Repairs Design Furniture

How to proceed a cutting board made of wood. Cutting oil oil: processing secrets. Lifetime of boards

The cutting board is a favorite product of the beginners of the Cabinetous Creators, because it is easy to manufacture, practical, and the most laconic and unwitting design can always be written off on the author's idea. That is, you can buy concentrations for four hundred rubles, cut it into three or four parts, get a whole set of cutting boards and sell it for four thousand. In case you also have facial saw There is, time it will take a little time, only time to accept orders. Wove out before the eyes of the ghosts of fabulous wealth? But walked there, in fact, everything is more complicated :(

About how difficult it is, I will tell then - for such a story it would be nice to have step-by-step photos process. Did anyone know what a desperate housewife will read it and wants to make a cutting board itself or a friend-culinary as a gift. You need to be open to any audience and write detailed, visual posts. Therefore, so far focusing on one moment, even at the final stage: on the processing of the oil board.

Why do you need to soak the board with oil? If short - because it is beautiful and hygienic. Tree, as we know, porous material; The oil penetrates into the pores and protects the wood from excess moisture and extraneous smells. The board impregnated with oil serves longer and is easier enough.

What oil to use for impregnation board? In separate discussions, this question provokes a holivar ink "Snowboard or Ski", people insist on the use of linen, olive, even just sunflower oil; It is offered to heat, boil, immerse the board into the oil for a few days ... There is a way simpler, cheaper and odorless: Vaseline oil from a pharmacy. Vaseline oil is mineral oil that does not decompose, does not distinguish an unpleasant smell, does not harm a person. In addition, vaseline oil has a high ability to repulse dirt. Heat the oil before the impregnation board or not - I can not say; I tried it, and I didn't notice the difference. The technology is the same: twisted from a suitable piece of pure tampon with a piece of clean oil and thoroughly rub it into the board, we are waiting for forty minutes, we repeat the procedure, and so three or four times. Only if you decide to heat the oil (For this it will suit any small kitchenware - Vaseline oil happens without a trace, without spoiling it), take care of your hands. Someone believes that one-time treatment is enough; Someone insists that the board should be treated with oil again in three or four months.

Somehow for clarity I will make a photo of the board before and after impregnation. Butter not only protects the tree, but also "manifests" its texture; Many believe that this product looks more beautiful.

In the Laco-colorful pavilions you can find special oils for impregnation of kitchen boards (often based on organic tung oil), And they perfectly cope with their task, but in case you are going to make two or three boards for yourself or as a gift, it is easier to purchase a vaseline oil bottle in fifty rubles than a canister specialized for eight hundred.

On the photo - the board I did for myself. She is minimalistic, there is no handles (because from pruning)nor holes (Because this trim has inside metal studs, and I had no confidence in the fact that I can't catch them with a drill)nor accessories (because I haven't caught any suitable) - But she is pretty.

When chosen finishing, the overwhelming majority of the masters prefer the compositions from natural components, first of all the oils. There are many options than to impregnate new boardBut practice shows that the most effective solution in this issue is the use of vaseline oil, which will not be difficult to find in the pharmacy.

Alternative to Vaseline Oil can be vegetable analogs, in particular, nutty or linseed oil. But, despite the environmental friendliness and simplicity of such a finish, over time, it can transmit food in contact with a wooden board, an unpleasant burnt odor. Covering the product with linen, vaseline or any other oil, you will have to periodically update the impregnation, which will wear as the scale of the plank.

How to treat a cutting board with oil?

The oil for impregnation is applied to a well polished and dried surface. Equally distributed using a brush or tampon, an abundant amount of finishing composition, it is possible to absorb into the structure of wood (15-20 minutes), after which the excess wipe, spending a tampon along the fibers.

A new wooden cutting board is handled at least two or three layers. Each fresh layer of oil is applied after complete drying of the previous one. It is not very convenient because the vegetable oils are quite low. Drying board must be produced in a well-ventilated room.

Are there any other finishing formulations for health?

This question still causes hot discussions, despite the fact that it has long been given unambiguous and authoritative answers. For decoration wooden productsin contact with food, you can use any finishing formulations, including oil, polyurethane and nitrocellulose varnishes, shellah coatings and flaxes. These materials are fully harmless to health, but only after complete drying. This is a very important point!

Before starting to use kitchen boardwhich you decide to paint one of these compositions, you need to make sure that the coating fully solid. Remember that the presence of a surface film does not mean that the composition is finally drying inside the wood.

How to save finishing attractiveness?

Holding to this simple instruction, your cutting board will save the external attractiveness for many years.

  1. After use, wash the product well with warm water, if possible with minimum application detergents. Wipe moisture remnants without much diligence and do not allow a long stay of the board in water.
  2. The kitchen furnishings need a periodic update. The outer layer "refreshes" as abrasion, usually, once every 4-5 months, depending on the intensity of the use of the product. By controlling the condition of the protective layer, you will protect the board from cracking, swelling, and the formation of mold, while maintaining its external appeal.
  3. When the working side of the board is strongly damaged by knives, it is grinding with repeated decoration.

Turn the cutting board into a spectacular decor

Inspired by ideas in our gallery, you can create a product that from ordinary household utensils to turn into original decor For your kitchen. Such an expressive and functional object of the interior will be a spectacular gift to which no mistress will remain indifferent.

Caring for a cutting board is that it is necessary in order for the wooden cutting board for a long time looks attractive and was safe for your health. Board need to wash, clean, periodically process special means. In the article I will stay more in more detail on all questions.

How to wash a cutting board

Wooden cuttingons categorically impossible to wash. It is also impossible to overcome the polluted board in water for a long time, because This can lead to wood swelling and after drying to the formation of cracks.

In order not to arise any problems with a cutting board, clean it immediately after use, do not allow the products for a long time to lie on it. You can wash, well, or a tool for washing dishes using a rag or a sponge. Do not use potent detergents for these purposes.

How and what to clean the cutting board

If the cutting plate is strongly contaminated, then for disinfection you can use the usual table vinegar. Should be processed wooden surface A cloth moistened in vinegar and slip it.
The same disinfecting effect can be obtained when using lemon juice.

By the way, at catering establishments according to the sanitary and epidemiological rules, a deck for cutting meat at the end of the day is cleared and fall asleep salt. This prevents the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is possible to clean the cutting atoms. You can successfully combine the purification of the wooden board lemon and salt, as shown in the video.

From cleaning the boards with various cleaning powders and pastes it is better to refrain, as there is no complete confidence that detergents will not remain in small cuts, and from there they will not fall on the products being processed.

How and how to handle a cutting board

So that the cutting wooden board looked attractive, did not absorb various unpleasant odors And to prevent the reproduction of bacteria, it must be treated with mineral oil and wax.

Use vegetable oil to impregnate cutting board. Since with time the oil turns yellow, it becomes an unpleasant smell.

You can ask me: "Where to take mineral oil?". I answer - in the pharmacy.

Conventional Vaseline Oil is Mineral Oil itself. Although they produce it out of oil, it is completely harmless to human health. It is used inside as medicine. Therefore, for cutting board processing is perfect.

For processing, one must cook oil and a cloth. Pour oil on the board and cloth circular movements to launch the oil. Do not be afraid to pour out excess oil. Wood will absorb as much as it is necessary. Thus, you will close or, you can also say, seal the pores in the wood and they will not enhance the bacteria, sticks and any other bjaca. Also, such a coating will have waterproofing properties.

A new plate is handled with butter two times, with an interval of several hours so that the oil is well absorbed. Surplus not absorbed oil is simply removed with a cloth or paper napkin.

Recipe funds are not complicated. You need to take one part of the wax and 4 pieces of vaseline oil.

Oil heat in a water bath and dissolve the wax chips. To accelerate the process, a mixture can be heated in a microwave oven.

Before the procedure, you can warm up in a microwave oven (if it gets there). Further cover it from all sides by a mixture with a tassel or a pure cloth. Give a mixture to absorb and frost.

The impregnation with a mixture differs from impregnation just with oil - it is considered longer and durable, it can close not only pores, but small cracks, cuts. Such processing of the wooden plank must be repeated periodically - at least 1 time in three months.

Wooden food cutting board - Eco-friendly and comfortable kitchen tool ...

However, she has one disadvantage - she quickly acquires "non-primable" appearance: dirty and on its surface remain scratches from knives

Despite the widespread in kitchens of modern cutting boards of silicone, glass and plastic, wooden boards Not going to take positions, remaining the same popular as a few centuries ago.

Due to the porous wood structure, a wooden board after cutting on it products absorbs their juice. It's not just not so much in the smell that the board is impregnated after the cutting of meat or fish.

Microscopic particles of products remaining on the surface of the cutting board, serve as an excellent nutrient medium for microbes and bacteria, representing a real threat to people's health. Many cases of food poisoning are known, the cause of which is poor quality cleaning of a wooden cutting board after its use.

Cleaning cutting board
The most common way to clean the wooden cutting board is her thorough wash hot water Using dishwashing tools.

Attention! Do not immerse the wooden cutting boards into the water and do not soak them in the water. It will contribute to the growth of bacteria, and the wood cracks when he dried.

It would seem that here you can do wrong? Nevertheless, many make a mistake, dryly wiping the flushed cutting board with a kitchen towel, thereby carrying microbic and bacteria from it.

Throw this harmful habit! Washing out well and solid a cutting board, leave it to dry it in a vertical position, without wiping it or a sponge for dishes, no kitchen towel.
If the board is lightly needed dry, wipe it with a paper towel.

Disinfection of a wooden board
Most effective method disinfection - soaking cutting board in detergentcontaining chlorine. Do not overdo it with chlorine-containing liquid! On 5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of the means will be enough.
After 30 minutes, the plaque from the disinfectant solution should be removed, rinse thoroughly and leave to dry in a vertical position.

You can prepare a more safe disinfection solution, using soda. By dissolving in 0.5 l hot water 1 teaspoon of food soda, the resulting mixture is wetting the surface of the board. Withstand 5-10 minutes, the board must be rinsed thoroughly and put it dry.

Can use hydrogen peroxide instead of sodaIn this case, it will take 2 teaspoons of peroxide to prepare a detergent solution for 0.5 liters of water.

Excellent disinfects, cleans and removes unpleasant odors from the surface of a cutting board ordinary lemon, or rather, half a half. Protheses board half lemon, leave it for 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly and dry.
Similar to table vinegar has antibacterial action.

For disinfection, wipe the cutting board after each use with white vinegar, which is effective against intestinal sticks, salmonella and staphylococcus.
Apply it with a paper towel. For the convenience of use, keep a bottle with a spray bottle in the kitchen filled with vinegar.

A pretty scratched or having cracks wooden cutting board is not subsequently used. The best thing to do with such a board is to get rid of her by buying a new one in return.
But if the surface layer damage is insignificant, the board can still serve.

Lemon and salt.A simple and cheap way, how to clean the wooden cutting board

The content of cutting boards in cleanliness is an integral part of maintaining kitchen hygiene, because the entire cooking process runs on cutting boards. Therefore, with nonhygienic use of boards there is a high risk of propagation of harmful bacteria, such as salmonella or intestinal sticks. But not everything is so bad, because with regular cleaning, food infection and the spread of malicious bacteria is easy to avoid.

Food Soda and Water. Another way - to ak get rid of bacteria on the kitchen board.
In order to get rid of pollution on a cutting wooden board, you can use such a simple, and most importantly - accessible to all means like a food soda. Divide 1 tsp. Soda in 0.5 l. Hot water and spray the resulting mixture over the entire board, leave for a while, after which you thoroughly wash it in the usual way. Instead of soda, you can also use hydrogen peroxide (proportions for the preparation of the solution are similar to the first version).

Cleaning powders - not the best way
Some hostesses are used to purify cutting wooden boards various cleaning powders. It is best to refrain from this.
Despite the fact that they effectively eliminate various smells and pollution from almost any surfaces, it is extremely recommended to use such substances for cleaning kitchen utensils, especially cutting wooden boards - powder particles can remain on their surface and with further use of the food prepared by you.
Probably should not say that it represents a threat to the health of all members of your family.

Clean the wooden cutting board from time to time
Lightly spend her fine sandpaper to keep the surface smooth, especially if food particles remain on the surface or unevenness appeared.

We restore the cutting board. We will use emery paper, salt, lemon and heated sunflower oil in the water bath.

Cutting board-raid bacteria. What should I do?

Test for infection by bacteria for cutting boards

What cutting board to choose?

Key points:

  1. For different species Foods need to use different cutting boards. So you can avoid food poisoning when cooking meat products And you do not have to constantly wash the same board when cooking.
  2. Hot water And soap for washing dishes - necessary assistants For daily washing cutting boards.
  3. Once a week, how to disinfect all cutting boards.


  1. Some food odors, such as the smell of garlic, onions and fish, is difficult to avoid. Pulk the paper napkin into clean lemon juice or take a lemon slice and wipe the surface - cutting boards smelled with citrus freshness!
  2. Throw the board with a large salt or food soda to remove strong odors. Leave the substance on the chalkboard for 2 to 3 minutes, then wipe the treated surface. Rinse the cutting board and dry.
  3. Bacteria perish without moisture. Keep the board in a dry place away from food and any other pollutants. Keep the board in a vertical position when you do not use it.

Preventing food infection

Who wants to keep hunting with food poisoning? Follow it simple adviceTo avoid such problems:

  • Buy solid acrylic or rubber boards, as they are the most hygienic in use (exactly such boards are usually used in restaurants).
  • Wooden boards need to be regularly disinfected and contain in maximum purity.
  • Convenient to have several boards for different types Food. You must have at least two of them: one for raw meat and fish, the other for vegetables, bread and any other products that can eat raw.
  • Buy color sets of cutting boards or mark the boards themselves, it will be much easier to distinguish them by destination.
  • Throw all cutting boards in which there are cracks, large scratches or explicit traces of dirt. Like all kitchenware, cutting boards have an expiration date and it is important from them on time to get rid of kitchen hygiene and purity.

Cutting board processing

Most wooden cutting boards are made of solid wood, such as tick, although bamboo cutting boards are also very common. Any type of wood must be processed to prevent the appearance of spots and do not give food odors and bacteria to remain on the surface.

Use oil that can be applied multiple, for example, food mineral oil. It will safely fill the pores of the tree. Another name is liquid paraffin, food vaseline oil.
Wipe the board with butter and let it absorb into the wood. Will erase the surplus of oil with clean dry fabric. Repeat this process at least once a month.

Attention! Do not use vegetable oil to process cutting boards. Such oil will turn around and cause an unpleasant smell.

After mineral oil, apply beeswax, It will make the surface of the waterproof board, which will protect the wood from wear and extends the service life. Preheat in a microwave oven in a container intended for a microwave furnace, 1/2 teaspoon (2.5 ml) bee wax With 1 cup (240 ml) of mineral oil for approximately 45 seconds. Apply warm wax on the cutting board.

Wooden kitchen cutting boards have a lot of advantages compared to their plastic and ceramic analogues.
The products do not slip products on their surface, allowing them much more confident and faster to cut them.
In addition, dense wood, in addition to its ecology, is also famous for durability, so wooden boards serve much longer than others of their analogues.

But wooden cutting boards have its drawbacks. The main of them is the ability of a tree to absorb smells and changing the appearance for the worse. So that the board has served longer, it is necessary to care for it.
I hope now you know how to do it: oh) ....

Instruction: Treatment of wooden cutting board with mineral oil.

Wooden cutting board is intended for grinding a variety of foods: meat, fish, vegetables and other things. Usually, porous natural wood is used for the production of cutting boards. The most popular rocks are sugar maple, sweet cherry, ash and black walnut. Unfortunately, these species of trees absorb smells and bacteria that are on the surface of the products. If the processing of a wooden cutting board is made correct substances: for example, butter, the board will be perfectly protected from a variety of microbes and mold. Here is one of the instructions for cutting the cutting board:

1. Rinse the cutting board in running water, if it used it before. Wipe the surface of the cutting board with a kitchen towel and let it dry completely

2. Moisten a kitchen towel with white vinegar. Wipe this towel all the surface of a wooden cutting board. Vinegar carefully and safely disinfects the surface of the cutting board. After careful wiping, you need to give a cutting board to dry completely.

3. You can use mineral oil, but only the one called food. Do not use mineral oil, which is sold in pharmacies. Before processing the board, it is necessary to heat it. Pour 1 cup of product and put it in the microwave. Heat the mineral oil in the microwave oven for 10 to 15 seconds.

4. Moisten the corner of the kitchen towel in mineral oil and wipe the surface of the cutting board.

5. Give a cutting board time to dry. Repeat the procedure for cleaning the oil board again.

6. Continue to repeat the procedure for coating a cutting board with mineral oil. Between the procedures, give the board to dry. When a cutting board is no longer absorbing mineral oil, remove what remained dry kitchen towel.