Repairs Design Furniture

How to bother the ceiling of waterfront paint? Punning the ceiling with a brush. Preparation of lime solutions

Poles the ceiling chalk is the cheapest and simple way Ceiling surface processing. This method and today remains popular among our population. Many still believe that such a ceiling finish makes it visually above and lighter.

Poles the ceiling with your own hands

You can bother with lime and chalk ceiling. We will consider the second option, how to whiten the ceiling with chalk, as it is more familiar to us.

Selection of workers' inventory

First you need to decide on the work inventory, which will be useful to us during the repair process.

Set of inventory for plain ceiling chalk

When creating a solution, we will need:

  • Oilcloth;
  • Bucket (or other capacity);
  • Gauze.

These components will be needed at the first stage. Also does not hurt the stepladder, so as not to build pyramids from chairs and stools. For the whiteness itself, you can use a brush or roller. By the way, if the latter is on a long handle, the staircase may not need.

Ingredients for making a solution

For the preparation of the solution, we need:

  • Chalk (at least 3 kg);
  • Rastered economic soap (50 g);
  • Carpentry glue (100 g);
  • Xinka (10 g thanks to this ingredient, the whitewash will remain more white without changing the color).

For each square meter The ceiling will be needed 0.5 liters of the mixture. Therefore, it can be easily calculated how many finished solutions you need. If you purchased in the ingredients more laid, then do not worry, they do not deteriorate, do not lose their properties and can be stored a long period of time.

"Little trick. Before you begin to prepare a solution, the chalk must be sifted, so we will remove hardened particles and garbage "

We proceed to the preparation of the solution.

In a bucket or other capacity, we pour approximately 3 kg of chalk and pour over three liters of warm water. Stirring, gradually add other ingredients and continue to interfere, but more thoroughly.

"If you have a drill, then you can attach to it special nozzle - It will speed up much and simplifies the process. "

The resulting mixture must be filtered, passing through the gauze. This is done to remove not soluble lumps that can spoil the appearance of the ceiling.

How to make sure the solution is ready?

We lower the iron or plastic object in the bucket, then remove and look like liquid behaves. If runs - this means that much water. The problem can be solved as follows. Just leave the mix for a couple of days. Chalk is a little messenger, not necessary water will come out, after which you can easily delete it.

Observe the safety technique

Of course, with any repair work It is necessary to comply with safety equipment to protect yourself from various kinds of injuries.

Be sure to prepare protective equipment:

  • gloves;
  • headdress;
  • points.

Check the reliability of your stepladder, whether it stands firmly, it does not walk and do not go back to her legs.

Preparatory work on the ceiling whitewash

An example of removing the top ball whipped spatula

Before you to bother your own ceiling, it must be cleaned.

Preparation of workspace

  • To begin with, transfer all the furniture that can be shifted.
  • Be sure to remove the chandelier and twist the sconce.
  • All the remaining furniture and floor surface are stuck with loaf, rags or newspapers. This will make it easy to make the cleaning process.

"Special solution will help to believe the old whitewash (sold in business stores). You can do without it without it dissolving a little soap in water. When removing old surface It is more convenient to use spatulas of different sizes "

Get all the gaps, recesses and correct the irregularities. After the ceiling can be driving, you can proceed to the process itself.

How to bother the ceiling without divorce

Visually divide the shelves on the sector. So it will be easier, and most importantly all stages will be carried out evenly. It will correct to start from the window and move to the door.

Example application cretaceous solution on the ceiling with a roller on a long handle

After processing the first layer, it makes sense to dry, for re-applying perpendicular to the first. Thus, the whitening will fall evenly and the number of divorces will decrease. And the irregularities that remained after the first time are groaning.

Perhaps you have to smalle more than two times, it all depends on the level of surface and experience in this is not an easy business. The main thing is not rushing, and all the steps are gradually. So that the whits did not sleep, take care that there were no drafts and direct sun ray. How to beat the ceiling See the following video

How to bother the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner

You can blame the ceiling with your own hands not only with a brush or roller. A great way to whiten the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner. The stages of the preparation of the solution and surface preparation we have passed. Therefore, we turn to the process how to bother the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner.

To begin with, it must be prepared. To spray the solution, you need a special nozzle. You can use the aggregate of Soviet times, where this item should go bundled.

Soviet Sample Vacuum Cleaner With Spots Hole

In extreme cases, it can be purchased.

The pulverizer is:

  • The usual floor is a liter jar that dresses as a cap nozzle.
  • Under the lid is the first tube supplying solution from the can.
  • The second tube plays the role of the sprayer.
  • The base of the nozzle is attached to the hose of the vacuum cleaner, which in turn should be attached to the hole where the air comes from.

Spray gun assembly

Before starting work, make sure that all the details are secure and correctly fixed. Check the stirrer stability. Do not forget about the means of protection. When everything is ready to turn on the vacuum cleaner.

"Make sure that between the ceiling and the pulverizer is a distance of 30 cm, press the hole on the cover (until you do this, the spraying will not begin) and evenly apply a solution with circular motions."

Such a way to whiten the ceiling is very practical. The liquid is applied evenly over the entire surface. But you do not need to forget to control the distance. If you bring the sprayer close - the drops will remain, if further - the layer will be scattered. It is best to start the process from any corner of the room.

How to whiten the ceiling of water-level paint

One of the most sought-after ways to whiten the ceiling is its painting with a water-emulsion. Today it is fashionable to use various designs and finishing regiments. It can be PVC panels, MDF, ceiling tile, drywall patterns on concrete Wall. After putting the surfaces of such surfaces, it is advisable to paint the ceilings with water-level paint.

To paint the ceiling we will need:

  1. Water emulsion (producers mass and quality approximately the same)
  2. Primer
  3. Roller
  4. Paint bath
  5. A set of tassels
  6. Malyan Scotch

If you are painting the ceiling is not in white colorthen you will need a color. Select it in the shade of the color you want to get.

How to bother the ceiling of water-emulsion paint

The process of aligning the ceiling with a spatula before painting

To do this, this process must be divided into several stages:

  • The most important is the process of training and primer.
  • Since the surface should be polished and even. For grinding use a special mesh or very small sandpaper. They dress on the grater and are attached to special clamps.
  • Wait for disappearance dark spots After putty. This will mean that the surface dried.
  • Pour into the bowl or bucket.
  • Take a malarious roller. Roller can be both foam and woolen. Also for this process you can use Maclavitsa.
  • Apply a liquid to the ceiling by uniform movements.
  • After that, let's time for drying.

"Important Council: Primer, when dries, is very hardwheeling, so it is stuck everything you need, and tools after use immediately soak in water. Otherwise, rollers and tassels can be immediately thrown out. "

Apparently closer to the Painting Stope:

  • We advise you to choose a woolen roller. Thanks to its texture, paint falls smoothly.
  • Without leaving behind herself, drowshes and other traces.

The process of painting the ceiling water-emulsion paint

If you decide to make a ceiling of another color Add to the bucket color. Carefully stirre up consistency, bringing it homogeneous color. Before painting, try on the ceiling, is it suitable for your shade. Just be sure to dry it, for the violation of natural color. You can paint B. different colors. And in order for color faces not to cross each other, use the greasy tape.

"When you use a color, make color on the entire volume. Otherwise, if the paints do not have enough, this color you will never achieve when re-kneading "

As you have already convinced the ceiling whirlpool is painstaking work. But if you approach this case with all seriousness, perseverance and follow the instructions, you will succeed.

The ceiling in each room is one of the main components general interior. If you correctly arrange its surface, you can visually increase the room, create a romantic setting in it. It should take into account the functional purpose of the room, as it is covered during the daylight and in the evening. To satisfy all the above wishes, while improving the appearance of the surface can be used by applying the most common and practical way of design - these are the plains of the ceiling with water-level paint.

Even the most inexperienced builder will cope with the task quickly and easily. In order to whitewashing the ceiling yourself, you will not need big skills. Choose the desired shade of water-free paint, read it with its characteristics, prepare the surface for painting and begin to apply the coloring composition.

To date, there are several types of waterfront paint: mineral, silicate, acrylic and silicone. Consider the characteristics of each composition:

  • The mineral dye includes hawed lime and cement. Low price Such paint is available to a wide circle of consumers. The product is suitable for a concrete and brick surface, that's just the service life is small. A couple of years will have to update the surface.

  • Silicate paint consists of liquid glass With the addition of sceneny pigment. Such a composition is not suitable if indoors high humidity (kitchen or bathroom). For material affordable price, Large service life (up to 20 years).

  • Paint with the addition of acrylic resins is popular, durable and wear-resistant. Its value is an order of magnitude higher than that of previous dyes. It is used in any rooms with high humidity.

  • Silicone waterfront paint is the most expensive among the presented species. It includes silicone. Is used for internal work. Moisture-proof and durable.

In the texture, the water-emulsion paint can be divided into matte and glossy. That is, with their help you can achieve various finishing effects. Matte paint will give the surface of velvety, and also helps to hide minor flaws. The glossy dye is suitable only for an even, ideally processed ceiling.

The main advantages of the water-emulsion dye are:

  • rapid drying;
  • lack of toxic smell;
  • the ability to quickly cover the ceiling;
  • used for any surface (except metal);
  • diverse color palette.

If after a certain period of time you want to change the color of the ceiling, it can be repainted at any time. Before applying the water-mounted paint, align the surface of the ceiling. To do this, use putty and primer. The basic requirement before painting - the surface must be smooth.

On video: What is water-making paint.

Tools and materials

To prepare the surface and whiten the ceiling may be needed the following materials and tools:

  • putty;
  • primer;
  • spatulas of different magnitudes;
  • rollers;
  • tassels are flat of different quantities;
  • paint tray;
  • kraspopult (or household vacuum cleaner);
  • water-emulsion paint;
  • overalls.

Take care of the furniture that is in the room. If you do not take it out before the start of the whitewash, then tightly cover the loaf or polyethylene film, it will protect it from pollution.

Surface preparation

Before painting the ceiling, it should be prepared, that is, to remove the dirt and align flaws. If there is no old whirlpool or paint on the surface, wipe it with a damp cloth to clean from pollution.

Fat stains can easily be removed using soda calcined, and mold and rust rinse with conventional warm water.

Old paint can be removed using a metal spatula or a special solution. With a whitewash, everything is much easier, take a wet rag and detergent. Wipe the surface of the ceiling with a rag several times, so you can wash the old finish.

Ceiling defects can be aligned with putty. Initially, it must be applied with a small spatula on cracks and potholes. After complete drying with spices emery paper Large grain. Processed areas cover the primer. It is convenient to apply it with a roller with a long handle. Now it is necessary to sharpen the entire ceiling to reach a smooth surface, after drying, pollute and ultimately handle the primer.

Does the surface be placed? If the ceiling is not to align, ultimately all of its flaws will be visible, especially after painting with water-emulsion.

In Soviet times, our moms and dads blew ceilings. Covered the surface with water-level paint, lime or chalk. Moreover, to facilitate their work, used for this vacuum cleaner. Do not be surprised, it is the vacuum cleaner. To such a method of covering the ceiling will return a little later. First, consider a simpler method - the ceiling of the ceiling with water paints with a brush and roller.

Painting with a brush and roller

We proceed to deposition on the ceiling surface whitewash:

  1. Stir the water-emulsion paint in the bank, after which the part pour into the tray and split the water.
  2. Prepare roller, brush and greasy tape. In order not to be staining the plinth, creemet them with scotch.
  3. The paint will be applied in two layers. Remember how it is necessary to start a whitewash: pass the brush in the corners of the room and at its perimeter. Now you can continue staining, but already roller. Apply the water disposal from the long corner of the room. Keeping should be carried out in one approach to avoid irregularities. Now the surface should dry at least 12 hours.
  4. We continue to cover the ceiling with water-emulsion paint. The first layer is dry. It is necessary to check the surface for homogeneity, that is, if all the places are processed. To remove minor gaps, paint should be applied perpendicular to the first layer. Pour a small number painting composition In the tray, it is not necessary to breed it for re-painting.
  5. Each paint layer must be applied with a new roller, it will allow evenly and without flaws to bother the surface. At the end painting work Check the surface for homogeneity and no stains.

Teaches with a vacuum cleaner

Consider how to whitewash the ceiling with water-mounted paint with the help of a vacuum cleaner:

  1. Initially, stir and break the paint into a small jar. Top put on the nozzle, which will be attached to the vacuum cleaner hose.
  2. You can proceed to work. Turn on the vacuum cleaner and apply paint at a distance of 30 centimeters from the surface. Control the distance if you bring the nozzle to the ceiling, you can get hanging drops.
  3. To cover the water-based paint ceiling uniformly, spray it with circular motions at an angle of 60 degrees. Coloring should be carried out by two layers. Do not forget to apply the second ball of paint, the first must completely dry.

Kraspopult to help

It will also be easier to whitewash the ceiling with the help of a collapse. This is special construction toolThanks to which the paint is evenly sprayed to the surface.

The technology of applying water-emulsion paint fully complies with the previous description. When using collapse, it is possible to achieve such results:

  • The paint does not flow, but sprayed, while it turns out a smooth layer.
  • You can bother hard-to-reach places.
  • Quickly paints large areas.
  • Minimally sprinkles paint on the sides.

There are manual, electrical and pneumatic paint. Even a novice builder will cope with the manual. Such a model is suitable for whitening walls and ceilings in an apartment or a private house. There is one inconvenience: while working with a manual paintopult, it is necessary to constantly maintain the pressure in the barrel, so that the jet is uniform.

Pneumatic models prefer professionals. With their help, a large amount of work is performed. In such a paintopulum, the pressure in the tank is supported by the compressor. In the process of staining, the jet on the surface comes evenly, the surface is smooth and impeccable. The price of pneumatic collapse is significantly higher than the manual model. And since it will not be used, it will not be often, acquired it is inappropriate.

The electrical model, according to the reviews of professionals, is similar to the characteristics of the pneumatic model. In such a paintopulum, the pressure of the jet is carried out at the expense of the motor.

It doesn't matter what tool you will apply the waterfront paint on the ceiling. With the help of the blots, you can make a surface with unique, and most importantly, smooth and neat transition of shades. Create a bulk drawing using one light paint tone and several necessary color pigments. All you need is a few trays (or cylinders, if the paintopult is used), in which you can breed paint with a kel. Such a blinking technique will allow to hide the most minor ceiling errors.

Cheer the ceiling yourself quite a simple occupation. This will save family budget. The most responsible should be taken to preparatory work. It is from how the surface will be leveled, the final result depends.

Composition and properties of paints (1 video)

The times when repairs in the apartment was determined not by the desire of the apartmentmade, but by those materials that were available in construction stores, have long passed. Today's selection allows you to satisfy the most capricious and exquisite taste of gourmets of the interior. However, any finish will serve as long as possible if the technology of the use of building materials is fully observed.

Ceiling painting coatings only slightly lost to suspended systems applicable only with a sufficient distance from the floor to the overlap panels. Therefore painting the ceiling, which simple language It's still called whitewash, is a relevant and demanded operation today.

Any painting technology consists in the method of applying paintwork on the surface. There may be several such methods, and each of them should provide both the durability of the further operation of the coating and fully transmit its decorative properties.

If we talk about the visual effect, then it depends very much on what kind of way the ceiling is elected. There are three main methods of applying any LCM ( paintwork materials):

  • Brush
  • Roller
  • Spraying

Painting with a brush on a large surface is the process of time consuming and long, and the result is on the "Troychka". Although, of course, there are masters who and brush can achieve a very high quality result. But still technologies do not stand still, the tools are also not lagging behind, and the brush in the ceiling decoration is applied only when priming or painting corners and hard-to-reach areas.

Preparation of the ceiling

About the two remaining methods will be talked slightly lower, but for now we will focus on very an important factor - preparation. In Soviet times, at the factories, it was often possible to see a good slogan: "Comrade, remember: bad quality can ruin any quantity!" This principle with one hundred percent confidence should be applied to the ceiling whitewash.

The final quality of painting depends not only on the finishing operation on the application of the LKM, but in many respects proper training Surfaces. We will not stop in detail at each stage of this process, simply denote their oddity:

  • Full removal old finish With ceiling
  • Preservation of traces of leaks, rust and fungus with special primers (if necessary, waterproofing)
  • Priming deep penetration
  • Alignment - seams of seams, cracks, shells, spatlement plane
  • Re-priming by polished putty
  • Finish painting (whitewash)

Refusal from any of these stages in order to save money may result in much great costs, Therefore, it is not necessary to try to cut the budget.

The more carefully the surface of the ceiling is prepared, the better the final result will be the final result! One little secret: With a well-prepared plane, it is possible to achieve a good visual effect with low-cost paints.

Whitening ceiling spacryl

There is an erroneous opinion that for high-quality coverage you need to buy expensive material. On a solid foundation, the house will stand and from simple brickBut if the base is weak - then the most expensive stone will not stand. Also with the ceiling finishes - if the surface is perfectly gladly peaked - even a simple water exchange will fall on it very beautiful.

When there are significant defects or height differences on the ceiling, two types of shtlocks are used: start-up, with a larger fraction and addition of reinforcing fibers, and finishing, with a very fine gross. The consumption of fine-grained material is significantly less, and it is not always advisable to buy a large 25-kilogram bag. In such cases, you can buy a ready-made splock in a small bucket.

It is very convenient when there is a versatile material suitable for several operations at hand. In relation to the ceilings, this can be said about the fine-grained shpackel "Spacryl". Its main use is the sealing of minor defects when the layer thickness does not exceed 2 mm. However, this material can be cooled.

Small-gravel shpacryl "Shpacryl"

Ceiling overcaming with spacril does not carry any special differences, simply in this case, the shplanke is divorced with water in a ratio from 0.5 to 0.8 liters per 1 kg of material. Then the resulting solution is applied in one of the three above methods.

Now consider the remaining two methods whitewash.

Ceiling overlap spraying

Applying paintwork materials with a sprayer gives the highest quality surface. One of the subspecies of this option is airless spraying.

Poles the ceiling method airless spraying

Its essence is that the LCM (in our case, the spray composition) is supplied to the spraying head under a very high (250-300 atmospheres) pressure. At the outlet of the nozzle due to a sharp pressure drop of a jet of material "explodes", forming a directed torch.

How is the painting of the ceiling airless spraying (video).

The disadvantage of such a method is that the airless spraying apparatus is a professional equipment that is used for large painting volumes, and it is very expensive. In some cities it can be rented.

In addition to the high cost, the consumption of the material will be an order of magnitude higher, because part of it in the form of a paint fog does not reach the surface or beaten from it. Such a whitewash method is the most "dirty", but it gives a very smooth and high-quality surface.

A somewhat similar principle is used when a sprayer for plays a ceiling is used, only here the material is supplied under significantly less pressure from the can (in the case of a separate nozzle for the vacuum cleaner) or the tank of the sprayer, and is sprayed under the influence of a jet of compressed air.

Sprayer for Marketing Ceiling

If there is a vacuum cleaner with a feedback function, then you can use a special nozzle that will help to carry out a whitewash. And we are talking not only about the lid, which walked complete with old vacuum cleaners. There are also more modern devices on sale, which, however, is not just reminiscent of the nozzle, but the finished paintopult. They are not so expensive, and not too affect the overall repair budget.

Special nozzle for vacuum cleaner

Well, if your house has an old spray cover, you can use it. In order for the material to start feeding from the nozzle, you need to close the hole on the lid with your finger. Then the air will not have exit from the tank, and starts to squeeze the paint from the can. The vacuum cleaner remains all permanently. Ceiling overcomes with a vacuum cleaner requires a certain skill, and still it is more convenient to use modern nozzles, allowing to significantly speed up the process and achieve a better result.

Poles the ceiling roller

The roller is the most common device for whitewash. However, it is better to paint the ceilings with water-emulsion paints containing acrylic polymers in its composition (the same spit, for example), which, when drying, are connected to each other and form some film.

In order to whiten the ceiling with roller reached the expected result, you need to choose the right raner tool. Velor and foam rollers are not quite suitable here, the best option will be a roller from sheep wool or with a long synthetic fur. Their advantage is that the long pile absorbs more material, it takes it better to the surface.

Sheep wool roller

It will take a paint tray, which pours ready-made spray solution. The roller plunges into the paint, while you need to turn it in order to evenly scroll the material. For this purpose, ride the roller on the inclined corrugated surface of the tray with a light push - thus, the whispel is distributed over the entire length of the pile.

Pottle Solid

To make it easier to apply a ceiling whitewash, it is better to use a long barn handle.

In the process, the blames are moving tool with parallel movements, while slightly capturing the roller the previous band. It is painted in two layers (minimum), the subsequent one is applied perpendicular to the previous one after its complete drying. If around the perimeter passed ceiling plinth, At first, he is scratched with a brush.

On the dried surface of the ceiling should not be spots, divorces, strips. To avoid this, you need to ensure that the roller is evenly impregnated. To follow this is quite simple: the wet string band must be continuous, the same wetting plane. Stains may indicate that the whitewasure was uneven or on the insufficiency of the number of passes.

After the end of the plain, do not forget to wash all the tools with water thoroughly, if you do not plan to get a new painting inventory for every new repair day.

Updated and beautiful to you ceiling above your head!

If the old whims began to be brought and disappeared with slices, there were drums and traces on it, it is worth thinking about the transformation of an old surface. To do this, one of three ways are used - chalk, lime or water-emulsion. We will get acquainted with the peculiarities of all options, as well as the technology of their application and surface preparation to whitewash.

We recognize the type of old whitewash - a simple test and dismantling of the layer

Before starting work, secure yourself. Put the protective glasses and the respirator so that the dust particles do not get into the respiratory tract and the mucous membrane, as well as rob and rubber gloves, since in addition to water, it is possible to treat the surface with a solution of alkali or acid. Removing the old plating layer is an integral process. If you skip this step, then soon the new whirlwinds will begin to crumble again and come into disrepair. The surface preparation gives good adhesion (grip) with finishing material.

To determine which whores are applied to the surface, take a wet sponge and moisten the ceiling section. If he darkened, the surface is not dirty fingers, the whirlwinds of the limestone. Cretaceous whirlwinds easily erased and remains on hand, nothing happens with a water-free. It is easier to remove the chalk whitewash, with the limestone process can delay. The more carefully you wash the old whitewash, the longer it will hold new finish.

Before proceeding with the removal of the old layer, make the furniture and floor with a plastic film. Prepare necessary materials To dismantle the finish: a basin with heat water, soap solution, sponges, spatulas. Remove the lagging parts of the spins with a narrow and wide spatula, it will reduce dust formation in the first phases of preparation. Lower layers remove with warm water with soap. We divide the plots into small squares and wet them. Moisten the entire surface at once - the water is quickly absorbed into the surface until you delete whitewear on another site. Swimming sections process the rigid spatula. After removing the old whitewash, check the surface. We clean, put off and open it with the primer. If rusty traces and divorces remain on the ceiling, we remove them with special solutions. Before removing flaws, wash the ceiling again clean water.

Rusty traces, divorces and irregularities on the ceiling - home remedies

After cleaning the surface from the old whitewash, carefully inspect it to understand what you have to fight. From irregularities, rust, mold, fungus, divorces are delivered. Things and rust are first washed off with heat water, and then process areas with 10% copper sulfate solution. If the ceiling in the soot, prepare 3% solution of hydrochloric acid, Treat the surface, without forgetting to wear rubber gloves. Strong drips on the ceiling process 3 times to a complete disappearance.

The solution of liquid glass and water in the ratio of 1: 2 will help neutralize the incoming spots. To get rid of oily spots on the ceiling, use a concentrated solution of soda calcined. After the contamination is removed, thoroughly align the ceiling. To close the cracks, use shopping or limestone plaster. To prepare the second version of the leveling mixture, take two parts of fine sand, part of lime and water. Divide lime with water. Add an equal amount of sand and water. As a result, it turns out thick, plastic mass. When using harated lime first mix it with sand and only then we dilute the dry mixture with water.

For deep use putty. Buy a ready-made mixture or prepare it yourself. Home option Puttails make from one piece of chalk, two parts of plaster and joinery glue. To obtain the right solution, the calculation of the adhesive is 50 g per 1 liter of water. The putty is applied to the spatula, distribute the mixture first across, and then along cracks and irregularities on the ceiling.

After the putty dry, go through the surface of fine-grained emery paper or pembia, removing roughness. Next, the burning ceiling. It is better to choose acrylic primer, it does not smell, quickly dries and hips well with the surface. When the primer is driving, the ceiling will become smooth and prepared for the application of a new whitewash.

Chalk and lime - Characteristics of finishes and cooking options

Ceiling overlap using chalk and lime two environmentally friendly and hygienic options. Plus, the limestone whims also has antibacterial properties, delays small cracks. However, for some people lime - Allergen. Alternative option - chalk or water-emulsion. Cretaceous whirlpool corresponds to sanitary and hygienic standards, allows you to achieve deep whiteness.

If you put a new finish on the old whitewash, the chalk solution is applied to the chalk, and lime to lime, having previously done the surface test test.

For the preparation of Cretaceous Pochings, consider two options - using conventional dry chalk in bars and chalk paste. To make the first solution, prepare three kilograms of dry chalk, crumbling it into small pieces and sifted through the sieve. We spend the mixture into the container and pour 3-3.5 liters of warm water. To the mixture obtained, add 100 g of joinery glue and 50 g of chips economic Soap. To avoid yellowness, add to the sink solution (ultramarine) or a kel suitable. At this amount of the mixture of 20 g, blue will be enough. If you want to get a deeper effect with blue, add more ultramarine. Sink protects the coating from the effects of ultraviolet rays, makes the surface of snow-white. Ready solution thoroughly mix with building Mixer Or manually, focusing through the double layer of gauze, get rid of lumps.

In order not to crumble the chalk, get ready-made chalome paste. Dissolve the wallpaper glue in warm water according to the instructions and mix the resulting solution with the chalk paste in the proportions of 4: 1. After stirring, the mixture is ready for use, it is not necessary to polish it.

The readiness of the solution is taking a knife. Jump it into the solution and look: if the drops flow through the blade as water, the mixture is too liquid. To bring it to the necessary viscosity, add more chalk. This rule concerns limestone bliss.

Lime is sold in a dry or hazed form. Depending on the rate of quenching, it is divided into three types: with quick (10 minutes), medium (20 minutes) and slow (more than 30 minutes) by the reaction. Than less speed deviations, the smaller portion to quench the lime. Consider three options for the preparation of limestone bliss.

For the first option, we prepare six kilograms of hazed lime, in small portions we pour eight liters of warm water into a dry mixture. We add a floor of a glass of chips of the economic soap and 200 g of diluted joinery glue. All thoroughly mix and add blue to getting the desired shade of blue. We make the whitelle is stable: a glass of cook salt in a prepared solution. If you want to pick up a deeper shade whitewash, use dyes. We dilute them in a separate container and pour portion. Do not forget that after drying the blots, it will be on the tone lighter. Consider this when adding a kole.

The second version of the limeplains is prepared at the rate of 0.4 kg of lime to 600 ml of warm water. To the resulting mixture, add 5 g of olifa and cook salt. All thoroughly mix until the homogeneous mass is obtained. Ready solution should have a consistency of thick cream. Such whitewashing will stay for a long time on the ceiling and not to crumble.

For the third version of the blots, mix two kilograms of harated to lime with 100 g of a solution of a salt or 200 g of aluminum alum. Do not forget about the blue, this amount will be needed about 20-30 g. If you wish, add a dye, follow the concentration. Divide 500 g of dye and add it portion into the solution, achieving the desired color. The mixture thoroughly stirred and pour warm water, bringing a mixture to 10 liters.

Pooks with brush and roller - Proper application technology

The ceiling temperatures are performed in several ways - using a brush, roller, collapse, or a vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. At home is used, as a rule, brush or roller, as well as a combined option. Brush size for blissing - 15-20 cm. Before working, we recommend soaking it for a couple of hours in water so that the bristles become softer and not adhered to the surface surface. When choosing a roller, take a look at the working element. If you want the whitewashes to be smooth, give preference to a short pile roller. When choosing a roller with a long "fur coat", the final staining effect will resemble an orange crust. To speed up whitewash, we advise you to purchase a telescopic handle with a roller.

To bother the ceiling, divide it into several zones. We advise you to start working from the window and move to the door. Do not hurry work in order not to blur walls. The first layer is applied along the window, and the second is perpendicular to the window to the window. Remember, we apply the second layer after a complete drying of the first, otherwise the divorces will be visible, and the whirlwinds itself will not be neat. Novice to whiten the main part of the wall we advise you to use the roller, and leave the brush for hard to reach places - Around the pipes, lamps, junctions and partitions. In addition, this method will significantly speed up the work process. For convenience, pour the solution into a tray with a squeezing grid. Before each application, we cut off the roller, minimizing the drums. The first layer, as in the case of a brush, is applied along the window, and the second is perpendicular, rolling thoroughly roller on the surface. If, after drying the second layer, the whirlwinds layered unevenly, we applied the third fixing layer.

The whitewashed ceiling has a fine-resistant structure, the surface "breathes". This option is also considered to be bactericidal and wear-resistant. This is a budget method that allows you to update the ceiling quickly. Correctly whitewashed ceiling retains its primary appearance of about 5 years.

In order not to spend time on the preparation of chalk and limestone solutions, cover the ceiling by water-free. This option is well clips even with old whitewashThe finish does not appear and becomes more resistant to erasing. The principle of applying is similar to the chalome and limestone solution. To apply the first layer, we recommend that the paint is a little diluted with water. The second layer is applied by undiluted paint. Such a ceiling will be smooth and smooth without lumen.

Poles the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner with blowing - learn how to use useful technique

Applying whitewash with your own hands with a brush and roller process is reliable, but takes a lot of time. Speakers (spray) or vacuum cleaner with blowing air will help to speed up the process. The paintopult in the apartment creates a lot of splashes, it is advisable to apply it on large areas (shops, warehouses, public buildings). But the vacuum cleaner with the blowing function is the optimal option for home conditions.

To bother the ceiling with such a vacuum cleaner, fill in a glass jar with a solution, close it with a lid and press tightly. Insert the hose into the cover hole, break the jar, turn on the vacuum cleaner. Cap Cover Air Valve Cover your finger and press the sprayer button. Apply the sprayer at a distance of 0.7-1 m from the ceiling and smooth movements distribute the composition on the surface, without lingering for a long time in one place to avoid drowshes. To get the most smooth and smooth surface, apply 3-4 layers of bliss. The application of a solution with a sprayer is better hides roughness, since the layer is more denser and thicker.

Poles the ceiling overlap is still considered one of the most secure finishes for man health. Unlike tension, suspended, metal and plastic structuresThis surface can always "breathe".

Based on whitewings natural materials and natural raw materials. All this eliminates the possibility of any negative impact on the body. However, all this makes sense, only when complying with the coating renewal condition one or twice a year.

Stages of applying plays on the ceiling

Any repair and also construction process It starts precisely with the preparation of the working area. It includes the removal from the plane of the old coating, whether it is the former whitewasher or some other finishing material. If a we are talking On the first version, you can get rid of it with water. Just apply it to a lime or chalk coating and remove it some time while using a rag and a spatula.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that it is much easier to get rid of the chalk, in contrast to the composition, which contains lime.

After the former coating is completely removed from the ceiling overlap, you need to explore the plane for any flaws or defects. In the case when they are, it is necessary to get rid of them. To this end, the surface should be treated with deep penetration primer. Thus, you will not only provide the desired degree of adhesion, but also, in addition, strengthen upper layer Concrete overlap.

After the ceiling was processed, you can proceed to the sealing of the existing defects. This is done with a putty, which is based on cement.

It is important to know that in the process of removing the same finish, in any case, damage the joint concrete slabs. What to do in such a situation? One of the solutions of this question is the usual primer of the joints and its subsequent putty. The other method is the closure of the desired places with sickle ribbon and only after that putting a putty.

If there is a need to smooth all the ceiling overlap, then you must implement it. To do this, it is best to use a spacion solution. After its drying, the surface of the sandpaper should be seized. Only by completing the listed actions, you can move to the primer.

The main thing is to observe that each layer laid on the plane is quite enough, regardless of that primer is or putty.

What material is best used for whitewash?

The surfaces of the ceiling surface is made only two solutions. One of them is based on the chalk, and the other consists of lime. We can say about the first material that it has bactericidal properties, and the second is able to give a deep white plane.

In the event that the former coating was created using lime blots, then the new finish should be done in the same way. Do not put chalk on it.

For the preparation of the chalk solution, such components will be needed:

  • five liters of water;
  • thirty grams of joinery glue;
  • twenty grams of blue;
  • three kilograms of chalk (it should be well sifted).

All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly and stir the resulting mixture. The number of blots, which you succeed, sufficiently for the surface of ten to twelve square meters.

As part of a lime solution of components More:

  • one liter of water;
  • two or three kilograms of hareed lime;
  • from fifty to one hundred grams of salt;
  • two hundred grams of aluminum alum;
  • polkylogram of the dye (in the case when there is a need).

After all the ingredients are mixed, another ten liters of warm water should be added to the mixture.

It is worth knowing that lime whitewash It will be better to apply to the plane, which was previously moistened.

How to bother the ceiling?

To implement this process, a brush, roller, or a sprayer and a vacuum cleaner are used.

It's not so easy to work with the tassel, so those who do not have sufficient experience, it is better to give their preference to the roller. Well mixed mixture is applied to the ceiling with two layers. It is recommended to apply a punctured by a perpendicular to the wall, on which the window is placed and along the entire room.

However, if you use the spray and vacuum cleaner in the process of finishing the overlap, it will be possible to achieve a uniform coating.

Consider more detailed, which is the sprayer for the ceiling whitewash. It has the form of a polyethylene cover, which is covered glass jar with liquid mortar.

In the lid, two holes must be done, intended for conducting the tube through them. It is connected to the hose from the vacuum cleaner, and at the end there is a special nozzle. From the device, air is published under pressure, and at the time of its passage by the tube, it sucks the solution contained in the bank, by passing pressure. In the consequence, it is fed on the snot.

The second hole in the lid is needed to regulate the feed from the bank whitewash. Closing it, decreases and the supply of the material, at the same time, if you open - it increases.

Carrying the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner on summit It will only be possible when all the nuances are met:

  • sprinkling chalk or lime is made by circular motions;
  • it is necessary to observe the minimum seventy centimeter distance from the nozzle to the ceiling surface, but it should not exceed one hundred centimeters;
  • most optimal option is the deposition of blots in three or four layers, as it allows you to hide small defectsAvailable on the plane.

With all this, it is important to pay attention at the time of safety.

After applying it finishing material On the ceiling, pores are formed on the surface, allowing it to "breathe". Plus to everything, the coating itself can absorb pairs. The whitewashes cooked strictly according to the recipe is capable of listening at least three years.