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What harmful habits are in humans. Bad habits

Habit - There are many aphorisms and proverbs on this topic. What is a habit - the writer Mark Twain was wonderful, that this is what you will not throw out the window, and only politely from the step on the step can be reduced to the stairs.

What is a habit - definition

Habit - spent as a result of repeated repeat mechanism of behavior becoming automatism - action on "autopilot". At the same time, stable neural connections are formed in the brain, which are difficult to destroy, it takes time to it. Good and bad habits are formed as a result of positive emotional reinforcement.

What are the habit?

In society it is believed that there are useful and bad habits. But that for one there is a bad habit (for workaholic, relaxation and rest is like death), for the other is the basis of harmonious existence. Unambiguously, we can say that they make life more rich, but harmful, for the most part these are those who slowly kill human health, his faith in themselves.

Useful habits

Have good habits - the dream of any sensible person, and what is a useful habit? This is what gives energy and strength, leads a person to goal and come true, prolongs life and gives sense of confidence in every day, what gives to keep afloat, among everyday stresses. Constructive and healthy habits:

  • daily morning charging;
  • proper nutrition;
  • planning of the day;
  • daily hygienic procedures (prevention of a huge number of infectious diseases);
  • full breakfast (prevention of gastrointestinal diseases);
  • eat only with a sense of hunger;
  • drink up to 8 glasses of clean water per day (number individually);
  • avoid canned and refined products;
  • and rest;
  • every day to find out something new;
  • keep a personal diary.

Bad habits

What is malicious or bad habit? Very often in the category of these, the usual impermanences of a person fall, for which he scolds, but continues to do, because it is "the second nature." The habit of "be good", correspond very often is harmful, the person ceases to be spontaneous and creative. In the category of bad habits, which is really destructive, belongs to those harm health and lead a person from real life in illusion.

What are the harmful habits:

  • smoking;
  • alcoholism;
  • addiction;
  • overeating;
  • ludomania;
  • shopogolism;
  • harmful manipulations with skin;
  • dependence on the TV, social network;
  • picking in the nose.

How are habits?

For a long time proven fact that harmful habits are formed faster than healthy, but the formation mechanisms are the same for any type of habits (whether the habits of successful people or consider themselves losers) - multiple repetition leads to consolidation. What is still laid in the mechanism of the appearance of addiction:

  • reinforcement with positive emotions, a feeling of comfort (for example, a smoker is in the illusion that when he smokes all worries and alarms are scattered together with the smoke, but began to play the feeling of euphoria and "any mountains on the shoulder");
  • simple habits are formed from 3 to 21 days, the formation of complex leaves from 3 months to six months.

How to get rid of bad habits?

How to get rid of bad habits for 3 days? In no way. Before you get rid of what prevents, it is important to realize how it affects life. Return mentally at the time when a failure occurred and instead of confident behavior and solving problems there was a care that today is an "integral" part of the character and this happened not for 3 days. The road is asset going, it is important to approach the process of getting rid of the habit of creatively with elements of the game.

What can be relying during the way:

  1. Clear understanding. For which we get rid of and what cultivate in yourself in return (the emptiness should be filled with something alternative, but useful).
  2. Full responsibility. In the process of getting rid of bad habits, breakdowns may occur, it is important to understand and recognize this without shifting responsibility for external circumstances, people.
  3. Meeting with him face to face. When the feelings of anger, annoyance, irritation arise in overcoming themselves, anger - it is important to understand about that all these emotions, then it becomes clear that a man drowned in itself with the help of habit.
  4. Take your nonideality. Yes, all people experience this feeling, often the desire for ideal hurts in self-esteem and consolation is nicotine, food and alcohol, meaning. It is important to go to the target here and compare only yourself with yourself yesterday.
  5. Creation. In moments of a strong temptation to go back, you can deceive the brain, saying to him: "I hear you, let's do it tomorrow," while finding a lesson in which you can plunge with your head.
  6. Time. Others succeeded, it means it is possible. Remember that the point of time when a new thinking will be formed and a useful habit will be entrenched - there is a mentally go there and soak themselves with the victory over yourself.

Each of us has a characteristic individual set of habits. Such templates of actions and behavior. Habits, as you know, are bad and good, useful and useless, etc.

I am sure that you, dear reader, know your not quite good habits And eradicate them. Therefore, let's think about useful habits. You know what useful habits you have? Who knows - Great! Who does not know, he will soon find out.

I want to offer you a set of 50 habits of effective people. If you are heading these habits then success in lifeWork or business will be guaranteed!

If some of the habits of the lower above you already have, well, I congratulate you! You are moving in the right direction.

so 50 habits of effective people :

1. They looking for and find opportunities Where others are lowered hands.

2. They take out lesson From the fact that others consider failure.

3. They take delivered solutions.

4. They constantly and consciously early the road to your successWhile others are waiting for success to find them himself.

5. They are afraid as well as everyone else, but do not allow your fear to manage them. Fear are just concerns.

6. They specify the right questions - Those that exhaust the answer.

7. They do not complain - This is an extra spending of forces. All of their complaints lie in court.

8. They do not shift wine. They are take full responsibility For your actions and results on yourself.

9. They do not necessarily have a fantastic talent, but always find a way to maximize the available potential. They are require more.

10. They busy, productive and punctual. In all places where everyone is just idle, pretend that they work and rant - they work.

11. They collect around themselves like-minded people - Nothing helps in achieving the goal as a cohesive team.

12. They ambitious - Assist a question "Why not me?". This allows you to manage your destiny, and not to swim downstream.

13. They know what they want to see their lives, and make it such, while others just look at your life from the side.

14. They do not imitate, but looking for new ways.

15. They do not postponeSo, they do not spend their lives in anticipation of "something."

16. They learn all life. Any life experience is a lesson.

17. They optimisticAnd therefore everyone seeks favor.

18. They do what they have to do, no matter how they feel at the moment.

19. They going to risk - Financial, emotional, professional, psychological.

20. They do not go from problems, and turn to them face.

21. They do not make desires and are not waiting for a happy chance. They are build their fatey

22. They try to warn events. They take action before something has time to happen.

23. They able to manage emotions. They feel the same as everyone, but they are not a slave of their emotions.

24. They owning the art of communication, and constantly improve it.

25. They have a certain plan of lifeAnd they stick to him. Their life is not a series of erratic events.

26. their exception means that for them, those things that others do not know how to do or do not want. These are decisions that no one can accept anyone.

27. While most people depend on comfort, successful people understand - in difficulties tempering.

28. They realized their valueswho give them a full life.

29. They are harmonious. They are do not confuse concept - Success and money, happiness and achievements. Many problems from the fact that people do not always understand: money is just a tool, means, but they do not give you happiness.

30. They understand the importance of discipline and self-control.

31. They confident.

32. They generous and kind. They enjoy when helping others.

33. They are modest, and they ready to recognize mistakes and apologize. They are confident in their abilities, but not arrogant. They know how to learn from others. They are happy to afford to stand out, and do not protrude themselves.

34. They make sure to adaptThey are not slaves of their habits.

35. They keep themselves in good physical formBut not too fond of your body.

36. They are very active. They are always worry hard.

37. They elastic. Where the other would explode, it is just heated.

38. They are open for people.

39. They don't be baked with unpleasant and unclean people.

40. They do not spend time and strength On the things that they do not need.

41. They we are glad to swim against the current, do something out of a row. They do not need constant approval.

42. They everywhere as in its plate.

43. They establish a really high bar - higher than for all others.

44. They do not spend time to justify their failures. They step them down and go on.

45. They could distract.

46. \u200b\u200bTheir career is not their personality, but their work. They are not what they do.

47. They are more interested in effective waysthan light.

48. They are always finish what they startand never throw halfway. If you feel that you can not finish the started - it is better not to take it at all.

49. They are multilateral complex individuals. They understand that a person is not only physical and psychological needs, but also emotional and spiritual too. And more work to develop all levels of personality.

50. They are practice what they preach. They do not talk about theory, they live in reality.

Yours sincerely,

Svetlana Rumyantsev

Before detailing with bad habits, it is important to know the definition - what are the bad habits? These are habits that harm a person to live a full healthy life.. Almost every modern person has certain detrimental habits, and they really have a negative impact on life, health or psyche. It happens that the person does not notice them or does not give them importance. Many consider harmful habits of the disease, but there are also such actions that are special harm other than irritation of others do not bring. Often such weaknesses are associated with an unstable psyche or nerve disorders. Transferring the troubles of all bad habits to infinity. Below is a list of all bad habits of a person who is annually replenished with new and new human weaknesses.

Alcoholism is one of the most common bad habits.


Uncontrollable alcohol addiction - One of the terrible detrimental habits. Over time, it turns into a severe disease that entails negative consequences. Alcohol causes physiological and psychological dependence. The occurrence of alcoholism depends on the frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages, from the predisposition (hereditary, emotional, mental). Alcohol destroys the cells of the brain and liver.


Another harmful habit that has a detrimental effect on human health (lung disease). Smoking is distributed among the huge number of people: Men, women of different ages, teenagers and even children. To combat this harmful habit of state, propaganda of a healthy lifestyle is being carried out, because people are important to know which consequences have bad habits for people (on the example of smoking and alcohol). Measures are being taken to limit the sale of alcohol and cigarettes.

Smoking, first of all, adversely affects the respiratory system


The person has bad habits, annoying people around or harmful human health, but it is addiction more often leads to deaththan alcoholism or smoking. This habit causes severe forms of dependence on narcotic substances. This leads to deposits (death from overdose, incurable diseases, identity degradation, criminal actions). The Government of the Russian Federation is actively fighting drug trafficking. For the distribution of drugs, criminal liability is provided. So, if you are looking for an answer to the question, "What are the most harmful habits from a person?" Now you know the answer to it: it is alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction.

gambling addiction

it a special form of mental dependence, which lies in the pathological entry of a computer game. Game is a bad habit or a detrimental addiction, which develops in people who have dissatisfaction with their lives, a place in society, inconsistency. Leaving the world of games, they are trying to implement themselves there. It delays, and subsequently a person becomes difficult to get out of the created virtual world.

A variety of gamemen - Ludomania is a psychological dependence on gambling.

A few years ago, in all cities of Russia there were many game clubs with automatons, for the game in which people "drought" a huge amount of money. But fortunately, measures were taken, and the slot machines with the casino were banned.


Onomania or shopogolism - addiction from shopping.

It is necessary for anything to buy, even without need. More often found in women.

Shopogogolism is associated with uncertainty, lack of attention and loneliness. Women start with excitement to spend more and more money on completely unnecessary things. They have to lie in native and close to the number of money spent. Also possible situations with the advent of loans and debts.


Overeating - mental disorder related to uncontrolled food intake. What leads to severe overweight problems. Overall often occurs after experienced shock or. More often with this problem, people already have excess weight are faced. In a severe life situation, one joy remains for them - food.

Overeating - common harmful habit

Television addiction

Today it is difficult to imagine life without a TV. Probably only some young people refuse the TV due to the fact that they have the Internet. Nevertheless, many people, just waking up, immediately include the TV and spend free time watching telecast or aimless channel switching.

Internet addiction

The dependence on the Internet is a mental subordination characterized by an obsessive desire to be online, the inability to break away from it to keep a normal full-fledged lifestyle.

Habit gnawing nails

There are many assumptions about the emergence of this bad habit. The most common - stress, tension, experiences. Sometimes this habit is borrowed from relatives.

Remember that the habit of gnawing nails is irritation, inconvenience and disgust among people around you.

Habit for picking skin

Arises for several reasons: the desire to achieve an ideal person, neurosis, the need to activate small motility. Some girls suffer from the ideal maniaAnd when even a small piping is trying to eliminate it as soon as possible. Such a habit can lead to serious skin inflammation, sometimes not even do without surgery.


Rinyllexomania - or, simply speaking, habit of poking in the nose. A moderate manifestation is considered the norm, but there are severe forms that can cause frequent bleeding from the nose or cause severe damage to the nasal mucosa.

Climbing fingers

Fans of clicking the fingers you will meet, anywhere. This habit arises in childhood. And over the years, there is a detrimental effect on the joints of the fingers (constant injury and mobility loss occurs). Such a habit can lead to arthrosis, even at young age.

Technology - Habit Create new gadgets


It is manifested by frequent irresistible desire to acquire new techniques, gadgets, computers, phone numbers. This dependence is able to lead to psyche disorders, depression. Such states arise in a shortage of money when it is especially acute to update the already available or acquire new technical devices. Technology may arise from young people and even in children who seek to acquire everything seen on TV.


How can you prevent bad habits? Often, harmful habits are formed in children who repeat the actions of their parents (among the row-alcoholics often and alcoholics children; at the mother, who is joining the grief by buns, daughter, most likely there will also be buns in stress). Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of bad habits in children, you will have to get rid of yours. But love for children will serve as an excellent incentive to fight his weaknesses. If it comes to not children, and adults, such as friends or relatives, or you want to protect yourself from such a detrimental case, then there is no definite answer here, only a universal means for solving many problems is your consciousness (and reflection).

February 19, 2014.

Habits are divided into useful and harmful. The first people can improve human, and also positively influence his life in general. Harmful entails entail problems. Therefore, let's talk about how you can take yourself and at the same time also with health benefits. Especially since there are many hobbies, which are really able to improve life.

Strength habit

All human life consists of repetitive actions. They determine the character, form certain individual traits: will, endurance, patience, and so on.

Usually people do not think about the repetition of the same gesture, performing some automatic movement. They act on inertia, unconsciously.

How does the habit appear?

To accustom yourself to automatic movement can each. But for a start, we will have to consciously set the goal.

For example, a person wants to learn to cook soup. For this, he will be very attentive for the first time. Choose a saucepan. Gently devils the vegetables listed in the recipe. He frogs some of them in a skillet. Call everything in a saucepan in a certain sequence.

Consciousness will work very actively. But if a person continues to cook soup every day, after a while all the movements will occur automatically. You can think about anything, listen to music or watch TV. The subconscious will not be mistaken in the mechanical movements.

It is harder not to acquire, but get rid of habits. A person should again actively connect consciousness. Harmful and useful habits are obeying his will.

Bad habits

These actions generated by years can poison life and the individual itself, and its close. And it happens that the habit does not harm the owner itself, and his surroundings. Bright examples:

    loud laughter;

    listen to others;

    caustic comments.

Nevertheless, all of the above should not cause physical harm, only moral. From this, if desired, it is easy to get rid of.

What is a bad habit? This is the opposite of useful. She brings many trouble and makes the life of its owner unbearable, even if he does not notice her.

Indebid habits

The most dangerous habits are considered:

  • gluttony;


    obsession with toxic substances, drugs, tablets;

    gambling addiction.

Such habits can kill a person. They will quickly develop dependence and illness from which you need to be treated in hospitals, under the supervision of professional doctors.

These problems may appear due to weakened mental state, problems with the nervous system.

Among the indecent habits are the following:

    picking in the nose;


    nail cloaking;

    bakeless jealousy;

    constant yawn;

    frequent delays.

They are not so harmful as previous, nevertheless spoil the relationship between people.

Useful habits of man

Successful person has a number of useful skills brought to automatism. They serve him in order to achieve the desired.

The most useful habits of a person:

    Early go to bed and climb early. Normal man needs to sleep from six hours a day. People who wake up earlier when the brain is at the stage of activity, manage to do much more things than Sony.

    Feed right. Active man thus builds his diet that the body begins to work on it. Vegetables, fish, meat, fruits, dairy products provide health and longevity. You need to develop useful habits and not stop, passing by fast food, do not look through the window. It is advisable to abandon the carbonated water.

    Ability to thank. This habit is difficult to work out. Positive emotions, a smile donated to another person, are doubly returned. Making a pleasant to another, a person is aware of his importance, remains satisfied for the whole day.

    Get rid of envy To be offended by others for the fact that something happened to them is one of the most bad habits. You need to learn to rejoice at people. And seek your own.

    Live real. Planning in advance is very helpful, but you need to remember how much the existence is happening. What can be performed today is to clean the shoes in the morning, prepare clothes, collect a bag, cook food, stock products, - do not transfer the next day. Constantly remembering the past or dream of the future is not worth it. It limits its own capabilities, reduces useful habits to zero.

      Positive thinking is the most useful ability to have to work out to everyone. Any situation, even the worst, can be perceived as an obstacle that has made a stronger who overcame it.

      Training. You need to learn at any age. The main thing is to put yourself for yourself to study something new per day.

      Outlight. Well, when a person can do everything that he recorded in advance in his actions for the day. But it is better if he is able to surpass his own expectations and create useful habits from this.

    Getting rid of bad habits

    Earlier it was mentioned that with any acquired skills you can fight. The main thing is to be patient, to include consciousness.

    Purchase harmful and useful habits are easier, but this does not mean that it is impossible to get rid of them.

    What do you need?

      Time. You can not bring some action to automatic, and then in a couple of seconds or hours to eradicate it.

      Decisive mood.

      All willpower.

      Control over their own behavior.

    Work on skills

    Habit will not leave by itself. For this, a person must surround himself with the right conditions. Remove the stimulus, a trigger that can excite the desire to repeat the usual actions.

    A vivid example: a person wants to eat less, but it is difficult for him to overcome himself. It is obliged to bypass all pastry shops, shops with sweets, remove a basket with candies from the table, and from the refrigerator - harmful food. You can ask your relatives to refrain from the indicative eating of some products.

    Refusing to buy a harmful meal, man starts saving money. Soon, more useful habits can work out - to postpone those amounts that previously spent on the products.

    Permanent and inseparable control over themselves. If we hope for someone, you can never get rid of the bad habit. The brain must receive orders from a person to handle them.

    Easy the task can be a simple notebook in which a person will record all the achievements. He will be the second reminder of the need to control.

    If the individual nails nails, then after everyone should mark the date of this process in the notepad. Day from the day of entries will become less.

    Formation of useful habits in children

    It is best to teach useful skills in childhood. Parents should not only show a positive example to the younger generation, but also make sure that the child produces the necessary features in its character. Useful and bad habits of children can be formed or eliminated quickly and painlessly.

    For each correct action, a system of encouragements should be developed in order to tie the skill with a pleasant association.

    Useful habits for children

    The main instincts that need to be produced from childhood:

      Cleaning the bed should be formed from an early age by parents, and then supported by educators in kindergarten.

      Wash your hands after walking, use the restroom, before meals. Mom or dad must wash their hands to the child in the early stages of his growing up.

      Brush your teeth. You can come up with a game in which the baby himself wants to use the brush and paste to save the white teeth from the plaque.

      Morning work-out. Talking to the physical culture of the baby is needed from two years. Exercises should like, cause interest. With age, this skill becomes quite difficult to work out. School also support these useful habits. Grade 1, except physical education, actively spends a minute of health 15-20 minutes after the lesson start.

      Cleaning. Non-reliable actions for folding toys in a box can do any kid. Thanks to this, he learns tiders, love for labor, responsibility.

    When a class hour is held at school, useful habits should be one of the subjects for discussion. Teachers tell children about how important it is to eat right, abide by the routine of the day. All this will allow the child to avoid bad effect on the part.

Harmful habits are available at each modern personality. These addictions relate to unhealthy hobbies that adversely affect the well-being, human psyche, relations with surrounding and family life. Often, many similar dependencies personality does not give serious importance, considering them by manifestation of their own nature.

But some, considering a list of bad human habits, come to the conclusion that many of them are serious and dangerous deviations from the norm. Let's figure out what hobbies are considered harmful, why they arise and what should be taken in a case.

Many of the harmful habits of a person will develop in deadly diseases

Most often, harmful habits are developing due to an unstable psyche or long nerve disorders. But other factors are involved in the formation of these addictions:

  • own laziness;
  • unfulfilled hopes;
  • obtained disappointment;
  • too fast pace of life;
  • financial long-playing problems;
  • non-checkers occurring at home or at work;
  • heavy psychological situations: divorce, illness, the death of a close relative.

The harmful habits are actively emerging and because of some global changes in the usual life. For example, the fall in the economic development of the country, leading to the patient unemployment. Influence on the formation of the addiction features of the mentality, and even climatic factors.

The essence of the definition of "bad habit"

Any reason for the development of a person a certain harmful habit is not an excuse. It is the personality itself guilty of the development of this problem.

No matter how much a person justified, the presence of a detrimental passion clearly speaks of his inborn laziness, weakness, misinterdiction. To cope with the existing addiction and adjust life, it is necessary to identify the prediction of the addiction and, first of all, get rid of it.

What bad habits are in humans

What immediately comes to mind when talking about human dependencies? Of course, thrust to alcohol, addiction to drugs and tobacco. Indeed, it is the most dangerous harmful habits for humans. But there are also a different kind of dependence that destroy the human psyche and the person itself.

List of main bad habits

Alcoholism - ancient evil man

Unmanaged traction for drinking is one of the most dangerous and terrible human attachments. Over time, this harmful habit turns into a deadly disease.

Traction for drinking - one of the most terrible bad habits of a person

Alcohol addiction is formed at the level of physical and psychological traction. The last stage of alcoholism is an irreversible and incurable pathology leading to the death of a person.

Development of this addiction is generated gradually and depends on the frequency and number of used alcohol-containing beverages. Genetic (hereditary) predisposition is related to the formation of this dependence. The reasons for alcoholism can equally include all factors caused by any other dependence:

  • tendency to laziness;
  • monetary problems;
  • disappointment in life;
  • long unemployment;
  • no desire to develop and learn.

It doesn't matter exactly which factor has become a launch hook in a given preferences - the causes of alcoholism are terrible and merciless. First of all, the physical and mental health of the personality suffers. The alcoholic is often immersed in winding states. Becoming inadequate and insane, the patient already carries a threat to society.

Transformation of the habit of the disease requires long-term treatment in specialized clinics. And the alcoholism is sometimes no longer possible to get rid of alcoholism. Therefore, it is necessary to connect therapy at the first time of the formation of addiction.

Addiction - deadly passion

Addiction to drug use in 80% of cases leads a person to death or complete identity degradation. If we talk about the effect of harmful habits on the human body, then in the case of drug addiction, such a passion is becoming a huge scale.

Addiction leads to complete identity degradation

With penetration into the body of narcotic substances, there is a global destruction of all internal organs and body systems. What eventually awaits a drug addict?

  1. Full identity degradation at the psychological level.
  2. The development of the hardest, often fatal diseases of the physical plan.
  3. The growing problems of the psyche form psychosis, schizophrenia, depressive states. The frequent outcome of this bad habit is suicidal attempts.

It has been established that the life of a drug addict is reduced by 25-30 years compared to a healthy person. This bad habit needs to immediately eradicate without giving it the right to exist.

Huge attention is paid to the prevention of drug addiction among the younger generation. After all, according to statistics, most people suffering from drug addiction begin their "career" at a young age.

Tobaccoing - a matter of global scale

Another harmful habit coming into the number of ubiquitous. People encountered smoking even at the dawn of mankind, and until this afternoon, this is a deadly dangerous addiction does not reduce its influence.

Tobaccoing is one of the dangerous dependencies, this bad habit has a global scale.

The struggle with tobacco-dependence has long been beyond one state. In all developed countries there are various types of anti-backed laws prohibiting smoking in common areas. Also introduced strict restrictions on the sale of cigarettes.

Particularly fraught with the effects of tobacco-dependence for pulmonary and cardiovascular systems. With constant smoking occurs:

  • relieving metabolic processes;
  • significant narrowing of blood vessels;
  • resistant reduction in oxygen level in human blood.

These symptoms form a global violation of blood coagulation, which leads to the formation of thrombov. The result is infarctional states, ischemia and heart failure.

Lightweight - according to statistics in 60% of cases of diagnosing oncology of respiratory bodies occur due to the fault of long smoking.

It should be parted with this deadly habit immediately, without postponing the process in a "long box". You can try to replace tobacco cigarettes to electronic or gradually reduce the amount of tobacco product.

Or with the help of medicines, patches, coding and drugs forever forget about the dangerous passion. Remember to get a feeling of euphoria and pleasant relaxation, there are more useful, healthy ways.

Game - as the need of the psyche

Addiction to various kinds of computer games is a special form of a bad habit. Its formation occurs at the mental level. At its essence, gaming is a pathologically resistant hobby, which develops in humans due to:

  1. Insolvency.
  2. Pathological timidity.
  3. Fatal loneliness.
  4. Dissatisfaction of life.

Testing fear of normal human communication, the playman is completely immersed in virtual worlds. After all, only there it can feel a strong and successful person. This method of self-realization deeply delays a person and develops from the harmful habit to a persistent dependence.

Gambling and Ludomania are included in the list of diseases by international classification

Gambling has its own variety - Ludomania. This dependence of the psychological plan from various gambling (not computer).

Ludomania was spread in Russia quite recently, to the closure of the game clubs and casinos. People having this habit, delighted all their accumulations. Fortunately, at the moment such a passion was able to eradicate by prohibiting gaming machines and a casino.

Shopogolism - women's addiction

Symptoms of Shopogolism

This bad habit has one more name - "Onomania". Shopogolism - a passionate desire to buy at least something, even unnecessary things. It is a purely female addiction, sucking the family almost the entire budget. Development and formation of such a bad habit associated with psychological factors:

  • loneliness;
  • insecurity;
  • lack of attention to his own person.

Women find calm when buying a variety of goods, sometimes meaningless and unnecessary. Such people have to lie in their own, her husband about the money spent. Often, shopaholics are closed into large loans that are not able to pay for serious debts.

Overeating - habit on the verge of the disease

The propensity to the gluttony was obtained the greatest distribution in the world of modern. Permanent stresses, life on the verge of a nervous breakdown, mad rhythm - all this is hard to affect the psyche and can provoke uncontrolled food eating. More often with this problem face personality with existing weight. The impetus to the development of this bad habit becomes:

  • shock;
  • nervous shocks;
  • stressful situations.

Not seeing the exit from a difficult situation, people find calmness in eating food. This habit is rapidly developing into a real dependence. What is waiting for a person? Obesity and global disorders in the work of all internal organs leading to premature death.

Overeating more often suffer from people who have overweight

This problem is relevant only for countries with developed infrastructure, where there is an abundance and variety of food. This phenomenon requires compulsory and long-term treatment using methods of psychocorrection, and sometimes surgery.

Other common harmful hobbies

In addition to the addictions that have a detrimental effect on the physical and mental health of a person, there are other habits. They are not as dangerous, but sometimes cause hostility around. What is still inclined?

Nail Village. Habit, come from childhood. It develops due to increased emotionality, stress and experiences. Often the child begins to nibble nails, imitating adults suffering from this predilection. Such a passion, in addition to inesthetics, can lead to the development of nervous diseases and health problems. After all, under the nails may contain pathogenic viruses and bacteria.

Picking skin. This habit is common most often in women. In a young age, seeking to perfect appearance, young people are constantly trying to squeeze pimples (even non-existent). This addiction can provoke heavy skin diseases and various neurosis.

Rinyllexomania. This sonic word means nothing but a picking in the nose. In addition to the repulsive process (especially when the identity with the use also eats the contents of the nose), the rinyllexomication is fraught with constant nose bleeding. Especially dangerous heavy forms of addiction, when the mucosa is seriously injured.

The consequences of bad habits

The impact on the human body and the psyche of such dependencies is so large that even a developed, modern medicine sometimes does not find effective methods of deliverance from the addiction. After all, the dependence, formed on the psychological level, is not amenable to drug treatment.

In this case, assistance can have only an experienced and qualified psychologist. And this therapeutic course is long and quite complicated. Even in this case, it is not always possible to free the person from overcoming his hobbies. Without timely and comprehensive help of the consequences of these bad habits, sufficiently unpleasant and lead to:

  • loss of appetite;
  • loss of oneself as individuals;
  • global sleep violation;
  • suicidal thoughts and attempts;
  • problems with communication, in the family and at work;
  • irreversible changes in the work of the internal organs;
  • deterioration of mental and intellectual activity.

Methods of combating preferences

Methods of getting rid of bad habits are sometimes tough and cardinal. First of all, they require a complete refusal of a person from their detrimental hobbies. And for this you need to possess the power of will and the desire to become a full-fledged personality. An important role is played by supporting family and relatives, as well as skill and qualifications of doctors.

Ways to eradicate harmful habits depend on the presence of the problem itself, its features and degree of manifestation.

Some methods of struggle should be applied immediately, while others, additional, introduce into therapy gradually. The most effective methods of getting rid of bad habits include various psychocorrection activities. Sometimes it helps the change of environment, place of residence. Sometimes doctors use medical preparations.