Repairs Design Furniture

How to paint the ceiling with snow without divorce. How to paint the ceiling without divorces: Choosing paint, techniques, execution. How to wash off the ceiling old bliss

In this article we will tell you how to paint the ceiling with water-level paint without divorce. Today, this method of finishing is greater popularity than traditional whitewash. There are several reasons for this. First, the painted surface is loyal to a wet cleaning. Secondly, the design of the ceiling with paint looks much more original.

How to choose a suitable paint - I will confess the experts

Before talking about how to paint the ceiling without divorces, let's carefully study the types of paints, their properties, advantages and disadvantages. The most popular among buyers is considered to be water-emulsion paints. The reason for popularity is quite simple: such compositions are diluted with ordinary water, which significantly saves money. In addition, when painting, drying and during operation in the air in the room there will not be seized hazardous toxic evaporations. Such paints dry up an order of magnitude faster than analogs with another composition.

Water-level paints are divided into several types:

  • silicate;
  • polyvinyl acetate;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

In paints of the first type, silicate components are taken as the basis. These compositions are distinguished by low cost, securely retained on raw walls, but they are unstable to abrasion. The surface painted by these paints is not recommended to wash with water. The second type of paints is more resistant to abrasion, however, these compositions are "afraid" water purification. The surface treated with such compositions is not distinguished by resistance to the action of moisture, high humidity and leakage. Even small water splashes can leave noticeable traces on the ceiling.

Mineral paints are in their composition cement or harated lime. These materials are optimally suitable for processing brick and concrete surfaces. Nevertheless, they do not differ in durability. Because of this, real estate owners are forced to regularly update the appearance of the ceiling.

Acrylic paints are made from acrylic resins. It is characterized by resistance to abrasion, temperature drops and moisture. Improve moisture resistance by adding latex. After that, acrylic paint can easily be used to finish the ceiling in the bathroom. At the same time, the cost of such compositions is quite high. They attach surfaces both matte and glossy surface. By index on the material container, it is possible to determine its type. The higher the index marked on the package, the more brilliant the surface will be. When buying acrylic paint, remember that these compositions are more than others resistant to abrasion. However, they are able to emphasize the smallest surface defect.

Silicone paints consist of silicone resins. They are characterized by persistence and durability. In addition, they successfully mask small cracks on the surface. Prices for silicone paints are the highest among all listed compositions.

Tool preparation - What should be at hand?

Under high-quality painting, you need to understand the perfectly colored brilliant or matte surface. It should not have any defects, missed zones or drowshes. To achieve the best result, prepare the equipment before work. As the main tool will be a moto wide. He must have a long enough handle so that you can be able to paint on top without any problems. Do not take a tool with a very long pile, as parts of the latter can stay on the ceiling.

To perfectly paint the surface angles and areas near the walls, take a narrow roller or a set of tassels. For kneading paint, a special pallet with ribbed edges is useful. The latter is needed in order to squeeze the coloring material from the roller. So that the paint is evenly distributed on the tool, use a piece of old wallpaper. On it you will roll the working tool.

Painting the surface - how to apply layers?

By studying the question of how to paint the ceiling without divorces, remember that before the procedure you need to hold a number of preparatory activities. You must endure absolutely all the furniture from the room, leaving only products mounted in the floor. What remains is necessarily covered with a dense polyethylene film. After that, thoroughly clean the ceiling and erase all the old paint from its surface. After cleaning, you need to pay attention to the condition of the ceiling. If it has sections with bends or protrusions, then in front of the painting align it.

If there are few problem areas, then the surface graft is enough. For this, the same composition will be suitable as for. If the ceiling in the literal sense of the curve, then for its preparation will have to shock the surface, close the wide slots and poll. As soon as you finish with the preparation, the ceiling will be completely dry, proceed directly to the color. In order not to leave the divorces, apply the first layer of liquid paint. It will provide better adhesion of the subsequent layers with the surface. After that, moisten the roller, ride around the edge of the piece of old wallpaper and start applying the main paint. If you do not roll the tool, then it will begin to drain the surplus of the composition, which will lead to the appearance of divorces.

Starting paint is best with the angle, continuing to move the roller along the wall. To begin with, use the small roller or tassel. The bulk of the surface should be painted with a wide tool. Apply paint layers with parallel stripes, making it out of more than 5 cm. When applying each next band, observe the original direction. After you apply the first layer, look at the ceiling at a different angle. If you find unpainted areas, immediately apply paint on them until the previous layer has time to dry. If the paint has already dried, then the remaining areas need to be noted that in the process of re-applying you duly processed them.

Apply the next layer perpendicular to the previous one. Do not do this before the first layer dry. Otherwise, spreads will appear on your ceiling. In practice, imported paints need to be applied no more than two times. Domestic compositions require three-time applying. How much will dry the painted surface, you can learn on paint packaging.

Application of the composition of the paintopult - repair in pleasure

Many specialists advise not to "suffer" with rollers and tassels, because some of this tool are very tired of their hands. The surface can be processed much easier and faster with the help of kraskopultum. The main thing when performing this event is to try to achieve uniform layers. Before starting applying, the tool nozzle must be left away from the ceiling. Thus, you do not spray the surface before it starts. Once the tool starts evenly spray the paint, start applying the material on the ceiling. In this case, hold the equipment so that the distance from its nozzle to the ceiling is approximately 40 cm.

No need to rush when working. Approximate speed should be 1 meter of surface in 10 seconds. The jet should be strictly in the perpendicular direction to the surface. To simplify work, we advise you to divide the ceiling on conditional squares. In turn, paint each of them, moving the tool across, and then - along. We do not advise long to linger on one site. As a result, the paint layer will be much thicker than on other sites. In addition, paint will drip down from it. Using the paintopult, make up for at least 3 times on the surface. Also, as in the case of a roller, before applying the following layer, wait for the previous one to dry.

The most common way to design the ceiling is its whitewashing or painting. And the most used paint - water level. At first glance, the ceiling of the ceiling in the first glance seems simple, but there is a lot of subtleties, non-burning of which leads to the appearance of spots or strips. How to avoid the appearance of such a trouble, let's tell on.

Preparation for painting

In order for the self-painting of the ceiling of water-level paint to be high-quality and uniformly needed preliminary preparation of the ceiling. It is possible to achieve uniform staining only on a smooth covered surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to clean the ceiling from any previous coating (with the exception of water-emulsion, which rests very well).

How to remove bliss.

If you have the ceiling on the ceiling - chalk or lime - you need to moisten the ceiling with water, and remove the coating with a spatula. Read everything to concrete. It is necessary to delete even the smallest fragments. Sometimes a spatula of scruffing small sections is very uncomfortable, it is easier to make it a wet rag.

In any case, after removing the blots, the ceiling must be washed with water with a detergent. After complete drying - to be primed and placed with plaster or cement (preferably white) putty to an even state, which is also called "under the egg".

How to remove old water emulsion

If the ceiling has already been painted with a water-free, just remove it will not work. The procedure depends on how paint holds on the ceiling. If she just changed the color and you need to refresh the ceiling, no swings, cracks and other similar problems, you can do with low blood. First - remove dust (with water rag), dried, then process to. After drying the soil, you can paint. But once again we pay attention - this order of action is used only if the water-emulsion is kept well and there are no defects.

Consider waterproof water emulsion from the ceiling

If there are cracks on the surface of the water-emulsion, swollen, it should be considered. The method is two - dry and wet. Dry is to consider emery paper (manually or using ABM), wet - flush. This method has to be used for paint, which is not afraid of water. But it is very difficult to consider such paint. If the water-emulsion paint is well held, no tricks help, but the surface defects have and need a putty, take sandpaper with a large grain and make the surface rough. After that, you can put off. Next - on technology: soil and after painting.

Wash off the water-colored ceiling twice abundantly wasting hot water. Water should be almost boiling water - about 70 ° C. Watch a part of the ceiling Wait 10 minutes, then wash the same section of hot water again. After five minutes, you can remove the paint with a spatula.

Removal of old paint - long process

You can repeat a similar procedure several times, gradually removing the lagging paint from the ceiling. Small residues can be cleaned with a skin, and then rinse the ceiling, dry and prejudice. On the primer, you can already put shnot, to bulk, leveling flaws.

Types of waterfront paint

The water-based paint is an emulsion based on water, which contains particles of polymers undisputed in water. Also, the composition includes pigments and various additives that change the characteristics of the final product. After applying paint, active evaporation of water occurs and a thin polymer film remains on the surface.

Painting the ceiling of water-level paint begins with the choice of composition. They use four types of polymers in them:

  • Acrylic. The aqueous emulsion based on acrylic resins allows to obtain a flat surface, it has good shelterness, hides small surface defects, up to slots up to 1 mm wide. Its disadvantage is a high price, but it is easier to work with her. In the pure form, acrylic compositions are hygroscopic and can only be used for dry rooms, but they do not interfere with the passage of steam. Latex is added to the creation of a waterproof film to acrylic water-free. The same additive increases the elasticity of the dried film. Such formulations can be used in wet rooms.

    Acrylic Base Based - Reasonable Choice

  • Silicates. The basis of this type of waterfront paints is liquid glass. The coating is obtained resistant to atmospheric precipitation and does not interfere with the removal of vapors, has a long service life (10 years and more), can be used for outdoor work.

    Silicate paint pairspermers

  • Minerals - lime or cement. Mineral water disposals have a good grip with any surface, but quickly wash off. In this connection, gradually losing popularity.

  • Silicone. Aquicon-based water emulsions are the last achievement of industry. These compositions are good in that the cracks are "tightening" with a thickness of up to 2 mm. As a result, the surface painted by them, even without excellent training, it turns out even and smooth. The film is obtained dense, but vapor-permeable. Silicone water disposal can be used to paint the ceiling in bathrooms and other wet rooms. Lack of this type of paint - high price.

Latex can be added to any of the compositions. Latex water-repellent paint is obtained water-repellent. It is not afraid of moisture, can be used in wet rooms.

Based on the main characteristics of these compositions, you can choose for yourself the best type of waterfront paint. In each case, their properties and "best water-emulsion" are required - every time different.

What kind of primer use

The primer is necessary for better clutch (adhesion) paints with a painted surface. It avoids the appearance of cracks and swirling after drying paint. If the primers are not, it can happen. We will have to consider everything and re-tap. Because the painting of the ceiling of the waterfront paint was high quality, it is necessary to primitive surface.

The base of the primer must coincide with the main paint. Under the acrylic paint, the water emulsion is needed by the same primer, under silicone - based on silicones, etc. Moreover, it is advisable not to save: the quality of this composition depends on how much the water-emulsion in the ceiling is.

There is an economical way of primer: the main paint is bred by water (1 to 2) and this composition is scratched a couple of times. This is definitely better than nothing, but the primer gives a more reliable clutch.

How to paint the ceiling with a water-emulsion

Each of the water-making paints on the bank has instructions for use. The order of work is described. Some formulations need to simply stir up before work: undisguised polymers can settle at the bottom of the banks. Some formulations require breeding. The amount of water added is also spelled out in the instructions and depends on the method of application. Under the paintopults are designed stronger, with the use of rolling, more dense compositions are required.

When diluting water-free water, it is necessary to add it in small portions. Carefully stirring, try on the surface area. If the paint fall smoothly, almost completely paints the base, you can paint.

It is more convenient to pour in a special container with a bath and a ribbed platform. You can use the usual basin and a clean piece of the oilcloth, unsettled nearby. It is not so convenient, but less costly.

What roller choose

The roller for painting the ceiling by water-emulsion is needed with a dense short pile. You need to examine it carefully. The pile must "sit" firmly and in no way should "climb", even if you pull for it. Then inspect how the seam is made. In no case should not stand out. It should be difficult to find it. Best of all, if it is made by male.

Dedicate the maximum of attention: the quality of painting is the lack of bands on the ceiling - largely depends on how good you picked up the tool. It is more convenient to bleach the ceiling by a water-emulsionist with a stepladder, but from the floor. For this, the roller is planted on a long stalk and fasten well.

How to paint without divorce

In order for the ceiling there is no bands, the painting of the ceiling by water-level paint should end no later than in 20 minutes. The water immediately after applying begins to actively absorbed / evaporate and on the place of the junction of the frishes and the "fresh" color and the stripes appear. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare the room. It is necessary to disable (wrapped) the heating battery, prevent the appearance of drafts. It is also desirable to wash the floor directly before whitewash, even if you work in the afternoon, turn on the lighting, it will better control the quality of the color. After you can proceed to work.

Ready to use the water-emulsion paint is poured into the container, dip in it the roller, then rolled well on the site, achieving a uniform distribution over the entire surface. When the roller will have a monophonic color, begin to paint.

The first tassel is missing the corners. I appline a little paint, take a small roller and rolls it well. Then they begin to paint the main surface. The first layer is applied parallel to the window, the second is perpendicular.

It is necessary to stand so as to look at the stained place at an angle. This will give you the opportunity to see how much paint was distributed, as well as the place where you were already painted, and where - no. Move the systematic, without jumping from one piece to another.

The width is painted at times - a little more roller width. Watering a roller, put it around in the middle of the strip. Quickly roll out the paint in both sides of one wall to another. Do not lose time: you have it enough. On average, the water-freezer dries over 10-20 seconds. I did not have time to put the band nearby - it will be clearly visible the border from which you do not get rid. After distributing more or less evenly paint on the strip, the roller dip in the paint, and again from the middle of the ceiling roll over. At the same time, you never already scratched the band by about 10 cm. All this is in a good pace without stopping and smokers. The edges of the scratched strip should not be filled. In general, this is all the rules.

After applying the first layer of paint, some places may be worse thanks. We must wait for a complete drying, and paint the second time. This should already be enough to obtain a smooth surface. If after the third layer of water-level paint you have bands and divorces on the ceiling, you will have to redo it. It is necessary to align the surface with emery paper, rebuilt and dye again.

Which color

The easiest way to achieve perfect smooth painting when using the "snow-white" paint. All pigments are clearly distinguished even small irregularities, because the process should be given to maximum attention or use a water-producer on an acrylic or silicone basis.

The demand for acrylic paint is growing annually. This is due to its best characteristics necessary for finishing surfaces. It is easy to use, differs by high resistance to household chemicals, does not require additional antiseptic machining, has dust-repellent properties. Acrylic paint for walls and ceilings is a unique tool for staining any surfaces.

Of the main advantages of this type of coating, the following can be distinguished:

  • Safety in operation.
  • Durability and practicality.
  • Does not highlight toxic and other harmful substances, as well as outsiders.
  • It does not require special care.
  • Increased resistance to moisture, as well as temperature drops.
  • Low cost.

This environmentally friendly material is in demand in many spheres of human activity. This is largely due to the fact that painting the ceiling acrylic paint independently Without attracting specialists, it is quite simple work. It does not require special knowledge and experience. The main thing is not to rush and do everything neatly. But before this it is better to watch the video, how to properly paint the ceiling acrylic paint. Then it will be much easier to cope with such work.

How to paint without divorce?

Before performing paintwork, you need to prepare the following materials, tools and additional devices:

  • foam roller and spatula;
  • tassels of different sizes;
  • wide painting brush;
  • scotch or other sticky tape;
  • paint tray;
  • sandpaper;
  • overalls and safety glasses;
  • sustainable stepladder.

When everything is prepared, you can begin the color of the ceiling acrylic paint.

As is known, polyacrylates are based on water-dispersed paints. They are characterized by cost and physical properties. To cover the surfaces of the living room, it is not necessary to use moisture-resistant composition or coloring agent calculated on temperature differences. You can use cheaper acrylate paint for ceilings, which manufacturers offer in a wide variety.

What to paint the roller?

Flat surfaces, such as ceilings, are more often covered with paint using foam rollers. Companies produce similar products of different sizes and structures using not only foam rubber, but also fabric material. The minimum roller length is 5 cm, and the maximum is 30 cm. If you need a size more, then it can be done yourself.

Incredibly appeal to painting the ceiling of plasterboard acrylic paint. If you are going to paint it without using a stepladder or table, then you will have to rolish a longer handle. In this case, it is easy to cover the ceiling with a dye, standing on the floor. Based on this, you can conclude: the painting of the ceilings acrylic roller is the best option.

Painting of the two-level ceiling of plasterboard two colors

This material is a layer of dry gypsum plaster, on both sides covered with cardboard. It includes various polymer additives. Before staining, the ceiling must be prepared: allocate all the joints and cracks and then cover the primer. Only in this case the paint reliably closes with the plaster. Painting a two-level ceiling of plasterboard with two colors, no different from the usual staining of surfaces.

The cracking of this material is due to improper installation. To paint the ceiling acrylic paint without divorces, you do not need to use a painting brush. For work, such a tool needs a certain experience. Regardless of the choice of the tool, any surface must first be prepared. This work does not represent any difficulty. We wash off the old blame, the spatula remove the bumps, and the notches close in putty. Then the entire surface is treated with sandpaper. After that, you can move to the primer.

When the preparation of the ceiling under the color of acrylic paint will be completed, the surface should be carefully dried. By the way, if the plaster does not cover the primer, then the paint will not hold on it. The primer material is applied to the prepared surface in two layers. Watch the video about painting the ceiling acrylic paint on its own.

Before the start of the main work, the furniture from the room should be taken out, and paul cover with polyethylene film. Coloring the surface of the ceiling should be started with corners. The roller in such places will not help, so you have to use the brush. After successful staining of the angles, you can use a foam roller. Coloring the ceilings with acrylic compositions using this tool is carried out quickly and efficiently.

The paint cover of any surfaces should consist of three layers. Due to this, there will be no bands and divorces. Before each application of paint pa ceiling, the roller should be carefully rolled in the tray. This will allow you to get rid of excess painting makeup. Only in this case will not be inclined. First and last layer Apply perpendicular to the windows.

White acrylate paint for the ceiling in the kitchen is used more often than other color gaps. It visually increases the room in height. It is more suitable for small apartments. The main thing is to properly prepare the coloring composition. The consistency should not be too liquid or thick. During operation, you should periodically move and inspect the painted surface from different sides. Only in this case can be noted minor defects in the form of strips and divorces.

The price of acrylic paint for walls and ceilings depends on the number of components that are included in it. For premises in which there is always a high percentage of humidity, buy more expensive coloring composition, with special water repellent fillers. For a bedroom, living room or hallway, the cheapest variant of acrylic paint will fit.

In addition to painting brushes and foam rollers, the ceiling and walls can be painted with the help of a collapse. This device is a conventional sprayer, which can be made even from the vacuum cleaner. With its help, staining of any surfaces is carried out much faster. Before this can be practiced on the shed wall. The main thing is to properly prepare paint. To do this, follow the instructions of the manufacturer and your own intuition.

If after staining the ceiling with a foam roller there were divorces or stripesThey can be divided by painting. The main thing is to do everything quickly, without lingering in one place at least a second. As soon as stopped - sublifting is provided. To obtain perfect layers, paint should be diluted in accordance with the requirements specified in the accompanying documents. The main thing is not to cover the acrylic paints of industrial and non-treated surfaces. Also avoid chaotic applied layers.

Typically, the coloring compositions are sold in the finished form, but sometimes require additional refinement. To a certain extent, it is even better because diluting thick paint, you get a much larger than the coloring substance, and therefore save some of the money.

Repair of the ceiling, or rather its staining, a rather laborious process. After all, it is not so easy to paint perfectly and even exactly the entire surface that there were no divorces on it and various irregularities. And sometimes you want to make a beautiful and even ceiling yourself, without resorting to help professionals.

But not everything is so bad, you just need to know the technology of staining. In addition, this is not to do without special tools and suitable paint. But everything is in order. So let's deal with how to paint the ceiling smoothly and without divorce.

Secrets Painting Ceiling without divorces, strips and irregularities

In order to perfectly and smoothly paint the surface without divorce, strips, stains and irregularities, you need to know some nuances. But first you need to spend thorough preparation of the room in which staining will be made. And also choose paint.

High-quality painting of water-level paint - how to make

So, before starting the painting of the ceiling, it is worth dealing with the coloring material. What it should be and what to pay attention to when buying:

  1. Manufacturer. It is important to buy those paints that have already proven themselves and enjoy great success among consumers. This can be attributed - Caparol, Dufa, Ceresit, Tikkurila. However, they are expensive, but they justify their value. To less expensive, it is possible to attribute products śnieżka;
  2. Paint type. Power colors are divided into three types - for walls, ceilings and floors. Their difference is that for floors and walls are considered better and held longer. But for the ceilings are not so durable and are not designed for often washing, wiping and cleaning. But do not think that paints for floors and walls are not suitable for the surfaces of the ceiling. If the ceilings need to be constantly washed and wipe, it is best to use wall paint;
  3. Painting structure. The structure of this tool may be matte and glossy. If preliminary preparation is not planned, it is better to use a matte agent, it will hide all irregularities. But the glossy on the contrary will emphasize all the defects, so before painting these type of funds it is better to prepare the ceiling;
  4. Color. Here you can already choose to your liking. Basically, water-free paints are produced in white. Another color can be given by pigments and special dyes.

Work on the seminal ceiling

When the paint is selected, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the ceiling. If there is a whitewash, it should be considered, but it is necessary to do it correctly. The main thing is to fulfill everything in stages.

Cleaning the ceiling must be made according to the following rules and recommendations:

  • If there are cracks on the ceiling, irregularities, if the whitewashed or old paint leaves from the surface, then everyone should be cleaned with a spatula and remove unnecessary;
  • All defects, irregularities, cracks need to sharpen, handle the skin and primer mixture;
  • If the ceiling is smooth and there are no defects and cracks on it, it can be simply treated with a primer solution;
  • In order to remove the blotch from the surface, you need to wet and wait until the liquid is absorbed. After that, everyone removes the spatula and wipe the wet sponge;
  • All furniture should be covered with a film or paper so that in the future they did not hit the paint drops;
  • Preferably all walls and floors also close the film.

Before you begin to staining, you should prepare the tools in advance that you will need:

  1. Malyan roller. It is best suited to a tool with a length of 18 cm to 25 cm. It is desirable that the pile is medium - not too long and not too short;
  2. The cuvette is painted with a corrugated bottom;
  3. Paper emery for sanding surface;
  4. Metal spatula;
  5. Scotch larger;
  6. Cellophane film;
  7. Protective glasses.

Also in order to get to hard-to-reach places you need a stepladder or sliding long handle for roller.

  • Before you begin painting the ceiling, the entire surface is treated with primer;
  • If you suddenly need to make a ceiling color, then during the preparation of color paint, be sure to follow the proportions. You need to accurately calculate the required amount of paint and make a dye or pigment in it. If the proportions are observed not exactly, then with the subsequent preparation, you can make a mistake with a tint and as a result, the color of the paint may turn out to be completely different. Therefore, best do with a reserve;
  • You need to apply paint in several layers. If you apply it only in one layer, then all irregularities and divorces will be visible. The maximum smooth effect is obtained only from the second or third layer;
  • For staining, you can use the paintopult. This device is easy and easy to use, and dyeing will be smoothly from the first time. However, this tool is very expensive;
  • The optimal option for painting is a roller. With it, you can smoothly paint the entire surface. But with it, it is impossible to paint the seams or joints. For this, a small painting brush is suitable.

Painting - stages

Now consider the rules of smooth staining and without divorce:

  • First of all, we prepare paint it needs to be well stirled to a homogeneous state;
  • To dye the first layer in the paint, you need to add a small amount of water;
  • Remember that staining should be made from windows and deploy. Also staining should be made of two layers - one across daylight, the other along;
  • Next, the roller dip in the cuvette and roll it several times so that it is soaked in paint;
  • During the coloring of the movement, there must be confident and smooth, without jerking and yeast;
  • Make sure that the roller does not breathe from the paint, otherwise the strips and divorces will occur;
  • After the first layer of staining is over, we leave it for 8-12 hours, so that the layer is completely pros;
  • As a layer, it can be drunk to staining the second layer. Work should start from a long corner, and you need to be painted perpendicular to the previous layer.

Which paint choose

While buying paint, many people have a question, which paint is best used to dye the ceilings, or rather what manufacturer is the best. Let's spend a small comparative review of producers of water-level paints.

Overview Top 10 Paint manufacturers and comparison them

- This paint of the Polish manufacturer. This agent is quite popular and enjoys in great demand among many builders and consumers.

It has the following qualities:

  • Good level of security;
  • Long service life;
  • The perfect coverage of the entire surface;
  • Good vapor permeability.

For ceilings are produced in acrylic and water-emulsion basis. Suitable for concrete, wooden, drywall and twisted surfaces. There are also special mixtures with primer additives that are perfectly scoring joints and seams. The cost of the paints of the company "Snowball" is different. The most fiscal option will cost 980 rubles per 10 liters;

Dulux paint.
These funds have a good structure: they are not viscous, they are applied quickly and evenly. In addition, they do not have sharp unpleasant odors and have rapid drying.

It has the following advantages:

  • High security;
  • Easy and simple applying;
  • Rapid drying;
  • It is possible to further purify the ceiling from pollution;
  • Long service life;
  • Uniform coating of the entire surface.

The cost of paint for 5 liters is from 800 rubles.

This means is suitable for any surfaces - concrete, wooden, drywall, posted. It is applied quite a thin layer and completely hides all the defects. Also perfectly protects from mold and dampness, so suitable for staining in the bathroom. Quickly dries in 8 hours and does not have an unpleasant odor.

The cost of paint for 5 liters begins from 700 rubles and higher;

These funds are produced in Russia. They are suitable for any surfaces - for wood, concrete, drywall, whitewings, plaster and so on. It does not have sharp odors, do not adversely affect health and have high security. Suitable for dry and wet premises.

The cost of paint begins from 1300 rubles for 9 liters;

This tool is one of the best, and has many positive feedback.

It has the following advantages:

  • High level of vapor permeability;
  • The composition does not have solvents;
  • Applied easily;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistance to erasures.

The cost of this is high, the price of 10 liters funds is 2500 rubles.

- This tool is suitable for any dry surfaces. Ideally, paints the tree, concrete, plasterboard, backwater surfaces. It is quickly applied, easily distributed and dries quickly. Does not have sharp and unpleasant odors.

Cost per 1 liter from 70 rubles;

"DUFA" - Perfect option for staining ceiling surfaces. This means of smooth color and does not leave divorces, stains. The range of these colors is very large, here you can find glossy, matte paints, as well as colored. Work with them is easy and simple. Suitable for wood, concrete, brick, drywall and so on.

The cost begins from 200 rubles per 1 liter;

This agent is produced in white color with matte structure. Suitable for ceilings, walls and pilaf. It is perfectly held on the tree, concrete, drywall and plaster. Quickly dry and does not have an unpleasant smell. Suitable only for dry rooms.

The cost of 10 liters is 600 rubles;

- This is the best silicate paint for ceiling surfaces. These funds are mainly intended for facade bases, but can be used for interior decoration. They are well idle on plaster mineral species. The cost of 15 liters is 3300 rubles;

It has a good structure, after staining the ceilings look perfect white and smooth. It also has rapid drying, does not lose color over time, there is no smell and is suitable for any surfaces. The cost of paint for 14 kg is 850 rubles.

Painting is the easiest and fast repair method. Using it, you solve two problems at the same time: give the novelty the room and save your money. But everything is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. In fact, the staining of the walls and the ceiling is in itself the secrets that we will tell in our article. The perfectly smooth ceiling must have a smooth coating, without spots, strips and divorces. Today we will deal with the question how to paint the ceiling with water-level paint without divorce. To do this, we will get acquainted with the peculiarities of various types of coating of water-emulsion dyes. And following our recommendations, you will achieve such a result that you have long dreamed of.

Types of water maker

Water-based paints are different. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly pick up the composition, based on which requirements and characteristics for you are priorities:

  • Silicate. The basis of this dye is silicate glue. This composition is relatively inexpensive, perfectly keeps even on raw surfaces, but is subject to abrasion.

Important! Ceilings and walls painted with silicone water-emulsion, it is strictly forbidden to clean with water.

  • Polyvinila acetate. Resistant to abrasion than the previous option, but wet cleaning is still undesirable. The surface painted with polyvinyl acetate paint, does not like moisture: increased humidity, leakage or simple water splashes will leave ugly traces on the ceiling.
  • Mineral. Cement or harated lime is the components of this dye. Mineral paints are designed to cover brick and concrete surfaces. They are not very durable, so you have to periodically update the coating.
  • Acrylic. At the heart - acrylic resins that make the composition resistant to abrasion and resistant to moisture and temperatures. Acrylic paint with the latex component can be safely used to dye the ceiling surface in the bathroom due to the increased moisture resistance of the composition. Of course, such paint will cost you somehow.

Important! This dye can be achieved both glossy and matte surfaces: the higher the index on the marking, the more shiny surface you will receive. Do not forget that the glossy coating has increased abrasion resistance, but with a negligence attitude, even the smallest ceiling defect is emphasized.

  • Silicone. As you already understood, silicone resins are the main components of this type of dye. The main advantage is resistance, durability and ability to disguise even the smallest surface defects: scratches, cracks and others. Silicone paint has elevated antiseptic properties, so it is well suitable for raw rooms. If you are new to paint the ceiling area, this type of dye will not be difficult. As a result - you will get a perfectly smooth surface without any divorces. The cost of silicone dye exceeds all of the above species.

How to paint the ceiling of water-mounted paint without splitting roller?

So, we approached the most important thing - painting the ceiling with water-level paint. The whole process consists of several stages that we now consider.

Tools and materials

In order to paint the ceiling surface with high quality, you need to prepare the following list:

  • Water-emulsion paint.
  • Rollers with different pile (medium and long).
  • Paint brushes (size 150 and 50 mm for hard-to-reach places).
  • Malarket tray.
  • Protective clothing, headdress, glasses, gloves.
  • Metal spatula.
  • Grater with fine grid.
  • Brush.
  • Roller
  • Putty.
  • Primer.
  • Construction tray.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Malyary Scotch.

Preparatory work:

  • Carefully inspect the ceiling. If we have noticed a black mold on it, we wash the affected area with a chlorine-containing agent, for example, "white". To eliminate fungus and mold, you can use a special composition that can be purchased in a construction store.

Important! Do not forget to look at the purpose of this mixture - we need an antiseptic for processing the ceiling and walls. And for the premises of high humidity (bath, balcony) it is better to apply anti-grab impregnation.

  • We clean the base ceiling with a spatula, thereby getting rid of the traces of the previous solution and garbage.
  • Ground the surface with a solution of deep penetration. We are waiting for the complete drying of the primer.
  • We apply a basic layer of a pre-prepared putty, filling them all the cracks and depressions. Take a synthetic reinforcing grid in order to hide deep cracks and seams. We drag the dry surface with the grainy sandpaper, soil and apply the fixing layer of putty, which is then grinding the grater and ground directly under painting.
  • We stick the raner tape to the places that we want to protect against paint. Cover the floor furniture and floors with a film or newspaper in order to comply with cleanliness.
  • We liberate a room from foreign furniture (if you can endure it) and items.

How to paint the ceiling with a roller without divorces?

  1. We drag the coloring composition according to the instructions. If you want to dilute the paint with another color to achieve a specific shade, combine colors.
  2. Dilute paint solvent. It is necessary in order to apply the very first layer of more liquid consistency. The remaining layers we will perform a water-emulsionic conservation. Do not forget to dilute the paint in the construction tray to use only the desired part of it without overpowering.
  3. If we suddenly forgot to trust the ceiling at the preparatory stage, then we carry out this action. We have a rather clean and smooth surface, so they are loaded into one layer. In the case of a ceiling with stains, chips and other visible defects, it is better to apply primer into two layers, and then the third fixing. The actions described above will help hide all flaws and prepare the surface to direct painting. Leave the surface to dry.
  4. Color the ceiling surface around the perimeter, painting hard to reach places (corners and joints) with a small narrow tassel. Paint the brush the upper part of the wall (up to 20 cm) in the case of the designer finish.
  5. We apply to the ceiling first layer of paint parallel to the window. We have a roller as close as possible to the surface, and then put the paint with stripes, moving from the edge to the center. The length of one strip must be about 1 meter, and the joints should be completely invisible.
  6. We look from the side of the already painted ceiling, checking the quality of staining. If you saw not scratched places or other flaws, then in no case use the brush or roller for their partial correction. We remove defects by painting the ceiling by the second layer, bringing the bands in the opposite direction (perpendicular) relative to the first.

Important! If, after applying the second layer, you will still be seen of the painted surface, then we apply the third parallel layer, perpendicular to the window.

  1. We remove the construction grater of the strip, which turned out due to the vanity of the dye.

Important! If you unsuccessfully painted the ceiling, it is easy to fix it. To do this, you will need to abide it again and paint the scheme described above.

  • As you already understood, the layers are applied perpendicular to each other. The most important thing is to consider one rule - the last layer should be located towards the window. It is necessary so that the remaining irregularities are not as noticeable in daylight.
  • The entire ceiling surface is extremely important to paint in one reception, without a break on vacation and lunch. If the dye on the painted area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling will have a good feel good, then the transition of the next layer will be very noticeable.
  • Do not try to partially smear the non-prisoners - you will make it only worse. In this case, you need to wait for the layer drying to apply a new, more uniform.
  • It is advisable to buy water-free paint, primer and putty from one manufacturer. So you will provide 100% compliance of all the means necessary for painting the ceiling. If for any reason you did not bought the finished soil, then prepare it with your own hands according to such a scheme: Dilute 1 part of the composition with 5 parts of water.
  • Do not apply thick layers of paint, thinking that in this way you will hide all visible defects well. This opinion is mistaken. It is better to cover the ceiling with three thin layers to get a perfectly smooth, well-colored surface.
  • Do not use rollers from the foam rubber and with a short pile, since the first - leave bubbles, and the second - they are not able to score the required amount of paint.
  • Before preparatory work, take care of the safety of your workplace. The best option will be to install a high stepladder, a building "goat" or an ordinary table capable of withstanding your weight and tools for work.
  • The ceiling with the existing finish is painted in the same principle as in our master class. To do this, you will need to remove from the surface of the ceiling canvases or wallpapers along with the adhesive basis, it is also necessary to take more covered areas, pollute the ceiling by a construction grater and to progress 2 times. Do not forget to completely remove the former plaster or putty. In a word, prepare the surface "from scratch".
  • If you have bought an apartment with a still-processed smooth ceiling, then it will be good enough to progress it to boldly apply further paint layers.
  • To remove whitewashing from the ceiling, you must first wet the surface by treating the wet brush small areas. Do not try to wet the whole ceiling right away, as the surface will dry quickly and you will have to do it again. It follows on such instructions: watched areas, waited, removed the layer of the spatula spamper.