise established by this Federal Law.

3. Obtaining secondary vocational education on the basis of basic general education is carried out with the simultaneous receipt of secondary general education within the relevant educational program of secondary vocational education. In this case, the educational program of secondary vocational education, implemented on the basis of basic general education, is developed on the basis of the requirements of the relevant federal state educational standards for secondary general and secondary vocational education, taking into account the profession or specialty of secondary vocational education received.

4. Admission to study in educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of budgetary appropriations from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets is publicly available, unless otherwise provided by this part. When applying for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions and specialties that require applicants to have certain creative abilities, physical and (or) psychological qualities, entrance tests are conducted in the manner established in accordance with this Federal Law. In the event that the number of applicants exceeds the number of places, the financial provision of which is carried out at the expense of the budgetary allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, the educational organization, in accordance with the admission procedure established in accordance with Part 8 of Article 55 of this Federal Law, takes into account the results of the applicants mastering the educational program of basic general or secondary general education, indicated in the submitted documents on education and (or) documents on education and qualifications, the results of individual achievements, information about which the applicant has the right to provide upon admission, as well as the existence of an agreement on targeted training with the organizations specified in Part 1 of Article 71.1 of this Federal Law.

5. Receipt of secondary vocational education under training programs for mid-level specialists for the first time by persons who have a diploma of secondary vocational education with the qualification of a skilled worker or employee is not a second or subsequent secondary vocational education repeatedly.

6. Students in educational programs of secondary vocational education who do not have secondary general education are entitled to pass the state final certification, which completes the development of educational programs of secondary general education and upon successful completion of which they are issued a certificate of secondary general education. These students pass the state final certification free of charge.