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Winter soft wheat Ermak. Winter Wheat Sort Wheat Wheat Ermak Description


Made into the state register of the selection achievements of the Russian Federation since 2001, in Ukraine - since 2005, the Republic of Moldova - since 2008, is protected by a patent.

Authors: IG KALINENKO, O.V. Violin, TA Grichenikova, N.E. Samofalova, T.G. Derova, V.I. Kovtun, O.I. Zvyagina, L.G. Shatilov, S.N. Princess, L.N. Lutova.

Origin. The variety is created by the method of stepped hybridization and targeted selection from a hybrid combination of 2412/87 x Don.

General characteristics. A variety - Eritrospermum. Colos of white, spindle-shaped, medium density. The mass of 1000 grains - 41-46 refers to medium-grained varieties. Plant height - 80-92 cm, resistant to lodging.

Yield. The average yield in competitive tests for 5 years of study on corn on grain was 7.67 t / ha, exceeding the standard by 0.17 t / ha. According to its predecessor, black pairs are 9.74 t / ha, peas - 8.45 t / ha. Maximum yield - 10.57 t / ha, obtained in 2017 on a black pair.

Mukomol and bakery qualities. Made into the list of varieties, "valuable" in terms of grain quality.

Resistance to disease and climatic conditions:

  • brown rust - stable;

  • yellow rust - medium resistant;

  • multiple dew - medium-handed;

  • dusty head - medium resistant;

  • frost resistance - above average;

  • drought resistance - high.

You can have you buy Seeds of Winter Wheat Ermak with delivery in Russia from 5 tons. The main focus of our work is to provide sowing materials of the agro-industrial complex and farms.

Selection -FGBNU "Agrarian Scientific Center" Donskoy "(Rostov region)

The year of inclusion in the registry: 2001

Pedigree: ind. about. From a hybrid population (Donskaya semi-intensive X Olympia) x Done. Included in the State Register in North Caucasian (6) and Nizhnelylvzhsky (8) regions. It is recommended for cultivation in the Stavropol Territory, Rostov and Volgograd regions. A variety of Eritrospermum. Brush intermediate. The downstream of the top node is missing or very weak. The wax raid on the upper intercoux, the leaf plate and the vagina of the flag leaf is absent or very weak. Sparder sprinkled, medium density, white. Astone is placed along the entire length of the chap, at the end of the bet is short. The lower oskosk scary on the inside has a weak downward, the drawing is missing or very small. Shoulder straight, medium width, medium, slightly curved. The grain is rounded, painted, crested medium. Mass 1000 grains 36-48

The average yield in the Nizhnevolzh region is 19.5 c / ha, in North Caucasian - 42.1 c / ha, which is 2.7 and 1.8 c / ha above average standards. In the Stavropol Territory, the Rostov and Volgograd areas of yield gains to standards grain 8, Skifyanka, Donskaya, donated 2.5, respectively; 2.7 and 3.5 c / ha. Maximum yield 100.2 c / ha was obtained in the Rostov region in 1999

Medium. The growing season is 228-287 days. Winter hardiness above average, at the Tarasovskaya grade level 29. Plant height 70-92 cm. Sustained to the lodgment. Drought resistance at the level of the Don Maintenance. Bakery qualities are good. Valuable wheat. Mid-resistant meal, moderately susceptible to sepitoria. Perceiving to solid head, severely susceptible to Bura Rust.

Price list: Wheat Ermak Wheat

Prices in the price list on the sowing 2020 (valid from 01/27/2020).

Winter Wheat Prices Ermak

Variety Features Regions access
Reproduction Residues Price
Ermak Eritrospermum (oest) 5,6,8 ES. 5,000 kg from 23 rubles / kg

You can buy seeds of winter wheat Yermak with delivery to Krasnodar, Eagle, Tambov, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Stary Oskol, Rostov-on-Don, Nalchik, Stavropol, Saratov, Samara, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Kursk, Bryansk, Voronezh and other cities of Central and southern Russia.

Why are we?

  • positions from price lists are always in stock, we can always offer substitutes to the varieties you need;
  • perhaps get consultation of leading specialists of the agrarian sphere;
  • when buying a sowing material in our organization is possible help in the implementation of the resulting crop;
  • sowing material is accompanied by relevant documentation confirming the quality of the GOST;
  • responsible storage of seeds On their warehouses before the sowing (with the delivery of seeds within 2-3 business days on request).
  • Country of origin:russia
  • Breakinger (firm, applicant):Lyizk them. Kalinenko
  • Year of registration:
  • Region (city where derived):Rostov
  • Type of spike:oestous
  • A group of ripeness:midhranny
  • Winter cold resistance:above average
  • Drought resistance:high
  • Reducing resistance:high
  • Scoop resistance:high
  • Disease resistance:high
  • By grain quality:strong
  • Detailed description:

    Wheat Wheat, Ermak

    Originator: State Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Grain Cultures named after I.G. Kalinenko, Granograd, Rostov region, Russia.

    A variety - Eritrospermum. Jim type development. Brush intermediate form. Stem strong, empty. The sheet is green, the average size is not pubescent without wax pillowcase. The spike is white, believer, medium size and density. Colosum scaled egg-shaped. Nervation is poorly expressed. Tooth medium length, sharp. The medium width shoulder, bevel left, top and in the middle part - straight. Kiel is well expressed. Sky short, slightly diverge to the sides, serrated, white. Grain of medium size, red, rounded. Furridge shallow. The variety is low. Plant height 86-95 cm. The mass of 1000 grains of 36-49.0 G. Medium, the growing season was 277-292 days. The grade is highly adapted to the late crop, due to the high regenerative ability to bring in the winter-early period. Resistance to diseases and adverse conditions: the winter hardiness of the variety in limiting conditions is higher than the average. Sustainability of a variety to a lumbering of 8.3-9.0 points. The grade is resistant to crepe. Drought resistance 8.5-8.9 points. The grade is resistant to the damage to mildew, brown rust, fusariasis. Refers to the varieties of resource-saving technologies, does not require the use of fungicides against diseases and retardants for lodging. Mukolol and bakery values \u200b\u200bare excellent. Grain contains 14.5% protein, 30.9% gluten, IDK - 55-60 A.Ts. W - 350-441 A.A "The volume of bread from 100 g of flour 1080-1300 ml, a total bakery score - 9.0 points. Strong wheat. High-yielding grade.

  • "Wheat Soft Winter Ermak entered into the state register of the selection achievements of the Russian Federation since 2001, in Ukraine - since 2005, the Republic of Moldova - since 2008, is protected by a patent. Authors: I.G. ... "

    Wheat Soft Winter

    Entered in public

    the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation since 2001, in Ukraine -

    since 2005, Republic of Moldova

    IN AND. Kovtun, O.V. Violin, TA

    Grichenikova, O.I. Zvyagina, L.G.

    Shatilov, N.E. Samofalova, S.N.

    Princess, L.N. Lutova, T.G. Derov.

    Origin. The variety is created by the method of stepped hybridization and targeted selection from a hybrid combination.

    General characteristics. A variety - Eritrospermum. Colos of white, spindle-shaped, medium density. The mass of 1000 grains - 38-46 ghyothic formula Glyadinov - 317 + 1311x ++. Refers to medium-grained varieties. Plant height - 81-92 cm, resistant to lodging.

    Yield. The average yield in competitive tests for 8 years of study (2004-2011) was 5.9 t / ha. According to the predecessor of steam - 7.6 t / ha. The maximum yield (11.0 t / ha) was obtained in 2001 by the predecessor of corn on the Silo at the Telinsky GSU.

    Mukomol and bakery qualities. The quality of grain is good, corresponds to the "valuable" wheat.

    Resistance to disease and climatic conditions. In field conditions and on an infectious background with artificial infection, a rusty rust is resistant to a mildew, weakly susceptible to the dusty head. The variety is characterized by high drought resistance, winter hardiness is higher than the average, at the Tarasovskaya variety level.

    The cultivation zone and predecessors. It is allowed to use in production in the North Caucasus and Nizhnevolzhsky regions of the Russian Federation, in Ukraine and Moldova. Recommended for sowing over couples and best non-spacing predecessors.

    Time sowing. Optimal for the zone are allowed lateral seeding.

    Major advantages. Highly productive grade with elevated levels of drought resistance and frost-resistance. Valuable wheat.

    Wheat Soft Winter

    The grain 11 is submitted to the state

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    347740, Russia, Zernograd Rostov Region, Scientific Town, D.3 Tel / Fax 8- (863-59) 41-4-68, 43-3-82

    Wheat Soft Winter

    Donskaya Sleep

    Made into the state register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation since 1983, is protected by a patent.

    Origin. Received as a result of intraspecific stepped hybridization with participation in crossings of varieties of remote in ecologically aggographical relations: Mother: 209/72 (294/67 + 261/67); Father: 259/72 (1173/68 of the author).

    General characteristics. Average grade, plant height 90-110 cm, medieval, vegetation period 270-280 days. A variety - Lyutnescenes. Grain - medium size, vitreous, mass of 1000 grains - 31,9g.

    Yield. The average yield on the predecessor is black couples for 2007-2011. amounted to 6.09 t / ha. Maximum yield - 8.90 t / ha.

    Mukomol and bakery qualities. Located in the list of strong wheat of Russia.

    Resistance to disease and climatic conditions. Frost resistance and winter hardiness is high, resistant to ice crust and wocking, reliable in overrev. Resistant to brown and yellow rust, meanly susceptible to mildew, does not affect the dusty head. It goes well and forms to clean 800-1000 sections per 1 m2. It has a slowdown pace of plant development in the autumn season of vegetation, which allows you to search for this variety at the beginning of the optimal deadlines.

    The cultivation zone. It is assumed to be used in production in the North Caucasus, Central Black Earth and Nizhnevolzh Regions of the Russian Federation. It is intended for sowing for low-intensity pairs and the best non-spacing predecessors.

    Time sowing. The best return of the variety when sowing at the optimal period of Seva.

    Seeds before sowing need to go

    Wincite forte in a dose of 1.2 l / ha!

    Major advantages. High-star variety, with a high degree of adaptation to natural conditions in the tolerance zones to the use and high grain quality.

    - & nbsp- & nbsp-

    Made into the state register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation since 2013, is protected by a patent.

    Authors: Kovtun V.I., Grichenikova T.A., Romanyukina I.V., Marcarova Zh.R., Beloborodova T.V., Samofalova N.E., Ilichkina N.P., Kovtun L.N., Skripka O.V., Samofalov A.P., Kopus M.M., Derov A.I., Derova T.G., Ionova E.V., Ignatieva N.G., Firsova T.I., Vasyushkin N ., Dmitryukova L.A.

    Origin. Created by the method of inter sorted hybridization, as the source forms were used: Maternal variety - the Don Lighthouse, the father's grade - Umaka.

    General characteristics. A variety - Lyutenszen. The spikes are white, heavy, cylindrical, medium length (7-8.8 cm), medium density.

    The grain of medium size, the mass of 1000 grains of 37-44 g., Egg-shaped, red, furridge shallow. Refers to medium-grained varieties. The height of plants is 96-104 cm, has a high resistance to the lodging (at the level of don 93).

    Yield. The average yield in competitive trials on the predecessor of corn on the Silo for 5 years (2009-2013) was 5.63 t / ha, excess over Don 95 - 0.30 t / ha. According to the predecessor, sunflower (2010-2013) - 4.14 t / ha (+0.45 t / ha K don 95), peas (2011-2013) - 5.98 t / ha (+0.30 t / ha K don 95). Maximum yield - 8.42 t / ha (+0.56 t / ha K don 95) was obtained in 2011 on a black pair at the Rostov GSU (Rostov region).

    Mukomol and bakery qualities. The quality of grain meets the requirements of the GOST imposed on valuable wheat.

    Resistance to disease and climatic conditions. The grade is highly resistant to brown rust and dusty head. Middle resistant to mildew. Frost resistance high (at the level of Tarasovskaya Standard 29). According to the department of physiology and biotechnology, drought resistance and heat resistance high (I stability group), the stability index is 273 rel. units.

    The cultivation zone. It is allowed for use in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation for sowing on a high and medium agrofon.

    Major advantages. A half-intensive type for sowing over couples and non-spacing predecessors. It has a high potential of productivity, is characterized by high stability to the main stress factors of the North Caucasus region.

    Lydia is entered into the state register of the selection achievements of the Russian Federation since 2014, is protected by a patent.

    Authors: Grichenikova T.A., Kovtun V.I., Romanyukina I.V., Marchenko D.M., Skripka O.V., Vasyushkin N.E., Firsova T.I., Derova T.G. Dmitryukova L.A., Samofalova N.E., Ionova E.V., Kopus M.M., Ilchichina N.P., Kravchenko N.S., Samofalov A.P., Verbickskaya V.I., Dubinina .A., Ovsyannikova G.V.

    Origin. Created by the method of inter sidic hybridization, as the source forms were used: the mother line - 1942/98, fatherly grade - Ermak.

    General characteristics. A variety - Eritrospermum. The spacing is white, osty, cylindrical, medium length (6.8-9.1 cm), medium density. The grain of medium size, the mass of 1000 grains of 44-47, egg-shaped, red, furridge shallow. Refers to medium-grained varieties. Plant height - 80-95 cm, has high resistance to loneways.

    Yield. The average yield in competitive trials on the predecessor of corn on the Silo for 5 years (2009-2013) was 6.06 t / ha, excess over Don 95 - 0.65 t / ha. High yield gains are obtained by predecessors: black couples - +0.46 t / ha (6.91 t / ha), peas - +0.53 t / ha (6.21 t / ha) and sunflower - +0.50 T / ha (4.19 t / ha). The maximum yield is 8.23 \u200b\u200bt / ha (+0.16 t / ha to Art. Ivina), obtained in 2013 on the grainbobs in Kochezhevsky GSU (Stavropol Territory).

    Mukomol and bakery qualities. Valuable wheat.

    Resistance to disease and climatic conditions. On the artificial infectious background of infection, the Lydia variety has high resistant to brown rust and dusty head. Middle resistant to mildew. It is distinguished by a high level of frost-resistance and drought resistance.

    Time sowing. Optimal for zone.

    Major advantages. Highly productive variety, resistant to the damage to a rust and dusty head, with a high level of drought resistance and frost-resistance.

    Axigna was submitted to the State Register of Selection Achievements of the Russian Federation since 2014, was protected by a patent.


    Created by the method of intraspecific complex step hybridization, with participation in crossing two varieties of local selection Maternal variety: line 1106/97 (gift Don 1312/88), fatherly grade:

    General characteristics. A variety - Eritrospermum. The lowest variety, the height of the plants is 85-88 cm, resistant to lodging and squeezing the grain in the spike. Refers to varieties of early ripening time. Grain red, vitreous, medium size 39-46

    Yield. Average yield in sowing for a couple of 2007-2014.

    - 6.58 t / ha. Potential yield - 9.60 t / ha.

    Mukomol and bakery qualities. Strong wheat. Content in the grain of crude protein 14.9%, gluten 3 31.1%, quality of gluten (IDK) - 98 E.P., Bakery force of flour - 270 E.A., the volumetric yield of bread from 100 g of flour - 643 cm3, total Evaluation of bread - 4.1 points, Valitoriferic test estimate - 67 E.F.

    Resistance to disease and climatic conditions. Morozozozi-resistant variety, drought-resistant. It has high resistance to brown rust, medium resistant to the damage to mildew.

    The cultivation zone and predecessors. It is allowed to cultivate in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation for 4 and 5 zones of the Rostov region.

    Time sowing. Optimal for zone.

    Save rate. 4.5-5.0 million Chair grains per 1 hectare.

    Major advantages. Low-power, intense, plastic high-yielding grade with good bakery properties.

    Nakhodka is submitted to the state register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation since 2015, is protected by a patent.

    Origin. Created by the method of intraspecific complex stepped hybridization. Maternal grade - 1027/96 [Granographer 8 x 1659/90]. Father's grade - 1116/97.

    General characteristics. A variety - Lyutnescenes. Little grade, plants height 91.2 cm, resistant to lodging and sprinkling grain, medium-gray ripening period, the growing period of 267 days.

    Yield. The average yield in the crops for a couple of 2007-2014. - 6.69 t / ha, potential yield - 9.50 t / ha. Good grades shown on the predecessor peas.

    Mukomol and bakery qualities. Valuable wheat. Content in the grain grain of the crude protein 16.35%, gluten 8.0%, quality of gluten (IDK) - 77 E.P., Bakery force of flour - 318 E.A., the volumetric yield of bread from 100 g. Flour - 600 cm, The overall score of the bread is 3.5 points, the value of the test is 90 E.F., the number of falls - 442 seconds.

    Resistance to disease and climatic conditions. Heat resistant, drought-resistant grade. It is characterized by high resistance to brown rust, malical dee, is not affected by dusty heads, the average susceptible to the impact of septoriasis.

    The cultivation zone and predecessors. Massed to cultivation in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation.

    Time sowing. Optimal for zone.

    Save rates. 4.0-5.0 million Chair grains per 1 hectare.

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