Repairs Design Furniture

How to find mole: effective ways. You can also use. How to remove mole in the apartment small secrets

The appearance of moths in the house is not related to the level of purity and dwelling. You definitely fail to prevent its reproduction of frequent cleaning. Funds from moths in the apartment need to apply much more radical. Their choice will largely depend on the type of insect.

What does mole appear in the apartment?

The first question arising from people at the sight of gray unspoken butterflies - where does the mole come from in the apartment? The easiest way is through open windows, windows, doors, ventilation. The second is the likelihood of the way - along with clothes (if the mole is wrapped) or with food products (in the case of food mol). Often it starts while storing croup on food warehouses. Mountain larvae is barely noticeable, but just they destroy edible reserves. As in the case of a wrapping subspecies: caterpillars are engaged in clothing, and not flying individuals.

Types of moths in the apartment

There are more than 40 varieties of moths. Most of them live in nature. Mole in the apartment refers to the category of homemade moles. These are small insects, the length of the body together with the wings they reach about 7 mm. When the wings are folded, they have a triangle shape. By its color different types Musual moths differ little among themselves, being in general as inconspicuous.

Black mole in the apartment

Black mole starts in the croups that are stored for too long. It breeds very quickly, because at the first signs of its appearance you need to immediately take action. Before applying this or that means against moth, you need to determine exactly where it lives. Often it prefers warm and dark places where there is no influx fresh air. The main danger to products represent the larvae devouring everything around themselves. Flying insects are males who do not carry a big threat. Female black moths have gray color. They are engaged in making eggs.

Food mole in the apartment

Another variety of moths in the grain - silver-white. The scope of the wings reaches 15 mm. The masonry of eggs is performed by the female. It makes it directly in the croup. Having hatred, the caterpillars will be powered by a web of several grains and feed on them, making them unsuitable for human food. Sometimes food moles settle in dried fruits and various seeds. The best is laundry soap and vinegar. In addition, they do not tolerate sunlight.

Mole in a closet with clothes

Washing and furniture mole are very similar to each other. Both are inhabited in cabinets with fur, woolen and cotton products. They spoil not only clothes, but also upholstery of furniture and carpets. Both types in length reach 5-9 mm, the painting of the wings and the cavity straw is yellow. Furniture mole may be a bit darker, but at first glance, it is very difficult to distinguish them. The larvae represent the main danger, feeding our clothes and leading it to dissent.

Help with moths in the closet Folk remedies - dried Pijm, Lavender, Rosemary, Orange Zeid, tobacco. They are laid out in a closet with clothes. But they only scare away exclusively adult individuals, and they do not act on the larvae. To kill caterpillars, clothing freeze or, on the contrary, warm on the sun, after which the larvae is easily shred. If it is permissible, clothes are erased at maximum temperature.

Wax moth - how to deal?

The danger of bee hives carries wax moth. Her caterpillars feed on honey, wax and perga. In addition, they eaten the larvae bees. Sometimes large colonies of such pests are able to destroy even the insulation on the ule. The fight against wax mole of folk remedies is the etching of cells in sealed tanks with acetic essence. Prevention lies in constant cleaning in the hive, cleaning the cells themselves and cells or a complete change of honeycomb and hive when signs of infection. In the apartment, this type of moth may appear together with infected with honeycomb.

Poplar mole in the apartment

Another kind of moth, which can fly to our house along with the Pooh - Topolina. It breeds on the trees in punch pillows. Getting to our house, it does not cause tangible damage to things or food products. In this case, it can be strongly annoyed by its presence. It will be especially uncomfortable if there are allergies in the house. In addition, such a moth can output an electrical appliance, taking inside them. How to destroy mole in the apartment: you can use adhesive traps and traps that attract their light.

How to find mole in the apartment?

The apartment begins with the search for their habitats and reproduction. Depending on the type of insect, the ways to search and the remedy for moths in the apartment will be different:

  1. How to find a wrapping mole: searching should be started with clothes cabinets. It is necessary to carefully check all the clothes for the presence of larvae, eggs and adults. When they are discovered, it is necessary to process all the clothes with dichlorophos or other aerosol, post it in the sun, clean carefully.
  2. How to detect food mole: This subspecies lives in the kitchen, hiding in bulk croups, dried fruits, tea, nuts that are stored in loosely clogged tanks. You need to carefully check the contents of all packages with food in the apartment. When an infected food is detected, it must be immediately thrown away, and the cabinets are treated with soap and acetial solution.

Effective remedy for moths in the apartment

It is believed that the best remedy for insect pests is something that acts as quickly as possible and completely kills mole at all its stages of development. Anyone industrial From food moth or from its payload, it can be in the form of a spray, fumigator, traps and repel. Folk remedies, mostly designed to scare and prevent adult moth.

Self effective means - These are aerosols. They help to quickly treat large areas, penetrating deep into the fabric, fur and wool. Fumigators also cope well with their task, but their effect is not as fast as aerosol. The traps are calculated on the lubrication of flying individuals, which is ineffective, but as an additional means will be combined.

Essential oils from molia in the apartment

The folk remedy for moths in the apartment as prevention or additional measures to combat involve the use of strongly smelling essential oils:

  • lavender;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • rosemary.

The method of using such oils is to breed several drops in water. This remedy for moths in the apartment can be used for washing the floor, spraying wardrobes, wiping the kitchen surfaces and the internals of lockers, wetting the gauze tampons with their subsequent decomposition of the apartment. The main thing is that after such a processing in the house there is a long time for a long fragrance.

Grass from molia in the apartment

Pahoe herbs are also often used as an effective scaretaling agent from flying moths in the apartment. Decuting everywhere bunches of harsh dry plants can be achieved that mole does not want to live in your closet. Best tool From moths - this is:

  • sagebrush;
  • carnation;
  • chamomile;
  • tansy;
  • marigold;
  • lavender;
  • valerian.

How to fame mole in the apartment?

If you need to quickly get rid of those present individuals, you will need to process the apartment from pray sprays (aerosols). Verified funds:

  1. "Arch". Aerosol for processing coats and other fur products with a pleasant aroma of lavender. It does not leave traces on furniture and clothing, they can be processed not only clothes, but also carpets, curtains, linens. There is a simple "Arch" and enhanced "Arous Expert". The second is used for processing large premises - exhibition halls, shopping pavilions.

  1. "Raptor". Effective against butterflies and larvae. It has a pleasant aroma lavender. It is used to remove wrapping moth. It is not necessary to buy problems - the remedy is sold at any household chemical store.

  1. « Clean house» . Aerosol against moths differing from other similar means. Economical and efficient spray. They can handle clothing, furniture, carpets, curtains, etc.

Mol, of course, does not cause such a wild feeling of disgust as, for example, a cockroach. However, its appearance also brings little joy to the owners of apartments, houses and gardens. It spoils products, destroys the crop and can even eat a favorite and only fur coat. Therefore, the fight against these pests is a priority for all who are familiar with them.

What is myself

Mole is an insect relating to the detachment of butterflies. The size and appearance of the individual depends on its type. Home moths are usually calculated by wrapping, furniture, grain and food. All their adult representatives have small sizes (up to 15 mm) and unsightly painting, for example, gray-green, dirty brown. The insect lives not only in the premises, but also in nature. For example, there is a cabbage, apple, rye mole.

Also strongly varies the method of nutrition of individuals. All larvae and caterpillars due to the powerful robust apparatus can eat hard and solid food: stems and leaves, nuts, cereals, cabbage, beet. Favorite food in all types of moths is different, and it is often reflected in the title of the species. In addition, some species adult individual has no oral apparatus and can not eat, therefore lives no more than a week.

These pests are inhabited next to the food source or directly in it, for example, in the cereal, in the cabbage, on the apple tree. First, a small nest always appears, where all the larvae live compactly. Nests are also within the reach of feed.

As breeding

An adult person is ready for mating on the second day after its appearance, since the life of individual varieties is too small. Flight at everyone occurs in different time. After fertilization, the female must find a place for laying on the most compressed time. It should be safe and have a number of food for larvae. The butterfly can postpone from 4 to 150 eggs at a time.

Causes of appearance

To appear in the apartment of the nest of this insect, a single fertilized butterfly and comfortable conditions for breeding. There are three main options from where the mole is taken. She can:

  • fly through an open window or door;
  • come with shopping from the store or with any things;
  • throw from the neighbors through the slots or the entrance.

Signs of appearance

It is more difficult to find eggs of these insects, because they are tiny, but to detect the caterpillar in the cabinet, a set of paustonic strings and dolls attentive owner are quite possible. It is difficult to miss a flying adult mole, and the presence of more than one individual in the room is already a sure sign that it is time to arm a flashlight and carefully inspecting things from natural fabrics stored in cabinets, and kitchen set, especially storage locations.

How to fight

You can get rid of moths at home, only finding their lair and destroying all eggs and larvae. In addition, it will be necessary to destroy butterflies so that they cannot postpone new eggs. To this end, you need to use everything possible methods Fight, namely: chemical, physical and folk methods. Of course, chemicals are always more efficient, so you need to start with them.


Modern insecticides will help bring these pests. They are produced in the form of aerosols, fumigators and sections. The first act quickly, the second - slowly, but protect better, the third is only protecting.

Aerosols. The use of aerosols in the fight against Mol is very laborious. To completely destroy these pests, you need to handle not only infected things, but also all surfaces in the cabinets, carpets, upholstery of furniture. One can not be enough for it. After processing, after 3-4 hours, it will be necessary to thoroughly wash the room, to ventilate it and wash the disinfected things.

Against kitchen moth use aerosols and is limited at all. We mourge flying individuals, including butterflies, they can. But against the larvae in the croups and storage places, the use of aerosols is prohibited, as the products will be poisoned and unsuitable for eating in such a case.

The best aerosols are considered:

  • "Arch". Ideal for fur and woolen products. He has the smell of lavender. It costs about 70 rubles.
  • "Raptor". Effectively destroys insects at all stages of its development. Smell like a lavender. Residual action is preserved until the year. The bottle will cost 90 rubles.
  • Mosquitall "Protection against moths." Very powerful remedy with the smell of lavender. Suitable for treating fabrics, furniture and clothing. 200 ml of the drug costs about 100 rubles.
  • "Clean house". Like other aerosols possesses high efficiency And the smell of lavender. In addition, the "clean house" is consumed very economically.

Fumigators. To combat mole, they are applied much less frequently than aerosols. However, it is very simple to use them: you need to put a plate or a mold with a liquid into the device and insert the machine into the outlet. When heated, the smell begins to be published, which is destroyed for the insect. This fragrance does not interfere with this fragrance and even implacable for him.

To escape moths, the same fumigators are suitable as from mosquitoes:

  • "Dick-3". This device costs about 30 rubles and effectively copes with pests. Suitable for combating kitchen and handling MolHowever, you should not post it near food.
  • "Raid". Analogue of the device "Dick-3", but its cost is more than more - 120 rubles for the device and 10 plates to it.
  • "Mosquitall". Like other fumigators, this device is equally effective against moths and mosquitoes. His actions grabs 30 square meters. m.

This kind chemical preparations Against pest data is also in demand. Their action is directed to scaring butterflies, however, the larvae settled nearby remain safe and unharmed. Therefore, the use of this fund is rather preventive measurerather than the method of struggle.

  • "Raptor". The sections of this brand are very common among buyers. The fragrance is different. For proper protection, you need to hang 2 sections on the closet. The term of their effectiveness is calculated by 4 months.
  • "Mosquitall". These sections are two types: plates or bags suspended by a hanger or glue blocks blocks. Their cost varies from 50 to 120 rubles.

Physical means

You can destroy mole and without the use of chemistry, namely:

  • To begin with, it is always worth finding a nest of an insect and remove it, for example, spending on the shelves.
  • For butterflies, the limestone tapes intended for the catch of flies should be used.
  • If the mole started in the cereal, it can be born in the oven for 30 minutes at 60 degrees.

Folk recipes

Mol, like other insect pests, does not tolerate the smells of some plants. In their number, Lavender, citrus, tobacco, geranium. Using these herbs, you can scare it for a long time. Among the affiliates affordable houses that can destroy mole is naphthalene. However B. lately Its use at home is not recommended.

Universal prevention method
There is one universal people's recipe Getting rid of moths in the apartment. But he rather warns the appearance of the pest, rather than really destroys it.

  1. In a small bag of fine tissue, and the dried lavender, tobacco, citrus crusts is superimposed.
  2. Then it is placed in a closet with clothing or products.
  3. The contents of the bag should change once a month as the smell is fading.

Challenge specialists


Loss of mole from the apartment is harder than preventing its appearance. Today, ready-made sections from these pests are produced for the most lazy. They do not use chemicals, but only natural oils whose smell is unpleasant for insects. In order not to face the food mol, carefully consider purchased cereals for their infection. At first, after purchase, it is better to leave them in the factory packaging to make sure that there is no pest.

Excessive purity is not yet a guarantor of the absence of moth. In the absence of other moths, gray butterflies come across the eyes more and more. In fact, the appearance of this pest does not depend on the purity in the dwelling. On his appearance affects a large number of other factors.

First of all, it is important to determine the type of pray in the house. There are two varieties: food and wrapping. They are very similar among themselves, but in the house are completely different ways.

How mole falls into the apartment

To determine where the mole is taken from the apartment comes from, think about how often you bring products from a supermarket or another store to the house. As a rule, the insect falls in the housing through the factory packaging. The first reason for this is the absence of tightness, as well as the wrong way to store in warehouses and in other premises.

Food Mol adores the following products:

  1. Cereals.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Dried fruits.
  5. Milk mixtures.
  6. Flour.
  7. Pet feed.
  8. Dried berries.
  9. Herbs.

How does a wrapping mole appear

  1. Carpets made of natural wool.
  2. Fur or woolen clothing.
  3. Furniture with natural upholstery.
  4. Knitted, woolen things.
  5. Shoes in which there is a natural fur.

If you notice that the pest appeared after such acquisitions, then it can be safely argued that the larvae was in the goods purchased. As soon as the pest falls in the apartment, he will spoil everything that will meet from things on his way. As practice shows, even expensive shops do not boast of "clean" clothes and other things.

The main reasons for the appearance of food moth

Most favorable conditions For the life of the food pray are the following:

If you correctly identified the source of moths in the apartment, then a fairly competent approach to the struggle with the pest.

To avoid reproduction of wrapping moth, you need to carefully examine all things that fall into the house. Buying expensive fur coats does not exclude the fact that it can not be mole. Therefore, spend inspection right in the store! Houses post things for a few days on a balcony on sunny days.

Lavender or orange peels will help fragrant prevention from wrapping moth. Essential oil of any plant will also be an excellent tool in preventive work.

Those who prefer finished productsWe recommend paying attention to special sections against moths. It is enough to hang such a means in the closet - and the case is done.

The basic rules for the fight against the food type of moth are almost identical to the foregoing. At the arrival of home from the store carefully examine all the products where it can potentially be mole. If nothing has been discovered, fold for storage in linen bags or glass containers.

Regularly ventilate the room and lockers in the kitchen. Wipe the shelves with vinegar. You can put inside the lavender or orange peel.

Do not need to be very stocking with cereals and nuts in large quantitiesBecause over time in these products, mole may start independently and form a whole focus.


To find mole substances, you need to remember very simple rule: the mass of one praying of any substances Numerically equal to its molecular weight, only expressed in other values. And how is it determined? With the help of the Mendeleev table, you will learn the atomic mass of each element included in the molecule substances. Next, you need to add atomic masses, taking into account the index of each element and the answer will turn out.

Consider its molecular weight, taking into account the index of each element: 12 * 2 + 1 * 4 + 16 * 3 \u003d 76 AE.m. (atomic units of mass). Consequently, its molar mass (that is, the mass of one pray) is also 76, only its dimension: gram / mole. Answer: one mole Selitras weighs 76 grams.

Suppose you are given such a task. It is known that the mass of 179.2 some gas is 352 grams. It is necessary to determine how much one weighs mole This gas. It is known that under normal conditions one mole Any gas or mixture of gases occupies a volume of approximately 22.4 liters. And you have 179.2 liters. Calculate: 179.2 / 22.4 \u003d 8. Consequently, this volume contains 8 moles of gas.

By dividing the problem known under the conditions of the problem by the number of moles, get: 352/8 \u003d 44. Consequently, one mole This gas weighs 44 grams are gas, CO2.

If there is some amount of gas mass M, concluded in volume V with set temperature T and pressure P. It is required to determine its molar mass (that is, to find what is equal to its mole). Solve the task will help you the universal Mendeleev-Klapairone equation: PV \u003d MRT / M, where M is the very molar mass, which we need to determine, and R is a universal gas constant, equal to 8.31. Converting the equation, get: M \u003d MRT / PV. Substituting in the formula of famous values, you will find what is equal mole Gas.

Helpful advice

In the calculations, rounded values \u200b\u200bof atomic elements atomic weights are commonly used. If required more high accuracy, the rounding is unacceptable.

A. Rogadro in 1811, at the very beginning of the development of the atomic theory, it assumes that in an equal number of ideal gases at the same pressure and temperature contains the same number of molecules. Later, this assumption was confirmed and became the necessary consequence for the kinetic theory. Now this theory is called Avogadro.


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To find the number of atoms in the substance, determine what it is for the substance. Then find it mass and molar mass. After that, the ratio of mass and molar mass multiply by the Nogadro number, which is equal to 6.022 * 1023.

You will need

  • To determine the number of atoms in the substance, take the exact scales (lever or electronic), a table of Mendeleev, a pressure gauge, a thermometer.


Determining the number of atoms in pure
Weigh the sample of the studied substance on the exact scales, the result will be obtained in grams. Make sure it consists of single-navel molecules. Then, using the Mendeleev table, find the molar mass of the studied substance, expressed in grams on the mole. To do this, find the element corresponding to the substance from which the body consists and write it down. It will be equal to the molar mass, expressed in grams on mole. For example, for iron (FE) is 55.845 g / mol. If the isotope is definitely known, for example, iron 55, then you can take an integer, clean isotopes are often radioactive. Then the mass of the substance divide on its molar mass, and the result multiply by 6.022 * 10 ^ 23. This will be the number of atoms in this mass of the substance.

Number of atoms in complex substance
If the substance consists of polyatomic molecules, for example, water, the molecule of which consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms, make the following sequence of actions. Using the weights, find a sample mass. Then write it down chemical formulaAnd with the help of the Mendeleev table, find the molar mass of each of the atoms, of which the molecule consists. In the case of water, it will be on mole, - 16 grams per mol. Since hydrogen 2 atoms, multiply the molar mass on this number, as a result, get a total molar mass of 18 grams per mol. Then mass in grams divide on the molar mass in grams on mole and multiply by 6.022 * 10 ^ 23. In a substance, this number multiplied by the number of atoms in one molecule (it is equal to the water 3).

Number of atoms in mixtures and alloys
If the substance is a mixture of several substances with known mass shames, Measure its total mass. Then find the masses of pure substances, multiplying the mass on the appropriate shares. For example, if the bronze contains 70% copper and 30%, but to obtain the mass of copper, multiply a sample mass by 0.7, and to obtain a tin mass of tin to multiply a sample mass by 0.3. Next, act as described in the preceding paragraphs.

Number of atoms in gas
If the gas is in normal (pressure 760 mm Hg. Art. And temperature 00c), determine the volume of this gas by geometric methods (for example, to find the volume of gas in a parallelepiped, multiply length, width and height), expressing it in cubic meters. The resulting number is divided by 0.0224 and multiply by 6.022 * 10 ^ 23. If the gas molecule is a double, multiply the result by 2.

If pressure, the volume and temperature of the gas (pressure gauge, and the temperature of the thermometer) are known, then find the product of pressure in Pascal to the volume in the cube. meters, divide the temperature in Kelvin, and the number 8.31. The resulting result multiply by 6.022 * 10 ^ 23 and the number of atoms in the gas molecule.

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How to find the number of atoms in the substance. To find the number of atoms in the substance, determine what it is for the substance. Then find it mass and molar mass. After that, the ratio of mass and molar mass multiply by the Nogadro number, which is equal to 6.022 * 1023. You will need.

Helpful advice

The method is based on the connection between the atomic (or molecular) mass of the crystalline substance, its density, the number of Avogadro and a certain coefficient, which is determined from the distances between atoms in the crystal lattice. Knowing this number, you can different ways, which were tried in 1908-1910, to find the number N. You can collect α-particles in the Faraday cylinder, measure their charge and dividing it by the number of particles, get the charge of each of them; Half it gives us an elementary charge for which the number N is already determined ...


  • how to determine the number of atoms

First define chemical composition and the aggregate state of the substance. If gas is examined, measure its temperature, volume and pressure or place in normal conditions and measure only the volume. After that, calculate quantity Molecules I. atoms. To determine quantity atoms In solid or liquid, find their mass and molar mass, and then quantity Molecules I. atoms.

You will need

  • manometer, thermometer thermometer, scales and table, find out permanent Avogadro.


After that, calculate its area. For this, the diameter is erecting into the second degree, divide on 4 and multiply by the number 3.14. Then, the volume of the drops subside the spot to which it spread (D \u003d V / S) is the diameter of one molecules Oils, because it is believed that it spreads through water until the thickness of the oil film becomes equal to one.

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In order to find mass One pray, determine the chemical formula of substance, and with the help of the periodic table of Mendeleev, calculate it. We calculate the mass of one praying, finding the ratio of the mass of the substance to its number. You can also find mass One mole by weight of one molecule of the substance. To determine the mass of one praying gas, use the Klapaireron Mendeleev equation.

You will need

  • periodic Table of Mendeleev, Scales, Pressure Gauge and Thermometer


Determination of the mass of one praying for a chemical formormulate the chemical formula of the molecule of the studied substance. Then, find an atomic one element included in the molecule along the periodic table of Mendeleev. If one enters the formula several times, multiply its atomic mass On the number of entries. Then summarize the resulting mass numbers. The result will be the molecule in atomic units of mass, which is numerical equal to the molar mass of this substance (that is, the mass of one pray) to mole.

Determining the mass of one praying on a known amount of substance if the amount of substance is moles, molar mass which you need to find, using the scales, find it actual mass, expressing it in grams. To determine the mass of one pray, mass Substances subside on its number M \u003d M / υ.

Determining the mass of one praying substance by weight of the molecule if a mass of one molecule of the substance is known, expressed in grams, find mass one praying, multiplying mass This molecule by the amount in one mole (Number of Avogadro), which is equal to 6.022 10 ^ 23, M \u003d M0 NA.

Definitions of the mass of one praying gas Take a sealed vessel of a known volume expressed in cubic. Pour gas from it, and weigh the scales. Put the gas in it, and again weigh, empty and filled cylinders and will be equal to the mass of the gas. Translate it in.
Measure the gas temperature in the cylinder, if after downloading to wait a bit, it comes with the ambient temperature, and transfer it to Kelvin, adding Celsius number 273 to the degrees. Measure gas pressure to a manometer in Pascal. Find molar mass Gas ( mass one pray) change mass Gas at its temperature and 8.31 (universal gas constant), and sharing the result to pressure values \u200b\u200band volume M \u003d M R T / (P V).

Sometimes the researchers have such a task: how to determine the number of atoms of a substance? Initially, it may seem solely difficult, because the number of atoms even in a tiny sample of any substance is simply a grandiose. How to calculate them?


Suppose you need to calculate the number of atoms in a piece of clean - for example, copper or even gold. Yes, imagine yourself on the site of the great scientist Archimedes, to whom Tsar Gieron gave a completely different order, saying: "You know, Archimedes, in vain I suspected my jeweler in fraud, the crown was out of pure gold! Our royal majesty now wants to know atoms in it. "

The task of this Archimender would naturally wore a stupor, although he was. Well, you would have coped with her in two bills. First you need to precisely weigh the crown. Suppose she would have weighed 2 kg, that is, 2000 grams. Then, on the Mendeleev table, install a molar weight of gold (approximately 197 grams / mol.) To simplify the calculations of a slightly round in most side - Let it be 200 grams / mole. Consequently, in the ill-fated corner of exactly 10 moles of gold. Well, then take the universal number of Avogadro (6,022x1023), multiply by 10 and with a celebration, take the result of the King Gieron.

Substitute the values \u200b\u200bknown to you in the PV / RT fraction, the result found multiply to the Universal Number of Avogadro (6.022 * 1023) and obtain the amount of gas atoms at a given volume, pressure and temperature.

And if you need to calculate the number of atoms in the sample of a complex substance? And there is nothing particularly difficult. Weigh, then write its accurate chemical formula, with the help of the Mendeleev table, specify the molar mass of each component and calculate the exact molar mass of this complex substance (considering the elements indexes).

In chemistry, mole is used as a unit of the amount of substance. The substance has three characteristics: mass, molar mass and amount of substance. The molar mass is called the mass of one praying substance.


One moth of one or another substance is its amount that contains so many structural units, how many atoms are contained in 0.012 kg of conventional (non-radioactive) isotope. To the structural units of the substance of the molecule, atoms, ions. When, in conditions of the problem, it is given with a relative atomic mass AR, from the formula of the substance, depending on the formulation of the problem, by implementing calculations, are either a mass of one praying of the same substance, or its molar mass. The relative atomic mass of Ar is called the value equal to the ratio of the average mass of the isotope of the element to 1/12 carbon mass.

The molar mass has both organic and substances. For example, calculate this parameter for W2O and CH3 water. First find the molar weight of the water:
M (H2O) \u003d 2AR (H) + AR (O) \u003d 2 * 1 + 16 \u003d 18 g / mol
Methane is organic gas. This is that its molecules include hydrogen and carbon atoms. In total, one molecule of this gas contains three hydrogen atoms and one carbon atom. Calculate the molar mass of this substance as follows:
M (CH3) \u003d Ar (C) + 2AR (H) \u003d 12 + 3 * 1 \u003d 15 g / mol
Similarly, count the molar masses of any other substances.

Also, a mass of one praying substance or molar mass is found, knowing the mass and the amount of substance. In this case, it is calculated as the ratio of the mass of the substance to its quantity. The formula is as follows:
M \u003d m / ν, where m is a molar mass, M - mass, ν - the amount of substance.
The molar mass of the substance is expressed in grams or kilograms on mole. If there is a mass of a molecule of a substance, then knowing the number of Avogadro, one can find a mass of one praying substance as follows:
Mr \u003d Na * Ma, where Mr is a molar mass, Na is the number of Avogadro, Ma - the mass of the molecule.
For example, knowing the mass of the carbon atom, you can find the molar mass of this substance:
Mr \u003d Na * Ma \u003d 6.02 * 10 ^ 23 * 1,993 * 10 ^ -26 \u003d 12 g / mol

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The mass of 1 mol of the substance is called it with a molar mass and is indicated by the letter M. Units of measurement of the molar mass - g / mol. The method of calculating this magnitude depends on conditions.

You will need


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  • Talitsa Mendeleev

One of the first concepts that the schoolboy faces when studying the course of chemistry is mole. This value displays the amount of substance in which a certain number Particles permanent avogadro. The concept of "mole" was introduced in order to avoid complex mathematical calculations with big numbers The smallest particles.


Determine the number of particles in 1 mol of substances. This value is a constant and is called constant avogadro. It is equal to Na \u003d 6.02 * 1023 mol-1. If you want to spend more accurate calculationsThe value of this value must be taken according to the information of the data committee for and the CODATA technology, which recalculates Permanent Avogadro and approves the most accurate values. For example, in 2011 it was accepted that Na \u003d 6.022 140 78 (18) × 1023 mol-1.

Calculate the value of mol, which is equal to the ratio of the number of particles of a given substance by the value of constant avogadro.

Determine the magnitude of the substance through its M. It has the dimension of g / mol and is equal to the relative molecular weight of the MR, which is determined by the Mendeleev table for each element located in the composition of the substance. For example, molar methane CH4 is equal to the sum of relative atomic masses and four hydrogen: 12+ 4x1. In the end, get that M (CH4) \u003d 16 g / mol. Next, examine the condition of the task and find out for which mass M of the substance it is necessary to determine the amount of mole. It will be equal to the ratio of mass to the molar mass.

Remember that the molar mass of the substance is determined quantitative and quality characteristics Its composition, so substances may have the same mole values \u200b\u200bat various masses.

Examine the conditions of the problem if it requires it to determine the amount of mole for a gaseous substance, then it can be calculated through volumes. In this case, it is necessary to find out the volume of V specified gas under conditions. After that, divide this value to the molar volume of Vm gas, which is a constant and under normal conditions is 22.4 l / mol.

Scientists at the congress in Karlsruhe (Germany) in the 1860s decided to call the atom the smallest indivisible particle of a substance that is the carrier of his chemical properties. The number of atoms even in the tiny, practically not distinguishable with the naked eye, the sample of the substance is not just a huge one - the grandiose. Is it possible to somehow calculate how many atoms are contained in one or another amount of substance?

Mol is an unbroken gray butterfly leading mainly a night lifestyle. In nature, there are several hundred species of this insect. Some of them prefer to dwell in the human housing, turning into malicious pests. Their favorite food - fur, wool products, as well as food. To find out how to deal with this insect, you need to know where the mole comes from, what types of this pest are inhabited by our homes and apartments, as well as the features of reproduction.

A few words about the insect

Mol refers to the detachment of scraper (butterflies), for which are characteristic small sizes and mostly twilight lifestyle. Serious harm can apply the larvae of moths. The adults of the individual when reached puberty, only the reproduction feature is performed (eggs are matered and postponed).

A distinctive feature of moth lies in the absence of a trunk. With this organ, ordinary butterflies mined nectar hidden in plants inflorescences. Moth larvae are more primitive and less whimsical to food. They have a well-developed oral apparatus, which allows them to even turn out plant seeds and fruit bones.

The lack of a trunk does not interfere with the normal life of the insect. This is explained by the fact that mole, staying in the stage of the caterpillar, with the help of jaws consumes food and accumulates the energy supply in the body for the future. Grown, insect not only deprived of the opportunity to eat, but cannot digest food. the main task An adult individual is to output the offspring.

Since mol is able to cause harm while in the caterpillar stage, it is pointless to fight with adult insects. Before you notice flying butterflies, their larvae will already have time to settle in a dark secluded place and harm your things and food. And they will be not so easy to find them.

How Mol has multiplied

The development of moths, like butterflies, is held in several stages:

  1. Egg.
  2. Larvae (Caterpillar).
  3. Doll.
  4. Adult butterfly.

The life expectancy of the butterfly is on average about 3 weeks. Some types of moths live just a few days. During this short period of time, the female has time to postpone from 40 to 200 eggs, from which white translucent larvae is incremented. As soon as the caterpillar appears on the light, it begins to actively eat and form a spind-shaped cocoon from the surrounding environment. It is in the stage of the larvae, mol causes the main damage. After a month and a half, the larva is pounding, after which a butterfly appears from the doll to the light. An adult individual literally from the first days of life begins to reproduce offspring: puts the eggs in dark secluded places and in a short time he dies.

Thus, under the proper conditions, the reproduction of moth is the process is incessant. The duration of the development cycle depends on the type of insect, the habitats and varies from 1 month to 2.5 years.

Varieties of home moth

As for the varieties of winged pests, most often in residential premises you can find a wrapped and edible mole. It is worth noting that both species look like outwardly, but have different gastronomic addictions, they lead different lifestyles and do not claim each other's territory. Simply put, if you have noticed a wrapping moth in your home, then you can not worry about the preservation of reserves.

Hard and from where it takes

Mole in the apartment can spoil fabrics and materials of natural origin - wool, fur, cotton, flax. Such a type of moth is called a wrapping.

Where does the mole come from? Washing pests can start independently of the purity and well maintenance of the room. It can be like a wretched and fashionable apartments. And in the second case, the chances of the appearance non-crude guests Much higher, since the owners of expensive apartments just afford the purchase of fur coats, clothes, furniture and carpets from natural materials.

The greatest appetite of the wrapped moth causes long-term things with the smell of sweat and epidermis particles. Moreover, in order to get to the favorite delicacy, the pest will not stop even before polyethylene and the cellophane package bursts in two bills.

How to recognize such a kind of moth looks like a small butterfly up to 8 mm. Her wings have a monophonic golden-beige color and fringe edges. Adults of this insect are poorly flying and most often move curious, and they do it enough.

Handling mole is able to postpone up to 200 eggs. The lifespan of the caterpillars, as a rule, ranges from 70 to 200 days and depends on temperature ambient. In cold conditions and in the absence of food, the larva wrapped moth can live up to 2 years. During the year, only one generation of such moth is born, which is explained by the conditions of caterpillars and the duration of their development.

Find out where the mole is taken in the house, it is not always possible. But if after buying a woolen or fur thing you will begin to notice flying malicious moths, it means that the insect larvae has already dwell in the product.

Where does the mole come from? In addition to the human factor, the fault of the pest appearance in the dwelling can be a pet, which only acts vehicle When moving from the street to the house.

Finding moths in the dwelling can also contribute to the open window or ventilation system.

Food mole

If relatively wrapped moth, the situation is more or less clear, then where does the mole come from in the kitchen? IN residential buildings, warehouses, shops and granaries prefers to settle food mole.

There are several types of such moths, and each of them causes irreparable damage to food. So, the flour mole is started in the croups and flour, fruit - in dried fruits, spices, mushrooms, herbs and nuts. For ordinary person All varieties of food moth look the same - this is small butterflies. gray With a dark pattern on the wings. It is on a dark pattern that the food mole is determined.

Where this pest comes from, it is not always possible to find out. But as a rule, infection with larvae of moth occurs during the storage of products on food warehouses, where the mole can be unhindered with eggs. Therefore, do not be surprised where black mole come from in the apartment comes from, because you can put the pest along with a cereal bought in the store. Moreover, such a product will not save hermetic factory packaging, as it has already been infected at the time of storage in the warehouse. Of course, immediately after buying worms in the package may be absent, but after some time you will begin to notice flush butterflies in the kitchen, and in the package with croups, we will find moths and caterpillars.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that in most cases mole brings the person himself.

Wrestling Wrestling Moth

The fight against moth larvae - the occupation is not easy, as the pest postpones eggs in the most secluded places. It is worth noting that the wrapping mole is much easier than food.

The methods of combating paying mole are as follows:

  • inspection of things for the presence of eggs and larvae;
  • drying clothes and hats in the sun or washing at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • spraying in the habitats of insect special aerosols in order to destroy the larvae;
  • placing means for scaring the pest (lavender, essential oils, fumigators) among things, on the shelves and walls of cabinets.

How to get rid of food moth

To bring the food mole, you need to make a lot of effort.

First of all, it will have to throw away all infected foods: cereals, flour, herbs, root and so on.

Against flying moths can use special aerosol means. Kitchen cabinets It is necessary to treat acetic solution or intended for these purposes tools that are sold in a household store.

After getting rid of moths and larvae as a prophylactic agent on the shelves, the twigs of lavender or other specialists that prevent pest appearance are possible.

In addition, in order to not be asked in the future, where moles brought from the Crupes store must necessarily need to be calcined in the microwave or oven. Such a procedure will help kill eggs together with larvae.