Repairs Design Furniture

How to cyclish wooden. How to perform a floor cycle. Step-by-step instruction. Manual Cycle for Parquet

Parquet is the most expensive and noble flooring. But even the highest quality wood and lacquer wear out. In most cases, it can be restored. Such works, though labor-intensives, but still cost cheaper than laying the floor again. The article will talk about how to cross the floor with your own hands and correctly cover with a new varnish.

Restoration of parquet or replacement for new?

The process itself, though time-consuming, but does not require special skills. To produce a flooring can be each, the main thing is to comply with the technological process.

Cyclishing implies the removal of the upper, damaged layer of wood. Depending on which the thickness of the parquet bar and on the degree of its wear, the stages of cycloration occurs from 5 and to 8.

Floor defects in which the cycle is impossible:

  • damage to the beetle-tree;
  • expanded planks, which is especially often after flooding;
  • distributed areas. So, with the width of the gaps between the straps more than 5 mm, even putty will be only a temporary measure. In a couple of months, this site is repeated again and will require another restoration;
  • there are serious damage. If they are only locally on a small number of planks, then at first these sites change to new and only then produce all the stages of the cyclovka, including the first, the coolest;
  • thickness less than 5 mm;
  • there is a fungus and mold.

The advantages of the yield of the old floor do it yourself:

  • there is no long process of removing the old coating;
  • only the masters can put a new parquet, but you can open the old one;
  • the ability to maintain though old, but valuable and noble flooring.

Tools for the floor cycle do it yourself

There are two main floor cycles methods: manual tools and special equipment. Tools are selected depending on which method is preferable.

  • Manual cycle. This is a wooden tool consisting of handle and non-smoked blade. With it, the upper layer of wood is removed, which is previously swollen with water. Of course, the process will be very slow and heavy. But when working there will be no noise, dust. And the cycle itself is inexpensive and accessible to everyone.
  • Speed \u200b\u200bup the process, but not to buy special equipment, you can with Bulgarianequipped with speed adjustment. But working as a tool that you have to keep weight, it is almost impossible to make a smooth horizontal surface. In addition, on the low speed of the Bulgarian will not cope with the thick layer of varnish and old wood, and on high - any incorrect movement will lead to jar, pits, etc.
  • Grinder machine - Special tool, it is big, hard and noisy works. But at a time you can perform a large volume, and make it qualitatively. Such equipment is given to the rental, and take it on the day will not cause much damage to the budget.
  • Working grinders, a lot of dust is formed. The household vacuum cleaner has insufficient power and when applied, the decorative coating can be corrupted due to dust impurities. Therefore, it is worth taking care of renting industrial vacuum cleaner.

Electrical Equipment for the flooring of the floor with their own hands

  • Ribbon parquet grinding machine. If there is a question how to conquer parquet floors without dust, then this machine is indispensable, since in the configuration there is always a bag for collecting sawdust. This expensive equipment is available in different power. The principle of operation laid a drum on which grinding paper dresses.
  • Parquet-grinding machine. Instead of drum, she has disks with interchangeable abrasives. Used for finishing grinding fine-grained skins.
  • PlaneCyl eye machine. It is intended for hard-to-reach places, in the people it is called "boot". It is recommended to choose models equipped with a bag for collecting dust. This is a completely affordable tool, on sale there are household models worth from 2500 rubles.

In addition to the equipment itself, many consumables will be required: grinding ribbons, knife or scissors, gloves, masks, etc.

The procedure for preparatory work for the selection of sex with their own hands

  • First of all, you need to remove all the furniture from the room. Some believe that it is easier to leave it and move it, as they perform a squad job. But in this case, it will have to rearrange at least 4 times, and it threatens scratches on the floor. Even if you move it through the air, it is not only very laborious and exhausting, but also not to avoid the formation of the "adhesive" - \u200b\u200bplots on which the level of grinding will differ.
  • Cyclishing is a pretty dusty process. Therefore, it is not necessary to pre-wash the floor, it is enough to spend enough or fit a large trash.
  • For the same reason, the room should be constantly open or windows to create the necessary air exchange.
  • For high-quality grinding of the entire floor, good lighting should be provided throughout the day.
  • When working with parquet-grinding equipment, you must take care that the traffic jams will withstand the load, which ranges from 15 amps.
  • The repair work of the floor before the cyclical may be required. If the parquet was mounted to the floor on the nails, their caps can damage the abrasive skirt on the drum. Therefore, at first they are clogged with a deepening of at least 5 mm, and the resulting pits are aligned with a putty on the tree. Before work, it must completely dry.
  • Also, for the convenience of work, all the plinths and thresholds dismantle.

  • A special danger is the wires laid on the floor along the walls or in the cable channels of the plinths. If it is impossible to disable and remove, it is recommended to glue the wires on the paper malarious tape against the wall. It will keep them firmly, and when dugs, it will not harm even freshly stamped walls or wallpaper.
  • An important moment and the degree of noise of the works. It is possible to perform the cyclove with grinding equipment on weekdays during working hours. The weekend and evening can be used only if you enlist the consent of the neighbors in advance, especially those living below.

Hand-sized floor with their own hands

To make it easier to work, it is important to buy the CCCCCCC:

  • acquire the tool better in specialized stores, it guarantees the quality of the steel blades and the degree of it sharpening;
  • it is more convenient to work cycles, which has a wider and short handle;
  • the optimal width of the blade is 5 cm.

Stages of work

  • The floor is well moisturized with water.
  • When working there will be a lot of sawdust with pieces of old varnish, so a respiratory mask dresses on the face.
  • For the convenience of work, the floor is visually divided into stripes.
  • The cycle starts from the center and gradually move to the wall.

  • The top layer is first removed along the fibers, and then across.
  • Since work is done manually, it is very important to remove smooth layers and completely eliminate the differences in height.
  • This process is long and will take several days even when working in a small room.
  • Then the parquet is grinding. To do this, use a grater with sandpaper. Circular movements The surface of the parquet is aligned to smooth all the irregularities that remained from the cyclovka.

Square floor without special video equipment

Algorithm for performing the work on the flooring of the floor by the machine way with their own hands

  • If the outlets in the apartment are not able to withstand the load of 15-16 amps, then the equipment is connected directly to the distribution panel in the entrance.
  • Paul cleaned from garbage, carry nails. If necessary, change individual planks.
  • Machine cycle implies several stages of treatment with skin grain from 24 to 120 r. It depends solely on the quality of the floor and is selected individually. Also, as in the case of a manual squabble, the floor is wetted with water from the sprayer.
  • First, grinding with a skin with a grainy of up to 40 R. This ensures that it will be completely removed, protective varnish, paint and top layer of wood. At the same stage, the differences in height and other irregularities are aligned. If they are present.
  • Works start from the center and circularity the whole area where equipment gets. Then all the complex places (under the battery, angles, etc.) pass a corner machine. It is possible that the most complex and inaccessible sections will have to grind manually.

  • Grinding stage has come. The drum dress up abrasive with a grain grain 60-80 r and also from the center throughout the area. The task of this phase is to level the possible scratches after coarse cleaning or removing the residues of the upper layer.

Tip: Passing a large strip area, each new occasion must be performed with a small adhesion to the previous one, so that there are no sites not passed.

  • At the restored flooring, small gaps, cracks, deepening and other shortcomings will inevitably remain. Therefore, the next stage will be their putty. To do this, it is better to use special wood mastic or car putty.
  • Now the drum dress the smallest abrasive - from 120 p and above. He smooth the putty. As a result, it turns out even and smooth coverage.

Floor squabble do it yourself video

How to cover the lacquer

Completely finishing the finishing grinding of the otkimnaya parquet, all the dust carefully clean and wipe the floor.

Tip: If the wood dust is removed by a household vacuum cleaner, the filter will be very quickly clogged and suction will become ineffective. Therefore, cleaning is made by either an industrial vacuum cleaner, or buy a replaceable filter and dust collector for domestic.

In total, 4 main methods of varnish on the floor covering are distinguished:

  • vellar roller. It distributes varnish uniformly, which is especially important if it is tinted. The pile is recommended to choose a short - 4-5 mm. For a uniform string, the varnish is first applied along and then across, performing cross-shaped movements. To work, the painting bath is required, which is poured a bit of varnish and when macania with roller, surplus is pressed. After the first layer, when it dries, it is required to produce a grinding of a fine-grained skin, as the roller raises the fibers of the wood;
  • painting brush. The most uniform application will turn out if working with a wide brush. It well distributes varnish on the surface, but also raises wood fibers. Therefore, after the first layer it is also grinding, it is desirable to choose the paper number 400-600 units.;

  • metal spatula. It is used if you need to apply a thick varnish. Think and sharp surface of the spatula will well distribute the composition and immediately cut all the fibers of wood that can rise. Therefore, the process is significantly reduced, since the need for additional grinding is disappeared;
  • kraskopult. This method is undoubtedly the best. The speed and quality of the applied layer will not be compared with the handmade work of the brush or roller. The varnish fall uniformly, it is fine, which allows you to make 3 layers with the same composition consumption as the brush 2 layers. Each subsequent layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one.

Applying parquet varnish with your own hands. Stages of work

  • First, the gender is applied to the floor or tinting (if there is a transparent varnish). Drying is given 24 hours.
  • If at this stage, plank defects were discovered, then you can also sharpen them with a special parquet putty. But to achieve perfect coincidence with the color of the repair composition will have to be made independently. Special fluids for tinted mixtures are sold in construction stores, they are mixed with a dust fraction to the plasticine consistency.

  • After soaring the putty, these places are grinding and are carefully divert.
  • The first parquet varnish layer is made as thin. Even a quick-drying composition is required to give a time for at least a day drying.
  • The surface is carefully examined if there is a roughness from raised wood fibers, the floor is grinding to perfect smoothness. For speed, grinding can be made of a ribbon grinder. At the end of the work, the floor rubs from dust.
  • Next apply the second and third layer of varnish. Interval after each application for at least 24 hours.
  • For complete drying and polymerization of varnish, it will take at least a week, and only after this period, you can walk and put furniture.

Tip: Often, after applying and drying parquet varnish, there is a feeling of stickiness. To get rid of it, it is enough to wipe the floor with soapy solution.

  • It is also worth adding that the number of layers of varnish also depends on the characteristics of the wood. If the parquet is made of soft breeds - pines, birch or if, they are applied 2 layers, if from solid, such as larch or oak, then 2 layers are enough.

Parquet varnishing defects and their causes and elimination

  • Varnish does not dry and continues to be sticky. Major reasons: Too low temperature in the room, there is no ventilation, the cold base of the floor, the poor-quality hardener in a two-component varnish or its amount is not enough, the old mastic is removed during the preparation of the floor. In the latter case, the output is only one - re-cyclish. If the reason for any other is the above listed, it is sufficient to increase the temperature in the room or to ventilate it well.
  • Slops of white color. The reason lies in the aggregate of high humidity in the room and too cold lacquer. To eliminate the floor, you need to heat the floor (ideally turn on the warm floors or to send a heat gun to problem spaces). When the floor warms up, the solvent is removed in the influx and apply a fresh layer of varnish.
  • Lacquer bundle. The reason for the lacquer detachment can be a poorly washed tool when applied by subsequent coating layers, poor grinding, poor-quality dedustation after grinding or incompatibility of solutions. If small sections were injured, they are manually sandwiched, polished and lacked. But it happens that the detachals appear largely throughout the floor, only a new cyclove will help here.
  • The appearance of small bloats. The cause of the formation of bubbles becomes too thick layer of varnish, too low the temperature of the applied composition, the direct effect of sunlight during polymerization. To eliminate the surface is grinding to remove the varnish and apply again, excluding all errors.

  • Wrinkling of the lacquer layer. This error most often occurs when it is too fast to apply the layers when the previous one does not give enough time to dry. Also, there are compositions of varnishes that most often form wrinkles are a composition based on oil artificial resins. The defect is eliminated only when it is large-scale location. The varnish is completely acclaimed from the entire floor area and is applied new.

Parquet Update Options without Cyclovka

In some cases, single floor defects can be corrected without a cyclical. For work, the following tools and materials will be required:

  • varnish. It may be alkyd, epoxy, acrylic or water based. The main thing is that it be stable and abrasion;
  • putty composition in the tone of the floor of the floor;
  • putty knife;
  • line;
  • a hammer;
  • rule hook to patch the planks;
  • awl.

Stages of work

  • Imitation joints. After putty, a smooth coating is created. Therefore, it is necessary to imitate the joint of the planks so that the floor looks harmoniously. It should be waited for a putty slightly hardened, but not completely. After that, they apply a ruler and a seboard carried out, continuing the docking line of the planks.
  • How to close scratches on the floor. Here you can not do without a manual cycle. With its help, the scratch or chip is cleaned by the desired depth. From the processed area, we remove the pod and a damp cloth very carefully remove all the dust. When everything dies, this place is covered under the color of the parquet. Usually, at the same stage, it is necessary to make false joints above the method described. When the spacure finally freezes, it is shusing and covered with varnish in 2-3 layers.
  • Removal of small scratches. If they are superficial and scratched only decorative varnish, then it is possible to fix with a special wax pencil.

  • How to remove wide gaps between planks. They appear over time when the parquet starts to disappear. This will require a construction hairdryer. All planks are fastened with mastic, and if they heat them, this mastic becomes militant. Heating is made until a sharp smell feel. Then the hook is drawn to the bar and tapping with the hammer, it is moved close to the extreme. And so come with all the straps in the row. As a result, at the very end there is one big gap. If its width is sufficient, then the insertion of the tree is placed in it and the putty is put on top. If too narrow, then simply the clearance is filled with a spike composition. Then also grinds and varnished.

Wood floor - it is beautiful and convenient. But this element needs proper care and processing. To reduce the cost of construction or repair, you need to try to perform the maximum possible number of building processes yourself. Wooden flooring with your own hands is a feasible task that will reduce the budget of the construction or repair of your own home.

Preparation for work

Like any building process, wood treatment requires preparation. Before proceeding with active actions, you need to prepare the necessary tool. This category includes:

Disk and ribbon machinery for flooring

  • grinder machine;
  • replaceable skins tapes and disks for equipment;
  • an extension that will allow unhindered to process the electric tool even remote room angles;
  • building vacuum cleaner, which will remove dust after the processing is completed.

Tip! Better when performing work, put clean socks on the feet. Walking according to the processed floor in shoes is extremely not recommended.

Grinding machines are different, it all depends on their destination. For high-quality processing, it is better to take the equipment for rent, it will allow you to use a good tool without excess costs.

Wooden floor cycle requires the following grinding machines:

  • drum for rough stripping;
  • flat grinding for finishing grinding;
  • corches for hard-to-reach places and angles.

When renting equipment, it is important to remember not only about its value, but also include in the budget and take money on making a collateral.

The amount can be 10-30 thousand rubles, so its presence is better taken care of in advance so that there are no problems later. Money will be returned after the equipment will be handed over to the owner.

During preparation, it is also important to make sure in good condition of posting in the apartment. During work, a high load on the electrical networks will be created, which can cause damage. If the electricity wiring in the house was performed according to the "Triangle" scheme during damage to the wiring in the apartment, the problem will arise not only at its owner, but also in the neighbors.

Neighbors should be warned about the repair for another reason - excessive level of noise. It is important to remember the law that regulates the clock during which repair work can be carried out. For each administrative district of the country, this watch is different, so it is better to study their rights in advance.

Safety technique

Wooden floor cycle is a responsible process. It is important to remember that the work is conducted by special equipment, which may be dangerous for a person with improper treatment. To avoid trouble, it is recommended to take into account the following recommendations:

It is not necessary to put pressure on the tool while working not to create deepening in boards
  1. Cyclishing should occur in a tightly closed room. It is necessary to isolate other rooms to prevent the construction garbage, dirt and dust from entering them.
  2. Sweet parts, hair and other parts of the body and clothing can easily get into the mechanism, lead to his breakdown and injury. It is important before starting work to choose a convenient special, which does not constrain movements and does not represent the danger when performing floor treatment.
  3. No need to enhance the tool in the processing process. Under pressure (especially uneven) in the boards, recesses are formed.
  4. It is important to monitor the wire connected to the network there is a danger of its hit under the grinding machine. If it happened, you need to turn off the device from the network immediately and replace the extension. Performance of work with a damaged power supply wire is a high danger to life and unacceptable.

Upon compliance with the safety of problems with the performance of work, it should not arise.

Floor cycle technology

Wooden floor cycles are carried out in order to eliminate its irregularities. It is important to remember, the squabble is always performed along the fibers of wood.

1 stage of the floor cycle

That is, for a simple wooden floor, it should be produced along the flooring boards. In the case of parquet, everything is much more complicated, here you need to take into account its drawing. In many cases, the masters are used small angular glasses or manual processing, since other options are impossible.

2 phase of floor cycle
  1. Furniture is removed from the room, the floor is cleaned of dirt and dust (Carefully wash and vacuuming).
  2. To work, take a drum grinding machine with a large skin. In the quality of the abrasive element, the nozzles under the rooms are 35-40. Perform a rough stripping. Even for coarse grinding, it is impossible to direct the machine across the fibers of the material, so the processing lead along the flooring boards. Work starts from the very far corner, gradually moving to the most prominent and passable places.
  3. In the process of work in the dust cleaner, dust accumulates.It is important to take care of the timely removal.
  4. Next, proceed to remove varnish in hard-to-reach places. To do this, you will need a corner-gland tool that will allow you to process corners and niches. Work is performed by smooth movements. The direction of processing is to the wall.
  5. Further, a plane grinding machine is entering the work. For it, a disk with a small-grained skin for finishing coating is used. Work is performed according to the same scheme as before.
  6. After completing the finishing grinding, it is necessary to prepare the composition for the surfaces of the surface. There are two options for obtaining the desired color. The first is the easiest. In advance in the store you need to buy a mixture to perform the work of the desired color, and after grinding it is just to dissolve it with water. The second option will save. A regular putty is purchased in the store. To obtain the desired color, sawdust is introduced into its composition, which were obtained during cycle. On the preservation of sawdust you need to take care in advance.
  7. The composition is applied to the floor with a spatula. It is necessary to control the flatness of the layer, to prevent spots subsequently.
  8. After drying, the putty is again taken for the grinding machine. Now the abrasive disk with the rigidity number is 20-25. Remove excess putty.
  9. Using a roller with a long handle, varnish is applied to the surface and the time will wait until it dry.
  10. For final floor processing, you need to take a grinding disc with a rigidity number 8-10. Such an abrasive element will give the surface smoothness and removes woodpaths that rose during the work. The processing technology is the same as previously provided.

3 phase of the floor cycle

Wood floor processing usually does not cause problems. Another question if you need to cycle the parquet. With a complex surface figure, it is best to turn to professionals.

Natural wood floor is relevant always. Despite the abundance in the market of various innovative flooring, there are still many people not see an alternative to a proven wooden flooring. Even, despite the fact that it requires periodic care. And he, in turn, implies the fulfillment of certain events, one of which is a wooden-floor squaring.

Is the floor cyclical possible with their own hands possible? I guess, yes! However, first need to understand what will actually need to do. Under the cyclical floor, the operation is implied to the upper layer from the surface of the wooden floor. The reasons for performing such a work may be several, for example, the elimination of the irregularities that occurred in the process of performing the repair of the floor, which includes inserting new elements.

Note! In the process of removing the upper layer, cleaning the wooden surface from the old varnish, wax, oil, paint, or other contaminants is performed. In the same way, small chips are removed.

  1. Parquethelifing machine (PSHM), which is called "Cyclical Machine" in everyday life.
  2. A corner-gland machine or a manual cycle intended for surface processing in hard-to-reach places and corners.
  3. Abrasive material - sandpaper No. 40-120.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Putty for wood.
  6. A vacuum cleaner.
  7. Roller and brushes.

Attention! In everyday life, people are trying to easily facilitate their work process and use the Bulgarian. This assumes the presence of certain skills when applying this abrasive tool. Be careful!

So the cycel looks like to perform a hand-held wooden floor

For people without experience, it is better to take advantage of simple cycular devices, which still remain from the recent "Soviet" past. They are characterized by safety, low weight and availability of application. Professionals certainly use another technique. These are grinding machines, some of which are only intended for fine stripping, while others are only for deep.

Cyclical apparatus

The main area is cocked with the use of a drum cycular machine, visually similar to the lawn mower. Corners and edges are processed by an angular cyclical.

Important! Such specific equipment acquire does not make sense - the cyclove of the wooden floor does with their own hands produced infrequently. When it is necessary in these machines, you should contact the rental service, and it is better to agree on all the details in advance.

Wooden floor preparation for cycle

Before proceeding with the cyclove, it is necessary to estimate the condition of the wooden floor. Special attention should be paid to the flexing boards - the reference beams are possible. If a similar problem takes place, they are subject to replacement, like thin easily cleavage board.

The cyclove is preceded by a very thorough cleaning

After assessing the base, it is necessary:

  • Slend the floor with a vacuum cleaner and remove the protective coating layer (for example, mastics) with the help of washcloth and White Spirit.
  • Determine whether under the use of communication. If so, then the boards that provide access to wires or pipelines to secure brass screws.
  • Check the presence of nails if it is available, then the protruding caps with the help of a hammer and a brook drown.
  • Prepare wooden strips and trimming, which fill the gaps between the boards, pre-lubricating glue from both sides. After solidification of the glue, the protruding fate needs to be cleared. If there is a need, the repair elements are impregnated with a mourn.

After that, the shtlocking is performed, and then grinding with sandpaper.

Technology implementation and nuances of work

The cyclove should be made with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment: respirator, safety glasses, old clothes and a bathrobe. In the ears it is better to put cotton swabs or birushi. Before turning on the grinding machine, it is necessary to close the door, and the slots in the door frame are stuck insulating tape.

Attention! Even in a rental company, get acquainted with all the subtleties of work on the provided machine. For example, specify how the sandpaper is replaced.

First, large sandpaper is inserted into the drum of the squabble machine, and then the device itself is started - the work begins with the angle. To work, you must select the direction "diagonally", while you need to monitor so that each subsequent walkway wore a mustache with the previous one. The skyl in the adhesive gender implies a very careful attitude to the device: the sandpaper periodically needs to be replaced - in the process of work it is rushing and clogged with dust. In addition, a dust collector is subject to frequent cleaning.

It is necessary to produce a cycle

Since the cyclove consists of several approaches, each subsequent approach is performed perpendicular to the previous direction. Moreover, each stage imply the use of emery paper less grain. At the end of the cycle is performed by fine-grained paper in the direction parallel to the sexy boards.

In principle, the cyclovka process can be considered completed. It remains only to clean the surface of the renewed floor, as well as plinths, window and door frames. In the next 24 hours, sweep the floor is not needed to avoid excessive dust in the air. And then we produce final cleaning, treatment with White spirit and the opening of varnish. All, the new beautiful eco-friendly floor of the natural wood will continue to please you with beauty and pleasant sensations.

The floor made of natural wood will always be relevant, even despite the abundance of various innovative both on the world and in the Russian market. Many people do not recognize any alternative. And it does not matter that it requires periodic care and accurate circulation.

One of the "cosmetic" events that must be carried out is to be a cyclovka.

Is it possible to carry out a cyclion yourself? Sure! However, first of all, it is necessary to determine the course of work and that it generally represents. The gender usually understand the operation to remove the upper layer from the floor surface, which also implies cleaning from varnish, paint, wax or other contaminants.

The reasons for performing such a work may be many, for example, the elimination of the irregularities that occurred during the repair process.

Also read the materials:

Required tools

To exercise a cycle, you will need to get the following toolkit:

  • Scissors;
  • A vacuum cleaner;
  • Brushes and roller;
  • Emery paper No. 40-120;
  • Cyclical (parcel-glasses);
  • Manual cycle or a corner car.

Take yourself a note! There are very often people in everyday life, wanting to make her work easier, use the Bulgarian. However, to enjoy this tool, you need to have some skills. Be careful. For people, without experience, it is better to use one of the simple cycular devices, which is characterized by a low weight, accessibility of application and operation of operation.

So, usually the room is a room with a drum cleaning machine, which is similar in appearance with a lawn mower. At the same time, the edges and angles are processed by an angular cyclical.

But there is no point in acquiring similar equipment, since the cycle is not so often.

If it has arisen, it is enough to contact the rental service.

Wooden floor preparation for cycle

First, it is necessary to estimate the condition of the floor covering. Do the boards be defeated, is there a flaw in support beams? If a similar problem really originated, then the details failed should be replaced.

After that reason will be well reviewed and rated, follows:

  • Clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner and, using the White spirit and the washcloth, remove the protective coating layer (mastic, etc.);
  • If communications undergo under the floor, the boards under which the wires pass should be fixed with brass screws;
  • If some nails protrude from the floor, the sticking caps should be dried in wood with a bandwich and a hammer;
  • Prepare thin wooden rails that could be sealing formed in the floor of the gap. The rails need to be deceived from two sides with glue and drive into the hole, and after solidification of the glue, it is cleaned with the plates protruding. After it is worth performing shtkock and grinding the sandpaper.

Technology of performing cycle

When performing a squad jobs, take care of personal protective equipment: safety glasses, respirator, bathrobe or old clothing dense and fastened to the throat with fitting wrists. In the ears it is better to put the scarces or cotton swabs, since the volume of the working machine is dangerous for hearing. Improve everything from the room: furniture, pillows, tablecloths and carpets. The most dimensional items that cannot be deleted, envelop the plastic film, grabbing the skirmish ski.

Discover the window. Clay the insulating ribbon slot in the door frame and close the door before turning on the machine. Then insert the sandy paper into the boiler's drum and turn it on. Start the cyclion from the angle by choosing a diagonal direction. Carefully make sure that each subsequent slice walked shoulder with the previous one. Do not forget to periodically change the sandpaper, because in the process it rifles and erases. Clean the dust collector as needed.

The cycle consists of several approaches. Note that each subsequent is perpendicular to the previous one. Also at each stage will require paper less grainability. The final moment generally passes when using fine-grained paper, which you need to move parallel to the flooring. After it remains only to clean the surface, remove all the garbage. On the first day you should not sweep the floor so that the dust does not rise in the air. The general cleaning is best to spend on the second day, handle the floor of the White spirit and to cover with varnish.

Fellow floor

It makes no sense to use a flat aclement machine because it is not possible to make the floor perfectly smooth. Invalid movement across half of the flooring. Natural boobing board should not exceed two millimeters. Its radius must coincide with the radius of the grinding drum, otherwise the drum will enter the resonance and the result will be the likeness of the brake path for autolychachy before the checkpoint.

How to make a yield manually

For work manually you will need a cycle. This is a piece of clamp with a hook-shaped blade. To start the piece, it is necessary to heat the flame, bringing to the scarlet glow, and give a little cool in the air. After, together with the cutting pipe, the blade is clamped into vice and bend the hammer with light and smooth blows.

Then the blade should be straightened and harden: heat over fire, and then dip in water. Having removed the wedge from the outside of the bend, you make sharpening. It is possible to improve the performance of a manual cycle, if used as a cycle of a shkrakka. Usually this tool is used to stripping the seams in the boardwalk of small vessels.

To use akrakka for cyclishing, it is necessary to make it even its faces, bend, handle, sharpen.

Wooden Square (video)

Repair - work exhausting, dusty and noisy. It requires experience, the availability of special tools and time. Website in some cases recommends entrusting the cyclia professionals.

FROM obfore professional terminology, the concept of cycle belongs to the poperation of the wooden surface for cleaning it and alignment. Unlike grinding, floor cycle, namely, we will talk about the flooring of the floor in this article, this is a technological process for removing the old floor coating with its alignment. The concept of the wooden floor is the very concept of the repair of wooden floors and according to the technology of the sewage of the floor, its grinding and subsequent coating with protective varnishes or paints.

Manual and mechanical floor cycle

Wooden flooring is divided into manual and mechanical cycle. For mechanical seats, special machines are used. The main surface of the floor, the corners of the room with small grinding machines, are cumbersklite, and the cycles are carried out in completely hard-to-reach places, the cycles are carried out by manual cycles (scrapers).

Cyclumin, a priori, assumes the removal of a thick layer of a wooden surface, and the cyclove technology is used as a cardinal measure to remove the upper layer of wood, including layers of old varnish or paint, before the opening of the natural wood layer.

Wood floor cycle stages

We highlight the following steps of the floor cyclical:

  • Preparation of the room;
  • Survey of the surface;
  • Choosing between manual and mechanical cyclical;
  • Mechanical cycle;
  • Cycle in the corners and places of adjoining;
  • Room cleaning;
  • Sealing defects in the floor;
  • Floor coating varnish or paint.

Room preparation for cycle

  • For classical work from the room you need to make all the furniture;
  • If the plinth replacement is planned, the old plinth must be removed;
  • The surface of the walls on the width of one meter must be protected by cellophane;
  • For work, you will need a working electrical outlet or access to an electrical shield for connecting an electrical cycular machine.

Paul survey

  • Wooden parquet floor is examined on the integrity of the floor planks of their durable mount. If necessary, the broken planks of the parquet must be replaced.
  • Wooden boardwalk is examined for strength. All floorboards should be firmly fixed, not to fade and do not creak.
  • If the floor is covered with mastic, it is removed by White Spirit.

Wooden floor cycle in three stages

1. At the first stage of the cyclovka, the floor is processed by the squabble machine (machine cycle).

Machine cycle includes three phases of cyclovka. Each stage of machine cycular is carried out by sandpaper with different grainy. We begin to process the surface of sandpaper with large grain (No. 40), but are completed by the third handling of fine-grained emery paper (№120). Operations on the cycle are carried out with the door and the windows of the room, in protective glasses and the respirator.

  1. The cycular machine "rides" along the floor parallel stripes with a strip overlap of 5-6 cm.
  2. The second floor cycle is carried out with the change of the number of emery skins, in the direction of perpendicular to perovy cyclo.
  3. The last layer of treatment of a wooden floor surface is carried out by a fine-grained skin (№120), in the direction of laying floor boards.

2. Cyclical in the corners of the room. In the corners of the room and places of floor adjustment to the floor of the floor with a manual cycular typewriter.

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3. In hard-to-reach places: under the batteries, around the pipes, the floor is manual cycles.

The cyclove is completed with a thorough room cleaning (rooms) using a vacuum cleaner. The protective is applied from the walls.

Floor varnishing after cycle

Paul is packed the day after the cyclove. The gender is once again cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and wipes the White Spirit.