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What time is best to swim on baptism. Can Muslims swim in the holes for baptism? Is there any benefit of bachership bathing

Throughout the centuries tradition, swimming in the porrube reservoir during the ancient Christian holiday of baptism, causes many questions in people of different confessions and not believers. This is really a way of physical and spiritual cleansing of a person, or a beautiful tribute to fashion. What happens at the moment of immersion in the ice font and to whom this procedure will benefit.

Traditions of the festival of baptism

Baptism on January 19 and the tradition itself to dip in the ice font, we started our beginning in 988 since Introduction to Kievan Rus Christianity. According to biblical historyJesus, at his personal request, was baptized on this day. During the ceremony by John the Baptist, Jesus was in the waters of the Jordan River, the Holy Spirit in the image of a pigeon and voices of over, proclaiming His Son of God. This event has become the basis of the holiday. The word is baptized in translation from ancient Greek means directly immersion into water. It is believed that his baptism of God made water saint, that is, having special healing properties. Given that water in the Old Testament is considered the basis of all living things, it becomes clear the importance of this tradition.

After the Divine Liturgy, water is consecrated in all temples. At this time, the water department is all water elements Also endowed with miraculous qualities. For the Epiphany Bathings in the Cross-shaped corruption are committed multidimising processions, in Christianity is called Procession On Jordan. It is believed that the body washed with holy water, like a purified soul that belonged to the Savior will receive health and blessing, will be involved in the sacrament of the Holy Trinity. In addition to the Christian subtext, the tradition of such a bath is known since the times of the ancient Scythians and earlier pagan rituals. In this way, was dedicated to the warriors, he was heard, hardening newborns to adapt to the harsh climate.

Features of swimming in the hole

On the day of the holiday of baptism for accessibility to everyone on the water bodies, equipped with all the rules of safety, the holes are necessarily in the form of a cross. After sanctifying the hole, people can gain water, wash, and the most decisive to swim. If the body is relatively adapted to the cold, the attitude is most important before bathing. The living structure of water is able to change under the influence of certain information, so plunging into the hole, it is necessary to tune in only a positive effect. Immediately during the immersion in the human body, a lot of processes occurs:

  • under the short-term exposure of the cold, the cerebral bark is mobilized, the central nervous system, which is positive for the body;
  • the stressful situation leads to an immunity jump, anesthesia, removal of inflammation, spasms, swelling;
  • under the influence of cold water, internal forces are released, the body temperature can reach 40 ° for several seconds, causing the death of pathogens, viruses, cells;
  • the thermal conductivity of water is larger than air 28 times, which gives a huge hardening effect.

Given the listed advantages of the dipping procedure in cold water You can confidently talk about its benefits. Despite the fact that special physical preparation for such a bathing is not required in principle, in some cases there may be a number of difficult moments. Without fears, the official medicine recommends that men and middle-aged women are recommended without complicated pathologies. In any case, the sacrament of bathing for baptism is a deeply individual solution of each person.

How to batten in baptism

In addition to the appropriate mood, such a bathing requires compliance certain rulesHelping the rite correctly and safely. The main point, especially with mass conduct, is the presence of a specially equipped corner. The hole should be arranged at the depth of water not more than 1.8 m, well fenced to avoid random drops, equipped with steps and handrails for descent. Everyone willing to plunge into the hole should have a swimsuit or smelting, a warm bathrobe, a towel, a set of dry clothes, linen, slippers or woolen socks.

Before starting, it is recommended to warm up slightly, for example, make a run, perform squats or uncomplicated exercises. In this case, the body should not be sweaty, but only hot. To prevent a sharp narrowing of the vessels of the brain, it is not necessary to water my head, but it is better to dip only on the neck. It is impossible to jump into the hole, you need to start the dive. It is not recommended to swim, after a triple dipping, it is better to immediately get out and not in the water more than 1 minute. Immediately after bathing, you need to be confused by a towel, wear dry underwear and clothing without delay. Often the towel may not even come in handy, as the skin dries instantly. But following the church rules when bathing in Epiphany, it is necessary to plunge on the head three times. At the same time, a short sincere prayer facing God must be present, according to the conviction of Orthodox it charges the water with a huge force.

Contraindications for bathing

It is strictly forbidden directly before bathing and after it to use alcoholic beverages. Alcohol in the blood does not affect the condition of the body thermoregulation, sometimes with unforeseen consequences. Under its influence, the vessels are expanding, increasing heat consumption. Some time after the use of a person may feel the tide of heat, but then, sharply comes reverse effect And you can seriously catch a cold. Also it is impossible to smoke, since blood circulation is disturbed. Immediately after dipping, it is better to drink herbal decoction or hot tea. Swim in cold holes on a scored or hungry stomach harmful.

With the evidence of the benefit of the Epiphany Bathing to the category of contraindications, there is a chronic or sharp disease. These include violations of cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems, as well as all sorts of inflammation of the urogenital system, nasopharynk, otitis. It is not recommended to dip in the ice hole under the injuries to encephalitis, epilepsy and other complex pathologies. To avoid harm and get only benefited, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Baptism 2017. Bathing for baptism. Date, rules where you can swim. What number will be baptism in 2017? How is the bachership bathing?

The Baptism of the Lord (the Epiphany or the Church's Baptism of the Lord God and the Savior of Our Jesus Christ) is a two-seater non-passing holiday, which means that this wonderful date is annually celebrated on the same day. What number will be baptism in 2017? The day when it can be cleaned from sins and a pigeon, and check your strength of the Spirit, plunging from your head into ice water in the corner, will come in 2017 on January 19, on Thursday. On the territory of modern Russia, the Baptism of the Lord is not state and does not apply to weekends.

Baptism in the hole. How goes.

In the river, in the lake or any reservoir on ice, a hole is cut into the shape of a cross, the ice cross itself is installed nearby. The clergyman falls down the cut of the cross and reads prayers. In these reservoirs with holy water, people plunge in the hope of obtaining the atonement of sins and God's grace. Before immersing with head in cold water, you need to cross it over three times and plunge into the words on the lips: "In the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit."

Traditions of the festival of baptism

On the eve of baptism, Orthodox believers will fast during the day, and in the evening they celebrate "Hungry Kutu" or the Holy Evening, akin to the Christmas Christmas Eve. By tradition, the whole family sits down at the table and comes lean dishes.

A triple immersion of a believer of a Christian in an ice burger symbolizes the death of Jesus the Savior, and the moment of emerging from the water comes with a person to the thirteen resurrection of Jesus. Bathing in the hole is not a mandatory rite, it is much more important to be truly believers, attend the church and honor the Lord God.

Signs of baptism

  • If the man was baptized on this day, he will be accompanied by happiness all his life.
  • If any arrangement on this day is bonded by handshake, then in the future there will be more support.
  • If on the day of baptism to agree on the wedding, then the young is waiting for a happy life.
  • A clear day for baptism - the year will be lattern.
  • If the baptism are covered with the trees - in the spring on the same day the week you need to sow winter wheatso that there was a rich harvest.
  • Girls wash on the baptism of snow to preserve beauty for many years.
  • In the baptismic night, the prophetic dreams often dream.

What can not be done in baptism

Baptism is not a mandatory ritual, therefore first you can not swim if you are not healthy . Any priest will dissuade you to dive if he sees that your health status does not allow for the procedure safely. Especially if you have never trained the walrus in my life. Before jumping into the hole, check if you have the following diseases:

  • Dive into the hole is not recommended during periods of exacerbation of inflammatory diseases of nasopharynx and otitis or if you only have a cold illness.
  • It is strictly forbidden to swim in Jordan people with heart disease, after heart attacks and in hypertension and stage III.
  • After injuries and with epilepsy, you should not feel fate.
  • Also contraindications are neurites, diabetes, thyrotoxicosis.
  • Such eye diseases like glaucoma and conjunctivitis.
  • You should not swim and those whose health weakened tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, inflammation of the urogenital system, as well as ulcer, cholecystitis and hepatitis.

Epiphany bathing. Security and Rules.

  • You can not jump from ice. It is necessary to enter the water only by special wooden stairswhich is better to check for stability before the descent.
  • Each Jordan additionally must be equipped with a thick durable rope with nodes, lowered by one end into the water, and the other end is firmly fixed on the shore. This will ensure safety in the event of a ladder collapse.
  • Do not try to plunge with your head - this can cause the reflex narrowing of the brain vessels and lead to the shock. Delivered best on the neck.
  • Do not be bought longer than 1 minute. Firstly, your body can be hypoglyed and will lead to undesirable consequences, and secondly want to swim a lot, do not delay people on the street frost.
  • After bathing, it is necessary to be confused by a terry towel and be sure to start hot tea with honey and berries. It will help soften the blow to immunity.
  • In no case do not take alcohol. In this bright holiday, drink alcohol is prohibited, and most importantly, it can sharply expand your vessels, and this may lead to serious consequences and hospitalization.

Look at the video to evaluate how the baptized bathing passes.

In the coming days, consecrated baptisma water can be taken without difficulty orthodox churches. On January 18 and 19, of course, there will be many people. But in most temples, the water is sanctified with excess and distribute those who wish after the holiday.

Christians do not distinguish Epiphany water by the date of consecration (18th or 19th or January 19), nor at the place (Church of Christ the Savior or a tiny chapel in the colony of strictly regime in the Kostroma region), nor named the priest ( His Holiness Patriarch Kirill or a young father, who came only from the seminary), nor the source (water supply or spring). The main thing is that this water is consecrated by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, in memory of the baptism of the Lord. Consecration of water is a church Christian event. It cannot occur outside the church.

The overwhelming majority of our citizens have the opportunity to come to the temple, pray and take water. Therefore, it is obvious that just water from rivers, lakes, keys or soul can not be considered holy epiphany water On the eve of the holiday of the Baptism of the Lord, nor at midnight, nor the holiday.

How much should we take water?

It is quite clear to the desire of many stocking of baptic water a year ahead and drink it every day. There is a belief that this water does not bloom and will be the same clean and tasty for many months. For someone, this is an additional reason to make stocks.

And yet in large reserves of consecrated water there is no point. Christians are confident that God is in no way connected and cannot be associated with the amount of water drilled. God does not charge water, does not saturate her anything. He acts through her himself. This means that just one throat or a few drops, if they drink with faith in Christ and hope for help.

Some believers, based on the fact that "a drop of holy water can consecrate the sea", just "dilute" the consecrated water as it uses. And it seems to me more wise than multiliery annual reserves. According to the experience, I know that one and a half or two liters of consecrated water is a sufficient stock for a year for a whole family.

What is the meaning of the holiday?

It is clear that to trust the words of evangelists or not, is the case of everyone. It is important to understand and recognize that for Christians the feast of the Epiphany consists, first of all, in memories and joyful experience Three secrets, very deeply connected with the very essence of Christianity as religion. I tried to explain these secrets in the above articles. Here I will limit the listing. The Events of the Baptism of the Lord open the Trinity of the Divine: God himself is herself, as they say, in three faces: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We will learn about the bodies of Christ: the Father shows that Jesus is the son of Mary - also God's Son. And finally, we learn about the mission of Jesus: he came to take over the sin of the world to save people. It is important for us that Christians see in the baptism of Jesus a testimony of the emergence of one who is not afraid to divide with people not only the joy of life, but also the consequences of sin and even death itself.


Why do you need holy water?

For Christians, holy water is far from the main thing in life. They can have it in the house may not have, can drink it regularly, may not be drunk at all. And all this is because they have the one who they believe, one who is always and everywhere with them.

Believers are preparing for a meeting of another important church holiday - The Baptism of the Lord, who will be celebrated on January 19, 2018. This holiday is always accompanied by bathing in Iordany's Iordany - they are opened on the eve of many cities and villages. It is believed that the water becomes saint on baptism, it washes everything bad and gives rise to good.

On the evening of January 18 - in Epiphany Christmas tree - All temples will host a festive liturgy, after which there will be a consecration of water in the temples and bows so that the wishes could plunge into them. Festive worship services will be held in the morning on January 19. You can make the rite of immersion in water, starting from 18 hours on January 18 and up to the evening on January 19th.

History and traditions of the holiday

Baptism for Orthodox is a symbol of the beginning of the appearance of the Christian religion, the moment from which the worship of God began to cease to be unknown. After all, exactly that day, when Jesus was baptized, people knew great mystery Big, becoming witnesses to the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity: the Father (God), the Son (Jesus) and the Spirit, who appeared in the form of a dove.

The literal meaning of baptism is "immersion in water." On the wonderful properties of water - her ability to wash everything bad and give the beginning of everything good - it says in Old Testament. In the pre-Christian ablution times used for moral cleansing, and now the baptism of water brings to get rid of sins and contributes to the origin of spiritual life.

How to celebrate the Baptism of the Lord 2018

Before the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, Orthodox Christians observe a strict one-day post. January 18 - In the Epiphany Christmas Eve, it is possible to eat extremely lean cakes on hemp oil, referred to as the people of the juice, and kun. Housewives before the holiday do general cleaning and cook festive table. It should have a lot of meat dishes, honey and croup. The main treats of the bass - cookies in the form of crosses, which bake the sweet dough, pancakes and baked piglet. In former times, the meal was built strictly in order: first crop cookies and consecrated water, then pancakes, and then everything else. Believers were confident that heaven opens into baptism, and therefore all sincere prayers will be heard, and desires will come true.

The main event is baptism - consecration of water. This rite is carried out in all temples. Epiphany water Apply for treating diseases, cleansing housing, protection against troubles and evil forces. His miraculous properties of Holy Water preserves exactly a year.

Another tradition of the holiday is swimming in the open reservoirs, on which the corruption of Jordan is built. Bathing allows you to wash off sins. By tradition, you need to plunge into the water three times.

How to swim in the hole on baptism

In order for the rite of swimming in the hole to baptism did not lead to undesirable consequences, several simple rules must be observed.

You do not need to plunge into the water sharply - go on the knee, smear, and then plunge (for this there is no need to go to the hole completely). The maximum time staying in the cold will is 15 seconds.

You need to shoot clothes immediately before you are going to plunge. The longer standing in the cold without clothes, the more likely to get sick after bathing.

Having finished swimming, you need to quickly lure the towel and put on warm clothes. Then go to the room and drink hot tea. Remember that it is impossible to drink alcohol after bathing.

Where you can swim on baptism in St. Petersburg

The main Epiphany font in the northern capital will be open to the rite of the walls of the Petropavlovsk Fortress - the consecration of water will make Metropolitan St. Petersburg and Ladoga Wrisonfius on January 19 at 13:00. Every year, more than 10,000 people plunge on Petropavlovka, over 25,000 citizens come on festive events. It is known that the font in 2018 will have a rotunda and dome. Bathing will be closely followed by rescuers, and warm tents for dressing launched near Jordan. Here will be hot tea with pies. In total, as the Petersburg diary writes, 26 foxes are equipped in St. Petersburg ( full list can be found on the website of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in St. Petersburg).

The publication notes that the administration of districts together with their profile departments will ensure safety in places of mass bathing. A total of more than 400 rescuers are planned to use more than 400 rescuers.

Where you can plunge in the fonts in Moscow

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that in 2018, the authorities prepared 59 seats for Epiphany bathing, which in obligatory Will be equipped with safe approaches, descent to water and lighting. Next to the fonts will put dressings with heating and toilets, equip parking and places where everyone will be able to warm up and drink tea. In Swao and Cao - 1 font, Zelenograd - 2, SAO, YUAO and YUVAO - 3 font, CJSC - 4, UNUSAO - 6, WAO - 7, ZAO - 10, Tinao - 19. Since winter this year in The central part of Russia stands warm and ice cover is still not formed, then not everywhere you can see the hole in the form of crosses. But this will not be an obstacle to clergy to the sanctification of water. By the way, in those areas where there are no open reservoirs, they will put the fastener - special pods with water, which will also clarify before the ritual.

A complete list of addresses of places where Epiphany bathing will be conducted can be found on the Moscow Government website.

Orthodox people are celebrating baptism on January 19, or on the eve of the 18th, the Epiphany Christmas Eve is celebrated. Among believers there is a popular tradition - swim on this day. How to plunge into the hole for baptism, so as not to harm your health? We will try to figure it out with this question.

Baptism is an important event in the Orthodox Religion

On this day, believers celebrate two events at once in the history of religion - baptism God's Son. John the forerunner in the waters of the river, which was called Jordan, and the phenomenon of the Trinity of God, that is, the Epiphany. It is said that from the moment of baptism began the exit of Jesus Christ to people.

Epiphany completes the cycle of Christmas holidays and requires special preparation. As the strict post before Christmas is observed and on the eve of the Epiphany, it is necessary to adhere to the same strict Epiphany Christmas tree.

Bathing in Jordan - Healing Soul and Body

For the holiday, they make a hole in the shape of a cross and called "Jordan", so called the river in which Jesus baptized. On the night of January 19, absolutely all the water becomes holy, even from under the tap. But on this day, believers still go to church in order to sanctify it and put a candle. Used to cure diseases, strengthening the moral spirit and physical forces, removal of the evil eye and damage. The holy liquid can be washed or drinking small sips. It is sanctified housing with all the faugs, as well as hlev, which contains livestock. But here is the dip in the hole for baptism - the procedure is optional, especially if a person is not ready for this, neither morally or physically. To this step should be consciously and with faith in the heart.

The diving into the hole for baptism is a deed that can not do any. First, frost and ice water is very difficult to withstand, even from a psychological point of view, secondly, some believers are forbidden to do this for health.

How to plunge into the hole for baptism? Under this procedure, a triple ablution is implied, not necessarily with the head. Before that, it is necessary to cross and pronounce prayer, traditionally it is "our own".

What happens to a man's body during dipping in ice water

Swimming on baptism is possible even without a special challenge procedure. Human organism used to periodic cold, which allows you to transfer low temperature. It is very important to prepare morally before swimming on baptism in the corruption, and also to follow the further consider which major processes occur in human organism During diving in cold water.

  • As soon as the human body comes into contact with icewater, instantly awakens the central part of the brain, his work is enhanced.
  • Ultra-low temperature is perceived by the body as strong stress. Basically, this situation acts positively - pain relief occurs, spasm passes, inflammation is removed and swelling decreases.
  • When immersed in water, the temperature of the human body reaches forty degrees. At first glance, this is very bad, but in fact there is no harm from it. Such a temperature stays literally a few seconds, and for a short time, various microbes, malicious bacteria, viruses manage to die in the body.

For whom such a sacrament is taboo?

How to plunge into the hole for baptism so as not to bring harm to yourself? Before you go swimming, you need to consult with your doctor. After all, there are many people for whom such events are taboo. There are various diseases in which swimming in the holes for baptism is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to a fatal outcome.

These include such pathologies:

  • hypertension, angina - high pressure fraught with a sudden sharp narrowing of vessels, which can lead to such serious consequences, as or stroke;
  • hypotension (low pressure) - a sharp change of temperature of the fainting, after which the human life is already completely dependent on rescuers and doctors;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs (nose, throat, ears);
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • epileptic seizures, brain injuries, atherosclerosis;
  • neuritis, polyneuritis;
  • high level of sugar in blood, thyrotoxicosis;
  • eye diseases;
  • pathology (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma);
  • inflammatory processes of the urogenital system;
  • digestive diseases (ulcer, enterocolitis, hepatitis);
  • venereal ailments;
  • allergic reaction to cold.

Pluses of winter bathing

After hardening the body, the cold is worth noting such positive points:

Cons of winter bathing

It should be remembered that simultaneously with the pros, there are often cons:

  • breathing becomes frequent and deep;
  • very rapid heartbeat is observed, there is a high probability of developing arrhythmias, hypertension;
  • significantly increases blood sugar levels, which can provoke the development of diabetes;
  • increases cholesterol in the blood, which is fraught with the appearance of atherosclerosis;
  • immunity is suppressed against oncology;
  • violated protective functions The body aimed at combating seasonal influenza and ORVI viruses.

General principles of hardening

If you decide to handle your body, you need to remember that three factors play a huge role in this matter: and sunlight.

There are several common ordinary rules:

How to plunge into the hole for baptism? Now let's try to deal with this question. If you decide to plunge for the first time, then decide why you need it. Well, if this is a real faith, but many make the sacrament for the company with friends or because the dispute lost. It is necessary to go to the hole solely with the true faith and a brief, but sincere prayer. Words that are addressed to God must go from a pure heart, and charge with a huge force of water (at least they believe Orthodox).

What to take with you?

  • A terry towel and a warm bathrobe.
  • Comfortable non-slip shoes.
  • Dry warm clothes.
  • Swimsuit or smelting.
  • Thermos with tea.
  • Will and desire power.

Ten rules that cannot be neglected

On the basis of the above information, it is possible to highlight the rules of bathing into the holes on the baptism, which in no case cannot be neglected:

  • consultation with the doctor;
  • the right choice of corruses;
  • the presence of all necessary things;
  • warming up before dipping;
  • rejection of diving with head;
  • compliance with the time of stay in water;
  • consumption of warm heating beverages;
  • abstinence from alcohol.

If the idea of \u200b\u200bswimming is horror itself - then it is not worth doing this. Do not forget to pray. Let this bathing bring you only the desired cleansing and benefit.