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All about lions women. What a partner on the horoscope is suitable for a woman - lion. Guide on the women's sign of the zodiac lion - how to hold the girl lion

Horoscope Women Lev.

Woman Lion: exterior appearance

Lev-Woman - Characteristics

An exquisite aristocratic company is a favorite habitat of a lioness. She adores all sorts of tricks, parties, other events where can satisfy the need for communicating with smart, sociable people, as well as demonstrate their own wit and the ability to support any secular conversation. The lioness will not be happy to listen to gossip, but it is unlikely that they will devote to frank vulgarity in the discussion.

As a rule, representatives of this zodiac sign More impressed society of men, but they are comfortable and among women, despite the fact that for many of them they are dangerous competitors. But the favorable, careful and friendly behavior of the lioness helps her conquer even female hearts. Often, such women are openly imitated, they consider them the standard benchmark, recognizing them and their intelligence.

Zodiac sign Lion - Woman in work and career

These women are prone to professions involving a greater degree of publicity, a creative approach, independence of actions, as well as intensive communication with people. Lioness, being representatives of the "male" sign, have a number of characteristics of a strong sex, which contributes to their professional successes. The lioness, like the men of their sign, are focused on permanent career growth, appointment for good positions, including guidelines. At the same time, the work is needed to them not so much in order to receive sufficient number Money, as in order to have another opportunity to charm, shine and manage.

Woman Lev in Love

The lionesses produce an indelible impression on the strong floor, and without much effort. The character of a lion-woman is such that she needs to flirt and feel the permanent admiration for himself, so as not to lose confidence in its irresistibleness. She is seductive, but it happens unpredictable and impulsive. These women are looking for love, but are not always ready for deep, before self-denial, feelings, they are not able to give up a man with the whole soul. A loved one female lioness remains true, but it can immediately go on the hunt, if I understand that her feelings go into the past, so they need to be confused by constant attention. Often, intrigues arise around such ladies, several men are fighting for their heart, whose behavior of which female lion controls talented and not without secret pleasure.

Woman lion in sex

Plot side love relationship I am interested in the lioness, but not to such an extent, as partners are expected of them, seeing an incredibly attractive, passionate and bright woman. The temperature of the lioness largely depends on which representative of the powerful sex turned out to be next to it. How the horoscope warns, the lion-woman likes to "start" men, to break their imagination, after which the intimate date itself can not only not make a strong impression on the cavallar, but also to disappoint him frankly.

Woman lion in marriage

The lioness is a spouse in the best of his hypostasis, she is friendly and calm; This is a soft woman with which it is comfortable to communicate, including this innate preparedness for compromise. However, if the feeling of her own dignity to touch regularly, then over time, a man will see a constantly annoyed, angry and arrogant creature, who poisoning his life. Coming out married and keeping loyalty to her husband, the woman lioness does not refuse the sign of attention of a strong floor, but this is more striving to paint, rather than real desire to tie a novel. Lions women are not so frivolous to go to the collapse of the family, especially since they connect fate with a person who initially impose quite high demands.

Zodiac signs: Leo-Woman - Mistress at home

Stepping the threshold of his own home, the lioness does not cease to be a queen, does not lose the gloss admiring public. It practically always looks as if it is about to go out "in people." On the slag with a cute woman of this sign of the zodiac categorically disagree, they seek to live in luxury and comfort, do not regret money when we are talking About the home of the dwelling. Love glitter, luxury, but the situation of their "palace" will never look like vulgar or screaming. Woman Lion carefully watches her house to be supported in a decent condition and was always ready for reception. The techniques arranged to be amazed with the magnificence and generosity, but the unexpected guests of the Lioness still does not complain, because they dared to arrive without her perception.

Characteristics of lion women - Mother

The female lioness can look at the world through the eyes of her child, she perfectly understands him, sees and develops in it the ability given to nature, as well as the best human qualities. Children of such a mother, as a rule, have good manners and taste, but can grow too spoiled and wasteful, taking an example from their own family. The lionessa mother can allow children a lot, sometimes even too, but disrespect for himself will not bearing and immediately put in place. It will be on the excursion, go to a prestigious event for a presented ticket. A good gift for a lion-woman - jewelry, in particular, gold, as well as clothes, exquisite lower and linens, dear decorative cosmetics, perfume prestigious brands, stylish accessories To enter the light, for example, an elegant clutch. I supported the lioness to gifts that decorate, delated its dwelling or workplace, especially if the offering is associated with it (for example, a figurine in the form of a graceful lioness) or the thoughts of high level Life is for example, some exquisite cutlery or a luxurious plaid.

Does your lion girl? Her characteristics: possessing leader qualities Such a girl always feels in the center of attention, she is a decoration of any company.

Girl lion - her characteristic

Always cheerful and cheerful, lions go to the intended goal and nothing but it does not matter. The girls of this sign of the horoscope are invariably popular with the opposite sex /

In the satellites, the girls lions choose no less talented person than they themselves, because in the strength of innate demands, they simply cannot come differently, they need the best and no matter what it is manifested.

They, as the true queens like comfort and comfort, have a very developed sense of style. Such girls lions are capable and in rags do not lose all of their attractiveness and look much better than unsure in themselves, smashed from Couture.

The lion girl often becomes the subject of adoration, and sometimes love of the whole life, but by nature the hunter, she seeks to increase the number of his victims and often such girls are married by virtue of their polygamy and impermanence.

Girl Sign Character

No zodiac sign can be so controversial as a girl is a lion. They know the price and a little vain, but at the same time very good and loves people who, however, very much regretted because of unfulfilled ambitions, and despises for the fact that they do not seek their implementation.

The lioness often create the illusion of love, but nevertheless may not be loved at all, because it will mean the betrayal of himself. They are unpredictable and impulsive, but these feelings are usually superficial, and what is hidden under them is available only to the girls themselves.

Flammable and sensual, they are very rapidly annoying monotony and dimension family life And they go for the next victim. They need fire and passion and if they do not receive these vital emotions they, they begin to bored.

Lion girl in relationships

She loves the admiring glances, with which she spent the riders and often blends them with each other - it is for it as a breath of air, she feels necessary. But in spite of everything if the lioness falls in love with her partner will receive a faithful and devoted spouse for years, but such a person is worth the patience because the lioness loves provocation and light flirt.

The lion girl will always keep loyalty to a person who will choose for himself, who tames it and forms a beautiful couple with her, which will keep his love and passion after a year and decades.

Nata Karlin

Woman Lion Strict, demanding to yourself and others, self-sufficient and well-groomed in any life situation. She always carefully chooses cosmetics, clothes, furnishings in the house, technique and people with whom she has to communicate quite often. The characteristic of a woman-lion on the zodiac sign would be incomplete, if not to mention its pride and self-esteem. These are the qualities that it does not arrive under any circumstances.

The lady of this zodiac sign categorically do not accept criticism And condemnation in your address. It only pretends that he perceives injections positively or does not pay attention to them at all. However, it will definitely improve the right moment and brutally will revenge the offender. The character of a girl-lion is not simple, but by nature she is an optimist and a very purposeful person. Therefore, no misses and failures hurt her seriously. On the contrary, mistakes make it concentrate and start the failed business, bringing it to a logical completion and success.

The character of a girl-lion is not simple, however, by nature she is an optimist and a very purposeful personality

Woman lion sociable and simply adores in the center of attention of the big company

She gladly demonstrates all her talents and the ability to public, favorably taking admiration and recognition of the majority. It is always extremely concerned about his reputation, so almost never makes reckless actions. Work for her - prestige, position in society and the way to achieve even greater honors and respect.

Woman of this zodiacal constellation, usually, achieves the goals. Most likely, because it always plans its actions and seeks to achievable and real altitudes. She is a real fighter and a winner in everything - work, friendship, love and sports. However, the sentimentality and romance of ladies-lion is not alien. At such moments, she looks like the goddess Olympus in love - a strong and weak, defiantly proud and tenderly piercing at the same time.

Woman lion is always and in all seeks to be the leader

In men woman Lion always causes admiration and interest. In turn, the lady itself reappeats his own irresistible, one after another breaking male hearts, while remaining cold and impregnable. She knows how and loves to flirt, but only boredom. However, relations with the chosen one for her is always a serious topic, its essence does not tolerate a frivolous attitude towards such an important issue. She seeks to make relationships with men who have achieved in the life of prominent position and success.

The first love for a woman Lion is always a benchmark of a man, a relationship and she will always compare each of the next lover with the very first and only perfect man.

Not many people can endure the difficult character of a Women Lion, so she often breaks up with people who could not understand it

The worst thing in this situation is that, looking back, the woman-lion understands perfectly well that he underestimated those who have lost so carelessly.

Dignity is or a disadvantage, it is necessary to consider from the point of view of a certain situation, but the woman-lion is always and in all seeks to be the leader. The man who will choose her in life companions will have to come to terms with the role of the second plan in the family. However, the woman of this sign needs understanding, love, care and affection. Only with this respect, it can turn out of the harsh lioness in the affectionate kitten.

Compatibility of women Lviv with other signs of the Western Zodiac

Love for a woman lioness is a holiday that she is waiting long yearsuntil he meets the man he is ready for everything for her. The woman of this sign of the zodiac is looking for a man who able to put the whole world to her legs, build it on a pedestal, and she is absolutely sure that he deserves such honors. IN marriage relationship The woman-lion comes quickly late, because very long time chooses a suitable partner. She needs a man who will allow her to look great, have time for himself and his own appearance and to spend money, not counting them.

Women lionesses do not change throughout life the only man

The most suitable for a woman-lioness partner with a strong and unsinkable character, which will become her "shadow" in society and lion in bed. If the lady of this zodiac sign falls in love, then ready to go to the end and fight for his happiness. In marriage or serious relationship Partner should not worry about the fact that his second half can change. Women lionesses do not change throughout life the only man Or until relations are destroyed, looking for love on the side will not be. It is this quality very valuable in a serious partnership of two loving hearts.

Women lions are compatible with:HighAverageLow
Man-AriesLove, friendship, sex, work, marriage
Male Taurus Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Gemini manLove, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Man-cancerLove, sexMarriageFriendship, work
Male Lev.Love, marriage, sex, work, friendship
Male-Deva. Love, sexMarriage, friendship, work
Male scalesLove, marriage, sex, friendship, work
Male ScorpioLove, sexMarriageFriendship, work
Male-Sagittarius Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Male Capricorn. Love, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Male AquariusLove, marriage, sexFriendship, work
Male fishLove, marriage, sexFriendship, work

The best compatibility of a woman-lion is possible with fiery signs Zodiac or representatives of air element.

Woman lion in bed and sex: what is she?

Woman lion in bed like a magnet does not leave anyone indifferent

She is a wonderful mistress, to be close to such a partner simultaneously scary and sweet. It can be both a cute affectionate kitty and a formidable lioness. This woman chooses himself in partners of only real, decent men And let me only selected. However, no matter how charismatic and attractive is a man, a woman-lion woman ever agrees to heaven, she knows the price too well.

The Woman Lion chooses real men and let me go to yourself only

Walled and durable men will never claim the location of this lady . Connect the heart of lioness is difficultAnd only a man can cope with it, which is equally good both in love and sex and friendship and partnership. Jealous and despotic woman-lion will never tolerate rivals before marriage, and even more so varying husband. The discerning man in treason, she will never forgive him and immediately leave him. Return a woman-lioness then will not succeed in any persuasion and promises. She is passionate, hot, impulsive and mounted, which is exactly what in any man can light the flame and maintain it the rest of his life.

How to win an impregnable and proud girl-lion?

Woman Lion is not inferior in the nature of this zodiac sign

It is as strong, bold, proud and arrogant. In each of her eyes and the Word, the royal patience and condescension. On some, it even draws attention and allows you to communicate with you. To fall in love with trivial ways to courtship this lady will never succeed. To at least a little like it, a man must be at least wealthy and attractive outwardly.

Woman lion never not attracting a languid and enthusiastic romanticwhich will compose in her honor of the diffilament, quietly suffering from unrequited love. It will not be able to conquer her heart and music with a cigarette in the mouth, smelling with a hot and cheap cologne. But Caring intelligent, intelligent and pupil manhaving a feeling of self-esteem, dressed in fashionable and clean clothes, will like the soul. Woman of this sign of the zodiac need a man who knows the price.

Guy who decided to seduce an impregnable girl-lion you can give a few interesting advice:

  • Try up your choices, causing her attention, but make sure that the jokes are not offensive and offensive.
  • Admire her, but do not cross the borders when praise becomes open flattery.
  • Arrange the boundaries permitted so that the woman-lion see that you are also a leader and you are not so easy to conquer.
  • Give her an understanding of what you can rely on you in any situation, because whatever female lioness is strong and independent, she is just a woman like any other seeking reliable shoulder.

To win a girl-lion - admire her, but do not cross the borders

If you manage to convince the lady of this zodiac sign in the seriousness of my intentions, consider that you won her heart.

How and for what features to understand that the lion girl is in love?

Loving girl-lion amazing and unusual in his behavior. It is tormented by contradictions between the need to remain always crowning special and throw all the symbols of greatness to the legs of their chosen one.

The lady of this sign of the zodiac is not used to tormented from such strong feelings, it is more familiar to condescending the love of men

If suddenly, the man liked does not pay attention to the woman lioness, she comes in bewilderment and cannot understand why he is like everyone else singing her laudatory OD and recognition. It becomes a demanding and aggressive in relation to others and to the chosen one, then disappears from the view on for a long time. Just goes into yourself to evaluate and think about the situation. When the decision that the choice is made correctly comes, the Woman Lev appears and herself declares his beloved about his feelings.

What gift can be prepared for a woman lion?

Quite often the female lion's hobby becomes collecting decorations, figurines, accessories. Knowing her passion, you can give something thematic, it will definitely poison its pride. The ladies of this sign of the zodiac simply adore fortune-telling on the maps, various solitaires and magic. You can give her a gift to something magical or, for example, the deck of fortune-money cards.

Women lioness always look great they watch the fashionThey like beautiful things. If you are in close relationship, you can give your lady lace underwear or stockings. When the guy is only caught by the girl, stylish accessories are perfectly suitable, handbags, gloves.

Women Lions love gifts and gorgeous bouquets

When the choice falls on cosmetics and perfume, it is worth paying attention to classic flavors with spicy, persistent notes

If you choose the floral present, it must correspond to the status of the queen of animals. Women lions love gifts and gorgeous bouquets. Each present they perceive how to tribute their own greatness and beauty.

February 10, 2018, 20:13

Purely symbolically, all women can be divided into two groups where "devotees like dogs" and "independent as cats" will enter. So, the woman-lion is not only the representative of the second clan, she is also the most royal out of the entire cohort. Next to this woman, even the most confident, familiar and pompous man can experience a timidity. This appreciating himself who knows how to stylish and and teach himself only with best side female. In each gesture, the movement is felt by a special charm, which is inherent only one. And you can only sympathize with someone who decides on the feat to conquer the heart of this royal nature.

Characteristic Woman Lion.

This woman wants to see next to him only a decent person who is a real king. The chosen one should be attentive, taking into account and, most importantly, generous. It is necessary to care for a lioness, hiking in big theater, dinners in prestigious restaurants, etc. And at the same time, no one will give guarantees that the royal heart melts, rejoice already that you have the attention, it is already a luxury that is not available.

This woman has many fans who admire and are ready to throw the whole world to her legs. Woman Lev Natura Proud and at the same time it is characteristic of being contradictory. She likes to be in the center of attention and shine in all its glory, so it can be seen very rarely at home. She always looks amazing and even at home rarely when is in an unsightly form. Even if a woman has no opportunity to dress in expensive boutiques and buy expensive decorations, it still looks sophisticated. She is firmly confident that just born to be a star.

This is a seductive and unpredictable nature, and feelings in her soul are rarely deep, which is due to a constant burden of freedom, and feelings, in her understanding, limit this freedom. The lionesses love to paranate, but it is worth paying properly, they do it very tactfully and with dignity. Yes, they can sometimes enter, but they are characterized by the nobleness with which they can recognize their mistakes and even apologize. It is not necessary to obey it, so it always seeks to take a leading position, but at the same time will never do the nose.

The problem of most women Lviv is that they are accustomed to building ideals with which real men correspond not to. Therefore, in the life of these girls there are many novels, but before marriage it is rare, despite a large number of Proposals of hands and hearts. Lioness generally fall in love and often cases of love at first glance, but because of the very idealization, soon the fire and passion subsides.

The lionesses are peculiar to selfishness, and the habit of spending a lot of money for yourself. But at the same time, if someone suddenly need help, she does not think it will help just like that, from a pure heart, without requiring nothing in return. Weak side These women - they often live by means, because the queen needs to look like. And they like to make gifts, even more than taking. The presents who choose a lion woman are always beautiful, roads and by the way.

The lioness, as a rule, are endowed with a huge number of talents, but there are more addiction to creativity and everything connected with it. It turns out a good boss from it, but it takes criticism with difficulty, so not to spoil relations with her, it is better to hold your opinion with it. Either say this is very and very tactful. For a lioness, the routine is simply killed, she drives them crazy, but the opportunity to travel pleases, because it is a chance to show yourself and look at others.

Many believe that you can bribe a lion with a bunch of compliments, but it is far wrong and distorted representation. Yes, lions, and especially women, like compliments and they melt from them, but hypocrisy and flattery, and they reveal them with some kind of sixth feeling, they do not tolerate them. And the man who decided to flatter is entered into the black list of this woman and never leaves there again.

Compatibility of women Lviv

The most favorable attitude of the lioness will be with men of the same element, fire, and these are Aries and Sagittarius. An excellent one can be a union with the same bright and brilliant sign of the twins - this couple will feel each other at a distance. Fertile soil for the development of romantic relationships with a possible continuation consists of lions with estate-weights. If Aquarius agrees all joint Life To be solely the second, then it also has every chance to conquer the lioness. With a scorpion of the chance of a successful lavstory, less and much less on romance with a Taurus and Capricorn - the eternal struggle for the ruling positions will not give them the opportunity to enjoy each other, but to make them "underground" enemies - this is yes.

Woman Leo in Love

This woman is simply impossible to remain indifferent, but most of all, naturally, men sympathize. The lioness loves to flirt on the right and left, but it does it so exquisite that no one even thinks about it, as an easily accessible lady. This approach allows it to feel the queen. This woman is always in search of of real loveBut itself in fact may love deeply very rarely. If the Woman Lion will marry, he will become very faithful and devoted wife, but only until then, until the feelings begin to flush. However, pride will not allow this person to go to the left, she will declare his left love right, as it will not tolerate deception and herself speaks only the truth.

However, if you regularly warm up the interest of this woman, then it will become the most best wife - Calm, noble and affectionate. She knows how to exquisitely and tastefully reflect even the most terrible slag, in her talents to arrange confused evenings, thanks to which her man then gets an increase. It is always ready to compromise, but it does not say that it is gradually it can be suppressed, on the contrary, frequent attempts of this will be brought simply to the terrifying consequences for the husband's psyche.

In sex, the lion will be different, it all depends on what a man will be nearby. For Prince, the Queen is ready to reveal completely and deliver him the true pleasure that he did not have any experience. But if there is no special feelings to the partner on its part, then in this case the first will be disappointed.

But the mother from the lioness is excellent. They are able to look at the situation and in general on the whole world through the eyes of their child, they develop talents that are laid in it by nature itself. Children who were grown by a woman-lion often have good education, possess beautiful manners, sophisticated and refined taste.

And finally, I want to say if you decide to tame a woman-lion, then it is better to immediately throw this stupid and knowingly favorable idea from the head. This is simply impossible to do this, which real would not seem to be, even being close, it will always remain a free and independent personality.

Representatives of this sign of vain, like real queens. Lion Lion Woman whose characteristic is agiciousness is always surrounded by fans, as it can serve himself, which attracts cavaliers like a magnet. However, the lioness is sure that he is worthy of only the best, whether it is a position at work, clothing items, or a permanent satellite in life. She is proud and strives for independence, but, coming out married, will become an ideal wife for his king.

The representatives of this sign love to flirt, even being married, but it rarely comes to cheating.

Women born under the sign of a lion consider themselves as

Horoscope lion woman.

minimum princesses, and better Queen Or in general the goddesses, so they try to fit their inner status. Huge attention, such women pay their appearance, behavior manners, they always have a sophisticated taste.

Fashion & Style

The lioness always chooses the clothes of the most famous brands, only hairdressers are on the peak of fashion and fame, she always gets the sea of \u200b\u200bcompliments, and a huge number of views rigged it precisely. She loves everything is the most expensive, the most beautiful thing. The shine is present in all its life. She chooses the most luxurious perfume, and her at home will also be the most luxurious interior.

The appearance of a lioness is a standard of beauty, grace and attractiveness. She is able to just charm a man and smeared it, because it can pick up the most ideal clothes, makeup, perfume, all this thanks to the fact that it has the perfect taste. Even very tired and exhausted by work, it will remain attractive and graceful. All this very much like the people around it.

The lioness is often invited to various events, parties, secular evenings and presentations. All because on such people is always nice to just watch. Men always look at her admire, as the most elegant woman in all the evening. At the same time, the sign of the sign of the zodiac Lion is an excellent interlocutor, which is also very valued by men. She is very erudite and can support any conversation.

Many women look at the lioness with envy. Often the representative of this sign have a beautiful loud voice.

Behavior and Inner World Women Lion

It has an internal riddle, it seems that it is not available. At the same time, it is easy to contact, but it is not completely disclosed. It has many acquaintances and spinning in different circles. She loves to be the center of the men's company, where she catches admiring views.

Such women are easily leaving men from families, the lioness can fight for the object of his lust and win, it would seem that no equal battle. The feelings between her and a man are like fire, quickly flared up, burn very bright, but also quickly can get out.

As her horoscope says, Woman Lion Sparkling Nature. It can be called a fashionable, modern, bright, unique personality. Every day, the lioness is painted alternately, she needs to visit various places, chat with different people and solve a huge number of questions. Her life is a series of replacing events.

With all its ambitiousness, it is capable of analyzing their mistakes, to make the right conclusions, which significantly helps her every day. Flirt for a lioness accept, but he will not mean anything. She takes very serious romantic relationship, choosing your life satellite. I know how to be friends, but she has a limited number, she is not ready to open everything. Such women need constant communication, she does not suit her loneliness. She needs to share information, and that they listened to others.

Positive and negative features

Samoa best company For lion there will always be an aristocratic party. She loves to communicate with smart peoplewho can appreciate its external data, a wonderful taste in clothing, and there it can easily demonstrate to everyone how sociable it is. The lioness can often be caught participating in the discussion of the main woven but to say rudeness or even vulgarity such ladies will not be.

In society, they most often choose male company. It is important for them to be appreciated by decent. But in the women's team, they are also comfortable, even though they will be the most bright rivals of any evening. But their manners, upbringing and friendly attitude to the whole environment will make a lioness not only attractive for men, but also will be the ladies to themselves. Many of them are even imitated, their appearance and become becoming a certain standard of beauty and grace.

Work and Career Women Lion

As the lioness loves the public, then chooses

The representatives of this sign adore to be public personalities.

the profession corresponding to this requirement. At the same time, the work should be creative or how much do not burden, and an interesting communication with people should always be present.

Characteristics of a woman-lion, with all its tenderness and external femininity, these are special male features of character, which is very promoted in promoting career stairs. The lionesses are always aimed at raising, they need to take a high position. At the same time, as such, they are not interested in them, they are important to manage people, shine among employees, and enchant new and new male representatives.

Lion woman attitude to love, sex, marriage and family

Without making any efforts, lionesses produce simply stunning impression on any man. In order for the representative of this sign to not lose confidence in himself, she needs to constantly see the desire of a man in his eyes, constantly flirt, constantly listen to enthusiastic exclamations about himself.

How do feelings manifest?

  • With all its beauty and peace, it can be very impulsive. The lioness is looking for love, she needs her, but it's not very simple to surrender to one man.
  • If her feelings are real and overwhelmed by her completely, then she will be true to his companion, but if she sees that there are no feelings and there are no those sweet speeches that she is used to listening, it is easier to find a new rehabel.
  • Woman Leo in love with ease of ease comes to a new hunt, with the aim of finding an object that will admire it;
  • Often, it becomes the center of the main woven, several partners can be fighting at her heart, while she gets only pleasure from it.
  • Lion is needed love. Being in the euphoria of feelings, she flourishes like a bud. Its entourage immediately notices the developmental changes in its appearance.
  • But the partner will need to make a lot of strength so that she chose it. At the same time, the lionesses are very easy and quickly falling in love. There is a sufficiently sparker so that the flame is laid.
  • Their dust may not go out for years, and they can be true to their companion all their lives. It is for these women of this sign very much appreciated and love men.
  • If it so happened that the man changed her, and she recognized it, then for forgiveness could not be waiting. It is easier for her to break the unsuccessful relationship than to establish them. But the break it will worry very long and very hard, and will not soon begin the search for another party.

Sexy life

Sometimes it seems that having such external data can be interested in only carnal joy, but in fact it is not so. What a man awaits from a woman, he can not get at all from the lioness.

The inner fire of representatives of this sign depends on who with them nearby. The lioness can easily challenge a man, make fantasy, but in fact he can just be disappointed and not getting what he dreamed about.

Marriage and family

The lioness is always withstanding and calm, it has to communicate. IN family relationship It is easier for her to compromise. But if the satellite of life regularly hurts it with his satellites, giving a self-esteem, then you will not see anyone next to an angry being. The spouse will be all his appearance to demonstrate their attitude towards you, making a joint life is simply impossible.

Even in a legitimate marriage, it is important for her that the men would admire her, she always wants to catch their views on themselves. But even the flirting is not with his man, she will not give him anything else. And when choosing his satellite of life, the Lioness will post a look only on the most worthy candidate.

Despite the active lifestyle, the owner of the representative of this sign will become perfect. She will create at home the most cozy atmosphere, always adequately meet. For a man, she will become a rear, will help him support when moving through a career ladder.

It manifests its intelligence, intelligence and inexhaustible charm. At the same time, the mother of it also turns out one of the best. But at the same time it is better not to be angry with this woman, do not let the lion in it.

Even at home I need to constantly be a queen, she needs her home always admired her. It seems that she now gathered somewhere, although she is just at home.

With a man without good luck, she will not build a relationship. It is important for her in luxury and wealth so that her life is status. She will never regret money on his house, making a palace from him, where luxury and refined decoration are present. But it is also impossible to call it with the sumoral, everything in her house is picked up perfectly and incredibly beautiful, he is always removed as if guests can come to any second.

She loves to arrange secular evenings and invite guests on the sled dinners, but only those whom she really wants to see. If you did not get into this list, it is better not to come to her house.

The lionesses adore their children. She herself knows how to perceive the world as a child sees him. Her children are always endowed with an excellent sense of humor and have exquisite manners. At the same time, they often spoiled and as easily ready to spend all the money as their mother. Woman lion allows his children a lot, even too much. But disrespect you will not notice, because her children know that their mother does not stroke their head.

Gifts for Woman Lion

  • When choosing a gift, you should always remember about its need for communication, the desire for new impressions, an attractive appearance;
  • She will love the ticket to the country in which she was not. But also a ticket to a secular evening, she will also appreciate the advantage.
  • It will remain not indifferent to an expensive perfume and good cosmetics. You can give expensive clothes famous brand, or elegant clutch.
  • Also, the lioness will be delighted by things that will be useful in its interior. Beautiful statuette, exquisite dishes or expensive plaid will be a worthy gift.
  • She will love exquisite jewelry with it is very important that it is from precious metals. But it is better not to give cheap jewelry or blowing gold products. The lioness is always different good decoration And the vile fake. It will also appreciate the antique decoration or the designer thing.