Repairs Design Furniture

Tree tray with their own hands. Making wooden surfaces. Tray with your own hands. Old frame from the picture

Wooden tray with their own hands, design drawings, detailed description and order of assembly.

The design allows you to transfer various objects in such a way that it does not roll anything from it, thanks to the sides around the perimeter. Carefully made product made of wood will suit any kitchen, if it is ate in a single style.

The figure shows the detail of the tray:

1. Transverse side.
2. Longitudinal side.
3. Bottom.
4. A pen.
5. Wooden waders 5 x 20 (mm).
6. Wooden waders 5 x 25 (mm).
7. Screw on a tree 3 x 16 (mm).

Material for manufacture: Oak, beech or other wood varieties that will fit well into the interior of the room.

Specification of the sizes of materials:

Transverse side of 10 x 25 x 340 (mm) - 2 (pcs.)
Longitudinal side of 10 x 25 x 440 (mm) - 2 (pcs.)
Handle - 10 x 30 x 80 (mm) - 2 (pcs.)
bottom - 6 x 348 x 448 (mm) - 1 (pcs.)

Transverse side

Longitudinal side


A transverse side and a handle can be made from different varieties of wood.

I cut out from the sheet of moisture-resistant plywood thickness 6 (mm). We will place the center and drill through holes under the used screws with a secret head. From the back, drill holes with a large drill, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the head of the screw applied. Schalmed with sharp edges and apply paintwork decorative coating.

Wooden tray manufacturing technology:

1. Prepare the necessary material.
2. Let's make all the details of the assembly.
3. Connect longitudinal and transverse sides in a spike on the adhesive connection. The resulting frame is fixed, strictly observing between the side the straight angle. In the corners, drip through holes Ø 5 (mm). In the holes, on the glue, insert the wooden waders of 5 x 25 (mm).
4. In the grooves of the crossburses, on the glue, insert the handles. At the edges of the handles, on top, drill holes Ø 5 (mm), a depth of 20 (mm). In the holes, on the glue, insert the wooden wars 5 x 20 (mm).

5. Gently remove the squeezed glue.
6. After the adhesive dry, proceed to the finishing processing of the collected tray frame:

Alive surfaces
Schalmed sharp edges
We apply an antiseptic on a tree
Call the front surfaces with a paint and varnish decorative layer

7. Screws on a tree screw to the bottom of the bottom.

This material for romantics who love to arrange surprises and themselves are not averse to breakfast in bed or just have a snack, sitting on a soft sofa. We have already told about how from, and now it's time to make a consumer tray - and this time from the tree. We picked up the easiest and all available ways, so you will not need a joiner talent.

Master Class No. 1. Tray from the photo frame for 1 evening

The easiest way to make a tray with your own hands is to remake in it the usual photo frame.

Buy or remove the wooden photo frame from the wall of the appropriate size. Well, if you find a frame with a strong bottom and reliable fasteners, then you do not have to change the substrate, and you can update the decor of the mood tray.

So, proceed. Remove the cardboard substrate, remove everything too much and put the glass into place.

Now the cardboard from the photo frame needs to be decorated as you like. You can glue or simply apply a decor from various materials. It can be: bright fabric, a piece of wallpaper, postcards, yellowed pages, herbarium, etc. In our master class, the substrate is simply tightened with a cloth and glued with a glue gun. Instead, you can use PVA or any other glue. After the decor is ready, put the substrate on the glass and fix it (leaf photos to the right).

And now you need to fasten beautiful furniture handles suitable size. You can fasten them either on the side or on top of the frame. To do this, you will need a knob actually, 4 screws, a drill with a small drill and, of course, a screwdriver. You first need to apply the handles to the frame, align them, then mark the holes, drill their drill with a suitable drill and, finally, fasten the knobs on the screws using a screwdriver as shown in the photo below.

Well, that's all, your serving tray is ready! Or ... almost ready.

  • For reliability and giving the severity to our tray (so that it stands exactly on a soft surface) it is better to further strengthen it from below. To do this, you need to take a fane, attach a frame to it, circle it along the contour and cut out the jigsaw. The resulting workpiece must be pulled around the edges, and then paint on the appropriate color (pre-trunking). As soon as Plywood dries, you will only have to attach to the plywood to the frame with small screws, carnations, self-drawing or furniture stapler. Such a tray will be withstanding even the hardest breakfast in bed.

Based on this master class, you can make it easy to make beautiful trays with a variety of decor. For example, you can make such a serving tray with a stilt bottom, where you can write romantic notes in chalk.

  • The substrate can be painted either by stylist paint, or shock chalk wallpaper.

And here is the other ideas of the decor both the framework and the substrate. As you can see, you can come up with a variety of designs - in a vintage style like Provence or Shebby Chic, in a classic style or in modern, using fabric, photos, colored paper, wallpaper, pages from books (leaf photos to the right).

Also, this master class will come in handy to you for the manufacture of interior trays for magazine or dressing tables, where candles and books can find their place, or decorations, cosmetics and spirits.

Master class number 2. Tray from the kitchen headset for 2 pm

You can make a serving tray with your own hands not only from the photo frame, but also from the old door of the kitchen cabinet, the dresser bedside tables and other furniture. This tray is made somewhat longer, but it will be much more reliable, more practical, more durable and contains more delicacies for breakfast!

The order of action is:

  1. Remove all loops.
  2. We remove the old coating of sandpaper of large grain.
  3. At this stage, the external part of the tray, if desired, can be cleaned with a metal brush to remove soft fibers from the tree.
  • this reception will make the surface of the door even more "old" and coarse, but, on the other hand, the effect of the octoralness in the style of Shebbi Chic and Provence can be achieved without it.
  1. Clean the door and from its back side, close the holes from the loop of the shpatleeveka for the tree or the polyester putty. Patchworks are also slightly grinding and clean the entire door again. In principle, this stage is not required if the holes from the fasteners do not confuse you.
  2. Clean, dry door cover primer for wood in 1-2 layers. Each layer must dry carefully.
  3. Now you need to take a sandpaper again, but already medium grain and go through it all over the surface.

  1. Again, we wipe the door completely and dry, and then begin to paint our future tray. A small tassel (nerminating!) Cove the surface 1 layer of paint. And then you need to mark a couple of nuances:
  • if you want to make a tray or, then the first layer of paint should be dark, and the second and third - light;
  • if you want the bottom of the tray to paint the stylist paint as in this master class, then, before applying dark green paint, proof by the bottom of the bottom of the painting scotch tape (see photo above);
  • if you do not have a brush, then a clean cotton rag will be fully combined for work.
  1. When the first layer of paint dries completely, cover the door to the finish paint, the one that is lighter.
  • For the manufacture of a "chalk" tray at this stage (or after it) you need to apply, in fact, the stylist paint first in 1 layer, giving it time for drying, and then 2 layers. After the 2nd layer is driving, we rush again with a scotch border of the stilt bottom and proceed to staining the doors of the finish paint (you can, on the contrary, first apply the finish paint, wait until it dies, and then apply a stylist).
  1. And now the surface of the tray needs to be glued with fine-grained sandpaper, in some places exposing the dark paint layer (again, if desired).
  2. And finally, Krepim handles: We note the place of attachment for them and tighten the screws. Wu-ala, serving tray for breakfast in bed ready!

By the way, if you painted the bottom of the griffin paint as in this master class, then the resulting tray can be used not only as a serving tray with messages, but also as a board for menus and domestic notes.

And here is the other ideas of making beautiful trays with their own hands from the old wooden door (leaf!).

What to give for a holiday to a woman who has everything? Of course, the atmosphere of the holiday. And you need to start from the very beginning. Giving only what they did specifically for her. What woman does not want to start her holiday with a fragrant cup of coffee in bed? And only the closest people know the preferences of the ladies - vintage luxury or expensive simplicity. Tray is a simple detail that can emphasize your attitude towards your beloved woman.

What is a tray?

Of course, in the store it is easy to purchase any tray - dear and not very, for everyday use or solemn incidents. But make a tray with your own hands will be much more interesting. To begin with, we'll see what it is.

This is a certain surface on which you can put several items and transfer them to another place. Trays must have flights. Without them, the products are also there, but it does not add them practicality. A tray without sideboards is undesirable to submit to bed, since the unstable surface of the bed may contribute to the spilled fluid on the underwear, and this, you see, will upset any hostess. So, the tray is not just a board with handles, but be sure to face.

Tray from Photo Frames

How to make a tray with your own hands? There are several ways. The simplest supposed to take almost ready-made trays. For example, you can purchase a cutting board without a handle. The board may be wooden, plastic, plywood. The main thing is that it does not be bombed under little weight and it could be working with it.

By the size of the boards, pick up a photo frame. It is not necessary to save on the glass, as any decor can be hidden under it, for example, a photo that will remind a pleasant day for a long time.

The frame should be screwed to the blackboard with self-draws or navigate. If the material is not amenable to such a fastener, you can glue. To make it easier to take a tray, on both sides we attach furniture retractable handles. Previously, everything can be painted in the desired color or decorate in any way.

Old doors from lockers

Many masters offer not to throw out doors from lockers, but to use them to create a tray with their own hands. For this we take the door that has flights. Disconnect all the attached fittings from it. We clean the existing irregularities, eliminate flaws. If required, we wash the place where the loops were screwed, putty.

Do not leave flaws in the hope that when decorating they will be covered. It is better to eliminate them and not sculpt the decor to where the hole or chick. Decorative elements are better to place where the sense of excellent suggests. Decorating to taste. Next, screw the handles. Tray ready.

Old frame from the picture

If there is an old frame in the house, in which the mirror stood or was kept photos, it is possible to apply it as a beautiful side of the tray. Cut from plywood bottom along the size of the frame, decorate the resulting plane of the tissue. Rodyshko can also be painted or making decoupage using paper patterned napkins.

If there is glass with the frame, it is possible to use it as an additional decoration. Perhaps the picture stored in the frame can be used to decorate the tray. You can fasten the handle to the frame to not disturb the drawing.

The robe itself can be updated with gold paint. A good solution will use varnish or resort to the deceleration to emphasize the beauty of the drawing.

Boards in the case

If there is a desire to make a tray with your own hands and get something original, you need to take a board and rack. To polish well and the more. Cut the board with a saw or an electric bike to the same pieces. At the edges, connect them to the rail, having to have it to the end parts of the boards. You can rip or cover with varnish, paint in any color or decorate to taste the future owner of the tray.

To make a tray of wood with your own hands, no special skills need. Next, we screw the finished handles from the furniture or perform them from thick ropes, the hole is pre-drilled in the right places. If you make rope handles is more authentic, then the tray can be used as a suspended shelf, and adjust the length of the handles can be from below using special clamps for this.

Beauty from plywood

You can make your own tray of plywood. It has long been known that plywood is a very fatty material. If there is a skill, fantasy and a minimum set of wood processing tools, you can make an amazing beauty tray with a unique design.

Of course, it will be not easy to call it, but as a decoration for the kitchen, he will definitely like any hostess. Main, patience and desire. You can think about the design yourself, and you can simply be highlighted on the Internet and make something that has already invented by the real master.

Trays on legs

Some models of trays suggest the presence of legs. Make your own hands the tray on the legs will not be difficult. Currently, you can buy ready-made legs that will only be attached to the homemade tray.

If you want to think about everything yourself, then in building materials stores you can find a large number of tubes that are suitable for the table made by their own hands. In addition to the tubes themselves there are all sorts of connectors that can act as decor. If there is a skill, attach them to the tray will be easy. If there is no skill, you can simply watch the video in which the masters are divided by their developments.

Decorating the trays

Make a tray is half. It must be decorated. Several ways of decoration for trays:

The easiest is to cover with varnish. If the tray is made of wood, its texture itself will become the most pleasant decoration. You can purchase a squeezing varnish, which will give the ability to drawing.

If the tree is not interested in the decor, you can make a decoupage on a tray. Always original, fashionable and attractive. In addition, it is quite simple to do it. Choose the pictures you like, stick them to your liking, covered with varnish - a unique tray ready.

You can paint a tray using stencils.

Mosaic will also become a decent solution. Only for the embodiment of this idea are needed skills. If a lot of small coins accumulated in the house, they can also be used to decorate the tray.

The main thing to remember for whom the tray is preparing and what the tastes of the one who will give it.

In this article, I will talk about several uncomplicated techniques, with the help of which you can give a wooden surface a little aged look. Thus, it is convenient to handle any products made of soft wood. We will train on the example of a pine tree tray. Such a tray is obtained convenient for use, it looks good just like the subject of the interior as the background when shooting photos, and just raises the mood for your brightness! And extremely easy to manufacture!

Necessary materials:
Board or piece of shield from soft wood;
Corsa / nozzle on a drill + drill or screwdriver;
Dust removal brush from the surface
Artistic acrylic of several colors
Bristles bristles, flots
Palette or Capacity for Color Mix
Capacity with water washing with brushes
Sandpaper (60 or 80)
Acrylic soil for wooden surfaces (or diluted with water 1: 1 acrylic varnish)
Acrylic lacquer for finishing
Pens (for example, for furniture) and screws / screws for their attachment

A few words about the basis. Ideally, I would choose the board with interesting edges. But in the winter season, find a nice board is difficult, but in construction stores there are furniture shields and there is free sawing when you buy. The lack of a shield is that it is designed from several bars and a single relief on the surface will not work. True, when painting, which will be discussed, it will not be noticeable on the finished product. However, if you cover a tree only with a verse and refrain from staining - it will be visible. But this material is easily accessible at any time of the year. I chose a shield of 30 * 2000 and saw it immediately on 4 pieces - 4 blanks for trays.
For the first stage, we will need a tank / nozzle on a drill + drill or screwdriver. At this stage, we will remove soft fibers from a wooden surface, showing a natural relief. Cheaper buy a pin and wrapping her - but it is quite a long physical work. You can buy a nozzle on a drill or a screwdriver, it works much more efficiently. When removing soft fibers, there are a lot of wood dust, so I extremely do not recommend doing this indoors. It is most convenient for the dacha: there, as a rule, there are no problems with electricity near the house and you can use a drill. In the city it is quite problematic to find electricity on the street, so I used a screwdriver. It is convenient, except that the charge of his battery lacks for processing the entire board and it has to recharge it. But the dusty part of the work can be made on the street.
And a pin, and the nozzle need to work equally - to spend along the fibers, and not across. Then soft fibers will be thrown away, and solid remaining in place. How much exactly to rub is the matter of taste, I am rather hard for work, in the end the deep grooves are formed, the relief is similar to the old tree, as if the board was left for several years on the street.

This is how the board looks like after processing

With the help of sandpaper (or grinders - so more efficient), process the edges of the board, so it can be given a more finished look and protect the user tray from scratches that can leave sharp boards:

At the end of this stage, be sure to clean the board with an elastic brush from wood dust, sulfing it from all recesses. I use a slightly wet brush, so as not to breathe dust once again.

Now you can proceed to staining. There are many options, but in general, the order is observed: the first step we ask the lowest, the main color. The first layer should be qualitatively laid and scratch everything is necessary, it is in them that it will be visible on the finished product. I use a dark veil, which is called an "old tree", the dark color will shine and create an antique effect of a wooden base. In addition, the simulator spreads very well through the fibers and fills all the deepening itself, so that non-flocks can not be worried. By samples and after a certain number of bottles with Morilki went to the trash can, I chose Liberon's simulators. The most important advantage of these verses in a uniform distribution over the surface, without undertaking and properly. I came across the simulators that roll from the surface, instead of getting absorbed into it, and ultimately form ugly stains, which are given in color (when, as a good simulator looks like a tree from the very beginning it was precisely this shade from the very beginning). There are in the sale of hybrids of the simulatory and varnish, you can use this option, in this case the next step (applying the soil) can be skipped. Introduce the similet I am a flots (with a wide bristing flat brush).

Even if you use the best storm in the world, the chapels are better not allowed, this is a guarantee that the color will be applied evenly.

A distinctive feature of good in quality of the verses - they show the texture of a tree, that is, soft fibers of the fabric due to the best absorption, are stained stronger and become darker than denser, solid fibers. The first stage we created a relief that is very well emphasized when painting.

After drying, the painted surface looks like this:

To be honest, I'm struggling with a temptation to cover with varnish this beauty and nothing else to do with it. But it is not sports. Therefore, we continue and before the next stage (the overlay of the color), I recommend to scroll through the entire surface of the acrylate primer (any company, the main thing is suitable for wooden surfaces). Since acrylic paints on a water basis, if you do not pave a layer of soil, water freezes the simulator and paint paint into a dark color, its brightness will disappear. Soil allows it to avoid.

That's what happened - it would be possible to leave in this form! What can be more beautiful than the warmth of natural tree.

But continue! For the next layer, we will need acrylic paint and bristle brushes, as well as sandpaper. The whole principle of color is in the cycle of action "Role - skin", these actions need to repeat while the result you will not like it. By adding new shades close to the previous one, the color can be made more difficult and greater, seeking the feeling that the board was painted several times over the years and the lower layers of paint are visible through the rubbed places in the upper layers.

I advise you to choose a color for color present in your interior as the main or additional (depending on which the background will be subsequently located). This color must be divided into two or three tones (the color present in the interior and two colors, by tone lighter and darker first), you can pick up and subsequently a couple of bright smears. The first is better to apply the brightest shade. Acrylic paint, though the crueling, but in some places, the thin layer of paint will still be shifted. And the color, laid on a white or light paint, will look brighter than the same color put on a dark basis. Thus, inflicting the first light shade, we prepare the basis for the bright and saturated second and subsequent layers. A little about acrylic paints: it is very convenient in water-based paints. They do not smell, dry during an hour, depending on the thickness of the layer, which allows them to work without interruptions. They have bright, rich shades in the palettes of different manufacturers, which can also be mixed with each other to obtain any shades. The thickened paint can be diluted with water. Brushes need to be washed immediately after use under running water. If the paint dries on the brush - it does not wash off. You can choose acrylic paints from any manufacturers, but it is best to take artistic acrylic - it has a dense consistency and is well applied to the surface. The interior paints can also be suitable. I do not advise you to use cheap acrylic from stationery stores for children's creativity, it often comes across slice and rolls off the surface, it is absolutely impossible to work with it. I have in the arsenal acrylic paints of Maimeri Acrilico and artistic acrylic "Ladoga" and the company Gamma. The light blue shade is already in the Maimeri Acrim panel, it is quite suitable for me, I'll start with him.

To work, I take a bristle brush with a rigid pile. It is important not to wet a brush in the water before work, otherwise the bristles will become soft and any bend will be repeated on the surface when it is important for me to keep in the recesses of the relief, the original color. When staining the relief, keep the brush perpendicular to the stroke conducted (as in the photo), in this case, individual bristles will not fall into the recesses and, accordingly, painting them. The paint should be thick, if it is fresh, it is not necessary to dilute it with water. Singing the required amount of paint on the palette, if necessary, mix multiple colors to get the desired shade. There should be no paint on the brush, it should be semi-dry. When applied paint, do not press much on the brush, the smears should be made with light movements, slightly touching the bristles to the surface.
1st side of the board:

2nd side of the board:

Add acrylic colors optionally. Skin-paint, how much does the shower require and your taste:

Several smears Bellyli:

After that, I decide that enough. In conclusion, the board must be covered with varnish - better also acrylic. They are matte, semi-wax and glossy, are sold as in art stores with small volumes, as in the racial stores in liters. Acrylic varnishes do not change the shades of the base, they will also quickly dry and do not smell. I usually choose a matte or semimatite varnish.
After drying, varnish will have to solve the most difficult question: what side will be facial. You can buy handles that are easy to fasten the side of the board, and not through it, then you can turn the board for your mood. In my version of the end-to-end mount, so that the choice of the front side has to think firmly.

Many of us love to have a snack sitting on a TV watching any interesting film, but without a tray immediately do not bring a lot of snacks, and for the crumbs on the furniture and the floor, it may be unlawfully able to fly from the beautiful half)) just as convenient to bring breakfast to bed Woke up your favorite person with a pleasant aroma of cooked fresh coffee. In general, the adaptation is useful in home use.

Make a tray of wood is quite simple, for what you need to take boards from the pallet or a wooden box, to fool and sand. With the help of joinery and clamps, glue into one whole board, and then make fires from the popolemic or aspen board. The resulting surface is covered with varnish on a polyurethane basis, and the sides are painted with white paint.

And so, let's look at what exactly will need for the manufacture of a tray?


1. Boards from the pallet or wooden box
2. Clay joinery
3. Self-timers
4. Putty for wood
5. Polyurethane lacquer
6. White paint in the can


1. Hoven
2. Planning
3. Grinding machine
4. Screwdriver
5. Brush
6. Clamp
7. Emery paper
9. Pencil
10 Malyary Scotch

Step-by-step instructions for making a tray of natural wood with their own hands.

As already mentioned above, the first thing is necessary to prepare a plate of disassembled pallet or a wooden box. Split on the same size, handle the plans and sand.

Then the obtained billets should be glued together into a single whole, this can be done using carbon black and clamps. The edges of each board are missing with glue and are attached to each other, when everything is collected and missed everything is tightened with clamps.

In this position, the board must be until complete drying of the glue, and this is at least 24 hours, after which the clamps are slowly weakened and removed, and the excess glue from the surface is removed using the chisel.

Then the surface is thoroughly primed with a grinding machine or ordinary sandpaper.

We remove the chisel all too much and align.

Then carefully stall with the help of sandpaper, so that there are no burrs.

This box is twisted by clamps and is in this position until the glue is dry.

If you used self-tapping screws for assembling the design, then the hats should be dried in advance in the cavity of the wood by conducting the cencing of the holes, and then sharpen the screws of the screws with putty on the wood. This putty can be prepared independently, for which you need carbon black and sawdust after grinding (small) mix with glue and bring to a homogeneous mass, a thick semolina porridge should be obtained)) and then simply we simply apply the prepared composition to the desired place and recall. Nothing worse than the store analogue)

Excess glue is removed by the chisel and the surface is grinding the grinding machine.

After that, the tray needs to be painted and covered with varnish, the lower part of the master jars with painting scotch, so that when applying paint, paint did not get into it.

Painting work is best carried out in a well ventilated room, if there is no such easy to go out and paint. Do not forget about elementary protection tools (respirator, gloves)