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Moon in the sign of the fish - Lunar day. Lunny fish

Compatibility Horoscope: Moon Sign of the Fish Zodiac - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The moon in the fish is an indicator of an unusual fate of a person. This is largely due to the oddities of his nature. These are people who are able to simultaneously be sincere and innocent and - weave intrigue. Deep in the soul, they combine almost old-sighted wisdom and children's naivety. But the soul of their chista and rasament. Very often they are timid and shy.

This position of the moon always gives a person high emotionality and impressionability. But the manifestation of these qualities may be different. Moonfish in the negative is primarily a tendency to drunkenness. In the same background, an insurmountable traction develops to lies, even when there is no need for it. The person is subject to mood drops, someone else's influence, is not careless, is inconsistent, having heard, is heavowless. He very quickly loses life forces, feels a loser, has extremely low self-esteem. Overly enjoys the opposite sex, as a result, even more sherself. Often it is used and betrayed, and he himself is even more disappointed in life and in humans.

Moonfish in positive is a completely different picture. Such a person has a rare charm, very attractive for other people, with excellent character, shows a touching care for loved ones, a good psychologist. He never imposes his help, does not stick to the tips. Devoted to his friends. Gostechamen and therefore friendly companies are often disturbing in his house. He is calm and closer, but not a tender, it has a subtle sense of humor. It may be heavy on the rise and even lazy.

Moonfish - excellent fantasies, of which great dreamers are obtained, so they can become outstanding philosophers, writers, directors, musicians, artists, inventors. They never dream of "just so" for the sake of the process: be sure to remove any valuable idea from it, able to find rational grain in the most surplus fantasies. Moonfish love art, especially music. Appreciate nature, drawing new forces in it.

In romantic relationships, this is a very convenient partner. He has a depletion, constant, his feelings are deep and serious. He likes to spend time with his family, in the house where he feels safe. It needs a solid material database for family life. Unlike many other lunar signs, it cannot tolerate passions. It is important for him to live a quiet life. He is not against friendly parties, but does not endure the psychological tension, which by all means trying to avoid.

Therefore, life hand in hand with such a person will not be saturated with conflicts and clarification of relations. If he did not turn around another for the perfect mistake, it does not mean that he did not notice this error. Just lunar fish do not consider the conflict to solve the problem. These are very good partners for people with a fervor: Next to the lunar fish is simply impossible to constantly be "on a platoon", so so calming energy from these people. In everyday life, they appreciate comfort, it is important for them, what the house looks like, how comfortable in it is; They love high quality things - this also applies to food, both to clothing, and to household appliances, and to the subjects of everybody. Do not save on yourself.

With all its peace of calm, the lunar fish are not conservative at all. They are happy to enjoy the latest technical and fashionable innovations, love to travel. Very benevolently configured to change. The main thing is that these changes be transferred easily and nice (travel, buying new furniture), and did not injure the soul (divorce, work change). They attract all the inexplicable, mysterious and mysterious. This is not surprising, because they are not only great dreamers, but also representatives of the most intuitive lunar sign. Their dreams are a storehouse of information about the future.

Lunar fish never rush to the quarry and are not inclined to rapid actions. If something does not work with them and the second time, they do not repeat attempts immediately, and very long been preparing for her morally; In addition, due to failure, they develop powerful complexes, they feel disappointed, unpromising in the art (admission to the institute, marriage, an increase in position).

Therefore, to achieve goals, they tend to have a long time. They are discouraged by hostility and misunderstanding - the circumstances in which they are lost and lower their arms. Therefore, with all its sociability, they do not like to publicly advocate an unfamiliar audience. They are more suitable for calm, measured work.

Lunar fish are people with the thinnest spiritual organization. Their main emotional problem, due to which the quality of life can deteriorate significantly, is an increased anxiety, indecision, compliance, softness, insecurity and their actions.

Moon fish man

The horoscope claims that most often these men can be seen near those who are less fortunate than them, since they seek to pay unfortunate. But the revolving side of the medal of such sensitivity and nobility is their excessive idealism, romanticism and dreaminess. If the lunar fish have the opportunity to get access to their lunar intuition, let them use its maximum, as subtly configured sensations will help them stand on earth as firmly as possible. In fish, as such, very high empathy, and these men at the intuitive level are cleaned more spiritual forces than they should.

This means that for such people it is very important to be able to build protection among themselves and others so as not to feel the absolute devastation at some point. Planet Moon in the Fish in a man gives him a huge inner sensitivity, which is undoubtedable. However, it is required to competently dispose. Simply put, it is not necessary to react with a particularly sensitive attitude to everything that comes on hand. The horoscope says that when a man has a planet moon in the fish, he must listen to his intuition as carefully, and not hide from each fleeting gust. Meditative practices, for immersion in the world of internal "I", will be very useful, because so the inner voice of the Moon will be much better heard. True, it is not necessary to think that the fish should not "emerge" from the mystical otherworldly atmosphere. Those connections with the outside world that they install from the very birth and throughout their lives are their necessity, they simply will not survive.

Moon fish woman

In general, to be clear: the horoscope claims that women with lunar fish must learn to maintain a balance between self-dedication and deepening. This is especially important for those "copies" that sometimes detect enviable ability to go into a certain fantastic world. There they are moving away from real life, wrapped the clouds in the clouds, go to themselves so deeply, they inevitably begin to multiply the problems of the material plan. The moon gives the fish greater impressionability, and women who were born under such a combination of signs should be aware that their psyche absorbs other people's moods like a sponge.

Any other people's problems and troubles, anxiety and anxiety they perceive as their own. All this turns out to be absorbed into their unfortunate head, even against their own will, to the detriment of health. In astrology, it is said that fish that float in different directions are the illusions that Neptune inspires. And they turn out to be as deceptive as the elements of the sea, they are easily knocked down from the feet of a person, lead him to the side. In the life of lunar fish, there are cases when with the help of instincts and mighty intuition, they are released from extremely difficult situations and help other people. But what should be remembered here, so it's about the need to constantly maintain contact with your own highest "I", listen to its instructions and then the rational and emotional beginning of a person will compare at one point of the balance.

It is clear that most often such a balance may be required in the love sphere, that is, where the woman is absolutely convinced that he met the perfect second half. It is hardly an astrologer who will appear the lunar fish impulsiveness of Aries, but they are still inclined, like sunny fish, look at reality through pink glasses. They are beautiful to the soul and see only invisible advantages in their chosen one. And in this case, the lunar fishes should be most honest with them, and to show maximum trust to their intuition and the inner advice, so that romantic dreams did not shove the quiet intuitive voice.

Fish compatibility


The moon in the sign of the fish increases sensitivity, people want care, attention, understanding and sympathy. At the same time, they become more suspicious and detached. The transit moon in the fish may cause pity for himself, the desire for solitude, the desire to escape from problems, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages, drugs. But it is at this time that talents are most often manifested, and for old problems there are unexpected solutions. The feeling of reality weakens, so it is better not to be taken for important things, but this period is favored by clarifying facts.

Children become more sensitive than usual, capricious, plastic, in the lessons they are difficult to focus, they prefer to "fly in the clouds". At this time, it is impossible to give free to negative emotions, as this not only will not help discharge, but on the contrary, will leave the rut for a long time. It is better to communicate with those people who are pleasant. It is useful at this time to be in nature, especially at the reservoirs, it increases the tone, adds mental strength. It is not recommended to turn to gadels, as their prediction may be false or be incorrectly interpreted. Care required when taking medicines, it is desirable to limit the amount of liquid consumed.

With a damaged moon, all the above qualities are enhanced with a negative bias. Pity can cause attacks of Handra, even depression. Often there is a desire to escape from problems, up to complete isolation and unwillingness to communicate with anyone. Caprises, reproaches, complaints, tearfulness are possible. People are experiencing unfortunate concern, they are tormented by fears, vague premonitions, nightmares can dream.

Moon in Fish

The moon in the sign of the fish feels quite comfortable: Fish is a sign of deep feelings, and the moon determines the instinctive emotional reactions and sometimes secret dreams. Moonfish is characterized by the depth of feelings, they are endowed with a congenital gift to understand the state of another person. But sometimes their impressions of the world around them are not entirely accurate, being embellished with severe romanticism. Some lunar fish, possessing distorting reality by the vision of non-infected optimists and dreamers, tend to interpret events just as they want.

The romantic emotionality of lunar fish does not always appear on the surface, as they are not inclined to show this way to show this way. However, even the most pragmatic person with the moon in the fish has the need to periodically go to himself, into the world of his imagination.

The moon in the fish emphasizes the artistic side of the person, gives love to beauty and often pronounced abilities to classes with the most different types of art. Possessing insight and imagination, the owners of the Moon in the fish pronounced themselves in creative work. They have a tendency to actor, literary work, to the composition of music, drawing, ballet classes or dancing.

Lunar fish teaching the world to a greater extent through emotions than through the mind. Many of them have exceptional intuition, and sometimes - medium and clairvoyance; endowed with the ability to separate the material world from the spiritual, knowing what is not available to understanding others. But, unfortunately, such people in the real world sometimes fall difficult. Especially those of them who are not learning to manage their emotions and allows them to take over them.

Although the lunar fish are capable of selfless work, they can work without tired and pity for themselves for other people, it is difficult for them to exercise self-discipline. The need to make final decisions causes internal conflict and concern. Many of them seek to avoid harsh reality and obligations. Nevertheless, helping others, they acquire internal freedom.

The moon in the sign of the fish - the effect of the phase of the lunar day

New Moon in Fish Sign - If you want harmony for a long time settled in your soul go to the water. It may be sea, lake, river, pond. Contemplate and enjoy wet air. Let your eyes and easy to rest.

Growing Moon in Fish Sign - Creative period, write, draw, compose - everything will turn out well.

Full moon in fish sign - Many dull a feeling of reality. Many are waiting from the environment of sensitivity, delicacy, deep understanding of their inner world, and this is more often happening. On this day, many react to rudeness too sharply to their own address. And even the most innocent jokes seem insult. It is especially hard for this day people who do not know how to really look at things, the world seems to them on this day hostile.

Decreasing moon in fish sign - Focus everything on one problem. Since this day there is a tide of vitality, the concentration of attention on something one will help solve this problem.

What to do under the moon in the fish

The moon in the fish helps to be aware of their abilities and desires, find domestic and external resources and reserves for understanding and manifesting their abilities. Time is successful for everything that is associated with solitude, rest, inspiration. Favorable for all vehicles related to water.

Aries - Under the moon in the fish more rest, let yourself relax.

Teltsy - Under the moon in the fish, communicate with friends, make plans for the future.

Twins - Under the moon, in the fish, show an increase in the career and achieving your goals.

Raki. - Under the moon in the fish, expand the horizons, visit the temple or go on the journey.

Lions - Under the moon in fish, require compliance with the law: Decide questions related to alimony, taxes and be sure to find the time for intimate contacts.

Virgin - Under the moon in the fish, develop personal and business relationships, as well as any connection with the outside world.

Libra - Under the moon in the fish, show care of your health, pay more attention to work and everyday responsibilities.

Scorpions - Under the moon in the fish, go to a romantic date, flirting, make new acquaintances. Take time for creativity and communicating with children.

Sagittsev - Under the moon in the fish, do the family, talk to the parents, take on the improvement of your dwelling.

Capricorn - Under the moon in the fish, communicate more, lead business negotiations, manifest yourself, express your thoughts and be sure to walk.

Aquarius - Under the moon in the fish, solve financial issues, make purchases, give gifts.

Fish - Under the moon in the fish, make it up with your appearance and guidance of beauty.

Moon in Fishes - Health

The moon in the sign of the zodiac fish increases the sensitivity of the feet, the skin is vulnerable, the danger of allergies and infectious diseases increases. Perhaps poisoning with liquids. Everything that a person takes these days is from alcohol and nicotine to coffee and drugs, it acts much more intense than at another time. Normal your dose on fish days can be excessive. Probably, the relationship is that all internal organs are associated through special "meridians" with the feet and therefore in the days of fish they react very sensitively.

It is not recommended to drink many liquids, drink alcohol; Medicinal preparations should be excluded. When the moon in the fish, surgical intervention in the field of feet and perverse plexuses, the entire lymphatic system. You can not operate the feet and cut corn. Prohibits procedures and operations on senses, liver and legs.

On the days of fish, the intestine can be cleaned. It is advisable for these days less walk, and it is necessary to use only comfortable shoes. Increases the danger of fungal diseases. Great at this time passes 1-2 day fasting. Finally, given the special sensitivity of our body during the moon in the fish - it is better to avoid any kind of surgical interventions.

Moon in Fishes - Haircut

In the period of the moon in the fish from the haircuts should be abandoned. Hair these days are naughty, it is not very good to the wonderful master, after that it is not possible to give the desired appearance, the hairstyle is fine. The haircut these days leads to the formation of dandruff. It should also be abandoned from head wash.

Moon in Fish - Beauty

On the days of fish, the skin becomes vulnerable, the danger of allergies increases, the threat of fungal diseases increases. Take care of the skin - it should be cleaned and updated. Assist to do this common toning massage, baths with valerian, chamomile, day sleep, nutritious masks.

In the period of the moon in the fish, freshness and purity of the skin will help to maintain cosmetic masks from natural, environmentally friendly products. To clean the skin, only soft tools are preferably used - gels, cosmetic milk, oatmeal. Moisturizing facial and body creams are well affected, indifferences of medicinal herbs in the form of warm compresses.

On the days of fish are forbidding foot massage, water procedures. These days you need to wear soft shoes and go smaller, as legs become sensitive.

Moon in Fish - Plants

The moon in fish - fertile time, any manipulations increase the yield of all plants, including weeds. Therefore, "I touch everything that the harvest should bring, and do not touch what it should not be brought. Good watering, extractive fertilizer application, landing that should not be kept (greens, flowers, lawns, etc.), do not fight pests and diseases. It is not necessary to work with the earth, do not touch the roots (start), do not collect the harvest (not stored), do not squeeze, do not marine, seed and trim carefully taking into account the limitations of the sign.

A good period for flowers - gives abundance. We are successful vaccinations, planting moisthed and firm-decorative plants. Do not transplant bulbous and tuber plants - it is possible to upload the root system. Do not dig potatoes - not stored. Sowing seeds and work with prickly plants.

Moon signs of the zodiac

Moonfish - Characteristics

People who have a moon in fish are called lunar fish. They are surprisingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, these features also allow them to easily lose themselves in the problems of other people. They are romantics, and never forget a gift for Valentine's Day or someone's birthday.

Moonfish - who they are

They possess a surprisingly stupid sense of humor. Moonfish seems to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easy to surprise. They can impress surface people, but it's not at all. They are often lost in their dreams. They can easily fall into the despondency from others if they are not careful.

Lunar fish have a kind and sensitive heart. They sincerely care about others. This moon sign is trying on the troubles and empathy of everyone, so that they empathize almost everything. They must learn not to absorb feelings of others, as they can be overloaded with the emotions of others, and it affects them destructive.

Fish have a strange ability to understand the things they actually never experienced, and this makes these people very talented performers of any work that the fish choose. The one who is too shy to climb the stage may be a talented writer, a musician or artist.

Moonfish in relationships

While the fish need communication, loneliness is equally important for them. They are very sensitive and often suffer from insults, rejection and criticism. People with kind heart can get some help from religion or philosophy, which will give them more power than they themselves.

Fish romantic and creative personals. Lunar fish possess a very rich imagination. They can develop their alarms throughout life. They are faithful friends who appreciate beauty in all its forms.

Moonfish are trying to avoid peaceful life. They are curious, almost on the verge of recklessness. As a child, they can be easily frightened, so you need to go along with the crowd. This sensitivity needs to be cherished, and not trample. When they feel incomprehensible, they can go into the world of fantasies, and it is difficult to fix it.

As a result, they may experience pity for themselves, and even become concerned if something goes wrong. It is important that they have the meaning of life. They do not attract material benefits, but they love to show their emotions.

Lunny horoscope by date of birth

Moon sign fish

Those who were born under the lunar sign of fish often have strong extrasensory abilities. They are surprisingly compassionate and full of love. Unfortunately, it often leads to the fact that they are sinking in other people's problems. They are real romance and will never forget about a gift for Valentine's Day or Birthday.

They have a strange sense of humor and not all people like their jokes. Moonfish seems to know all the nuances of human behavior. They are easy to pass. They may have a label "not from this world", but they are much deeper than many people think. Often fly in the clouds, reality can suppress them. It can easily go into the despondency from the fact that they are surrounded if they are not careful.

People with the moon in the sign of a good heart. They sincerely care about others. Easily represent themselves on the place of others, so always in one form or another empathize others.

They should learn not to absorb feelings of other people, otherwise they can be suppressed by other people's emotions. They have an amazing ability to understand something, with which they did not come across personal experience, which makes them excellent performers if they want to be. People- "Fish" are very talented, but many of them are too shy to climb the scene. In this case, they can become writers, musicians or artists.

They should take care of themselves and give themselves a breather to back up forces. They need communication, but the opportunity to be one is also important for them. They are very sensitive and they can be easily offended, they are hard to criticize. These soft-hearted people can contribute to religion, philosophy, drawing their strength from this. Feel satisfied, being involved in charity. They are romantic and creative. Possessing a rich imagination, they can be both far-sighted and impractical, it all depends on the circumstances. In the course of life, they can develop anxiety inside. They have faithful friends who appreciate beauty in all its expressions.

People of the lunar sign of fish are trying to avoid routine. They are very curious, sometimes it even comes to the edge of the recklessness. They are very conform, they can easily make go there as a crowd. When they feel that they are underestimated, they can plunge into their fantasies, and then it will be hard to reach them. Easy to fall into the despondency and can begin to regret themselves or captivate self-confidence. It is very important for them to make sense in life. Not tied to material values. Love to express your emotions.

Moon in Fishes in Women: Characteristics, Compatibility

The moon has a strong influence on all signs of the zodiac. The planet gives people special sensitivity, enhances positive and negative character traits. The moon in fish in women opens in the form of maternal care, limitless and selfless love for their chosen, relatives and loved ones.

Planet mystery

Heavenly luminaire has long been considered a symbol that carry female energy. In the sign of the zodiac fish, the moon is in the most favorable location for it.

In Natal Map, the planet is predetermined by his ability to love, preference in choosing a life companion, as well as predisposition to treason. The moon in the fish in a man lays out an ideal of a woman in the subconscious, that appearance, focusing on which, a person in the future will look for his love. This is an image of a mother, grandmother or babysitter, who is still in childhood by his care, warm, love and not requiring anything in return.

In the Natal Map of Woman Planet manifests itself a few on the other hand - it affects emotionality, intuition, in love, the ability to compare and assist outsiders. The moon in the fish in women makes them experience painful love, sacrificing themselves. The planet causes a sharp desire to help in the hearts of the beautiful half of humanity, sometimes in favor of other people and at a loss.

Moon in the sign of the fish: character traits in men and women

The equilibreence, the thrust for calm and measured life, mutual assistance - all this is present in the nature of people born under the auspices of the Moon in the constellation of fish. Representatives of both sexes developed intuition, they easily start new acquaintances, love order in everything.

The moon in the men makes it softer, romantic and attractive for the opposite sex. He is an interesting interlocutor, good friend and family man. In women, it is attracted primarily a pleasant appearance, kindness and ability to keep the economy. In the youth, the man is attracting ladies older and more experienced. This is due to the identification of the potential partner with the female way inspired by the planet.

The moon in the fishes in women, provided that the planet is normal, the correct position of the planet, gives them charm, sensitivity and desire to protect, love and give warmly to their beloved. The negative impact of the Moon on women is that they become overly emotional, secretive, prone to depressive states. The planet strengthens the desire to help, making it excessive and in some plan even dangerous: the woman is ready to give the latter that she has to help the needy person. For a normal, harmonious existence of a lady, a satellite, which will stop it on time, returning a common mind, otherwise it may be in a life-threatening situation.

The effect of the moon on the solar signs of the zodiac

The planet affects each zodiac constellation. It is she who is responsible for the sensitivity of people, the ability to communicate, love. External attractiveness, as well as human charisma - all this is subject to the influence of the planet. The moon in the signs of the zodiac is responsible for emotional background, health, desire (reluctance) to make a family. People born under the auspices of water signs (scorpion, fish, cancer) are most susceptible to the planet, as the constellation data is a kind of house for the moon.

The planet in fiery, air and earthly signs is not as strong as in water constellations. However, the moon in the signs of the zodiac still controls some aspects, such as relations with the opposite sex, the success, character traits, the desire to learn and develop, the ability to own themselves. Thanks to the positive impact of the planet, the representative of the beautiful half of humanity becomes more feminine, and men know how to love and understand their chosen. The moon is also responsible for human believing, his desire for various sciences and art.

Woman Aries, Moon in Fish

The day when a person was born, is considered one of the important factors in its future development. The lady born under the constellation of the fiery Aries is characterized as a self-confident person. She is only interested in his own well-being, she constantly strives forward. The moon in the fish in women-Aries softens their excessive hot spirits, while makes ladies more sensitive and romantic. Sunny sign is not inherent in the adoration of the representatives of the opposite sex, however, the moon makes a self-sufficient woman to fall in love, giving and devoting himself completely to the object of adoration.

Moonfish (dates: February 21-March 20) make a hot-tempered and impulsive Aries pliable, romantic and wounded. A woman under the influence of a sunny and lunar sign becomes overly sensitive, in love and dependent on a relationship with a man. She constantly needs affection, care and understanding, while easily refuses any attempt to deceive it. The moon dulls the desire of the Aries to constantly dominate in relationships, be the best in everything, due to which the hard and wayward character is replaced with pliable and calm.

Woman Taurus

Earth attraction constantly stops the calf, makes it makes a suspended and deliberate acts, a lot and fruitfully work. Moonfish (dates: 21.02 - 20.03) Give the Earth Sign of excessive dreaminess and anxiety. The female taurus, calm in nature, under the influence of the moon and the constellation of the fish loses its own balance, often panic and worrying without reason. Dreams, constant vitations in the clouds - all this complicates the life of the Taurus.

As in the work and in personal life, a woman is experiencing constant insecurity, doubt whether it goes correctly. To avoid this, the Taurus needs to choose the creative type of activity - this will contribute to the moon that gives the sign to the abilities to art.

Twin female

Surface, forever somewhere hurrying twins, not tolerating routine labor, are converted at one moment in calm and caring, balanced personalities. In relations with the opposite sex, the aircraft representative is seductors, they attract male views, make them look at the next. The desire to know something new, eternal chase for the impressions, the acute intuition is all the twins in this. The moon in the fish gives a sign of tranquility and patient, the ability to empathize.

Twin female - excellent friend, faithful wife and caring mother. However, with the negative effect of the Moon, the lady can be overwhelmed, which will provoke a frequent stay in depression, or vice versa, too emotional. Then surrounding the constant groundless scandals and strong nervous breakdowns expect.


The moon in the fish has a positive effect on a sunny sign. Permanent mood swings and excessive jealousness, characteristic of the watermark, are replaced by the desire for peace and comfort. Cancer is sentimental, sensitive, but at the same time practical. Under the influence of the Moon, the lady becomes romantic, sets the goal to make it possible to instill its chosen one in possible ways.

Woman Lev.

Ambitious, sacrificial special. A woman who was born under the constellation of a lion seeks to help everyone who needs support and protection. The moon in the sign of the fish strengthens the positive qualities of the character of the personality, makes it more compassionate. The lioness without lunar exposure is a selfish, self-confident lady, seeking to get the desired methods. Heavenly shovel causes a woman to forget about its own gain and help others.

Woman Deva.

The moon in the constellation of fish in this sign manifest itself negatively. A woman is afraid of his own emotions and feelings, she is in constant anticipation of criticism. Any comment in your address of Virgo perceives acutely and painfully.

Woman scales

The moon makes it without that indecisive sign weakly as well. Woman scales fear to take a step without the next advice from a more experienced person. It seems to her that she does wrong, and any careless movement can become fatal. In relations with men, scales under the influence of lunar fish are ideal partners, but only with full coincidence of interest.

Woman Scorpio

Ladies that appeared under the auspices of two watermarks are characterized by special sensitivity and emotionality. Mysterious, interesting, attractive and charming, seeking love and passion - this is all a scorpion woman. The moon in the fish here enhances intuition, gives a woman with a logical warehouse of the mind, but does not allow to show feelings. Despite the external coldness and secrecy, inside the scorpion boils the storm of emotions.


Craisening personality adoring to travel. The moon in the fish gives a fair sex representative born under the constellation of Sagittarius, romanticism and a teal for philosophy. A complex, principled nature of the sign, its egocentrism and focus on themselves are departed into the background under the influence of the moon. Planet makes a woman dreaming, in love, affectionate and good-natured.

Woman Capricorn.

Solar Capricorn and lunar fish endowed a woman with incompatible features: pragmatism and idealism. Pragmatian Outside, a follower of traditions and an idealist inside, Capricorn with the moon in the fish has an explosive temperament. The female Capricorn seeks to be the first in everything and everywhere and sometimes learning prefers work that brings a stable income.

Woman Aquarius

Romantic and mysterious features with developed intuition. The moon makes a lady attractive and unpredictable. Its actions are original, relationships with it are comparable to the swirl. Chosen Women Women will never be bored next to her.

Female fish

Thanks to the harmonious combination of solar fish with lunar, the woman is endowed with a special, practically extrasensory intuition. All attempts to deceive it will be vain. In female fish under the influence of the moon, the maternal instinct is especially aggravated, it will strive for a serious relationship.

Who prefer women with the moon in the fish?

Lunar fish are combined with almost any zodiac signs. The only condition - a person in no case should show coldness towards them. Selfless, loving their partner just for what he is, will not suffer attention to their own person. However, in the negative aspect of the moon can force a woman to love his chosen one. Despite everything, even if he is a tyrant, a sadist or an alcoholic.

Moon in Fish- Masha touching and tender moon among the entire zodiac circle! But men with this provision will have to be hard. Not a male business to show emotions. "Happiness is when you understand you" - this phrase is absolutely accurate and accessible personifies this is a position.
And I start with the interpretation, very popular with astrologersnamely-mom owner Moon in fish. Often it is a woman who has a mood changes each 1-2 seconds (if Moon in Natal Map It is badly damaged, then it can be argued about the deviations in the mental health of the mother).

Moon in Fish testifies to religious momwhich has very good intuition.

Many of you have seen people deeply immersed in themselves, in some pollone, looking at 1 point (it seems that they are on some kind of wave) and this is a typical phenomenon. Moon in fish. We are witnessing people who captured the green snakes "and other addiction running from all of themselves, including it is also manifestations Moon in fish.

Moon in Fish In a natal map, frequent changes in the mood, the emotional component, also adaptation to the whole new is not through the mind, and through the heart (this is the essence of the opposite of the axis of the Virgin / Fish). Moon - Maternal planetIn the end, we can talk about the manifestation of care and attention to other people. Caring is manifested: empathy, they will absorb your negative (like a sponge), always find the right words for consolation, however! It is impossible to abuse it, because. natives with severe fish or Moon in Fish Will worry together with you about and without.

Suppose you Moon in the Aries impulsive and quickly removed sign, then you expressed all the accumulated best vest Moon in fish. What happens Moon in Ovne Already forgot about the problem in five minutes, and Moon in Fish will console you (when you are already in a calm mood and you don't need it) if you think about saying something similar to "enough", then Moon in Fish Deep, but will not be offended. Unlike the moon in the fish, goes to work when offended.

They know how to forgive, but through the rite "winding". Move as quickly as Moon in Ovne, such Moon It can not, because, as a rule, mutable signs do not immediately. Moon-Simvolic ruler 4 housesWhat makes it an important component to predict moving.

Moon in Fish-The movure of moving either to another continent, or in place of living by the sea, in rare cases indicates forced relocation.

Speaking O. Moon in Fishes,no one astrologerwill not miss the case to talk about dreams . They have very interesting and fascinating dreams! They constantly dream about something, the prophetic dreams are not uncommon. I'll say that they look like a plot of a fantastic book or film. For so many people, I met with a phenomenal memory for dreams. And this is another one manifestation Moon in fish.

Moon in Fishes in a man

Moon in Fishes in men In the natal map - not very good position, as it adds sentimentality, vulnerability, contrary to and without. But this is one of the provisions of Romantics. Men with the moon in the fish are hard, because the qualities of this provision does not give it no men. Also, men can be alcohol, drugs, games, esoteric, religion. For example, the well-known occultist papulate is just that position. They may have breakdowns, whims.

Despite the large number of minuses, men with the moon in fish understand women, if other horoscope indicators contribute to this. We follow to remember that the moon in the fish is the image of the wife in the men's natal map. Men with Moon in Fishes are compatible with women creative, mysterious. He needs not just to understand her, but to merge with her, to become one.

Moon in Fish in a woman

For women with moon in fish - care in the first place. She needs to regret someone. She absorbs emotions. Women are constantly worried about something. The moon in women in women is one of the indicators of high fertility. Fish is a water sign, so also double. Women will always be supported, comfortable beloved. But this support is not practical. Girls with Moon in the fish love to get involved in manga and anime, unusual worlds and stories. Women with such a position should be controlled by their emotions, since there is a risk of mental illness. Especially if the moon is associated with the houses of the disease or their ruler negative aspects.

People with such a position in a natal map often manit another culture. Across culture, which will be either very romantic, mysterious or highly spiritual. In the quality of the example, my close friend is experiencing an insurmountable craving for the whole Italian (item about romance), she considers it the most drowned and sublime. Moon Manages the needs, and therefore we can and "try" the quality of fish. They are understanding and solitude.

Moon B. sign Fishoccurs in horoscopes People who are very loved by animals.

This is not surprising, because Fish in the horoscope They are considered the most foul story.
Unfortunate owners Moon in the sign of fish In the Natal Map attract people who flip their negative on them. And after all they are Musk everything through yourself, which, unfortunately, will significantly spoil their spiritual comfort, so they are recommended to engage in meditation and other spiritual practices to relax and exemplate the mind.

The moon in fish gives romance and dreaminess. Identification of intuition, mystical moods may appear. On the days of fish, we are easier to believe in all the wonderful, mysterious, incomprehensible. Religious feelings may increase. It is much easier for us than usual, to understand the hidden essence of events, things and phenomena. The boundaries are blurred, the look is easy to penetrate the scenes ...

Space those plants that will be winter out in the open soil, it is not recommended these days, since these plants are very poorly adapting to adverse weather conditions.

With the moon in the fish - a favorable time for haircuts of lawns, plant fertilizers, including room colors. You can cut and instill fruit trees and shrubs.

Transplanted plants these days (if, the exception is only the bulbous cultures and those plants that were planted with the Moon in Scorpio (the likelihood of the root system disease).

Very favorable period for watering and making organic fertilizers. Well cook jam, plant vegetables, prepare juices, collect medicinal herbs.

Fish is the final sign of the zodiac, so it contains all the qualities of signs. The moon in a woman's fish is a creative and wounded nature, it is difficult for them to endure betrayal and lies, so they choose reliable satellites for life and trust them their own. Fish women are perfect wives and mothers, they express all their love and care through their actions and actions. They enjoy authority at work and in the family circle.

What does the moon mean in fish for a woman

A woman with Moon in the fish was used to seek all his results and victories on their own. She knows that you should not wait for help from the side, you need to count only on your own strength. They are confident that no one can help themselves in a difficult moment. Although it may be closeness and fear.

They know about the cruelty of the world, so they try not to let in their lives of new people. For them, there is a circle of communication, in which they are cozy and comfortable, and it is difficult for them to let someone new in it. It is difficult for them to open and begin warm communication with new acquaintances. Fish is very subtle nature, so they are experiencing all losses and wounds to heart.

For a woman, the moon in the fish means that they can survive, a storm of emotions in one moment, it is difficult for them to control their feelings, so they immediately give out their faith and expression when something likes and on the contrary. They feel every person, so do not try to hide something from these girls, they immediately bring you on clean water.

The characteristic of the lunar fish is quite extraordinary, there are many positive and negative qualities in it. They are very secretive and notprofit. For fish, it is very problematic to tell about their feelings of the second half, and because of this many problems arise. Since the chosen is thinking that the girl is not too honest with him. However, his actions and attitude of the fish prove that he is the lord of her heart.

Creative nature allows you to engage in any case, the main thing is that it is for the soul and from the soul. These ladies will never occupy an unloved business, just that he pleases their soul.

How to win a woman with moon in fish

If a woman has a moon in fish, then this means that it will be able to achieve its location, only a persistent man with an excellent sense of humor. Since the nature is creative, it will not arrange the usual courtship, bouquets and compliments. She does not recognize mercy and affection, she needs something else. Something bright, with changing emotions, so-called emotional swings. Only then will she be happy.

If life becomes ordinary, the fish will look for varieties on the side and it may end the deplorable. But if you meet all the criteria of a female fish and satisfy it in all plans, you can be sure you fell into a love trap from which you can't get out.

In love, these signs give themselves completely, a man becomes their owner and manage their lives. They are pleased to be led, they need a guide that will swim with them in the right bed. It is not worth overdoing and carrying a stick, you need to know the thin line between the permissiveness and all accessibility.

You will not be bored in this relationship, a water mark can do every day a variety of interesting things, the main thing is to trust them and be frank and then you will conquer the vertices together.

In the family life, the girl respect absolutely everything - a house, husband, children, a personal atmosphere and no one to disturb it. For children and spouse, they will create and create a special world.

White Moon in Fish For Woman

White Power Selena encourages mercy and compassion. All her good forces must be sent to good deeds, help those who need and remain disinterested. Mercy is manifested not only to people, but also to animals. There is an opportunity to be cleaned by helping defenseless. Try to help with your capabilities. But do not forget about the help of yourself, it is important to find the desired wave, according to life. Do not forget to meditate and give yourself, your reflection and your feelings.

To correct karma needs to be given to self-sacrifice, by redeeming all his sins. No need to be afraid of what happens later, it is only important what is happening here and now.

Very often, on the spiritual level, the ability to trust dreams and their interpretation are opened, so it's not so difficult to sacrifice themselves for others. They know that they are waiting for something better than this life.

Black Moon in Fish for Woman

Because of its excessive emotions, sometimes it is very difficult, controlling the situation and tester. The black moon in the fish means for a woman that she increases the greatness of the greatness and will require all the attention, the egocentrism is sharpened, which leads to a variety of scandals and unpleasant moments with loved ones.

In disputes and shortages it is better to avoid gross behavior, as it can stick bad consequences. Try not to contact with enemies and unwanted people. Excessive activity speaks of high energy that wants to get out.

Also manifests the dark side in the cynicism. Fish think that without them work will not go and everything will be, so he constantly climbs with his corrections, comments and reproach, considering that he helps everyone. You can not succumb to these forces and eradicate them.

The moon in the fish at the moment of birth says that such people have a strong character, increased sensitivity and impressionability. They are calm, soft, not conflicting, easily go on concessions to others. For them, it is extremely important to constantly, in any place being in comfort, since inconvenience is transferred to them very hard.

Fish - incorrigible fantasies! They are constantly in their own world, whistled somewhere in the clouds. This is very useful quality for those who link their lives with creative professions: for artists, musicians, designers. But in real life, this character trait makes fish vulnerable and often helpless before the difficulties they face.

Lunar fish are rarely aggressive. As a rule, they are pliable, easily go on concessions to others. But this is not from the fact that they always agree with what is happening, but from the instability of their own opinion, misunderstandings, which they really want from life, inability to defend their ideas and views, from fear of offending others.

People fish are easily wounded and dependent on the mood. They quickly react to any stimulus and are not able to look at things simply. If strong discomfort feel, they often get closed in themselves and remain in such a state. In many cases, these people seem to be surrounding indifferent, phlegmatic, "hiding in the clouds", but in fact everything from the fact that they are susceptible to strong spiritual experiences.

Fishes are sensitive to the suffering of others, merciful, intuitively understand people, do not refuse to those who need help. Often these are people with an unusual fate and an amazing life. From early childhood, they can manifest phenomenal and extrasensory abilities, they can heal diseases, as they have strong energy.

If at the time of their birth of the moon was in an unfavorable position relative to the planets, then the fish will suffer from uncontrolled attacks of laziness, unprepaid apathy, inertia. They can be extremely incredulous and suspicious or vice versa, refer to people overly openly and friendly. Born during this period - romance and fantasies, idealists and utopians. It is possible that for a long period of life, they will experience financial difficulties.

The moon in the fish often negatively affects the tendency to gossip and intrigue, an immoral lifestyle and addiction to harmful habits. On the other hand, if there are no negative effects of the planets, people born during this period will be more positive and open, negative qualities will manifest themselves very weakly or be invisible in general.

Such personalities are inconsistently in friendship, in their sympathy and in love. Fish marriage is successful if they find a partner for whom there is no problem with their frequent change of moods and protracted interest periods. Gentle fish need love, guardianship and protection, harmony and comfort, so if their second half is capable of providing them all this, "lead along", treat with patience and understanding to all the oddities of their chosen one, then, as a rule, such unions are Happy and strong.

For a more successful and peaceful life of the fish, it is recommended to make maximum effort to choose a favorite thing, find yourself in it and give it as much free energy as possible and time. Thus, it will be easier for you to get away from your illusions and live a more real life.

Also be paralleled in people. On the squander all your excellent qualities on those who are not worthy of them. Concentrate on your loved ones, parents, children, surround them with warmth, care and attention, give more positive and smiles. After all, only they are able to forgive and understand you always!

Below are the views of famous researchers on the influence of the moon in the fish ♓ on our life: