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What is a prayer of permission. This is a permissive prayer. Prayer, from the priest, verb for the exodus of the soul

The most detailed description: the permission prayer at the funeral service to print out - for our readers and subscribers.

A prayer of permission is a prayer of purification, which is recited by a clergyman over a person after performing a certain rite. It is believed that thanks to her, a person can get rid of "impurity" and thereby draw closer to the Lord.

We will find out in what cases "cleansing verbal formulas" are pronounced, and why this is done.

When is the prayer of permission read?

In fact, the "formula" of cleansing is the absolution of the Blog through the priest of human sins. However, it is pronounced only if the Christian really realized his mistakes and hated the sin that he himself committed. When is the prayer of permission read?

In Orthodoxy, according to a very ancient tradition, the forgiveness of sins with the use of cleansing occurs only in three cases:

In the latter version, after completing the ritual, the deceased is placed in the hand with a leaflet with the "formula" itself or a road trip, as it is customary to call it in the church circle.

Burial prayers

The entire burial service consists of many chants, which are chanted by the priest throughout the joyless event. The texts depict human destiny in an abstract way, starting from the references to the original sin, which was committed by our forefathers Adam and Eve, and ending with the commandments that a person simply returns to the dust, from which he was taken.

It is interesting that the parting prayer over the deceased can be read only if he led a way of life pleasing to the Lord.

Signs of such a life include:

  • leading a spiritual life;
  • periodic confession in the church;
  • regular communion.

After the solemn, but not very joyful precession ends up in the cemetery, and the priest reads a certain number of excerpts from the Gospel, the purification ritual begins with the recitation of a prayer of permission at the solemn funeral service.

Thanks to the liberating words of the clergyman, the deceased is forgiven for his sins, and in a sense he is freed from the burdens and frailty of this world, if, of course, during his lifetime he repeatedly repented before the Lord after committing impious deeds. As mentioned above, after that, a piece of paper with the text of the permission prayer is put into the hand of the deceased. Then, entering the afterlife, a person is reconciled with the Lord.

When is the "formula" of purification not read?

This only happens if the priest refuses to perform the funeral service for the deceased, which is possible in such situations:

  • The days of Easter and Christmas are considered "non-working" by Orthodox clergymen, therefore the deceased is not brought into the church and is not buried, even if he was a very devout person during his lifetime;
  • If, before death, in his will, a person asks not to perform a ritual on him;
  • The priest at the funeral also does not respect suicides. But if it turns out that the deceased had mental disorders, you can try your luck in a certain commission - the diocesan administration, where, purely theoretically, they can issue permission for a funeral service.

Repentance or confession is a ritual in which a person confesses to a clergyman that he has committed sins. In the process of a one-sided monologue, from the part of the penitent, of course, the priest forgives him all sins, thanks to which he invisibly automatically receives forgiveness from Jesus Christ himself.

In fact, the process of confession is a very hard mental labor that forces a person to bare his soul in front of the “servant of the Lord,” that is, a priest.

How is repentance done?

  • The priest says certain prayers, prompting the Christian to "frankly" confess his sins;
  • Then a man, standing before the analogue, on which lies the Gospel, as before the Lord voices all his sins;
  • After confession, the priest covers the head of the repentant with an embroidered woven ribbon - epitrachilia;
  • Further, a prayer of absolution is said at the sacrament of confession, thanks to which the priest in the name of Christ frees a Christian from sins.

Repentance of sins before a person contributes to the purification of the soul of a Christian, due to which his reconciliation with the Lord occurs.

Permissive prayer for the mother

The most interesting thing is that the Russian Orthodox Church, doctrinally, has no right to assume any physical impurity, which is repeatedly mentioned in the New Testament, in particular, in Acts in ch. 10 and in the Gospel of Mark in ch. 7. Thus, a person can be defiled only mentally, but in practice the situation is different. The Christian's ritual physical impurity hinders the connection with the sacred.

Perhaps, the dislike for the woman is due to the behavior of Eve, who nevertheless “shoved” the forbidden apple to Adam.

Indeed, in fact, only women can be physically unclean in Orthodoxy:

  • Cyclic impurity. Critical days can be considered a direct indication to prevent a woman from entering the church. During this period, she has no right to touch any sacred attributes or to receive communion. An exception is made only for those who are on their deathbed at the time of menstruation;
  • Generic impurity. Newly made mothers are considered unclean for 40 days after the birth of a child, so they should refrain from going to church. As in the previous version, she does not have the right to receive communion and touch sacred objects.

Where, in general, does the concept of impurity come from, under which a prayer of permission for the mother should be pronounced?

This concept was borrowed by Orthodoxy from Judaism, or, more precisely, from the prescriptions of the book of Leviticus. It is in it that it is said that a woman is unclean during menstruation, and also for 40 days after she expels the child from her womb.

The fact that a woman is treated with prejudice is also evidenced by the fact that at the birth of a boy she is unclean for 40 days, at the birth of a girl - all 80. Apparently, the beautiful half of humanity faced such discrimination only because of original sin , perfect God knows when Eve.

On the other hand, in Judaism and Christianity, the birth of a child should be considered a blessing. In this case, you can appeal to the first Epistle to Timothy ch. 2, which says that "the wife will be saved by childbirth." In fact, this moment is omitted and in modern Orthodox ideas, childbearing is identified with defilement. That is why the priest must read a special permissive prayer after childbirth, so that a woman can return to church after 40 or 80 days.

Prayer of permission is a kind of purification of the human soul, thanks to which a Christian can draw closer to the Lord. Despite a certain set of restrictive laws established by canonical rules, the “formula” of purification allows a person to get rid of the burdens of his own sins.

"Prayer of permission"

The priest takes a prepared prayer text from the lectern. Reads it. He folds a sheet of prayer and puts it in the right hand of the deceased. This prayer resolves the prohibitions and sins of the deceased, which he repented of and which during repentance he could not remember, and the deceased is released in peace to the afterlife. Actually, this is the end of the funeral service.

The prayer is very ancient, taken from the text of the liturgical service of the Apostle James. But the custom for Christian history is quite late, which arose in Russia in the 11th century. Its appearance and inclusion in church life are so inscribed in Russian history that it is worth telling about it in detail.

A young man named Shimon from the Varangian land came to the service of the Grand Duke of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise. And he brought in "three thousand of his people" more. This is still a lot today. Let us assume that the "thousand" in the chronicle text is not a number, but means (it happens) that Shimon brought three detachments, three elite, though not thousandth, squads. Also a lot. Especially if you consider that this was done by the son of the Varangian king (military leader), who was expelled after the death of his father from his land by his own uncle. This Swedish Hamlet, who did not start another turmoil-quarrel in his native land, in Russia himself and his descendants were in great confidence in the great dukes - they served as mentors and educators of the princes, and when they grew up, they became their confidants in military and judicial affairs, ruled separate lands and cities. The boyar families of the Vorontsovs, Velyaminovs, Saburovs, Aksakovs and others date back to Shimon. But why exactly the legend about Shimon begins the "Kiev-Pechersk Paterikon", that is, the history of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, its ascetics? Yes, because Shimon, in moments of mortal danger, twice appeared in a vision in a vision of a wondrous stone church, and he realized that this temple would be built in the Pechersk monastery, which was just being conceived at that time, and he brought Saint Anthony a precious contribution - a golden crown and a golden belt, which he had removed from the statue. Christ at home. And that belt became the yardstick by which the proportions of the future temple, the cathedral church of the Assumption, were calculated. And after Shimon made large contributions to the monastery.

Years later, Shimon, altered in Russia in Simon, came to the Abbot of the Caves monastery, the Monk Theodosius, a mentor and friend. And he asked: give me, father, a gift. "You know, child," Theodosius answered sincerely and prudently, "you know our misery. Sometimes we don't have enough bread for a day, but I don't know otherwise, which I do." Simon explained what Theodosius has: grace from God. And he asked for one thing - a promise that the soul of Theodosius would bless Simon and his loved ones during life and after death. The Monk Theodosius answered him differently - that he does not yet know whether his prayer reaches God, he has not yet accomplished the planned holy deeds on earth, but prays for those who love "this holy place" - the Caves Monastery, and so, without requests and promises.

Still, Simon insisted not only on Theodosius's verbal promise to pray for him on earth and in heaven, but also begged to confirm it by writing. This is how the first "letter of dismissal" - "prayer of permission" appeared. "And since then, such a spelling has been established to put the dead in the hand, before no one has created that in Russia", - said in the "Kiev-Pechersk Patericon".

It is difficult to say exactly when and how that particular case became an indispensable custom in the Russian Orthodox funeral rite. It is absolutely certain that by the beginning of the XIII century it was already so when the Paterik was written. And this is how the "Life of Alexander Nevsky", compiled by his contemporary, ends - we are talking about the death of the prince in 1263: to put a spiritual letter into it. ”And he, as if alive, stretched out his hand and took the letter from the hand of the metropolitan. And they were seized with horror, and they barely managed to retreat from the shrine. Everyone heard about this from Mr. Metropolitan Kirill and from his housekeeper Sevastian. marvel at this, for the body was soulless and was brought from a distant city in winter. So God glorified his saint. "

The very act of putting a letter with a prayer into the hand of the deceased is not explained in any way, that is, it was already ordinary. A miracle is in the hand stretched out towards the "prayer of permission".

It is reported in the "Life" and another: before his death, Prince Alexander took monastic vows, and then a greater monastic rank - schema. Taking tonsure before death - if such a thing was done - became a custom among Russian princes. This tradition is Byzantine, old, but perceived in Russia only a hundred years before the death of Alexander Nevsky. At first, as a special case and even exceptional in its own way: the Chernigov prince Svyatoslav Davydovich left his secular and family life - he was tonsured a monk of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery. For about forty years he led the life of a humble novice, performed the most tedious work, and ate meagerly. The funds that he had, entering the monastery, and then received from relatives and admirers, he gave for the construction of the Pechersk churches, for the purchase of books for the monastery library, for alms to the sick and the poor. They say that they were healed by his prayers, and Prince Svyatoslav Davydovich entered the Russian calendar as the monk Nicholas the Svyatosha, the monk.

Alexander Nevsky was dying with a new name, which he adopted along with the schema - like Alexy, in the name of Saint Alexy, the man of God. Why did he choose this name, this heavenly patron? What is common between an active prince - a warrior and a diplomat - and the son of noble Roman Christians (IV century), who left his home, family, homeland on the eve of his wedding, retired across the sea, to the East, where he lived at the temple as a beggar helper? And when they began to venerate him in the city as a "man of God", marked by grace, he fled away so that worldly glory would not touch him. Fate brought him back to his native place. And for many years he lived as a beggar at his parents' house, unrecognized by anyone, humiliated by the servants. On the day of Alexy's death, the Pope and the Emperor heard the voice of God, commanding to find the holy man, indicating where. But they found him already dead, and in a miraculous way Alexis held a letter describing his righteous life.

Again - a letter, again - a hand. The circle of miracles and rituals has somehow closed up strangely. Nobody paid attention to it - it turned out by itself, it happened.

Let us add, however, that the election by Alexander Nevsky to his heavenly patrons of Alexy, the man of God, may be explained by the fact that the victorious and formidable prince carried in himself, in his soul, the image of a beggar humble. With word and cunning he shielded and defended the Russian land from the Mongol-Tatars. But that was the second half of his life. The first brought quick and faithful glory to the defender of the Russian lands, great glory during his lifetime. Nothing forced him - invincible before - to follow the khan's label to the Volga and Mongolia, to achieve the great reign by humiliation. I would have lived in my own lot, without risking being accused of indulging yesterday's destroyers of Russia, and now. Putting on the "rags of a diplomat", the prince convinced the khans of the obedience of the Russian lands, thereby protecting them from many things. But, apparently, he did not convince to the end, for, once again returning from the khan's headquarters to Russia, he died on the way - as they suspect, from a slowly acting poison. In fact, he died holding his own life in his hands as one of the most glorified Russian saints. For it began to be composed immediately after his death. And one of the signs that the "tale of courage and life" of the prince is nothing more than the glorification of a new saint was the story of how Alexander-Alexy stretched out his hand for the "prayer of permission."

The prayer of permission is usually read and given in the right hand of the deceased during the funeral service, after the reading of the Gospel and the prayer itself. Reading it is accompanied (at least should be accompanied) by three prostrations to the ground of all those praying. A prayer of permission is read over all those dying in repentance. On the one hand, because every Orthodox Christian has a need for it, and on the other, so that this benefit (as St. Augustine notes about prayers for the dead) would not be deprived of those to whom it can relate. For it is better to teach it to those to whom it does not benefit, but also does not harm, than to take it away from those to whom it is useful.

"We need to collect all our faith and all our determination."

During the funeral ritual, the feelings of those forgiving are extremely heightened, realizing the grief of loss. Here is what Metropolitan Anthony (Bloom) of Sourozh wrote about this:

“There are difficult moments in the funeral service. We need to gather all our faith and all our determination to begin this service with the words:“ Blessed be our God. "Sometimes this is the ultimate test for our faith." The Lord gave, the Lord took, blessed be the name of the Lord, "- said Job. But this is not easy to say when we are torn in heart, seeing that the one we love most lies dead before our eyes.

And then there are prayers full of faith and a sense of reality, and prayers of human frailty; prayers of faith accompany the soul of the deceased and are offered before the face of God as a testimony of love. Because all the prayers for the deceased are precisely the testimony before God that this person did not live in vain. No matter how sinful and weak this person was, he left a memory full of love: everything else will decay, and love will outlive everything. Faith will pass and hope will pass when faith becomes vision and hope becomes possession, but love never passes.

Therefore, when we stand and pray for the departed, we are actually saying: "Lord, this man did not live in vain. He left an example and love on earth; we will follow the example; love will never die." By proclaiming before God our undying love for the deceased, we affirm this person not only in time, but also in eternity. Our life can be his temptation and his glory. We can live, embodying in our life everything that was significant, high, genuine in it, so that someday, when the time comes for us to stand before God with all of humanity, we can bring all the fruits to the Lord, the entire harvest of seeds, sown by his example, by his life, which sprouted and bore fruit thanks to our undying love. His example, his word, his personality were like a seed thrown into the ground, and this fruit belongs to him. "

And on the other hand, there is all the pain, all the grief that we feel quite rightly, the grief that is expressed on behalf of the dying person in one of the troparions of The Canon for the Exodus of the Soul: “Cry, sigh, lament: behold I am now separated from you” ...

And at the same time there is an undoubted certainty that death, which for us is loss and separation, is birth into eternity, that it is the beginning and not the end; that death is a magnificent, sacred meeting between God and a living soul, which finds its fullness only in God. "

What is a prayer of permission? When is it needed?

A prayer of cleansing read by a clergyman over a person after a certain rite has been performed is called permissive. It is believed in the Orthodox faith that the prayer of absolution purifies the human soul, removes the burden of one's own sins, and delivers from "impurity." What does "impurity" mean in the church concept, we will explain below.

When is the prayer of permission read?

God, through a priest, forgives human sins through the "formula" of cleansing. This "formula" is the prayer of permission. It should be pronounced only in those cases when the believing Christian really realized his committed sins, mistakes and hated them. Only in this case a person cannot repent if this prayer is read during the funeral service. So when is the prayer of permission read?

In the Orthodox Church, there are only three cases when the forgiveness of sins occurs using the permissive prayer:

Permissive prayer at the funeral service

Everyone who considers himself a Christian must fulfill his religious duty and take his loved ones and relatives on their last journey with dignity. For the forgiveness of the sins of the dead, the church prays not only at funeral services, memorial services. When a person is sent to eternity, the clergyman performs a funeral service, then burial takes place.

At the end of the funeral service, the priest reads a prayer of permission. Its text is written on a sheet, which must be included in any burial set. After the prayer has been read, it must be put into the deceased's right hand.

In the text of such a prayer, petitions from all those praying and on behalf of the priest for the forgiveness of the deceased of his sins. This expresses the hope that the Lord will free, forgive a person from earthly sins and accept the deceased into paradise. In addition, in prayer, he asks to relieve the deceased from various curses that could be imposed on him by ill-wishers in life.

Thus, during the funeral service, the prayer of permission is a very important component of it. The priests call this prayer the main one for the one who has departed into another world. In the church, the prayer of permission is also called "road" prayer.

Pregnancy and childbirth

In the modern world, as before, a pregnant woman is treated with trepidation and love. They protect it, strive not to enter into conflicts, give in in everything. But for the temple and religion, a woman waiting for her child and a young mother is a prohibition. To visit the church, the mother's cleansing or permissive prayer after childbirth is read, a certain ritual is performed. Are you surprised? But it is so. Even with the baptism of her baby, before going to the temple, a woman undergoes a similar ceremony. Young Christian women who respect the laws of the church should not only use the prayer of permission, but also perform the rite, which in modern times often contains various errors. To avoid them, contact the priest, he will explain what a woman needs to do after giving birth and what - before the baby is baptized.

Woman's impurity

According to the New Testament, a person can be defiled only by his soul; he cannot have physical impurity. But, unfortunately, this applies to men. A woman in Orthodoxy is subject to ritual physical impurity. We need to thank our ancestor Eve for this, who did succumb to the tempting snake, and then “shoved” the forbidden apple to Adam.

  • Cyclic impurity. On critical days, a woman is not allowed into church. At this time, she is forbidden to touch the holy icons and receive communion. As an exception, this is allowed to those who during such days lie on their deathbed.
  • Generic impurity. For forty days after the release of the burden (that is, after giving birth) women are considered unclean. They should refrain from going to church. As in the first case, they are also forbidden to receive communion and touch sacred objects.

Where did the concept of impurity come from in Christianity, when a prayer of permission after childbirth is necessary for reading?

Orthodoxy borrowed the concept of this from Judaism. Leviticus explains that a woman is unclean during her period and for 40 days after giving birth. Prejudice against women in this matter is evidenced by the fact that after the birth of a boy a woman is unclean for 40 days, and if a girl is born - all 80 days. Because of the original sin of Eve, women are persecuted in Christianity by such discrimination.

Temple attendance laws

Most young women cannot humble themselves and understand why it is forbidden to enter the temple "unclean", as well as with a baby after childbirth. There are religious laws and reasons for this, which true Christians must observe. The bans are in the following sequence:

  • First, a woman with bloody discharge after childbirth is considered unclean. At this moment, her body and she herself are cleansed of the consequences of the dirt of sexual contacts, as the Bible says.
  • Secondly, the great law is that it is a sin in the church to shed blood in any form. Previously, there were no modern means of hygiene, and there was a ban on visiting the temple.
  • Thirdly, the health of the mother and her baby can be negatively affected by the congestion of people in the church. This is especially true for epidemiological periods.

As can be seen from the above, it is not only religious reasons that prohibit going to church on such days. It is better to heed the advice to avoid problems.

Permissive prayer at confession

The sacrament of repentance is a church ritual in which a person confesses his sins to a priest and asks him to release them. After the one-sided monologue of the penitent, the priest forgives all sins, there is an invisible forgiveness from God. At its core, confession is hard mental work. A man bares his soul in front of a priest - “the servant of the Lord”. How is repentance going?

A prayer of permission is a prayer of cleansing that a priest recites over a person after a certain ritual has been performed. It is believed that as a result of it, a person can get rid of "impurity" and thereby approach the Lord.

We will find out in what cases "cleansing verbal formulas" are pronounced, and why this is done.

When is the prayer of permission read?

In fact, the "formula" of cleansing is the absolution of the Blog through the clergyman of human misconduct. However, it is pronounced only if the Christian truly understood his mistakes and hated the offense, the one that he himself committed. When is the prayer of permission read?

In Orthodoxy, according to a hefty old custom, pardoning offenses with the use of cleansing occurs only in 3 cases:

  • after childbirth;
  • after confession;
  • at the funeral service.

In the latter version, a leaflet with the very "formula" or roadside, as it is customary to call it in the church circle, is put into the hand of the deceased after the ceremony.

Burial prayers

The entire burial service consists of many chants, which are chanted by the clergyman during each joyless event. The texts abstractly depict human fate, starting from the mention of the original offense, the one that was committed by our forefathers Adam and Eve, and ending with the commandments that a person simply returns to the dust, from which he was taken.

It is interesting that the parting prayer over the deceased can be read only if he led the way of life desired by the Lord.

It is permissible to refer to the signs of such a life:

  • leading a spiritual life;
  • periodic confession in the church;
  • regular communion.

After the triumphant, but not hefty, happy precession ends up in the cemetery, and the clergyman reads a certain number of extracts from the Gospel, the purification rite begins with the recitation of a prayer of permission at the festive funeral service.

Thanks to the liberating words of the priest, the deceased is forgiven of his sins, and in a sense he is freed from the hardships and frailty of this world, if, of course, during his life he repeatedly repented before the Lord after committing impious deeds. As mentioned above, later on, a piece of paper with the text of a prayer of permission is put into the hand of the deceased. Then, entering the afterlife, a person is reconciled with the Lord.

When is the "formula" of purification not read?

This happens only if the clergyman refuses to perform the funeral service for the deceased, which is permissible in such circumstances:

  • The days of Easter and Christmas are considered "non-working" by Orthodox priests; consequently, the deceased is not brought into the church and is not buried, even if he was a hefty pious person during his lifetime;
  • If, before death, in his will, a person begs not to perform a rite on him;
  • The clergyman at the funeral also does not respect suicides. But if it turns out that the deceased had mental disorders, it is allowed to try bliss in a certain commission - the diocesan administration, where, purely theoretically, they can issue permission for a funeral service.

The sacrament of repentance

Repentance or confession is a rite in which a person confesses to a priest in committing misdeeds. In the process of a one-sided monologue, on the part of the repentant, of course, the clergyman forgives him all sins, as a result of which he invisibly mechanically receives pardon from Jesus Christ himself.

In fact, the process of confession is a hefty hard work of the heart, one that forces a person to bare his soul in front of the “servant of the Lord,” that is, a clergyman.

How is repentance done?

  • The priest says certain prayers, prompting the Christian to "frankly" confess the wrongdoing;
  • Then a man, standing before the analogue, on which lies the Gospel, as before the Lord voices all his misdeeds;
  • After confession, the priest covers the head of the repentant with an embroidered woven ribbon - epitrachilia;
  • Further, a prayer of permission is pronounced at the sacrament of confession, as a result of which the clergyman in the name of Christ frees the Christian from wrongdoing.

Repentance for transgressions before a person contributes to the purification of the soul of a Christian, due to which his reconciliation with the Lord occurs.

Permissive prayer for the mother

The most fascinating thing is that the Russian Orthodox Church, doctrinally, has no right to believe any physical impurity, which is repeatedly mentioned in the New Testament, in particular, in Acts in ch. 10 and in the Gospel of Mark in ch. 7. Thus, a person can only be defiled in the heart, but in practice the opposite is true. The Christian's ritual physical impurity hinders the connection with the sacred.

Perhaps, the dislike for the woman is due to the behavior of Eve, who nevertheless “shoved” the forbidden apple to Adam.

Indeed, in fact, only women can be physically unclean in Orthodoxy:

  • Cyclic impurity. Skeptical days can be considered a direct indication to prevent a woman from entering the church. During this period, she has no right to touch any sacred paraphernalia or to receive communion. An exception is made only for those who are on their mortal bed at the time of menstruation;
  • Generic impurity. Newly made mothers are considered unclean for 40 days after the birth of a child, therefore they are obliged to refrain from going to church. As in the previous version, she does not have the right to receive communion and touch sacred objects.

Where, in general, did the concept of impurity come from, in which a prayer of permission for the mother should be pronounced?

This doctrine was borrowed by Orthodoxy from Judaism, or rather, from the prescriptions of the book of Leviticus. It is in it that it is said that a woman is unclean during menstruation, and also for 40 days after she expels the child from her womb.

The fact that a woman is treated with prejudice is evidenced by the fact that at the birth of a boy she is unclean for 40 days, at the birth of a girl - all 80. Judging by each, the beautiful half of society faced similar discrimination only because of the original offense , the ideal God knows when Eve.

On the other hand, in Judaism and Christianity, the birth of a child should be considered a blessing. It is permissible to appeal in this case to the first Epistle to Timothy ch. 2, which says that "the wife will be saved by childbirth." In reality, this moment is omitted and in modern Orthodox ideas, childbearing is identified with defilement. It is therefore that the clergyman must read a special permissive prayer after birth, so that the woman, after 40 or 80 days, can return to the church.

Prayer of permission is an original method of purifying the human soul, as a result of which a Christian can draw closer to the Lord. Regardless of a certain set of restrictive laws established by canonical rules, the “formula” of purification allows a person to get rid of the burdens of his own transgressions.

Everything about religion and faith - "prayer of permission from the priest over the departed" with a detailed description and photographs.

Read online “The Text of the Trebnik in Church Slavonic” - RuLit - Page 47

But the bishop or the head priest himself says this three times:

Your eternal memory, worthy and ever-memorable to our brother. (Three times).

Or the deacon proclaims: In blessed success, give eternal rest, O Lord, to your fallen servant [or to your fallen servant] name, and make him [or her] an everlasting memory.

The singers also sing three times: Eternal memory.

Abiye is the bishop, if he happens to be there, or the priest reads the farewell prayer with great publicity:

The Lord Jesus Christ is our God, who is like the Divine commandments to His holy disciples and the Apostle who gave him, in the same way to knit and solve the fallen sins, and from these we receive the guilt of doing the same; may he forgive you, spiritual chádo, if you have done [or have done] you in the present day, either voluntary or non-volitional, now and for ever, and forever and ever, amin.

And so, taking the power, we go to the coffin, following all the people, the previous priest, and singing:

Holy God: Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: and the rest.

And the relics are laid in the coffin; the bishop, or priest, take dust with a shovel, cross-likely places the top of the relics, the verb:

The Lord's earth and its fulfillment, the universe and all who dwell on it.

And therefore he pours oil from the kandil to the top, or ashes are poured from the censer, and they usually cover the coffin, as the troparion says: From the Holy Spirit: and all the rest. See above.

A prayer of permissiveness from the priest over the departed child reading.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, by His Divine grace, and by the gift of power given to His holy disciples and the Apostle, to knit and resolve the sins of men; if you bind and allow on earth, they will be bound and allowed to Heaven); from one and to us, I came to another acceptably, so that he will create through me, humble, simpler and this according to the spirit of chado (name) from all, if man has sinned, with a word, or with deeds, or with all thoughts knowledge or ignorance; but also under the oath or excommunication of the bishop or of the priesthood it was, or if the oath of his father or my mother was directed at you, or I swore I transgressed, or I swear by all that I have sinned those of all the guilt and yuzy let him allow him (or yu); But for the weakness of nature, before oblivion, and that may forgive him [or her] all, love for His love, through the prayers of the Most Holy and Most Blessed Sovereign of our Mother of God, of all the holy ones of all the Holy Apostles of the Apes.

Follow-up of the funeral service for the dead on Easter week

Vedati befits, as if someone dies on Holy Easter, or on any day of the Bright week before Thomas's week, little of the usual deceased singing is sung, majesty for the sake and honor of the cheerful holiday of Resurrection: joy and joy, and not lamentation, is a holiday, and as if all about Christ resurrected in the hope of resurrection and eternal life dying, Christ's resurrection from this sad world to a cheerful and joyful repose, the church announces Sunday singing over the deceased.

When the priest came with his clergy to the house, the body lies in the same dead body, we take the epitrachelion and the phelonion on top of it, and after leaving the relics, he usually begins:

Deacon: Bless, lord.

Priest: Blessed is our God always, now and forever, and forever and ever.

The clear sings: Amin. Christ is resurrected from the dead, / death has been repaired / and to those who are in the graves there are living gifts. [Three times to voice 5].

The priest also speaks the usual verses:

Verse 1: May God rise, and enemies be scattered, / and may flee from His face that hates Him.

And at every verse we sing the troparion: Christ is risen: all once.

Verse 2: As smoke disappears, let it disappear, / as wax melts from the face of fire. Christ is risen: once.

The third verse: So let the sinners perish from the face of God, / and let the righteous women rejoice. Christ is risen: once.

Fourth verse: This is the day that the Lord has made it, / let us rejoice and be glad in it. Christ is risen: once.

What is a prayer of permission? When is it needed?

A prayer of cleansing read by a clergyman over a person after a certain rite has been performed is called permissive. It is believed in the Orthodox faith that the prayer of absolution purifies the human soul, removes the burden of one's own sins, and delivers from "impurity." What does "impurity" mean in the church concept, we will explain below.

When is the prayer of permission read?

God, through a priest, forgives human sins through the "formula" of cleansing. This "formula" is the prayer of permission. It should be pronounced only in those cases when the believing Christian really realized his committed sins, mistakes and hated them. Only in this case a person cannot repent if this prayer is read during the funeral service. So when is the prayer of permission read?

In the Orthodox Church, there are only three cases when the forgiveness of sins occurs using the permissive prayer:

Permissive prayer at the funeral service

Everyone who considers himself a Christian must fulfill his religious duty and take his loved ones and relatives on their last journey with dignity. For the forgiveness of the sins of the dead, the church prays not only at funeral services, memorial services. When a person is sent to eternity, the clergyman performs a funeral service, then burial takes place.

At the end of the funeral service, the priest reads a prayer of permission. Its text is written on a sheet, which must be included in any burial set. After the prayer has been read, it must be put into the deceased's right hand.

In the text of such a prayer, petitions from all those praying and on behalf of the priest for the forgiveness of the deceased of his sins. This expresses the hope that the Lord will free, forgive a person from earthly sins and accept the deceased into paradise. In addition, in prayer, he asks to relieve the deceased from various curses that could be imposed on him by ill-wishers in life.

Thus, during the funeral service, the prayer of permission is a very important component of it. The priests call this prayer the main one for the one who has departed into another world. In the church, the prayer of permission is also called "road" prayer.

Pregnancy and childbirth

In the modern world, as before, a pregnant woman is treated with trepidation and love. They protect it, strive not to enter into conflicts, give in in everything. But for the temple and religion, a woman waiting for her child and a young mother is a prohibition. To visit the church, the mother's cleansing or permissive prayer after childbirth is read, a certain ritual is performed. Are you surprised? But it is so. Even with the baptism of her baby, before going to the temple, a woman undergoes a similar ceremony. Young Christian women who respect the laws of the church should not only use the prayer of permission, but also perform the rite, which in modern times often contains various errors. To avoid them, contact the priest, he will explain what a woman needs to do after giving birth and what - before the baby is baptized.

Woman's impurity

According to the New Testament, a person can be defiled only by his soul; he cannot have physical impurity. But, unfortunately, this applies to men. A woman in Orthodoxy is subject to ritual physical impurity. We need to thank our ancestor Eve for this, who did succumb to the tempting snake, and then “shoved” the forbidden apple to Adam.

  • Cyclic impurity. On critical days, a woman is not allowed into church. At this time, she is forbidden to touch the holy icons and receive communion. As an exception, this is allowed to those who during such days lie on their deathbed.
  • Generic impurity. For forty days after the release of the burden (that is, after giving birth) women are considered unclean. They should refrain from going to church. As in the first case, they are also forbidden to receive communion and touch sacred objects.

Where did the concept of impurity come from in Christianity, when a prayer of permission after childbirth is necessary for reading?

Orthodoxy borrowed the concept of this from Judaism. Leviticus explains that a woman is unclean during her period and for 40 days after giving birth. Prejudice against women in this matter is evidenced by the fact that after the birth of a boy a woman is unclean for 40 days, and if a girl is born - all 80 days. Because of the original sin of Eve, women are persecuted in Christianity by such discrimination.

Temple attendance laws

Most young women cannot humble themselves and understand why it is forbidden to enter the temple "unclean", as well as with a baby after childbirth. There are religious laws and reasons for this, which true Christians must observe. The bans are in the following sequence:

  • First, a woman with bloody discharge after childbirth is considered unclean. At this moment, her body and she herself are cleansed of the consequences of the dirt of sexual contacts, as the Bible says.
  • Secondly, the great law is that it is a sin in the church to shed blood in any form. Previously, there were no modern means of hygiene, and there was a ban on visiting the temple.
  • Thirdly, the health of the mother and her baby can be negatively affected by the congestion of people in the church. This is especially true for epidemiological periods.

As can be seen from the above, it is not only religious reasons that prohibit going to church on such days. It is better to heed the advice to avoid problems.

Permissive prayer at confession

The sacrament of repentance is a church ritual in which a person confesses his sins to a priest and asks him to release them. After the one-sided monologue of the penitent, the priest forgives all sins, there is an invisible forgiveness from God. At its core, confession is hard mental work. A man bares his soul in front of a priest - “the servant of the Lord”. How is repentance going?

  • The priest recites certain prayers that encourage the repentant to confess his sins sincerely.
  • A man kneeling before the analogue, where the Gospel lies, voices his sins as before the Lord.
  • At the end of the confession, the priest covers the head of the repentant with an epitrachilia (embroidered cloth).
  • The permissive prayer of the sacrament of confession is read, thanks to which the priest in the name of Christ frees the repentant from his sins.

Repentance of sins contributes to the fact that the soul of a person is purified, due to this there is a rapprochement and reconciliation with the Lord.

Prayer of permission from the priest over the departed

Translations of Liturgical Books

Ml7tva permits,

t erea over 8 elders z th0maz.

D D nash ¯> Sh hrt0s b9estvennoyu svoey blgodatіyu, darom same w3 vlastіyu, dannoyu st7y6m є3gw2 ў§nkHm ґpclwm and 3, and 3 in є4zhe vzzati reshi1ti grehi2 chelovokwv [rek i5m: prіimi1te with d|a ™ ago, i5hzhe ttpustitE grehi2, ttpystztsz i5m : u4khzhe ў maintains, ў maintains: and3 є3 or6ka a4she you will connect and3 will dissolve on the ground2, will be linked and3 resolved1 on and3 on nb7si2.] t џnehh also and3 on us2 other, too, will be forgiven > къ t vsekhъ, є3li3ka ћkw a man sogreshi2 bGu sl0vom i3li2 deolom, i3li2 mhslіu, and3 with all our1mi feelings, v0leu and3li2 ne0leu, leadnіem and3li2 nevedenіem. A $ slit same pod8 klstvoyu i3li2 tluchenіem ґrhіereyskim i3li2 їereyskim bhst, i3li2 a4sche klstvu nttsA svoegw2 i3li2 mother's svoeS navedE on Cs i3li2 svoemy proklstіyu podpadE, i3li2 klstvu prestupi2, i3li2 i3nhmi nokіimi grehi2 ћkw chelovok svzzasz: but ø vsoh si1h serdtsem sokrushennym pokazsz, and3 t all of all the guilt6 and3 yu4zy yes resolve1t є3go2 [yu5]: є3lice for the power of the є3nature of oblivion beforeE, and3t † all ‰ yes forgive1t3mY [єa4y], forgiving3will , with ™ hхъ slavnykh и3 allvalal ґпслъ, и3 allхъ с ™ hхъ, ґм1нн.

(c) Translations of Holy Scripture and Liturgical Texts: Fr. Ambrose (Timrot).

With any use of the site materials, a link to the author is required.

Service book (csl)

Blessed be the name of the Lord: three times.

Glory, and now, psalm 33: I will bless the Lord:

O Lord our God, who led us into this all-honorable days, and having created Thy terrible Mysteries together with us, join us to Thy verbal flock and show us Thy Kingdom heirs, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

The priest proceeds, and standing in the usual place, distributes the antidor.

At the end of the psalm and the distribution of the antidor, he says:

The blessing of the Lord on you, the One with grace and love for mankind, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Christ, our true God, with the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the glorious and all-praised Apostles, (and the rest according to the days: the holy name is, he is a temple, and he is also a day), like the holy ones of our Father Gregory the Dvoeslov, Pope of Rome, and all saints, will have mercy and save us, as good and philanthropist.

Sice, on the other hand, creates dismissal until Holy Week: during Holy Week, his dismissal is spoken. After dismissal, thanksgiving prayers.

Now let go: Trisagion. According to our Father:

Even from God above, we receive Divine grace, glorious Gregory, / and Strengthened by power, you have deigned to march in the gospel. / Fromonuder from Christ you accepted the retribution of labors, all-blessed: / Beg him for him, may our souls be saved.

The Sub-Leader seemed to be the Leader of Christ's shepherd, / monks of the monks, Father Gregory, / instructing the heavenly fence, / and from there you taught the flock of Christ by His commandment: / now you rejoice with them, / and rejoice in heavenly blood.

The betrayal of Christians is not shameful, / intercession to the Creator is immutable, / do not despise the voice of sinful prayers, / but anticipate, like the Good One, to help us, who are rightly calling Ti: / speed up to prayer and pray for supplication, / present always, to the Mother of God, who honor Ty.

End of the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified.

Rite of lithium about the departed

Priest: Blessed be our God always, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Reader: Amen. Trisagion. Most Holy Trinity: Our Father:

Priest: Thine is the Kingdom, and power, and glory, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Reader: Amen. Lord, have mercy, 12. Glory, and now: Come, let us worship: three times.

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the roof of the Heavenly God. The Lord speaks: Thou art my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. Yako Toy will deliver thee from the hunter's net, and from the word of rebellion, His splash will overshadow thee, and trusting under His krill, His truth will go around you with a weapon. Do not be afraid of the fear of the night, of an arrow flying in days, of a thing in transitory darkness, of a crumbling and midday demon. A thousand will fall from your country, and darkness is at your right hand, but it will not approach you, both look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners. Like Thou, Lord, is my hope; The Most High put you in your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the wound will not approach your body, as with His Angel the commandment about you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift thee in their arms, but not when they knock your foot against a stone; step on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent. I trust in Me, and I will deliver and; I will cover and, as if My name is known. He will call upon Me, and I will answer him, I am with him in sorrow, I will scour him and glorify him, with long days I will fulfill him and show him My salvation.

Glory, and now: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, glory to Thee, God. Three times.

And the Abiye are singing this troparia. Voice 4:

From the spirits of the righteous who have passed away, / the souls of Thy servant, Savior, rest, / preserving them in a blissful life, / even with Thy, Human-loving.

In Thy rest, O Lord, / where all Thy sanctuaries rest, / Thy servant also rest in souls, / as one is the Humanitarian.

Glory: Thou art God, descended into hell, and letting the fetters of the fettered, / Thy servant Himself and souls rest.

And now: One pure and immaculate Virgin, who gave birth to God without seed, / pray to their souls to be saved.

Have mercy on us, God, according to Your great mercy, we pray to You, hear and have mercy.

We also pray for the repose of the souls of the departed servants of God [name], and for the hedgehog to forgive them every sin, voluntary and involuntary.

Lik: Lord, have mercy, three times.

Like yes the Lord God will make their souls where the righteous will rest.

Lik: Lord, have mercy, three times.

We ask the mercy of God, the Kingdom of Heaven and the remission of their sins, from Christ, our immortal Tsar and our God.

Lick: Come on, Lord.

Priest: Let us pray to the Lord.

Lik: Lord, have mercy.

The priest says this prayer:

God of spirits and all flesh, trampling death and abolishing the devil, and the life of Thy world that was bestowed: Himself, Lord, rest the souls of Thy servants [name], in a brighter place, in a place of evil, in a place of peace, disease, sorrow and sighing are by no means removed ... Any sin they commit by word, or deed, or thought, as a good man-lover God, forgive, as if there is a man, whoever will live and will not sin. Thou art only One besides sin, Thy righteousness is righteousness forever, and Thy word is truth.

The exclamation: As you are the resurrection and the life, and the rest of Thy servants who have fallen asleep [name], Christ our God, and we glorify Thee, with Thy beginningless Father, and Thy most holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever.

Priest: Glory to Thee, Christ God, our hope, glory to Thee.

Face: Glory, and now: Lord, have mercy, three times. Bless.

Possess the living and the dead, resurrected from the dead, Christ, our true God, with the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, the glorious and all-praised Apostle, the venerable and God-bearing father of ours and all saints, the souls of us departed His servants [name], in the villages of the righteous will make the righteous, in the bosom of Abraham he will rest and count with the righteous, and he will have mercy on us, like the Good and the Lover of Man.

And upon dismissal, the priest proclaims:

In blissful dormition, grant eternal rest, O Lord, to Your deceased servant [name], and create for them an eternal memory.

Singers sing: Eternal memory, thrice.

Prayer of permissiveness from the priest over the departed child reading

Our Lord Jesus Christ, by His Divine grace, with the gift and power given by His holy disciple and Apostle, in the hedgehog knit and solve the sins of men (rivers to them: receive the Holy Spirit, they also forgive their sins, they will be forgiven; they will also keep them, they will be held back; and Elika If you bind and allow on earth, they will be bound and allowed in Heaven); from one and to us each other who has come to accept another, may he create through me, humble, forgiven, and this in spirit a child (name) from everyone, if a man sinned to God by word or deed, or thought, and with all his feelings, willing or unwilling, knowledge or ignorance; If under an oath or excommunication by the hierarch or priesthood, or if the oath of your father or your mother is directed at you, or your curse falls, or you break the oath, or some other sins, as if a person contacted, but repenting of all of these with a broken heart, and from those of all guilt and yuzi let him [or yu] resolve; But for the weakness of nature betrayed oblivion, and that all may forgive him [or her], love for His sake, through the prayers of the Most Holy and Most Blessed Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the glorious and all-worthy Apostles, and all saints, amen.

Prayer over kutiya (koliv) in memory of the departed

O Lord our God, the hope of all those who call upon Thee and honor Your Most Holy Name, like in the memory of Your deceased servant (name) in Your holy church, bless the offered amount and offerings to this. And for his sake this essence was brought, instilled in the land of the living, weakening that and grant forgiveness through sin. To her, Master, brought down to human weakness, do not enter into judgment with Thy servant, who has died in faith and hope to Thee. May we do Thy commandments in sanctity and commemorate all those who have departed from Thy eternity in the hope of resurrection and eternal life. For Thou art the resurrection and the life, and the rest of Thy servants who have fallen asleep, Christ our God, and we glorify Thee, with Thy beginningless Father, and with Thy most holy and good and life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer in the hedgehog to bless the meat brush, during the Holy and Great Week of Easter

The priest does: Blessed be our God: Christ is risen: three times. Same: Let's pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

Look, O Lord Jesus Christ, our God, for the brushed meat, and sanctify me, as you sanctified a ram, whom you will bring to you faithful Abraham, and a lamb, whom you have brought Abel for all fruitfulness: like a well-fed calf, which you have commanded to eat, and to your son, and to your erring packs to Thee who returned: so as to that, deserve Thy goodness, enjoy, sitsa and those who are sanctified from You, and the blessed ones, let us enjoy the food of all of us.

Thou art true food, and the giver of the good, and we glorify Thee with Thy Beginning Father, and the Most Holy, and the Good, and Thy Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer in the hedgehog to bless the cheese and eggs during the Holy and Great Week of Easter

Let's pray to the Lord. Lord have mercy.

Vladyka Lord our God, the creator and creator of all, bless the thickened milk, with nimzha and eggs, and observe us in Your goodness, as if we partake of them, Your unenviable gifts will be fulfilled, and Your inexpressible goodness.

Like Thy power, and Thine is the Kingdom, and power, and glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Orthodoxy. Reference dictionary

Permissive prayer

1. The secret prayer of confession. When reading the prayer of absolution, the priest or bishop by the authority given to him (see Matthew 18, 18) forgives the repentant confessed sins.

2. A prayer recited by a priest or bishop at the end of the funeral service. In it, he asks God to allow the deceased from the sins committed during his lifetime.

In the Russian Orthodox Church, according to ancient tradition, a sheet with the text of a prayer of permission is put into the hand of the deceased.

Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary

Permissive prayer

a special prayer printed on a sheet of paper, read by the priest aloud over each deceased (over seven years old) during the funeral service, after reading the Gospel. After reading the prayer, the sheet is folded and placed in the hand of the deceased. The text of the prayer is very ancient, borrowed from the liturgy of the Apostle James (1st century).

Dictionary of Church Terms

Permissive prayer

1. The secret prayer of confession. When reading a prayer of permission, a priest or bishop by the authority given to him ( cm. Mt. 18, 18) forgives confessed sins to the penitent.

2. Prayer recited by a priest or bishop at the end of the funeral service. In it, he asks God to allow the deceased from the sins committed during his lifetime. In the Russian Orthodox Church, according to ancient tradition, a sheet with the text of a prayer of permission is put into the hand of the deceased.

Orthodox encyclopedia

Permissive prayer

1) secret prayer of the priest in confession. With this prayer, he forgives (permits) the repentant of his sins;

2) a prayer that the priest recites at the end of the funeral service for the deceased. It contains petitions for the forgiveness of the deceased for all his lifetime sins. According to ancient tradition, a paper with the text of this prayer is placed in the right hand of the deceased.

Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

Permissive prayer

A sheet of paper with a special prayer printed on it; read by the priest aloud over each deceased (at least 7 years old) during the funeral service, after reading the gospel; after reading, the sheet is folded and put into the right hand of the deceased. The custom of placing prayer in the hand of the deceased is not the establishment of a universal church, but came into use in Russia (in the 11th century) as a result of an accidental circumstance. When Prince Simon Varyag asked the teacher. Theodosius of the Caves written blessing both in life and after death, then Theodosius copied him with the words "the priest's farewell prayers." Simon bequeathed to put this prayer in his hand when he was buried; since then it has become a custom with us and for all the dead in general. The text of the prayer itself is very ancient. Its content is borrowed from the propitious prayer found at the end of the liturgy of the Apostle James. It was brought into its current composition in the XIII century. Herman, Bishop of Amathuntsky. R. prayer is read for permission from those who were on the dead of oaths and prohibitions, and not from sins of which the departed did not repent; sins are not completely resolved by her, as in repentance, but only forgiveness is asked for them, and especially those of them that were forgotten during confession. See P. Nechaev, "A Practical Guide for Clergy" (St. Petersburg, 1891); prot. K. Nikolsky, "A Manual for Studying the Statute of the Divine Services of the Orthodox Church" (St. Petersburg, 1888).

A prayer read by a priest at the end of confession is called a permissive prayer. In order to correctly go through the whole rite of confession, you need not just list your sins, you need complete and sincere repentance for what you have done. In the process of confessing as a confessor, if he deems it necessary, additional questions may be asked. After hearing the confession and giving instructions, the confessor prays to Fr. After the concluding prayer, the confessing person kneels down, his head is covered with an epitrachilia, and the text of the release prayer is recited.

Forgiveness of sins through prayer of permission

Christian prayer is called permissive because a person is forgiven all confessed sins and is allowed to proceed to Communion. The priest may not read the prayer of permission and not admit to Communion if he sees a lack of sincere repentance in a person or, if it is impossible, due to the gravity of the deed, to immediately absolve of sins. There are two opinions in Orthodoxy about exactly how sins are forgiven. Some are convinced that if the confessor read the resolving prayer, then. Others argue that God's mercy is not associated with the ritual actions of the clergy. But both those and others are unanimous in opinion - the prayer of permission is necessary and useful for both living people and the souls of the dead.

Permissive prayer during the funeral service

Above all the dead, except for children under seven, during the funeral service, the priest says a prayer of absolution. The worshipers accompany her reading with three bows to the ground. Then a sheet of paper with the printed text of the permission prayer is put into the right hand of the deceased. This prayer asks for forgiveness to the deceased for all his sins.

The text of the Orthodox prayer of permission after childbirth

Our Lord Jesus Christ with His Divine grace, with the gift and power given by His holy disciple and Apostle, in the hedgehog knit and solve the sins of men, rivers to them: receive the Holy Spirit; also forgive their sins, they will be forgiven; hold them too, hold on; and if you bind and loose the oil on the earth, it will be bound and loose in Heaven. From one and to us each other, in a different way (successively, one after another) that came (grace), may he through me, humble, forgiven, and this in spirit a child (name) from everyone, if as if a man sinned God by word or deed, or thought, and with all his senses, willingly or unwillingly, knowledge or ignorance. If under an oath or excommunication by a bishop or priestly, or if the oath of your father or your mother is directed at you, or your curse falls, or you break the oath, or some other sins as if a person got involved (here: it was forbidden, was subject to a curse), but oh repenting of all these with a broken heart, and from all those guilt and yuza (from that which binds) let him (s) resolve; But for the weakness (and everything that is due to weakness) of nature, surrender to oblivion, and that all forgive him (her), love for His sake, through the prayers of the Most Holy and Most Blessed Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the glorious and all-worthy apostles and all saints. Amen.