Repairs Design Furniture

Hex gazebo do it yourself - drawings and sizes, step-by-step instructions with phased photos. How to cover the roof of the arbor cheap - materials and coatings for hexagon roof roofing hexagonal arbor


Resting, enjoying the charms of nature, or communicate with friends or family on a country site can with great comfort than just in the open sky. For this, and came up with gazebos - they allow us to conveniently stay in the fresh air, protect against precipitation and the sun, and some of the wind.

Gazebo - Why is hexigreed better and where to start her construction?

The best shape for the gazebo is a hexagon. This form is optimal from the point of view of ergonomics, strength and stability. From the practical side, the hexagon gazebo is easier to do, and its design is tougher and more reliable than the latter or in square (rectangular). In addition, quadrangular options will take more space on the site with an equal capacity. From the aesthetic side, the hexagon building is also more winned than its analogues of another form. It looks very elegant, originally and will decorate the landscape of any country site, as can be seen in the photo.

Start the arbor from the selection of space. It is best to post it next to the trees or on the shore of the reservoir. Natural vegetation will not only protect the construction of heating in the sun, but also give extra coolness in a hot day, as well as protection against wind and precipitation in bad weather.

Then the size should be determined. They will depend not only from the free space in the place of construction and the desired functionality, but also from your financial opportunities. Minimal dimensions are determined by what is supposed to be located inside. It is clear that for a full-fledged rest in the gazebo, it is simply necessary to provide for the presence of benches and tables. Perhaps someone will want to install there also tandoor or barbecue (as in the gazebo in the photo represented), and maybe some other items or equipment. The placement of all these objects should be provided in advance so that after mounting the racks it turns out that the gazebo turns close.

Determination of the sizes of the arbor and the method of its construction

A simple and accurate way to determine the size of the gazebo is the following:

  • on millimeter paper, we note the boundaries of the space available for the construction of space (the scale is chosen any convenient) - it will be a plan of future construction;
  • from millimeters, cut the figures of the items you need to accommodate in the arbor (contours and sizes in the selected scale must correspond to real objects);
  • we place figures on the construction plan so that they fit into the hexagon;
  • delay around the hexagon circle;
  • we measure the radius of the circle and the size of the hexagon, and then translate them into a real scale - these are dimensions of the future gazebos.

By the way, the hexagon does not have to be a strictly symmetrical form - two of its parallel sides may be longer than the rest (for example, the input and the opposite). The design will be elongated, but in some cases will allow you to fit into the boundaries of the free space, it will be more comfortable and original.

Now it is necessary to decide, construct a gazebo on my own or order its manufacture of those who do this professionally. If it is planned to build a complex and solid construction as in the photo, then it is reasonable to the second option. The architectural form created by the masters will be much better and more qualitatively, which is built with your own hands. By the way, they will be offered ways to implement conceived and materials for the manufacture of future gazebos.

A simple hexagonal gazebo can be erected independently. The main thing is to take into account that this construction has a fairly simple design: base, 6 supports and roof. If the construction is notaten, then each of its side is repeated in form and in size, and therefore, according to the elements used. This greatly facilitates the preparation of materials, the construction itself and the design of the walls.

Basic principles of independent erection

The next stage in its own construction is the choice of materials. You can use a timber, log, brick, metal, plastic and their combination. Power and foundation can be given the design with concrete and brick, and ease, openwork and decorativeness - using a carved tree or plastic. Luxuriously looks for buildings, decorated with adhesive steel ornaments - the photo of such a gazebos is highlighted against the background of other options. But similar complex design elements, as well as made of wood, have to be ordered in workshops.

Hexagonal gazebo with her own hands, made from the first "pile" to the last clogged nail independently, can be made of coniferous wood (pine or spruce). Without use in the design of complex decorative elements, requiring access to specialists, its cost will be relatively low, and the strength is sufficient.

In any case, prior to the start of construction and purchase of materials, it is necessary to develop a detailed drawing or sketch of the future gazebo, indicating the size of all its elements and parts, as well as the methods of their mutual agreement and attachment.

The sketch should be compiled in accordance with the calculated dimensions and desired constructive and decorative solutions, as well as take into account the use of selected materials. One option is presented in the photo.

The degree of closedness of the walls may be different. Only railing or decorative plants or openwork lattices can be in the openings. You can also close the walls completely, inserting glass and making insulation. Then even in the fall and winter holidays in the gazebo (as in the photo) will flow with special comfort and comfort. The roof also set any form. But, as a rule, it consists of absolutely identical six triangles converging at the top in one place.

After the preparation of all elements of the future gazebo, it is necessary to make the correct markup at the installation site - to draw the hexagon of the desired size on Earth. To do this, with the help of two pegs and ropes, you watched the circle of the calculated radius. Then, on the drawn circle, we mark 6 corners of the future building. The resulting hexagon will be the base and the future floor of the gazebo, and the supports should be installed in its corners. Next, in accordance with the designed drawing.

The arrangement of a convenient recreation area on the country site allows you to safely relax, enjoy the silence and surrounding nature, read the book or tablet.

One of the inalienable elements of the recreation area is a comfortable hex gazebo. It protects from the sun and heavy rain, here you can drink a cup of fragrant morning coffee or arrange a romantic dinner.

Types of designs and design options

Often, the spectacular gazebo becomes the central decoration of the country area. Today you can find a huge variety of options for open or closed type of various forms:




  • combined.

One of the most common options are hexagon arbors made of the following materials:

Wooden designs

The most common option on country sites is hexagoned arbors from wood. They received mass distribution due to the original form and ease of incarnation of the project into life. In addition, the construction of a wooden structure does not require high qualifications from workers, and therefore the cost of the work will be less. Of course, you can order and designer development with carved elements, but in such cases the cost of the upper boundary does not exist.

Environmentally friendly, excellent appearance, the possibility of a spectacular combination with other materials, a long service life during preliminary protective measures is added to the construction of a hex gazebow from the popularity tree.

From brick

Massive hexagonal arranges made of bricks are often an additional element of the design of the courtyard with similar objects from the same material.

Despite long-term construction work and the complexity of the incarnation of a brick project into life, they are quite common in country areas. Such buildings are not demanding in care, fireproof, differ in a long service life without the need for annual repair work, and also make it easy to create any designer masterpiece.

The construction of a hexagon brick gazebos already requires certain skills of a masonry case, so the cost of services of a specialist will be significantly higher than in the case of a wooden structure.


Decent admiration and delight Metal hexagon arbor. The ability to create elegant forms and the ease of incarnation makes them quite popular.

High stability of material to adverse weather conditions, long service life, unlimited framework design - just a small part of the advantages of the hex structure of metal in front of other analogs.

A big plus metal arbors - you can buy them already in the finished form and simply collect on the plot. Often it is one of the economical options.

On our site you can find the contacts of construction companies that offer the service of building arbors. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Wrought items

Forged details in the design of the arbor are always bright and spectacular. Fancy, fantastic curls look organically against the background of a miniature element, pretty country buildings, trees and curly plants. Metal forging makes it possible to implement original design solutions and tasks.

Wrought items are perfectly combined with various materials and can be used in the design of the hexagonal arbor. Decorated with charming wrist elements, the hexagon design will become a spectacular and original dacha decor. Luxurious wrought elements of fascinating forms contribute to the birth of a magical image.

Similar forged parts used in different parts of the country area will help create an unforgettable, fabulous picture.

Projects and drawings of hexagon gazebos

Development of a detailed project is an important step before starting construction. For the foundation, you can take a ready-made typical project or make an individual option, taking into account the personal needs and ideas.

The draft hexagon gazebo includes a detailed development of each element:

    type of foundation;

    material for the manufacture of frame;

    features of the roof and material for coating;

    paul and walls;

    decorative elements.

When drawing up a project and choose the sizes, it is necessary to take into account its location and available parameters.

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

Choosing a place

Personal preferences are influenced by the choice of place for hexagon gazebos, its purpose, availability of free space in the territory. Of course, in large areas to choose a convenient place will not be difficult. But in conditions of limited space, it is quite difficult to determine the place for a massive arbor.

For construction requires a flat site. A plot with multiple pits and irregularities will be required to decline. If the site is complicated by large height differences and leveling is economically impossible - screw piles will come to the rescue, allowing you to install any objects on complex reliefs.

There are several typical tip solutions, where it is best to put a hex gazebo:

    An ideal place for this will be a secluded corner, removed from the road and neighboring sites.

    The empty corner of the country area will hide the construction from curious eyes.

    The hexagon gazebo can become a bright boundary for separating the site to the functional zones.

    Speecually looks arbor on the background of a chic pool or pond.

    It is easy to use as a summer kitchen or an open veranda, having not far from the house.

The magnificent hexagon gazebo surrounded by fruit trees and the colors will attract a look and involuntarily hide from the view many shortcomings of the site.

Stages of the construction of the arbor

There are many ways to build a hexagonal gazebo - the desired method of specialists choose depending on the project used by building materials and places on the site where construction will be held. But in any case, the phased assembly of the hexagon arbor will look like:


For markup, pegs and rope will be needed. To get a perfectly smooth shape, you need to draw a circle. From its center to spend six lines forming the corners of 60 °. The length of the lines is the size of the diagonal of the gazebo.

At the received points set restrictive pegs. The angles of the hexagon arbor will be located, piles or pillars under the foundation will be installed. Between the pegs stretch the rope. In this case, a figure with the same sides and angles equal to 120 ° should be obtained. If the angle is slightly different, the figure is adjusted. All diagonally must be equal to each other.


Wooden hex gazebo is a lightweight building, so you can use a pile, fine-breeding belt and column foundations as the basis.

The depth of the embezzlement of any foundation is at least 60 cm.

Video Description

The main stages of the fill of the tape base for a gazebo can be viewed in the next video:


For the construction of the walls, a timber and board will be required. They are treated with protective impregnations that prevent the formation of mold, rot and fungus.

A frame of a wooden hexagon gazebo is collected from the treated bar. As the basis, lags are laid at a distance of no more than 50 cm from each other.

For construction, you will need:

    bar for frame;

  • rafters.

Install the support pillars with a height of at least two meters. If a gazebo of large sizes is built, not only angular, but also intermediate pillars. The reference pillars are mounted with steel corners, wooden bodies and self-drawing. The middle part of the support pillars is bonded by brushes, which ensure the stability of the design and allow the fastening material to consolidate.

The floor is formed from the board not thinner than 30 mm. It can be covered with several layers of varnish or paint. To finish, you can use another material that is resistant to the humid environment:


Strong winds and snow drifts impose their mark on the features of the construction of the roofs for arbors.

The roof can be performed in one of the options:




    complex shape;


Which option to choose depends on the project.

For the rafter system, a durable bar is used, the diameter of which is at least 100x50 mm. The slingful system of the correct hexagon is connected in the center at one point. For rigid fixation, rafters additionally use sidebars. When building a small wooden arbor, you can do without them. In this case, you will need to install the central support pole.

For the formation of the roof throughout the perimeter, lags are set and collect a rafter system using metal fasteners. To secure the roofing material on the surface of the roof, the crate, the step of which depends on the characteristics of the material and its size.

The spectacular roof is the last stage in the construction of hexagon arbors. Fascinating decoration adds final strokes

For an elegant hexagon gazebo, it is better to abandon coarse materials similar to the sector and galvanized gland. You can use ondulin, tile, polycarbonate or professional owl as a roof.

Walls gazebo

An open field for the embodiment of any fantasies are the walls of the arbor. Here you can implement a variety of designer ideas using various techniques.

There is a large selection of building materials that can be used to cover walls:

  • edged board

    wooden lining,

    block house,

  • wood fibrous plates.

The walls of the walls can be neglected and use various decorative finish:

    green curly plants;

    dense material, resistant to bright sunlight and moisture;

    wrought elements;

    wicker hedges;

and many other options.


The gazebo is the necessary attribute of any country site. Special admiration causes elegant buildings of complex forms and a hex gazebo is not an exception to the rules. Construction companies offer plenty of decisions to create a real masterpiece that allows you to relax and rest after a hard day or spend time with family in the fresh air to any weather.

Before proceeding with construction work, you must draw an exemplary form (design) of the future facilities. It is necessary to decide on the height of the roof and what coating will be on it. From this depends the cross section of the crate, the step of rafters and other subtleties.

In the West to the design of the arbor, they are seriously suitable. All possible options for future loads are calculated thoroughly. Multi-page documentation is being developed for construction similar to the construction of the house. All this is necessary, regardless of whether you are making yourself or entrust others.

sheets Project Roof Arbor

When designing any object, it is not bad to remember about the Rule of Golden section. If it is very short, this rule assumes, the ratio of the segment A to the segment in both 1,6180339887.

Sidi around the photo of the garden gazebos, this law did not take into account. If you try to change the design, according to the proportion, then it will be different. In my opinion, this option is more attractive.

rule of golden section in a gazebo

All these moments must be taken into account at the drawing drawing stage. At the time of construction, you are unlikely to offer a variant of the golden cross section. Although this rule is used for a long time and often, ranging from builders of pyramids to modern fashion designers.

The first part from which any roof begins is Mauerlat. This timing relies the entire upper part of the structure. So that the design does not fly away with strong wind, Mauerlat needs to be consolidated. This can be done "by barbaric", clasping a wire of 4-6 mm around. Can be culturally drilled a hole in a bar, put on the installed in and secure the nut with the washer. Between themselves around the perimeter the timber is connected to the trip. Hurricanes on the mainland of Europe rarely happen, but for some reason, this event takes place the next day, after the end of construction. For the same reason, it is necessary to thoroughly mount and rafters.

rafters and marsplates basic elements

The rafter is the main carrying element on the roof. The cross section of the rafting leg should be sufficient to withstand snow and wind load. Depending on the area, the load on the horizontal plane can be from 80 to 560 kg \\ m2. The numbers seem unrealistic fantastic. But 20-30 cm snow with high humidity, during warming, quickly begin to add new kilograms.

The top of the pillars of the arbor must be on the same level. The bottom of the sink lifter gives a readable line. If the discrepancy in the pillar's height is more than one centimeter, the skew will become noticeable. Sve, as usual, is done by building the rafting leg of the Bru and the binder of the boards.

The first, on the sink of the roof is mounted on a cornice plank. It serves as a drip. This simple invention does not allow water, during the rain, to be in the walls and trim. Fix the tin bar is better than self-storms - nails are not very convenient to score in OSB.

svet roof on a gazebo

For each coating, there is a minimum bias at which water is guaranteed. So for the roof from the bituminous tile (our case) the minimum bias - 12-15 degrees.

If the pilots of the hex or eight-grown building are located in The roof design will be symmetric and attractive.

The device of the crate depends on the intended coating. So for bitumen tiles enough for this board 20x100 mm in a step of 30-50 cm, followed by a solid firmware of the OSB.

What is the preference for the summer roof structures with bitumen tiles?

  • Separate bitumen layers are easily mounted and, then change, during repair, is also simple.
  • Composite parts are easier to carry temperature fluctuations and deformations. Unlike solid coating layers.
  • The high degree of waterproofing is achieved by insignificant costs of acquiring material and installation.
  • There is no need for subsequent care (painting, cleaning from rust ...)
  • Big range of colors offers various design options.
  • Small weight.

Of the disadvantages, you can call the need for a solid coating device.

In order to learn another experience (bourgeois) construction of roofs on garden gazebos, it is enough to type in the search bar You Tube something like the device on the roof of the gazebo. And you will be very surprised by a variety of roofs in summer facilities. I personally struck the coating of the gazebo rolls with green lawn grass. We guarantee that you will be lost in the search for several hours. And if you have already had a ready-made solution to the future garden structure, it will be revised.

Who among us does not like to relax in nature, enjoying the fresh air, picturesque views, a pleasant communication in a circle of family and friends? For a comfortable and full rest at the cottage, you can not do without a gazebo. It is not so difficult to fulfill its own, having free time and the necessary material.

Where to have a personal choice, but best, so that there is a shadow of trees, and not the scorching sun, and, if possible, near the reservoir. Such a building will be a practical and original solution for the garden plot. This article will talk about how and from which materials such a gazebo can be made.

At the hexagon gazebo, in comparison with the usual, there are advantages:

  • it is compact, so the garden plot will not take a lot of space;
  • quite spacious due to its form - you can accommodate both people and furniture;
  • attractive at the expense of finishing and decor;
  • resistant and durable due to its design.

Wooden design tools

To perform work, the following tools will be needed:

  • circular machine;
  • chainsaw;
  • hacksaw;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • electric choke;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • ax;
  • level;
  • plumb.

Stages of performance

In order to make a hex gazebo, you need to decide on the choice of material. In this case, spruce or pine will fit, since in its properties this material is quite durable and relatively inexpensive.

  • Before the start of work, it is necessary to make drawings, where dimensions will be reflected. For example, the height of the structure can be 2.6 m.
  • When decide on the dimensions of the future constructions, the boards and the bars of the necessary sizes should be selected on the circular machine and to fool them with the help of an electrical ruble.
  • Then you need to place a plot for construction. To get a hexagon of the right shape, you need to draw the circumference of the given diameter, using two wooden pegs and rope. On the circle it is necessary to spend six lines equal to the diameter of the circle and in the places of crossing lines to apply notches.
  • In the marked plates indicated by notch, the pits of about 50 cm are digging under the foundation. At the bottom, the sand layer with a thickness of about 10 cm and trambed. As a support under the support pillars, you can put a paving slab 30 × 30 cm in the pit and a slightly prohibit. After installing the supporting bars, the pits can be covered with sand with a subsequent tamper and watering water.

Also as a base under the arbor, you can use concrete blocks.

  • In order to give the strength and stability of a wooden structure, in the corners of the markup in the dug holes with the rammed subftitude, you need to drive one reinforcement rod with a length of 1-1.5 m. The diameter of the reinforcement can be from 10 mm, but in this case it is hard to score, so How it will vibrate. To do this, the pipes can be put on the reinforcement and score the rod in it. The pipe must be removed, and then in the concrete blocks to drill holes and put them on the reinforcement.
  • It is necessary to lay a layer of waterproofing on concrete pillars - it can be two layers of a simple runneroid. Then, with the help of electric drills, the holes are drilled in each wooden bar and they put them on the fittings on the type of the well, and in the places of crossing the BRUSEV cut off. For strength and alignment, cut ships are made under the connection "in Polmbus". Then the bars are harvested and fixed with nails. For support, the bars are suitable with a cross section of 100 × 100 cm.
  • The next step is the base device. If the gazebo is big, then in the middle it is necessary to make a reference pole, which will serve as a support, and then put the lags, having finished with their protective impregnation from the destructive effect of moisture. Screwed wooden boards, moisture resistant plywood, as well as moisture-proof chipboard and OSB plates are widely used as a flooring.
  • After fixing the flooring, you can put the pillars of the support, before drilling the hole for the reinforcement, and then the bars put on it. Using a plumbing, you need to check how vertically these poles are installed, after which they fix them in this position by temporary jumpers.

  • The crown is made according to the same principle as the lower ring of the frame. It stacked on the bars and fixes with the help of self-tapping screws.
  • The final stage of construction is the roof mounting. This happens as follows - the tops of the vertical poles are connected by the bars, aligning them with a knuckling with an end part at an angle of 60 degrees, and then fixed with self-draws. When the frame is completely ready, the gazebo is covered with roofing material. The roof for convenience is better to perform on the ground, and after the finished design should be installed on the upper ring of the structure. In the event that the roof is going to upstairs, two boards are attached to the upper ring, the support column is installed on them, and the guide bars are removed and secured. The finished doom is trimmed with leaf material or slats. For the roof use, professional flooring or other material.

  • A gazebo around the entire perimeter must be protected with a height of 0.9 m. The railing is made from ordinary boards, and with the help of a special template they can be given an unusual form.
  • Vertical bars can be seen with a lining or decorative grid made of wooden plates.
  • To protect the wooden design from rotting and give a beautiful look, you must certainly cover it with a varnish or paint - the choice is yours.

You can equip the track for convenience and make a small porch, fill in the inner volume with floor and wall-mounted vases with alive colors, and from the outside of the walls to arrange evergreen floating plants.

Advantages of metal structures

In comparison with wooden, metal structures are distinguished by durability, but without proper anti-corrosion processing, they begin to rust. Such arbors are not susceptible to rotting and fire, but are installed on any foundation or without it. Installation of metal structures is relatively simple, and the rigid frame prevents the change in geometric shapes during the soil sends.

Preparation for work

Metal gazebos are temporary and capital. Temporary arrange for the summer period, and the winter is cleaned. The foundation for such structures is not needed. Sometimes hollow pipes are driven as a foundation to the ground, which will serve as the basis for the frame. For the winter, the top of the tubes should be closed from falling inside precipitation and garbage.

For capital arbors, a reliable foundation is required, which is arranged before the construction. As a base, there may be wooden flooring or concrete coating. Mandatory elements of the base from wood must be impregnated with an antiseptic, and metal parts in order to avoid corrosion.

The following tools and materials will be required during the work:

  • welding machine;
  • drill and drills for metal;
  • bulgarian;
  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • metal pipes of square or round cross section;
  • primer and paint for metal;
  • roofing material.

A competent and responsible approach is needed to install a metal gazeb. To begin, it is necessary to make a drawing with an indication of the size and calculate the desired number of pipes for the frame and supports, the number of roofing material. Buy construction materials need to be purchased with a drawing to purchase everything you need and properly dispose of means.

Getting to manufacture

At first, on the ground, where the gazebo will be marked in the corners. Then you need to dig the pits and install pipes in them to connect with the legs of the metal frame. To the part of the pipes that will be concreted, slices of fittings are welded in advance. Using a plumbing or construction level, check the installation of pipes vertically, then they are fixed and concreted. Between the pipes make wooden or concrete floor.

After the pipes are concreted, they insert the basic support racks and weld to them. Then the racks on top are connected using horizontally located pipes. So the main framework will be made. Then the additional crossbar or rack should be installed, the number of which directly depends on the sizes of the arbor.

Metal team gazebo can be collected by welding or be bolted with nuts. The selection depends on the skill of the owner of the garden plot to work with the welding machine, as well as on financial opportunities for payment for the services of a professional welder. After the frame will be assembled, you can start the installation of the roof from the material you choose.

You can assemble the frame with a bolted joint, but the appearance will not be very attractive, and the design will be less durable. This type of compound is most often used for collapsible structures.

Brick gazebo

Many people prefer to build from a brick, embodying a variety of design solutions.

Brick gazebos today are very popular. They may differ design and style. If this is necessary, glazing and heating arises.

The main advantage of buildings from brick is that they are durable, and the care of them and the maintenance of uncomplicated.


Most often there are three types of buildings: open, semi-open and closed.

  • Open - construction, which is intended to relax in it in the warm season. For decorating it, wooden or metal grilles are used, which can be used by curly plants.
  • The basis of the half-open gazebos are one or two retaining walls. Inside such a structure you can install a brazier.
  • The closed design is designed for use during the year, since glazing and heating is provided.

Stages of construction

Since the presence of a gazebo in the garden plot is constant, so it requires reliable and strong foundation. This makes the structure stable and increase its resistance to wind loads.

Before the start of construction, it is important to decide on the choice of what the design will be. The walls are brought with thickness in the Pollipich - this is the most popular option. If the wall is built on a plot with a slope, the foundation under the wall is made step.

Basically, the arbor is erected from the decorative brick, which today makes a lot of species, thereby disappearing the need for further decoration of the walls.

The construction of open and semi-open structures will require less financial costs and time. The construction of closed structures may be costly, as this occupation is not easy, and it will take to pay for the work of employees. In order to save funds, the construction of this type is better to build himself. But in order for all the nuances to be taken into account and the errors should be adhered to a number of important rules:

  1. First of all, the foundation is laid. Moreover, the hooking under the foundation is made of a certain depth, which depends on the type of soil. It is necessary to correctly calculate the ratio of depth and weight of the bearing wall structures.
  2. The lower part is built "Blue". Thus, if an open-type gazebo, the height of the laying from the level of the earth should be within 1-1.5 m. This will serve as protection from the fall of leaves, dust and will prevent the moisture penetration inside the construction during the shower.
  3. The roof is better to perform in the form of a cone to prevent the accumulation of snow on it in winter. You can make a scope roof with a slope of at least 10 degrees.
  4. The location should not be near the waste hole in order to avoid the seeding of the soil and the presence of an unpleasant smell next to it.
  5. It is necessary to take care that there are no trees and plants with a powerful root system nearby, which would destroy the foundation.

For the construction of a brick gazebo, the following tools are needed:

  • shovel;
  • trowel;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • wooden order;
  • buckets;
  • concrete mixer;
  • welding machine.

You can do without concrete mixture, but then the mortar will have to do manually.

And from building materials will be needed:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • concrete;
  • armature and metal rods;
  • brick;
  • formwork boards;
  • roof forest;
  • roofing materials.

Conducting work

First of all, the foundation is poured, which may be tape or monolithic. First you need to dug a trench with a depth of at least 0.5 m. At the bottom of the trench, the sand layer is poured with a thickness of 10 cm and tram. A layer of waterproofing is placed on top, which will use a polyethylene film. Then they are placed on a small elevation from the bottom of the prepared frame of the reinforcement, and on top are poured with concrete. In order for the outlines of the foundation to be even, it is necessary to put a formwork in advance.

During the construction of open gazebos, both tape and column foundation are possible. The second is made of brick or booton.

Filling the foundation, you need to consider the number of hexagon angles. For an open version with a brick-posted only the bottom, the corners of the pit should install metal pipes, which will be supported for the roof of the construction. Pipes need to be inserted before the fill of the concrete and the construction level check the verticality of their installation. Further work is not held until the concrete will not freeze well (it may be needed 3-4 days).

Brick Masonry Technology

The next step after the foundation will be a brickwork. It is carried out from both ordinary and facing bricks (in the first case, the appearance will suffer).

If you use bricks of different colors, then you can give a decorative and exquisite gazebo.

Bricks are placed on cement mortar using cells. Cement mortar consists of:

  • 1 part of cement M400;
  • 3 pieces of sand;
  • water (added as needed).

To make the construction completed, you can use curly grilles as decorative architectural elements as decorative architectural elements. If products made of wood apply, they must be soaked with an antiseptic to avoid rotting and the appearance of mold. Also products can be covered with varnish.

As can be seen, if you can try well, you can achieve the desired result, and then the gazebo will become the subject of pride, and the use of it will bring much joy and pleasure.


See how to build a good hex gazebo:

Find out about 10 errors that are often allowed by people when choosing a gazebo:

Schemes and drawings


For several centuries, the gazebo has been the most common element of the garden. This light graceful design often plays a key role in organizing a household landscape. It is designed in a single style with a house using suitable materials.

After the construction, the gazebo quickly turns into a favorite place of rest of all family members. It serves as protection against the rain and scorching sunlight, while allowing you to talk comfortably, read, drink tea or retire for thought. The roof for the arbor is not only a functional detail; It defines a general type of building. Choosing a roof for her, take into account the style of the arbor, its configuration and material. In our become we suggest to consider than covering the roof of the arbor inexpensively.

Romantic gazebo with summer furniture - a wonderful place to meet friends

Variations of arbors and roofs

All diversity of arbors can be divided into several groups. They differ:

  • By construction. Open gazebos is the most common option built in most cases of wood. Closed gazebos are characterized by solid walls, glazed opening, door and sometimes oven (fireplace). Live gazebos attract romanticians; They are formed by a frame framed by curly or specially trimmed plants. Popularity is gaining big barbecue gazebos; Their integral attribute is a fireplace or brand.
  • At the form of the base. There are arbors with round (rotunda), square (rectangular), oval or multifaceted base.
  • By the construction method. Arbors can be built with the foundation and without; There are portable varieties (wedding).
  • By material. The choice of material is unlimited. Thinking than to cover the gazebo in the country, more often consider such materials such as wood, stone, metal, plastic. You can meet a gazebo, woven from IV roths or artificial rattan.

Metal gazebo, decorated with curly plants

  • In style. The classic options are the ancient Greek, Roman and the style of the Renaissance. Sparkles in Russian or Chinese style, chalet and country gazebos.

In accordance with the shape and style of the roof of the arbor may be in shape:

  • Single car. Such a roof is mounted on four-stranded structures. The multi-level opposite walls serve as the basis for an inclined rafter system; Skat facing the windward side.
  • Double. The perfect option for a rectangular arbor. Depending on the project, the rafter system will be a weak (rafters have an intermediate point of support in the middle side) or hanging (not intermediate supports).
  • Four-page. Skates can serve as 4 triangles converging at one point. If the design consists of 2 triangles and 2 trapezes, it is called the Walm. The base of the four-sheet roof is a rectangle, which rafters are placed by a cable or change.

Openwork wooden gazebo -classical garden decoration

  • Tolerovaya. Loved in a private building an option consisting of 5 or more triangular elements bonded by one vertex. The rafter system is similar to that used for four-tight roofs. The tent option is suitable for round and polygonal arbors.
  • Exotic. There are roofs in colorful oriental style: Chinese or Japanese (multi-tiered, with curved inwards). Arbors are decorated with a dome-shaped, round and bell-cooled roof; Multi-tiered and asymmetric structures.

Roof Design: Select Shape and Material

The roof shape is the taste of the owner, but the choice should be based on some prerequisites.

Roof Design: About the Sropling System

The purpose of the rafter system is to determine the shape of the roof and withstand the weight of the roof. The rafter accounts for a large part of the pressure, redistributed further on the support poles. Part of the load takes the doomle.

When designing a rafter system (cross section, length and distances between rafters, the method of their location) take into account:

  • The shape of the roof (angle of inclination).
  • The weight of the roof.

Sling Roof System for Hexagon Gazebo

On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

What to take into account when choosing a material for a roof

Choosing than to cover the roof of the arbor, take into account:

  • Weight. Light material will not require the strengthening of the rafter system. If, for some reason, a heavy material is chosen (you really like natural tile), be prepared for the fact that the massive bearing design is required, and even the foundation.
  • Price.
  • The shape of the roof. For the pitched roofs, sheet material is often chosen: metal tile, professionalist and slate. Walm and tent structures from such materials will be costly (installation time and amount of waste). For them, a soft roof is suitable (bituminous tile).
  • Location. If the construction of a wooden gazebos is planned next to the water, wood needs to be protected from the harmful effects of moisture. The design is treated with an impregnation on an oil basis; The procedure is repeated periodically.
  • Safety. Arbors with brazier are at a sufficient distance from home. In construction, it is preferable to use non-combustible materials: concrete or tile for the floor, tile and slate for the roof.

Round combined gazebo-barbecue

  • Style. The architectural appearance of the arbor and the surrounding buildings should be combined. An elegant Chinese gazebo with a tiled roof will seem like a foreign detail of Radom with a bath from a bar.
  • Climate. The amount of precipitation in winter or constant strong winds serve as a determining factor in choosing an angle of inclination of the roof. In the first case, it increases (so that the snow does not delay on the surface), in the second - they make small (to avoid sailing).

Popular Materials for Roofs Arbor

In order for the structure to be attractive outward and durable, the material for the roof is selected as appropriate to the form of the roof. There are many different ideas than to cover the roof of the arbor in the country, the options that are most common are described below.

Metal tile and professional flooring

Favorite options due to low weight, durability, affordable price, wide color palette and simple mounting. Strengthening design is not required, it will take a soundproofing layer (if you like to meditate under the sounds of rain in the gazebo). The minuses are a large amount of waste (when mounting the roof of a complex shape) and the risk of corrosion of the metal.

Polycarbonate Air Design

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing small forms. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".


The plasticity of modern building material of various shades allows you to create interesting forms of roof. The advantages of polycarbonate are considered:

  • low weight and price;
  • lightweight and accelerated installation;
  • flexibility and strength.

Polycarbonate has limitations to use:

  • without a protective film, the material is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet;
  • polycarbonate roof - weak protection from the sun, it can be practical in the shady garden.

Flexible (soft, bituminous) tile

The reinforcing base of the material serves glass choles; It is impregnated with bitumen and apply a coating in the form of basalt spraying. Flexible tile looks like a totality of small elements laid by penetration. There is a variety of colors and forms on sale (bead tail, dragon tooth, hexagon, rhombus, rectangle). Flexible tile is practical for many reasons:

  • The best option for the roofs of complex forms (easy installation and little waste).
  • Does not be corrosion; With the right installation of the roof of hermetic.
  • Large service life (25-30 years) and low weight.
  • Due to softness, it has wonderful sound absorption.
  • Opens space for design.

Wooden gazebo with soft roofing roof

The roof for a soft tiles arbor has drawbacks:

  • Instead of the crate under the roofing of the bituminous tiles, they are satisfied with a solid floor-resistant plywood, which increases the cost of construction.
  • The use of bitumen makes it highly abrupt material.
  • Fit under the action of the sun.
  • For the price of the material is in the average price category (more expensive metal tiles, but cheaper than ceramic tiles).

Video Description

About the gazebo from the drawing to the roof in the video:

Ondulin (soft, bituminous slate)

The material is made by the same method as the flexible tile; Produced in the form of sheets of different colors and profiles. Ondulin looks like a tile of a set of properties - the same flexible, soft and combustible; It requires an arrangement of the crate with a step of at least 0.6 m. Ondulin is easier tiles, it is designed for a smaller service life and costs 2 times cheaper. Professionally mounted ondulin roof on a gazebo does not proceed.


Slate is perhaps the most common material in the post-Soviet space. It is loved for strength, durability and an acceptable price. If a barbecue barbecue is planned, Slate will become the optimal choice for the roof. The minus material is its fragility and weight; It will significantly complicate the installation of a complex roof.

Roof of environmentally friendly ceramic


Natural (ceramic, from burnt clay) and cement-sand tile are found on sale. Ceramic tile is considered premium roofing material. In many ways, this is the optimal roofing material with many advantages:

  • Durability, frost resistance and durability.
  • Impeccable appearance. The tile is made in natural form, cover with icing (vitreous mass with protective properties) or Angobom (color-forming coating)
  • Ecology.
  • Use for mounting a complex roof.

Disadvantages of natural tile:

  • The material is considered an indicator of wealth and exquisite taste; Price appropriate.
  • Installation of the roof is carried out manually and requires time and known accuracy.
  • The weight of the tiles must be compensated for by the strengthening of the lifting system (to put rafters with a smaller step).

Duscate roof under wooden tiles (shing)

Other materials

There is a group of materials to arrange the roofs applied less often:

  • Straw, reed and reed. Eco-style is a popular destination in landscape design; The roof of natural materials will give a gazebo, despite their increased flammability (antipiren treatment - weak protection).
  • Shingle. Environmentally friendly material, duch (wooden plank). It looks original, but folded in the installation.
  • Fabric (Tent or PVC). It is used for summer portable structures.
  • Roofing copper. Copper is plastic material that is used to create roofing the most unusual shape. Copper roof has a long service life and a high price.

Video Description

About construction Arbor in video:

Four-sheet roof for country gazebos: design and installation steps

The gazebo of a rectangular or square form is the classic, most common option; The construction has stability, it is convenient to place furniture in it (the area is distributed economically). Most often, such a gazebo is a frame of a wooden bar on a column foundation. The four-tight roof gives it an architectural conclusion, an elegant and solemn view.

Installation of the rafter system of the four-page roof

There are several varieties of the roofs with four slots used for the arbor: Walm, half-haul (Danish), tent and Chinese. Installation of a four-tie roof is a few stages:

  • Design. To make a design scheme, determine the angle of inclination of the roof, based on the climatic conditions of the region and the selected roofing material. Then they define the length of the sink of the roof (its length from the highest point to the bottom).
  • Materials. On the basis of the scheme, the required amount of roofing and rafting material is calculated.
  • Protection. Selecting the options for how to make the roof in the arboretum, the rafters in any case are strengthened with water-repellent means. In order to maximize the service life of the roof, all wooden elements are treated with antiseptics and antipirens.
  • Installation. The framework of the rafter system is collected. Stacked subcording bars (with a construction level), support bars; Additional connections are created using rafters.
  • Installation of the crate. Conducts a lamb of rafters; Under the soft roof (flexible tile) is made solid doom.
  • Mounted waterproofing.
  • Roof. The rafting system is trimmed with roofing material.

Original gazebo with a four-tie roof under a soft roof

Features of the Chinese four-grade roof

Such an exotic option requires the development of a special project. The non-standard location of the beams and rafters turns the edges of the roof to the sky, making the center of garden design and justifying the complexity of the installation.

Classic design of a Chinese four-tie roof


Regardless of the selected roof and material, installation works should be carried out in compliance with the construction norms. The technically correctly developed scheme of the arbor and the roof will allow you to build a reliable and beautiful design, donating protection and peace by all who need them.