Repairs Design Furniture

How to clean the toilet with hydrochloric acid. How can I clean the toilet from the blade. How to remove stone in the toilet to folk remedies

From which material was not made to the toilet, over time, deposits will appear in the form of yellow climb and blade. These pollution do not pose a threat to human health. But since they exude an unpleasant smell and look far away from aesthetically, it is recommended to remove the uricat stone immediately after the appearance.

Why does the toilet bearing appear?

The main factors for the deposition of blades are:

  1. Rare and low-quality cleaning toilet bowl. If you do not wash the toilet thoroughly, at least once a week, then the rim will constantly settle tax. And, over time, its layer will only thicken.
  2. Frequent cause of pollution - irregular washing. It concerns families with young children, or very economical people. If the wash is not carried out after each hike in the toilet, then mineral raids becomes so dense that it will be extremely difficult to wash the stone with the help of simple rods and domestic products.
  3. Constant care for plumbing can lead to such a unpleasant phenomenon as damage to the protective coating. When the integrity of the anti-infamous coating is broken, the flare is settled in cracks, and there it is almost no longer possible to wash it.

In order for the toilet to light up as long as possible and looked well-kept, it is necessary to clean it neatly, regularly and only with special means.

How to get rid of climb cleaning agents?

To remove the urinestone, you can use simple cleaning powders, for example, Pimolux or Comet. To do this, it is necessary to learn the water from the toilet, pour into the small amount of powder and rub the fuck. To achieve the desired result, you may need a lot of time and this method cannot be called the most efficient. In addition, the powders scratch the coating and leave behind the microcracks, in which the dirt is clogged with time.

Due to its composition, which includes sodium hydroxide, alkaline means show high efficiency in the blasting of urinary stone.

You can use "White" or "Domasetos". Water should also shut out, apply the selected gel on the surface and leave for 30 minutes. After the specified time, clean the toilet inside and wash off the remnants of the means and the taxation with water. Schemochka is well dissolving unwanted deposits, so the means on its basis coped with even solar pollution.

Funds "Sanita Gel", "Silit" and "Toilet dot" have various acids. They are perhaps the most effective tool to clean the toilet bowl. In addition, such gels often have a disinfectant effect. With their help, you can not only wash the stone, but also get rid of infections. It should be used in the same way as alkaline.

How to get rid of urinary stone with the help of popular methods?

Stone raids can be easily dissolved by folk remedies. Among them can be allocated:

  • vinegar and food soda;
  • lemon acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • chloric

To clean the toilet by vinegar, the fluid must be heated to 30-35 degrees and mix from 0.5 cl. soda. The resulting solution must be evenly distributed over the entire surface inside the toilet and leave all night. By morning, the stone completely dissolve and it will remain only riveted with water. Perhaps this is the best tool to get rid of the stone at home.

Lemonic acid helps to remove the tax, which did not have time to become hard. It is necessary to purchase 4 packages of acids, mix with water droplet and apply for deposits. Leave at least 6 hours, and better for all night. In the morning you need to pull the water and, if necessary, go through the jarshik.

Sorrelic acid is not expensive and effective tool, but it is not all available. Now in its pure form it is sold much less frequently. Acid is easy to use and acts quickly. It is poured on polluted areas and leave for 30-60 minutes. After the specified time, the acid is already a single stone and will only wash it off with water. Another plus of oxalic acid is the lack of an unpleasant odor.

Chlorine not only dissolves the blade, but also disinfects it. The remedy must be pouring inside the toilet and leave for half an hour, and then wash off with water. To achieve a better result, you can walk by the rod.

What are the measures taken in running cases?

If the toilet is already quite old, then on its surface it is possible to detect roughness, chips and cracks. In such cases, even regular cleaning with powerful means will not help avoid the appearance of deposits. Most often, only the replacement of the toilet is helps, but if there is no such possibility yet, you can resort to unconventional methods to remove the blade in the toilet:

  • electrolyte (rechargeable liquid).

To wash the stone, you will need 1 liter. carbonated drink. It is poured into the toilet and leave for 2 hours. "Coca-Cola" the deposit of the deposit, and they can easily be removed from the surface, it will remain only slightly to rub the brush and wash off with water.

If all of the above methods do not help, you can use the electrolyte.

Attention! In no case cannot be used electrolyte in systems with plastic pipes.

The electrolyte quickly corps not only the blade stone, but also the sewasonal wiring. If the sewage pipes are made of iron, then you can apply this method.

The use of electrolyte requires special caution and accuracy. It can easily clean the toilet from stone, but can also leave burns on the body. Therefore, before starting work, you need to take care of your outfit. On a person, there must be a rubber apron, gloves, respirator. Eyes also need to protect the glasses and only after that it takes for acid.

Pour electrolyte must be carefully and slowly so that it does not sprinkle. To do this, keep the container so that it is as close as possible to the toilet. After the fluid is applied to all the necessary sections, you need to wait 15 minutes., Then just wash off the electrolyte, and with it and the blade. No need to regret the water, it costs at least 6 times.

Regardless of what means a person uses, he should always take care of his security.

There should always be gloves on your arms, and on the face of the respirator. If it was not at hand - it is impossible to lower above the toilet. Inhaling evaporation from the reaction of funds completely nothing.

How to prevent the formation of deposits?

In order not to resort to the use of strengths, a number of simple measures can be carried out to prevent problems.

On the surface of any plumbing devices, a limestone raid is formed, with which it constantly has to fight. Toilet bowls, in addition to a limescale, pleases us also by the appearance over time on the walls of the ureas. And in front of the hostess the question arises: how to clean the toilet from the lime-plating and blade? The task seemingly not from the lungs. But in our age scientific progress there is a lot of ways to get rid of these malicious misfortunes. Let's get acquainted closer with those in which you can return to our toilet to the former whiteness.

Reasons for the formation of blade

We all know that the limestone appears as a result of the deposition of minerals contained in our water. But not everyone knows what the urinarystone is and where this attack comes from. Such a plaque is essentially the interaction of the same minerals from water with minerals, which are derived from the urine. As a result of their interaction, a dense raid of gray-yellow color is formed, which does not like the housewives.

Let's look at the reasons why he begins to intensively grow and bring inexperienced hosts to nervous spasms:

  • Very often this can be noticed in the house where there are small children who do not remember what they need to merge. That is, the main cause of the urinary stone is a late or insufficient drain. In this case, mineral deposits from urine settle on the walls of the toilet and remain there.
  • Such a problem may occur when the drain tank is malfunction.
  • If at your home there is a toilet bowl with the rough surface or an old toilet, then the probability of the appearance of the plaque increases many times.

Important! The urinary stone is growing over time and increases, so at the first signs of his appearance you need to "take a bull for the horns", and more precisely start to deal with it immediately.

What to wash the toilet from urinary stone at home? How to do it - we will tell you now.

We are struggling with urinary stone

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home? The easiest way to get rid of this misfortune is to use household chemicals.

Special household chemicals

Pick up a suitable cleaning agent for toilet bowl. This can be done by studying the labels or consulted with the seller.

Important! Do not forget that you will also need gloves and respirator. But children and allergies need to evacuate at this time.

Operating procedure:

  • For a better effect, you need to drain the water from the toilet. This can be done with a mug or any other way convenient for you.
  • Now you need to wear outfit - gloves and respirator.

Important! Of course, you can not do this, but most chemicals are very aggressive and when working in a small placement and bare hands can give you a lot of trouble.

  • The remedy you choose should be applied to the places where the blade has appeared and leave for several hours.

Important! At this time, it is impossible to use the toilet.

  • When enough time passes, to lose the treated places by the rash.

Important! Do not use metal brushes. They can scratch the surface of plumbing, as a result - the raid will be formed even faster.

If the plaque layer was Tolstoy, then you are hardly able to get rid of it from the first attempt, but several repeated procedures will make their job and help cope with the problem.

In addition to different popular toilet cleaning agents, there are other ways to clean the toilet from lime deposits and urinary stone with chemistry.

What else can I remove the blade in the toilet?


You can buy a chlorine bag, pour it into the toilet and leave for the night. This and the stone will destroy, and the bacteria will kill. Yes, and at the price it will cost you inexpensively.


This tool will cope with any touch. Pour it in the toilet and leave for the night, and in the morning the brush remove the remnants of the contamination.

Oxalic acid

It copes very well with similar problems of oxalic acid. It is crystalline. They can be simply filled with dry form to problem areas or dissolve with water or alcohol.

Hydrochloric acid

Very good means - 33% solution of hydrochloric acid. But it requires great caution - the means toxic, it is necessary to protect your hands, respiratory organs.

Wipe the walls, pour the glass to the toilet, and you quickly get rid of all kinds of contamination in 15 minutes. At this time, the cover of the toilet must be closed.

Important! You cannot use this tool if the toilet is connected using plastic pipes.

Liquid battery electrolyte

This method can be used in rare cases - this powerful toolic will perfectly clean your toilet from any plaque, because the composition includes sulfuric acid.

Tank pills

How to wash the toilet from stone and plaque? There are special tank tablets on sale, which are suitable for fighting blade and limestone, and for prevention. It is enough just to put one tablet in the tank. Water is painted into any color.

Important! This tool is disinfected and disinfected the surface of the toilet, extend its service life. In addition, it has, as a rule, a pleasant aroma.

Cleaning folk methods

In the fight against urinary stone, all means are good, and especially the folk methods, because they are not tested for one year. Do not forget to protect your hands and breathing organs and take care of the eyes from splashing when using any of the following funds:

  • A table vinegar will help you in the fight against the blade. He softens all sediments on your plumbing. Before applying it on problem areas, throw out water from the toilet and wipe the inner surface with a dry cloth. Leave for 2-6 hours, and then clean the brush, just not metallic. Such cleaning can be repeated several times until the toilet cleansing is completely cleansing.
  • If simply vinegar did not help, then mix it with food soda - by 200 grams of vinegar there is one tablespoon of soda, or with iodine in a 1 to 1 ratio, and warm up to 50 degrees.
  • What to remove the blade in the toilet? One of the simplest and affordable means is citric acid. Several bags of this fund can dissolve any flask. Moreover, the procedure can be repeated several times until the problem is complete.
  • It will help to cope with the problem and food soda, generously sprinkled to sediment places. It is also falling asleep overnight and leave, and by the morning they are cleaned with the remains of the plaque. For greater efficiency in soda, you can add any cleaning agent.
  • In the extreme case, you can try the "sprite" or "Coca-Cola". They contain a lot of citric acid, which will dissolve flask. It will take 2-3 liter bottles that will have to pour into the toilet.

Prevention measures

In order not to have such serious problems, it is necessary to make preventive measures and not bring your toilet to such a state when it has to be purified by hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. The urinary stone appears gradually and grows on the launched plumbing. Therefore, we take measures to prevent:

  • Periodically we clean the toilet with special means. With small pollution, any remedy will cope, especially chlorine-containing.
  • Note that your tank does not tech. If it is faulty and flows all the time, it leads to the formation of a plaque. Especially in those regions where rigid water.
  • Excellent prevention will be special plates that are attached to the walls of the toilet. They purify the surface with each wash.
  • The blade is faster formed on rough surfaces, so hot waste does not pour hot waste into the toilet so that microcracks are not formed.
  • If you have a very old damaged toilet, then the problem will not be solved so simple, you need to buy a new one, with a glossy surface.

Any kind of pollution needs to be deleted in a timely manner, most importantly in the question, how to clean the toilet - to choose the detergent in time and clean the unpleasant deposits at the initial stage. In addition to professional cleaning drugs, there are many people's recipes capable of providing in this case a wonderful result.

It is much easier to find a faithful tool than laundering a toilet from yellow plaque, if you know the origins of this problem. The main cause of constant pollution of the plumbing device is a constant leakage of water. Thin trickle of the fluid brings with them oxides of metals and lime substances that settle and in a couple of years are able to reach a centimeter layer. The second reason is the old grungy toilet, on the smooth porcelain or faience, the dirt is postponed at times slower.

The main types of deposits on the toilet:

How to wash rust in the toilet?

Solve the problem, how to wash the toilet inside, where water, from old rust can be checked factory detergents. For this purpose, acids, alkalis or abrasive powder preparations are suitable. Depending on the value of the substance they work at different speeds and efficiency. Acid or alkali can simply pour into water, wait a few minutes and washed off with water, the whole dirt dissolves and goes into the sewer. The powders work tiringly, it is necessary to carefully clean the ceramics selected, they can scratch the surface.

Examples of grinding cleaning preparations:

  1. Abrasive means- Pimolux, Sarma, Comet.
  2. Alkaline drugs - Domestos, "Every day" (cleaning gel).
  3. Acid - orthophosphoric acid (100 g 85% solution of 0.5 liters of water), Cillit, "Toilet duckling".

What to clean the toilet from a lime-plating?

Thinking over how to clear the toilet from lime deposits, you need to pay attention to acid detergent reagents. The potent substance is a car rechargeable electrolyte consisting of a solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water. Industrial 33% sulfuric acid has powerful detergent properties, and is suitable for this case. It is necessary to work with the above preparations extremely carefully, they highlight a couple dangerous to the body.

The task than washing the flare in the toilet, we solve with the help of acids as follows - pump water from the device, we distribute the reagent over the surface of the toilet, withstand 20 minutes (can be several hours depending on the degree of contamination). Next, we rinse the surface with water and repeat the process if necessary. When cleaning the toilet bowl, be sure to protect the vital organs with a respirator, glasses, gloves.

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone?

Solving the problem, how to clean the toilet inside from the blade, can be performed using whiteness. Pump fluid from the device, pour the bottle of the working solution inside and leave for the night. If necessary, next night we repeat the work to achieve an acceptable result. Waste the toilet bowl from the blade with sprouting acid, electrolyte, Cillit, toilet duckling and other universal cleaning agents.

How to wash black in the toilet?

It is always easier to engage in preventive measures, and not to expect strong pollution or testing potent acids and reagents at home. In solving the problem, how to correctly clean the toilet from mud deposits of any origin, deodorizing tablets for tanks and a drain hole are helped. They remove rust and other dirt from the walls and parts of the mechanism, possess whitening effect, kill microorganisms, prevent the formation of urinary and limestone stone.

Examples of toilet cleaning tablets:

  • Liaara;
  • Kobayashi (Japan);
  • ARO "Sea Breeze";
  • Bref Cubes;
  • Salix "Sea";
  • Kobayashi Bluelet Dobon Bleach (Japan).

How to clean the blockage in the toilet?

You need to know not only how to clean the toilet from scale, but also to be able to remove strong, which prevents the normal drainage of water into the sewer. The pipeline can be clogged by various reasons, often the negligence relationship of users or children's pranks, when a large number of paper or domestic garbage falls inside the inside falls.

How to clean the toilet to block:

  1. Uncomplicated blockages eliminates boiling water bucket, quickly poured into the sink, to create a strong pressure.
  2. Pour into the toilet floor a pack of food soda in time, through time to drain the dirt with water and clean the surface of the ram.
  3. Applying household chemicals - "Mole" or its analogues.
  4. Use cantuz with a bowl of up to 10 cm in diameter.
  5. In the absence of a vehicle, a cut plastic bottle is used or a "doll-pin" made of cloth wounds.
  6. In severe cases, when all the listed methods, how to clean the home toilet, do not help, causing plumbing, or independently use a flexible cable.

How to clean the toilet tank?

Mineral salts are capable of laying inside the tank, fix on the walls, damage the mechanism. There are different models of sanitary devices, it is desirable first to get acquainted with the scheme of a device that is always supplied by a passport. In the task, how to clean the drain blade of the toilet, much depends on its design. Often its cover is firmly screwed to the drain mechanism. It is necessary to overlap water and unscrew the tank, remove the float and other elements, handle parts and walls of the drain container with detergents.

Tools for cleaning a drain tank and a mechanism:

  • Domestos;
  • white;
  • Cillit;
  • Sanoks gel;
  • DOSIA;
  • Tyron.

Clean the toilet folk remedies

In addition to household chemicals for washing plumbing, many people prefer to apply folk recipes. Reflecting on how to clean the toilet at home safely and with a long effect, read the reserves of products at your kitchen first. There is a lot of good preparations that do not damage the skin of the hands and efficiently remove the raids of different origins.

How to clean the toilet coca-cola?

Orthophosphoric acid and other ingredients that are present in this drink help remove contamination in pipes and scale. If you want to learn how to clean the toilet Coca-Cola, then you need to buy a pair of bottles of refreshing liquid. We descend water from the device, pour the content in the toilet to the toilet overnight or apply a rag to the dirty surface, moistened in our reagent. In the morning, we wash off the sink with water and clean the surface to the brilliance by the brush, removing the remnants of the dirt.

How to clean the toilet with vinegar?

Simple and affordable ways, how to clean the toilet soda and vinegar are the most popular people. It is better to take an apple vinegar to work, but a 9% solution or 70% acetic essence. Pour a glass of reagent in a pan, cover it with a lid, heating the contents on the stove to 50 ° C. You can strengthen the effect of the solution by adding a tablespoon of soda or iodine (1: 1). We pump out water from the toilet bowl, we apply the napkins moistened in the reagent to a polluted place, wait from 2 to 6 hours and remove the remnants of the plastic scraper or the rash.

How to clean the toilet with citric acid?

If we regularly clean the toilet with folk remedies, then do not need to purchase imported chemical reagents or powders made on the basis of severe acid or alkali. Several citric acid bags are a bit, but they can help cope with serious problems in the bathroom or toilet. We apply a powder into the sink, trying to cover them all the problem areas, wait 2-4 hours (better until the morning), carefully consider the remnants of the rack with a rag or cloth. For a better effect, it almost always has to repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

How to clean the toilet cable?

Professional cable, which is used to clean sewer pipes and plumbing devices, looks like a flexible spring from thick and strong wire. If you cannot cope with the problem, how to clean the toilet with chemical reagents, then this tool will help effectively perform this operation to the mechanical manner. It has a spiral ending, allowing easily penetrating into any small holes. In front of the rotating handle, facilitating the cleaning of sewage cleaning.

How to clean the toilet plumbing cable:

  1. Lower the cable inside, pushing the spiral with rotating movements.
  2. Tighten the handle in one direction, trying to pass the pipe bending.
  3. Faced with a block, we continue to twist the handle, trying to break through the dirt layer.
  4. If the cable rests on a dense barrier, then scroll through the handle in the opposite direction, pull it out and remove it with a piece of debris from the tip.
  5. We repeat the procedure.
  6. When the cork begins to move on, continue to screw the cable by rotational movements, pushing the zoom as inside the wide drain pipe.
  7. If you want to clean the plastic tube, the protective cap is put on the end of the steel wire.


Almost all popular brands engaged in the release of household chemicals produce cleaning products for plumbing devices. Already verified in practice, if we purify and my toilet with a high-quality drug, we get a guaranteed success in the toilet room and a long-term effect. A small detergent rating will help determine the best choice and purchase good household chemicals.

The toilet must reign clean and order.

As the rest of the bathroom, the doves are judged - hardly in the apartment with a dirty toilet can be revealed to comply with the general rules of home hygiene.

However, there are all sorts of situations: removable housing, lack of funds for the replacement of plumbing or accommodation in the conditions of communal. However, this is not a reason to leave everything as it is: even a pretty reinforced time and people plumbing can be put in order and clean the trick.

How to restore whiteness and freshness toilet

The main problems facing the "faience products" owners are yellowness, sublifting and deposit:

  • urinary stone;
  • lime laid;
  • and rust clusters.

If the previous owners left the plumbing in the launched state, then it is rapid to work hard to easily work on the elimination of the complex, otherwise it is better to replace everything at once.

Although deposits and differ in their chemical composition, they are equally exposed to the same oxidizing agents.

Household chemicals

Thanks to modern cleaning products, keep the bathroom in purity will not be any difficulty.

The composition of special means for processing plumbing products includes aggressive acids: hydrochloric, oxal, orthophosphorous, sulfamic, etc., which dissolve the urinary and limestone, remove rust and raid.

In case of minor deposits, it is enough to fill the places of their clusters to the toilet gel ("Cillitbang", "Sanoks", "Sanfor", "Adrilan", "COMET for toilet", "toilet duckling", etc.) and wait the required amount of time Specified on the package. It is usually 10-30 minutes, but with severe pollution withstand and 8-12 hours, for example, leave until the morning.

Before processing the neck of the toilet release, pull out water from it or remove it with a vehicle - pushing inside by successive presses.

How to wash the toilet? Video instruction:

Home folk remedies

Acetic or citric acid is also effective in combating blades, lime deposits and redhead.

    Heat 9% vinegar to a temperature of 40 ° C, add the food soda at the rate of 2 tsp. On the glass of liquid and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture abundantly on problem areas and leave for 8-10 hours - the procedure is better made before bedtime.

    Lemon acid is used in pure form. Pour the contents of several bags (quantity depends on the scale of the problem) over the sediments so that the powder covers them, and after 2 hours, rinse the toilet with hot water.


Sodium hypochlorite is a strong oxidizing agent, it destroys the blade stone and limestone, along the way, eliminating the yellowness and traces of rust on the toilet. Pour the contents of one bottle overnight in the neck of the outlet (plum place), and distribute the remaining to the inner surface of the toilet. In the morning, wash the remedy with warm water.

With old and abundant sediments of the blade, the above-mentioned means may be powerless. In this case, it will have to repeatedly repeat the cleaning procedure or apply chemicals more powerful.

Oxalic acid

In its pure form sold in business stores. The tool is poisonous and requires special precautions: use it only in gloves, and face a medical mask or a damp clothto accidentally not breathe it.

Apply the powder of oxalic acid over the height of the urinary stone and lime, leave for 1-2 hours. After time, rinse warm water.

Specialized means of household chemicals

In supermarkets you can buy a professional tool for cleaning pipes - it is very efficient and with respect to salts and lime plates.

Coca Cola

The soft acidity of Coca-Cola makes it an excellent cleaning agent.

Oddly, the strength of the Cola is comparable to the professional means - it is not by chance to clean the pipes and the effluent experienced plumbers recommend that it. Pour 4 liters of beverage in the toilet, pre-removing the water from the drain. Leave on the night, to lower the water in the morning and brush the inner walls.

How to put a drain toilet tank

Over time, on the walls of the tank, the raid accumulates and deposits are formed, which affects not only the drain system, but also on the state of the toilet itself. So, the rust is fraught with the appearance of yellow stripes in places of water descent, and lime deposits on the bottom break the tightness of the valve, as a result of which the tank can barely imply.

To access the inner surface of the tank, you need to remove the lid. How to do it?

    In the old models of float type with a side lever, the cover is not fixed and it can be easily removed, lifting up.

    In models with a vertical rod (the handle for which you need to pull to pull the water) at the beginning it follows, pulling the rod up, twist the handle from the thread, and after it is already removed the lid.

    Modern toilets with a push-button drain system are not much more complicated - to dismantle the cover, you must remove the button along with the rim. This is done like this: Press the drain button and holding it in such a state, wrap the rim counterclockwise several times; Next you can release the button and freely unscrew the item.

Now it's time to proceed to sanitary and hygienic procedures. Eliminate the problem inside the tank will help the same means that are used in the treatment of toilet: the gels based on acids, vinegar, oxalic acid, coca-cola, liquids for cleaning pipes (see recipes above).

    Method 1. Fix the water from the tank. A bottle of cleaning gel ("Sanoks", "SanFor", "Adrilan") pour to the bottom of the tank, wait until the tank is filled with water, and leave for 8-10 hours.

    Method 2. Apply a sponge cleansing agent (liquid, acid powder, gel, vinegar with soda) on the walls, bottom, details of the drain system and leaving the time, then rinse with warm water, drain, and fill the tank again.

Unitaza clogged - what to do?

Vanutuz is usually used in cases where the blockage is still passing and water at least slowly, but leaves the toilet bowl.

If the water from the toilet bowl began to leave slowly, it means that a block formed in the stock system. Before calling plumbing, you should try to cope with your own - in most cases it works.

Before the appearance of modern facilities, the toilet was cleaned by VATUZ, pushing the blockage on, in the sewer pipe, but now another method is popular: with the help of acid, it softens or dissolves its reason and itself goes into the pipe with water flow (of course, if it comes to the subject. in stock).

    Drag the water from the drain, so that it remains very slightly, and falling down the strips of soda in his hole. Push the vehicle with a vacuum as possible and pour the glass of vinegar there. The reaction arises for 20 minutes; After this time, rinse the flow of the toilet bowl with boiling water (1.5-2 liters).

    Use a special tool for cleaning sewer pipes - "Mole", "Tiretturbo", "Deboucher", "Mr. Muskul", etc. Alternatively, a two-liter bottle of "Coca-Cola" can be poured into the drain hole.

How to maintain a "white friend"

In order not to get rid of stone and plaque, plumbing should be kept clean: in time to wash and eliminate deposits inside the drain tank as needed, but at least once every six months.

    Use special gels for cleaning - they are not only whiten, but also disinfect plumbing.

    The cleaning agent is applied evenly on the walls of the toilet, and is distributed throughout its surface - internal and outer. To clean the toilet from the inside, use the herochik, pre-rinse it in water. For hard-to-reach places (under the brine of the toilet, at the fastening of the lid) use an old toothbrush. For lid and seats - disposable napkins.

    The neck of the release will fill with gel and leave for 20-30 minutes to move all the dirt, after which you wipe the brush - so at the same time you clean it. If necessary, it is possible to remove water with a vanza and process the place of the gel gel manually.

    Do not forget to wash the faience product from the outside - for this you will need a disposable paper napkins or towels. Apply a disinfectant, moisten a towel in water and wipe the walls of the toilet outside, including the release.

Put in the toilet room packaging of wet antibacterial napkins and follow the daily bathroom hygiene. With proper care, you will no longer come across the problem of salt sediments, limescale and rust.

Wash the toilet bowl? Easily! Video tips:

Whether you moved to the apartment where the previous owners were spars, if the room was shot in a hostel - this spicy problem will be relevant for you.

So - how to clean the toilet from urinary stone?

Causes of appearance

Before deciding how to remove the urinarystone in the toilet, let's analyze the reasons for its appearance.

Contrary to the title, the stone is not dried on the walls in the tracks of the visits to the sorter. Rather, it consists not only of them.

First of all, these are lime deposits, inevitable where water is taken from the artesian wells or from river water intakes. That is, in essence, everywhere. The dried, sorry, urine serves only a spicy seasoning to lime.

So why does the urinary stone begins to grow?

Why do we have to look for what to clean the toilet from stone?

  • The fixed volume of water contains a very specific amount of dissolved minerals.. The more water passes through the toilet, the more the lime settles on its walls.
    Moreover, most of the water befelling through the toilease not during the inevitable visits, but due to the unregulated tank. Water in it is noticeable, and the contents of the toilet is constantly updated.
  • Accelerates the formation of deposits porous or rough toilet surface. The less irregularities, the less dirt is going on the surface.
    This also applies to rust, and to a lime bloom, and to the urinary stone.

Please note: in glazed toilet bowls from Sanatayans, the surface is smoother and less often to be cleaned.

The ideal option is china, he is even more glad. But this is already a slightly different price category.

Stone depositing methods

Are there any preventive measures? How to prevent the formation of a plaque with an unpleasant smell?

What to do is not to look for than to dissolve thick deposits?

  • Eliminate. It is often enough to simply adjust the float so that the toilet is not overwhelmed. It may be necessary to repair fittings or even its complete replacement.
  • Purchase tablets for the drain tank. They prevent the formation of deposits and let them slowly, but help dissolve already available. In addition, they give water a pleasant color and smell.
  • Do not forget to clean the toilet at least once a week. Apply any cleaning agent and wash off after half an hour easily.
    Search how to remove a stone in the toilet, if he coped for years - tiring. No means will remove the stone of centimeter thickness in five minutes.

Get rid of available deposits

We go to the store

How to remove the blade in the toilet, if it has already been repaid for several years of use?

What can we offer modern household chemicals?

  1. Abrasive cleaning powders. For example, Pimolux. The principle is clear: we put on gloves, pull out all the water from the toilet, we smell the remedy and the three rag, while the snow-white surface will not appear from under the dirt layer.
    Extremely tedious; unpleasant; In addition, the inner surface of the toilet will become after cleaning the rough. Abrasive will leave the glaze or faience surface of microcenarpins. Since so - pollution it will collect faster.
  2. Alkaline cleaners. From imported - "Domasetos", from domestic - "whiteness". As a rule, the basis of the means is a solution of caustic soda.
    It dissolves the blade, after which the remnants of sediments are washed off by rams and water.
    How to clean the toilet from stone with alkali? Again to lean the water and apply it to pollution. After half an hour, wash off, if necessary, repeat several times. "White", however, you can simply pour instead of water - its cost to a funny small.

Tip: If the tank goes at least a little - before cleaning, overcoat the water to the tank, wash and let the water remains.

Otherwise, the alkali will quickly be washed, not having time to dissolve at least part of the deposits.

  1. Acid cleaning products. For example, "Sillit". The principle of action of such the same as alkalis, is applied exactly the same way.
    However, acids are significantly more effectively dissolved by stone and other deposits.

Folk remedies

Something tells us that grandmothers and mothers had to deal with long before the appearance of imported household chemicals in the stores. How to clean the toilet from the blade, if the store with cleaning means is far?

We think: what acts on the urinarystone in the most effective drugs? Acid, right?

Since we understand this - we just need to find a fairly concentrated solution of any acid in any accessible place.

  • Dry oxalic acid is used in the chemical industry for etching surfaces before applying enamels.
    If you have a certain amount of this white substance - it will be useful for you.
    How to remove urinary stone in the toilet with dry oxalic acid? Either apply it to a wet cloth and wipe pollution, or dissolve directly in the toilet the fair amount of it.
    After applying, rinse it and clean the brush surface. Do not forget about gloves.

If you are sold - you can buy. This package is enough for several years
  • The electrolyte for batteries is also acid. Apply and wash in 15 minutes, if necessary, repeat.
  • Almost in any refrigerator there will be acetic essence or sachet with citric acid. In this case, of course, the toilet will have to dried. Do not forget about the sharp smell of vinegar, do not inhale his evaporation.
  • Another popular recipe was born lately. The bottle is simply poured into the toilet - another Coca-Cola or sprite.
    Lemon acid in them quite quickly corrosive deposits. What, by the way, makes you think - is it worth drinking these drinks without worrying for your teeth.


As you can see ways of mass, with some means to deal with the stone you will find at home. Good luck in cleaning!