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What kind of healing action is a Mushroom Mushroom. Therapeutic properties of the mumor and contraindications. Preparation for use

Therapeutic properties of the Municipal Moon were known and were actively used for many centuries. This mushroom in our country is very well known. According to statistics, it is the most recognizable. And it is not surprising, because it can be found in every forest. Amanitors refer to the Amanite family (Lat. Amanita). Science has about 600 species, they all differ in shape and color of the hats. So, the infamous mushroom, the pale custinia, which is deadly poisonous, is one of the representatives of the face of amansor. In medicine used amansor red. This mushroom is poisonous much less. It has medium toxicity. Medicines made from it are highly appreciated and able to help with many diseases. We got your name to the Municipality in Russia. People knew about the poisonousness of the mushroom and used him in the fight against flies and other insects. Pieces of the agranion descended in a saucer with water and set up in different places. Insects drank water with alkaloids, separated from the mushroom, and died. It happened because they just fell asleep and drowned in the water, and not tormented, as it could seem at first glance. If you do not give flies to drown, pulling it out, it will fly safely in a few hours. This bait worked well and went rid of the house from all the "unreasonable guests". The ancient peoples of Siberia knew well about the hallucinogenic effect of the mushroom. Siberian shamans used it in their rituals. And for many centuries, they produced the correct recipe for this "intoxicating" means transmitted from generation to generation. Shamans knew exactly how much a mumor should be used for the necessary effect, and the fact that this does not lead to serious poisoning or even a fatal outcome. Chukchi noted that after emanipating consumption, he first had a tide, the state of joy and euphoria, then the hallucinations began, sounded sounds and visions arose. After that, a person has lost contact with reality and an agonizing drug dream has occurred. Vikings took the infusion of amansor before the battle. He significantly reduced the pain threshold, endowed them with a very strong courage and courage bordering with the recklessness. Wars, not afraid of anything, easily went to the right death. This was the secret of the fearlessness of Vikings. Scientists have proven that many animals use the amansor red for treatment. Love his foxes, cows, moose and forty. Proteins even harvest them in the winter.

Using the Municipal Municipality of the Multiple Medicine

Amanic red has always been used by various nations as a medicine. His healing properties were well known in Russia. They were treated articular diseases. For this, infusions and messengers were used with an agar. Modern pharmacology actively uses these centuries proven methods. True, in the course of numerous studies and on the basis of the general practice of using all drugs based on medicinal mushrooms, it was found that mushrooms lose their healing properties during heat treatment and when insisting in alcohol. Therefore, mushroom creams and ointments act incomparably stronger. They treated them and skin diseases, as well as warts and papillomas. Amanita was actively used for oncology, however, today allocate a number of mushrooms with a much stronger antitumor effect, so now the use of this mushroom is not so important. But with benign diseases on the skin cream from the Moon coped perfectly. Professor of the Imperial Moscow University of Ephraim Mukhin, who is one of the hedlemen of Russian medicine and the father of Russian traumatology, in his writings noted the magnificent healing effect from the outer juice of mumors with colds, tumors and bruises. Always treated the Municipal and France. It was used to get rid of articular and skin diseases, and also made a sleeping pill. The therapeutic properties of the red to the amoor of the red amoor of the red includes alkaloid muscarine (C9H20NO2 chemical formula). This is the substance and is the poison of the mumor. For the first time it was opened in 1868. When trying to synthesize this element, it was not completely possible to repeat it. Synthetic analogues are greatly losing in the healing effect, and in some cases their behavior was unpredictable. Natural muscarine has a very greater value for medicine. Its research does not stop and more useful properties are increasingly opening. People to Muscarina are very susceptible, so it is extremely important when treating an agarorm to clearly observe the dosage. Only 1-3 mg of this substance can cause human poisoning from humans. Muscarine is a very good natural analgesic. The red pigment contained in the skin of the red mushroom, muscarufin, has a magnificent antitumor and antibiotic action. In the process of research, it was revealed that this substance inhibits the growth of sarcoma. As in all higher mushrooms, the mumor contains polysaccharide complexes, which is actively used in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms in the treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms.

Treatment by the Municipality in modern medicine

The treatment of anthem red has always been an interest for the pharmacological industry. However, the synthesis of its individual components did not give a stable and constant result. As a result, an amoor can be reliably used as part of drugs only in the form of natural raw materials. Officially, today the fungus is used in treating in countries such as the United States, Canada, Norway, Switzerland, France, however, in many Arab countries, its use is prohibited. In 1828, the German doctor Samuel Ganeman invented a medicine from hypertension, epilepsy, allergic reactions and nerve ticks based on a red amoor extract. Currently there are a large number of informations for internal use. However, it is not always safe, because there is a risk of overdose, because the action of muscarine contained in the composition of the fungus directly depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In addition, there are a large number of drugs for internal use based on other fungi, the action of which inside the body will be more pronounced and more predictable. It is deprived of the meaning and the use of the red mumor in the composition of alcohol infusions, because Alcohol destroys the active substances that are part of the mushroom. Amanita red perfectly apply externally as part of ointments and lotions. It is in this case that he will bring the most strong drug effect and will be deprived of side effects. Highly effective preparations from a red mumor in the treatment of skin neoplasms, diseases of the joints.


Cream "Mohamor"

The cream is designed for outdoor use, together with the St. Petersburg Chemical Pharmacological Institute, and, today, has no analogues in the world.

Ingredients: Water, Salser 91, Milk Triglycerides, Grape Bone Oil, Mushroom Mushroom Red, Combination of Preservatives, Natural Spot, Natural Dye.

Packaging: 50 ml tube.

Indications for use:

  • benign skin neoplasms, including warts, papillomas, lipomas;
  • artlike diseases, such as: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • skin diseases such as: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, fungal lesions of nails and stop;
  • it is difficult to heal wounds, including breakdown, furuncules, ulcers.

Cream "Amanitory" is certified, safe and effective.

Contraindications: Various individual intolerance of any components of the drug, as well as the state of pregnancy and the lactation period, because In these groups, clinical studies were not carried out. It is undesirable to apply children under the age of 10 without consulting a fungotherapist.

We draw your attention to the fact that drugs based on healing fungi do not cancel the methods of treating official medicine. On the contrary, they are a very good addition to the main treatment, are able to strengthen its effect, and in some cases are simply an indispensable tool Natural therapy due to the lack of any alternatives in medical practice to restore the body after serious operations, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, and in other cases where our body requires additional assistance. In addition, mushroom preparations are an excellent tool for the prevention of appropriate diseases.

"Ural Center for Fungotherapy Irina Philippova" He is an official representative "Fungotherapy Irina Philippova Center" in the Urals. The main task of the center is individual approach To each patient, each specific case is closely studied and analyzed by a specialist. Many years of experience allows to assign a maximum efficient method of receiving mushrooms, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, its main diagnosis, age, concomitant diseases, etc. Get a consultation of a specialist doctor you can absolutely freeAfter posting the reception by phone in your city:

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Let's remember children's fairy tales. There it says that an amicer and this is a deadly mushroom that needs to be bypass. Indeed, the Motherland Red refers to bright representatives of psychoactive poisonous fungi. Refers to the kind of mumanorov.

From ancient times, it was used as a intoxicating. But despite this, still continues to be used in medicine, and in general, a very interesting representative of the forest.

Description and photo of the amansor of red

Despite all the danger that Mushroom Mushroom is a red, though he is very attractive. It is strongly distinguished among the total weight of mushrooms. You definitely won't pass by, seeing this red hat.

From Latin -

However, we recommend that you have learning children to teach children from childhood that it hides this forest representative and that in no case can it be touched. After all, even the touch of a mumor with bare hands, and then the ingress of substances on the mucousse can threaten serious consequences.

Let's read the appearance of this mushroom in more detail in order to find out what you really should be feared.


The hat is exactly the part for which the dangerous amanita is so loved by the authors of the legends, folk tales and fairy tales. It has a bright red color and glossy shine. Therefore, even in cloudy weather does not remain unnoticed. From above the mushroom as if sprinkled with white flakes. These small warts located in the mutation make the hat of this mushroom as attractive and interesting as possible. By the way, the diameter of the agranion, depending on the place of growth and individual characteristics of the soil varies from 8 to 20 cm.

All young mushrooms are cone-shaped hats, and the edges are close to the leg. However, with age, the hat is rareled and becomes like an umbrella.

Over time, by the middle of the autumn the hat and it becomes flat.

As for the pulp, it has a white shade. Closer to the end of the summer, the peel has a light yellow or light orange color. However, the smell is not very pronounced.

As for the width of the plates, they have indicators from 8 to 12 mm. The color of the plates varies from beige to a white shade. The plates are located in a maturity, and are not always amenable to any interpretation. Also, between them are smaller intermediate plates.


The leg of the amoor also cares attention. Its height varies from 7 to 20 cm depending on the age and gravity conditions. In diameter, it from 1 to 2.5 cm. As for the shape of the leg, it has cylindrical views, and the base is simplified by several centimeters. The leg has a yellowish or white shade. In adulthood, the leg becomes full.

If you look at the leg, then in adulthood you can see that it forms a skirt ring from a very thin tissue.

Its edges are uneven and look like a ballet pack, slightly torn around the edges.

Disputes that fall out between the plates are sometimes delayed on the leg. And the dispute powder itself is a white shade.


By the way, the flesh of the amamor is very changeable. If the hat has an orange-red shade, then this instance is already the old enough. His flesh becomes a beige or yellowish shade. But mushrooms with a bright red hat on a cut, on the contrary, have a dense white flesh. The flesh does not have any unpleasant smell. It is ordinary, mushroom, even fragrant. The flesh flesh itself and does not change the color when interacting with oxygen.

As for the pulp legs, it is easily divided into fibers and also enough elastic. However, with age, a little bit can become a hollow, and its contents becomes like cotton.


The plates are thin enough and arranged in the dispersion. White spore powder matures in them.

Depending on the age, the plates have a shade from white to orange.

When and where the amanita red grows

The first thing you need to pay attention is to the place of grieving a toast. Of course, they are based in the middle lane of Russia, but also were noticed and north. In addition, these dangerous mushrooms inhabit the territory of Eastern, North and Western Europe. Meet on the territory of North America.

Mushroom chooses cool and wet dense forests. Most often forms mikurizu with birch and fir. Sour soils love very much, and it is here that you can see the most bright representatives of the Municipalist. Mushrooms are growing here with voluminous hats, and their height comes to 25 cm. Love the temperate climate of the northern hemisphere, but the strong heat is not the best. Mix, mainly in the shade. However, if for some reason, straight sun rays will begin to fall on the fly, his hat will crack, as a result of which the fungus will lose its attractive look.

Less often, but still occurs in the mountains, where the upper border of the forest is held.

In our country, Amanita can easily be found in deciduous or mixed forests. Frunction time from August to October. In July, these mushrooms may also appear, but provided that summer was quite hot.

In August and September, the fungus especially manifests its poisonous properties, so you need to be careful.

Chemical composition Amanita Muscaria

Surprisingly, the Mother of the Red has a chemical composition, which until today has not yet been studied until the very end. However, it is believed that the fungus contains alkaloids dangerous to human health. Among them are muscarine, orothenic acid, muscimol and other orange-red pigments, harmful to humans.

However, in its composition many amino acids, but they have a dangerous neighborhood, so it is not recommended to take an amoor in food or for treatment.

Fruiting season

The fruiting season of this mushroom is short enough, but in any case, in short, than other fungi. It really is good, he matures by August, and in October the season growth is already ends. It turns out that it is possible to find this amansor in the heyday of forces only within a period of one and a half or two months at best.

However, if the summer was hot, and by September the weather became cool, without too bright sun, then the period of fruiting can last all October, and will be torn until mid-November.

In general, everything is very individual and depends on the place of growth.

By the way, the more fertile and acid will be soil, the greater the likelihood that the amoor will live longer.


Amanic red in no case can be taken in food. This is a poisonous and also psychoactive flu. It has intoxicating influences, as well as harm human health, starting with the gastrointestinal tract, ending with the disease of the liver, kidneys, nervous system and the entire blood system.

Unfortunately, with the poisoning of mandrels rarely, but still a fatal outcome can come. However, this is possible for people who applied in food about 15 caps, while have a weak immunity and resistance to toxic substances.

There were cases when the loss of consciousness, amnesia or lethargic sleep occurred after the use of this mushroom. People complain on hallucinations, attacks of severe pain, as well as painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach and intestines

Role in animal life

The value of the red mumor for animals is still not clarified. However, cases are proven when the familiar forest inhabitants began to be able to eat uncommon. And for some time an improvement has come.

It is believed that animals emanate the amansor instinctively, as he can drown out pain and immerse the state of the euphoria. This is a kind of natural anesthesia or anesthesia, which eliminates animals from pain.

Despite the fact that the forest inhabitants feed on this agarity, after all, the chemical composition of this mushroom does not change, he still remains harmful. Therefore, in case the beast he badly sick or experienced health problems, an amoor only speeds up the deadlines when the death rate comes.

However, the benefit from the mumor is. This red mushroom allows you to get rid of painful sensations and makes the last clock or the days of the life of animals somewhat easier.

Video report from the forest

The similarity of red amansarov with other species

Of course, in externally, red mugs repeat some representatives of the fungal kingdom. Who can you confuse them?

Royal Mane

Yes, these mushrooms are very similar. At the very least, they have a peculiar form in both young and in adulthood. So, at the Royal Motherland, at an early stage of development, there is a cone-shaped hat, which with age begins to rise, and gradually becomes flat.

Inattentive mushroom skins will not immediately notice the difference in the color. The fact is that the red amanita has a pronounced red or red-orange shade. At that moment, as the royal amamor, on the contrary, has a brown light or dark hood. But in conditions of poor forest lighting, these nuances are difficult to consider, as the entire mushroom hat is, and in another case covered in peculiar growths and warts of a white or beige shade.

However, it is necessary to be attentive, as that and the other mushroom is very poisonous.

Caesar Mushroom

Very dangerous similarity of the Municipal Mushroom with Caesars. They grow in the southern part of Europe. They have a very similar hats. Caesar Mushroom grows in Italy and Spain and even in the southern part of Russia, is a delicacy. And if you confuse two of these species, you can seriously suffer from the consequences. However, attentive mushroom skins can see that two of these types of mushrooms can be easily distinguished from each other by plates, which are located on the leg of golden yellow.

Also, you can cut the flesh. At the royal mushroom, the pulp has a brown shade, at the moment when the moon of red it is boiled white.

How much is Amanita Muscaria poisonous?

Unfortunately, the amanita red truly poisonous. Considering the set of substances, which is contained in its composition, it can lead a person to a state of severe intoxication, to cause anger or laughter attacks, as well as various kinds of hallucinations. In particularly launched situations, people felt the loss of consciousness, fell into lethargic sleep and completely lost their memory.

Unfortunately, sometimes fatal outcomes were even known.

But what kind of psychoactive impact is an amoor on a person?

Hallucinogenic effect of red mumor

As mentioned above, the composition of the Red Mumor contains muscarine, ibothenic acid and muscimol. If you explore the fruit body of this mushroom, you can also find other toxic substances that are responsible for the hallucinogenic effect. For example, Ibotenic acid is characterized by high toxicity. It is she who can provoke the death of brain cells. For a long time it was believed that Muscarine itself is a psychotropic substance. However, a long time ago, as well as studies of scientists, it was proved that a psychotropic effect is that Muscyimol has, which is combined with the work of ibotanic acid. There is a kind of extension of vessels, as well as a reduction in heart blows per minute.

As soon as Muskarine in large quantities falls into the body, it begins to provoke hallucinogenic properties.

People who have had poisoning by madness, describe that at some point they started experiencing a strong sense of anger or the opposite, happiness. Over time, this state began to grow. A peculiar anxiety appeared, a heart rate is rhythm. An unexpected emission of energy appears, with which a person could hardly cope with difficulty.

Gradually, some strange things began to appear.

Man falls into a state of half. In such a state, the sounds are enhanced, and simple steps may be regarded as the strongest sound.

In such a situation, a person begins to see various situations that do not really have the place to be. There were cases when, when poisoning with red muman people heard shots, ran around the apartment, trying to escape, although in fact a loud sound was nothing but simple steps.

Psychotropic and toxic properties of substances

Special attention deserves the psychotropic properties of a red amoor. These mushrooms contain special psychoactive substances in their composition, with the result that this mushroom tried to use in folk medicine, as well as in all sorts of religious ceremonies.

For example, if you contact the history of the northern peoples, you can find out that they used these mushrooms in order to be lit. It is believed that the action of this mushroom is very similar to severe intoxication. As a result of the influence of substances on the body, the strongest hallucinations begin to manifest, as well as the state of the person quickly changes from the strong anger to the state of joy.

Patients say that the first time was experienced by a strange visual effect. All items that appeared in front of them began to flicker also, the sounds appeared, which accompanied various color phenomena and vision, who do not have places actually. After that, there was a peculiar loss of consciousness, which ended with amnesia.

By the way, a very interesting fact. Northern deer, when the red mugors see under the layer of snow, immediately seek them to eat them. The fact is that in this way they get much more energy.

Also, local northern people continue to dry these mushrooms. After the mushrooms are dried, pieces are biteled from them, worried and wash with water. This is a kind of local energy. As for psychoactive and toxic substances, they are perfectly soluble in hot water. Therefore, if you cook the amifests at once in several waters, while waiting for the mushroom boils, you can save it from a poisonous impact.

However, still use in food of red amansor continues to be dangerous, since the effect may be different, and not always positive.

Important! It is worth noting that the red amanita is useful and delicious food in Japan. It is also reported that this mushroom is bothering immediately in three waters, after which it becomes edible. However, only the most bold gourmets are solved for taste.

It is believed that after using this mushroom in food, a person can easily laugh about 2 hours, or vice versa, flows into terrible despair. All this time, a person is in the hallucinogen captivity, can even lose consciousness. Substances act on the psyche almost immediately after use. Some have a strong sense of choking, fall into convulsions.

Also, this is a special kind of drug that uses sophisticated drug addicts.

However, often the use of a red amoor does not pass for the psyche. It looses, the nervous system ceases to work in proper mode. Therefore, people appear the sharp lack of an additional dose of energy, so they are simply attached to the use of red amansor. This is a kind of dependence with which of course you need to fight.

Assistance in poisoning

It's terrible if you have become the victim of the poisoning of the mumans. Of course, with this condition you need to fight and as quickly as possible. But what to do in order to quickly get rid of yourself from the effects of poisoning?

If you have just used the Motherwear, he did not have time to go through the intestines, it means to absorb the body, you need to act urgently. To do this, you need to go into the restroom and the "two fingers in the mouth" method try to cause the attack of nausea and vomiting.

Do it until the entire contents of your feeding will be out of the stomach.

Before the doctor's arrival, try to drink as much water as possible. But at the same time, you do not need to try to get an amoor with any other products. After all, sometimes a combination can become destructive.

In any case, when it were not to be found out, you used an amicer or not, urgently call the doctor or independently go to the nearest medical institution.

If the Moon ate a child, then you need to go to the hospital immediately.

What needs to be done to get rid of the consequences?

To begin with, the doctor will find out what you were taken in food. And also, it will definitely ask about your condition. After, get ready for not the most pleasant procedure, as a result of which the stomach and intestines will be washed.

Empty installation is also possible.

In addition, you will have to spend a few hours under the influence of droppers. This is necessary in order to replace the destructive properties of the amansor on the useful substances. Also, it is necessary to use physically.

The next step you will need to remain under the supervision of the doctor for the specified period. If your condition is more or less, then in this case you will have to be observed one or two days. If the condition leaves much to be desired, the time of stay under the supervision of the doctor varies.

Medicinal and useful properties

Despite all its dangerous properties, an amoor is an integral element of many drugs. Find out what kind of preparations are we talking about

Ointment with radiculitis and arthritis

The ointment of the Red Mumor is greatly struggling with such diseases as arthritis and radiculitis. It can be cooked at home and purchase it in the finished form. In many pharmacies, this agent is used, which is effective in addition to the skin diseases.

Prepare at home this ointment is quite simple. To do this, you need to assemble fresh amansor. Be sure to clean them and prepare for use.

You will need sour cream in the same quantity as mushrooms. For example, on 500 g of mushrooms 500 g sour cream.

Mushrooms need to grind on very small pieces. After that, they are thoroughly mixed with sour cream. It turns out a peculiar Cashier, which you need to apply to a problem place. If for some reason the ointment fall badly, then, in this case, we recommend that you grind the entire mixture in a blender. Apply the ointment on the problem space, then put on the film and tie a dressing.

Leave the means to exposure from 2 hours and to 12 hours. For example, perfectly make such a procedure for the night. In the morning just remove the bandage and wash the ointment under the jet of warm water. By the way, the cooked ointment will be stored for only 10 days. It is desirable to move it to a glass or ceramic container and send to the refrigerator.

However, before applying such a means to yourself, you will definitely receive a doctor's advice.

With varicose veins

Another amoor can be used in varicose veins. To do this, you will need 300 g of mushroom hats. They need to rinse well, and then pour 500 ml of water. Put on fire.

Cook before boiling, after that the fire must be reduced to a slow. Cook, constantly stirring for another 15 minutes. After that, straighten the mixture, and leave it to cool. Rub it problem areas where there is a varicose veins. You can also make compresses. For example, make a rag in warm or hot liquid, and apply it to a problem space. The rag must be bitten and leave for a long time.

Use in cosmetology

You will be surprised, but an amoor can even be used as a cosmetic. After all, he is perfectly struggling with various skin flaws, such as rash, acne, and so on.

In order to get rid of skin problems on the face, you need to make masks with an agaroon.

You will need 200 g hats. They are thoroughly crushed, put in a blender.

There you need to add more and one spoonful of your beloved oil. For example, grape bones.

Everything is thoroughly mixed in a blender to a state of homogeneous casher.

Add a couple of droplets of essential oil, such as tea tree oil.

After that, apply to the pre-purified and sparkling face the resulting mixture. Distribute it evenly so that the mixture covered all the places where the rashes are common.

Red moon

Separately, it is worth talking about the tincture of a mumor, which has excellent properties for the body.

ATTENTION! For outdoor use.

This tincture has excellent healing properties. Despite the fact that it contains many poisonous substances, still possesses antibiotic effects, as well as good antitumor properties. It has a wound healing effect. Also, red amanita contains many vitamins and antioxidants that can affect problem areas as a regeneration at the cellular level.

However, it has its own contraindications for the use of tincture.

  1. For example, it cannot be used to people under the age of 18.
  2. From treatment by muman, it is worth refusing to women who are in a state of pregnancy and during lactation.
  3. Also, it is worth abandoning the Municipality to people who have dysfunction of the cardiac system.
  4. Those who have liver disorders and mechanical damage to the dermis.

Remember that it is necessary to take a tincture only in strictly defined dosages. Unfortunately, if you have exceeded the dosage, it may lead to serious consequences, namely, to poisoning that can cause side effects.

  1. For example, nausea.
  2. Vomiting.
  3. Dizziness.
  4. Confused consciousness.
  5. Strengthening sweating.
  6. Intensifying salivation.
  7. You can observe the strongest stool disorder.
  8. Increased excitability of the central nervous system.
  9. A man is experiencing serious hallucinations, both sound and visual.
  10. You can see the expansion of pupils, also loss of consciousness.

If you notice one of the above symptoms, you need to urgently cause an ambulance. In the meantime, you expect, you need to drink as much water as possible, with a divorced regiment.

So, how to cook and insist the tincture itself?

For its preparation, only hats will be required. But the legs are not needed.

  1. So, well, rinse the hats of the amamor and clean them from the growths.
  2. Then, cut into small cubes, lower the bottle and pour with vodka.
  3. You need to insist this setting. At the same time, the bottle must be in a dark and cool place.
  4. Due to the effects of alcohol toxins with time, it will become red. After the amanita was insistant, the means is filtering.

Important! By the way, large pieces of mushrooms are still recommended to be left in tanks. They can be perfectly used for a row.

But this is not the only recipe for the manufacture of an effective tincture. For example, you can take advantage of a less cost recipe. You will need only four caps that you finely grind the knife. They also need to move into a bottle of 0.5 and pour vodka there. Insist 30 days, and after strain. But Kashitsa can be used as a therapeutic mask.

Such an outdoor tincture is perfectly used for the treatment of varicose veins, during oncology, as well as other skin problems. In addition, it shows a good impact in the treatment of joints. The healing properties of the tincture were widespread. They help get rid of arthrosis, arthritis and osteochondrosis.

To do this, you need a small piece of cotton fabric.

  1. It must be thoroughly mixed in the tincture.
  2. After that, place the pieces of fabric on the joints that were amazed by the disease.
  3. After that, you need to apply compress on top, and everything is carefully closed with food film, so that the moisture does not flow.
  4. Next, clog the treated area with a warm handkerchief or plaid.

If you have a great joint joint and hands, you need to wear cotton gloves that have been pre-moistened with tincture. Top to wear rubber gloves and stay in such a state overnight. In the absence of rubber gloves, you can easily use polyethylene packages.

Such inflammatory processes quickly pass through external influence.

In dermatitis

Unfortunately, many people suffer from dermatological problems. They start with acne and end in various rash, with which you need to fight very carefully. Especially this state of things worries girls. That is why, if you made a tincture in advance, at the same time, did not throw out raw materials, namely, mushrooms, then definitely consult them.

You need to get them, then, carefully smash with a fork or blender. The resulting Cashitz need to be placed on problem areas. However, be careful and do not burn the face. Therefore, the mask exposure time should be between two to five minutes until you begin to experience a strong feeling of burning.

What to do after?

And after everything is very simple. You wash off the tincture, after which any nutrient cream is superimposed

Also, each time before going to bed, you can wipe the affected cotton disk, moistened in the setting. The mixture is not needed to wash off, leave straight all night. The main condition is alert must be absolutely clean, without any cosmetics.

Amanita and religion

Amanita is very often found in various beliefs, rites and so on. Especially, this concerns the Central Russian History.

Amanita has always been considered a healing mushroom that kills those who do not respect him. In times, when they believed in paganism and the chief God was considered to be Perun, the Motherwhere was considered his representative on earth. However, he is merciless karals of those who allow themselves to disobey the Slavic God.

In general, despite the fact that an amoor without a doubt is strong and poisonous, he never caused fear. Even in children's fairy tales, it is encountered as conditionally on dangerous flu, however, nowhere does not say how dangerous health is.

In Japan, red amanita is considered a dangerous precursor of death. Here they know about its properties, so they try to bypass the party. Nevertheless, the inquisite Japanese use an amoor as a delicacy.

Red amanita - mushroom dangerous, but at the same time, very beautiful and mounted. Therefore, if you for some reason decide to disrupt it, you can admire it, but in no case eat in food. If it is vital to you in order to start any treatment, nevertheless, we initially we recommend that you consult with the attending physician. And if you get good for all this, you can congratulate you. You can begin treatment.

Take care of your health and health your loved ones. And the amanita is the mushroom on which you can watch, admire, photograph, but in no case there is not.

Famous Mikogo about the mumor and consuming it in food

A red hat as if signals about the danger of the amamor, and the characteristic white specks on it do not allow it to confuse this mushroom with others. Amanita red is a very unusual mushroom. In Asia and many European countries, it has been used as an ancient as a drug, and in some regions and they believe in the magical forces of agarov. This is perhaps the most famous hallucinogenic mushroom that can cause strong poisoning.

general characteristics

Amanita is a poisonous hallucinogenic mushroom, which in microdoses has therapeutic properties, and in large quantities is deadly. Amanitors are common in the forests of Europe, Asia, North America. Especially a lot of "magic fungi" in Siberia and British Isles. In ancient times, impregnated or mugs left on the windows as insect protection. Hence the name of this bright mushroom.

Amanic red represents the Amanita family to which the deadly and bispporers belong. This bright mushroom is fine tolerates cold. It appears in the forests in July and fruits up to frosts. Most often, the mumor grow in symbiosis with birch, pine trees, fir, fir. Their bright hat with white warts can grow to 8-20 cm in diameter, and under it clearly visible wide white plates. The legs have white and high ammorov (from 5 to 20 cm), its base almost always has a ring. It is worth noting that the red color is not always present on the hats of amansor: after the rain or old mushrooms, a bright pigment is partially or completely lost.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the red mumor has not yet been studied. Based on the information that scientists possess today, we can say that there are mushrooms, essential oils, xanthine, betane, pigment Muscarufin, trimethylamine, puressicin, as well as poisonous alkaloids: Ibothenic acid, muscarine, muscaridine, muscimol. Amanita contains several psychoactive substances at once and all of them are concentrated in the mushroom cap, and if more precisely, in its red film.

For many years, muscarine was considered an active hallucinogenic agent. And only in 1960, two scientists from Japan and Switzerland independently of each other, but almost simultaneously determined that it was actually a hallucinogenic effect of ibotanic acid and muscimol. A muscarine, falling into a human body in large quantities, can cause poisoning, accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, respiratory impairment, narrowing of pupils and the weakening of the pulse. Muscarine mortal dose is contained in 3 kg of agarov.

Most of the mushroom contains muscyth. This is the main active ingredient of these fungi, which has pronounced sedative, hypnotic, dissociative and psychoactive properties. In order to minimize the toxic effect, mushrooms should be dried. But you should know that in this form in the product the concentration of hallucinogenic substances increases.

Beneficial features

In pharmacology, red amoor extract is used to create preparations against angina, epilepsy, arthritis, psoriasis, dermatitis and fungi. Funds from agaroves help with varicose veins, papillomas, they are treated with spinal cord pathology, breakdown, vessel spasms, furuncula. Depending on the concentration, medications with mushroom extract can be used externally and orally.

Favoris from red amansor can feel people with cardiovascular diseases. In particular, there is an opinion that the extract of these mushrooms has a beneficial effect on people with ischemic heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. The same mushroom is believed to be useful in diabetes, impotence. For the female body, the extract "Magic Mushrooms" in some cases is also a good helper. For example, with painful menstruation or during the period of the climax.

French researchers confirmed that the correctly chosen dosage of red mugs affects the body as a sedative, reduces nervousness, anxiety and reduces the consequence of stress. Therefore, the garbage extract is often added to the drugs against insomnia. In addition to the French, the Dutch, Finns, Norwegians, British, Japanese, Italians are treated by mumororas. Preparations containing mushroom extract are allowed in New Zealand, Denmark, Switzerland, USA and Russia, and in Australia and Israel, the use of agariths in medicine is prohibited.

Some researchers consider red amansor as an antitumor agent. True, there is no irrefutable confirmation of this fact in official science. Creams with mushroom extract are useful for the treatment of varicose veins, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout.

Use in alternative medicine

Mixing amansor in alternative medicine is used as a medicine against nervous disorders. But it is worth it to immediately say that raw or specially processed agrangues never apply in medicinal purposes. Fresh mushrooms contain a dangerous poison, which destructively acts on the liver.

Some consider these mushrooms useful for the treatment of chronic dizziness, Parkinson's disease and dementia. In addition, in alternative medicine, these red mushrooms are used as a medicine against nervous teaks, depression, for the treatment of cerebral disorders.

In homeopathy, Moomer is used with excessive excitability, urinary bubble diseases, spasms in the intestine. Such drugs are considered useful for a female organism during menopause.

Amanita has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Therefore, the extract of the fungus is added to the height of the creams, which are useful to use in burns, frostbite, ulcers and some other skin diseases.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Folk healers have been using the therapeutic properties of the "magic mushroom". Many of the ancient recipes are preserved until today. We picked up the most popular of them. But do not forget any anti-agar medicine has toxic properties. After cooking or using tinctures, it is necessary to wash your hands well. And finished drugs should be kept away from children.

In dermatitis

For the treatment of various kinds of skin diseases, folk sorry resorted to the help of amansor. No more than 5 mushrooms were used to prepare therapeutic tincture. They are finely shinched and folded on the bottom of the liter banks. The vessel was closed and sent for 3 days to a warm, but dark place. During this time, mushrooms must let juice. On the fourth day, the vessel was drawn (about 1 cm above the fungi) and they insisted for another 3 weeks. The finished means wipe the skin-affected skin. You can not apply the tool immediately into large areas. Treat treatment should be started with small areas so that the anticarp should not cause allergies.

With varicose veins

As in the previous recipe, 5 agaros should be chopped and left in a glass vessel to the formation of mushroom juice. The resulting juice is merged, and the pulp is squeezed into a separate vessel. Squeezed from mushrooms juice to warm warm (in proportion 1: 1). The resulting means twice a day, wipe the sick places, then slaughter with an elastic bandage. The juice squeezed from mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator no longer than 4 days. The medicine should be brewed with water immediately before applying to the skin.

Use in cosmetology

Amanic extracts used in pharmacology or cosmetology practically do not contain toxins. They, on the contrary, are rich in useful, polysaccharides and having high bioactivity. The red amoor extract is useful for skin care. This means contributes to the production of collagen and regeneration of skin cells, makes it elastic and elastic, smoothes small wrinkles, improves the complexion by lightening pigment spots. In addition, creams containing amansor extract are useful for combating cellulite and stretching on the skin. By the way, getting rid of corns and cracks on the skin of the legs will also help creams containing extract of these fungi.

Application in everyday life

Amanitors - a well-known means against any kind of insects. To prepare a drug to combat pests, it is necessary to boil 5-6 mushrooms in the water liter of 5-6 and the resulting decoction to sprinkle insect clusters.

How to collect and harbor

For therapeutic purposes, the amansor can be collected and harvested during the entire period of fruiting. It is better to give preference to small mushrooms with saturated red rounded hats. The collected mushrooms should be cut into the part and send to the oven, heated to 50 degrees. Large mushrooms can first be sworn outdoors (for 1-2 days), and then lean in the oven.

Harm and side effects of amansor

Amanitors are extremely toxic. The use of raw mushrooms can cause the liver and kidney failure, and with a large portion - a fatal outcome. Signs of poisoning appear hour after the use of poisonous mushrooms, and their peak is achieved after 3 hours, although some side effects can be saved for 10 hours. Poisoning mushrooms is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, strong salivation, expansion of pupils, confusion, excitability. If a person receives medical care on time, there is a chance for recovery over the next 12 hours. In case of poisoning, mumers should be rinsed as quickly as possible, drinking a laxative (30 g of magnesium sulphate per 100 ml of water) and cause ambulance.

It is impossible to exceed the dosage of drugs containing mumor. Even in microDos, the medium with mushroom extract is prohibited by pregnant, nursing mothers, children, faces with gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, violation of the liver, pancreas or duodenum.

Amanitors in ancient cultures

Ancient records are preserved, testifying that the ancient cultures did not just know about the strength of these mushrooms, but also actively used it. In addition, some tribes used this mushroom in magic-shamanist rites. As a rule, the ancient civilizations used hallucinogenic mushrooms for "wanderings to the world of perfume." Interestingly, in the German culture, mumor (along with pipelines, 4-deciduous clover and subcovery) are considered a symbol of good luck.

It is known that Aboriginal America, residents of Japan, India, China, nations who inhabited Siberia and Scandinavia, ancient Greeks resorted to the help of mushrooms with bright hats. Researchers suggest that the Vikings before important battles also used amifests that endowed the warriors with additional energy and fearlessness.

But the ancient records also testify that even several centuries ago, people understood the poisonous properties of mumors. For example, Siberian shamans never used raw flying agents. They fed the mushrooms of deer, and during rites used the urine of animals, in which the necessary substances from agaroves were concentrated.

Everyone since childhood is known that this bright beautiful mushroom is extremely dangerous. Although in fact the red amanita is that a visual example, when the benefits and harm from the product may be equally large depending on the dosage. But even if you decide to be treated with mumers, you trust this case to specialists who know exactly where the line passes between the permissible portion of the mushroom and overdose.

For many centuries, people used mushrooms in winemaking, bread accumulations. Mushrooms are mysterious organisms that grow on the surface of the earth everywhere. More than 100 species are known, but not all of them are suitable for eating. Some mushrooms contain poison, the most poisonous and popular is red amanita.

Mushroom Mushroom - poison or medicine?

Amanita belongs to the Amanite family. It looks like this is a very attractive organism that attracts all the lively beauty. The color of the agricultural hats depends on its growing medium and view. It can vary from bright red, brown and even green. The world is famous red amanita.

The fungus was previously considered excellent insecticide. He was sprinkled with sugar and laid out of the house, they were well attracted flies, midges and mosquitoes. Therefore, people began to call Mushroom Mushroom.

Despite the fact that the red amanita refers to poisonous species and can harm it, he still has healing properties. For the preparation of tinctures, hoods and other means use only a mumor's hats.

It is used in traditional medicine in diseases such as rheumatism, diabetes, oncological neoplasms, tuberculosis, colitis, leukemia, gynecological diseases, urinary bubble paralysis, Parkinsonism, epileptiform seizures and others.

Characteristics of red mugger

Red Moon - Mushroom medium poisonousness, with an extraordinary red hat and a snow-white leg, which is decorated with a small "skirt". Red prevents the danger of not only a person, but also animals. Meets in the forests.

Amanita is a fairly large organism with a fleshy body and a big cap that can reach in diameter of about 20 cm. The flesh of the cap varies from white to yellow, sweet to taste, shape spherical with an uneven edge. The surface is shiny, a little adhesive.

Types of flyers

Color can be like red and orange-red with a large number of white splashes, which some are called "warts". Cylindrical mushroom leg, white to base is slightly expanded, easily separated from the hat.

Read also

The chemical composition of the Red Moon

The full chemical composition is not yet studied. Scientists have established that the body contains highly poisonous alkaloids, that is, poisons.

Formula Muskarina

These include:

  • muscarine;
  • muscimol;
  • muscaridine;
  • iboten acid and many other acids.

The most dangerous - muscarine.

The stories of our readers!
I want to tell my story, how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable back pain. We lead an active lifestyle, I live and rejoice every moment! A few months ago I twisted me at the cottage, a sharp pain in the lower back did not move, did not even be able to go. The doctor in the hospital was diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, the hernia of the L3-L4 discs. I prescribed some kind of medicine, but they did not help, to endure this pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they set the blockade and hinted for the operation, all the time thought about it, that I would find a burden for the family ... Everything changed when the daughter gave me one article on the Internet. You can not imagine how much I am grateful for it. This article literally pulled me out of a wheelchair. The last months began to move more, in the spring and summer every day I go to the cottage. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Therapeutic properties of the mumor

Thanks to the unique properties of a poisonous mushroom, it is used in pharmacology. But great popularity and trust of the mushroom received in folk medicine.

Means based on an extraordinary organism has antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibiotic effect.

It is well suited for the treatment of many ailments:

  • oncology;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • deterioration in the work of the digestive system;
  • the diseases of the genital organs, eye, ear and skin diseases.

In medicine, only the mushroom hat is used, which makes ointments, tincture, hoods, compresses.

Before using the means on the basis of the amansor, be sure to consult your doctor. Since the substances contained in the mushroom are sometimes incompatible with medicines that take the patient.

Tip! Keep cooked media-based products away from children and animals.

Application of tincture of a moon for cancer

Self-medication is dangerous, so before you start taking inside, you should consult with the attending physician. After all, the dosage and the duration of treatment is calculated individually for each patient.

In the treatment of mandors you need to apply absorbent

Clinical studies have shown that tincture and extracts from a poisonous mushroom are quite effective in the treatment of cancer at an early stage. It is recommended to use the stomach, brain and leukemia cancer.

Application for the treatment of joints

In case of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to use ointments, alcohol tinctures and exhaust, you can also make compresses. The sick plots are rubbed, then the body is wound well.

The course of treatment depends on the degree of problem, but mainly does not exceed 10 courses.

In gynecological diseases

In the treatment of cysts, mioma, mastopathy, papillomas, painful menstruation and other gynecological diagnoses helps tincture on vodka. Tincture takes inside.

For intake, this tincture is prepared:

  1. It will take five large hats that need to be well to wash, dry and put in the jar.
  2. Mushroom pour a liter of vodka.
  3. Inhabit two months in the dark.
  4. After time expires, the means to strain.

Take the drug on one drop, with each time increasing the dosage on one drop, from 1 to 30.

Menumor tincture

Is it possible to take inside with a stomach ulcer?

With the ulcer of the stomach and duodenum you can take a means based on a mumor inside. It is only worth sticking to a certain treatment scheme.

The tool is done like this:

  1. Frame hats folded three-liter and roll in the jar.
  2. Skip into the ground to the depth one meter. Does it seem strange? But no, in such a way there is a constant temperature for one month.
  3. After the time expires, squeeze the liquid and mix in the proportion of 1: 1 with alcohol 45%.
  4. Shelf life can reach five years. Take a tincture of 1 tsp. Three times a day for half an hour before meals, drinking the drug with water.

From the hats, which remained, you can prepare the infusions for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Cooking juice or hood

Outdoor application

For such an application, tincture, ointments, compresses or mushroom juice are used.

Cooking juice:

  1. To produce the juice, the hat is crushed, fold into the glass container and put under the gilt for three days.
  2. After the juice appears, it is filled.
  3. It is stored for five days.

From juice you can make a tincture for compresses. To do this, intelligence juice 1: 1 with vodka.

If a spin hurts, neck or loin, do not tighten the treatment if you do not want to finish in a wheelchair! Chronic backing back pain, neck or lower back - the main sign of osteochondrosis, hernia or other serious illness. Treatment must be started right now ....

Tincture and extractor from the mumor - what is better?

The folk medicine uses both tincture and the hood of the mushroom. Two means are equivalent in action, but they have a different storage period, which depends on the manufacturing method. And it is impossible to give a clear answer.

Hood you can buy in a pharmacy, but it is better to prepare the tincture yourself, but it is necessary to observe all the proportions and the number of ingredients.

Medicines from the mumor can be bought at the pharmacy

Collection and preparation of the moon

How to collect and harvest mushrooms properly, especially if they are poisonous, not everyone knows. The collection of mushrooms is carried out since the end of the summer and to late autumn, but it all depends on weather conditions and a growing region.

Adhere to these rules when collecting mushrooms:

  • Collect agricultural hats and bright red.
  • Remember that the mushroom is poisonous, collect only in gloves.
  • Having come home to make prey.
  • Large caps need to be dried outdoors, and then in the oven.
  • Small immediately melted in the oven, the temperature of which is not white 50 degrees. As soon as the moisture is evaporated, you can get out of the furnace.

Dried mushrooms are stored in a capacitance with a lid, in a cool and dark place.

Preparation of mushrooms

How to prepare a medicine from a mumor?

Vodka tincture

Tincture on vodka can be prepared in different ways. Recipe number 1:

  1. Fresh-robbed hats crushed, let it be searched in the refrigerator a couple of days.
  2. Fold them into the container and pour vodka so that the fluid was above the mushrooms for a couple of centimeters.
  3. Let stand 14 days.

This tincture is used for the treatment of oncological diseases in the early stages, as well as diseases of the joints. Store means for more than two years. Use tincture only for outdoor use.

Recipe number 2:

  1. Take the hats 3-4 aunt, chopped with a knife, put in opaque dishes.
  2. Pour all this 750 ml of vodka.
  3. The dishes with the Moon to put in a dark cold place for 45 days.
  4. After this period, the mixture is getting and filtered.
  5. The use of tincture is free, it is drinking 0.5 teaspirals daily before bedtime.

Hoods of red amamora

Also often use exhaust, the storage period is less.

Hood for the treatment of tumor and rheumatic pains:

  1. You will need a mugger hats, a clay pot.
  2. Hats chopped with hands, folded into a clay pot, an opening in a pot to close the dough.
  3. Bake the contents in the furnace or the oven for several hours.
  4. Press juice, strain, stored in a sealed container.
  5. Before use, part of the juice must be warm in a water bath.

Only for outdoor use.

Salted extractor will help remove local pain:

  1. Fresh caps lay in the clay pot layers, speaking each layer of salt.
  2. Bake in the furnace for several hours at temperatures up to 50 degrees.
  3. Mushrooms will begin to slowly let juice, which is similar to the molasses.
  4. Liquid straighten and pour into hermetic container.

Infusion is stored for a long time.

Read also

Recipe for dried mushrooms

Prepare ointment based on dry mushrooms, which is used to treat joints and intervertebral hernia:

Drying mushrooms

  1. For the preparation you will need 50 grams of interior sludge, which you need to warm up in a water bath.
  2. To the fat add 30 grams of mumor powder, 10 grams of rye flour. Mix well stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Before use, the patient is recommended to warm up a massage using camphor alcohol or triple cologne.
  4. After rubbing ointment, the body must be inspired.

The course of treatment for 2 weeks, sometimes the course of treatment can reach several months.

Tincture on alcohol

For the preparation of tincture, you will need 30 sterile jars in which you need to pour 10 ml of alcohol:

  1. From the hats squeeze juice.
  2. In the first jar, add 2 drops of freshly squeezed juice, cool well and shake 30 times.
  3. In the second bottle adds 2 drops from the first dishes, we turn well.
  4. The procedure to repeat up to 30 bottles.
  5. At 30 bottles pour 100 ml of alcohol, add from the 29th bottle of 20 drops in the 30th container well with a good time 30 times.
  6. Store unlimited time.

Treatment of mumor hats

Recipes Outcomes Masi

Ointment from the mumor is capable of healing wounds, old ulcers, remove fatigue and pain. Improvement reaches after 6 procedures.

Cooking will not take much time:

  • Ointment for the treatment of wounds. You will need animal fat and dried mushrooms that need to be crushed to the state of flour, add to fat in the 1: 1 ratio. Store in glass containers.
  • Ointment for the treatment of musculoskeletal system. It is enough to mix dry crushed mushrooms and vaseline 1: 1. Use a few day.

Mushroom ointment

Fresh mushroom-based ointment:

  • Hats finely chopping, mix with sour cream in an equal ratio.
  • Mix the mixture overnight.
  • Each time for the procedure to prepare a fresh mark.

Attention! After using ointments, it is sure to wash your hands well.

Contraindications for the use of agricultural

Despite the fact that the fungus contains poison, its therapeutic properties are known worldwide. It is preparing folk therapeutic tinctures, ointments, extracts that are able to heal from different ailments. Using drugs, follow a clear chart of treatment, observe the proportions of the ingredients in time of preparation, otherwise you can choose.

After using breaks, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly or work in gloves. All therapeutic drugs should be kept away from children and animals.

It is forbidden to use tools based on a poisonous fungus:

  1. Children under 16, threatens serious poisoning.
  2. Pregnant and during lactation.
  3. Persons with individual intolerance.
  4. People with impaired heart and kidney work.

Amanic benefits, if it is properly used and applied.

How to provide first help with poisoning?

Reception of all folk medicines is a great risk to health. Incorrectly calculated dose of the means can lead to serious problems, that is, to poisoning.

The first signs of poisoning

Incorrect dosage or exceeding it can cause symptoms such as:

  • ostra abdominal pain, which is accompanied by a frequent liquid chair, vomiting;
  • abundant sweating and salivation, constantly the body is covered with goosebumps, hands and legs will go;
  • nervous excitability;
  • the appearance of nonsense, loss of consciousness, in severe cases, strong hallucinations.

First aid for poisoning

First aid for poisoning

When these signs, it is necessary to urgently assist the patient:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. It is necessary to cause vomiting, which will help clean the stomach from food. For this, the patient should have a more liter of salted water.
  3. Clean the intestines are laxative.
  4. The laxative can be replaced by enema.
  5. Recovery comes on the second day.

Red amanita - dangerous mushroom! Therefore, do not engage in self-medication. If the doctor recommends use for treatment, follow dosage and all recommendations.

A red hat as if signals about the danger of the amamor, and the characteristic white specks on it do not allow it to confuse this mushroom with others. Amanita red is a very unusual mushroom. In Asia and many European countries, it has been used as an ancient as a drug, and in some regions and they believe in the magical forces of agarov. This is perhaps the most famous hallucinogenic mushroom, which in large portions can cause severe poisoning.

general characteristics

Amanita is a poisonous hallucinogenic mushroom, which in microdoses has therapeutic properties, and in large quantities is deadly. Amanitors are common in the forests of Europe, Asia, North America. Especially a lot of "magic fungi" in Siberia and British Isles. In ancient times, mumor impregnated with honey or milk left on windows as insect protection. Hence the name of this bright mushroom.

Amanic red represents the Amanita family, to which mortally dangerous pale and bispporers belong. This bright mushroom is fine tolerates cold. It appears in the forests in July and fruits up to frosts. Most often, the mumor grow in symbiosis with birch, pine trees, fir, fir. Their bright hat with white warts can grow to 8-20 cm in diameter, and under it clearly visible wide white plates. The legs have white and high ammorov (from 5 to 20 cm), its base almost always has a ring. It is worth noting that the red color is not always present on the hats of amansor: after the rain or old mushrooms, a bright pigment is partially or completely lost.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the red mumor has not yet been studied. Based on the information that scientists have today, it can be said that there are chitin, essential oils, xanthine, betane, choline, pigment Muscarufin, trimethylamine, peuerscin, as well as poisonous alkaloids: Ibotenic acid, muscarine, muscaridine, muscimol. Amanita contains several psychoactive substances at once and all of them are concentrated in the mushroom cap, and if more precisely, in its red film.

For many years, muscarine was considered an active hallucinogenic agent. And only in 1960, two scientists from Japan and Switzerland independently of each other, but almost simultaneously determined that it was actually a hallucinogenic effect of ibotanic acid and muscimol. A muscarine, falling into a human body in large quantities, can cause poisoning, accompanied by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, complication of respiration, narrowing the pupils and the weakening of the pulse. Muscarine mortal dose is contained in 3 kg of agarov.

Most of the mushroom contains muscyth. This is the main active ingredient of these fungi, which has pronounced sedative, hypnotic, dissociative and psychoactive properties. In order to minimize the toxic effect, mushrooms should be dried. But you should know that in this form in the product the concentration of hallucinogenic substances increases.

Beneficial features

In pharmacology, red amoor extract is used to create preparations against angina, epilepsy, arthritis, psoriasis, dermatitis and fungi. Funds from agaroves help with varicose veins, papillomas, they are treated with spinal cord pathology, breakdown, vessel spasms, furuncula. Depending on the concentration, medications with mushroom extract can be used externally and orally.

Favoris from red amansor can feel people with cardiovascular diseases. In particular, there is an opinion that the extract of these mushrooms has a beneficial effect on people with ischemic heart disease, hypertension, atherosclerosis. The same mushroom is believed to be useful in diabetes, impotence. For the female body, the extract "Magic Mushrooms" in some cases is also a good helper. For example, with painful menstruation or during the period of the climax.

French researchers confirmed that the correctly chosen dosage of red mugs affects the body as a sedative, reduces nervousness, anxiety and reduces the consequence of stress. Therefore, the garbage extract is often added to the drugs against insomnia. In addition to the French, the Dutch, Finns, Norwegians, British, Japanese, Italians are treated by mumororas. Preparations containing mushroom extract are allowed in New Zealand, Denmark, Switzerland, USA and Russia, and in Australia and Israel, the use of agariths in medicine is prohibited.

Some researchers consider red amansor as an antitumor agent. True, there is no irrefutable confirmation of this fact in official science. Creams with mushroom extract are useful for the treatment of varicose veins, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, gout.

Use in alternative medicine

Mixing amansor in alternative medicine is used as a medicine against nervous disorders. But it is worth it to immediately say that raw or specially processed agrangues never apply in medicinal purposes. Fresh mushrooms contain a dangerous poison, which destructively acts on the liver.

Some consider these mushrooms useful for the treatment of chronic dizziness, Parkinson's disease and dementia. In addition, in alternative medicine, these red mushrooms are used as a medicine against nervous teaks, depression, for the treatment of cerebral disorders.

In homeopathy, Moomer is used with excessive excitability, urinary bubble diseases, spasms in the intestine. Such drugs are considered useful for a female organism during menopause.

Amanita has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Therefore, the extract of the fungus is added to the height of the creams, which are useful to use in burns, frostbite, ulcers and some other skin diseases.

Recipes of traditional medicine

Folk healers have been using the therapeutic properties of the "magic mushroom". Many of the ancient recipes are preserved until today. We picked up the most popular of them. But do not forget any anti-agar medicine has toxic properties. After cooking or using tinctures, it is necessary to wash your hands well. And finished drugs should be kept away from children.

In dermatitis

For the treatment of various kinds of skin diseases, folk sorry resorted to the help of amansor. No more than 5 mushrooms were used to prepare therapeutic tincture. They are finely shinched and folded on the bottom of the liter banks. The vessel was closed and sent for 3 days to a warm, but dark place. During this time, mushrooms must let juice. On the fourth day, the vessel was filled with vodka (about 1 cm above the fungi) and they insisted for another 3 weeks. The finished means wipe the skin-affected skin. You can not apply the tool immediately into large areas. Treat treatment should be started with small areas so that the anticarp should not cause allergies.

With varicose veins

As in the previous recipe, 5 agaros should be chopped and left in a glass vessel to the formation of mushroom juice. The resulting juice is merged, and the pulp is squeezed into a separate vessel. Squeezed out of mushrooms juice with warm water (in proportion 1: 1). The resulting means twice a day, wipe the sick places, then slaughter with an elastic bandage. The juice squeezed from mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator no longer than 4 days. The medicine should be brewed with water immediately before applying to the skin.

With digestion disorder

For this tincture, only hats are 5 small red amansarov. Grinding caps pour vodka in proportions 1: 1, close the vessel tightly and insist for 30 days. After that, you can begin treatment. The course is designed for 30 days. On the first day you should drink 1 drop of tincture (on an empty stomach), on the second day - 2 drops, and to bring up to 30 drops per day. Upon completion of the course, it is necessary to make 1-2 month breaks, after which the treatment can be repeated.

For the treatment of cancer

Half-minute bank to fill with crushed fresh mumers. The vessel is closed and leave for a month, after which it is to merge the resulting juice, and the flesh of the fungi to the top to pour vodka to the top. Insist in the refrigerator week. Course treatment start with reception 1 drops per day divorced in 30 ml of water. Each subsequent day is a portion to increase by 1 drop. When the daily rate reaches up to 20 drops, start the dosage reduction process - 1 drop daily is less. Upon completion of the course, make 30 days break and repeat again.

Use in cosmetology

Amanic extracts used in pharmacology or cosmetology practically do not contain toxins. They, on the contrary, are rich in useful enzymes, polysaccharides and antioxidants having high bioactivity. The red amoor extract is useful for skin care. This means contributes to the production of collagen and regeneration of skin cells, makes it elastic and elastic, smoothes small wrinkles, improves the complexion by lightening pigment spots. In addition, creams containing amansor extract are useful for combating cellulite and stretching on the skin. By the way, getting rid of corns and cracks on the skin of the legs will also help creams containing extract of these fungi.

Application in everyday life

Amanitors - a well-known means against any kind of insects. To prepare a drug to combat pests, it is necessary to boil 5-6 mushrooms in the water liter of 5-6 and the resulting decoction to sprinkle insect clusters.

How to collect and harbor

For therapeutic purposes, the amansor can be collected and harvested during the entire period of fruiting. It is better to give preference to small mushrooms with saturated red rounded hats. The collected mushrooms should be cut into the part and send to the oven, heated to 50 degrees. Large mushrooms can first be sworn outdoors (for 1-2 days), and then lean in the oven.

Harm and side effects of amansor

Amanitors are extremely toxic. The use of raw mushrooms can cause the liver and kidney failure, and with a large portion - a fatal outcome. Signs of poisoning appear hour after the use of poisonous mushrooms, and their peak is achieved after 3 hours, although some side effects can be saved for 10 hours. Poisoning mushrooms is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, strong salivation, expansion of pupils, confusion, excitability. If a person receives medical care on time, there is a chance for recovery over the next 12 hours. In case of poisoning, mumers should be rinsed as quickly as possible, drinking a laxative (30 g of magnesium sulphate per 100 ml of water) and cause ambulance.

It is impossible to exceed the dosage of drugs containing mumor. Even in microDos, the medium with mushroom extract is prohibited by pregnant, nursing mothers, children, faces with gastritis, ulcer of the stomach, violation of the liver, pancreas or duodenum.

Amanitors in ancient cultures

Ancient records are preserved, testifying that the ancient cultures did not just know about the strength of these mushrooms, but also actively used it. In addition, some tribes used this mushroom in magic-shamanist rites. As a rule, the ancient civilizations used hallucinogenic mushrooms for "wanderings to the world of perfume." Interestingly, in the German culture, mumor (along with pipelines, 4-deciduous clover and subcovery) are considered a symbol of good luck.

It is known that Aboriginal America, residents of Japan, India, China, nations who inhabited Siberia and Scandinavia, ancient Greeks resorted to the help of mushrooms with bright hats. Researchers suggest that the Vikings before important battles also used amifests that endowed the warriors with additional energy and fearlessness.

But the ancient records also testify that even several centuries ago, people understood the poisonous properties of mumors. For example, Siberian shamans never used raw flying agents. They fed the mushrooms of deer, and during rites used the urine of animals, in which the necessary substances from agaroves were concentrated.

Everyone since childhood is known that this bright beautiful mushroom is extremely dangerous. Although in fact the red amanita is that a visual example, when the benefits and harm from the product may be equally large depending on the dosage. But even if you decide to be treated with mumers, you trust this case to specialists who know exactly where the line passes between the permissible portion of the mushroom and overdose.

Amanita is one of the most famous poisonous fungi. Thanks to its bright individual colors, it is strongly distinguished in a number of other fungi, and it is hard to confuse it with edible mushroom.

The name of the mushroom comes from its properties, known from antiquity. In the old days, people moored flies with the help of a mushroom, hence his name from the words of the fly and Mor. The mushroom itself has a mental impact on the flies, making them a little-moving. Condensate is destroyed for flies, which accumulates on the inside of the mushroom hats. Flies are drown in it, and the broth from the mumor has a lubricating effect and fly flying on his smell.

Amanita is the very first of mushrooms, which shows another young children, saying that he is dangerous and poisonous. However, even among the amansor family there are conventional edible mushrooms. Types of amansor:

Red Moon

The most common and famous appearance of the mumor. His red hat with white clips confused with other mushrooms is very hard. This kind of mumor is poisonous, enough and 15 mushrooms for fatal outcome.

White (Spring) Amanita

Mushroom from white to dirty white color, taste and smell of mushroom repellent. Its appearance is very toxic, only three fungi is enough for death poisoning;

Smelly amanita or white leaf

The subspecies of the spring agitator, but his leg is empty inside. Also a very poisonous mushroom, according to its toxic properties, it looks like a pale custody.

Pantry Municord

Like a red amanita, has a white cluster hat, but the color of the hat varies from brown to green. From the whole family of mumorora, this species has the strongest impact on the human psyche. The manifestation of poisoning by this mushroom seems to be white hot, and the consequences of the poisoning of the Pantry Municipality are more serious for human health than from a red amoor.

Top-shaped tormor.

Mimicrates under an edible mushroom, but with a thorough study, a tubercle on a hat, indicating its toxicity, is visible. Mushroom poisonous.

Gray-pink amanita

Pink mushroom with gray spots, has a bright taste and smell. Refers to conditionally edible mushrooms. Before use, it should be boiled and drained the water after boiling. One of the differences between the red toastic amoor is the color of the legs in the scene of a slider or cut. In case of damage to the legs of the pink amanita, the place of damage is painted in a wine-red color. This allows you to distinguish a red-winning amansor from his poisonous fellow;

Thick (chunky) amanita

Refers to edible mushrooms, but the organoleptic properties of the mushroom repulsive and persist after long thermal processing. Outwardly, the mushroom looks like a poisonous panther amanita, the differences are insignificant only in the form of mushroom hats and the presence of a "skirt" on the leg. Nonprofessional to see the differences in the kinds of the mumor is very difficult, too mushrooms are similar to each other because of which they are easy to confuse and get poisoning.

But, despite the remarkable appearance and sad fame of the fungus, people with poisonings of the Municipality fall into hospitals every year.

Especially often with poisoning a poisonous mushroom enter the doctors of the elderly. This is due to traditional medicine and pseudo-native articles in base prints. Elderly people more often use folk remedies. Thanks to the gossip, rumors about the miraculous properties of the fungus, do not cease to subside. The beneficial properties of the amoor are not proven and dubious, but poisoning is an integral part of the use of harmful fungus.

Is it possible to poison the mugger?

Of course, the answer will be yes. The agarora includes several potent substances that adversely affect the human body:

one of the substances contained in the poisonous mushroom is ibothenic acid. Atomic acid atoms penetrate into the human brain, causing hallucinations and killing the cells of the central nervous system;

  • muscarine - a substance affects heart activities, slowing down his beating, causes bronchial spasms, nausea, vomiting, head steering;
  • muscimol - causes a sense of calm, causes drowsiness, has a sleeping pills;
  • musad - has a hallucinogenic effect.

Meaning poisoning occur extremely rarely, as the noticeable and aggressive coloring of the fungus allows you to accurately identify it and not confuse with edible mushrooms. In 90% of cases, poisoning occurs during the self-medication of the mushrooms of the mushroom.

In case of poisoning, the symptoms begin to manifest themselves after an hour from its absorption. You can identify intoxication by such manifestations:

  • deterioration of organs of view, hallucinations;
  • spasm and cramps in muscles;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • instant diarrhea with blood discharge;
  • painful sensations in the abdomen;
  • the slowdown of cardiac rhythm less than 60 shots per minute.

If you do not come to the aid of the victim from the poisoning by the mad, then after 6 o'clock the state will deteriorate significantly. Apathy to the surrounding reality appears, the person is constantly cloneing into sleep, a jaundice shade appears on the skin and the proteins of the eye, the breathing becomes difficult, the pressure drops and the heartbeat barely is barerous, the pulse approaches the filamentous. The longer after poisoning the mushroom, the patient does not show the symptoms of the amanome poisoning, the harder the consequences for the body will leave after itself intoxication.

The degree of impact of intoxication per person

It all depends on the state of health, the complex, the amount of consumed mushroom. If a person has previously subjected to his psyche with the effects of psychotropic substances, then the poisoning of mushrooms will be more intensively. The same applies to a person with a weakened health. Suction of toxins in the patient will be held in accelerated mode, unlike healthy. For a fatal outcome, a healthy person is enough for 10 poisonous amansor.

With initial signs of intoxication, immediately apply to ambulance. It will not work independently to cure the consequences of intoxication. One can only provide a predetermined aid to the poisoned.

What to do with poisoning

To facilitate the consequences of intoxication, a poisoning person must be given to drink water, a volume of at least liter. If the poisoning occurred in an adult, then it is necessary to cause vomiting. Wash the stomach poisoned until the water from the stomach is pure, without extraneous particles. For a child, this method is not suitable. Washing the stomach to the child should make exclusively employees of a medical institution using the probe.

After the procedure for washing the stomach, the victim gives medicines with absorbing effect. The most common and inexpensive drug from sorbents is activated carbon. It is given 1 tablet for every 10 kg of weight. Its action preparations with absorbing effect will help remove part of the negative impact.

With the subsequent provision of domanticine assistance, the intestine is washed with signs of poisoning. An adult man makes the belly into the rectum and pour up to 2 liters of water. For a child, the volume of the enema will be 1 liter. It should be borne in mind that water for the enema is worth the room temperature of 22-25 degrees. If the water temperature is high, then warm water will contribute to the acceleration of the absorption time toxins into the blood.

With pain in the abdomen, the instant to the anti-poisoning is allowed antispasmodics to remove spasms in the stomach.

In case of late treatment of poisoning or not to appeal to medical care, heart and respiratory failure can develop, which can lead to a person or serious consequences for the death of a person, leaving a person with disabilities.

It is worth considering that even with a light degree of poisoning and inpatient treatment, the relief of the symptoms of poisoning begins only after 6-7 days after the first day of poisoning. If poisoning passed into a serious stage, its treatment can be strongly delayed and eventually affect the patient's health.

The most common diseases, as the outcome of the poisoning of the mad, are:

  • disease of the sexual system and urinary tract;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the work of the liver and pancreas gives failures;
  • allergy is manifested;
  • diabetes occurs.

To minimize the consequences of poisoning, you need to know exactly how to provide the first assistance to the victim from the poisoning by the madman.

If a person loves to collect mushrooms, then it is worth clear what you can collect and what it is impossible. Often edible and poisonous mushroom have striking similarity with minimal difference, which can recognize only an expert. When collecting the fundamental rule becomes: if not sure in edible, it is better not to take. In the event of a collection of mushrooms, it is better to miss a dozen doubtful, but keep your health and loved ones.

For the treatment of any diseases, you should trust the doctors who are learning not one year in medical higher educational institutions, and not a yellow press and gossip familiar. It is better to visit several doctors and gain consultation on the treatment of a disease in competent people than to believe in the miraculous power of a poisonous mushroom and impose irreparable harm to your health.

Researchers find traces of a red mumor in different parts of the world. For example, one of the African tribes is specifically growing an amicer for food, and the mythical Indoarian drink of the gods - catfish was most likely prepared from the mumor.

Fashionable Figure "Man-Amanita" found on Chukotka

In Speghometh, the rock paintings of mushrooms were found on Chukotka. Northern shamans used red amanita in their ceremonies to enter the special state of consciousness under the trance rhythm of the tambourine. The ancients knew about the property of the amamor to restore and multiply physical and spiritual power. Their vision allowed to look into the depths of the world.

Siberian shamans used a unique method of cleaning and distillation using their own body as a filter. So the first used amanita took all the consequences of side effects on herself, others drank it to urine, which already contained enteogens in its pure form. It is difficult to imagine how long this chain could continue.

Amanita in Scandinavia. In the median ages of Vikings feared the whole world, for among them there were fearless warriors - berserkers, there are an unconfirmed opinion that they used a special potion before the battle, one of whose ingredients was red amanita. In battle, they were full of rage and unusually strong, did not experience fear and did not feel pain. Berriskers could not stop until the last enemy falls dead, and after the fight immersed in a long hard dream.

Why do you want to try?

If you are going on idle interest, it is better not to try to simply fate and abandon this venture. If there is a good reason - this is your right. Any food affects consciousness, because the absorbed always becomes part of the absorbing. The ancient about it knows, therefore they say that parts determine the whole. Each plant has its own purpose. As a person has a soul, so plants and animals have it, only they have Mannas (soul) common for each type. In nature, there is an interesting feature when a separate animal acquires a new skill, the next generations of this species will already appear to light with this skill. Their overall soul in aggregate is something personal. And when you come into contact with it, you merge into one. Man who used the red amanita connects his soul. Such a transcendental experience can be very cool to influence the further perception of man itself and the world around. If the contact is made regularly, the internal struggle begins to occur. Subsequently, the confrontation of the personality of the Amanita displaces the personality of man, and he himself becomes "mushroom", although it looks like a person.

A fully dried mumor hat can be eaten an empty stomach - there is a better gradual, half of one hat once every 30/60 minutes. How much is needed for optimal effect? Each individually, I would recommend starting from the 1st medium hat, dividing it into 3 parts and consumed in an hour. The effect comes quickly in the form of cheerfulness, then can be applied, after a couple of hours it acts in all its glory.

The effect lasts more than 5 hours, the muscimol is similar to the mescalene, so nausea and long overclocking is normal. Safe dosage for the use of a red ammoroman - 1 medium hat, approximately 2 grams. Further feeling if you can digest more, dare, write in the comments as sensations. There is no sense of the legs. Top with a hat can also be cut for fast drying.

How best? Eat the floor with a hat / hat, after 2 hours 2 drink a decoction (throw in boiling water, cook 10 minutes on a weak heat) Fresh dried amanomes are stronger than half a year later they are already weaker. For normal acquaintance 6 gram need to. Once it is better not to use.

The current components of the amansor of red

Here we will only give the most important elements. Important psychotropic components in the Red Mumor is: Ibotenic acid, which is converted during drying in Muscimol and Musad, and such an enteogen as muscarine, which is contained in very insignificant Catholicism (similar to Mescalin from Cactus Peyote). The moon also contains a mediator serotonin, which stimulates nervous activity. Other actively active substances are muscafurin, choline and trimethylamine, which are especially valued in oncology.

Medical properties

Amanita The most famous childhood mushroom, he often depicts an evil character of children's games. Children were taught that this mushroom is very poisonous. Everyone knows that it is impossible to use a red amanita to food. And there is a proportion of truth in this, for a negligent, or even disrespectful attitude towards the Moid can lead to sad consequences. On the other hand, the amanita man can help. This mushroom can be safely called panacea from many diseases. Amanita has an anesthetic, hemostatic, antibacterial, immunostimulating and healing effect. Folk Medicine applies red amanita as a means against worms, for the treatment of colds, angina, epilepsy, spasms and diseases of the spinal cord. Based on the components of the muman, you can make a sleeping pill. Amanita is used in the treatment of oncological diseases as tuberculosis of light and cancer. The fungus is used in the treatment of thyroid diseases, prostate gland, diabetes, decay of forces and overwork, and this is not a complete list of amazing properties of the amamor.

Preparation for use

For a start, you need to buy or assemble the hats in the forest (the legs are not needed). We do not recommend collecting a worm mushroom in the industrial zone, we also do not advise you to take a Pantic Motherwhere, which is more stronger than usual. Take only the whole healthy mushrooms. Upon returning home, cut the plates from the bottom of the caps, they are also not needed. Then dry the hats in a well-ventilated room prior to readiness. Dry better in vivo. Note that the longer mushrooms are stored, the weaker the effect becomes, so after half a year the action will become noticeably worse.

Opportunities and consequences of application

The effect of the mumor strongly depends on the adopted dose and individual characteristics of a separate person. Average dose is considered 15 grams or 5 small caps that best take gradually. With a small dose, a person may experience the strength, euphoria and clarity of the mind. With medium, visual hallucinations appear, but nevertheless, a person can adequately respond and respond to questions. With a big dose, a person becomes inadequate, for he himself remains in another world. Moreover, the body can show activity. After a hard journey often comes the same heavy and long sleep. To strengthen the agarorary trip, you can smoke cannabis or sage (sage under the madness acts not 5 minutes and 15-20 minutes, be careful, From such a dissociative state, do not exit until the effect of the effect will be weakened).

The use of a red ammoroman in order to get a mystical experience is quite a dangerous thing, too much dosage can lead to a fatal outcome. It is also not recommended to use raw mugs, as Ibotenic acid can cause vomiting, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, strengthened saliva and sweat and other very unpleasant things. Before use of the Red Moon, realize that you are fully responsible for any possible consequences. Next, we will give several ways to use a mumor in psychotropic purposes:

  • Amanita in Sukhkyyky. Carefully dried mumor caps eat driving a small amount of water.
  • Amanita in a coffee grinder. Dried hats crushed in a coffee grinder, then pour warm water and drink.
  • Anso-tea. It is good to crumple dry hats and put in a kettle with water, then slaughter a little on a slow heat, after - strain. Tea is ready!

% 0a.

Time of action

The action of the Mumor begins to be felt 20 minutes after adoption, gaining "overclocking" for 2 hours, the total time of action is about 5 hours, the effect is present within a few days in the form of an increased tone.

(unverified information - for better effect to use urine the next day)


In nature there are no poisonous plants, including mushrooms, there is only incorrect cooked. Next, we offer several recipes:

  • Men's tincture It is used both externally and internally. Thus preparing: the mushrooms are folded into the glass container and are placed in a dark place, you can press the press on top. The juice gathered in the bank is diluted with vodka or alcohol in a 1: 1 ratio. Insist no less than a month in a dark, dry and cool place, then filter. The dosage of tincture is purely individual, from several drops to 30.
  • Ointment of mumor Well helps with pain in the joints. A fresh mushroom hat is triturated well and mixed with sour cream, then in gauze and applied to the sore joint. Or dried ammother's hats are crushed into powder and mix with vaseline, natural fat or oil.

Cooking as a meal

(without psychedelic effect)


It should be remembered that this mushroom can be dangerous. With a strong poisoning, an anthem need to provoke a vomit reflex and quickly cause ambulance. It is impossible to use a tincture or ointment on an open wound. It is not recommended to apply pregnant and children. Individual intolerance. During cooking, we do not advise you to use metal dishes.

  • Olard Dickson - Mystery of the Motherland. The book is a scientific study of the role of a red muman in the ritual practice of Siberian shamans.

Report on the use of a mumor in shamanic practices, a lecture from the TransPersonal Congress "Revolution of Consciousness".