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What time to swim for baptism at night. What is holy water for? The harm or disadvantages of bathing on Epiphany

In Russia, it was believed that swimming in ice water can heal the body and soul of a person, cleanse of all the sins committed in the past year. Of course, it will not work to cleanse oneself from sins with the help of an ice-hole alone. But, the tradition is old and many believers observe it. Therefore, you need to do it right.

The baptism of the Lord Jesus Christ is one of the twelve most important Orthodox holidays throughout the year. The day when they swim in the ice-hole for Epiphany 2018 is, rather, the night from the 18th to the 19th, as well as the entire day of the Epiphany itself, a few days after the holiday.

A bit of holiday history

John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ on the Jordan River. During this holy act, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus Christ in the form of a dove. It is for this reason that after the consecration of the ice hole on Christmas Eve, it is customary to release two pigeons into the sky. In the old days, they still shot blank cartridges into the sky, after the release of pigeons. But, now the shooting ceremony has not survived. Plus, very rarely, the ritual of releasing pigeons is now used.

On the day of the Baptism of Jesus Christ, God appeared in three persons at once. It was God the Father - the voice, God the Son - the flesh, and God the Holy Spirit - the dove. For this reason, the feast of Epiphany is often called the Epiphany. Only after the moment of his baptism did Jesus Christ begin to preach the word of God on earth and actively enlighten people.

Celebration of the Baptism of the Lord

Day 19 January is the time when they dive into the ice-hole for Epiphany in 2018. But it should be remembered, this is especially emphasized by the priests, this is not the only tradition of such a big holiday. The celebration begins on the evening of January 18th - Christmas Eve. The traditions of Epiphany Christmas Eve are in many ways similar to the traditions of Christmas Eve. Kutya must be served on the table, you must go to church. Also, jelly, pancakes are served on the table on Christmas Eve.

Consecration of the water, and then taking the holy water home or swimming in an ice-hole is the most important part of the celebration of Epiphany. On the river or lake next to the church, a cut in the form of a cross is carved. The cross is placed next to the ice hole and doused with beetroot juice. People are not afraid of the cold during Epiphany and actively plunge into the ice-hole. Indeed, it is believed that water from this day is not capable of harming a believer and spiritual person. Swimming in an ice-hole brings a person to Baptism not only health of the body, but also health of the soul.

Rules for swimming in the ice hole

So, swimming in an ice-hole is a communion with the grace of God. But, you cannot force yourself and force yourself to climb into the water if you don't want to. It is especially worth refraining from swimming in the ice-hole for those who suffer from certain diseases.

Those who decided to plunge into the ice hole should know how to do it correctly. Jordan must be consecrated, but there are no hard and fast rules on how to swim. Basically, this is a quick dive into the water three times with your head. We must be baptized and say the words of prayer. You need to swim in shirts, not swimsuits. It is considered useless to expose your body in the process of dipping.

Epiphany water has its own healing properties. It is for this reason that many believers are attracted by the ice hole. But it should be remembered what to feel healing properties holy water can be done simply by ablution.

What you can do with holy water:

  • The water does not deteriorate throughout the year. You can use it during a period of illness: drink a sip in the morning on an empty stomach, immediately after prayer.
  • It is necessary to store water in a tightly closed vessel next to the icons. This is not just a liquid, but a religious relic.
  • You can sprinkle this water on your dwelling to drive out evil spirits.

Folk traditions of Baptism

What other folk traditions existed besides the one to plunge into the hole in the Epiphany? Traditionally, as already mentioned, pigeons were released. They were a sign of Divine grace that came upon him during the baptism of Jesus Christ.

Also in Russia, at the first bell ringing, believers kindled a fire on the river bank. It was kindled so that Jesus, after baptism, could warm himself by the fire. In general, this day was associated will accept more than beliefs. After Baptism, it was impossible to wash clothes in the river.

Whether to swim in the hole for Epiphany or not, each believer must decide this issue for himself. But it is important to believe in what you are doing and to be close to God not only by your actions, but also by your thoughts. Only with such a combination will holy water be able to bring a person those miracles that he expects.

Epiphany ends with Christmastide, which lasted from 7 to 19 January, on this day Christ was baptized in the waters of Jordan. On the eve of Epiphany, you cannot eat anything, a strict fast is observed, and on the day of Epiphany, kutia and lean dishes are served.

It is believed that on the night of Epiphany all animals speak a language we understand, which a person should not pay attention to. Listening to animal dialogue doesn't bode well.

Water is consecrated in churches, on this day it is charged with prayers and is capable of performing miracles. Holy water is used to heal wounds; every corner of their home is sprinkled with it in order to cleanse it of evil and bad.

Water plays an important role for all living things, it is wherever life is found in any of its manifestations. Water symbolizes the beginning that brings life. It can also become a powerful and destructive element, cause death. Once God has already destroyed the primordial world with the help of water, punished people for evil, which began to prevail over good. The Flood wiped out entire civilizations from the face of the earth.

So the waters of the flood cleansed the earth from evil and sin. Water is symbolized with rebirth and renewal, it washes away dirt from our body, washes our houses and clothes. Baptized water can wash away sins.

During Baptism, a great consecration of water takes place, prayers are read that thank and praise God on behalf of all living on earth. Prayers make the baptismal water holy. Consecrated water should not be stored for decades on the shelves, it is in order to be consumed. She is called to forgive sins, to deliver from the unclean, to save our souls and unite us with God.

On January 19, after the end of the night service in the church, the procession will begin, at the end of which the priest will bless the water with a cross - now is the time to plunge. The water will not lose its healing properties during the day, so you can take a dip throughout the day.

Our immature religious consciousness interprets this tradition in different ways: some dip so as not to get sick, others to wash away their sins, and still others - to argue. But the most important thing in this ritual is to repent, only then, while bathing, you can be washed from your sins and ask for healing. If a person did not fast, did not receive Holy Communion and was not in church at the service, then there is no point in plunging into the ice-hole. Bathing at home in the bathroom will bring the same effect.

It has long been believed in Russia that having plunged into the hole three times at Epiphany, one can heal from ailments. A believer put on a long white shirt and dipped three times into the hole with his head, while he was baptized and said: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit." His body was cleansed from diseases, and his soul from sins.

For people who are unprepared or not strong enough in spirit, it is better to plunge at home, in the bathroom, because on Epiphany you can swim everywhere. At approximately 24.00, the water in reservoirs is consecrated and all the water of rivers, seas and oceans becomes miraculous. From 24.00 to 4.00 the water possesses supreme power... So, you can safely swim in the bathroom, and if you were at a service in a church, then you can add a little of the blessed water brought from the temple to the bathroom.

Very soon, already on January 19, Orthodox Christians will celebrate one of the main church holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. In the minds ordinary people, even far from believing in God, this celebration is associated with ablution in the font, which is usually cut in open water. But is it necessary to observe this ritual? With this question, the correspondent of the portal site turned to the rector of the Khabarovsk Transfiguration Cathedral, Archpriest Georgy Sivkov.

Swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany is not an obligatory ritual

- Tell us about the traditions of celebrating the Baptism of the Lord. How did it all start?

- The tradition goes back to the first centuries of Christianity. Celebrated by prayer communication with the Lord. Initially, the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord were celebrated on the same day, although the difference between these events is 30 years. Later they were separated, and the time interval between us was called Christmas time. Each of these holidays was preceded and is now preceded by a one-day fast - Christmas Eve. We need it in order to reverently prepare ourselves for the meeting of these events from the life of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In general, any church holiday is based on some individual examples from the life of the Lord, mother of god or holy saints. All this is related to the salvation of man. The Baptism of the Lord is remembered for us by the fact that Jesus Christ showed us an example of receiving this sacrament. He did not need the washing away of sins, since he himself was sinless, but he did it out of obedience to the law and the rules of God. By his nature, the Lord sanctified the water and now his followers have the opportunity to touch him.

If a person does not believe in God, but at the same time takes part in the baptismal ablution, will he feel any changes in himself?

If you take water or be baptized in Jordan without faith in the Lord, then a person will not feel any cleansing spiritually. If there is faith, then along with water he receives the grace of God. For a Christian, this can be a new starting point, because he leaves behind everything that was before. Epiphany water is combined with God's grace, but I repeat, it is accepted only when a person believes.

Tell me, is it necessary for the Baptism of the Lord to plunge into the cold Jordan, equipped on a river or some other body of water?

No it is simple folk tradition that has entered our lives. In church rules, there are no regulations about bathing on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Everything must be approached to a reasonable degree. But the church goes to meet the desires of people, but at the same time explaining what framework is needed to observe reverence for holy water.

The church is against any outdoor swimming pools being consecrated. Such requests come in regularly. We explain that no entertainment or mass bathing should occur during the performance of the ordinance. You need to respect the holiday.

- Are there any human actions on this holiday that the church does not encourage?

It is not allowed to approach the sacrament of Baptism while drunk. Swimming is also censured just for the sake of showing off to acquaintances or friends. We often have the first thing people do after dipping - photographs in social networks spread. This is some kind of vanity.

- What is the correct approach to ablution?

You need to tune in that you are making an impromptu sacrifice to God, a small feat. Good thoughts are important. It is in this mood that it is important to enter the water. It is advisable to avoid swimming in swimming trunks or swimsuits - it is advisable to wear a special long baptismal shirt. They are used for ablutions in holy springs, for example.

Before entering the water, you need to cross yourself one or three times, read a prayer. More knowledgeable people can sing the troparion to the Baptism of the Lord. But all this is a personal desire. In fact, there are no strict rules - only traditions.

- The opinion is firmly established among the people that bathing on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord cleanses from sins. Is it so?

No, it’s not like that. There are the sacraments of repentance and confession, to which a Christian, if he wishes and corrects his life, must resort. A man in the presence of a priest asks God for forgiveness, and he reads over him prayer of permission... This is how they receive the remission of sins. Of course, we must personally turn to God. But in order to enter the water and all your sins were immediately removed, then there is no such thing. This is impossible without repentance.

- If a person wants to take a bath, but an ice-hole in the river is not for him, then where else can this be done?

Some churches have their own closed fonts. For example, in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, there will be free access to it on a holiday. Most often, people come with children or those who, for health reasons, are not suitable for swimming in open cold water.

- Do the clergy themselves necessarily plunge into the open Jordan on a holiday?

Well, speaking of me, then recent years three I did not do it, but before that it was. In general, many priests do not dip or dip at all. In general, it is not customary to ask about this from us - this is everyone's personal business.

- Is it possible to plunge into Jordan before it is officially consecrated?

- Well, after all, the main thing is the divine service. This is the sacrament of confession and communion, and the font is just an addition. And it's so easy to come and swim ... well, let them swim. But this will hardly apply to the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. We must still think that the church is not only a mass bathing and the consecration of eggs for Easter - it's all secondary. If you stop at this, then you will never approach God.

On the day of Epiphany, many people collect water from open reservoirs and sometimes even use it. Do you somehow warn your parishioners against such actions?

In general, we do not recommend drinking such water. This liquid is suitable maximum for sprinkling something. Our open reservoirs are now quite dirty. Drinking water can be taken for a donation in the temples. For example, this year we will import liquid from an artesian well, bless it and bottle it.

- If you can tell, then what is the size of the donations for the water that you pour in the temple?

In fact, we put in the donation just enough to recoup the costs - there can be no talk of profit. Delivery of water and the bottles in which we pour it are not cheap. If in general people are interested, then I would like to say that we are completely self-sufficient - we do not receive any subsidies from the state.

We live only on donations. If they are not there, then there will be no church. For example, in one only our cathedral in winter we pay more than 200 thousand rubles a month for heat supply. An impressive amount also comes out for electricity - and 50 and 60 thousand rubles can be. In addition, people work in the temple - everyone who serves it should receive a salary.

With the Baptism of Rus (in 988), it gradually spread among our ancestors. Blessing of water can only be performed by a priest - by reading the appropriate prayers and immersing the cross in water three times. For this, an ice-hole is made on the reservoirs in advance - "Jordan" - as a rule, in the form of a cross. Usually reservoirs - ponds, rivers, lakes are consecrated on the very feast of Epiphany, after the liturgy. Epiphany water is a shrine that is used for healing and to strengthen the mental and physical strength of us and our loved ones and relatives.

From some churches and on Epiphany Christmas Eve, after the service, solemn processions are made to the ice holes in the reservoirs, they are consecrated. The Orthodox scoop up holy water in this hole, wash themselves with it, and the most courageous "dive" into the hole. Russian traditions of swimming in the ice hole date back to the times of the ancient Scythians, who dipped their babies in ice water, teaching them to the harsh nature.

When they swim in the ice hole for Epiphany

On January 19, 2016, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. The holiday also has the name Epiphany and is celebrated annually on January 19. The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most ancient and revered holidays among Christians.

Brief history of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord

The rite of baptism of Christ at his request was performed by John the Baptist. During his baptism on the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in the form of a dove. At the same time, a Voice from Heaven proclaimed: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." According to Christian teachings, it was on this day that God appeared in three persons: God the Father - in the voice, the Son of God - in the flesh, the Holy Spirit - in the form of a dove. Therefore, the feast of Epiphany is often called the Epiphany. The feast of the Baptism of the Lord is very important. It is believed that it was baptism that revealed to the world ...

Do I need to swim in the ice hole for Epiphany?

Is it obligatory to swim at Epiphany? And if there is no frost, will the bathing be Epiphany?

In any church holiday it is necessary to distinguish between its meaning and the traditions that have developed around it. In the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the main thing is the Epiphany, this is the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, the voice of God the Father from heaven "This is my beloved Son" and the Holy Spirit descending on Christ. The main thing for a Christian on this day is the presence at the church service, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, the communion of baptismal water.

The established traditions of swimming in cold ice holes are not directly related to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord itself, are not mandatory and, most importantly, do not cleanse a person from sins, which, unfortunately, is much talked about in the media.

Traditions like these do not need to be treated as magical rites- The feast of the Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all…

While swimming in the ice baptismal font, a person experiences about the same stress as during a parachute jump. So that such a test does not turn into a subsequent decrease in immunity, it is necessary to prepare in advance for the dive, to gain positive attitude and overcome the fear of icy water. If you do everything right and take care of warm clothes, a soft towel and hot tea in advance, Epiphany will become one of the most joyful and unforgettable days of your life.

What you need to know

Only healthy and seasoned people can swim in the ice hole. People with obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, respiratory diseases, chronic skin diseases and inflammation of the genitourinary system should not dive into Jordan. Swimming in icy water will not benefit individuals with insomnia or those with mental distress. Such categories of citizens can conduct the ritual at home by simply taking a contrast shower.

Orthodox people celebrate Epiphany, or Epiphany, on January 19, and on the eve, on the 18th, they celebrate Epiphany Eve. There is a popular tradition among believers - to swim on this day. How to plunge into the ice hole for Epiphany so as not to harm your health? We will try to figure it out with this question.

Baptism is an important event in the Orthodox religion

On this day, believers celebrate two events in the history of religion at once - baptism God's Son John the Baptist in the waters of the river, which was called the Jordan, and the appearance of the Trinity of God, that is, Theophany. They say that from the moment of Baptism, Jesus Christ began to come out to people.

The Epiphany completes the cycle of the Christmas holidays and requires special preparation. Just as a strict fast is observed before Christmas, so on the eve of the Epiphany it is necessary to adhere to the same strict Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Bathing in Jordan - healing body and soul

For the holiday they make an ice-hole in the shape of a cross and call it "Jordan" ...

One of the traditions for the Epiphany of the Lord is swimming in the ice hole. It is believed that the water on Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18, acquires healing properties. As a rule, on Epiphany Christmas Eve, special lighting of the ice hole is carried out. For Baptism, the reservoir is made in the shape of a cross and it is called "Jordan", after the name of the river in which Jesus Christ was baptized.

Epiphany water for Orthodox believers is a shrine. It is drunk to heal about diseases and to strengthen physical and mental strength. Not everyone can dare to swim in an ice-hole on Epiphany - not everyone can withstand frost and ice water. If you decide to swim in the ice hole on Epiphany on January 18-19, then we suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the recommendations and rules for performing this rite.

Rules for swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany

Swimming in the ice-hole is a three-time dive into an ode with the head. During…

January 19 is one of the most significant Christian holidays, and many do not think of it without personal participation - that is, immersion in ice baptismal water in special ice holes. In Russia, for Epiphany, it is customary to consecrate water, including on natural reservoirs, for which a cruciform ice-hole is cut in the ice - the Jordan. Previously, first of all, those who participated in Christmas divination and disguise - to wash away sins. It was also believed that evil spirits that freely walked the earth all Christmastide were leaving for Jordan. Water consecrated in Baptism is considered healing. The clergy put on white robes for this holiday.

It is believed that Epiphany water brings spiritual and physical health; about 600,000 people take part in Epiphany bathing in Russia on January 18 and 19 during the day.

In all churches there is a "great consecration of water." According to church canons, on Epiphany Christmas Eve a believer must come to church, defend the service, light a candle, dial ...

The Orthodox Church celebrates Epiphany or Epiphany on January 19 (according to the new style). This is the oldest holiday among Christians, and its establishment goes back to the times of the disciples-apostles of Christ. It also has ancient names: "Epiphany" - a phenomenon, "Theophany" - Epiphany, "Holy lights", "Festival of Lights" or simply "Lights", since it was the Lord Himself who came into the world on this day to show him the Light Unapproachable.

Feast Epiphany

The word "baptize" or "baptize" with Greek translated as "immersed in water." It is almost impossible to understand the importance and the very meaning of what Epiphany bathing is without having an idea of ​​the symbolic meaning of water in the Old Testament.

Water is the beginning of life. It was she who impregnated all living things that originated from her. Where there is no water, there is a lifeless desert. And water is capable of destroying, as in the time of the Great Flood, when God flooded the sinful life of people and thereby destroyed the evil that ...

Epiphany 2017, when to swim from 18 to 19 January? Baptism itself is celebrated by Orthodox believers every year on the same date - January 19. Bathing in consecrated ice-holes begins after the service in the church, Epiphany eve... That is, on the night of January 18-19, you can plunge into the ice hole.

Read more about when swimming in the ice hole for Epiphany

January 18 is Epiphany Christmas Eve. The time before Epiphany or Epiphany, as this holiday is more popularly called. After the service that night, a great purification of water takes place in all churches. Each believer, according to church laws, on Christmas Eve of this holiday must defend the service, light a candle and collect blessed water.
No church rules force people to plunge into Baptism in an ice hole.

Especially if the person is not ready for this. But, in most Russian cities, people actively join the tradition when they bathe on Epiphany on January 18 or 19. You can swim, and in ...

If you decide to swim in an ice-hole for Epiphany, you need to find specially equipped ice-holes for swimming near the shore. You also need to make sure that you are under the supervision of a rescuer.

The ladder to descend into the water must be stable.

Warm up

Before you plunge into the ice-cold water, you should warm up. To do this, you need to complete a set of physical exercises. It is advisable to run, swing your arms and legs.

This will reduce the stress for the body, which is swimming in the ice hole. Read more about this here.

Cool down gradually

The body needs to get used to the change in temperature. Therefore, you should undress gradually: take off your hat, after a few minutes - a scarf, jacket, clothes, then - shoes.

Plunge right

You need to plunge up to your neck without getting your head wet. This way you can avoid reflex vasoconstriction ...

The great holiday of Christians - Baptism, in memory of the acceptance of the sacrament of baptism by Jesus Christ on the Jordan River, is celebrated on January 19 and ends with Christmas. The people believe that on Epiphany, when water is blessed in churches and monasteries, it becomes imperishable and may not deteriorate for many years, even if it is in a closed container. And this happens every year, and only on the day of the celebration of Epiphany. It has already become a mass tradition among Kievites to plunge into the icy Dnieper waters during the celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord during a special ceremony by the clergy. On this day, the ministers of Kiev churches illuminate the Dnieper River and reservoirs, and also bless people to swim in the Jordan - specially cut in ice and consecrated ice holes.

V recent times Epiphany bathing is becoming more and more popular. If someone decides to participate in the sacrament Epiphany bathing, for this you should prepare in advance and take into account ...

When is the Baptism of the Lord in 2017? This very important day for believers is celebrated in our country on January 19 every year. This is a holiday in memory of the event at which Jesus Christ, with his baptism, sanctified water, and also showed that He is both a man and God. Distinctive feature on this winter day - blessing of water, in all temples, as well as on some open reservoirs, the great blessing of water is performed. In addition to the fact that each day of Epiphany seeks to bring a vessel with Holy water from the church, another tradition of this holiday is swimming in an ice hole, and there are also special signs for Epiphany.

After one and a half merry weeks from Christmas, with fortune-telling and dressing up in mummers, people would like to wash away these sins, and some dare to dive into the ice-hole, despite the frosty days. In addition, Epiphany water has healing power, and bathing in a consecrated ice hole promises good health for the whole year. Water tends to memorize information, so after absorbing ...

To answer the question of when they swim in the ice-hole for Epiphany 2017, you just need to look into church calendar to see what day this big holiday falls on. Orthodox calendar indicates that Epiphany in 2017, like other years before that, is celebrated on January 19.

Although, the question of swimming in an ice-hole among believers arises due to the fact that festive services are held in churches on the 18th and the consecration of water, including in the ice-hole, is held precisely at night from January 18 to January 19. Well, since the consecration took place, and the day of the Epiphany itself has come, then you can, among other things, plunge into the hole during the night from 18 to 19.

Jordan - a hole for Baptism

In addition, it is important to determine when they swim in the ice hole for Epiphany 2017, it is important to remember other important traditions and features of the holiday. In particular, on the day of the Epiphany (the second name of the feast of Epiphany in honor of the fact that when ...

For many unchurched people, Baptism is only the blessing of water and swimming in an ice-hole. This is partly true, because every year more and more people come to swim in the ice-hole: believers and undecided, baptized and atheists, hardened and afraid of the cold, healthy and sick. Having plunged into the icy January water, everyone comes out of the hole happy, spiritualized, warmed up. Because, they say, at Epiphany the water in the hole is "warm".

What date to swim in 2017

This Christian Orthodox holiday refers to the permanent twelve holidays and is celebrated every year on the same day - January 19. And in 2017, to the question of the baptism of 2017 what date to swim, the answer remains the same - January 19.

In fact, bathing begins on the evening of January 18th. Immediately after the evening service, the priest, along with the parish, goes to procession to the reservoir to consecrate the water. On the night of January 18-19, there is water in all rivers, lakes, seas ...

Epiphany is celebrated every year on January 6 by Catholics and January 19 by Orthodox believers, according to the official modern calendar. This holiday is associated with the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

The holiday begins on the evening of January 18, when all Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany Eve.
The Feast of Epiphany closes twelve Christmas days. On this day, the Church celebrates the entry of Jesus Christ on the path of serving people, the beginning of his sermon.

Christmas and Epiphany, connected by Christmastide, constitute a single celebration - the feast of the Epiphany. It is in the unity of these holidays that all three persons of the Holy Trinity appear to us.

On the day of Epiphany, everywhere in churches, on rivers, lakes, the blessing of water is performed, the rite of consecration of water in an ice-hole made in the form of an Orthodox cross.

Consecration of water for the Baptism of the Lord

The Lord created water as an element of life, but human sin made it the source of death. When human sin multiplied by ...

So the New Year holidays have come to an end. Tomorrow is Baptism. And although outside my window it is not at all Epiphany weather - there are puddles on the asphalt from the night rain, it means that on

outside freezing temperatures - for me Epiphany remains one of the most mysterious and mysterious holidays. On this day, the Universe opens the veil and we can find out our future, solve seemingly insoluble problems, get answers to our questions.

If anyone does not know, Baptism as a holiday is established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The ritual of baptism itself implies repentance, deliverance from sins. And although Jesus had nothing to repent of, he, showing humility, received the Baptism from John and thereby sanctified the watery nature. Since then, on the day of Epiphany, all the world's waters, the waters of the entire Earth - from a small stream to the oceans - become holy on this day. This also applies to tap water... You don't have to go to church to get holy water….

The tradition of plunging into an ice-hole on the feast of Epiphany has been known since antiquity. It is believed that ablution baptismal water promotes cleansing from sins and strengthening health, as well as hardens the body and soul.

Baptism is one of the most important Christian holidays. It is enduring and is celebrated annually on January 19. According to legend, it was on this day that the Savior appeared to John with a request to baptize him. During the sacrament, the Holy Spirit descended on Christ in the form of a dove, and the voice of God came from heaven, announcing the divine origin of the Savior. It was after Baptism that Jesus began to preach among the people, bringing them the light of Christian teaching.

How to swim at Epiphany

Swimming in an ice-hole symbolically reproduces the washing of Christ in the waters of the Jordan River. That is why believers are dipped into consecrated polynyas every year. It is believed that water on this day acquires special properties, helps to heal from spiritual and physical ailments, improve health and find inner harmony.

The Church considers swimming in an ice-hole optional and depends solely on the desire of a person, insisting that the main thing for believers is to understand the essence of the holiday and attend services. Therefore, the decision to plunge into the wormwood should be thoughtful and balanced: you should not do it "for the company" or in order to support the tradition, because in this case the ceremony will not make any sense.

There are no established rules for washing in an ice-hole, but traditionally Christians immerse themselves in the wormwood three times, making the sign of the cross and saying: "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

The clergy warn that in no case should you risk your health: people with weakened immunity or chronic diseases are better off choosing a more gentle method. It is enough just to rinse your face with Epiphany water - the essence of the ceremony will not change from this.

When to swim in the ice hole in 2017

Church services dedicated to the feast of Epiphany begin the day before - January 18. At the same time, “Jordan” - cruciform openings, called by analogy with the Jordan River, in which the Savior was baptized, are cut down in the reservoirs. After the evening service, the priests perform the rite of blessing of water. From this moment you can plunge into the ice-hole, but mostly swimming takes place not in the evening, but on the night of January 18-19, as well as throughout the day on January 19.

The clergy say that before you bathe you should visit church service- otherwise swimming in an ice-hole will be nothing more than a hardening of the body. It is very important to do godly deeds, to show attention and love to others - after all, this is precisely the goal of every true Christian. We wish you happiness and well-being, and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.01.2017 05:10

The traditions of this holiday are rooted far in the time of Jesus Christ. Everything people do ...

Every year the Orthodox Christian world celebrates one of the most important holidays - the Baptism of the Lord. In that...