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Three Avenues of August: honey, apples, bread. Nut Savior: Holiday History, Traditions, Signs, Divination, Bans

Walnut Savior in 2018 is celebrated on August 29. This is a Christian holiday, the last of three resca. It is associated with the veneration of the canvas, which shows the image of the Savior. The official church name of the holiday is the transfer of the environment to Constantinople in Constantinople (Ubollus) of the Lord Jesus Christ. In the people, this day is also called third or bread saves.

history of the holiday

The third saved is also called non-manual, or savas savas, because of the wonderful event, which happened during the life of the Savior. When the Syrian ruler was excreted from severe illness, he decided that only the Son of God would be able to heal it. Despite the fact that he never had to see Christ live, he believed in him and wrote him a letter with a request to heal his illness.

Having ordered his painter Analyan to transfer the letter, he ordered to write the image of Christ on the canvas. When the painter arrived in Palestine, he saw Jesus Christ, surrounded by the people with his own eyes. However, it was not able to approach him, so I climbed into a tall stone and tried to draw his portrait.

When the Son of God noticed this, he called her painter, took the letter and promised that his student would soon appear to the ruler and give him healing, and then asked him to give him water and towel. Wash the face, he lasted a towel on which his divine face suddenly manifested itself. Before the arrival of the student, the disease has already left the ruler, and the image of Jesus Christ became the main shrine of the Syrian city of Edessa.

What does nuts savage for the church

In the church, of course, there is no official holiday with such a name. Orthodox celebrate on August 29 a holiday with another name - transfer to Constantinople of the non-manual image of Jesus Christ. Therefore, one of the names for this day is non-gun saved.

The non-manual image, according to biblical legend, arose after Jesus washed and wipe the face with a canvas towel. At this towel, His Holy Lick was made forever, and it became one of the most important Christians for all Christians.

It is from this image that the first icon painters wrote the appearance of Christ for which all Christians are focused on centuries and which is considered the genuine appearance of the Savior.

The shrine is miraculous. According to an ancient legend, this appearance of Christ healed the resident of the city of Edess from the deadly disease. Thanks to this, Christianity quickly became popular among all the inhabitants of this city.

Walnut or bread saved: What and how we celebrate?

Our ancestors lived in a special, agricultural calendar, so many church holidays are combined with those echoes of pagan traditions that existed before the arrival of Christianity. Bread saved is not called no accident, after all, it was these days that there were harvesters and work on wintering friction. And the name "Walnut" was gained due to the beginning of harvesting nuts, which were a valuable margin for the winter, as well as a source of vegetable oils.

August 29 is also known as the feast of the wrong Savior, he saved on canvas or canvas. It was on this day that many years ago, the delicious image of Christ, who turned out after Jesus washed and wiped the face of the clutch, was moved to Constantinople.

What can be done on the third saved? On this day, new wells have traditionally been sanctified and all that is associated with water. We went to the bath bathe with nut brooms. It was believed that today the fortress of the nut is in such a way a person passes.

The main dish on the table is, of course, bread from the flour of a new crop with nuts. Baking can be any, as the post is over, and can use oil, eggs and other ingredients. And, of course, wine does not take place.

They will hurt nuts and bread in churches, but it is not forbidden to shy vegetables, apples, honey, poppy. Just remember that bringing edible to the temple, you suggest it, first of all, and do not put it under the spray of holy water so that the soles get healing properties.

And in some regions of our country, there are future schoolchildren in some regions of our country, blessed them at the beginning of study, because the school is not far off.

After the third rescue, the summer finally surrendered in the embrace of autumn. Birds are knocked down in flocks and fly into warm edges to wintering. There is a sign that if the cranes fly away to walnut saved, then the interchange will be free.

According to the church calendar, on August 29, the Orthodox Christian comes a holiday, referred to as the people of Walnut Space. Before this holiday, honey saved and apple saved in the last month of summer time of the year.

Name of the holiday

The third saved has several names and they all take their origin at the origins of traditions.

Bread savage. Previously, on this day, a fresh loaf, baked from the grain of the first harvest, would certainly be standing on the table, thanks to this tradition, the third saved is called bread sacks.

The third saved is the name of the nuts, as on August 29, it was customary to gather everyone together and go to the forest to collect nuts, hence the name.

Savior on canvas. Another tradition associated with the history of this holiday was the manufacture of canvas. Women, girls to this holiday fabrics a lot of canvases and canvases, after which they sold them - this tradition gave rise to another name of the third Savior - Canvas Savior.

Church name. In the church calendar, the third Savior holiday has a long and beautiful name - the transfer of the non-manual image of the Lord Jesus Christ.

History of the third Savior

The history of this Orthodox holiday is rooted in a distant past, when Jesus walked around the world and preached the Orthodox faith. In one city, the ruler called the ruler was the king of Avgar, who suffered from terrible ulcers that completely covered his body, and no healer managed to help tormented to the ruler. But soon, rumors about the Son of the Lord, who was on Earth, who was on Earth created incredible miracles on Earth. The king decided that this is his only salvation and wrote a letter to Jesus, in which he asked to help him and save from the terrible illness. His message Avgar sent along with the artist named Ananya, who asked to portray the Son of the Lord on Canvas.

In Jerusalem, the artist found Jesus, around which a huge number of inhabitants crowded, so the anany could not even touch the teacher. Rising to the tall stone, the artist wanted to portray Jesus on the canvas, but all attempts were in vain. At one point, Christ noticed Anania and called himself, after which he asked for a bowl, filled with water and remur. Jesus washed her face in the bowl and lasted by a towel, on which his face was imprinted. It is this canvas with the artist King Agary, who depicted the teacher.

Soon, Agar was healed by the hands of one of the followers of Jesus, the Saint Faddeem, and the image of the rescue of the unclean king hung over the gates leading to the city.

Traditions associated with third sacks

Thanks to the biblical history of the origin of the festival Savior, many traditions associated with the canvas appeared. On this day, the people were necessarily consecrated tissue canvas in the temples. A woman's walnut exasue was made by their own fabrics, they went to sanctify them to the church, and then sewed from this cloth with the whole family. Also on this day, it is customary to sanctify two other symbols of this Orthodox holiday: nuts and bread.

An interesting tradition of the celebration of the third Savior is the cleansing of wells. This tradition has been preserved in many settlements so far. On August 29, in rural areas were engaged in the cleansing of wells, holy source, as well as the consecration of new wells. In this holiday, the custom saw clean water from the sanctified source.

Signs associated with third sacks

In Russia, there was a huge number of adopted by this holiday. People said that a broom collected on this day from walnut branches will serve as a guard and protect against various pors and misstain.

In addition, it was believed that if many nuts were collected on this day, next year, the crop crops will be delighted.

Customs on Celebration of Bread Suit

Be sure to purchase a small little thing, a souvenir, if not to do this, it is believed that in the coming year there will be an extremely unstable and shaky financial situation. Be sure to visit the church and it is desirable to highlight objects characteristic of this holiday: bread, nuts and canvas.

Walnut saved is celebrated for many decades. History and most traditions take their beginning in time immemorial times, but many rites to celebrate this bright holiday have been preserved until now. Three Savings were deeply revered at all times and are not forgotten in our turbulent time.

The third saved is nut, or bread - closes two-week and is the last one from the resols, after honey (August 14) and apple (August 19). He is named because the folk nature people believe that nuts finally ripen to this day. On this day, it is also taken to bake bread from a new harvest, which after consecration becomes the main dish of this holiday. There is a third saved on August 29 (according to a new style).

Other names of nuts

The third saved is called also saved on the canvas (the first - "on the water", the second - "on the mountain"). Among his folk titles - Small Savior, Canvas savage, Kalinist, Brozden, Bryazzhe. They also referred to him.

Tradition about the non-manual image

According to an ancient attachment, which is based on a document found in the IV century, the ruler of the city of Edessa in Mesopotamia, Avgar, sick with a leprosy. Wanting to heal from the incurable disease, he sent to Jesus Christ the painter with a letter, where he asked the Savior about healing. Seeing the Lick of the Savior, the artist wished to portray his features on the canvas, but it could not be able to him.

And then the Lord asked him to submit a towel, washed and the face washed. His face was imprinted on the towel. Thanks to this non-manual image, brought by painter, Prince Edessa healed from his illness and engaged in the spread of Christianity.

The image of Jesus Christ, attached above the main goal of the city, kidnapped Muslims, and only across nine centuries, the Byzantine Emperor Mikhail III was able to redeem him.

On August 29, 944, the Edessic image on the order of Constantine Bagryanorovnoy was transferred to Constantinople and established the festival in honor of this.

In 1204, the non-manual image was stolen from Constantinople during one of their crusades. According to legend, he was carried on a ship, which sank, and from that time an old relic is considered lost.

It is also believed that the first Byzantine and old Russian icons wrote from this non-manual image.

This day is also a day of reverence of the Martyr Diomide, who will be prayed in cases of various ailments and diseases.

Customs and signs on nut saved

On the third saved the nuts in the church, and from this day it is allowed there are nuts of a new crop. And with the audit of the Virgin, celebrated on the eve, the end of the bread harvest was associated. According to popular beliefs, the harvest of nuts foreshadows the crop of rye next year.

On this day, baked pies from the flour of a new harvest, as well as sow winter rye.

After a common home prayer, the hostess with bread and salt was accompanied by men on the fields, laying three snop on the cart, and from above - rye for sowing in bags. They met the buckwheat porridge on the field, and after sowing winter bread, pie and porridge were seen with the whole family.

Another popular name of the third Savior - Canvas (saved on the canvas) - was given because the fairings were taken to this holiday, where bidding of the canvas and canvas. It was believed that on this day you need to buy at least something, otherwise you will spend the whole year in poverty.

The main dish of the holiday, of course, the consecrated bread of the new crop, as well as nuts. "The third saved bread bread." The people celebrated this day as the day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the urgent bread.

The hostess did bread and pies with mushrooms from new flour, prepared dishes with nuts and treated them all their relatives and guests. Assumption post to this day has already ended, and hence it was possible to put meat and fish dishes on the table. However, at the head of the table, of course, there were bread, nuts, honey and apples. It was believed that if a person dismisses from every dish, anyone will be fulfilled, and money flows into life.

On this day, the hostess was also made a special tincture that helped get rid of any cold. Walnuts were taken for her and flooded with vodka or moonshine.

On the nut saved the last departure cranes and swallows. If the cranes flew away, it means that the cover will be frost. But the thunderstorm August is a harbinger of long warm autumn. In the cities of this day begin the "great" walking. In some lands on this day, new wells will be holy, the healing sources are brushed to autumn and drink underground water.

An interesting admission is that on the nut saved every witch prepares a magic wand. The people said that the magic wands were made precisely from Oshechnik, which on this day is filled with a special force. But simple people did bath brooms on this day. It was believed that such a broom would help cure any disease, even the most difficult, but they could not be dried and stored near the brooms connected from the branches of other trees.

Useful properties of nuts

Earlier in our lands only the forest (hazelnut) and walnut nuts grew. Now they will be brought from different countries, and each of the nuts is useful in their own way and tasty.

In addition, they contain many minerals and trace elements, in particular iodine and zinc, as well as vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids that impede the development of atherosclerosis.

So, peanuts helps sick hemophilia, diabetes and exudative diathesis. Cedar nuts increase protective forces, immunity, well affect the development of children. Nutritional properties of cedar oil above sunflower. Pistachios are useful for the brain and heart, as well as with liver diseases. Enhance potency.

Walnuts are also called food for the mind. The priests in the ancient Babylon did not allow ordinary people to eat nuts so that they do not become too smart. In fact, walnuts have a beneficial effect on the brain vessels, being a stroke prevention and means to improve memory. In the treatment, not only nuts are used, but also leaves.

The hazelnut was collected during the times of Neolithic. Protein in this nut is greater than in meat, and oil is used in cosmetology. According to the latest research, a substance that can slow down the development of cancer has been found in the forest walnut. The hazelnut cleans the body, promotes the intestinal operation, it is recommended to take a handful of these nuts before bedtime.

Walnut (bread) saved - a national holiday, which is celebrated on August 29 the day after the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother of God, is the last, third festival of the outgoing summer, which symbolizes the end of the harvest.

The Orthodox Church on this day celebrates the transfer of the engineering image of Jesus Christ from the plan to Constantinople. On the same day, the church makes the celebration of the Icons of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya and Port Arthurskaya.

What a holiday

Walnut saved, as well as the first two - honey and apple, an ancient holiday, which combined all Christian and folk traditions, so the third saved was considered the day of thanksgiving to the Lord for the harvest of bread and nuts.

The third saved called nuts because from this day you can eat nuts after consecration in the church. It is not as popular as the two previous ones, but from all three it is most important.

© Photo: Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

The name of the holiday "Savior" was formed as a reduction from the Savior. Each SPAS has their own history and traditions, but they are all connected with Jesus Christ and with his acts.

Another name of the third Savior - saved on the canvas, or a canvas savage, which his roots goes to the Christian tradition.

Savior delicious

According to legend, Saved called the non-manual because of the miracle, which happened during the life of Jesus Christ. The ruler of the Syrian city of the Institute - Avgar, who was amazed by leprosy, without seeing Jesus, believed in him as in the Son of God and wrote a letter with a request to come and heal him.

With a letter to Palestine, he sent his painter with anania, instructing him to write the image of the Divine Teacher, if he could not come.

Upon arrival in Palestine, Anania saw the Son of God, surrounded by a large number of people, but there was no possibility to approach him. Therefore, the artist rose in the distance to the tall stone and tried to write a portrait of Christ, but he did not succeed.

Jesus noticed the painter and calling him by name, called to himself and transferred a letter to Augarch. The Savior promised to the ruler of the Syrian city to send his student in the near time so that he healed the patient and instructed in the true faith.

Then Jesus asked people to bring water and a towel (remotion), washed her face and his detachment, which was manifested by his divine face. The remur and the letter of the Savior Anania brought to the junction - with awe accepted Avgar's shrine and received healing.

© Photo: Sputnik / Sergey Pyatakov

Icon "saved non-manual"

Before the arrival of the student promised by the Lord, only a small part of the traces of terrible disease remained. They were the apostle from the 70s of St. Faddia, who preached the Gospel and baptized the avgary who had belonged to Augration and all the residents of the station.

The image began to be very readily in the process. The boards were nailed to the board and placed above the city gates - residents of the city considered him a great shrine.

In 630, Arabs took possession of the process, but they did not interfere with the worship of the wrong image, the fame of which spread throughout the east.

The non-manual image was the main shrine of the city of Institutes, having spent in it until 944 - Emperor Konstantin Bagryanorovenic (912-959) bought an image from Emir, the ruler of the city and moved it to Constantinople, the then capital of Orthodoxy. Since then, this event is observed by the Orthodox Christians of the whole world.

However, during crusades, the image was irretrievably lost, and today we have the opportunity to apply to copies of this image in Orthodox churches.

Traditions and customs

On this day, the traditions ended the cleaning of breads and baked the first cave from the flour of a new crop. The bread was sanctified in the church and then ate with the whole family, so the third saved was also called bread.

In Starina, such proverbs were: "The third saved - bread bread", "Kohl is good the third saved, there will be a kvass in winter."

The rite to store the remains of the first puncture, wrapped in a canvas cloth behind the icon, has been preserved in some villages to this day. People believed that thus lured well-being in the house and defeated the family from hunger.

In many cities and villages on bread or nuts, Savior arranged fairs - it was believed that trade on this day will be especially favorable.

At the fairs it was possible to meet the abundance of various fabrics, followed by Selyan, because the people were told the view that this day should be purchased from the tissues.

Bread (nut) Savior was not accepted to celebrate some kind, since at this time the suffer was in full swing, and people were not before entertainment. They attended the church in the morning, shredied nuts, bread, grains and sent to prepare the Niva to winter sowing.

© Photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitaleev

Nevertheless, some festive customs were still observed - baked bread for the poor, treated native and passers-legged nuts, pies with nuts and other gifts of the outgoing summer were served.

The festive table was supposed to be rich and diverse-Sucan post ended on the eve of the holiday, so fish and meat dishes could be served. By tradition, it was necessary to try all the eats, in order for the next year to be joyful and obese.

On this day, it was customary to give symbolic gifts to relatives, friends and colleagues - nuts, buns, baked with their own hands, or canvas towels, as the products made of fabric are also directly related to this holiday.

The hostess on this day also engaged in the preparation of the healing nut tincture. To do this, we used a membrane of walnuts, which were poured with cognac or vodka and insisted in a dark place.

Such a nut tincture in the cold winter was the priority means of treatment of a cold - it was added to hot tea.


There was a lot of adoption and rites associated with walnut sacks. For example, if there were two surrounding nuts, they were put on their left hand in the wallet - such a nut gave a man to a monetary success for a whole year.

© Photo: Sputnik / Valery Shustov

On nuts, young girls guess and recognized their fate ahead. The first torn nut was eaten and the taste was determined that they were waiting for them next year.

Ripened and delicious walnut - to great love, bitter - Favorite will change if the nut has not seized - wait for an important news, and if the rotten is to be trouble.

With the arrival of walnut rescue, autumn fully comes into its rights - for folk signs, the thunderstorms foreshadows a long warm autumn. On walnut saved the last swallows, and if by August 29, the cranes fly away - the winter will be early.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Walnut or Bread Savior - People's Day, which is celebrated August 29. The day after the holiday of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, this is the last, third festival of the outgoing summer, which symbolizes the end of the harvest.

The Orthodox Church on this day celebrates the transfer of the engineering image of Jesus Christ from the plan to Constantinople. On the same day, the church makes the celebration of the Icons of the Most Holy Virgin Fedorovskaya and Port Arthurskaya.

Walnut savage

The third saved is called nut, bread and even canvas. Our ancestors baked bread on this day, gathered hasting nuts and traded on the fairs with linen canvas. The people said: "The first saved - on the water cost; - Apples eat; The third saved - on the green mountains, canvases sell. "

Other names of nuts

In recently, the collection of wild nuts (flashens) began in Russia, and baking bread from the grain of the new harvest and trade in households and canvas. In this regard, the holiday was also called:

Saved on the canvas

Saved on the canvas

Canvas savage.

Also, this day was called small sax - it is considered as if the semi-apparatus, because it falls on the postponement of the holiday very important in Orthodoxy - the Assumption of the Virgin.

Well, and the folk calls of the holiday - the autumn saved and the cold saved - remind that with the end of August, the summer, alas, is inferior to the place of autumn.

Traditions and customs

The main tradition Walnut Savior, like other great religious holidays - visiting worships in church and prayer.

For church traditions, nuts (flash, walnuts), bread and punishment from the flour of the first crop are sanctified these days.

On this day, the traditions ended the cleaning of breads and baked the first cave from the flour of a new crop. The bread was sanctified in the church and then ate with the whole family.

In Starin, there were such proverbs: "The third saved - bread bread", "Kohl is good the third saved, will be in the winter kvass."

The rite to store the remains of the first puncture, wrapped in a canvas cloth behind the icon, has been preserved in some villages to this day. People believed that thus lured well-being in the house and defeated the family from hunger.

In many cities and villages on bread or nuts, Savior arranged fairs - it was believed that trade on this day will be especially favorable.

At the fairs it was possible to meet the abundance of various fabrics, followed by Selyan, because the people were told the view that this day should be purchased from the tissues.

Bread (nut) Savior was not accepted to celebrate some kind, since at this time the suffer was in full swing, and people were not before entertainment. They attended the church in the morning, shredied nuts, bread, grains and sent to prepare the Niva to winter sowing.

Also on this day, the hostess harvest the therapeutic walnut tincture: jumpers of walnuts are poured with vodka and insist in a dark place.

Celebrated nut saved no longer with such a scope like apple and honey. Summer ended, cold began. And people tried to harm food in their barns.

At lunch went to the church to illuminate bread and pies from the new grain. Prayed before the icon of the diomide martyr.

By the evening, the peasants cleaned healing underground sources, cleaned the wells. In general, they were preparing for autumn and winter. And then they sat down at the table. It was accepted by a tincture based on walnuts, as well as bread and pies.

Well, finished the day washed in the bath. People did broys from Oshness, who defended them from diseases and evil.

The hostess baked bread and pies with mushrooms, prepared various dishes with the addition of nuts and treated them their relatives and loved ones. Since the Uspensky post is over, a dish of meat and fish was put on the table. But the main dishes were:

  • fresh bakery;
  • apples with honey.

Customs and signson walnut savage

On this day, you can eat nuts from the new harvest, before that they are illuminated in the church. There is a sign that if the crop of the fruit of the walnut tree is good, then the next year there will be a rich harvest of rye.

On the nut saved, it was customary to sow winter and oven pies from the flour of a new crop.

Our ancestors after the uterine prayers were accompanied by men with bread and salt on the field. Three snops were laid in the cart, on top of which rj bags were placed for sowing. Having come on the field, the men were tired of buckwheat porridge, and after sowing, returned home, they ate porridge and pies in a circle of the whole family.

Sayings and Signs

  • The third saved bread supplies.
  • Vintage on nuts - bread harvest for next year.
  • Harvesting on the nuts of two years does not happen.
  • If the crane departs to the third stay, then the cover will be frosty.
  • Swallows fly three times, three saves.
  • "Pisl Assumption has proven - Sonza on Osin pіshlo" (Ukr.)

If, when collecting nuts, one of them fell on the head, there will be unexpected profits.

How to predict the weather on saved?

Cranes, flying to the third Savior, is a sign of the onset of frosts until mid-October (until October 14, when the cover is celebrated). Thunderstorm on this day foreshadows warm autumn. Her sign is the calm flow of the river on the holiday.

Bread or nut saved: plots

On this day, it is necessary to bring some collected nuts to the house. Very good if you can find a double or triple nut - it means that soon you will definitely get rich. On such a fruit you need to read a special conspiracy:

"Let the happy walnie be a faith for me,

Bring me to good luck and money whole cart. "

Keep a conspiracy hack next to your wallet. You can carry it with you. It will help bring money to your life and significantly improve financial position.

There is a belief that on August 29, every witch did a magic wand. The material for its manufacture served a hazel, which on this day is filled with a special magical force. Simple people on the third saved made themselves brooms from walnut for a bath. It was believed that the use of these brooms would help heal from different diseases. But you need to dry and store them separately.

Conspiracy on walnut saved on marriage

The girls who for some reason do not get married, can hold a love ritual. For this, on August 29, you need to break the nut and bring it home. Split it into two halves. The edible part is removed.

"In one whole two parts connected, our love has grilled.

There will be a slave of God (name) about me the servant of God (name) to wander,

I think about me alone and dream.

Our hearts in unison will score

And fate forever go away.

Let the nut saved my desire to fulfill,

My life will be filled with happiness. Amen".

After that, take the nut, take your favorite home and scream it there.

Fortune telling and attitude to nuts saved

Souring nuts from a tree, it needs to eat and determine his taste. Sweet he foreshadows good luck in love affairs, bitter - disappointment, betrayal of a loved one, the unstucking walnut reports an important news, and rotten promises trouble.

How to make a desire to save?

There are many ways to make desires on the third saved. Here are those who use me. These are very simple fortune telling, but I had predictions, so that I believe in them.

  1. From the collected nuts take in the hands of the appearance of them in appearance, desires think about. Then you need to split it. Tasty, large core foreshadows the execution of the mandated, empty or rotten nut - a sign that he is not destined to be fulfilled.
  2. After rising the desire, you need to take a lot of nuts in your hands (how much will fit), spread on the table, recalculate their number. An even number will mean a quick execution of conceived.
  3. On the street drawn the circle with a radius of 15-20 cm, 13 nuts thrown into it, having stirred them in their hands and guess the desire. Throwing the fruits need not down, and up. The conceived will come true if most of the nuts fall into the center of the circle (7-13). If there are less - the desire is not fulfilled. You can carefully look at the composition of nuts in a circle. Its form, the location can tell about something with a gadget, if he connects the imagination.

What to cook on the third saved? Festive table on nut or bread saved

During the feast, it is customary to rejoice in the ending fit and taste with treats. You need to try all the dishes of the festive table, so that there is prosperity and health.

Bread saved falls on the end of the Assumption post, at this time you can already eat various dishes. The head of the table are nuts. The Third Savior Completes the August Suns, in honor of which apples, honey, is accepted. These products, along with nuts, are the main ingredients from which festive treats are preparing.

Do not ignore meat dishes. They can be improved by adding nuts, fruits in them.

On this day, there must be bread baked from new flour. They treat and treat guests not only in the house. You can go outside, distribute the neighbors and passersby cooked dishes.

Recipe on walnut savage - cookies with nuts and honey

The option of fast baking is the weightless honey-peanuts "snails" from the purchase test. If you do not adhere to the exact list of ingredients, perfect in all respects the dough for the strzdel is replaced with puff, loose-yeast, peanuts - hazelnut, walnut or almonds, flower honey - sugar, and from the glowing yolk-groan and refuse them at all.


  • dough semi-finished product for the strzdel - 200 g;
  • peanuts - 100 g;
  • honey - 50 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.

How to cook

  1. Nuts Pre-warm on a dry pan - keep a couple of minutes at high temperatures, remove the husk and let it be revealed to the aroma.
  2. Grind peanuts, rolling by the usual rolling pin manually, or in a bowl of the blender.
  3. Peanut crumb mix with honey of any variety - stuffing for baking is ready!
  4. Since we have a "living" dough, not subjected to freezing, immediately deploy a roll, cover the uniform layer of sweet fillings from peanuts and honey - twist reservoir again.
  5. We cut the "bundle" by blanks with a width of about 2 cm.
  6. We post future "snails" cut up / down on the parchment - we observe a small distance. Lubricated with water or milk egg yolk grease the "washers" and put the oven to the maximum. We bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.
  7. Freshly baked "snails" cool on the grille and before feeding slightly "pointing".
  8. Homemade honey-peanuts "snails" the same are good both with coffee, tea, and milk or berry mors!