Repairs Design Furniture

Warming and leveling of wooden floor. How to align the wooden floor, without breaking up the boards. Wet floor screed

The peculiarity of the wooden flooring is that it begins to lose shape, cracks and exposed to deformations after five years of operation. To install a new finish coating, you must bring the surface to an even state. But how to align the wooden floor?

It is possible to eliminate the creaking in wooden floors, drilled in a problem area a hole and bay of its mounting foam.

Before aligning the wooden floor under laminate, parquet, carpet, linoleum, you need to purchase the necessary repair accessories.

Used tools:

  • metal ruler;
  • corolnic;
  • hacksaw;
  • plane;
  • perforator;
  • drill;
  • macate knife;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • mcList;
  • roulette;
  • wood hacksaw (transverse / narrow / with a trap);
  • a hammer;
  • a vacuum cleaner;
  • needle roller;
  • the car is cycular.

Materials used:

  • plywood sheets from 15 mm;
  • 25 mm board;
  • pVA glue joiner;
  • wood putty;
  • tree primer;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • self-tapping screws; nails;
  • drills 3-4 mm;
  • f / E film;
  • insulation;
  • capacities for kneading;
  • antiseptic / Olife.

To carry out repair work in safe mode, the means of individual protection are required - knee pads, glasses, gloves, headphones. The question of how to align the wooden floor is solved depending on the actual repair conditions.


Natural wood needs to be careful, due to its exposure to warming, leakage, drying, cracking. The task of the master is to eliminate all defects, which worsen the quality of the finishing flooring. Laminate, parquet, carpet, linoleum will never lie on a deformed surface.

Wooden floor alignment It can be implemented like this:

  • with plywood;
  • bulkhead;
  • cyclical;
  • using self-leveling mixture;
  • align the wooden floor with plow glue with sawdust.

Evaluation of the actual state

The choice of the impact technique should not be based on its own whim, but the data obtained during the assessment of the state of the floor. There are several ways to control.

The presence of wood insects and putrefacts:

  • the board is removed from the coating and examined on all sides;
  • if the wood surface is durable and dry, insect traces of insects are not detected, - can not be changed;
  • if there are chipsets on the board, cracks, there are areas of posting, waterproof lazes - change the affected boards or put a new floor;
  • additionally inspect space under the floor.

Places where wood has changed the color should try to pierce with a screwdriver. If a small piece flew off from the floor, it is subject to rotting. Healthy wood always solid. With local sections of the defeat insects, the problem can be copped independently. If the processing is subject to a large surface, it is better to turn to a professional brigade. To bring insects and their larvae without the help of special equipment is impossible.

Detection of deviations horizontally:

  • manipulating the laser level, check the horizontal;
  • the device is set on a tripod anywhere;
  • the beam is directed along the wall;
  • the device will show the deviation if it is.
  • Following actions

Work with special equipment requires skill and compliance with safety. In the opposite case, the development of negative consequences is possible.

According to the results of the inspection, the scope of work.

How to align the floor in a wooden house? - relying on the assessment, you can understand the following:

  • if the gender is durable, not insect, rot, there are no deviations horizontally - a cyclove is realized (under varnish / paint) or a bulkhead;
  • at the same condition, but with a deviation horizontally - the wooden floor is aligned plywood;
  • if the coating is staggering and crept - adjust the mounting of the boards by screws;
  • if the wood is healthy and the finish coating device is required - the technique using putty on the PVA or the bulk floor is satisfied.


Cyclishing can be carried out manual or mechanically. Manual processing is the most time-consuming process, almost never justified. High quality coating can be achieved using a cyclum machine.

How to align the wooden floor in a private house Cyclical:

  • preparation - removal of furniture, paintings, curtains, cleaning, elimination of nails and other metal elements. There are several millimeters of their heads to the floor with the help of Dobochnik. If some items cannot be taken, they are carefully covered with polyethylene;
  • the initial cyclical is the movement of the "snake" begin with an angle, removing the first layer throughout the area. This means that, reaching from a long corner to the wall, you need to turn around 180 degrees and move on;
  • all holes, defects and cracks are repaired with a putty on an acrylic basis of suitable color;
  • strongly damaged boards change new;
  • when the putty is dried, the floor is reused;
  • hard-to-reach places (angles and other) should be bought off by a hand tool;
  • the finished floor is the perfect smooth coating with the absence of irregularities;
  • when the dust falls, it is collected by a vacuum cleaner, the surface is treated with a solvent (White-spirit) before the finish treatment with varnish.

The voids between lags can be filling in polystyrene foam or clay.

The cyclove successfully emphasizes the structure of natural wood. However, independent performance of work even with the use of special equipment can be complicated. At this time, a significant amount of fine dust is produced, that is, it is necessary to protect your eyes, ears, mouth, nose and all parts of the body. She easily penetrates the slightest slits. Protection of neighboring rooms, pets, etc. Doors better close with wet sheets.

If there is no skill with the unit, it is unlikely to eliminate irregularities, is physically difficult work. The car can bounce, make deep serfs. It should adequately evaluate its capabilities, choosing a cyclove technique.

Express recovery

If it is necessary to remove significant irregularities, and the ideal result is not needed, you can use the method discussed below. All work will take no more than one and a half hours.

The sequence of wooden floor alignment actions is as follows:

  • with the help of long screws from 75 mm, all protrusions are attracted to lags;
  • on problem areas, all nail heats are drunk into the floor for 3 mm;
  • all the remaining unevenness are eliminated by the plane.


The technique is very effective to eliminate the irregularities of the wooden floor. However, its implementation is the most difficult, the masters expect a significant amount of work.

The sequence of action to equalize the floor in a wooden house is as follows:

  • using mounting, the coating is opened;
  • all fasteners are removed;
  • boards are inspected - integers are processed by antiseptic, drunk - change to new;
  • boards re-without gaps lay out on lags;
  • the material is fixed with long screws whose caps should be recessed into the floor;
  • visible irregularities eliminate the plane.

The bulkhead allows you to remove all irregularities. You can safely put the finishing finish, for example, laminate, applying a thin substrate.

Under the lags you can upload organitis, rubberoid, Phaneru, which will allow you to adjust the irregularities.

Using plywood

Alignment effectively eliminates small defects and significant deviations horizontally. In the first case, optimally fill two layers of plywood on the base, avoiding the coincidence of the joints.

How to align the wooden floor in the apartment? — the set of manipulations is as follows:

  • the protrusions are attracted by self-drawing, with the shower of the hats;
  • the plane remove unevenness;
  • the plywood sheet is superimposed on the floor offset, - at one point 4 corners should not converge;
  • the sheets are marked and trimmed;
  • the material is covered with oil to increase moisture resistance;
  • plywood is fastened with self-proof over the perimeter of the sheet in a step of 25 cm. When the second layer device, the stage is duplicated with the controls of the joints;
  • wooden floor alignment plywood without lag completed.

Lagat flooring

If the wooden floor is too uneven, you will have to sharpen the panel by lags.

For alignment, a wider range of actions is being implemented:

  • manipulating the level on the surface of the walls around the perimeter apply markup. It should indicate the level of future level;
  • how to align lags under the wooden floor? On the markup to compensate for the height difference, the backups are set, step 300 mm. Each backup is attached to the floor with a self-press. Fasteners hats should be a horizontal surface, which is checked by the level. The height of the underground space should be at least 10 mm;
  • lags (bars) exhibit using an antiseptic processed, non-rigid board 1 or 2 varieties of low-cost breeds;
  • between the lags and the walls, the gap is about 20 mm;
  • the length of the stuck lag should be at least 2 m;
  • lags are attached to the floor with the help of anchors and in those places where the backups are laid;
  • the surface of all lags should be horizontal in all directions, which is verified by the level;
  • between the lags, the riglel lay on the backups, forming a holistic crate;
  • they are fixed with self-drawing. Step - 0.5 m;
  • the size of the obtained crate must correspond to the size of the plywood used;
  • underground space before laying plywood is cleaned from garbage, dust, chips;
  • phaneur is recommended to impregnate with an antiseptic before the flooring;
  • sheets fit into the crate, not touching each other. A clearance is required 0.2 mm so that the floor does not creak;
  • fasteners are carried out by self-drawing. Step - 50-100 mm;
  • the surface is ground and ready for finishing finish.

The floor alignment without lag can be carried out using OSB plates.

Aligning putty on PVA glue

The cheapness and availability of source components make this method relatively inexpensive. In the future, on such a coating, warming and finishing finish can be carried out. How to align the wooden floor under linoleum, laminate? - For work, you can use sawdust and spacing based on PVA.

How to align the wooden floor under the laminate putty? - The technology is implemented in the specified manner:

  • the base is cleared;
  • rakes with a reference point are stacked on the floor;
  • a mixture of sawdust and putty is poured between the rails;
  • in order for the forest processing product to do not absorb moisture, it is pre-moisturized;
  • when the pouring of the thick layer is required, the work is carried out in several stages;
  • first, the first layer is applied, - it fully enhances, then - the second, etc.
  • equality is controlled by the level;
  • errors are adjusted by the addition of the mixture;
  • the entire design is frozen for two days, after which you can start after work. Wooden flooring under the laminate is completed.

The resulting coating may not be sufficiently strong for heavy finishing materials. To eliminate it, the sheets of plywood are additionally stacked, chipboard. This solution is also relevant to align the wooden floor under linoleum.

Alignment of self-leveling mixture

Use only those compositions that are designed to work with natural wood are subject to use. Even strong defects will be eliminated and the old coating will be replaced by perfectly smooth floors. The thickness of the layer will be 0.5-2 cm. The technological process consists of several stages. This is the optimal way to align the wooden floor with your own hands under the laminate, parquet.


All discover fasteners should be recessed in the floor. If mobile boards are noticed, they are firmly fixed with screws or wood screws. If the floor is covered with paint and varnish materials, it grinds. All the remnants of the coating must be removed. When the cracks are detected, they are repaired with the participation of the self-leveling mixture used, but it is bred by its thickness. All seams must dry. Before priming the floor is cleared.

The use of clay as a filler should be careful.


Moisture-resistant primer is used for work. It will improve adhesion and blocked the penetration of moisture to the base. The layer of composition should be good, after which the edge ribbon is laid around the perimeter of the walls.

Preparation of the mix

What can align the wooden floor under laminate? The basis of any composition is a portland cement, a small sandy filler, plasticizing additives. To ensure reinforcement, fiber is introduced into the mixture. The working solution is prepared, according to the instructions noted on the package: a dry aligning mixture for the wooden floor is introduced into the water and is mixed with a drill with a mixing nozzle.

The working process

The solution of proper consistency is poured on the surface and is distributed using a spatula. Next - the mixture for alignment of the wooden floor is smoothly distributed across the floor. If there is no threshold in the doorway, it is recommended to establish a railway there, which will not give the solution to spread out of the room. A sprinkled surface is rolled by a needle roller.

Leveling dry tie

Gypsum-bone, drywall or asbestos sheets are used to carry out work. Maximum durability is distinguished by hydro fiber in combination with clay. For a vapor, moisture protection barrier is enough to take the usual film.

Realization of the screed:

  • wooden base is covered with chipboard sheets;
  • they are laid out with a p / e film with an overlap 15 cm;
  • around the perimeter stretch the edge tape;
  • conduct the placement of the beacon profile;
  • laid and leveled ceramzit;
  • the sheet is stacked by technology into dispersion;
  • the material should lie in two layers with a displacement. The first layer is treated with dispersion glue, fixed with self-drawers.

Alignment in an old house with insulation

How to align the old wooden floor? The basis of the technique is the separation of the floor on the purish and draft. The first - linse with a rough board on a clash of a wooden bar and covered with a vaporizolation material in the backstage. Parosolation is fixed on lags by a construction stapler. Between the bar lay the insulation. Between further finishes and mats, a distance of 40 mm should be observed - this is a ventilation gap. Then lay the plates, insulation and finishing coating.

Water-resistant plywood of the first or second variety is used to align the wooden floor.

Top brands

The effective implementation of floor alignment depends on the right choice of the method of work and high-quality material. For the most popular include:

  • Polyplast PSP-030;
  • mixture torque smooth floor;
  • ceresite CH 69 (bulk floor Ceresit CN 69);
  • xSM PR19 25;
  • master Finish.

Application indoors

Kitchen, bathroom, toilet

Given the elevated level of humidity and the potential exposure to the flooring of a large amount of water, in such premises, the wooden floor alignment is effective using self-leveling mixtures. On the finished coating perfectly places tile and porcelain tiles. It requires the use of materials with high moisture protection properties, which is indicated on their marking. No additional waterproofing work is not effective.

Living room, bedroom, children's, corridor

If it is required to preserve the natural structure of wood in the premises of this type, such a spectrum of works is being implemented as a batch, a cyclove. Both labor-intensive processes require a professional approach, there is a trauma.

When it is necessary to organize additional warming and new finishing flooring, put the floors by lags with various fillers, a dry tie, or realizes the bulk sex. Such techniques allow you to organize laying of laminate, parquet, linoleum, etc. Optimally align the wooden floor of plywood or tie.

Taking into account all the ways of alignment of the wooden floor, you should familiarize yourself with additional recommendations.

  • what plywood to align the wooden floor? Choosing a moisture-resistant fane should be borne in mind that the material with the FSF marking contains high-tech compounds - formaldehyde. With high humidity and temperature, the material begins to highlight toxins;
  • to work in residential premises, it is necessary to choose a less toxic phanener of the E1 brand;
  • the thickness of the plywood used for fixing to lags cannot be less than 15 mm;
  • all materials involved in the work should be environmentally friendly;
  • the thickness of the screed, which is laid on the wooden floor, should not be more than 25 mm. The exceptions are those cases when it is required to raise the height of the floor - the fill can be carried out in two stages;
  • how to align the wooden floor in Khrushchev? High-quality self-leveling mixtures for the wooden floor can be laid directly on the base after it is purified, processing by a relief machine or a metal brush;
  • choosing a dry mix for the preparation of a screed, it is necessary to distinguish between the compositions intended for manual and machine application. The material can be designed for applying a thin or thick layer, finish and basic, special moisture resistant, for heated floors, with polymer reinforcing additives. All information must be specified on the package;
  • self-leveling mixtures are distinguished by long-term operation, mastic is justified to apply at high levels of loads to the surface, which is rarely found in the conditions of residential apartments; Putchals provide good technical parameters and are economical compared to counterparts.

The main minus of the screed of a self-leveling mixture is short-term floor operation.

Cost of work

The overall level of financial costs depends on several factors.

To the attention should be accepted:

  • the need for dismantling work;
  • the use of hydro, sound insulation materials;
  • the cost of materials, laying step (including size, variety, wood breed);
  • cost for services of professionals.

The cost of repairing 1 m² team of workers is added as follows:

  • dismantling the coating, old lag - from 1 cu;
  • installation of Lag - from 1.5 USD;
  • crafts of the boarded material - from 3 USD;
  • plywood cover - from 2 cu

Further costs will depend on the type of finishing coating (carpet, laminate, parquet, linoleum). The average price starts from 5 cu per square meter.

Most popular


The choice of wood alignment method depends on the result you want to get. If this is a simple restoration, in any rooms it is permissible to carry out the smoke, cyclical, express repairs. If overhaul is required, after the smoothing, any considered method is implemented - with the help of putty, mastic for alignment of the wooden floor, screeds, drawd materials. When working in wet premises, the use of materials with moisture protection properties is obligatory.

An example of equalizing the wooden floor with their own hands can be viewed in video:

The boardwalk can be found in a private house and an old planning apartment. Its main advantage is environmental purity, heat capacity and pleasant tactile sensations. That is why many owners of residential premises, wanting to extend the life of a wooden floor covering, slowly tearing the boards, and strive to align them. It is mistaken to believe that only real carpenters or professional builders can align the wooden floor. In some cases, theoretically prepared, to carry out work on floor alignment, without breaking the boards, you can independently.

The boardwalk can be aligned with the following ways:

  • the use of grinding machine;
  • putty;
  • by laying sheet material;
  • tie.

Using a rolled or tiled material (laminate, linoleum, PVC plates, carpet) of the wooden floor irregularities can not be eliminated.

Before carrying out any work, a specialist is required to consult a specialist for the integrity and suitability of sex to further exploitation. Otherwise, the repair will not be successful and the coating will soon come into disrepair.

In order to choose the way to choose a floor alignment in the house, you need to determine the degree of its irregularities. If the irregularity of the floor is up to 1 mm, then enough cyclo. The height difference in 2-3 mm is eliminated with putty. Laying sheet material on lags will fix the height difference to 10 cm. Minor irregularities are eliminated if the floor is noted on the floor. Laminate for such purposes is not suitable.

Cyclishing procedure

You can use a cycle machine if the boards are located strictly horizontally. The special equipment is not necessary to buy for a disposable procedure. It is usually taken for rent.

Phased process description:

  • it will take care of individual protection: respirator from small dust, earplugs;
  • remove all furniture from the room. Doors with adjacent rooms are tightly closed. They are walked by polyethylene for additional protection, because as a result of the operation of the machine for cycloying, small dust is formed, which penetrates any slots;
  • with the help of a chipper, you need to lower all nails caps below the floor level by 2 mm;
  • include the car. Works are carried out from the long corner of the room. Having reached the opposite wall, turn 180 degrees and move in the opposite direction;
  • procycloving boards once, from their surface remove the resulting dust. Large gaps close up with a putty to the tree. After drying, the last cycloying is repeated.

The aligned floor is covered with varnish, it is possible to lay a linoleum or laminate.

Split wooden floor

In this case, an acrylic sealant or finishing acrylic putty is used. If the height difference reaches 3 mm, it is recommended to level the floor with a putty on the PVE glue. Such a state of affairs is explained simply: although acrylic putty and has sufficient flexibility (it is not cracking, even if the floor bends beneath it), it can lose integrity if its layer will reach 3 mm. Acrylic putty align small floors of the floor.

The finishing putty on the PVE glue can be aligned the height difference of more than 3 mm. In this case, it is mixed with wood sawdust. Failure of the methodology: the leveling material is very sticky and lips long. After drying, the putty is placed on it linoleum or carpet. Laminate, tile is impossible.

Align the floor plywood

How to align the wooden floor of the plywood? In this case, the plywood is simply attached to the floor with self-draws. Support for plywood serves the top of irregularities or waves of the board.

However, this process has its own characteristics:

  • if the width of the floor boards is 10-20 cm, the irregularities of the floor are insignificant, then the plywood, thickness up to 10 mm is quite useful;
  • if the width of the boards exceeds 20 cm, the irregularities of the floor are uneven, that is, pass through the board, then the plywood is needed with a thickness of more than 10 mm. It must be remembered that the usual plywood will be ineffective in rooms with high humidity. To do this, you can use moisture resistant material.

Sheet material is attached to the floor with self-draws, joints and seams are closed with acrylic sealant. After the surface decorate. For these purposes, carpet, laminate, linoleum are used. Boards with neat alignment are covered with varnish.

Another way to use plywood

If the height difference of the horizontal overlap of the house exceeds 10 cm, the use of lag is recommended. These are wooden bars of a certain thickness. Their thickness and installation step are determined, based on the characteristics of plywood. So, you can take a phaneer in 12-14 mm, then the step of lag is equal to 35-40 cm. If the wood material is thicker (16-18 mm), then the step is 50 cm.

Stages of work:

  • perform the marking of the floor using a laser level;
  • according to the markup, lighthouses are exhibited. These are the same bars located at a distance of each other at 230-300 mm. They are screwed by self-pressing to the floor. The correctness of their installation is checked by the level. If the lighthouses are not exhibited, but the leveling layer will not give the expected effect. Linoleum on such a floor can be put, laminate - no;
  • according to the situation of lighthouses, the rest of the lag can be carried out;
  • plywood fasteners are carried out only at the end of the installation of the lag. It is easier to install if you cut into equal squares. Installation of plywood is performed with a displacement (like brickwork) using self-tapping screws.

Do not forget about compensation gaps near the walls. The final stage is decoration. To do this, use parquet, laminate, linoleum, carpet.

Floor screed on wooden boards

It is possible to align the floor with a wet tie, if it was originally laid on a concrete base or under it are lagows on brick columns. The distances between the supports and the thickness of the floor itself are sufficient to withstand the load of the cement or concrete solution. Theoretically, the wooden floor is allowed to wet, the cement screed, the thickness of which does not exceed 5-7 cm. However, it must be remembered that the load on the overlap will increase to 75-100 kg / m. In the leveling material, plasticizers and microfiber are necessarily added for reinforcement. Otherwise, the band screed is simply cracking, as the pure cement solution is non-ielastic.

The technology of alignment of the wet board boards does not differ from the classic method of organizing the draft layer. After rising a cement stone, a linoleum, laminate, parquet or any other decoring material can be put on it.

Outdoor coating made of wood, over time, requires a complete replacement. But if your problem lies in irregularities, then you will learn how to align the wooden floor, without breaking up the boards, and get an excellent result at the end!


Alignment is made to prepare the floor to the finishing coating and solve the following problems: to strengthen the base. Put the surface evenness and horizontality. Distribute loads acting on the floor. Provide sound insulation, thermal insulation and waterproofing. Disguise communication systems. Create a basis for fixing the final coating. If they are based on functional tasks, any gender equalization actions must comply with some requirements: ensure maximum mechanical strength throughout the perimeter. Enjoy resistant to any use.

Selection of materials and methods

How to align the wooden floor, without breaking the boards, and what is meant by irregularities? Height differences in different areas of the room. Square paints. Deepening. Deformation of all or some boards. If the boards are close pressed among themselves, do not creak, lags and floorboards are in a dry state, they were treated with antiseptic solution, you can start alignment. Do not know how to align the wooden floor, without breaking the boards old? Different technologies are known: grinding machine. Shplanke. Laying sheet material. Screed. It is impossible to eliminate the irregularities of the flooring using the rolled (linoleum, laminate, PVC boards, carpet) or tile material. In order to correctly determine how to align the wooden floor, without breaking the boards, it is necessary to establish the degree of irregularities. Minor flaws (up to 3 mm) can be eliminated by a grinding machine, or using acrylic putty. Elastic putty can withstand temporary uneven loads arising when walking. Using this method, you can prepare the floor for laying the final coating. In other cases, laying of sheet coating is required. For the base under floor coverings, it is best to use moisture-resistant faeer, more economical options are also suitable - chipboard and OSB. When choosing a sheet material, a lot of attention should be paid to its thickness, it happens from 8 to 24 mm. The greater the thickness, the higher the rigidity and more significant gap between the lags. Mount the thick sheets is much more complicated, moreover, the load on the base increases. The maximum thickness can be used exclusively on the bases of reinforced concrete slabs, in other cases, more subtle sheets should be selected. So, in the end we obtain: when withdrawal up to 1 mm, a cyclove is used. 2-3 mm - putty; The difference of up to 10 cm is the laying of the sheet cloth to the lags.


The cycloying device is allowed to use strictly for horizontally spaced boards. Acquire equipment optionally, for one-time use, as a rule, it is taken for rent. Thank you, the ad is hidden. How to align the wooden floor, without breaking the boards, under linoleum? Stages of work: Provide individual protection (respirator, earpluging and so on). Reaching machinery and furniture from the room. Isolation of other rooms (a very small dust is formed when working, which is easily seeping into the smallest gaps). Elimination of nails. With the help of a chipper, you need to drive all nails caps below the field level by 2 mm. Work grinding machine. The movement begins on the remote corner of the room to the opposite, then turn 180 degrees and movement in the opposite direction. Next, continue on the same scheme. Clean the surface from the resulting dust, and large gaps should be placed in the color of the tree. After complete drying, the cycloration repeat. The smooth floor is covered with varnish and store the final coating (linoleum, laminate, etc.).

Wooden plascape

In this case, an acrylic sealant is used or the final acrylic putty. When the height drop in 3 mm, it is recommended to straighten the floor with a putty on PVA glue. This is done so that the composition does not crack even in the case of a gender deflection. Despite the fact that the acrylic composition has good plasticity, with a layer of 3 mm, it can break. Align only small sections of the floor align the splock. After drying, the finish coating is stacked. Important! This method of alignment is suitable exclusively for linoleum and carpet. It is impossible to lay the tile and laminate.

Laying plywood

How to align the wooden floor, without breaking the boards, under the laminate? Alignment of the floor of the tree plywood sheets is the most common options. Laying is possible in different ways: fastening to the base. The use of ribbon lags. Use of lags from a bar. The laying method is chosen depending on the degree of irregularity of the flooring: the height difference does not exceed 6 mm per 1 kV. m - it is possible to do without lags. Not more than 10 mm - ribbon lags, plywood sheet should be divided into parts of 60 * 60.

Mephrixing floor with fastening to the base

How to align the wooden floor, without breaking the boards, plywood? With a small difference, the heights of the plywood sheets are fixed to the base with the help of self-tapping screws. Leveling is made at the maximum height, and in areas with an understatement of the level under sheets is put on the gaskets. In this case, it is better to use a building material with a thickness of 8-10 mm, and if necessary, a layout is possible in two layers. The laying is performed by rows, and each next row shifts relative to the previous one at the width of the plywood sheet. The initial row should be located at a distance of 8 mm from the wall (it is strengthened by a suitable plank width). There should be a period of 3 mm between sheets. Hats of selflessness should be "recessed" in Phaneur. To exclude the possibility of a construction material defect, at the points of the screws of the screws should drill holes. Thank you, the ad is hidden.

Fastening on ribbon lags.

How to align the wooden floor, without breaking up the boards, in an old house with a medium degree of flaws, plywood material is strengthened on tape lags. Lags are strips made of plywood, parts width - 22-30 cm, thickness - 9-11 mm. They are fixed to the ground, at a distance of 60 cm between centers. Laying occurs in parallel. Alignment of lags is carried out in terms of the level, with a substrate from the film insulator necessary thickness. The plywood sheets are stacked by the same scheme as in the first case.

Lagging Lagging

With a large height difference around the perimeter of the floor, the plywood sheets are stacked by lags made from bars, 50 * 50. The level of alignment is by screwing the screws into the base for the desired depth: the beacons-screwdrows are located in the form of quadrangles with the sides of about 30 cm. The timber bar is fixed to the base by the screws in parallel to each other at a distance of 55 cm. Self-teshes are horizontally horizontally. Lags are squinted along the hats of self-tapping screws. Quadrangles from plywood are fixed in approximately in the middle of the bar. Important! The distance between the lags before laying plywood is filled with mineral wool / foam or other material holding heat.

Application of concrete screed

Alignment of the wooden floor with concrete solution is complicated by an impressive mass of the design. The thickness of the concrete screed is from 9 to 11 cm. Stages of execution: The fill is performed on beacons installed at a distance of 55-60 cm. The wooden floor is riveted with a polyethylene film in such a way that its ends come to the wall higher than the tie height. The borders of the film are sicked with a scotch, and she is superimposed with Farm. The screed is carried out with the reinforcement of the masonry network laid on 4-5 cm above the base. Paul floats with two layers, the composition is thoroughly compacted and aligned. Watching the answer to the question of how to align the wooden floor, without breaking up the boards, pay attention to such moments as: technical capabilities. Necessity. Quality ratio and cost. Labor cost. Having answered these questions, you can easily understand how to align the wooden floor, without breaking up the boards, in a private house or an apartment, and what technology will suit you.

Despite the abundance of floor coverings and today the wooden floor is not uncommon - it is possible to meet it, for example, in private householdings. The hosts of such houses do not observe that over time, the floors from the tree become less attractive, periodically require repair. It is known a lot of ways to align the old wooden floor in a private house, and since this question is still relevant, we will understand with the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

What is the alignment of wooden floors

First of all, the need for floors occurs when they prepare for the final coating. Alignment solves several tasks at once:

    Equally distributes the load acting on the floor

    Gives the floor perfect horizontal evenness

    Strengthens the foundation

    Facilitates the installation of an external flooring

    Promotes moisture insulation

    Keeps warm in the house

    Masks communication systems

    Isolaes residential space from extraneous noise

The curvature of the sexes leads to the fact that furniture items are set by Kosos, plinths are departed from the walls - that's why the smoothness of the floor largely determines the quality of repair as a whole.

You can perform work well with your own hands, without attracting expensive specialists. And to subsequently assess how successfully the floor alignment is performed in a wooden house, check it with the following requirements:

    Strength and resistance to mechanical exposure, deformation

    Full stability, excluding screenshots and oscillations

    Smooth and monolithic surface on the whole floor area

    Resistance to heat loss

    High humidity resistance

For a qualitative result, a professional instrument will be required in the paper. As a rule, in the list of all the floors needed to equalize the plans, the level gauge, metal rules, hacksaws, electric jigsaw and much more. We will tell you more about this in the section where alignment methods will be described - for each of them a complete list of the desired tool will be shown.

Regardless of the selected floor repair method, it is necessary to begin with the preparation of the base or overlap. Eliminate all the previously mounted coatings and appreciate the wear of the entire structure: as far as the trim, lags and other floor elements are aging. If necessary, replace them with new ones.

In the presence of pollution on a wooden floor base, it is cleaned, after which the wood is treated with special preparations against rotting, as well as antiseptic substances. The prepared level gauge determine how exactly the base in the horizontal plane. Also, the tool will allow you to identify the sections of the floor with the minimum and highest level.

Wooden floor alignment methods

Before making the way, the floors from the wood are put in order, appreciate its condition how strong the overlap is, depending on these factors and the method of repair is selected. Also worth considering your financial capabilities and type of finishing, which you plan to apply on the wooden floor.

If the floor is well preserved and is in good condition, you will only need to polish the surface. For this purpose, the cycloration of a wooden floor will fit. Here is a list of tool that you have to prepare in advance:

    building level

    cycleval and grinding machines

    grinding skar

    paint brush



At the preparation stage, carefully find it and remove any protruding interference from the metal, for example, sticking nail caps completely tear the hammer to the floor. After that, the floor will be ready for the processing of the cyclical machine. We will tell you more about the stages of cyclo.

First of all, all irregularities and coarse flaws are eliminated - pass the car from distant corners over the entire surface. When the entire area is delivered from the top layer, prepare a special putty for wood - it is better to choose a shade under the color of the tree. Puttlell can be made independently, to do this, mix the PVA glue and wood sawdust - according to the consistency, the mass should resemble a thick sour cream. The most convenient for mixing the use of a building mixer

Separately, it is worth mentioning the features of the use of splotels. Immediately before overlaying mass from the floor, it is necessary to eliminate fat traces and pollution, after which wooden planks of lighthouses are installed on the surface. The installation step is 60 cm, the height of the plank should be equal to the thickness of the future screed layer.

Next, the spatle mixture is close to all the noticeable eyes of dents, gaps, recesses in the floor. As soon as the printed spittle is sufficient, the cycloration is re-carried out - it is necessary to completely smooth out all the sections covered with a mixture.

The described method will suit, for example, to align the floor before further installation of the laminate or more affordable linoleum. If you plan to install a laminate, the rough surface should be perfectly smooth.

To equalize the floor with the help of spatlets, you will need:

  • construction mixer

  • grinder machine


Splitel from thoroughly mixed glue and sawdust is applied by a spatula on the floor with layers of no more centimeter. Each new layer is molded only after drying the previous one. When the finished layer of putty will dry completely, it is aligned at the height of the previously installed lighthouses.

The method of alignment of the floor using a self-leveling mixture

A more modern and technically easy way to equal wooden floors will be the fill with a mixture for alignment. ATTENTION: When purchasing building materials, choose a mixture for aligning wooden floors - they can be found in specialized stores of goods for construction and repair. It makes sense to use the leveling mixture, for example, if your gender has very strong irregularities. Applying a mixture to two centimeters thick will not leave any hint of curvature.

To overlay a self-leveling mixture, prepare the following tool:

    mixer construction

    grinder machine

    paint brush

    rubber roller

  • Building level

Before the fill you need to carry out preparatory activities, namely, with the help of a grinding machine, it is completely removed on the surface of the floor traces of an old painting. Next further, the same leveling mixture, but in a more thick consistency, close all the slots and schcherbins, after which the floor-insulating composition is nevertheless. At the end of the preparation, skate the bottom of the wall with a tape or a tape - to height, equal to the thickness of the future screed.

Immediately before the fill of the self-leveling layer, install the reinforcing grid on the primed floor - it is later that the construction mixture is subsequently. Mesh frame Fix using a construction stapler. The dry mixture must be prepared precisely in accordance with the instructions on the package. Simultaneously with the process of filling, the prepared mixture is smoothed with a roller with a smooth rubber surface. Drying the level surface is made according to the instructions for the construction mixture.

Floor alignment with plywood sheets

The most affordable cost and distributed is the alignment of the wooden plywood plywood. Plywood for this method is approximately 8-10 mm thick, if necessary, it can be laid with a double layer. Before installing the plywood sheet, it cuts into smooth squares with a side of 60 cm.

The next toolkit will be required for work:

    metal ruler

    building level

  • grinder machine




  • screwdriver

    pila Bulgarian

  • electric drill

For alignment of the floor plywood, three different ways are used: Installation of plywood wallpapers, fastening on tape lags, installation of sheet plywood on bars

The choice of the method is made on the basis of how far the floor is curved. For example, if after measuring the drop drop, it does not exceed six millimeters, then the installation of auxiliary lags is not required. Observation of up to 10 millimeters are observed - tape lags are used.

Installation of plywood without using lags

With a fairly smooth floor, the plywood is attached directly to the tree with screws. Alignment is performed at the highest point of the floor, and in those places where the floor level becomes lower, lining is littered under the faeus. The plywood squares are stacked by the rows, the row closest to the wall should move away a bit from the wall, not more than 8 mm, control the distance is simpler, if you join the wall a special bar of the required width.

It is recommended to leave a gap between the rows of plywood squares, but it should not exceed three millimeters. In addition, each next row is installed with a displacement relative to the previous one - at least 15 centimeters .. Fastening screws must be completely recessed by the hats in the floor. In order to avoid damage to the plywood when attaching plywood, perform marking - in places of installation of screws drill small holes in the plywood.

Installation of plywood on tape lags

In the event that the mid-level irregularities are present on the floor, it is necessary to mount ribbon lags before installing plywood sheets. The desired design is made of plywood bands - the thickness should be from 8 to 10 mm, 20-25 mm are cut along the width of the lags. The finished bands are installed on a wooden base in parallel to each other, while the distance between the centers of two adjacent lags should not exceed 60 cm. To align them at the highest point of the floor in the necessary places for the lags are installed lining.

The space between lags fill in the film insulating material, in particular, the polyethylene or polystyrene foam is perfectly suitable for this. These materials will not only retain heat, but also serve as a seal. For fasteners, screws are used for fasteners, screws are used, they must be installed in the center of lags. As in the previous case, the ranks of the squares are installed with a displacement relative to each other and a small gap in a broader.

Installation of plywood on lags from timber

The wooden floor with a large height drop can be aligned only on pilot lags. For the manufacture of lags, bars are allowed to 50x50 mm. To align lags when installing them on a wooden floor, you can use "beacons", for example, from screws - they screw in the wooden base of the floor to the necessary depth. To align the beacons of beacons along the horizontal plane, use the construction level in one or two meters long.

Wooden bars are attached to the wooden floor with screws, while the timber is installed in parallel to each other at a distance of 60 cm from the neighboring. The bars lags are aligned with beacons-beacons hats. Before installing sheet plywood, fill the space between the lags of the mineral wool insulation, the foam or other material with high heat insulating properties. The fastening of the plywood sheets on the lags is made by screws: screw them in the center of Bruusyev.

Aligning floor floors with chipboard

If you have in stock there are chipboard sheets, then with their help you can highlight the wooden floor. In general, the widespread list of sheet materials can be used to align the floor, from modern, for example, oriented OSB chipboard. But the practice shows: most often when repairing the floor is the sheet of chipboard. To perform work, select the material of the required thickness, namely, not less than 18-20 mm.

Alignment technology is similar as in the case of plywood. If you prefer modern oriented chipboard, then from their large selection it is recommended to purchase OSB-3 plates - with a relatively small thickness of 10 mm, they have excellent water resistance, which is extremely important when aligning the wooden floor. The method of their attachment is the same as when working with plywood or chipboard.

Is the concrete screed for aligning floors

In the case of concrete, it is worth noting: the design of the cement-sandy mixture will be very heavy, which means that after complete drying will begin to provide on the wooden base of the floor constant excessive loads. Experienced masters advise to replace the concrete tie more practical - with the basis of the clay. It will make the weight load more acceptable for wood.

Immediately before the fill, prepare the floor: spread the film from dense polyethylene on it, the ends of the film should be rolled into the walls to the height, slightly exceeding the level of the future screed. Enter the film so that the adjacent strips overlap each other by the edges and thoroughly cord the joints of the joints of the scotch.

The next step will be the installation of the reinforcing grid: reinforcement will make the floor especially durable, and even in the case of high loads, it will prevent the gradual cracking of the concrete mixture. When choosing between a plastic and metal grid, it is necessary to consider: plastic is not subject to corrosive effect, while it is much easier, and therefore the installation of the polymer product will be easier than metallic. The grid must be installed at 3-4 cm from the wooden floor base, for this, special supports of the corresponding height are installed on the draft floor, and the grid is already installed on them. Note that the reinforcing material is recommended to lay in two layers.

To make a solution for a screed, you will need a portland cement M400 brand, sand and ceramzite in proportions 1: 3: 8. The mixture is evenly mixed and thoroughly mixed, after which it is pouring it. The optimal thickness of the screed layer is 8-10 cm, and for a more smooth fill, you can install on the wooden base of the floor screws, which will perform the function of beacons: dispense the beacons throughout the area at a distance of 50-60 cm between adjacent rows. High-quality filler floors with their own hands, the mixture is aligned and its seal. The solution itself is poured into two layers.

So, if the condition of your wooden floors is far from the ideal, then their alignment can be performed personally, and there are many suitable ways for this. Minor flaws are easily eliminated by a cycling or spat. More serious destruction will require other techniques: for high-quality equalization, use any of the sheet materials, such as chipboard, plywood, oriented OSB chipboard. What kind of technology screed to choose will be known only after careful examination of the state of the wooden floors.

Not so rare cases when there is a need to align the wooden floor, let's say before laying a laminate or carpet. Fully changing the floor is laborious and expensive, it is often difficult to fulfill if the repair is carried out in the same residential room, where the family stays at the time of repair.

In homes that have concrete or powerful wooden floors, the problem is usually solved quite simply - a concrete screed of 3-10 cm.

But what to do, if the lags are old, rare and weak? A screed can lead to new problems: the level of the floor will significantly rise, because of which it will have to reinstall the doors, it will decrease the already small height of the ceiling. Sometimes, when repairing the old board, it is necessary to fully disassemble it and shift the lags - time-consuming and expensive pleasure.
Consider several technologies that will allow you to get perfectly smooth floors, without disassembled by capital, with the loss of the entire pair of centimeters of height.

Ways to form a smooth plane

First of all, the degree of curvature should be determined. To do this, you can use a long construction level. If it does not have any - tags are installed on the perimeter of the room.

The permissible value of the difference is 1.5-2 mm per 1 mp. If it is higher than this value, but does not exceed 3 mm - you can make a putty surface. Since to align the wooden floor without breaking up the boards in several ways, the putty is considered the least time consuming of them. To do this, it is necessary to use acrylic compositions with high plasticity and durability.

Often the causes of curvature are in the deformation of the flooring. It arises as a result of frequent temperature differences and humidity. You can fix the problem by the following technology.

  1. Improve clamping boards to lags. Additionally clog out several nails.
  2. Remove the old layer of paint and re-conduct curvature measurements.
  3. Align the surface with a special tool - a plane or grinding machine.
  4. Check out the result.

After applying or laying the decorative coating. It is important to correctly define the "problem" zones. If you remove the layer not in that place - new irregularities are formed.

So correct defects in the country or in the apartment. This method is relevant both for the further installation of the decor and painting.

On a note

For alignment, you need to use special tools. Each of them has specific applications and certain restrictions.


This is the most time-consuming way to troubleshoot. Since to align the old wooden floor is very problematic - it is recommended to apply cardinal methods. These include dismantling of the flooring and aligning them using the plane.

The process will take a lot of time and will require enough effort. Previously need to be taken out of the room all furniture. Then with the help of a nail and the hammer makes dismantling of the flooring. The paint layer can be removed. For work in a private house, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Check the geometry of the flooring, determine the degree of their curvature.
  2. Make sure there is no mold and fungus. In case of needing to treat the surface with special compositions.
  3. Fasten the flooring in a horizontal position and remove over with the plane.
  4. Check the sizes again.

This method will take a long time. But due to the detailed analysis of the state, you can qualitatively remove the coating errors.

Square for floor alignment

Let's start with the most complex method - the leveling of the cycle. To do this, you will need a squash or grinding machine. Its designs there are cutting elements that remove excess decorative material. Therefore, there is no need to remove the old painting layer.

This procedure is very dusty and dirty, moreover, it is still quite time-consuming and requires careful preparation. For this method, the following features are inherent:

  • High cost of equipment. It can be leased or order this service from specialized companies;
  • All nails, which are nailed to the lags are nailed to "secure": even one nail to get under the knife of the cycular car, you will have to remove all knives, flip them again, the cycular car will have to reconfigure them. And to peck out a nail in painted boards is simple. When the cutting part;
  • Very uncomfortable cyclish corners and places directly adjacent to the walls.

That's not all. Since the thickness of the boards decreases during cyclishing, together with it, their carrying capacity is reduced. Due to the temperature differences, sooner or later, tubercles and pits will appear on the treated floors. They are treated with a special putty.

On a note

An alternative alignment is an independent manufacture of the composition of small sawdust and varnish. After applying and drying, it will have properties similar to the rest of the decor.

Chipboard or plywood

When installing a soft decorative coating, the requirements for the base increase significantly. How to align the wooden floor under linoleum with minimal costs, but also observing the required technology? To do this, you can use different types of plates.

One of the optimal options is the installation of OSB. They are made of wooden chips, which passes several stages of processing. Fibers in each layer are directed in the opposite direction relative to each other. Additionally, the material is impregnated with moisture-resistant and antibacterial compositions.

With small drops up to 7 mm, it is preferred to install Phaneur. Its thickness can vary from 7 to 20 mm. In terms of its properties, it is similar to the stove described above. Experts recommend selecting the material designed for operation in the "wet" rooms.

Before aligning OSB-3 on the wooden floor, the base must be prepared. After installing the plates on the draft surface, moisture may accumulate, which will lead to the decomposition of the flooring or lag. Therefore, the technology of adjusting the height of plywood or the material similar to it is as follows:

  1. Checking the condition of the black floor, replacing the mold damaged by fungus or mold.
  2. Cleaning from the paint layer.
  3. Processing of the base with anti-grapple and moisture-resistant compositions. The installation of the sheet material can be done only after their final drying.
  4. Installation of plates for alignment of the wooden floor under the laminate. Special attention should be paid to joints - they should be sealed.

Start the process aligning from the installation of lighthouses. This role can fully play ordinary self-tapping screws. The floor area is divided into squares, in the corners of which and screwed at the desired height of the tapping screw (the sides of the square - 20-30 cm).

Once with the help of a screwdriver and levels, all lighthouses will be exhibited, lags are placed. Fasteners are carried out by self-drawing or with the help of glue (PVA, PVA-moment and other, intended for wood). In places of lags, lags over the boards under them are lining pieces of plywood of the desired thickness, lubricated with glue. The lag width must be about 30-50 mm.

After drying the adhesive is covered with aligning coating, plywood sheets or chipboard.

At the same time, we need to take into account in advance that when laying the coating of the sheets of sheets must necessarily go to lags. In order not to trim in the further sheet material, it is very convenient, to decompose the sheets of plywood first and put them with chalk, pastel or chalk pencils, and lags to lay exactly on these lines.

Plywood sheets are attached with self-headed heads. Fastening locations need to be supervised and cencing. As a result, a very durable and smooth floor is obtained without a special loss of height, only 2-3 cm.

After that, you can mount the main decor. The coatings of the type of linoleum or carpet requires a small additional processing of plywood: it is slightly grinding with a grinding machine, especially it concerns the joints and places of fastening, then several layers of varnish are applied. For, the substrate (plug or foamed polyethylene tube) is pre-labeled.

The main disadvantage of this method is the inability to eliminate significant level drops. But to form a smooth surface, it is suitable perfect.

Aligning mixes

In some cases, special self-leveling formulations can be used. But this can be done only if the draft wooden floors can withstand an additional load.

One of the disadvantages of this method is a different temperature expansion of leveling mixtures and wood. Therefore, it can only be used for premises with a slight area. It is also important to correctly perform preparatory work. It is not recommended to use the classic concrete composition, as it will have a significant mass. It is best to purchase special mixtures.

The procedure for performing work.

  1. Cleaning the base, primer.
  2. Installation of a spike layer that seals the slots.
  3. Installation of waterproofing. Used polyethylene film 200 microns. The stripes are sprinkled with a mustache, joints are sealed with bilateral tape. It is important to fix waterproofing to the draft floor to avoid its movements.
  4. Installation of reinforcing grid.
  5. Pouring a self-leveling mixture.

During the fulfillment of the last stage, all the air bubbles should be removed. In this way, curves can be aligned with wooden floors that have sufficient mechanical strength. However, with significant level drops, the use of another technology is recommended.

For air exchange, installation of ventilation gratings is required. With their help will be removed excess moisture. Usually they are installed at the corners of the room.

Adjustable lags

Adjustable lags are quite effective, but - roads. These are the usual lags in which special adjusting studs are screwed, proper screws. insulation. Horizontality is provided with screwing and unscrewing screws-supports. Adjustable floors are not always possible to apply. In addition to the high cost, they have a significant drawback - the rise of the height of the floor is at least up to 10 cm, even without taking into account the thickness of the final coating.

Works are performed according to the following algorithm.

  • First, you should make sure that the drop drop depends on the lag. Then dismantling the flooring and checking the condition of BRUSEV. In case of need, the replacement of defective.
  • To align their level, you can apply the mounting items. Pre-under lags are installed support. Then the hole in which the screw pin is mounted in the drill. After through passage through the material to the bottom of the screw, the support and a height retainer is mounted. According to this technology, the wooden floor is aligned under the laminate throughout the plane.

Wood putty levels floor

A kind of known PVA-glue and small sawdust can be excellent material for floor alignment. It will cost it inexpensively, and the result will turn out to be excellent.

On the floor are stuffed along the horizontal level of the rail - lighthouses. PVA-glue for the tree is mixed with small sawdusts to the thickness of sour cream and fill this mixture between the rails. The sawdust is better to moisten and squeeze a little bit - so they stretch from glue moisture not very quickly.

If we consider that this putty can give a small shrinkage, it is better to apply thick layers in several layers, no more than one or two centimeters each. If, after drying, the level will detect unevenness, this place is applied to a certain amount of putty. The leveling material is laid after complete drying.

On a note

It is necessary to immediately notice that this type of putty will dry for a very long time, but this inconvenience is fully compensated by the possibility of using cheap and thin Phaneur (5-8mm).

This is the only way that provides the smallest lifting of the floor to the "highest board".