Repairs Design Furniture

How to clean the cutting board made of wood - Irzeis. Clean and disinfect the cutting board made of wood and plastic how to wash the cutting board plastic from black

Cutting boards are needed at each kitchen. We cut all the products on them, from vegetables to hard cheeses. We do not always have a separate board for each product group, and fruits and raw meat can be cut on one board. And although after each use, the board is washed, the result is not flawless. The usual soap and cleaning agent is not so effective as necessary. After a few years of use, the board almost completely fails. But do not rush to throw it away until you try original methods Cleaning.

1. Salt and lemon

This method is very well suited for cleaning wooden cutting boards. Low on the chalkboard a large salt, and then start rubbing her half of the lemon, squeezing the fruit so that the juice began to stand out. Thrite before formation on a gray liquid board. After the salt is dissolved, simply wash the residues of the mixture with water and wipe the surface dry.

2. Lemon juice

If there is no fresh lemon at hand, the recipe with salt can be changed by simply adding lemon juice from the bottle. Wipe the blackboard with a casket using a rigid sponge. If the contamination is very strong, leave the salt from salt and juice for a couple of hours. In this case, it is necessary to make a mixture thick enough, and salt in it should be more.

3. Vinegar

Vinegar perfectly helps to get rid of spots. You can use it in a pure form or water with water in proportions 1: 1. Vinegar not only cleans the board, but also kills bacteria. Fill a solution into a bottle with a spray bottle, and add to the board every time after use. Then wipe the hydrogen peroxide, and then simply wash the surface with running water.

4. Bleach

Bleach - most best tool For cleaning plastic boards. Fill the sink hot water And add a polyspan of a liquid bleach or white. Leave the board in the sink for 20-30 minutes, and then rinse well with soap water to remove traces of chemicals.

5. Food Soda

If the board began to smell badly, try to get rid of smell with a paste from water and food Soda. Make a thick cassea on the board, and leave it for a while. Rock soda and dry the board with a towel. An unpleasant smell must disappear.

6. Vaseline

Wooden boards should not be for a long time to leave in water, from this they are covered with ugly spots. And although they do not interfere with the use of the board, it will not work out for a prominent place. Just soda stain on a vacuine board and leave for 12 hours. After Vaseline is absorbed, erase the remnants and wash the board. Spots should aby.

7. Toothpaste

If the board has become with a rough time, you can polish it with a mixture of soda and toothpaste. Just choose the paste white color, not gel. Wipe the surface along the wood fibers. After wipe the board with a wet cloth and dry.

8. Ground apples or potatoes

Another an effective way eliminate nasty smell - cover the board with casica from grated apple or potatoes. Leave Cashitz for 10-15 minutes, and then just wash the water. The smell will become much better.

9. Microwave

Boards small size It can be disinfected in the microwave oven. The method is not suitable for thin plastic. Do not leave the board in the furnace more than one minute. You can pre-wipe the board with soap water and lemon.

10. Economic soap

Be sure to handle the board with thick foam after the raw meat cut on it. It is better to immediately apply foam, but only then wash off the blood traces with water. Wipe the board immediately after cutting so that the stains do not penetrate deep into the fibers of the wood.

11. Steel Sponge

In the most launched cases will have to contact mechanical method Cleaning. Steel sponge actually removes thin layer of wood, spending a stain. Do not resort to this method too often, but with some pollution without it can not do.

12. White Spirit

If the stain is too high, moisten the steel sponge in the White Spirit solution and spell well. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the chemical with soap solution. Dry the board on open airso that the couples are completely evaporated.

13. Vegetable oil

Another way to polish scratched boards. Mix 3/4 pieces of oil with 1/4 part of vinegar and polish the board. She should become smooth.

Any of these tips will greatly facilitate your cleaning in the kitchen. Try everything and choose the best!

To clean the wooden cutting board you must have:

  • Baking soda;
  • Lemon;
  • large salt;
  • vinegar;
  • hot water;

After use cutting board, wipe it with a cloth moistened in a small amount of dishwashing liquid or liquid soap.

Displays food soda and water, approximately 1 teaspoon on half liters of warm water. Then pour it into the spray bottle, and spray it onto the board. Fully apply liquid onto the board on which there could be no other residues. Instead of food soda, you can use conventional water and hydrogen peroxide, especially recommended for cleaning the boards after using raw meat or fish on them.

Rinse the board in warm water, and wipe the kitchen towel.
Divide the lemon in two ways and remove the juice directly onto the board, especially in places of contact with a knife, and sprinkle with salt. I use half lemon with salt to lose the circular movement. Rinse the board in running water, wash off salt and lemon juice.

Wash the board with a paper towel dry.
Apply vinegar on the board, and then wipe it again with a kitchen towel. Vinegar has a disinfecting effect.
When the kitchen board is often used, it is necessary to clean it regularly to prevent food poisoning. Cleaning removes bacteria, viruses and fungi, which are very harmful to humans, especially for children. Regular cleaning of the cutting board is the main operation for hygiene, which should be saved in homes, as well as dining and catering, restaurants.

It is still a hot debate on what type of cutting boards is most safe and convenient for use: wooden or plastic. Regardless of what type of cutting board you chose for your kitchen, there are several ways to update your board and keep it in the fresh condition. Maintaining your cutting board in proper condition will increase its service life, but if you have won the care of it, here are a few steps that can be taken to "reject" the surface kitchen board.

Complexity: moderately easy.

You will need:
- water;
- whitening agent;
- kitchen towels;
- baking soda;
- Natural juice of lemon or lime;
- pure toothbrush;
- liquid cleansing agent for dishes;
- severe stack of books;
- sandpaper shallow graininess;
- mineral oil;
- White vinegar.

1. Mix in the sink (flushing and shutting it before) 4 cups of water with a 1st tablespoon of bleaching. Put the plastic cutting board into the water and let mock for about about fifteen minutes. Remove the board.

2. Put wet board on the kitchen towel. Cover the board with a layer of food soda. Clear sufficient number Lemon juice or lime over soda to create a semblance of pasta that you will start the surface with a clean toothbrush. At the end (after careful cleaning), leave the paste on the board for about 15-30 minutes depending on the degree of contamination.

3. Wash the paste from the board under running water, then rinse the board in hot soapy water. Stop again - now the soapy composition - and give the board to dry.

4. Put the board to flat smooth surfaceTo determine whether it is not deformed in some place. According to professional opinion, if your board is uneven, you should replace it to avoid injuries when used. However, if the board is deformed only a little, rinse it in dishwasher. Immediately after the end of the sink program - while the board is still hot - remove it and put on a flat surface. From above on a stack board, drop the tower from heavy books and leave about an hour. Most plastic boards are thus not bad to leve them, whatever it is with them at the beginning - bends or other deformation.

1. Sand any small grooves and cuts with a good fine-grained skins with circular motions. In the case of serious traces of cuts and other significant recesses, keep in mind that they quickly turn into a bacterial refuge, which means that the board must be replaced!

2. Rinse the board in hot running water using a liquid cleaning agent for dishes.

3. Place the mineral oil container in the container with hot waterTo warm the oil. When the oil becomes warm, cover the board with mineral oil. Give oil to drink in a tree. Mineral oil seals the surface of the tree from the penetration of bacteria and will help achieve sufficient saturation of the moisture board, protecting it from drying out and cracking.

4. Mix 1 cup of water and 3 tablespoons of white vinegar, and wrap a solution into a cutting board with a kitchen towel to minimize the odor. Rinse the board and, finally, completely dry it with a fresh kitchen towel.

Additions and warnings:

According to experts, the mineral oil should be applied to the wooden cutting boards each time the tree surface becomes lighter. If you use a chalkboard daily, apply oil monthly;

Do not use the oil for frying to cover wooden surfaces. It spoils the tree and contributes to its rot;

Never use whitening products on wooden cutting boards.

How often do you wipe the cutting board dry after work? Not always, and in vain. That is why it forms black spots of mold. Get rid of them not so simple. Boards make from the most different materialsBut the most popular wood and plastic remain. Everyone knows how to clean the cutting board? We will talk about this and say that you do not have any doubts about whether you are doing everything right, or something missed.


The positive properties of this material are to:

  • Strength;
  • Ecology;
  • Low cost;
  • Convenience in operation.

Important! Disadvantages can be called obvious, they are presented:

  • Rapid wear and pollution;
  • The ability to absorb the material of vegetable and fruit juice.


This material is highlighted in the following pluses:

  • Ease;
  • Strength;
  • Rapid disappearance of odors;
  • Color variety.

Important! Cons presented:

  • Lack of ecology;
  • Often slippery surface;
  • The absence of antibacterial coating.
To content

Clean the wooden board

The most common method of cleaning is washing the boards in hot water with a detergent for dishes.

Important! A cutting board made of wood can not be mashed in water, since after drying, wood cracking will occur, and then - the growth of bacteria.

Classical error

It seems that there is nothing complicated in the washing of the board, but many mistresses allow general error: To wip the washed cutting board, they use a kitchen towel. Thus, the transfer of bacteria and microbes occurs. From this bad habit you need to refuse. After the board is washed, it is rinsed and put it vertically in order for it to dry.

Important! You can not wipe the board with the help of a sponge or with the help of a kitchen towel. If it is needed immediately dry, a paper towel should be used for wiping.

Disinfection - Best Methods

In order to disinfect the wooden cutting board, you can use food soda:

  1. Food soda (1 tsp) dissolves in hot water (500 ml).
  2. This mixture is used to wet the surface.
  3. Ten minutes, the board was washed and put on drying.

Important! Soda can be replaced with hydrogen peroxide, which is used in the amount of two teaspoons.

For disinfection, cleaning and removal of unpleasant odors, you can use the half of the lemon:

  1. The board is cleaned with lemon.
  2. Though ten minutes is washed and dried.

Important! The same antibacterial effect is also at a white table vinegar, which is able to remove salmonella, intestinal wand and staphylococcus.

To clean the cutting board made of wood, you can combine several methods. For example, the use of lemon and salt:

  1. Cutting board rubbed half lemon.
  2. Top smelling salt.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, the surface with salt again wipe lemon. At the same time, it is necessary to make small efforts, pressed.
  4. Board rinse with water, dry.

Important! If scratches or cracks appeared on a wooden board, it is impossible to use it.

To content

Clean the plastic board

Many hostesses have long preferred cutting plastics boards. The main reason for this is inexpensive price and high-quality manufacture. But after a while the inventory will begin to absorb smells and turns unsightly stains. So how to clean the cutting plastic board? It is important to understand that such a procedure will certainly benefit health. Consider several recipes.

Method 1:

  1. We recruit water into the container.
  2. Add a bleach on a tablespoon per liter of fluid.
  3. The board is lowered into a solution by a quarter of an hour.
  4. We wash the surface thoroughly.

Method 2:

  1. Mixed soda, lemon acid and water.
  2. The resulting paste is applied to the surface.
  3. After half an hour, the board was washed with a mixture of hot water and a soap solution.

Important! Thus, spots of natural origin are eliminated and unpleasant odors.

Method 3.

Suitable for removing stains from carrots:

  1. Vegetable oil is used to wipe the board.
  2. The surface is thoroughly washed away with detergent.

Important! It is necessary not only to know how to wash the cutting board plastic, but also how to remove outsiders from its surface. In this case, the processing uses table vinegar. Thanks to it, the acidic medium is created and the microbes are destroyed.

To content

  • For all products it is better to have a separate board. It is necessarily necessary disinfection, after which the inventory is thoroughly washed and dried.
  • It is better to use one tool for cleaning, and it is better to stop your choice on the least toxic. How to clean the cutting plastic blackboard from black? It is better to take advantage of non-aggressive chemicals, but a mixture of water and vinegar. Such a composition will help cope with mold, bacteria and even viruses.
  • The kitchen should have a pulverizer with a mixture of water (2 tbsp.) And tea tree essential oil (2 h. L.). She will help destroy mold.

Important! To essential oil It was better dissolved, in a container in a small amount you can pour alcohol or vodka. In addition, the oil can be dripped on the salt, and then dissolve in water.

  • In order to prevent fungal damage, a mixture of five percent vinegar (⅓ containers) and water (⅔ containers) is prepared. With the help of a spacker, not only boards are periodically processed by such a mixture. It can be used for disinfection of tables, sponges and other kitchen utensils. Such a solution is not necessary to wash off immediately. It can even be dried on the surface, while the characteristic acetic smell will not be heard in a few hours.

Important! Dishes and plumbing due to this product will be cleaned of mineral deposits, muced dew, soap traces, wax or fat.

  • To prepare a home antibacterial spray, you can use lavender or thyme oil. It can be used for processing not only cutting boards, but also switches, handles on the doors, etc.
  • Do not use cleaning powders. It is good for them to cope with different smells and pollution, but their particles often remain on the surface and then turn out to be in food.

Clean cutting boards are kitchen hygiene, because they are used for the cooking process. If used nonhygienically, there may be harmful bacteria, such as intestinal chopstick or salmonella. But this is easy to avoid if timely arrange the cleaning and disinfection of the entire kitchen utensils.

How to clean the cutting board made of wood and plastic

Each of us in the kitchen hangs a cutting board, on which we cut vegetables, bread and other products. It often happens that this such as the necessary item is contaminated, covered with spots and acquires an unpleasant odor. We will tell you how you can clean the cutting board of wood or plastic so that it keeps its appearance for a long time and is suitable for further use.

Materials and features

Like any thing, the board made of wood has its pros and cons. Among positive Parties you can note:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost.

As for the minuses, they are obvious:

  • susceptible to wear;
  • quickly dumps;
  • the porous tree structure has the property to absorb vegetables and fruit juice;
  • there may be traces of a knife after cutting products.

As for the plastic board, it is characterized by the following qualities:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • color variety;
  • smells are easily weathered.

Of the minuses you can allocate:

  • no antibacterial coating;
  • the material is not environmentally friendly;
  • often the sliding surface.

The inevitability of pollution is the biggest problem with which the hostesses using the board are usually facing both wooden and plastic. This feature leads to the formation of microbes that contribute to the development of infections. To prevent the penetration of bacteria into the body, you need to learn to clean the surface from food residues.

Cleaning rules

Most often this kitchen object Clean with hot water, as well as all sorts of detergents. It should be remembered that it is not worth wrinkled in the water in the water, since the tree, from which it is made, can start rotting, and the number of bacteria will only increase.

It is undesirable to wipe the board with a towel, since microbes may contain on the fabric. In contact with it, it is possible to hit bacteria on a wooden or plastic surface, and washing will be meaningless spending time.

Optimal option After washing it will simply dry this item in a suspended state. But if you urgently need to use it, it's gently flowing the board, both wooden and plastic, napkin or a disposable paper towel.


From time to time it is necessary to carry out disinfection of the cutting surface, and this process We need to pay special attention. If you think about how to remove the smell and residues of food, weigh all the pros and cons of each method.

The "Thermonuclear" Soviet variant is cleansing with chlorine. For such a goal you need to mix five liters of water with one tablespoon of this substance. Thereafter wooden board Lower to the mixture half an hour. It is necessary to act very carefully, work only in gloves and not forget about your own security. After using chlorine from the board, it is necessary to carefully remove all the remnants of this chemical with hot water. But no one can guarantee that in the porous surface structure there are no poisonous connections. Since the board is used for cooking, use this method is still extremely undesirable.

It is better to take advantage of ordinary soda available to every mistress. To do this, the teaspoon is divorced in 0.5 liters of hot water and thoroughly stirred. It is enough to hold the board in a solution of 5-10 minutes, after which it is pretty laundering it and leave to be dried in a vertical position. By the way, the plastic board can be cleaned in the same way, since the soda is a universal cleaner for many surfaces.

In addition to alkali, hydrogen peroxide is suitable for this purpose. To do this, two teaspoons are mixed with 0.5 liters of water, after which the board is put into the resulting composition. This method helps to get rid of smell and residue products.

Folk ways

If there was no detergent at hand, you can use methods that have repeatedly rescued our grandmothers.

One of the excellent ways to remove pollution is lemon. Just only the halves of this citrus to clean the plastic or wooden board from food residues. Lemon rubbed the surface, after which the purified object is thoroughly washed with water.

Another one folk recipe A combination of citrus and salt can become. As in the previous case, the board is rubbed lemon, and then sprinkle with salt. After 10-12 minutes, the surface is rubbed again with half citrus, after which they wash with water.

If you need to remove the smell of herring or meat from the board, vinegar perfectly cope - they can wipe the cutting surface.

If you notice that cracked or scratches appeared on the board, get rid of it as soon as possible. Even if you really like this thing, remember that with deep damage to use it is already unsuitable.

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How to clean the cutting board

You will need

  • - Multilayer plywood with a thickness of 8-10 mm
  • - Lobzik;
  • - pencil;
  • - line;
  • - Galnik;
  • - drill;
  • - drill;
  • - Sandpaper;
  • - Filed.


Spile a piece of plywood desired size. The board may be any form. It can be an ordinary rectangular board, but you can make it in the form of various figures. The most common cutting board shape is a rectangle with a handle. Draw a rectangle on a piece of plywood. Short side divide it in half. From the resulting point, set aside in both sides of the segments equal to half the width of the handle. Swipe through them perpendicular to the side of the board and postpone the segments equal to the length. Tell the contours of the handle as you like more - it can be oval, in the form of a trapezoid, with a tooth.

Put the jigsaw board on the selected form. Corners do with a file so that they come out with rounded. If this is not done, the board will very quickly become uncomfortable and ugly. Clean the angles of sandpaper.

Clean the sandpaper all the surfaces of the cutting board to remove unevenness. If the processing is not carefully thoroughly, you can plant the city. In addition, small pieces of wood can get into food.

If the board is with a handle, drill a hole of about 2-3 centimeters from the end of the handle. It is necessary to hang the board on the wall. The rectangular board is susceptible for an angle, and in a curly chalkboard resembling the form, for example, an animal or flower, a hole can be done anywhere, but also closer to the edge.

If you wish, you can decorate the board. You can draw or smear the pattern. On the working surface Nothing is worth drawing - the pattern will still disappear. Therefore, decorate only the game on which you will not cut anything. Even if you do not want any drawings, the boards are better to mark somehow.

You can graze the boards wax. Then she will less absorb not very pleasant substances. Sit down a bit, soda with paraffin, rubbing it with a rigid linen rag. Excess paraffin remove.

Video on the topic


Helpful advice

The drill is better to use a feathery, with a diameter of about 20 mm.

How to update a cutting board

It is still a hot debate on what type of cutting boards is most safe and convenient for use: wooden or plastic. Regardless of what type of cutting board you chose for your kitchen, there are several ways to update your board and keep it in the fresh condition. Maintaining your cutting board in proper condition will increase its service life, but if you have wounded the care of it, here are a few steps that can be taken to "rejuvenate" the surface of the kitchen board. Complexity: moderately easy.

You will need: - water; - whitening agent; - kitchen towels; - baking soda; - Natural juice of lemon or lime; - pure toothbrush; - liquid cleansing agent for dishes; - severe stack of books; - sandpaper shallow grain paper; - mineral oil; - White vinegar.

We update the plastic cutting board:

1. Mix in the sink (flushing and shutting it before) 4 cups of water with a 1st tablespoon of bleaching. Put the plastic cutting board into the water and let mock for about about fifteen minutes. Remove the board.

2. Put the wet board on the kitchen towel. Cover the board with a layer of food soda. Hall a sufficient amount of lemon or lime juice over soda to create a semblance of pasta that you will find the surface with a clean toothbrush. At the end (after careful cleaning), leave the paste on the board for about 15-30 minutes depending on the degree of contamination.

3. Wash the paste from the board under running water, then rinse the board in hot soapy water. Stop again - now the soapy composition - and give the board to dry. 4. Put the board on a flat smooth surface to determine if it is deformed in some place. According to professional opinion, if your board is uneven, you should replace it to avoid injuries when used. However, if the board is deformed just a bit, rinse it in the dishwasher. Immediately after the end of the sink program - while the board is still hot - remove it and put on a flat surface. From above on a stack board, drop the tower from heavy books and leave about an hour. Most plastic boards are thus not bad to leve them, whatever it is with them at the beginning - bends or other deformation.

We update the wooden cutting board.

The cutting board is subject to many tests during their service. The juice from vegetables and fruits leaves traces, and an unpleasant smell appears from fish and meat. Sometimes even the best detergents Unable to cope with this. So how to clean the cutting board?

Homemade natural agents will come to the rescue. They are capable not only to remove dirt and smell, but also malicious bacteria. Try!

How to clean the kitchen board

Take the board and hide it with boiling water.

Cut the lemon in half.

Sattail the board of the half of the lemon, tightly pressing it to the surface.

Then soda the sea salt board and leave for 10 minutes.

Take the second part of the lemon and again soda the board, rubbing salt.

Wash the board under the jet of warm water. Then dry it. Now she looks like new!

To secure the result, you can wash the wooden board. To do this, use vaseline oil or food beeswax. These funds can be purchased at the pharmacy. Apply any of them on a dry and clean cutting board and leave for a couple of hours, then wipe it well.