Repairs Design Furniture

Proportions of concrete for the site under the car. All stages of concreting site under the car. Step-by-step description of the building process from training to fill

The owner of a private house probably more than once a question arose, what material to fill the courtyard? We need comfortable paths, parking spaces, mantal installation, leisure gazebos. For comfortable habitat in the courtyard, you can, of course, lay out a plot near the house with a beautiful tile, but its use is not for everyone on the pocket, and even more so the tile may not be stopped, often it cracks and crumbles. And the yard will no longer look beautiful and well-groomed. The least laborious and cheapest way to bring the courtyard to an excellent condition is to concrete it. If you wish, pour a concrete yard with your own hands.

Concretion goals

The courtyard concreting is used for the following purposes:

  • creating a smooth surface with a solid structure, on which traces of large-sized motor vehicles will not remain;
  • when concreting the court of a country house decreases the formation of dirt and weeds, and in winter it is easier to purify it from snow;
  • apply concreting on the replacement of fragile asphalt or expensive tiles;
  • the surface of concrete in the courtyard of the house allows you to silently install shops, fountains and other any decorative street element.

Nuances of own concreting

The laying of concrete has the following nuances:

Preparatory work

With their own hands, concreting starts with preparatory work. The first thing is to prepare the necessary tools and materials, after which they align the area and remove the upper soil tier, which contains the roots of the plants. Next do. The crushed stone is placed by a waterproofing layer in the form of a polyethylene film. It will not only serve to repulsion moisture, but will be a barrier to germination of a weed. Install formwork at the edges of the site and at the places of future flower.

Alignment and site preparation

Prepared platform site.

We start working with the preparation of the foundation, for this remove the soil with plant roots per 100 mm. Make a subtype, the thickness of which is from 100 to 200 mm. The "pillow" is made of rubble or sand, the use of rubble allows you to reduce the total costs. Do not apply a subfolder in places with poorly absorbed soil. After they have made a subtype, tamper or sand and water water. Wooden boards in the ground are driven to the formwork. It is important to cover the polyethylene layer intake and stuck it with a scotch. Polyethylene performs the following functions:

  • waterproofing, which is designed to protect the concrete from fast destruction;
  • barrier, for breaking herbs through the frozen solution;
  • the shutter does not allow to flow from cement milk until the solution is setting, which helps to reduce the strength characteristics of concrete.

Creating a pillow and seal

"Pillow" is used to improve the qualitative characteristics of a concrete base. It is made of rubble and sand and put on a soil with a smooth layer with a thickness of 100-200 mm. If necessary, sand with a channel with a handle is sealing. The device is immersed in the solution and alternately up-down tram. You can also do as follows: to pour a large amount of water with a layer of sand and leave for self-sitting. The minus of this method is the need for a large volume of water, which increases prices for total costs. On the sand layer, the crushed stone with a thickness of 0.6 cm and also tram.

Preparation of formwork

Formwork and reinforcement of the yard under the fill with concrete.

For even frosting, formwork is built, which will give it the necessary shape. To mount the formwork uses slate sheets, plastic panels, wooden boards and chipboard. Before erection of the formwork, clean the working surface and clog the bars at the same distance. Connect shields with self-draws or nails. After that, proceed to the creation of wooden clamps, which are used for the reliability of the structure at the time of the pressure of the concrete solution on the walls of the forms.

Stages of concreting

The courtyard concreting consists of the following steps:

  • lightakov's exhibition;
  • reinforcement;
  • preparation of concrete solution;
  • finish processing.

Lowakov's exhibition

Smooth construction site is important for the placement of beacons. It is possible to provide it at the stage of laying "Pillows" using a horizontal level. Put lighthouses across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe working surface under the fill. As a lighthouse, thin-leafy profiles and the twine, which are connected with each other tensioned with colas or as they are also called, spider. Spider is designed for lighthouses.


After installing beacons between them, the reinforcement design is paved. It can be performed in the form of a wire mesh with a thick diameter. The reinforcement is designed to prevent cracks on a concrete surface. Falls between the beacons installed earlier. At the same time, the fill of concrete occurs in such a way as to hide the tops of the beacons for a couple of mm. If necessary, the amount of concrete is cleaned with a spatula or other smooth tool. To remove the surplus of the solution, fix the rail perpendicularly to beams and stretch the spatula, the surface, thus the surface.

Concrete site - the best option if you have a private house / cottage plot in the suburbs. After you got to the desired location, there is a need to arrange a special place under the car. You can build a garage and put the car there, but, in some cases, there is no place for the garage or the parameters of the site do not allow you to start additional construction. In this case, you can concrete a platform for your vehicle.

Conconiate platforms can man without construction experience. It should be only a little plunge into the specifics of the construction, find out what technology needs, brand concrete, an additional tool device.

Advantages disadvantages

Concreting platform with their own hands has a number of advantages:

  • Aesthetic look (after you conducted basic construction work, you can give the sides of a beautiful appearance. Use lamps, benches, any decor element, which one you like).
  • Convenient entry (as the surface will be absolutely even, you can easily enter / leave the site).
  • The hygiene and ease of use (similar platforms do not require special care elements; concrete will not give the site to create a lot of dirt).

Pay attention to some negative metabilities of concreting:

  • laboriousness;
  • financial spending (in case you plan to hire a construction team).

If you want to get a high-quality, durable and durable result, you need to clearly comply with the instructions for creating a mixture, building the building, the features of its structure and so on. You can ask for help to professionals, but it will be made much more expensive to build with your own hands.

Construction site


For the vehicle area, a solution of a solution of 15 cm is sufficient.

Preparation for construction takes place in several stages.

  • Stage 1. Create a platform marking (or playgrounds). Take pegs (sticks, any similar objects), arrange them at the desired distance and cover the rope. It will be the boundaries of the site.
  • Stage 2. Drop the layer of land in 25 centimeters long. If necessary, the soil can be reused. Align and confuse the surface.
  • 3 stage. Create a formwork. This is a special construction from boards and pegs, it outlines the borders to concrete. Check if the formwork is accurately installed using a construction level. Cover the bottom geotextile (the material that moisture can pass only in one direction), it will help the future solution to absorb.
  • 4 stage. The next stage is a sand pillow. It is formed from sand and cement. The pillow consists of sand and gravel. Material Match.


For reinforcement fittings or ordinary wire mesh fit. The grid is only suitable for small loads. The thickness of the material should be 10 mm.Place the reinforcement rods longitudinally, and then transversely, heading around the perimeter. In places where the rods intersect, tie them with a soft wire. Do not use welding to connect. The frame will be tough and incompatible with the soil. In this case, cracks will appear on the concrete.

Installation of Mayakov

Lighthouses are installed in order for the final result to be smooth and clearer. Use special metal profiles (the cheapest / favorable option). Create a mixture of cement and sand (1: 4), form a slide out of it, insert the lighthouses into the hords made. Use the building level to check the covering. The maximum allowable distance between the beacons is 1 meter.

Concrete mixture: cooking / fill

Pouring will be high-quality, if you use a special machine - concrete mixer (it can be rented). Fill water into the car, then cement, then rubble. Mix the solution for 20 minutes. The proportions depend on the material brand. Follow the proportions specified in the instructions.

Finish treatment

To avoid the formation of cracks, you should give concrete to dry gradually. Cover the platform with polyethylene and let it dry. If the platform device occurs in hot weather - water the solution with water. A few days later the solution will grab, stop sticking. Clean the irregularities (if there is) a spatula.

Care rules

After concreting, you need to wait a week, and after you can park the car.

The first week, after concreting space for a car, do not expose it to strong mechanical loads. You should not immediately put the car there, especially - the truck. The main maintenance rule is supported by optimal humidity. Concrete in the first days should be under a small layer of water (especially in the case of work in the summer). If the temperature is too high, the concrete will lose the property of stability, it will crumble, crack. You can pour the surface with water until solidification and after. You can purchase a special solution in the construction store for. It will help strengthen concrete, make it better, more durable, stronger.

After the construction of the pedestal for the car is completed, and the additional rules are made, rest assured that there is no threat to your car now. The main thing is to make preparations correctly, the process itself is not so difficult that you imagine it.

Pouring platform concrete does not represent a special difficulty and its holding is quite forces to any homemade craftsman. But that the result obtained pleased the eye was high-quality and durable, compliance with the work technology. About her and will be discussed below.

Advantages and disadvantages of concreting

This process allows you to create a platform that:

  • has an attractive appearance - With it, it is possible to create a cozy territory, especially if you provide places to accommodate the flower, benches and other decorative elements;
  • is solid and smooth - There will be no pits, bumps or gauge. The latter is especially important for those places where road transport will be held;
  • simple in service - Her surface does not create dirt and the grass is not growing on it that you need to scream.

The disadvantages of concreting include its complexity, as well as the need for significant financial spending. This is especially true when, in addition to purchasing materials, you plan to hire workers. Thus, the cost of concreting the site is an average of 2500-3000 rubles for 1m².

To achieve the desired result, you should properly carry out all the necessary work. Let us turn to their consideration.

Concreting process

Preparatory work

First you need to place the future platform. This is done with the help of ropted pegs and stretched between them. Next, a fertile layer of the Earth is extracted to a depth of 25 centimeters. It is not worth throwing out this soil - it can be useful for use in a greenhouse or on the flower beds.

If any communications pass through the construction site, they must be protected. To do this, they are placed in the box or pipe. Then the earth is rareled and tamped.

The next step is to create a formwork. It is erected from boards, which are strengthened by pegs and struts. This structure is mounted in such a way that its upper edge is on the same level with the surface of the future platform. The correctness of the placement of the formwork is checked using the construction level.

After that, the bottom of the site is resurrected by geotextiles. This is the name of a special material that misses moisture only in one direction. Its use will prevent the departure of moisture from the solution to the Earth.

Another preparatory stage, which provides our instruction is the creation of a sand-cement pillow. Initially, the layer of wet sand 10 centimeters is poured and tamped. The same layer of gravel is stacked on top. It should also be tamped.

Tip! If the site is closely adjacent to any facilities, then in the place of contact you need to leave a gap. This is due to the fact that when heated, the concrete is somewhat expanded and with a dense adjuncing to the foundations or other buildings can damage them.

Reinforcement of a concrete site

Creating high-quality coverage is impossible without reinforcing. To do this, you can use fittings or wire mesh. The second option is simpler, but it is suitable only for the surface on which significant loads will not be provided. In this case, a grid with cells with a size of 200 * 200 or 100 * 100 millimeters is used.

If we are talking about creating a vehicle platform, then it is better to apply the first option for it, namely the fittings. Its price is higher than that of the wire, but, at the same time, its carrier ability is higher. To work, choose samples with a thickness of about 10 millimeters.

The reinforcement frame is created as follows. At first, the rods are laid in the longitudinal, and then in the transverse direction throughout the perimeter of the site. Then, in the crossbar places they bind to each other soft steel wire.

Tip! Do not use welding to connect the reinforcement. Because of it, the frame will be very tough, not able to adapt to the soil. This will lead to the appearance of cracks on the surface of concrete.

Installation of Mayakov

In the photo - mounted lighthouses

In order to obtain a smooth surface as a result of the fill, you need to use lighthouses. This is the name of the guides that are installed on the concrete site. As them, metal profiles UD are used, which are usually used when mounting drywall. They are great for the role of lighthouses and, moreover, the cost of their low.

Set them as follows:

  1. cement mortar is prepared - it is created based on the calculation of 1: 4, where 1 is cement, and 4 is sand;
  2. from the cooked mixture, slides located in several rows are formed;
  3. lighthouses are recorded in the lurked lumps - their location is checked and adjusted using a construction level.

Answering the question of how to properly concrete the platform, it should be noted that the distance between the beacons should not exceed 1m. This will allow you to make a subsequent work on recalling the flooded solution more convenient.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that go to cement slides. Otherwise, the guides fixed on them can shift to the side.

Cooking and pouring concrete mix

A concrete mixer is used for the preparation of the solution. Initially, water is poured into it. After the inclusion of this device, cement is gradually falling asleep, and then crushed stone.

Such a sequence allows you to get a good mixture that does not contain lumps. It is necessary to wash it for 15-20 minutes.

As for concrete proportions, they depend on the concrete brand used. It, in turn, is selected based on the purpose of the prepared platform and its required strength.

So, for the pedestrian path there will be enough composition M100. For the pouring of the yard it is better to use the M200 brand - it is more durable. The proportions of these mixes are shown in the table below.

The finished solution is poured onto the platform and rolls between beacons. For this, a special tool is usually used - a rule. With its absence, the same can be made by an ordinary smooth rail.

Tip! If there are still defects on the coating, it will take a cutting of reinforced concrete diamond circles for their neat cutting. To remove small irregularities, diamond drilling of holes in concrete can be used.

In conclusion, you should mention another important point. Concrete should lose moisture gradually, otherwise it cracks. That this does not happen, after evaporation of water from its surface, the platform should be covered with polyethylene.


To create a concrete platform, you must first clear the right area, install formwork on it, then spend and dissolve it. It uses the composition of the M100 or M200 brand.

Additional information about this process can be found in the video in this article.

Many of us who have their own cottage, there is also their own car, which today is rather need than the subject of luxury. But for him on the site, too, you need to make a separate parking space. Well, if there is a garage, otherwise, under the personal transport you need to equip part of the territory. You can simply clean the free platform from the garbage, but much better to concrete it. Only this method is applicable if the ground on the site is stable and is not shifted at different times of the year. How to equip parking and will be discussed below.

Parking Requirements

Before starting preparation with the aim of freeing, it is necessary to take into account some requirements. In a parking place, the car must be free to place. The exact dimensions of the site will depend on the number of transport.

Optimal dimensions for one car should be at least:

  • 2.5 m in width;
  • 4.5 m in length.

Be sure to look at this video before building parking in the country:

Car parking should be slightly higher than the level of the entire area. At the same time, if there are bugs or depressions on its surface, they need to be eliminated. That is, create an absolutely smooth surface. It may also be that the roots of plants remained in the selected place for parking the car. In this case, they also need to get rid of them. Otherwise, after a while, the concrete platform covers cracks and starts to collapse. As the perfect option - remove the top layer of the soil. This will make rid of extra roots to avoid weeds, as well as torture the surface.

Before filling, you need to put a sand-gravel pillow on the base. At the same time, give it a little spherical shape so that the water does not accumulate on the surface of the parking lot, and flowed from it.

By making a decision to concrete a platform for a car, you need to take into account one feature of the building material. Concrete under the influence of temperature drops is able to expand. This should be taken into account in the attention of the summer houses that plan to make the platform in directly proximity to the house or any other building with the foundation.

If the base of parking is pouring close to the foundation of the construction, then the first will simply destroy the second. Therefore, between both reasons you need to withstand a short distance.

Benefits of concreting

Why concreteing? Why can not just clean the prepared area from the garbage? Such questions may arise from almost any dachank.

Answers to these questions will give the following advantages:

  • First of all, the concreted pad is easier to contain clean. It does not require much care, clean the garbage and snow is much easier.
  • It turns out an absolutely smooth and durable surface without pits and puddles.
  • And finally, this is an attractive look. Additionally, in the parking lot you can place small flower beds or put a bench.

Preparatory work

Parking in the country with your own hands is made quite simple, but you need to not forget about a number of important preparatory work:

  1. First of all, you need to mark the selected room for the parking lot. With the help of pegs and ropes, outline the form of the future platform.
  2. After that, it is necessary to remove the upper layer of the earth with a thickness of 10-20 cm. It can not be thrown out, as it is useful for other purposes.
  3. Next, you should lay a pillow of sand and gravel, and each layer must be cleaned and good to ravibly.

Formwork and reinforcement

At the next stage of work in the dug pit, it is necessary to make a formwork from the boards.

The boards should be installed in terms of the level and to sign with the outer side by the carriages so that the formwork does not fall under the pressure of the solution. If necessary, you need to take care of additional strengthening.

Making opal

As for the height of the holding structure, then 20 cm is quite enough to withstand the weight of the SUV. At the same time, the top edge of the boards was slightly higher than the level of the Earth, so that the playground is slightly toured, the higher the above mentioned.

After the formwork is ready, the pillow needs to be made geotextile.

After preparing the formwork, it is necessary to make reinforcement so that the coating is durable and reliable. In addition, the risk of cracking is significantly reduced.

We enjoy our automotive platform

As experts advise, it is not worthwhile to use conventional metal bars to avoid rotting the metal inside the concrete. It is best for a special reinforcing stainless steel grid.

Pouring concrete

For the preparation of a concrete solution, the M300 brand cement is needed or even M400. Well, if there is a concrete mixer, otherwise the solution will have to be mounted manually.

To prepare good quality concrete, you need to stick to the following proportion of sand, cement and rubble 3: 1: 2.

Fill the platform is a monolithic structure to eliminate the joints in which the concrete is usually cracking.

When aligning the surface, it is worth a small slope from the middle to the periphery for water flow. The formulations of emptiness should be immediately pouring cement mortar, and to align the entire surface.

Final stage

After the parking lot for the car at the cottage, or rather its base, was laid and hardened, the platform should be sprinkled with wet sawdust. Instead, you can use wet rods. The next three days will dry the solid concrete or the rag must be saved.

Despite the fact that concrete is pretty quickly begins to fit in order to gain a long time to gain a long time. In this regard, over the next 30 days, the platform should not be exposed to extensive loads. That is, do not put the car in the parking lot immediately after the fill of the concrete.

Other options

In addition to concreting, you can cover the parking lot. Such a surface has its advantages. It is not covered by cracks, capable of passing water.

parking from rubble

It is only worth carefully selecting material for the base. Lime crushed stone does not fit, because it will quickly crumble and can influence the grass. It is better to use river pebbles. Moreover, for the formation of the base, lay a large fraction (30-60 mm), and overlap with fine crushed stone (5-20 mm).

However, there are also their cons. Due to the fact that the surface is uneven, it makes it much difficult to clean in winter. In addition, moving in shoes with a heel is very difficult. Many hassle deliver fallen leaves and small garbage, which can be deeply clogged between pebbles. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that periodically rubbing must be pouring, as it is spread.

Pavement Tile Parking

Pavement tiles can come to paving the parking for the car. This may entail additional costs, but the parking looks more stylish. In this case, the color can be chosen in such a way that it corresponds to the material of the garden tracks or the base of the house. At the same time, under the tile should also be laid a sand-gravel pillow.

The surface of the tile skips the water well and cracks are not formed on it. The only thing you need is to keep the right laying technology.

Concrete pouring with their own hands, like all the technology of concreting as a whole, is a fairly simple process, which, if desired, can even implement a student of high schools. Here everything is extremely simple and the subtleties is practically no. Conditionally, all the work can be represented in the form of three stages: this is an assembly and installation of formwork, reinforcement, preparation and filling of concrete. In this master class, together with the site, we will pass all three main stages of concrete and deal with their subtleties and features.

Concreting site photo

Concrete Pouring: Where to start and what will be needed

It is necessary to start concreting the site with its preparation, if you are very accurate, it will be necessary to plan the plug-in and make it as smaller. It should be understood that each pit is an extra concrete and labor costs for its preparation, and each borger is a weak place that can give a crack. The soil is planned in almost the perfect plane, I don't say about the level, since in most cases the platforms under the same car are placed under the tilt, which provides free stock and melting water. The planned area needs to be thoroughly tumped.

As for the materials, it will not be necessary here much - ingredients will be needed for the preparation of concrete. Their amount depends on the size of the site and the thickness of the layer of the layer. Calculate the required amount of sand, cement, rubble, reinforcement and even finished concrete using our (concrete brand I install M200). In addition to the ingredients for concrete, a formwork board will be required, a profile for lighthouses and a mixer in the face.

Concrete site: Methods and reinforcement technology

The next thing that will require the process of concreting is to perform high-quality reinforcement of the future concrete site. You can approach the solution of this issue in two ways: in the first case, the valve is used, which will have to be tied up with a wire and make a grid out of it, and in the second situation you can apply the finished wire mesh with a 200x200 or 100x100mm cell. The second method of reinforcement is simpler, but it is used for concreting sites to which small and short-term loads are planned. If we talk about the site under the car, then it is better to use an 8-10mm thick reinforcement.

Concreting technology

Tie the frame from the reinforcement simply. You will need to lay it out on a concrete pad in the form of a grid and connect it in places of intersection with a soft steel wire. Cooking is not worth it, as the frozen reinforced concrete will be laid out and will respond to the smallest ports of the soil. The result is cracked. And indeed, everything that concerns the reinforcement of concrete is made without welding.

How to make a formwork: Easy way

The question is how to pour the platform to the platform, it is impossible to carry out without installing the formwork - none concrete works do not cost without this stage of work. Concrete always needs to be given the necessary form. In the case of our concrete platform, the formwork can be called an elementary simple product - in fact, you will need to simply protect the contours of the board or other similar and suitable material.

So that concrete does not take such fences in the process of filling, they will need to strengthen a little - on the back side of the board you need to drive into the soil wooden or metal stakes. This will be quite enough, since the bounted layer of concrete will be small - a maximum of 150mm.

How to make a formwork photo

How to fill a flat pad: installation of beacons

So, it has already been mentioned above that guides are used as lighthouses for plasterboard structures. With their help, it is easy enough, and most importantly inexpensively lay a flat plane for the future platform. Beacons are installed quite simply - a standard solution is prepared in proportion 1: 4 (1 part of cement and 4 parts of sand), rows of slides are formed from it, in which the guide profile is pressed. The installation process must be monitored - it is with it that the beacons under the platform of any size are mounted.

The process of concreting photo

If we talk about how to concrete a large platform, then the lighting technology looks approximately as follows. Along future lighthouses, the thread is stretched - it is usually attached to pins from a round rod. With the help of a hydraulic level, special marks are made, which are lowered the edges of the thread. In principle, if we are talking about a plane, and not about the level of the horizon, the first thread can be installed arbitrarily, the second under it is set to it using a hydraulic level (the point on the first threads are simply transferred to the second). After that, there is still a pair of transverse between threads, on touch to which lighthouses are installed - they can be moved throughout the concreting plane. In a more advanced version, the beacons are installed using level or, while each beacon fastening point is controlled.

Lighthouses are attached every 0.5m. And in front of the concrete solution to which beacons are installed, should dry well.

Concrete: Preparation of the mixture and her fill

The question of how to fill the concrete properly, is solved simple enough, but for a start a few words about the technology of its preparation. It is necessary to knead the solution with a concrete mixer in a strictly defined sequence - any disorders reduce the quality of the mixture. For starters, water is poured into the concrete mixer. Then, with an already operating mixer in a pear, cement is covered. Next after him is a crushed stone, which does not give cement to "grab" with breasts or lumps (it acts as an additional blade of concrete mixers). Well, then there is sand. After it, control the thickness of the solution and wash it within 10-15min.

How to pour concrete

When the solution is ready, the concrete is poured between the beacons and carefully recalls using the rules or even rigid rail. There is nothing difficult, the main thing is to time to align the surface until the water has absorbed into the ground. If it still happened, the concrete lost moisture must be abundantly pouring water.

How to concrete a platform

Finally, a few words about the process of drying concrete. The fact is that this building mixture should lose moisture very much slowly. From this depends the strength of the concrete base and its ability to perceive large loads. After the pouring of concrete is completed, and it will see a little (there will be no water from above), the site is covered with a cellophane, which prevents the evaporation of moisture and prevents the cracking of the concrete from the rapid loss of moisture.