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How to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 tools. Free training photoshop from scratch for beginners (video, lessons and online tutorials)

Adobe is known to all users who have at least a distant concept about working with images and photos. This is due to the fact that it is this firm that is the creator of the legendary Photoshop program. To date, this application is the actual standard in the world of professional designers and artists.

The possibilities of the person who works in it is limited only by his own skill. However, not all users are real cigriers: how to work in "Photoshop CS6"? For beginners there are special video tutorials, but not everyone has time to view them. Well, let's try to highlight this question a little.

Immediately warned that this article is simply unrealistic to squeeze even a couple of percent of the amount of information that would be appropriate in this case. And therefore, we will limit ourselves to only the most superficial introduction in the topic and reveal the basic concepts that will be useful to you when mastering the program "Photoshop CS6".


The layer is the main constant with which you have to deal. By the way, what is it? Under the layer in this case it is understood as a separate image that has its own boundaries, clearly defined from other sections of the picture.

Why are these layers need? This is a very important question. The fact is that it is thanks to them that they can carry out operations for almost every site of the image, without affecting the entire picture as a whole. In fact, the image in Photoshop can be represented as a giant mosaic, for each puzzle in which the transparency, colors, as well as other parameters, are specified separately.

Since working in "Photoshop CS6" (for beginners, the program may seem very difficult, but in fact everything is not so scary) without the mentioned tool it is impossible, we recommend mastering the basics and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. Make the first steps in this matter is very simple. To do this, open any image, go to the "Layer" tab, select "Create a new layer".

Change something in the image. Then follow the path specified above by creating a second layer. Also something on it draw. Then go back to the same tab, select the "Connect Layers" command. Approximately the entire basic work in the program.

As for the interface, the "Photoshop CS6" appeared in Russian not so long ago. If you are looking for tips on working on the Internet, then there are often proposed instructions in English. Keep it in mind!

Hotkeys, or Hotkeys

With constant use Photoshop it is very important to memorize the most commonly used combinations of hot keys. It is almost impossible to constantly keep all of them in my head, but the most frequently used combinations must be known. The fact is that the combinations practically do not change in different versions of the program, so that the development of a new release will require much less time.

So let's consider the simplest options. When you press a CTRL + N combination, a new document opens. It is much easier to press "hotkes" than to use the main menu with the mouse. In addition, it will be useful to use a Ctrl + O combination, as it allows you to open a dialog box with a choice of files for opening. Useful Ctrl + K keys that open the main program settings. Surely, many users know that the combination of Ctrl + Z cancels the last action. It works in "Photoshop".

Keys for layers

But in this program, work with layers is much more important, so you should remember at least some hotkeys associated with this term. So, to create a new level, press SHIFT + Ctrl + N. After that, the dialog box will immediately open with the settings of the newly created layer. The F7 button is important, as it opens the palette setting. For a quick transition to the layer, you need to press Alt +]. To go to the layer down, use SHIFT + ALT +].

If you want to switch to the lowest level, you need to use a combination of SHIFT + ALT + [. If it is necessary to install the current layer in the form of the main, press the SHIFT + CTRL + combination]. The fusion of the layers (about which we spoke at the very beginning) is carried out by the Ctrl + E buttons. As you can see, the hotkeys are extremely important, for allowing the mass of time.

Using hot keys when working with filters

Working with filters is quite complex and takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is also important to use hotkeys in this process. Moreover, that the main combinations are not so much. So, if you need to repeat the last used filter with its default settings, press the Ctrl + F combination. If you need the same filter, but with the open settings, use the Ctrl + Alt + F keys.

Do not know how to reset all the settings of the dialog box? Just press Alt together with the ESC key. The value of this combination is that it works quite similarly in all dialog boxes with settings.

Choose your brushes!

None of the masters or novice users of "Photoshop" can not fully work without the most common tool "brush". Today we will try to choose it for work, learning about the methods of regulating the parameters. Using one or another option, you can create a perfectly suitable form for your work form, dynamically change the size, select dispersion, texture, as well as the degree of pressing and transparency.

First you need to activate the "Brush" tool for the "Photoshop CS6" by clicking on the "B" key. Click on the icon you need, where you can adjust all the parameters. You must press the F5 key on the keyboard or use the "Window" menu, where and go to the "Brushes". It must be said that the menu has enough settings, the main of which we will look at.

Before choosing a suitable tool, you need to choose the form of its imprint. It all depends on the type of work you run. The same can be said about diameter. Options - Mass! However, when learning, it is recommended to choose simple brush forms and the average diameter of its imprint. It should be noted that you can quickly change the last parameter using the ["(reduce diameter), or"] keys (increase it).

Using a slider called "Stiffness", you can adjust the tool rigidity center. If it is easier to speak, then with the selected indicator "0" you will have a soft brush. The opacity tab, as you can guess from the title, helps to set the parameter that is often used when retouching photos.

What else should pay attention before working in "Photoshop CS6"? For beginners, it would not be superfluous to look at the work of experienced artists and photographers: you can clearly see how and under what conditions it is best to use the main techniques, the same retouching or aging of the photo.

Often when choosing a brush, its color plays an important role. On the toolbar (in its bottom) there is a button that allows you to adjust this parameter. It should be noted that the color in which the upper square is painted is considered to be active.

Other principles for choosing a brush

However, only these parameters, the choice of brush for "Photoshop CS6" is not limited. For example, it is quite often the need to change the angle of inclination, which is achieved by adjusting the settings in the same name dialog box (if you are not forgotten, it is called by pressing the F5 key). Here you can increase the size of the tool, as well as change its slope.

It should be noted that when choosing a brushes of an unusual form (butterfly, an asterisk, leaflet), it is necessary to set a sufficient interval, since otherwise the image can turn into a graphic "porridge". Experimenting with various parameters, you eventually learn how to set optimal for each type of work using hundreds available in the parameter program.

Naturally, so right away, for one sitting, it will not work out to master the "Photoshop". The program in Russian is the optimal option for beginners, since you can always read the help by clicking on F1.


Plugins (called also by external modules) are additional filters connected to Photoshop. However, some additional software modules that expand the functionality of the application can be called. In essence, the plugins for the "Photoshop CS6" are small additional programs that work within the main software package.

In "Photoshop", they are most often used for extended imitation of drawing methods; They are often used to reduce noise and improve sharpness; If they are assisted, you can automatically set focus on some facility located on the photo.

Plugins are most often developed only under a certain version of Photoshop, which often provides a lot of difficulties when moving to a new release. However, they are very good because each user will be able to create a unique set of tools suitable for its purposes. In general, it is the "Photoshop CS6" for beginners is the most suitable option, since it is more visually, and by default contains more tools.

Thus, it will be better to stop at the option of "extended filters". They are also able to change the processed image, can distort it or remove the noise and adjust the sharpness properly.

To install the plug-in, you need to download its file from the Internet, and then move to the "Photoshop / Plug-Ins" directory. However, some "serious" applications often have their own installation file. In this case, their installation is simplified to the extreme: you just need to start the process and follow the instructions. When the installation is completed, the new filters will be displayed in the program (it may be necessary to restart it).

So, we looked at how to work in "Photoshop CS6". For beginners presented information, it is enough for now, you need to consolidate knowledge in practice, and then comprehend all the subtleties of the process.

Some plugins for "Photoshop"

Let's take a closer look at the purpose of some "helpers" for Adobe Photoshop. For example, an very popular iCoformat addition is specifically created to save particularly small images of up to 200x200 PCs with a standard extension .ico.

GENUINE FRACTALS PRO can increase the image, and this process passes without loss of quality. For the same purpose, the additions of Blow Up and Akvis Magnifier can be used.

The Akvis Chameleon plugin is ideal for it allows you to automatically customize inserted fragments for the color of the main image. In addition, he is somewhat blurring sharp edges, making collages more "alive."

In conclusion…

It should be noted that the plugins can apply not only separately, but also in the form of large thematic packets. Most of the processes with their help can be significantly accelerated. However, it is necessary to remember that success in the use of plugins will only be accompanied by someone who understands the principle of their action and can do all these operations manually!

These are such brief lessons "Photoshop CS6". Collect the program in practice, the method of trial and errors is the best option.

More and more people are looking for free training photoshop. This question is especially relevant for beginners from zero users Adobe Photoshop. If you also want to quickly explore the popular photoshop, it means that you are in the right place!

It is no secret that Photoshop is the most popular photo editor in the world. This program deservedly won the world glory. After all, the possibilities that Photoshop provides photo processing is truly limitless! The abundance of functions and various tools gives huge benefits when processing any graphic images. The possibilities of the program are limited only by your skills and flight of fantasy!

But at the same time, it is worth a recognition that it is not possible to master the Adobe Photoshop program without each user. What kind of sin is, even the developers cannot confidently declare that the photoshop knows thoroughly. After all, hundreds of people work on the creation of this program.

Photoshop training is available even for beginners from scratch?

At the same time, it is not necessary to think that Photoshop is difficult! Newbies can immediately start using basic photoshop tools and easily perform simple operations. But if you want to learn to fully use the program, without additional training, do not do.

The site portal was just created in order for any start-up user of the photoshop to easily find answers to his questions. On our site you will find simple step-by-step text and video lessons on Adobe Photoshop. There are also wonderful articles and tutorials on photoshop for beginners from scratch. All training materials are presented in a simple step-by-step form, therefore, even an absolutely unprepared person will be understood. Lessons are updated every day!

If you appreciate your time and want to fully explore Photoshop as soon as possible, the section "Photoshop courses" is created for you. It presents complex step-by-step video courses. Therefore, you have a big choice. You can undergo free training: on our site you will find thousands of text and video lessons on photoshop. Or you can speed up the learning process to maximize the experience of leading authors of our site, presented in a simple and understandable form in the form of paid video courses.

You can also join the multi-minded team of like-minded people of our portal. The site is visited daily tens of thousands of photo lovers and video processing. There is a large photoshop forum on which you can discuss any topic and get answers to questions you are interested in from experienced users.

Also on our site there are constantly various contests on photoshop. You not only can check your strength, but also win various prizes!

For those who have knowledge and great practical experience with the Adobe Photoshop program, we can offer to become one of the authors of our portal. This will give you the opportunity not only to "glorify" your name of the heart of many thousands of photoshop users, but also make money for their knowledge and work.

Join the friendly team of Photoshop Master! We are always glad to new readers, subscribers and like-minded people. Together with us training photoshop It will be a light, interesting and very exciting occupation!

Before you, the cycle of lessons who teach use the PhotoShop graphic editor - incredibly popular and indispensable in web design tool with which for the site not only the buttons, banners and logos are created, but even whole layouts. The design of almost any site that you visited was originally drawn in Photoshop, so the knowledge of this program a web master will be definitely useful, although the skills of image processing and creating their own drawings to the simple PC user will not hurt. Digitization of photos, retouching old pictures, creating cards and collages is just the beginning of a long list of useful actions that allows you to perform the editor, and the cycle of lessons will help you to get comfortable.

Add this page to the bookmarks, so as not to lose the table of contents and consistently study the article for the article, comprehending the new and new techniques of work in Photoshop.

But what do you learn in these lessons?

  • 1 Getting Started in Photoshop - Fast Allocation and Pouring

    Here you will get acquainted with the program interface, find out what the basic interface elements are intended for, learn how to create documents and save them, master the selection of areas on the canvas. Also from the lesson you will understand how to pour the areas in color, understand the principles of working with the program. After mastering the information, you will learn to perform simple actions and you can study other editor tools yourself.

  • 2 layers and text

    All photoshop images are built on the layers. That is why edit in the program is so convenient. The lesson will tell you what layers, why they are needed and how to work with them. In addition, the techniques for creating and processing inscriptions, as well as the movement of objects located on the canvas are described. After passing the lesson, the processing of multilayer documents will not be a problem for you.

  • 3 filters

    You will get acquainted with a huge library changing the picture scripts. Editor's filters can not only give the finished image one or another effect, but even create new objects and framing photos.

  • 4 Working with Images

    The article provides the basis for processing already existing graphic files. Editing several images at once, move objects from one pattern to another, resizing and removing unnecessary parts is just an incomplete list of the lesson.

  • 5 Transformation

    The lesson will teach scaling the elements of the image, change the proportions, tilt, distort and deform them

  • 6 Drawing - Brush and Pencil

    The first in the series telling about the tools to create their own masterpieces article. For a long time, computer technologies have developed before they make it possible to imitate drawing on paper. You will learn how to create virtual pencil and brushes - sketches and paintings by watercolor can now easily draw and distribute on electronic media, making an unlimited number of copies and not surviving for the safety of labor.

  • 7 Drawing - Figures

    The creation of objects "by hand" is one, and accuracy and speed are sometimes above all. The lesson tells about the tools, with which it is literally a few clicks you can create perfectly smooth geometric shapes of the specified sizes. From a simple square to an ellipse, stars and even a musical note - everything is considered in the article.

  • 8 Drawing - contours and raster images

    You once and forever remember what the vector is different from the raster, what pros and cons have both approaches, and also learn why the contours of figures are needed in Photoshop and what pixel mode does.

  • 9 Drawing - Pen tool

    In continuation of work with contours, we study the tools of the Pen Group. Purpose, method of application, description of parameters, and as a result you will learn to draw nonypical outlines and create more complex geometric objects.

  • 10 Drawing - Magnetic Pen Tool

    Magnetic tool mode The free feather became so popular that it is called "magnetic pen", although there is no such separate tool in Photoshop. What makes it possible to make a function, for which it is so much like users and how it helps you personally - read in the article.

  • 11 Image Return Tools

    To apply these editor functions for the Internet, you do not need to be neither a versalist nor a designer nor a webmaster in general. It is enough to be an active user of social networks. How to make a face beautiful, remove moles and freckles? How to treat the old scanned photo so that the colors become brighter, and scratches, stains and dust - are not so noticeable? What carefully cut the object, move it or clone? Where is the tool that literally in a couple of minutes will help you get rid of the photograph from the effect of "red eyes"? Look at these and other questions in the article.

  • 12 Image Correction Tools

    You already know so much that the development of new tools is not a problem. I could only make a review with a description of the possibilities that allow improving the quality of the pictures to lighten there, where it is too dark, donate where it is lit, blurred and add sharpness, mix and smear colors. In general, additional information about how else to make the image is better, waiting for you in the lesson.

    Top of creativity for web - draw templates of the site. When most tools are mastered, and the skills are enough to draw and dividers with figures, and the buttons for the menu, and logos, and beautiful inscriptions, nothing prevents the creation of a good, complex layout. The article tells that the standard template consists of, describes the principle of creation, and also teaches cut the layout using previously unfamiliar tools.

  • Paying attention to each of the lessons, disassembled practical examples and experimenting independently, as the course arms, you will pass the path from the photoshop novier to an advanced user and can deepen it in it, moving to a new level of development, and will help you in this strong and reliable foundation, laid by the cycle of our articles.

Beautiful photos and spectacular compositions of them are a good way to tell about yourself in social networks, decorate a family album. For these purposes, there are many convenient graphic editors, but the leading place on the right is PHOTOSHOP. In the CS6 version, the developers were pretty well and enriched the program with new features and comfortable chips. Now work on the correction of photographs and the installation of beautiful collages has become more interesting and comfortable.

We start to create

A simple collage of several photos to make easily and quickly, using only Photoshop features (based on Russified version of the program). Do not additionally download backgrounds or fashionable scrap sets. If there is a series of photographs in a single topic, you can do with fills, geometric discharge, layer styles and several simple fonts.

First you need to set a new document. The initial parameters are determined based on the use of the final result. Suppose you need a photo for printing 13x18 cm. To work correctly with the image it is better to use permission 300 pixels per inch , and to set the length and width in centimeters. With a smaller resolution, the quality of the photos is noticeably deteriorating.

In the CS6 version provided several options for organizing the work environment: to work with photo, drawing, 3D modeling, as well as "Movement" and "Typography". Each option implies a convenient layout of the tools in the selected activity. For the work presented in this lesson, it is enough to switch to the "Photography" mode.

Flood background with gradient fill Selected color (radial fill from the main to transparent).

Note: All experiments are fillings, corrections, drawing - it is better to perform in separate layers. To reduce the document at the end of the installation, when the result fully satisfies. If working in one layer, it will be difficult to fix a bad move. List history menu limited, only saving operations in different layers allows you to fully monitor the process.

Gradually create new layers and with the help of tools, the rectangular area and the fill lay out color rectangles. They will play the role of a kind of framing for photos. You can add to the figures shadow, stroke or any other stylistic "goodies". Rectangles can be placed obliquely, arbitrarily scatter or create an ordered composition. As the basis, you can use any figures.

We continue to surprise

The composition is generally formed, you can throw photos. To create the dynamics, it is better to have a photo at an angle to the appropriate figure. We assign styles: clamp Alt, we grab the name effect (for example, shadow) in the string of the rectangle layer and drag the effect on the layer string photos. The shadow is duplicated, the same properties are assigned as on the source layer. A very convenient way allows you to drag any effects and do not waste time for additional setting.

Photo size is best done different to emphasize the depth and dynamics. For a small composition, use 3-4 images, one of which can be made by the background.

Note: CS6 added a remarkable image correction. To correct the tone or texture of the skin, a bodily tone tool is provided (in the selection menu - Color Range). Gives a very accurate result, saves retouching time. Pictures for a collage is better to edit in advance in separate documents.

Place the background photo. We insert it between the lower layer and the gradient fill. The face is shifting through the fill, because the method was used from the main to transparent. You can play the intensity and opacity of the fill for the most interesting result.

There is an interesting way image processing: make a photo black and white, and some significant part leave color. To do this, create a duplicate layer, discolor the upper (image - correction - color tone \\ saturation, reduce the saturation slider -100 ). Add to the discredited layer layer mask , I draw in it in black in the place that we want to bloom. In this case, the red tie shines through the hole processed in the mask. If the edge turned out to be inaccurate, change the color of the brush on the white and in the same mask correct the borders. Very convenient way, you can perform an accurate fit of the details.

Sign and exhibit

To enhance emotional exposure, add text chips. With the help of even very simple fonts, interesting decorative effects can be achieved. Letters can not only be painted in different colors or gradients, but also to assign all the same styles as ordinary layers. Or "punch" holes in the image. In this way, the inscription was laid: "USSR": the text first was recruited, then the contour is highlighted by clicking on the icon (with clamping Ctrl). Using the Delete key, the corresponding area is removed from the gradient fill layers. It turned out cute holes in the shape of letters, through which charmingly shone the murals of the background of the photo.

The highlight of the thematic signature can be a small photo inserted into the text. It is convenient to place images into round beaks or make it "look out" from triangular holes. Select a fragment of photography using an oval area and drag into a collage. In our case, the circular fragment is assigned the corresponding shadow and stroke.

If you want to create a non-sabroval fill of the text, you can use the following admission. Create an inscription, we assign color. We make a copy of the text layer, we assign a contrast color. Rastro the copy and soft rubber bands arbitrarily erase the inscriptions. In the proposed sample word nostalgie. Created in two colors - burgundy and white. You can use more shades, it depends on the desired effect. At the end of the fitting color transitions, layers to combine, add a shadow, stroke, etc.

Note: Pleasant news has become the introduction of auto storage and background preservation of the document. Now you do not need to wait until Photoshop "blows up" the file, you can continue to work. In previous versions, the long saving process strongly nervated users. You can not be afraid that the result of painstaking work suddenly disappears due to the banal failure of the program, since at equal intervals of the time the file is neatly reserved.

As a result of uncomplicated operations, a bright and characteristic composition was obtained.

Of course, within one work it is impossible to show all the new features of Photoshop CS6. For example, a text generator has been created - a convenient template for filling in the image of the lettering symbols. This feature can be found through the Font menu - insert Lorem IPSUM. In total, the program has 27 improvements and new products - from changing the color of the interface before processing video phrases. This is a wide field for creativity and self-search. After all, the truth is well known: to study Photoshop is completely impossible. You can only enjoy the path of his knowledge.

Quite often, PC users strive to explore new programs to be able to draw up images to their taste and even get income. One of the most complex and powerful graphics tools is Adobe Photoshop. How to use what to start - all this will be talked below.

Interface, Tools and Menu

To begin with, run the installed program. The newcomer is recommended to go through the menu (horizontal from above), learn the tools located on the left. To find out what kind of icon and for what he answers, you need to sum up the cursor. There should be a pop-up hint. If you click on the left mouse button to the tool, for example, "fill", then it will be active. At the same time, settings will appear under the horizontal menu at the top of the screen. Experienced users almost always install the desired tool parameters.

You should pay attention to the triangle in the lower right corner of some tools. If you press the right button on the mouse, additional options will open.

And now you should talk about the menu in Adobe Photoshop, how to use it when working with photos and pictures. First you need to go to the "File" menu to open an existing image for editing, or create a new document. In the same menu there is a function of preserving the work done.

The remaining items, located after the "file" and to the "help," refer directly to the work on the image.

First steps in work

It is worth starting the study of the program using an existing photo. To do this, go to the "File" menu, click "Open" and find the desired picture. When it is added, you can proceed to work.

To the right of the image will appear a small window with tabs. When working almost always needed the "Layers" tab, since it happens all actions on the image.

At this point, every newcomer is asked about:

  • how to use "photoshop" (Adobe Photoshop);
  • why it fails to work with a picture;
  • is it possible to correct errors if they appeared in the process of work.

You should immediately answer the second question: by default the open image is locked, that is, it has to turn it into a layer (that is, unlock), you need to double-click the mouse button on the right of the image and the inscription "Background" in the "Layers" tab. Now you can work.

Why do I need layers?

To understand how to use Adobe Photoshop, it is worth dealing with the layers. The fact is that they can serve as a spare image ("create a duplicate layer") in case of unsuccessful actions with the photo and the area of \u200b\u200bapplying new effects. For example, you need to make an inscription to the wedding photography and the image of translucent pigeons, hearts. In this case, you need to create a new layer above the main photo and activate it. Next, you can either insert a new image with pigeons, or draw with the "brush" and "pencil" tool tool on the left in the toolbar.

The layers can be made transparent and translucent. To explain their meaning, you should present a real photograph lying on the table. Next, translucent or transparent paper with a print is superimposed on it. Thus, the main photo is layer 1, and transparent paper with a pattern - layer 2.

Effects and colors

Working with color and effects should be carried out using a horizontal menu or in the right window (Layers tab and "Properties"). It should be noted that there is no difference in how to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 or other versions. Virtually any generation of "Photoshop" is suitable for studying the program. The same applies to color modes, filter gallery, actions with images (for example, a mirror image, rotation, movement).

Is Adobe Photoshop

Often, newcomers are asked: is it difficult to master the program? Answer uniquely impossible. You need to understand why a person needs this tool. Suppose it is often necessary to make light adjustments, for example:

  • cut
  • cut up
  • make an inscription
  • discolive.

In this case, it is enough to understand how to use Adobe Photoshop. But if there is a desire to become a professional, learn to make fabulous pictures from ordinary photos, it will be necessary, a lot of time for training, up to the study of the color theory.

Often there are nuances on the forums when watching training videos, where participants ask how to use Adobe Photoshop CC than it differs from SC6. Let nobody embarrass the last two symbols that mean the "Photoshop" version. To apply simple features with pictures in both versions, there are all the necessary tools, they are located on the same places.