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Physical and chemical properties of natural gas. Natural gas

Natural gas is the most valuable energy carrier, which is an environmentally friendly type of fuel. Gas production annually increases, which is associated with an increase in industrial production and an increase in the population of the planet.

The largest importer of gas is Russia. Most Russian gas is supplied on pipelines. Basically he goes to Europe. Most of all gas enters Germany (39.8 billion m³), \u200b\u200bTurkey (26.2 billion m³) and Italy (24.9 billion m³). A small part of Russian gas in the form of liquefied natural gas goes to Japan and South Korea.

Gas role in the modern world

In the modern economy, energy resources play a leading role. An indicator of the development of the economy of each state is the level of energy consumption of energy resources. Their importance is that more than 70% of the mining fossils refer to the category of energy resources. One of the most important types of energy resources is natural gas. Currently, the volume of gas in the energy balance of the planet is about 25%, and by 2050 it will increase to 30%.

The largest consumers of gas are US (646 billion m³, 2009) and Russia (389.7 billion m³). Their gas consumption is respectively 22% and 13.3% of global gas consumption.

As the role of such energy, both in the global economy, are very important, and countries - gas importers. To estimate gas imports, you can use the latest statistical compilation of British Petroleum, issued in the middle of last year.

In accordance with this document, the United States, which mined 687.6 billion m³ is produced in the first place for natural gas production, which is 20.5% of the total gas mined in the world.

In second place - Russia from 604.8 billion m³ (17.8%).

It should be noted that the US exit to the first place in the production of gas is associated with the development of shale gas technology in this country. This technology includes hardening in a depth of 500 to 3,000 M well passing through a slate layer, an aqueous solution under high pressure. As a result, the hydraulic rupture of the reservoir occurs and cracks are formed, according to which the gas enters the well. The cost of this gas is quite high, so at low prices for gas they become unprofitable.

Using Gas

Natural gas can be used primarily as fuel in industry and in everyday life. At the same time, it has several advantages. These benefits of gas are:

  • completeness of combustion without soot and smoke;
  • after its combustion, the ash is not formed;
  • ease of ignition and adjustment of the flame value;
  • easy transportation to the consumer;
  • no harmful combustion products.

An important role is played by the relative cheapness of gas production. If gas is compared with coal, then the cost of 1 ton of gas in terms of conditional fuel will be only 10% of the cost of coal.

Gas is used in metallurgical, cement, lightweight, food sectors of the national economy as fuel. Gas is also used as raw materials for the chemical industry. Often, gas replaces ordinary fuels such as coal, fuel oil or peat. Due to its high quality gas, production efficiency increases. For example, in the metallurgical industry, the use of gas allows you to save expensive coke, increase the performance of the furnaces and improve the quality of the metal produced. The use of gas on thermal power plants can significantly save on the transportation of fuel, increasing the operation of boilers, automation of power plant management and reduction of the number of necessary personnel.

Recently, an important direction of gas use is to use it as fuel for cars. This approach allows to reduce the emission of harmful substances formed during the operation of the automotive engine, by 40-60%.

In various branches of the economy, gas consumption is divided approximately in this way:

  • 45% of gas is used in industry;
  • 35% is used in thermal power plants;
  • 10% of gas goes to the needs of the housing and communal industry.

Gas reserves

Due to the large role that natural gas plays in the planet's economy, it is seriously attached to gas reserves. At the same time S. Each year data is specified. There are several sources of information on gas reserves issued by such solid organizations as CIA, OPEC or British Petroleum company. In accordance with this information, explored and confirmed gas reserves on the planet are approximately 185 trillion m³. According to the calculations of scientists of this amount of gas, the inhabitants of the planet may be enough for 63 years.

The American Geological Service believes that in these reserves it is necessary to add approximately 140 trillion m³ of non-open reserves, 85 trillion m³ of hard-to-reach stocks. And in total, as this service involves, potential gas reserves on the planet, in addition to explored and confirmed, there may be another 290 trillion m³.

The largest amount of gaseous reserves is located in Russia (48.7 trillion m³), \u200b\u200bwhich is almost a quarter of the volume on Earth. On the 2nd place is Iran (34 trillion m³), \u200b\u200bon the third - Qatar (25 trillion m³).

Field of Natural Gas and Methods

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If you compare the influence of natural gas with the influence of other types of fuel, the gas creates a smaller number of greenhouse gases. This is due to its chemical composition and greater heat transfer. However, the burning of natural gas is also formed greenhouse compounds. For example, in 30 years, the amount of carbon emissions associated with the use of natural gas increased twice.

The main guilt for this is the countries with the developed industry. So the United States ejects 20% of the total volume, Europe -18%, and Russia is 15%.

Specific harm to ecology can bring new production technologies in case of careless operation. First, this is the possibility of infection with groundwater chemicals, secondly, the possibility of microemellation in places of hydraulic places, thirdly, the possibility of methane leaks, which is greenhouse gas to the atmosphere. All this requires careful preparation for drilling wells and analyzing the consequences of such a gas production method.


  • With the development of the global economy, a large amount of energy-type energy is required.
  • One of the largest producers and gas importers is Russia.
  • There are large gas reserves on the planet, and almost a quarter of such reserves is located in Russia.
  • To improve the ecology of the Earth, it is necessary to optimize gas use technologies in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Lighting the burner in the kitchen, few of the owners thinks how long people began to use natural gas as fuel. This story has no century, but millennia: in the IV century BC. e. The Chinese were warm and illuminated by dwellings with smokeless bluish fire.

In Russia, the industrial development of natural gas deposits began in the last century, and before that it was found only when oil production or drilling of water wells.

Russian seducker has always helped people with benefit to apply everything that occurs on the way. When in the Saratov province, one merchant began to rake the artesian well and found not water, and the fire, he advocated the situation with profit and organized glass and brick production there.

Other industrialists adopted his experience, and useless underground gas began to gradually turn into valuable fuel.

What is natural gas

One of the most important minerals is natural gas that is used both both fuel and the needs of the chemical industry. This is a colorless and non-smell substance is very dangerous.

Without special devices it is impossible to determine that there is a flammable component in the air, which may cause a fire.

From the point of view of ecology, gas is the cleanest natural fuel, because when burning it highlights much less harmful compounds than firewood, coal or oil.
This quality makes it in demand in all countries of the world. States with large deposits on their territory use it for their needs, and for the sale of other peoples. Nature gave Russia the richest Urengoy, Kazakhstan - the Karachaganak field, did not adopt the countries of the Persian Gulf, USA, Canada.

Earth's subsoil has created not only huge underground natural gas reservoirs - its reserves are stored in more compact form. In the cold regions and under the bottom of the ocean, where hydrostatic pressure comes up to 250 atmospheres, a gas connection with plastic water occurs and a solid is formed - a gas hydrate. In small volumes there is a huge amount of natural fuel, in the associated form gas decreases to 220 times.

Origin of natural gas

Hundreds of millions of years ago, the Ocean splashed at the place of today's mainland. The dead inhabitants of the water element fell on the bottom and turned into il. They could not decompose, because there was no air for oxidation, nor bacteria causing rotting. The movement of the earth's crust contributed to the immersion of these masses, further deep into. High pressure and temperature caused chemical reactions in which the carbon of organic residues was combined with hydrogen, and new substances were formed - hydrocarbons.

If the pressure and temperature were not very high, high molecular weight fluids were obtained, which over time turned into oil. When these parameters achieved large quantities, low molecular weight gases were formed.

The compounds were covered with sedimentary rocks and turned out to be deep under the surface of the Earth. Geologists find these minerals at a depth of one to six kilometers.

There is another theory of natural gases. Some scientists believe that hydrocarbons as a result of tectonic movements are gradually rising upstairs, where the pressure is not as large, and form large accumulations of oil and

Ground breeds are not monolithic - they have small cracks and pores. Gaseous substances fill these voids, so natural gas is not only in, but also in the stones at great depths.

Properties of natural gas

Natural gas is not a separate substance - this is a mixture of different components, the main of which is methane.

It is impossible to find two absolutely identical samples from different deposits: in each of them the composition is individual.

Different organic residues were used for its formation, the conditions for the flow of chemical reactions were also not the same.

No scientist will not be able to give you a chemical formula of natural gas - he can only inform the percentage of substances within it. Additional components besides methane are hydrocarbons:

  • ethane;
  • propane;
  • butane;
  • hydrogen;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • nitrogen;
  • helium.

The physical properties of natural fuel flow from the chemical composition. There are also no exact parameters, because they depend on the percentage ratio of components:

  • density - 0.68-0.85 kg / m3 in gaseous and 400 kg / m3 in liquid form;
  • self-burning - at a temperature of 650 ° C;
  • specific heat combustion - 28-46 MJ / m³.

Since natural gas is almost two times lighter than air, it rises up. A person cannot suffocate, being at the bottom of the Nizna. But there is another danger: if in the air is present from 5 to 15% of the volume of natural gas, the mixture becomes explosive.

It is based on a gas-fuel system used in cars. The octane number of natural gas used in engines is from 120 to 130.

The combustion of natural gas The process is quite complex, in which the chemical energy is converted to heat. Burning is full and incomplete.

The need for cleaning

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the use of gas. Pour pipes, drill a well - and blue fuel, located in the depths under great pressure, will easily flow to the boilers and stoves. But not everything is so simple - natural gas contains impurities that can harm pipelines, instruments or health people.

In the depths of the Earth, a lot of moisture, which can enter into chemical reactions or create condensate, and a large amount of gas interferes with a gas pass. The hydrogen sulfide causes rusting of the metal, and the equipment quickly comes in disrepair. To remove harmful components from raw materials, special cleaning stations are installed on the fields.


Gas pipelines have a length of many thousands of kilometers, the initial stream energy is not enough to overcome such distances.

No matter how smooth inner surfaces are, the friction force arises, the gas loses the speed and heats up.

There are other ways to transport gas, but while pipelines are the most economical.

Smell Gaza

Natural gas does not smell, so why do the tenants of apartments immediately feel if there is a leak somewhere? For our safety in blue fuel add special odorants, the slightest presence of which is sensitive to human sense. Usually, mercaptans are acting in this role, having such an unpleasant smell that it is impossible not to notice it.

Throughout its history, humanity was heated, burning various types of fuel.

If you think so, then it is dangerous to live in general)
I hope that there will be alternative sources of energy in a short time. Earth reserves are not eternal - it should be remembered, too, everything has its beginning and the end.
But about the greenhouse effect at all, the thing is interesting - after all, some refute that this is the influence of anthropogenic factors, such as the activities of industries and stations. Personally, I do not agree with them, still mankind does not contribute to the defeat of the planet every minute ..

Naturally, natural gas has a smaller impact on the planet during burning, rather than all the same firewood or coal, but it is not worth denying harm and immediate danger. First of all, gas is a volatile substance and unsuccessful storage or distribution can lead to terrible, disastrous consequences for both humans and the surrounding world. All hope for scientists, that soon they will find a solution to protect the Earth from slow death, preventing the greenhouse effect ...

Gas is the most environmentally friendly type of fuel. It is distinguished by fullness of combustion without smoke and soot; no ash after combustion; ease of ignition and controlling the combustion process; high efficiency of the fuel-splitting installations; efficiency and simplicity of transportation to the consumer; the possibility of storage in compressed and liquefied state; Lack of harmful substances.

A significant role is also played by the low cost of gas production compared with the cost of extraction of other types of fuel - coal, peat, oil. If we take the cost of coal (in terms of 1 ton of conditional fuel) for 100%, then the cost of gas will be only 10%.

Due to the high consumer properties, low costs of production and transportation, a wide range of applications in many areas of human activity, natural gas occupies a special place in the fuel and energy and raw materials base. In this regard, increasing its stocks and consumption is highly pace.

Gas industry is the most young branch of the fuel complex. Gas is applied in the national economy as fuel in industry and in everyday life, as well as raw materials for the chemical industry. The national economy uses natural gas produced from gas fields, gas produced along the way with oil, and artificial gas extracted during gasification of shale from coal. In addition, gas obtained in production processes in some sectors of the metallurgical and oil refining industry is used.

Gas in large quantities is used as fuel in a metallurgical, glass, cement, ceramic, light and food industries, fully or partially replacing such types of fuel as coal, coke, fuel oil, or is the raw material in the chemical industry.

The largest consumer of gas in industry is ferrous metallurgy. In blast furnaces, the partial use of natural gas gives savings of deficient coke to 15% (1 cubic meters. M of natural gas replaces 0.9 - 1.3 kg of coke), increases the performance of the furnace, improves the quality of cast iron, reduces its cost. In Vaugranki, gas use reduces coke consumption twice.

The method of direct iron reduction from ores is also based on the use of gas fuel.

In metallurgy and mechanical engineering, natural gas is also used for heating rolling, blacksmith, thermal and melting furnaces and dried. In metalworking, the use of gas increased the efficiency of the ovens by almost 2 times, and the heating time of the parts decreased by 40%. The use of gas in metallurgy, in addition, lengthens the timing of the lining service. The amount of sulfur is reduced in cast iron.

The use of natural gas in the glass industry instead of the generator gas increases the productivity of glass furnaces by 10 - 13% while reducing the specific fuel consumption by 20-30%. The cost of cement is reduced by 20 - 25%. In brick production, the cycle is reduced by 20%, and labor productivity increases by 40%.

In the introduction of natural gas in glass groove, special measures are required to bring gas luminosity (that is, to increase heat transfer from torch to glass mass) to the level of the luminosity of the torch on liquid fuel, that is, 2 to 3 times, which is achieved by planting in a gas environment.

In the food industry, gas is used for drying food, vegetables, fruits, baking bakery and confectionery.

When using gas on power plants, operating costs associated with storage, preparation and loss of fuel and exploitation of the gold system are reduced, the mileage of the boilers increases, do not engage in the decreases of electricity, the amount of operational personnel decreases, the amount of operational personnel decreases, and capital costs are reduced.

So, the products of the industry under consideration provide industry (about 45% of total national economic consumption), thermal electric power industry (35%), utility household economy (more than 10%). Gas is the most environmentally friendly fuel and valuable raw materials for the production of chemical products.

Chapter 2. Place of Russia in world stocks of natural gas

Russia ranks 1st in the world in gas reserves; 2 place in terms of annual production; 2 Place for gas consumption and provides 21% of world trade in this type of fuel. About 75% of gas is used in the domestic market, gas provides 50% of electricity in the country. Due to the presence of a unique gas transmission system, Russia plays an important role in ensuring the transit of Central Asian gas to Europe and the CIS countries.

The Gas Industry of Russia is a combination of enterprises engaged in geological exploration on land and shelf, drilling of operational wells, production and processing of natural gas, gas condensate and oil, transport and distribution, underground storage, etc. The next chain of operations happens in the gas industry: geological Exploration\u003e Production\u003e Storage\u003e Processing\u003e Transportation\u003e Distribution. The subject of the gas market includes gas manufacturers, gas distribution organizations, gas mining companies and gas consumers. The structure of the Russian gas complex is shown in Figure 1.

The current state of the resource base of the natural gas of Russia is characterized by a high generation of base deposits. There is a tendency to increase the share of complex and hard-to-recover stocks. The problems of their development are associated with complex climatic conditions, the remoteness of future major gas production centers from the current gas industry development centers. The absence of a state program of reproduction and rational use of the mineral resource base has a negative impact on the effectiveness of geological exploration. The leading position in the production of Gaza is occupied by Gazprom. The society has the most rich in the world with natural gas reserves.

Fig. 1 - Structure of the Gas Complex of Russia


Natural gas can fill gas lamps intended for lighting. Actually, methane is used as raw materials for the production of acetylene, ammonia, methanol and cyanide hydrogen.

At the same time, natural gas is the raw material base in the production of ammonia. Almost three quarters of all ammonia are used for the production of nitrogen fertilizers.

Hydrogen cyanide, obtained from ammonia, together with acetylene serves as the initial raw material for the production of various synthetic fibers. From acetylene, you can produce different layers, which are quite wide in industry and in everyday life. Also, with the help of it, acetate silk is produced.

In the chemical industry, methane is used not only to obtain various plastics, but also for production, organic acids and alcohol. It was using natural gas that it became possible to create many chemicals that are not in nature, for example, polyethylene.

Natural gas is one of the best types of fuels that are used for industrial and household needs. Its value as fuel is also the fact that this mineral fuel is quite clean eco. With its combustion, much less harmful substances appear if with other types of fuel. That is why natural gas is one of the main sources of energy in all human activity.

Hydrogen In its pure form on Earth, it is rare, but it is very common in the composition of the compounds: contained in water, in plant and animal organisms, in natural gases. In space, this is the most common element.

You will need

  • Edition for general chemistry or textbook for chemistry 8-9 class.


In order to determine hydrogen, you need to know some of it. Some of them will help to cope with the task of the task in a short time, and some require finding in chemical. You do not need to use all methods, grabs one or two.
Hydrogen - The easiest of all. For example, it may be a task - to determine hydrogen, having in stock several vessels with unknown gases. In this case, you need to pay attention to the vessel - hydrogen should be either in an inverted or closed (possibly glass that can be moved to further definition). Otherwise, hydrogen will fly away. Smell and colors does not have this gas.

In the ignition, hydrogen burns the unheoming flame, while water is formed. A good way to determine, but very dangerous, because A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is called the rattle gas due to its ability to explode. Although it should be noted that at low temperatures this will not go. Only at 300? C is a small amount of water begins to form, at 500? C occurs, and at 700? C is an explosion.

If the gas is skipped over the anti-oxide of copper, then copper will be restored - the result is a reddish metal. To carry out this experience, security rules must be followed and is desirable in the appropriate (in the laboratory).

What do we know about hydrocarbons? Well, except for something from the school program in chemistry, yes periodically flashing the word "methane" in the media ... What do we know about natural gas, besides his explosive properties? What is the use of natural gas, except for well-known cooking and heating of residential buildings? What is new in the world of power consumption and energy security?

Basic properties

Let's start with the fact that the famous phrase about the smell of gas in the apartment or on the street is not entirely correct. Who serves us in apartments for cooking or to heal water, there is no taste, no smell. What we feel is nothing but a special additive required to determine gas leaks. This is the so-called odorant, add it to specially equipped stations in the following proportions: 16 mg per thousand cubic meters of gas.

The main component of natural gas is definitely methane. Its content in the gas mixture is about 89-95%, the remaining components are butane, propane, hydrogen sulfide and so-called impurities - dust and non-combustible components, oxygen and nitrogen. The percentage of methane depends on the type of deposit.

The energy of natural gas, isolated during the combustion of one cubic meter of fuel, is called warmth of combustion. This value is one of the initial in all issues of the design of gas objects, and in different countries, various values \u200b\u200bare taken as a basis. In Russia, the calculation is carried out along the lowest heat of the combustion, in the West countries, such as France and the United Kingdom, - at the highest.

Speaking of explosiveness of natural gas, it is worth mentioning about such concepts as explosive limits and a dangerous concentration. Gas explodes when it is concentrated in a room from 5 to 15% of the volume. If the concentration is lower, the gas does not burn if the concentration is more than 15%, then the gas-air mixture is lit with additional air supply. Dangerous concentration is made to call 1/5 from the lower limit of explosability, that is, 1%.

Basics Types and application of natural gas

Butane and propane found their use as fuel for cars (liquefied gas). Also propane is used to refuel lighters. Ethan as fuel is extremely rare, because it is a raw material for the production of polyethylene. Acetylene is extremely fuel and used when welding and cutting metals. The use of natural gas, and to be more accurate - methane, we have already discussed, it is used as fuel fuel in plates, columns and boilers.

Varieties of natural gas

By types of mined gas, the field are divided into gas or passing. The main difference between them lies in the percentage of hydrocarbons. In gas fields, the methane content is about 80-90%, in passing, or, as they are still called, the "oil", its maintenance of it is not more than 50%. The remaining 50% is oil separated from gas. One of the greatest minuses of gas from the passing field is obligatory to clean it from various impurities. Obtaining natural gas is also associated with the prey of helium. Such deposits are quite rare, helium is considered the optimal gas for cooling nuclear reactors. The sulfur separated from hydrogen sulfides mined as a mixture of natural gas is also used for industrial purposes.

The main tool for the extraction of natural gas is the drilling rig. This is a four-dimensional tower of about 20-30 meters high. It is suspended with a pipe with a brown at the end. This pipe increases as the well depth increases, in the process of drilling in the well, a special fluid is added to the destroyed rocks it is not scored.

This fluid is supplied using special pumps. Of course, the cost of natural gas includes the cost of exploitation and the construction of gas-producing wells. From 40 to 60% of the cost account for the costs for this.

How does gas come to us?

So, leaving the production site, the purified natural gas enters the first compressor station, or, as it is also called the head. It is located most often in close proximity to the field. There, with the help of high pressure installations, the main gas pipelines enters. Stations are installed on the main gas pipelines to maintain a given pressure on the main gas pipelines. Since the laying of pipes with this category of pressure within cities is prohibited, a branch is established before each major city. It is already, in turn, does not increase, but reduces the pressure. Some of it is consumed by major gas consumers - industrial enterprises, plants, boiler rooms. And the other part enters the so-called hydraulic fracturing - there the pressure drops again. Where is the use of natural gas to us most familiar with you and understand? These are plate burners.

How long have he been with us?

The active application of natural gas originates in the middle of the 19th century, after the invention of the gas burner. Moreover, the initial use of it now for us is not entirely familiar. It was first applied to lighting streets.

In the Soviet Union, until the end of the 30s of the last century, the independent gas industry did not exist. The gas fields opened randomly, only when exploring oil wells. The active use of natural gas began with the times of the Great Patriotic War. Lack of fuel, due to the loss of part of coal and oil fields, gave a powerful impetus to the development of the gas industry. After the end of the war, the gas industry was actively developed and gradually became one of the most energy efficient.

Alternatives No.

Perhaps the best proof the advantages of natural gas as the most convenient source of energy are the indicators of Moscow. The connection of gas allowed daily saving one million cubes of firewood, 0.65 million tons of coal, 150 thousand tons of kerosene and almost as much and all this was replaced by 1 million cubic meters. m gas. Next followed the gradual gasification of the entire country and the search for new deposits. Later, huge gas reserves were found in Siberia, which are still operated to this day.

Industrial use

The use of natural gas is not limited only to cooking - although indirectly, it is used to supply heat in residential buildings. Most of the major urban boilers in the European part of Russia are used as the main fuel just natural gas.

Also more often natural gas is used in the chemical industry as raw materials for various organic substances. An increasing number of car giants are developing cars on alternative fuels, including hydrogen and natural gas.

Only gas for marina

From the point of view of ecology, natural gas can be called one of the safest types of organic fuel. However, the connection of gas in many areas of human life and subsequent burning led to a multiple increase in the content in the atmosphere. Otherwise, this process is called "Greenhouse Effect". And it extremely negatively affects the climate of our planet. However, new technologies and production levels recently reduce the level of emissions into the atmosphere. Recall, gas is one of the safest types of fuel.