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Potatoes: How to choose good potatoes for food. How to choose potatoes on the market. Correct potato selection Combination of potatoes with other products

All you need to know about growing potatoes

Methods for increasing the crop potatoes
and getting it 1.5 months before the usual term

The best planting material - potatoes weighing 30-100 g.

In the spring, they are germinated in the light of 30-50 days.

In the last 10 days before landing, it is desirable to order planting potatoes at + 4-6 ° C, bringing it to the cellar.

Large tubers with filamentous sprouts need to be selected (throw away).

It is more convenient to germinate potatoes in the apartment in large open glass jars, but not on the hot sun.

We successfully jump it in plastic bags. Bags can be switched. Dependittically make a hole with a diameter of 1.5 cm with a diameter of 1.5 cm, every 10 cm.

To obtain an early potato, 7-10-day germination in wet peat or sawdust is required.

For early products, it is better to plant large tubers.

Before germination, make in the middle part of the tuber of the ring incision "Harvesting Ring". They stick the knife and rotate the potato around the blade so that the jumper has become minimal - 1-2 cm in diameter.

Before boarding, large tubers are blocked in size. As a result, not only the top kidneys, but all the eyes give strong sprouts.

Bushes are made thick, more powerful.

Before planting, large potatoes are cut not across, but along. Then they dry about a day.

Attention! If the soil is converted, plant cutting potatoes - risky, as it can bend.

The soil is absorbed to a depth of 15-20 cm. The distance between the rows is 60 cm, between the nests of 30-35 cm. 200 g of manure or peat-compost is placed in the well. Fertilizer is satisted by the earth for 2 cm, which is put on the tuber. The sealing depth of 5-7 cm on light soils and 4-5 cm on heavy.

Accelerates the acquisition of early potatoes Grebel landing. In the base of the ridge, where tubers are planted, a favorable water-air mode is created, the temperature rises. Without watering, early potatoes are difficult to grow. It is very useful to pour the soil with a layer of peat crumbs or sawdust in 2-3 cm, to coat with a polyethylene film with holes (the film can be used as transparent and black). The main thing on each square meter must be made 100-200 holes with a diameter of about 1 cm. This film covers the beds immediately after planting, falling asleep edges of the earth. And they remove it after the appearance of complete germs.

Applying these techniques, you can even get early potatoes in mid-July in the middle of July. Since potatoes in this case collected small, then the landing is better to make a thickened.

To get an early harvest, landing leads whole tubers of an early grade, and large, 80-100 g or by Middle 50-60 g.

For an increase in harvest by 10-15% and to increase the starchy potatoes before boarding ashes ashes, pre-dlying on the tubers in the water. By 50 kg of potatoes - 1 kg of ash. Potatoes, planted early, but in the cold soil, gives a harvest higher than the one that is planted later, albeit into the heated soil.

It is possible to protect shoots from frosts if with an unfavorable forecast to close the beds with old newspapers and then film. As soon as the temperature rises above the zero, the film is removed. If freezers are expected at a time when sprouts have already appeared, they need to fall asleep the earth. With warming, the land does not extend.

Caring for the garden begins 5-7 days after landing. The site is harrowing, weeds smeared and break the soil. After a week, processing is repeated.

According to scientific recommendations, potatoes are plunged twice over the summer. For the first time, the sprouts reached 10-12 cm. All inter-row treatments experts recommend to finish before closing the tops. If the soil is too dry - do not plunge.

How to grow in a bag of potatoes

on every square meter

1. The landing is conducted by a square-nesting method at a distance from the socket to the nest 60-70 cm. In places of crossing, the lines of markup are pulled out with a shovel (you can lines). It is for the sizes for himself: in each nest, the bucket of humus is falling asleep, the tuber is put in the middle, the second bucket of humus is mounted.

The nest is filled with a small slide. The first diploma is carried out when the shootings reach a height of 10 cm. Diluted the stems in different directions and are being added to the space between them so much humoring so that the leaves remain outside.

In the same way, as the stalks increase the 2nd and 3rd extracts. If necessary, when the soil compaches, it is exploded. In the dry time, the landing necessarily water, and imperative water heated in the sun.

2. Plot for potatoes are divided into strips with a width of 30 cm with gaps between them by 60-70 cm. For every 3.5 meters, 8-10 kg of humidiation and 500 g of ashes are made. Put out and at the edges, plus from 2 sides make the grooves in a depth of 8 cm. In the first furrow, the potatoes with a chicken egg lay out at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and in the other at the same distance, but retreating from the edge of 15 cm. ( Read more Planning in the figure).

Thus, potatoes in the second furrow is located in a checker order in relation to the first. Ridges fall asleep and start planting the second tier of potatoes. He retreating 15 cm from the beginning of the first furrow, lay the tubers at the same distance of 30 cm from each other, but already on the surface of the soil.

In the second furrow, on the opposite side, the tubers are also located on the surface of the soil, but in a checkerboard. From above, the rows of potatoes fall asleep on a depth of 3 cm of land from the tracks.

So, in each groove, two vertical rows of landing are obtained: one at a depth of 11 cm (8 + 3 cm.) And the second at a depth of 3 cm, and one tuber is shifted relative to another 15 cm. The ridge acquires the shape of a trench with four potato row - Two rows at a depth of 31 cm and two others at a depth of 23 cm. Each of the two rows do not interfere with another, being in the vertical plane.

How to grow potatoes in May month

You can have it on the table in May and even in April, but it is necessary to grow in the previous year. In August, old sprouted potatoes should be attached to a good fertilized land. You can use plots from which the crop of vegetables is removed. Potatoes germinate and even blooms. Over the Grocery you need to arrange a temporary greenhouse to use warm days as long as possible. Before the frost, the tops are cut to the level of soil, otherwise it will freeze and the tubers will begin to rot. Then the garden is covered with a thick of 10-15 cm with a layer of manure or peat and then straw or hay. With large frosts, they fall asleep with a large layer of snow. As soon as spring soil flashes, you can dig out fresh young potatoes.

How from one bush potatoes gather harvest 5 buckets
(Chinese method)

Drop the three pits with a size of 70x70 cm, the depth of half the meter.

At the bottom of the middleside of the reworked manure (humoring), and stirred up the ground with two buckets by humus and also reflect into the pit.

Then put 3 potatoes on the bottom of each pit and pour the ground by 10 cm. As the bush grows, sleep the ground, water and fertilize the bird litter with diluted water 1:20. (These operations need to be spent six times).

In the fall, you dig the harvest of 5 buckets from each bush. Between the bushs of potatoes grow beautifully: garlic and marigolds - which the Colorado beetle is very afraid. Try this method and you will certainly be with a good potato harvest!

How from one site get two harvest potatoes per year

This method is used in two cases: when they want to increase the output of potatoes from the site or have for use for a long time fresh tubers.

Success is ensured with the condition that the site is very early in the spring is released from snow, quickly breathes and warms up, and it makes it possible to start the first landing.

To get two harvest, you need a lot of nutrients, so the soil must be fertile, it is filled with organic fertilizers from the autumn, it is better to rebel Mouth of 6-10 kg / sq. M. You can make a woody ash (ash) and chicken litter of 0.5-1 kg / sq. M. Even scatter 50-60 g of superphosphate and potash salt by 1 sq.m.

In the spring brought 30-40 g / sq.m. Ammonium nitrate. Soot overraid varieties (Pricocean early, Vamas, Vorotinskaya early, forget-me-not, etc.). Particularly prepare tubers before landing. They are definitely germinated, first in the light, and after in a wet medium, soaked in solutions of mineral fertilizers, microfertilizers, spray growth regulators, rushing against phytoophulas. It is planted so early as it allows the state of the soil, according to a diagram 60x25 cm to a depth of 3-4 cm, sprinkled with a humor or peat crumb, coated with a polyethylene film.

When a threat to frosts takes place, the site on the day is disclosed and harrow. When the plants reach a height of 12-15 cm glue them. Periodically every 10-15 days are deeply loosened between the rows.

Collect harvest from the first half of June to July 1. Then the site is thoroughly cleaned from the left residues of the first harvest, the superphosphate 30-40 g / sq.m is made, drip and harrow. During the need, it is poured at the rate of 500 liters of water by 10 sq.m. Last year's planted tubers, prepared in the same way as before the first landing, land in early July (later on July 25, it should not be planted).

Shoots appear quickly. Plants are plunged, protect against the colorado beetle, from phytoophulas, break between the rows. A month after the appearance of germs, you can start selective breakout of tubers. The tubers of the second period of cleaning are characterized by good seed properties, so part of the crop should be left for the landing next year.

From each bush - three crop potatoes

This is how it makes a fan-like-amateur V. Yelchaninov from the village of Streletsky, the Astrakhan region.

My garden is small - only two weaves. It is clear that every block of land has to be used with the maximum load to ensure the needs of the family in fresh vegetables and potatoes. I think my experience in the rational use of the site can be useful to other gardens.

I'll tell you how I collect three crop of tubers from each potato bush. At first, starting from March, I tear the landing material, I plant it in an open soil in April.

Mineral fertilizers do not imagine, using only cow manure. I water in the dry time once every 2 weeks.

115 days after the landing, I collect the first harvest from the site (when growing early grades, it can ripen before).

Dropping the tubers very carefully, without damaging the root system. I choose only major copies, and I leave small on the roots, then I deepen the hole and the bush again draw the earth, I blame it and abundantly irrigate.

The bushes after the transplant are usually well sued and even bloom. After 10-15 days, I again dug them and collect the second harvest. Pickle with small tubers leaving in the ground and after 3 weeks I choose all the potatoes.

The above-ground part by this time is already drying out. Thus, I braid from the population annually on 16 buckets of large potatoes and only a bucket of little things.

Dutch potato growing method

In its natural nature, the potato plant has a yield not lower than 200-250 kg from acres.

All other yield depends on the hands of a person. Of course, the task of any potato growing technology is to create the best conditions for its growth and development. And therefore our gardeners are unfossed by the experience of Dutch potatoes.

Although their technology is intended for the production of potatoes on an individual basis (processes are completely fully mechanized), but its individual elements can be successfully used in the conditions of the subsidence.

So, first of all, placing potatoes.

Potato ridges are located from north to south. Pour tubes in well-loose soil: constant oxygen access activates all biochemical processes in the soil. The upper layer is enriched with the necessary nutrients. From it and form ridges covering tubers.

The height of such a crest is 8-10 cm, the width at the base is 30-35 cm. The future vintage tubers is formed in the ridge just above the bottom of the furrow, which subsequently facilitates cleaning. The rest in the aisle is used for the subsequent formation of a more capacious crest when leaving.

On the 14th and 18th day of planting, when most weeds germinate, and the potatoes sprouts approach its surface, conduct the first inter-row processing. Her goal is to destroy the weeds and create the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants. A layer of a well-loose land from a broader is embanked to the emerging shoots of potatoes. A ridge of 23-25 \u200b\u200bcm high is formed. The soil should be such as she killed her mole.

In this form, the comb is preserved before cleaning. This is the ideal environment for the growth and development of potatoes. To obtain a solid harvest increase, experienced gardens feed the plants during the bootonization and flowering. For each bush, they consume 3-6 g of superphosphate, 3-4 g of potassium chloride or potassium sulfate, 1-3 g of ammonium nitrate or urea, 5-10 g of wood ash or 20-40 g of peat ash. If there are no mineral bales in stock, potatoes can be filled with a solution of bird litter, consuming 50-80 g per 1 m 2. The litter is poured into the barrel (1/2), filled with water and maintain a few days before the end of fermentation. The resulting liquid is diluted with water at the rate of calculation (1:10).

This solution watered the soil around the plants, spending 1.2-1.3 liters on the bush. In the same way, when filtering the plants of the Navigas, although they dilute it at the rate of 1 part of the clad on 5 parts of the water and spend a little more - 1.5-2 liters on the bush. To combat disease and pests, it is necessary to properly choose the precursors of potatoes.

It can be planted on the garden after cabbage and cucumbers, as well as after carrots and beets, spinach, lettuce, radish, pumpkins, legumes.

It is impossible to place it after tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, as it threatens the infection with the phytoofluoro.

* Best way i don't know *
Tips for specialists

A few years ago I read about the Dutch method of growing potatoes and decided to try, although the homemade was not supported very much.

I started with three rows.

Happened. The following year, my homework gave consent to half the garden for planting potatoes, and later I began to plant the whole area in this way.

The result is excellent. Winning in everything, from landing (including earth processing) before cleaning.

First, I spend less time that it is very important for a rural resident in the spring.

And processing also does not require much time and costs. But I must say that for this you need to have special tools of labor that can be made by a master person yourself. I have been using homemade implements for 5 years.

So, growing potatoes by the Dutch way, I did aisle 75 cm, and 70 cm. However, I soon realized that the wider aisle, the easier the processing and higher harvest.

The depth of the tuber seal is 6 cm. The fact is that later it is necessary to build the ridge of the earth from the rod. And to take the Earth, it is necessary to make a minimum of 70 cm. Now I do 90 cm.

But who does not have it, it is possible to build a ripper (hoe) with one, and then on the other side.

The higher and wider the comb, the greater the potato harvest.

I make the height of the crest from 25 to 30 cm, to clean it is a pleasure, the tubers are large, with the coppe, do not damage, do not cut, easily dig up the shovel, the cost of time is minimal. This method is especially good on raw and very moistened soils.

Potato weaving Ushakova

The basis of increasing yields is the three operations performed at the same time, writes Vladimir Petrovich Ushakov.

The first is the dumping treatment of the upper layer of the soil at a depth of 5-6 cm with simultaneous loosening to the depth of the soil horizon. So weeds are destroyed in the upper bed, and the lower conditions are created in the lower conditions for the development of rainwrites and microorganisms that constitute the basis of the fertility of the Earth.

The second operation is to make a semi-proverse manure with a humidity of 40-60%, and not throughout the area, but in places planting tubers.

And the third - to land them so that they are evenly distributed over the area at a distance (for the conditions of my site) 45 cm one from the other.

The first year (it was a long-term deposit) a bayonet shovel cut off the turny to a depth of 5-6 cm and folded into the stack. Returned it to the site after full overload, two years later. The entire area loosened with garden forks so as not to turn the soil.

In subsequent years, the upper layer was handled by a tip, cutting the weeds, and the lower loose for a pitchflower. But soon weeds disappeared, and when preparing the soil, I use one forks.

Work leads so.

In the spring, when the soil warms up to +8 ° C, I place the area with a marker (the frame in the form of a rhombus, in the corners of which wooden fangs are fixed to the form of pits). At the site of the first pits at the beginning of the plot, I dig out the deepening of the depth of the bayonet shovel. At the bottom of the hole, I pour out 500-700 g of a semi-earning manure (it must be worms, they are the basis of the crop). I fall asleep his land layer 1-2 cm and land one tuber weighing 50-70 g.

A month before the landing of tubers from the cellab, I erupt to germination into a warm room so that on each club there were 5-7 sprouts with a length of 0.5-1 cm.

After that, I dig out the second hole, the soil is falling asleep the tuber, not refucing, and shifting it from the shovel. I perform all work in one day.

In the summer I spend one dip when the top will reach the length of 20-25 cm. This work is performed by a 4-teeth 10 cm width with a ripper so that a holmik was formed from which 5-8 cm stems. In the fall, when digging potatoes, the whole plot looser. Under each bush it turns out 20-22 tubers with a total weight of 1.4-1.6 kg.

Thus, from 1 square meter I get 8-11 kg of selected potatoes. To the above, it remains to add that Vladimir Petrovich landed potatoes only on one weaving.

And he was constantly talked: the shreds do not feed us - only those fields on which reasonable technology is used can be made. And for this you need new cars. And not only spoke about it, but also developed drawings and models of such cars. To use this is the wealth of innovator, yes to put into business.

10 tripudow potatoes bags from acres
Growing potatoes by Usenko

Plowing or resistance should be carried out at a depth of no less than 25 cm with the half of the soil previously submitted to the surface of the necessary norm of mineral fertilizers.

Color the second half on the smelting.

Fertilizer norms are given with a calculation of 100 square meters (for weaving):

1. The humus is one ton in two years on the third. In the year of planting potatoes or vegetables, slowing down not to give at all, or give, but not more than 200-300 kg.

2. Magnesium sulfate - 5 kg every year for 10 years. Make autumn or early spring.

3. Urea - annually in spring 1-2 kg and without feeding nitrogen in the summer.

4. Alophos or superphosphate - 3 kg every year for 3 years, and then after 2 years on the third two times.

5. PotassiumMagnesium - 4 kg every year.

6. Mel - only depending on the acidity of the soil, given that the universal acidity of the soil for most of the cultures is pH - 6.0-6.5. If they are lower, then 30-40 kg of chalk must be added to the unit to increase the pH, or one and a half times more lime.

7. Iron vitrios - 1-6 kg annually, but only if the pH is above 6.0. At pH 6.0 - 1 kg, at pH 0.7 - 6 kg. And thus in 10 years in 1 liter of the soil (such a measure is adopted in world practice) is 1 g of pure iron.

8. Zinc sulphate - 1.5 kg Disposable, if the pH of the soil is not higher than 6.0 and with a two-time repetition in two years on the third, if the pH is close 0.7.

9. Copper vigoros - 500 g with twice repetition in two years on the third.

10. Boric acid - 100 g annually and 200 g. If pH is below 6.5.

11. Molybdenum ammonium - 30 g annually, and if the pH is less than 6.0, then it is possible.

12. Manganese - if it is introduced - no giving, because 1 kg of humus (especially in acidic soils) has 30-40 mg of manganese.

Such a soil fertilizer system is designed for 10 years. In the future, only urea, potassium magnesium, boric acid and molybdenum-oxid ammonium are entered into the soil with the same norm, and other elements of the feeding only after the soil analysis.

But after 4-5 years after the fertilizer's fertilizer, it is created to obtain consistently high vegetable crops.

For example, potatoes at least 500 centners with hectares are 10 three-domain bags of acres with high taste quality and the minimum number of nitrates.

I want to once again warn that with the competent balanced application of fertilizers in appropriate terms, nitrates in vegetables are not created, and humus, especially fresh, creates a poison that exists in a polluted environmental environment and transfers their plants.

Therefore, he, especially in large quantities, contributes to the appearance of nitrates and unwanted harmful substances in vegetables and potatoes.

Battoman growing technology

About the batt write in many newspapers and magazines, as about some kind of novelty, wondering, wanting in different ways to praise the quality of this culture.

But probably, not everyone knows that in the south of the country, the Batat is not new. In the 30s, it was grown on large areas, including and conducted research work.

Therefore, we can say that for our regions, the Batat is unused capabilities.

Our potato does not even approximately compare with the starch content of starch (30%), sugar (2.5-7.8%), the caloric content of the latter, for example, 1.5 times more and more valuable by proteins in the batte, as it is easy Digested albumin.

A planting material flow rate is approximately 90-200 kg / ha, while potatoes are up to 3 tons.

The battle has a colossal vitality, perfectly coming up and does not require special care.

It is especially valuable that this culture is not amazed by the Colorad beetle and does not suffer.

Only conservatism and the strange passivity of our dacities, gardeners and everyone who is engaged in agriculture surprises.

Why do not plant a batt, and only potatoes are stubborn, while getting meager yields.

May argue: and where to get the boarding material of the batte?

Yes, and its cultivation technology, they say complex.

First, planting material, especially at the end of September and in early October, more than enough. First of all, it is stems that do not need to feed a livestock or just throw out, but shine. For the winter you can raise seedlings for any area. This is not to mention the tubers. Such 2-3 tubers and in winter you will grow seedlings for your site.

Secondly, when boarding the 70x70 scheme, 196 plants need to be semi. Grow such a number of plants does not represent large difficulties. In addition, the Bathat gives a very beautiful bush and, growing it in the winter in pots, we get a beautiful green corner of the house.

Thirdly, the main condition for the cultivation of the batt is the purity of plantation from weeds and frequent moisings.

In the autumn period, the battles stem cut the blade on the stalks with three kidneys, lowering the cuttings into the water so that it covers two kidneys. After 10 days, the cuttings are rooted. We carry them into pots or simply in boxes with ordinary soil (the depth of the soil is 10 cm). Periodically water throughout the winter. If the cuttings give long shoots, they can be gluing three times for winter.

Place into open ground, if warm, at the end of April or in May, with constant warm weather. Who wants to get cuttings and more detailed consultation on the cultivation of the batt. You can contact the interregional experienced station at: 325013 Ukraine. G.Herson. St Crymskaya St., 56. Kravchenko Grigory Ivanovich. tel. 4-36-98.

How to put potatoes and peas in one hole
To increase the crop

Potatoes and vegetable peas placed in one hole grow well and make it possible to get two crop from one area.

With the joint growing of potatoes and peas in one hole (furrow), the potato tuber and 2-3 skids are put (of course, on various depths).

The greatest crop is obtained in areas with loose fertile soil, well-filled with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Even in the absence of fertilizers, such a combination of cultures will not cause strong soil depletion on the site.

The peas itself enriches the soil with nitrogen, thanks to the nodule bacteria that settled on its roots and absorb nitrogen from the air.

Why ugly tubers are formed on potatoes
And how to avoid

This happens for the following reason.

With untimely irrigation or the absence of its growth of tubers suspended, and after watering or rain resumes. Such uneven growth and causes freakness of tubers.

To avoid this, it is necessary to deeply process areas, to make organic fertilizers, improve the structure of the soil, watering the plants in a timely manner in order to hold moisture.

Vintage 100 kilograms of potatoes with 1 square meter

I read that one farmer raised a potato tuber weighing more than 20 kg.

It has long been known that in the leaves of the plant there is photosynthesis and the absorption of carbon dioxide from the air at a very high pressure of intracellular fluid (turgor to 20 atmospheres).

Due to lack of water in the soil, the turgor falls, the intensity of photosynthesis decreases, and carbon dioxide is no longer entering the leaves of the plant even before their wilting. In this case, the cells of the whole plant are premature, and its growth becomes intermittent.

As a result - a large reduction in yield. The excess water displaces the air, which is necessary for the respiration of the roots of the plant and the vital activity of soil microorganisms that increase nutrient reserves in it. With our method of growing potatoes, the optimal water-air regime in the soil is ensured, since continuously moisture comes to the root system in the amount corresponding to its evaporation of foliage.

The metal tray of 0.8x0.8 meters and 20 cm height is completely plugged into the ground (or the same trench is digging and the sturdy polyethylene film turns into a beam for water).

In the center of the pallet, a pipe with a diameter of 30-50 mm is vertically installed and 1.5 m long. The entire pallet falls asleep with shallow (5-20 mm) rubbed and is covered with a water permeable nonwoven material (Agril, spunbond, etc.) so that the soil does not come after Empty in rubble. Above the pallet is installed frame of a box without a bottom with collapsible walls.

The size of the box is 1x1 m, the height is 1.5 m. Running 50 cm side walls of the box, fill it with a wet fertile soil. It is enough to add one bucket of mature compost, 1 kg of wood ash to 100 g of superphosphate to such a volume of the soil.

In a mature compost after the processing of organic, soil microorganisms, multi-digits and rainworms of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements are properly balanced among themselves. With an excess of nitrogen food, the receipt of potassium, calcium, copper, zinc and other trace elements is reduced to the plant.

Surplus phosphorus turns iron contained in the soil, in an insoluble state, dining soil solution. If necessary, the soil is encouraged and sand is added. To saturate the soil by air, the walls of the box are collected with the slits, and the pipe in the center of the drawer has small holes along its entire length.

With hot weather through this pipe, the pallet is filled with water by 95 percent, with cool weather - by 70 percent, and when 3-5 percent remain in the pallet, it is defined (approximately 1 time per week). Before backing up the rubbish in the pallet, water is poured, and a light wire (equal length with a pipe) is inserted with a fixed float at the bottom.

On the proprietary part of the pipe (due to the rise of its float), the labels of the above water levels in the pallet are made. In total, eight pieces (best for a given terrain of varieties) well-doshed potato tubers with 200 g each plant on an equidistant distance from the walls of the drawer and the pipes in its center to a depth of no more than 10 cm into the soil heated to 7 degrees. When the tops of all tubers grow by 15 cm, partially sprinkled with its wet fertile soil, leaving sprouts about 7 cm.

So each time, gradually increasing the side walls of the drawer, we continue the partial powder of potato tops until the end of July. With a strong sun, the potatoes are pronounced, with significant cooling it is hidden overnight and continues to watering it from below.

Flowering miracle potatoes continues for a very long time. At the end of September, we deal with the side walls of the box and remove the harvest of a very tasty potato.

With the right execution of all the above works, in the first year, the potato harvest may be much exceeded 100 kg with 1 square meter occupied by the specified box. Significantly improve the water-air regime in the soil can also be the next simple and cheap way.

Under a bush of currant or gooseberry, a hole is obliteled a slightly deeper root system (hose with water pressure, a brown of small diameter or scrap), a segment of the pipe (or irrigation hose) is inserted into it. Above the hose is fixed with water container, which should continuously drip in it 1-2 liters per day, depending on the weather. In this case, the harvest may increase several times. So, pumpkin weight grown by me in this way in 1999, exceeded 40 kg.

One and a half tons of potatoes from acres

It is necessary to take care of the crop since the autumn - to select a full-fledged 100-150 gram tubers and leaken (hold onto the light) for 2 weeks.

Grade "Early Rose" and "Gatchinsky".

When landscaping, tubers occasionally turn over. The soil should also be prepared from the fall, first deeply explode iron robbles, while removing all plant residues and weeds. Then make organic and mineral fertilizers: by 1 sq. M. Houring - 0.5 kg, potassium chloride - 30 g, dual superphosphate - 50 g and switch. In March, you need to prepare tubers for landing.

Before germination, while the kidneys did not move into growth, it is necessary to make a cross-ring incision on each club to a slim knife to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The bushes are growing more powerful, the crop rises by 10-15%.

It is necessary to germinate the tubers from March 10 in flat, shallow boxes, with full-length sawdust, at a temperature of 10-20 degrees. The tubers are declined by the tops up and until the start of germination is hidden from light.

After the shading is removed and illuminated for 10-12 hours per day. From 10 to 25 April, the germination continue in a wet environment. At the bottom of the boxes, a mixture of humus and sawdust in a 2: 1 ratio is added. The thickness of the layer is 3 cm. The mixture and tubers are periodically sprayed with water, and by 5 and on 10 days with a solution of fertilizer: 60 g of superphosphate 50 g of ammonia nitrate, 0.5 liters of an aqueous extract of ash on 10 liters of water.

The aqueous extract of ashes is prepared as: a liter can of ash poured 2 l warm water for a day. During wet germination, thick strong sprouts, the tubers give roots, which need to be sprinkled with a mixture with sawdust. It is useful to harden tubers with open windows.

At the same time, you need to take care of the site: in the second half of April, on sunny days, it is shutter in a dark film that the soil quickly warmed up. Before planting in the soil additionally add per 1 sq. M. 50 g of double superphosphate, half a cup of nitroammofoski, half a cup of caliMagnesia. The mixture should be thoroughly mixed.

In each well, a half-rolled bank of the mixture is poured and stirred with soil. Gestroinated tubers are planted at a depth of 6-8 cm. If a sharp cooling occurs after landing, a plot is covered with dark and then transparent film. If there were shoots, but freezing are expected - it is better to smell them to the soil. When shooting height 7-10 cm reached the night to spray with a 0.02% solution of potassium mangartage (2 g of water).

Useful for the period of growth to make two extra-root feeders. The first at the beginning of the bootonization is a 3% solution of ammonium nitrate and the addition of trace elements. The second is done to accelerate the ripening of tubers - 5% exhaust superphosphate and calmagnesia (phosphate - 3, potassium and magnesium - 2). It is well combined with an extractive feeder with the prophylaxis of phytoophluorosis - add a 1% solution of the Bordeaux liquid to the nutrient solution.

What to do to make potatoes don't worry

There may be several reasons for this.

First, violation of the regime of storage of tubers: increased or reduced temperature, lack of oxygen or excess carbon dioxide.

Secondly, the injury of tubers during cleaning, transportation. In case of damage to the tissue of the tuber, oxidative processes are enhanced, in particular, irreversible transformation of phenolic compounds.

Thirdly, the lack of potassium clubs. It is known that in the process of growth, potatoes consume more potassium than nitrogen or phosphorus.

Few soils contain it less than a plant required. With potash starvation, there is a dark green with a bronze tint of the color of the leaves, then yellowing them and beaten with the dying of the fabrics along the edges.

Signs of the lack of potassium in the plant can be shortened interstices, closer location of sheets of sheet, uneven growth of the sheet plate, leading to the wrinkle of the leaves. These signs clearly manifest themselves on the old lower leaves of the bush, then on medium and upper.

Correct the situation can be introduced by mineral fertilizers, but only with the right ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in them. In addition, there are varieties, such as Sineglag, whose tubers are obviously darkened during cooking. Increasing in the soil of concentrated ingredient fertilizers at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. M on the active substance will contribute to the formation of tubers, not darkening during cooking.

By the way, get rid of blacks very simple. Put in a saucepan with a potato 1-2 laurel leaves. The laurel leaf warns the darkening of tubers during cooking and also improves their taste.

Method of growing potatoes in pits and ridges,
providing a high harvest with any weather

About potatoes, they say and write a lot, but this topic is always relevant.

Now it is even hard to imagine those times when people affected without this product. And now, when prices have reached astronomical values, the potatoes becomes the main food product. About his healing and nutritional properties have nothing to say. First of all, this is the second bread.

In addition, 100 g of raw tubers contain 25-40 mg of vitamin C. This is definitely less than in richness, black currant, but we use potatoes every day.

And so that he gave high yields, was starchy and tasty, it is necessary to take care of him. When the earth is warmed in the spring, dig a hole with a size of 70 per 70 cm and a depth of 50 cm. Place two buckets. Last year's humus, you can add a glass of superphosphate.

We put the triangle three potatoes of the middle-timed variety (in no case are not the early or late varieties), we sprinkle by 10 cm by humus. When the topping grows by 14-15 cm, it is necessary to pour out again by 10 cm by humus, and so already until September. During this time, it is necessary to water 1-2 times with a nutrient solution so that the soil is moistened and better warmed.

Well, okay, the reader will think, the way is really good, and if it is used in a zone where it is constantly raw weather, or simply summer was rainy? What will happen to potatoes lined in half-meter pits? In this case, folk wisdom seized another variant of the described method.

Some daches dubbed him "landing into a hole on the contrary." Well, if more precisely, it is about growing potatoes in the ridges. Do it as follows. In order to raise a high harvest, the preparation needs to start in the fall. In the fall, during the coppe, from the most damned bushes to select potatoes in a mass of 70-80 g. It is unacceptable to leave for landing, very small tubers, they can be affected or unrude.

But it is best to create a seed plot. Before putting seed material for storage, it must be withstanding 15-20 days in a closed, dark room, scattering a thin layer. During this time, the cannons will be delayed on damaged during digging. After that, the potatoes are moved (it is desirable for the greening to withstand it into the light) and omit in the repository (in the basement). It is necessary to store at a temperature of 2-4 degrees of heat.

In the spring, approximately a month before the landing, the planting material must be put into the room, the temperature of which does not exceed 8-12 degrees. To disinfect the tubers, I put them for 30 minutes into the solution, which I prepare as follows: on 10 liters of water 60 g of superphosphate, 40 - urea, 5 - copper sulfate, 10 - boric acid and 1 g of manganese. All components dissolve in warm water, with the exception of manganese. I scatter on the floor with a subtle layer and tear. When the sprouts are proceeded, for the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis, once again spray with a solution of copper vapor (2 g per 10 liters of water), can be boric acid. It will give the opportunity to receive young tubers before usual for 15-20 days.

How do I sit down my planting material? First of all, it is planned to be a row, and mineral fertilizers should be molded on this line. The organic is mowed from the autumn. If there is no integrated mineral fertilizer, I prepare the nutrient mixture itself. I take one part of nitrogen and two parts of phosphoric and potash fertilizers, mixing and put on the basis of 20-30 g per 1 sq.m. Then this strip is leaving.

Gruced potatoes put in the eyes up, slightly pressed into the ground. Then, on both the ranks, the ripple crest. The distance between rows is 80-90 cm, in a row from each other 20-25 cm. When shoots appear, the comb gradually increases, and at the same time we destroy the weeds.

Do not give potatoes. The ridge method also has the advantage that the potato bushes are not overwhelmed in the rainy summer. Putting the potatoes in the usual way, with 6 rows we collect 3 buckets of tubers, and with 6 rows planted with a ridge, - 18 buckets.

How to cook potatoes

Typically purified potatoes, put in cold water, bring to a boil and boil 20-30 minutes.

It is bad that the tubers are heated gradually, because while their temperature does not reach 60-70 degrees Celsius, contained there enzymes continue to work: Ascorbattasidase oxidizes vitamin C, the amylases turn the starch in sugar, which goes into the decoction.

None nor another do not need to us, alone. If potatoes immerse directly in boiling water, the activity of these enzymes on the surface of the tuber immediately falls and the loss of nutrients is reduced almost twice. At the same time, the minerals that enzymes are not relevant are preserved.

There are two reasons: the first is that the dissolved substances in the tubers move from the heated zones to the cold, that is, outside the inside, since the Brownian movement of molecules is enhanced when heated.

Another reason: potatoes (like many other products) has a capillary-porous structure. Moisture in capillaries is under the action of surface tension forces. (Remember the thermometer!)

If one side of the capillary is heated, then on this side, the surface tension will decrease, and the moisture will begin to move with substances dissolved in it to the cold end, in our case - inside the tuber, where they will be more used. Put potatoes in boiling water!

Is it possible to cook potatoes in the peel? If you cook in the peel, then the loss of nutrients constitute only 0.1-0.2%, and if purified is 14-15%. However, the potato contains a poisonous glucoside - Solan. Especially a lot of it in the green and sprouted tubers.

Therefore, such tubers need to be cooked only purified so that more Solanina passed into the decoction, and nitrates with pesticides. So think before cooking potatoes in the peel.

© alexei novikov |

This product is truly magical. In addition to the fact that it is useful, he is also catastrophically universal. What can be cooked from potatoes? Yes all. The inventive Russian person can eat almost exclusively by this indispensable product and at the same time varied, tasty and useful.

But for the whole year to eat this strategic product, without exposing its own body of danger, and their taste receptors are testing, you need to take care of the purchase of high-quality potatoes for the winter. How to choose a potato?Let's try to figure out.


It is always more pleasant to clean the potatoes are large, so and we try to buy bigger. However, as for nutrients, it is just in the middle and small potatoes them more.

Rules for long-term storage of cabbage in the cellar or in the home pantry - in.

How to get rid of chemistry in vegetables and fruits - read by.

Recalling the summer taste of young potatoes, I want to be in the winter on the table this fragrant garnish with greens and butter. Therefore, when choosing, we sometimes give preference to potatoes with thin peeling skin. And in vain. After all, such a skin is the first sign that the roots are not allowed, which means that they will not be saved for a long time. The mature root root is thicker and smooth, without peeling.

Before buying a large quantity of potatoes for winter stocks, ask if it was played after digging or brought directly from the field. If the potatoes have just dug, most likely to lie for a long time. Before laying on a long-term storage of potatoes, you need to "climb" 2-3 weeks.

What varieties to choose

The most delicious varieties are lorh, savory, ell, table 19, ideal, Loshitsky. However, the taste depends not only on the variety, but also from the soil on which it was grown. Delicious potatoes grown on sandy soil. It is starchy, crumbly and fragrant. But in the potatoes grown in the peat beams, the increased proportion of nitrogen fertilizers, which not only worsen its taste, but also reduce benefit.


  • Be sure to check that green specimens do not meet among the tubers. After all, the green color is a sign of the presence of alkaloids. This poison is formed in the tubers under the influence of sunlight. Tubers with green skin to eat are unsuitable.

Phytofluorosis on potatoes

  • The most insidious disease of potatoes -. Her Deceit is manifested in the fact that outwardly tubers look completely healthy, while the inside of the tuber is blackened. It is possible to notice the phytoofer outside with a very strong lesion. Do not hesitate to ask the seller to cut you a suspicious tuber. If you saw blackered instances among potatoes - do not think to buy.

The remaining "potatoes" of the disease can be seen with a naked eye.


  • Small round holes, for example, suggest that the wire coherent to this potato to be destroyed.

  • Brown spots on the skin - evidence of the disease - pasta.

Defection of the driver

  • Large grooves filled with land - a sign that the strawberries of the larvae of the May beetle - a cracker.

Check for nitrates

Check not raised by potatoes on nitrogen and mineral fertilizers in a simple way, by hiding a small piece. If the nail is easily included in the tuber, as in Wat - you should not take.

The sign of large quantity is the moisture from the cut-off tuber.
Environmentally friendly potatoes should be elastic, the juice should not be cooked from it, and when the skin breaks through the characteristic slightly audible crackle.

Check for nitrates will be easier if you have a nitrometer.

When buying, do not forget to ask, from where the harvest is brought. It goes without saying that you should be known to this area, and its environmental reputation should not be "subjugated" by the presence of any chemical enterprises and even more man-made disasters. It would be nice to use a dosimeter to check for radioactivity.

We hope that in your cellar will be frown eco-friendly, healthy and high-quality potatoes!

Potatoes - universal and very tasty vegetable. From it you can prepare a huge number of dishes, and it will never get bored, even if you eat it every day.

How to buy potatoes

On any market or in any store you can always find potatoes. But not everyone knows what to pay attention to when buying. And it is easy to choose enough, you should only know some of its features.

The size. Most people love to buy a bigger potato, because it is more convenient to clean it in contrast to shallow. But it is best to take the potatoes of medium size (7-8 cm), because It is in him more nutrients. Peel should be smooth, without cracks.

Greens. Potatoes in no way should be green! This is a sign of alkaloids that are poisonous. "Green" potatoes becomes in the sunlight in the process of growth.

Diseases. The most common disease is a phytofluoride. Externally, this disease is not at all noticeable. But, cutting potatoes, you can see the blackened inner part, which is inedible. In addition, the potatoes may be small black dots or holes - these are traces of the May beetle or a wireboat. Such an instance is also not worth buying. And when buying it is best to ask the seller cut one potato.

Purity. It is best to take potatoes without a nanish land. In this case, there will be no overpayment for weight, and it will be possible to check the entire surface of the root of the root for the presence of diseases or greens. But the washed potato is kept more short time.

Nitrate. Before buying, you should pierce a couple of tubers with a nail: if it reminds "Batting the wool", then you can not take such potatoes, because This is a sign of the presence of nitrates. Roots must be solid and elastic. And best, if small sprouts are on potatoes - this indicates that the product is not a genetically modified.

Potatoes are young and old. Young potatoes have a very thin skin, it is easily cleaned and quickly welded. But such a potato contains less starch, although this does not affect its excellent taste. And if the skin is not only thin, but also peeling, then this suggests that potatoes are unricking - long he will not be stored. The old potato peel is thicker and smooth.

In winter, potatoes should be purchased particularly carefully. After all, often sellers are trying to sell frozen potatoes, which is sweet, although some like it. If the potatoes are frozen, then when it gets into heat, it will become wet to the touch.

Potato varieties

Potato varieties are a huge set. There are those that are more suitable for cooking, and there are those that are more suitable for frying. When buying, you can ask the seller, which variety is best acquired, depending on the future dish.

For potato mashed potatoes, varieties are best suited for high starch (Sineglaza, Lugovskaya, Powder, Elizabeth, etc.).

For soup, it is better to choose varieties that are not falling apart during cooking (handsome, leader, alvara, etc.).

For unique roasted potatoes, the varieties with a low content of starch (kolobok, impala, hope, etc.) are best fit.

The most delicious potatoes are grown in Voronezh, Kursk and Lipetsk regions, as well as in the suburbs.

How to store potatoes

In order for the potato to be kept for a long time, it should be without damage and disease. It is best to choose root with durable peel. In addition, its storage period depends on the variety and time of collection (it is preferable to take the September potatoes).

To storage potatoes must be prepared: dry in the sun from all sides, clean from dirt, but not washing. Roots should carefully go through, separating patients with tubers from healthy. The best potato storage method is drawers. In the extreme case, you can pour potatoes with a handful (not higher than 1 meter).

For long-term storage of potatoes, a cellar is suitable, a balcony or a corridor. In winter, it is impossible to make frozen roots: you can hide them with an old blanket, and in summer - direct sunlight.

Houses potatoes can be stored from the 1st to 3 months. And if the room is not higher than +4 s indoors, then the potato is capable of ruin about 9 months.
In the refrigerator for a long time the potatoes will not be kept (high humidity) and can be spoiled.

Combination of potatoes with other products

This unique vegetable is suitable for many products. Potatoes will be especially tasty with creamy or sunflower oil, fish, greens, sauerkraut. Although nutritionists advise not to use potatoes too often, because It is hard food enough, and has a high calorie.

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What kind of potato is better for storage

Our person can eat all year after only one potato and at the same time, delicious and useful. Because the potato is our everything and cook everything too. But in order to create a strategic reserve to the next harvest, and at the same time not to expose your own body of danger, you need to take care of the harvesting of benign potatoes for the winter. How to choose the right potatoes? Let's find out.

Potatoes for storage

For winter storage, choose not one variety, and 2 - 3. There will be more likely that at least the part remains until spring, and at the same time you will have potatoes for various culinary purposes.

From the "Pink" and "White" better to take white: this variety is more leaf. "White" is considered potatoes with light skinny, but its shades are different.

Also better buy, late varieties - early saved worse.

It is better if potatoes are clean and dry, without soil remnants, it says that he was removed on a dry time. If the product is wet and the land sticks to it, then the harvest fee came for the rain period, and the potatoes imagined moisture, therefore breaks for a long time. Make not greenish barrels.

To begin with, buy a couple of kilograms on the sample. Cut potatoes and see if there is no rot or dark spots inside. You can just sniff the tuber - they should not smell unpleasantly. The scent may indicate that the root crops are grown in a low oxygen soil. And such - not yet stored.

How to choose potatoes in appearance

Large potatoes are easier to clean, so most of the same and buy. However, small, as a rule, is cheaper. At the expense of the useful opinion was divided. Some specialists believe that in the middle and fine potatoes of nutrients more, and large fruits are a sign of excessive introduction of mineral fertilizers.

Others advise only major potatoes, as big tubers, managed to grow better, which means there are more vitamins, protein, they are tastier and more useful.

Do not take potatoes with thin peeling skin. This is a sign that the tubers are not matured and will not be stored for a long time. At the dosery potatoes, the skin is smooth, fat and not peel.

Do not buy potatoes directly from the field. If it has just dug it, it is impossible to carry the basement. Before laying on storage, potatoes 2 - 3 weeks should be searched.

The most delicious potato, which grew on the sand. It crumbly, starchy and fragrant. But from peatlands potatoes, due to the increased content of nitrogen compounds, the worse taste and less useful.

Spend on the tuber with your hand, if you feel the sand - you can take. It is possible to determine the peat plantation on the black color of dust on the peel of potatoes.

Good potato is growing on loam and chernozem. If the potatoes were nanile gray or brownish plastic dirt, buy boldly.

Purchase potatoes in the store

You can, of course, do not harvest potatoes, and buy in the store. Especially since the solid manufacturers are written on the package, for which culinary purposes This variety is suitable: for cooking, for salad, for frying. Now there were overseas varieties from Holland, Israel, Poland, and domestic suppliers are not lazy to give such information. By the way, the quality of the wasy packaged potato is almost the same, and what manufacturer to give preference, solve only you.

With starchyness above 15 percent - the variety is more suitable for puree. If this indicator is lower, then - for soup and salad.

So that potatoes can be frying, and he did not turn into a fryer or in a frying pan, the dry matter in it should be at least 20 - 24 percent. If there are no data on the package, then take on the sample and evaluate the quality yourself.

The store is not a market, where the sellers will name the varieties who trade and their features are here - there is information or is up to the hundredths of percent or there is no one at all.

Buy washed or unwashed potatoes?

The same varieties grown in the same conditions are sold in uniamte and mate form. True, in the process of washing, the potatoes are sorted - delete defective and non-standard instances. Therefore, the risk of buying a patient or spoiled products is minimal here. But the washing potato is kept somewhat worse, so for the "strategic stock" it is better to buy unworthy.

Potato diseases

When you buy, first check if there is no green copies among the tubers. Green color - speaks about the presence of alkaloids. These are poisonous substances that are formed in tubers when exposed to sun rays. "Green" potatoes can not be eaten.

Potatoes can be amazed by the phytoofluoro. Externally, sick tubers look quite attractive, but inside potatoes - blackened. It is almost impossible to notice the phytofofer outside, so ask the seller to cut a suspicious instance. If the "autopsy" gave a disappointing result, go away without hesitation, you don't need to buy here.

The remaining potato diseases can be defined by eye. Mine round holes, they say that this potato is preheated by a wire. Brown spots on the surface - the disease of the passage. The grooves filled with earth - potatoes are damaged by larvae of the May beetle.

Check potatoes on nitrates

Determine that potatoes are grown on mineral, including nitrogen fertilizers - easy. Try making her nail. If he easily entered the tuber, take such potatoes should not. Another sign of an excess number of nitrates is a moisture-seed. Natural potatoes of elastic, the juice does not flow out of it, and when damaged, the peel is heard a characteristic crackle. But it is possible to accurately determine the number of nitrates only in the presence of a nitrometer.

It will not be superfluous when buying to ask where the potatoes were brought from. It is to appreciate the environmental reputation of the area - the presence of chemical enterprises, cessic and radioactive waste burial grounds, etc. It would not hurt a dosimeter to check radioactivity.

Fairy tales

Organic potatoes without the use of "chemistry" grow very difficult, its cost is obtained fabulous. So all manufacturers of "natural" potatoes are custody. They only replace mineral fertilizers organic. Potatoes with this technology are tastier, but it is still grown using pesticides. Although if pesticides are used correctly, there is no particular danger to your health.

The main signs of good potatoes

And so summarize. Good potatoes should be: solid, dense, not split when cutting, with smooth skin, without roughness, not having dark and green spots on the peel, with shallow eyes.

Where better to store potatoes

To store potatoes, choose a dry, dark, cool room. The best option is a cellar or a basement that does not freeze. The optimal storage temperature of potatoes + 2 degrees C, with air humidity from 85 to 90 percent. The best potatoes in the crust or boxes with ventilation holes. Boxes put on a stand 15 - 20 centimeters high, at some distance from the wall. Put in the box between the tubers 2 - 3 apples, then the potatoes will not produce sprouts.

Successful purchase. I hope that my tips will help you choose an environmentally friendly, healthy and delicious potatoes. So, not postponing, go buy potatoes in the future. As soon as the first frost hit - the price of her will grow up. And after buying good potatoes, you need to choose a modern pan to cook this potato.

Alexander Bobyr

Potatoes - one of the most controversial products in the diet, around which a lot of disputes traditionally arise. Many are convinced that its frequent use leads to a weight gain, and also causes the loss of elasticity and skin tone. On the eve of the New Year holidays, when no table do without salad "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat", which certainly includes potatoes, talk about the benefits and harm of the most popular product in the world.

It is known that the first attempts to popularize potatoes in Russia belong to Peter I, which brought this root plant from his journey in Europe. However, it was possible to appreciate the product properties only in the 19th century - then the potatoes firmly and for a long time settled in the Russian man's diet.

Nutritionists converge in one: potatoes - the only product, the use of which for a long time will not bring significant harm to man. The fact is that in its composition of sufficiently useful components for the normal life of the body, so it can be called a safe on potatoes with confidence.

Pluses of potato use

So, we hurry to debunk the first myth that potatoes are empty calories that do not bring any benefit to the body. First, the composition of this product has a whole kaleidoscope of vitamins and useful minerals: C, B1, B2, B6, PP, K, and also iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Secondly, there are much more protein and fiber, rather than fats that are so afraid. Most useful substances are in the peel, and not in the pulp, so nutritionists recommend cooking potatoes "in uniform" or bake it in the oven and eat in the food along with the top layer. True, in this case, it is more likely to deal with eco-products - shopping potatoes are still cleaning, as it is not known what it was processed.

Due to the high content of potassium potatoes - product number one in the diet of cores and hypertensive. In addition, it has a light diuretic effect, therefore is shown in the disease of the kidneys. The antibacterial properties of potatoes are well known: it is no coincidence during the cold, our grandmothers and mothers offered to ride over smoking tubers, sitting above the pan under a towel. During such inhalation, the respiratory tract is not only warming up, but also purified by microbes.

The juice of raw potatoes is not less useful: it is used as an anti-inflammatory and healing solution, to combat gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases. However, the most popular way to use it is in the fight against morning eductions and bags under the eyes. It is enough just to grate the raw potatoes on the grater and wrapped into the napkin, as the compress put on the eyes for 15 minutes. There will be no trace of edema.

Consision of potatoes

The high content of starch in potato tubers is he, the biggest fear of thinning people around the world. For the sake of a slim figure, many make a decision once and forever delete this product from their diet. However, nutritionists have already proven that if potatoes are correctly prepared, there are small portions and no more often several times a week, it will not harm. The safest recipes for the waist -copofel, welded "in the uniform" or baked in the oven or in a slow cooker. But from fried potatoes, chips and potatoes FRI should be refused.

Another danger that potatoes is tired is a Solan, which is contained in high concentration in the peel and begins to actively produce with a long stay of fruits with UV rays. The increased content of this substance has a devastating effect on the human nervous system. With incorrect storage, the potatoes begin to germinate, and also acquire a greenish tint. Such tubers in no case can be used in food.

The most useful, of course, is the young potatoes: it contains the maximum number of vitamins and minerals, and the risk of separation of solarine is minimal. In winter and in the spring you need to remove thick peel, and the root roots themselves store strictly in a dark and cool place.

Another minus from the use of potatoes is its high glycemic index. Such products quickly give their energy to the body, which is why metabolic processes in the body are violated, negatively affecting the total level of blood sugar. As a result, a constant feeling of hunger, a violation of metabolism and the formation of fatty deposits in the most problematic zones.

How to choose potatoes

  • Try to choose young fruits with thin skin - they contain less starch.
  • Do not buy and with confidence, throw out green or sprouting fruits - this means that the process of selection of a substance of Solan has begun.
  • Before buying, carefully examine every fruit - it should not be ulcers, growths and roughness, a sign of various diseases.
  • Yellow and red potatoes are considered the most useful. The first grade is well welded, it tastes sweet and rich in carotes that are useful for vision. The second, on the contrary, is sharply sharply - a sign of low starch content and fiber.

How to cook potatoes

Most useful is the potato in the "uniform" or baked in the oven. Thus, the useful properties contained in it are preserved to the maximum, and the share of potassium healthy useful for work is doubled. If the potato is young and has been grown in eco-conditions, it is recommended to eat with the skin, in which the largest number of vitamins and useful minerals are located.

The best accompaniment for baked and boiled potatoes is meat, fish, seafood, abundance of vegetables and greenery. So potatoes are better learned by the body, and the calories obtained are distributed in the most correct way.