Repairs Design Furniture

Solvent for removing parquet varnish. Ways to remove varnish from parquet. How to remove the varnish from the tree - a gentle way

In this article you will see on the example step-by-step instructions Restoration of parquet do it yourself. Learn which tools can be applied to restoration at home. Clear some secrets and nuances of this process.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding to work, it is necessary to free the room from furniture, if possible, remove the plinth, wash the floor, prepare the whole required tool and materials. If you have wooden plinths, you may want to install plastic. How to do this can be from the article "How to mount a plastic plinth". Charge a good mood, patience and break to work!

Cyclishing - tool selection

First you need to remove the old varnish.

At home, you can use a drill or "Bulgarian". I recommend to choose a grinder, since the drill, as if exactly you did not hold it, leaves the pit. We bought a special grinder, the so-called angular grinding with revolutions. It is put on it special nozzle With Lipcro standard diameter (Bought additionally), on which circles of sandpaper of different grain grain are attached.

In order to maximally remove the old layer of varnish, we used Abrasive No. 40. Before starting work, be sure to wear a mask or respirator and special safety glasses, as many parquet dust will be formed.

A small advice: collect sawdust with parts, having done a small plot of work. So it will be easier to collect them.

Old varnish from the parquet is filmed at least twice. The second (third) times to process parquet use sandpaper P180 paper.

Grinding works, tricks and nuances, work with cracks

The next step restoration of the parquet is performed using vibromanphmashin. In the construction store purchased the blanks of sandpaper under the size of the machine. But you can buy paper and on a honey, cut off as much as necessary. Let's refuel the blanks in the grinding and begin to grind. We use abrasive with the smallest graininess. At this stage of work, parquet sawdust collect in a separate paper package, they will be more useful for us.

Now it's time to get rid of the gaps between the boards. Here we will need sawdust. Pour a small slide onto the floor and fill with a putty for the parquet. Pretty stirring, using a wide spatula. The resulting composition should be thick as sour cream. Gently fill the gap.

Let dry. The remnants of the putty remove the vibration grinder.

A few more words wanted to pay a putty. You can choose a putty in the color of the parquet, the so-called parquet paste. And fill it with cracks. But I do not advise this, since it's not guessing with color, a very small color scheme. Use the sawdust method. They will give a shade to the usual putty, which you need.

Now, it would seem, you can also begin the main stage of lacquer. Do not hurry! The fact is that the putty will fall a little. And if you had a slit more than 2mm, I recommend repeating the procedure for filling the slots in places where you find the shrinkage. But in this case, you can mix the sawdust with varnish so that the color of the filled slots coincides with the color of the parquet. Give dry. And again residue remove grinders.

Parquet Parquet

So the final stage of our work came. Wet cloth collect parquet dust remnants. Let him dry well. On dry parquet, we apply the first layer of varnish, pre-diluted with a special solvent for varnish. Such a procedure is performed in order for the lacquer to be a more liquid consistency and well absorbed into the pores of the tree. The proportion is as follows: by 2.5 kg of varnish a 200 ml of solvent.

For application, use a special brush for varnish. You can use and roller, but note that the flow rate of the varnish will be greater. The first layer dries faster, as well penetrates the updated tree. The second layer of varnish is not diluted. Let dry. There will be more time to dry out. Further, see the situation. We also applied the third layer, as they wanted to achieve a glossy effect.

I also want to inform about one nuance, who concerns varnish. When you prepare a parquet to paint, you will see a natural color of the tree. To give a small shade of parquet, we used a pigment that was added to a conventional colorless varnish. The process of mixing the pigment with varnish passed in a construction store on special equipment. I share this information, because not everyone knows about such pigments for varnish.

I will explain why I pay attention to it. When we decided to cover the parquet in the dressing room, such a situation happened to us. Narca on the parquet was not originally, so we decided to take advantage of the lacquer paint, pick up the shade under the color of the main parquet in the room. With the help of a consultant in the store on the tablet with color gamut Chose the desired color. And they were shocked by the result.

You can see this miracle color in the photo. Parquet turned out to be at all like that color, which was presented in the palette. And differed not even on the tone, but on color. The shine was completely absent. Therefore, be careful when using such varnishes.

Very time-consuming work has been done. But looking at the result, the soul rejoices. Who will decide to restore the parquet with their own hands, I wish you a huge good luck.

By big account, from vintage interior items get rid of their unsightly appearance - in the fortress they are capable of surpassing even the most new furniture. Information on how to remove the lacquer from the tree is able to save many instances old furniture From pebbing on garbage dumps.

Means for removing varnish from a tree - in search of universal ...

And there is Lie universal way Get rid of the fallen coating that came to an unsuitable type? In order to do not see you with illusions, they will immediately respond - there is no such method, except to consider such a complex and troublesome method of cyclishing. However, it is not applicable to each surface.

Different furniture is processed by different varnishes on completely different bases.. Vintage furniture can be covered with alcohol compositions, shellac (resin natural origin), modern furniture - quick-drying varnishes with complex chemical formulas. Under each composition it is necessary to select your solvent to achieve the best result and not harm wood.

It should be immediately noted that trying to remove patent surface on the modern furniture From the chipboard is equivalent to her mortal sentence. Together with a layer of varnish, you will remove or significantly damage the decorative layer, repeating this or that texture. You can remove the varnish with a wooden surface, without fearing to expose wood. Be prepared for long and painstaking work, it is possible that you will need several approaches. The main thing is not to overdo it and not damage the material itself.

How to remove the varnish from the tree - a gentle way

When we are talking On how to remove the lacquer with wooden rare furniture or other lacquered objects, the coating processing is the coating of a chemical composition, the so-called washes. It can act in its roles, both special liquids, gels or powders and universal solvents, such as acetone, which perfectly cope with ordinary varnish. If the shellac coating is better removed using denaturate.

For convenience and greater preservation, a professional climb for varnish from a tree is sold in the form of a powder that needs to be diluted with water, with the result that you will get a thick paste.

It should be applied to the surface that we want to extort. If possible, it should be in a vertical position - it is not only more convenient, but also better for the cleaning process itself. Such gels are capable of removing before! Sometimes a means for removing the lacquer from the tree is sold in the form of finished liquids. Such should be used when the layers of varnish are not much - no more than three, since the liquid dries faster and destroys, while the gel dries slower and corrosive less aggressively.

Washing for varnish from a tree - apply in the case!

In order to apply a liquid or gel on the surface, use a conventional brush. Work only in a ventilated room!

How to wash the lacquer with a tree - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Apply a wash

Welcome brush in washes and apply a good layer on the surface. We must try to lead a brush one way and do not spend the second time on the site already passed.

Step 2: Film

Recommended to enhance the action of the washes cover the surface polyethylene film - Make a kind of compress. It is necessary to wait from 40 minutes to 4 hours, depending on how many layers need to be removed. Explicit sign Effective washing effect - change its color to a brown or dark brown shade and extinguishing layers of varnish.

Step 3: Remove varnish

How to remove the softened varnish from the tree? To do this, you will need a regular spatula. If this new tool, he will surely be sharp angular edges - it is better to round them with grinding stoneSo that it was safer to work with a tree. Click on the lean surface must be carefully. It is possible that you cannot remove everything in one goal, in this case, the process can be repeated according to the second circle. Sometimes it is enough to walk on the surface of sandpaper to remove the residues of the lacquer.

Step 4: Neutralization of washes

Be sure after the completion of the work on the cleaning of the varnish, wash off the residues of the liquid with conventional water or dilute for these purposes on the floor-liter of water 100 ml of vinegar. Try to do this stage carefully, but at the same time quickly, so that the tree is not exposed to the exposure to moisture - after all it remains without protective coating. After washing thoroughly wipe the surface with a flannel rag and put the subject to a thoughtful place, but not under direct sun rays! As soon as the tree is completely dry, you can proceed to re-coating with varnish.

In addition to liquids and pastes, there are also sprays that are sold in the cans. When spraying, they form a layer of foam clinging for the surface. Such a solvent is more convenient to apply, but wash off it will be only thin coating layers.. You can use acetone as a solvent. To do this, make a compress from the fabric, abundantly moistened with this liquid and impose on those places that need stripping. From above, the compress also needs to be closed with a film and hold it on the surface at least 10 minutes. In any case, whatever solvent you have used, it is best to carry out such works in a well ventilated room.

How to remove the lacquer from the tree - the mechanical version

Option of cleaning the surface from the old coating layers by the method of cyclishing is the most affordable. True, the minus of this method is capable of overlapping all its advantages - cyclish will have long and with zeal. In fact, cyclishing is a slit of the layer with a special tool - cycles, which is a sharpened steel plate, which is attached on the handle at an angle to increase the pressure on the surface. Such a tool can be used how to buy and do, or use it a simple and unpaired substitute - glass fragment. True, glass will be blurtled fairly quickly, but it is unlikely to complain about the lack of this material. It is necessary to work with glass necessarily in gloves, otherwise the process can turn into serious cuts.

If the varnish layer is quite thin, it can also be removed by sandpaper, both manually and with a special tool - grinding machine. The machines in turn are divided into vibration, tape and eccentric. The cheapest (due to the simplicity of the design) - the vibratory type, and for grinding home furniture He is enough, as they say, with his head! The essence of the work machine is simple - Krepim on the "sole" emery ribbon. We need graininess (for removing the lacquer film - a graininess from 40p) and we conduct on the surface. Immediately warn you - there will be a lot of dust! However, the advantage of this method is that you immediately stick the surface, and in the view it will be much more neat than after cyclishing. It was a typewriter, and at least immediately!

How to remove lacquer with wood - dry hairdryer

Another optional removal option is thermal. For him also need additional tools, in this case - construction Fencapable of heating the surface to a temperature of 600 ° C or gas-burner. The usual hairdryer does not fit, even at the maximum temperature. If you are looking for fast wayHow to remove lacquer from a tree - it is him! But it is necessary to take into account that if the safety rules are not compared and technology, it can be dangerous for both the tree itself and for you - it is worth a little overdoing with the heating of the surface, and the lacquer can flare.

You need to work with two hands - one is holding a hairdryer and heated the surface, the second hand with a spatula scrape the falling coating. We work only in a ventilated room, with gloves on hand and protective glasses. In addition, not every composition will respond to heating - the surface may simply be charred, but there will be no peeling. In this case, it will help to wash.

Classic types of parquet floors usually have varnopy protective covering. It attaches wooden floors More attractiveness. Parquet varnish acts as an additional protection of wood from the influence of physical and mechanical loads during operation. Varnish for parquet has special compositionwhich causes its stability and operational duration. Over time, the coating will sweep, cracks, wipes. To return the first form to the floors, you will need to remove the old varnish from the parquet.

Remove the old varnish from parquet can be manually or using special equipment

Hire professional parquetrs to resolve the issue of restoration wooden floors? Not everyone has such an opportunity. Often everything rests on the price. Local restoration can be carried out independently, it is enough to purchase the necessary equipment and fresh parquet chemistry.

The large-scale recovery of the lacquer will require a pre-cycular or grinding. First you need to determine how many cycles correspond to a parquet article. The more decorative parquet, the less the number of cycles. With a thickness of the lamella 15 mm, the floor will withstand up to 5 cycles, 8 and less mm - no more than 2-3 times.

The cycle is produced special electric machinewhich can be bought, which is very burdensome, because the use of it at home is rare. It is better to rent it at a company that provides parking and repair services.

Cyclovka typewriter can be hire

Manual cycle method

You can remove the old varnish method to remove the old varnish. Again, the choice of the tool depends on the thickness of the wooden floor profile. The financial side of the question is also important as the volume of the planned work.

Remove the lacquer will help the usual sandpaper with a large abrasive. The event is a bit dusty, but quite efficient. Sandpaper Allows you to simultaneously remove the old protective layer and align the surface of the floors.

It is convenient to use the sandpaper with the local reconstruction of the varnishing: spots, cracks, chips, abrasion. The purified surface is treated with acetone, which will remove small particles of the scooped varnish. After that, the glue BF-6 is applied. The last stage is a re-wiping solvent.

BF-6 glue is an alcohol solution of a phenol-formaldehyde resin with polyvinylbutiral, softeners and plasticizers. It is not subject to rotting and corrosion, racks to the influence of the atmosphere, oils, gasoline, kerosene, mold, water and acids, less resistant to alkalis, alcohols, solvents.

Manual cycle is sold almost in any construction store. The tool is presented in the range of scraper width, handle lengths. Note that the work of manual cycles with a short handle is more tiring, but clean the parquet from the old varnish will be better.

Remove varnish can be a hand tool with sandpaper

This time-consuming process. Work requires accuracy and attentiveness, since when removing the varnish is cut upper layer Woods along wood fibers. Be sure to pay attention to the nature of the cut in the manufactured profile:

  • radial (annual rings are perpendicular to the surface of the plank);
  • tangential (the sectional plane passes on a tangent of the annual layer of the trunk);
  • mixed.

Cleaning wooden floors from the old varnish with their own hands is only half of the restoration work. After you need to apply primer (provide the best adhesion of the lacquer layer) and pass the surface of the wood. At the end, re-lacquered floors.

Unusual cycloyania tools

Clear parquet from the old varnish can be completely with your own hands, more precisely, with your feet. To do this, find a pair among our shoes on a flat sole and stick to the bottom of the sandpaper. The first "passage" must be made with Abrasive No. 40 (primary grinding), the second - with Abrasive No. 80 (Castovik).

Shake legs much easier than standing on the knees, manually controlled. Yes, and the procedure itself will pass carefully.

In some folk craftsmen, among other things, the tool can be found a sample manual cycleMade with your own hands from the remedies. Actually, there are other tools in the course, specially fitted for the task. For example, the iron rod has a cooled root edge.

The sharp end must be given the required form:

  • metal is heated to red;
  • slightly cool in natural conditions;
  • clamping into vice with a pipe;
  • the end is bend on the pipe with light, uniform blows of the hammer;
  • correct angle;
  • glowing;
  • craw is made outside bend.

It is easier to pass a manual cycle of parquet, if you apply the shkarakka adapted to this. The tool is prepared similarly to the converted edge of the plane.

Shkrakka - hand tool For non-mechanical cleaning used by ship repair and shipbuilders. They can be removed from the scale, break and remove rust, clean old paintDelete various pollution, including deep.

Instead of pre-school

Any attempts to clean the parquet floor of the varnish manually require maximum effort, care and accuracy. The complacence is that it is necessary to control the carpet cutting force all the time, follow the sharpness tool. Dust and dirt can not be avoided. Therefore, it will not hurt to use funds individual protection: Respiratory mask, gloves, glasses. However, the independent restoration of the outdoor wood coating It is possible and much cheaper than the services of parquetrs.

, it looks very attractive. But to maintain this attraction, parquet requires care. So, it is necessary to periodically remove the old varnish. At the same time, it is impossible to allow paintwork Empty completely. In such cases, the woods are trapped in the wood, which may finally destroy parquet.

How to remove lacquer from parquet: Preparatory work
To remove the lacquer from the parquet floor, you will have to polish it. In the process of grinding the lacquer is simply considered. If there are serious damage to, somehow traces of heels or drops of heavy items, then a layer of wood is cut before grinding. The floor is processed by a special drum machine. The thickness of the removable layer is small, most often it is about 3 mm. This allows you to remove damaged places and extend the life of parquet.

Grinding itself is performed using a special parquet grinding machine. Alternatively, it is possible to use a plane oarsal or tape-grinding. In any case, the operation of this technique will be accompanied by large quantity Dust and strong noise. To cope with dust, it is necessary to ensure ventilation. You can leave the included vacuum cleaner in the room, which takes part of the dust. The operator of the grinding machine should use personal protective equipment for the eyes and nose.

To prepare the floor to grinding, it is necessary to remove all pollution and sharpen the slots and joints parquet boards Special parquet putty. This stage is very important if the gender is then covered with a solvent varnish. You need to choose the following requirements. It should be distinguished by good adhesion, not to change the color of the parquet and leave the layer is not thicker than 1 millimeter, and also sprinkle well. When putty dries, you can grind.

How to remove lacquer with Paul: Grinding Stage
The grinding process is very laborious, since it is necessary to carefully process each millimeter parquet. As for the angles, gender under pipes and batteries and others hard to reach places, they are polished by a special tool. But without it, you can do if there is a cycle. The room at 9 square meters may require 2-3 days of work.

At the beginning of grinding, the grinding is filled with abrasive number 40. Then the engine starts, and the operator carries out the car around the room perimeter. The speed rotation of the drum should be sufficient for treatment of the floor. Each page of the parquet must be held in both directions.
To grinding the highest possible, you must first get a room diagonally, and then grind parquet in the direction of laying plates.

During the work, the abrasive material will need to be updated. Coarse abrasives are replaced by abrasive with smaller grain size until the parquet will become smooth to the touch, and the drops between the boards are not leveled.

Wooden floors are often covered with special protective equipment (most often polyurethane or acrylic varnishes) that form a beautiful matte or glossy film. The surface of such a floor becomes elastic, durable, resistant to abrasion and formation of scratches. However, it is sometimes worth updating the coating so that it increases performance features Tree. Especially since the lacquer dries, how many layers are neither apparent quickly (1-2 hours). And for this you have to remove (rinse) the protective layer of varnish from the floor.

About how the application of the acrylic means is happening and the technology of its removal is consistent before the next coating, we understand below.

Important: Ruff acrylic varnish from a wooden surface before applying a new coating layer. Otherwise too a large number of A layer of a protective material that dries quickly, simply swell over time and tears with ugly slices.

Lacquet Removal: Methods

The most new and more simple way The removal of the lacquer coating is its washing. Especially since the price of the means starts from $ 3 per 1 kg. Acrylic coating technology is to apply wooden surface Special chemical agentwhich corps the varnish and lifts it from the tree.

In modern stores, you can purchase chemical washes in the form of powder, creamy paste or finished liquid, the use of which today is sufficiently distributed. In the first case, it is necessary to mix the components of the tool in accordance with the instructions specified on the package. In other embodiments (cream or liquid composition), the washing is ready for use.

Lacquer removal technology, or how to wash out the old coating:

  • We prepare a chemical wash with a method for thorough mixing;
  • We remove all furniture items from the room;
  • Apply chemical composition comfortable brush or floor roller;
  • Processed coating cover with film and wait 1-2 hours;
  • Now you can neatly, do not hurt wood, remove the old varnish acrylic coating. If the floor will remain on the floor, the unwinding seats will remain, you can once again handle the floor with a wash.
  • When working with a brush or roller, it is important that the tools move in one direction and have not been treated twice the same section of the floor.

Important: One application of a chemical means to remove a varnish can cope with 2-3 layers of coating. At the same time, the powder preparations are overcome up to 10 layers of acrylic varnish. The flow rate of the powder chemical washing is equal to mixing 1 to 10. What is very profitable.

  • When the old coating layer is removed, the floor must be rinsed with water with detergent And thoroughly dry the tree.
  • Before applying a new varnishing agent, a floor should be covered with a layer of antisitic primer. How many layers of antiseptic to apply, solve you. But it is better at least 2 times. Brushes or roller, primer will subsequently protect the tree from rotting, mold and bugs.

Several tips:

  • In working with the use and use of chemical cleaning for the removal of the LKM, use spatula with rounded edges. So you will reduce the risk of damage to the carpet boards. You can purchase such an inset in a specialized store (its price is 0.3 $ PC.).
  • Do not forget O. protective facilities - Mask and gloves. Their price is also available in specialized stores. Therefore, it is not worth saving on health.
  • Check the room more oftennot to poison chemistry volatile couples.

Mechanical removal of varnish

  • Remove acrylic lacquer with floor can also be a primitive cyclo. To do this, you can use either a grinding machine or a professional unit. In the first case, you can do the work independently, but it is necessary to use protective glasses, a respirator and headphones. Schlifmashin should be promoted on the floor from the walls to the room center and closer to the exit. All wood and varnishing dust subsequently remove the vacuum cleaner.
  • In the second case, it is better to invite specialists. Since the handling of a heavy cycles requires skills. The price of floor processing work will depend on the square, but on average ranges from $ 5 / m2.

If you decide to cope with the cyclum apparatus, then consider some features:

  • When you turn on the unit better lift, because grinding elements can deepen in the floor boards and ugly deform it;
  • When turning the car indoors, it is also recommended to raise a bit of the aggregate;
  • It is better to move around the perimeter first diagonally and only so that the grinding unit is slightly passed to the brass in the already processed strip. After it is worth changing the direction of the unit in the opposite direction diagonally.
  • Lacquer removal in this way can be carried out as in large roomsand small.

IMPORTANT: After processing the floor with a cyclical machine, it is necessary to remove the residues of dust (how much would it be) and repaired, if necessary, spoiled floor elements. Cover the tree with new layers of LKMs need a brush or roller, moving along the fiber tree.

Thermal method

Here, the technology for removing acrylic varnish is to heat the floor. Under the local exposure to high temperatures, the LKM will begin to swell and depart from the tree.

You can use for work or soldering lampor construction hairdryer. In the first case, work will move a little slower.

Important: To fulfill such technology, you need to stockpons, gloves, respirator and a rounded spatula. Do not forget to play the room well.

Technology performance:

  • Paul cooked with varnish, fully released from all furniture items;
  • The heating device locally increase the floor temperature;
  • Loofing lacquer immediately remove with a spatula, moving further around the room.

Important: If in the heating process, the varnish is charred, this suggests that its composition requires a chemical cleaning intervention for removal. Therefore, heat treatment here is not your case.

Floor varnishing in new

  • Application of new lacquer layers must be carried out only on the prepared floor. Therefore, you first have to dry the boards and clean them from dust.
  • Before applying a varnish with a brush or roller, a tree should be treated with an antiseptic. At the same time you need to ensure that the wood is well soaked.
  • After antiseptic Fully dried, you can begin to cover the floor with varnish. How many layers of coating are applied, solve themselves, but always at least 2.
  • Since the acrylic means will dry from 2 to 4 hours, then between the stages of varnish is worth it to withstand pause. As soon as the previous layer is dry, you can apply a new one.

The consumption of acrylic varnish for the wooden floor is mainly 100-120 ml / m2. Therefore, it is important to carefully calculate the amount of the necessary tool and buy it favorable price. At the same time, we note that the price of acrylic varnish is at the points of sales from $ 50 per canister 5 liters.

It is worth remembering that on average, the flow rate of varnish at first applies is about 1 liter by 8-10 m2. When re-applying, its consumption is significantly reduced and is already about 1 liter by 12-15 m2.

IMPORTANT: Reviews of work on the removal of varnish from many users are also indicated in the strand of chemical plates.