Repairs Design Furniture

How to update down pillows. Preparation for washing. Cleaning synthetic pillows

Dirty pillows carry a threat to human health, so they need to be erased or clean at least once every three years. At the same time, alternates are subject to change.

Down and peeling pillows with demodecosis are better changed to products on a synthetic procession, because the tick in an artificial filler shares not so willingly, and they are erased easier.

The easiest and most effective method of cleaning feathers, down and sofa pillows - do it in a dry cleaning or dry aerobility. There they are treated with steam, so the pillows do not lose lightness and fluffiness.

You can clean the pillows at home, although this is a time-consuming process. The main problem will be the drying of the filler. Most often, in the composition of the pillows is present in different proportions of the feather and the fluff of various birds.

Important! On the label you need to see, the pen of what birds was used as a pillow filler. If inside the feather and fluff of ducks or geese, then clean the pillows in washing machine Or hands, if chicken feather - any wash is contraindicated!

Pillow filled with chicken oath or pen is cleaned only with dry drying using ultraviolet, and not steam.

How to wash feathers pillows?

In order for the feather in the pillows, a lot of dust collects and the ticks did not diverge, the products should be cleaned periodically. There are two simple wayHow to clean the feather pillow in domestic circumstances: hand with hands and with the help of a washing machine.

Hand wash feathers

Before watching the perch pillow at home with hands, you need to take:

  • Gauze (5-7 meters);
  • Detergent for woolen fabrics;
  • Warm water in large volume;
  • Linen air conditioner;
  • New nurses who are either sewed independently or bought in the store (factory TIK).

Before you wash the pillow from the pen, we fold the gauze into several layers and sew 3 bags. Speeding the pillow, open the pillow and take out the pen out of it. Divided into three smooth parts, put a pen into gauze bags and sew them (you can tie a thread).

We erase these bags in a large deep basin with warm water, in which there is a liquid soap tool before this, for example, a dreft, a vile or eared nurse for woolen and delicate products.

First, the pen is better to soak and leave for some time (30 minutes) to remove dust and smells.

Rinse after washing you need very carefully. When rinsed in the last portion of water, you need to add the air conditioner bottle. The contents of the gauze bag squeeze need well.

In the warm period, dry the feather is better on the street or on the balcony, in the cold - houses, near the battery. From time to time, the feather whipped into the bags, turning it into different directions.

After the feathers are dried, the pillow can be altered.

To fulfill the procedure for filling in the pen of a new patch, it is better to spread the sheet and placing a wigged feather on it. When conducting such actions, you need to be prepared for the fact that a certain loss of feathers will be.

Also, after feather pillows are erected, you need to clean with the use of a vacuum cleaner. After moving the feathers to the new altar, the latter is sewn and put on clean pillowcase.

Machine washing pillows on re

Wash the feat pillows with hands is difficult and takes a lot of time, so you can use the washing machine.

If we decided to resort to the machine washing, the bags in which the feather is placed out of the gauze. After that, the bags are uniformly placed in a washing machine and erased with a "delicate wash" mode and an exhibited temperature of 40 degrees.

In the compartment, where the powder is usually falling asleep, you need to pour a liquid detergent for washing woolen fabrics (the same Dreft or Village, as well as all specialized powder wool).

Before wing a pillow in a washing machine, the spin turns must be set to minimal, the rinse mode is double.

Before the second rinsing cycle, add air conditioning.

Important! Feathers, freed from gauze bags, can easily clog, so this method Pen washing needed very carefully.
No need to erase all feathers if the pillow is very big. Before making a feather pillow at home, the pen needs to be divided into several portions - 2-3 bags. Then the feather will be better cleansed, and the load on the drum will be distributed evenly.

How to clean a duvet pillow?

Pillows with down fillers clean in three ways:

1. Washing hands

If you need to know how to wipe the down pillow, the algorithm of action will be:

  1. In a larger capacity with hot waterin which the soap solution is divorced, put the fluff for 2-3 hours and give it to mock.
  2. Merge dirty water, filler squeeze and rinse under running water. When washing it is convenient to use colander. The drain hole needs to close the grid, otherwise you can clog the sewer.
  3. Pooh omit in one more solution with detergent (You can take all means for the fluff, for example, special tool To wash down the down products Heitmann Daunenwäsche or liquid means for washing products from the fluff unipuch) and it is good in it to intervene almost a clean pack.
  4. Rinse again and put on the soft fabric drying in the sun. You need to distribute the filler evenly. In the course of drying, be sure to turn over and break down the fluff lumps. Dry fluff slowly. The process can take up to 5 days. In the altar, the Pooh is unfolded evenly.

2. Machine wash

Most pillows on the fluff of washing machine-machine contraindicated. Information about this can be placed on the label.

If you still risked to wash the down pillow, then in this case, the nail will have to be changed. It is necessary to wash at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, the mode is manual or for the fluff, with minimal turns during annealing.

Dirty pillow with 2-3 plastic balls (they will beat the product) It is placed in a wash case.

When the cycle is over and the pillow is dried, the alternic is sprinkled and move the dry fluff into a new one.

3. Processing ferry

If the disappearance method is selected, the new nail is not needed. This procedure removes the pollution worse than washing, but it is quite capable of refreshing the pillow, remove odors, update the nail, destroy up to 90% of bacteria and ticks.

To sip the pillow, you need to arrange it vertically and twice go through its entire surface.

How to clean a decorative sofa pillow?

Now we'll figure it out how to clean sofa pillows filled with syntheps or holofiber.

Erased in tathe products are separately filler and decorative pillowcase.

Important! Before cleaning the sofa pillow, it is necessary to check whether it is suitable for further operation. To do this, you need to put something heavy on the pillow, and then remove - the surface should take the original shape. If dent is detected, such a pillow is no longer suitable, it is better to buy a new one.

Washing sofa pillows

Decided to erase yourself? Then we'll figure it out how to clean the pillows with your own hands, retaining a presentable look.

Wash the sofa pillows in 2 reception:

  • Filler in the washing machine. For this, the pillow is soaked in warm water with the addition of gel (for example, a Snow Guard liquid gel, Persil, Ariel, Formil and others).

It is better to put two pillows in the washer to put two pillows, and the burden on the drum was uniform.

Washing is performed with the "Synthetic" mode with a temperature of at least 50 degrees. Pillows are placed in the mesh case, and a liquid agent is poured into the powder separation.

Important! If there are strong contaminants, it is better to use a stain pressure. The bleach should not be used.

Rinse must be double.

Dry sofa pillows Need to the sun or indoors, which is ventilated. Before that, 3-4 hours the pillow must dry out horizontally to glass water. Periodically, the product needs to turn over and beat.

If the filler rushes into a lump, then it is kneading and distributed over the pillowcase. Did not come out? Then the cloth of pillowcases are sprinkled along the seam, they told a synthetone or combed, after which they are returned back and sewing again.

  • Decorative pillowcase.

If the embroidery is present, the product is silk or leather - it is worth diving in a dry cleaning.

If it is erased at home, then a soft powder is used (vice, formyl, first, halus or any other) diluted in warm water.

The pillowcase is soaked for 2-3 hours and erased in the machine-machine with a delicate mode.

After washing the case is dried. If there is a label, then you need to adhere to the manufacturer's instructions.

Cleaning Sofa Pillows Steam

If the cushion is not badly contaminated, you can steal.

Here are the stages of such a cleaning:

  1. Singing dust by ordinary knocked;
  2. Processing throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe vacuum cleaner;
  3. Iron with a ferry stroke the pillow to destroy the microbes, bacteria and ticks. By the way, read our article.
  4. Repeat treatment with a vacuum cleaner.

So that extra moisture was delayed in sofa pillowsthey need to be more likely to dry or ventilate fresh air With solar warm weather.

Pillows with absolutely different fillers are now a lot, although there are still quite a few admirers among the householders. Meanwhile, not every owner of this thing is aware of how to clean the pillow at home and how often do it. Which of the funds can be used at home - read below.

What cleaning to give preference?

Finger pillows are valued primarily for durability. But there is a feature - this bedding must be cleaned every six months! Do it in dry cleaning, laundries, special interior restoration of pillows. Many wonder how the pillows are cleaning in dry cleaning. This happens like this:

  • First, the pen washed in an organic solvent. This effectively removes dirt, microbes, dust pliers and extraneous smells. But the same solvent may damage the feather.
  • Then the filler is pressed, dried and ventilated. Here, too, there may be trouble: the feather drags, it becomes smaller, and the pillow is thinner.

Popular option for restoration of pillows - dry cleaning (air cleaning). In a special car, the feather flies over with a powerful air flow: the garbage is removed, dust, and the ultraviolet lamp destroys ticks. Then the pen fill a new nail. The pillow is performed in lush and soft. How effectively the feather cleared, to be honest, is another question! In the laundry room, no one guarantees high-quality pillow.

It happens to reduce the service, the neurove can offer from not very dense tissue (sither or satin). In the near future, these feathers get out! Choose Tick - it is denser!

Clean the house!

For various reasons (doubts, the services of specialized enterprises, their high costs, or the lack of such) may arise how to clean the feat pillows.

Cleaning pillows of the house is a cotton business, but productive! Wash - It is not difficult, the problem is good to dry the pen. Due to the fact that in the composition of the pillows most often there is a feather, and the fluff of birds (only in different proportions), then cleaning the feathers and down pillows is the same.

To begin with, it is necessary to find out what bird feathers were used as a filler (see the label!). You can wash only if inside - feather and fluff of waterfowl.

If the pillow is packed not a goose or duck down, but chicken, then from the ventiy to wash it better to immediately refuse! The chicken feather is hygroscopic, absorbs moisture, it does not dry well, then quickly turns into a duch.

This pillow is better attributed to dry drying, while choose that salon, where the disinfection of the filler occurs under the influence of ultraviolet lamps, and not hot steam.

The whole (without removing the pen from the alternation) to wash the product manually - the occupation is very difficult: the wet pillow is heavy. After writing it in this way, you get rid of dust mites and some kind of dust. But the main mass will still remain in the pillow, and the filler can be knocked in lumps that you cannot break. The favorite will just have to throw.

How to clean the pillow of the house effectively? Only washing down and feather in the bathroom, taking out from the ping!

Hand wash pillow pillow

  • In the bathroom or basin to dial warm water and add detergent. For five liters of water, you need to take one lump of ordinary economic soap (rub it on the grater) and one teaspoon of ammonia alcohol.
  • Speake the opposite and young parties to lower the feather into the water. (If you pour out everything at once, risk turning the bathroom to the chicken coop risks, because the fluff will rise to the air, and then falls around).
  • The pen must be left in a soap solution for several hours. Then rinse under running water until the soap washed off (use colander).
  • The washed feather decompose into gauze bags stitched in advance. (Marley for them consists in several layers).
  • Safety tightly harsh thread.
  • Place the machine and squeeze into the machine. Without pressing in the washer, you can do, but the feather will dry longer.
  • It is advisable to dry in the sun or in a well-ventilated place, several times a day (3 - 5) shaking bags.
  • Hint to wash or purchase (sew) new.
  • Fold into it dry feather and sew well.

We wash the pillow in a washing machine

You can wash the pillow in a washing machine only in a special case. Without a cover, there is a risk that if at the revolutions of the drum, the oppression will break up, it will have to say goodbye to the pillow, and with a typewriter (the feather will score the filter and pump).

You need to wash in parts! Feather distribute on gauze bags and firmly fix them. The bags should be sewn qualitatively, because in the case of their impulse, the machine will suffer!

After washing, start the rinse, then the pen must be squeezed into the typewriter. Cheating bags for drying better on the balcony. To complete drying, they need to shake them. You can decompose the fluff on the horizontal surface and cover with gauze or sitz so that it does not scatter. Periodically turn over, break lumps. Then fill the pen with a clean nation and sew it.

Caring for sofa pillows

Interested in how to clean the sofa pillows?

First, a special knocked out of them dust. Then they put them well well, after that Iron with the steamer is good to try the surface (mites and microbes will die from the wet hot steam). And finally, once again put the pillows.

If you decide to clean the pillows of the house, stick to our recommendations! Then your work and patience will be rewarded ... pillows, clean which you will be confident of all 100!

Many hostesses are confident that the washing of pillows is possible only in special professional conditions, but this can be done independently. It is important to understand how to clean the feather pillows at home, to properly prepare for the process and fulfill the recommendations of specialists. In addition, it is necessary to do this regularly so that in the feathers did not have harmful insects and microorganisms. This process should be the same regular and familiar as the washing of other things.

Feather pillows remain the most popular and popular, despite the emergence of many other fillers. They are easily and quickly restored form, allow the head and the neck to relax in proper positionAnd they are not so difficult for them to care how it may seem at first glance. Of course, if you give the products filled with octoral and feathers, specialists, it will be much easier, although more expensive. But the washing of pillows is possible at home.

How to prepare for home cleaning

Before you begin to wash, you need to understand that it is quite difficult to clean the pillow: it wets it, heavy, and it will be impossible to achieve it. therefore optimal method Washing is to plowing the pantry and cleaning feathers separately from it. This is a troublesome process, but another option, how to wash the feather pillows of the house, no.

In order not to turn your own bathroom into a random chicken coop, you need to cook bags. It's easier and most convenient to sew them from Marley. Regardless of wheezing, these bags should be stacked by the hands, these bags should be durable and small in size.

Another one an important point Preparation for cleaning feathers is the acquisition of detergent. It is best to take a liquid for delicate or woolen fabrics, which will soften the water, and does not contain a chlorine or bleach in its composition. No matter how much it wanted to return the feathers of a snow-white look, a chemical bleach cannot do this.

The most common view of pillows - down and feather. They are practically in every home. Such products are very comfortable and soft, the filler in them, in contrast to synthetic, is not "falling" and is not going to the closure.

But products from such a material quickly accumulates dust in themselves, and bacteria easily multiply in them, which harms human health. That is why it is necessary to know how to wash the fate-pillow at home.

What to do with older pillows

Unlike chicken feathers, a pillow of a duck pen or goose will last up to 50 years.

Nowadays, the selection of pillows is very wide. You can purchase a down, feathers or bamboo product. Each type of filler has its advantages and disadvantages.

The most significant disadvantage of feathers and down pillows is that in the absence of competent care, they become a seating for ticks, bacteria and dust. That is why feather fillers must be cleaned regularly.

However, you should know that after a certain time it will have to get rid of the pillows, because it will be unsuitable for operation. The shelf life of such products depends on whose pen they are filled.

If it is a feather of a goose or duck, then you can use such a pillow for a very long time - up to 50 years. When chicken feathers are present in the "stuffing" of the product, then in 5-7 years it is better to get rid of it, since the filler will come into disrepair.

Where you can clean down pillows

Due to the features of the filler, cleaned by down or feather pillows, you can use no more than six months. After this period expires, they will again be erased.

You can clean the pillow with such a filler both at home and in dry cleaning, laundry or special cabin, where they are restored by pillows.

Put in order the pillow of the house is not so difficult, as it seems, but on independent processing Wakes a lot of time. In addition, after washing, the filler dries for a long time, and the cleaning process stretches for a long time.

If you have free time, you can do everything necessary at home. For those who do not want to "stretch" this process the best option There will be an appeal to dry cleaning.

How much is it worth cleaning the feathery pillow in dry cleaning

In specialized dry-cleaners and laundries you can offer two types of washing - dry and wet.

  • Wet washing is carried out using organic detergents. The pen is removed from the pillow, placed in the tank and is treated with a special solution. Due to this, all bacteria, microorganisms and extraneous smells are destroyed in the filler. Then the feather is washed and dried.
  • Dry cleaning (it is also called aeriality) is an air or hot-ferry filler processing, as well as UV radiation. The feather is blocked, thanks to which the volume of the product is restored, and dust and garbage is removed. At the same time there is a treatment with ultraviolet - it allows you to destroy all bacteria. After cleaning, the new naps are filled with a cleaned pen.

Pillows made of chicken pen is preferable to brush in dry cleaning.

The cost of dry cleaning services directly depends on the size of the pillow. What it is more, the higher the price will be. On average, the price varies within 400-500 rubles. Plus, the old altar will have to be thrown away, and additionally you pay for a new case.

How to clean down duct pillows at home

If you do not trust dry cleaning, you can always perform work independently, without extra money costs.

How to clean feather pillows? First you need to determine the pen and in a fortune of what kind of birds are naked products. If this is a chicken feather, then it will be better to go to dry cleaning, focusing the attention of the staff on what is needed to carry out dry cleaning, without the use of steam. Otherwise, feathers can simply crumble on the fibers.

But if the feather is a goose or duck, feel free to work for work yourself. Clean the filler of the feat pillows can be done using a manual or machine washing.


Pillows from a gesya or duck pen can be cleaned with the help of economic soap and ammonia alcohol.

To clean your pillow effectively, you must first decide which detergent you will use.

It may be laundry soap from summer alcohol (Half a piece of soap rubs on the grater, dissolves in one bucket of water and there are two teaspoons of the ammonia).

If you don't want to mess with the preparation of such a solution, use the wool tissue washing means. Work must be performed in such a sequence:

  • Pillow will disperse, and immerse the filler, laid down on the bags, into the cooked solution. It is necessary to do it carefully, tightly knit bags, otherwise the light fluff will split around the room.
  • After the whole down is immersed in the liquid, slightly "hind" with his hands and leave to mock for 4-6 hours.
  • Then remove the filler and rinse from the cleaning solution clean water. Do it better with the soul. If you want to give feathers aroma, you can process them with air conditioning for linen before the final rinse.
  • To dry the feathers filler, spread it on smooth surface In a well-ventilated room and cover the gauze on top. The pen will be dried for a long time, usually takes several days.
  • Dried pure fluff squeeze into a new nail.

Remember that it is necessary to wait for a complete drying of the pen, and only then lay it on innautics. Otherwise, excess moisture will spoil the filler, and it will be impossible to correct the position.

Machine wash

It is recommended to erase the pillow in parts, pre-placing the pen into covers.

With the help of the machine there is an opportunity to wash the pillow, without disassembling it. The main condition is to be located in a special case. If this is not done, the risk is the risk that the ping will break, and the fluff will score the working parts of the machine.

The quality of washing the cushion "whole" is not very high, and you can count on a good result only in the case when the pen is not very polluting. If the filler managed to "dial" a large number of Dust, better spacers pillow, and place feathers on fabric bags at the time of washing and drying.
Wash pillows in a typewriter in "Delicate Wash" mode and at a temperature not higher than 40s.

When washing, follow the following rules:

  • use only special liquid products for woolen fabrics or down products;
  • erase in "delicate" mode;
  • use the feature of additional rinsing and pressing;
  • after rinse, leave the bags with the filler in the drum for 30-40 minutes so that the glasses are excess moisture.

Machine washing is good because after it the filler will dry much faster.

Sleeping on a clean, freshly washed pillow very nice. And it doesn't matter what you will do for this - to wash the product yourself, or beat the work of professionals.

Puff pillows are erased in the car. Then the neurove will have to change. For washing, you need to observe certain conditions.

  1. Water should not exceed forty degrees.
  2. Erased with careful mode or even manually.
  3. The spin should not exceed the four hundred turns.

To clean the fluff pillow laid in a mesh bag on a zipper. Powder will need about fifty grams. The pillow will have to rinse twice. After washing, rinsing, push-ups, pillow break. Pooh get and dry. After drying put it in a new nail.

Washing Puff Pillow Manual

  1. In a large basin with warm water bred washing powder or soap.
  2. Carefully plow the pillow, and the fluff into the water capacity is carefully poured. Pooh should not stick together, water should be quite a lot.
  3. Dirty water is drained, replaced with fresh. Pooh needs to be ringed with flowing water using colander.
  4. Pooh must be flushed in soapy water twice and rinse it too twice. And only then it needs to be laid for drying.
  5. Pooh from the pillow is dried in the horizontal position of the week three, and even longer. When drying the floss, it is necessary to periodically turn it out so that it dries faster and evenly. Dry fluff is investing in a black tissue.

If the fluff is poorly dried, then it will appear with a rotten smell or stains on the pillowcase. Then put the pillow on the warm battery, may help.


Instead of washing, you can get along with an excretion. Then the opposition is not needed. Evaping destroys microbes, a layered smell, removes dust, refreshes a down product:

  • puffed pillow suspended with clothespins;
  • direct the jet of the vertical swapar on the pillow, processing its surface on both sides;
  • distribute more fluff and hang the pillow on drying. Wear a new pillowcase on a taped and dried pillow.

The pillow is simply suspended on draft. In the summer, the pillow will dry over two days, but you need to shake it, for the best drying of the fluff. IN winter The pillow is dried with a hair dryer. Dry fifteen minutes.

After washing the fluff manually, it is unfolded on the newspaper and exhibit in the sun. Periodically, the Pooh is sporing so that he evenly knew. Pooh dries a couple of weeks. Dried completely down, evenly laid into a new nail.

Useful tips on the care of down pillows

  1. Empty and disappear downs better in the summer. Then the pillow will dry dry. Otherwise, dried a whole month.
  2. When washing the fluff in the bathroom, it is necessary to close the drain hole. To the Pooh did not get into the sewer pipe.
  3. Downhes erase every year.

If you know any other ways, a down pillow at home without paying it into dry cleaning, then share, please, with your knowledge and experience with readers of the Internet magazine "".