Repairs Design Furniture

How to separate the old house inside. Finishing wooden houses - features of work and examples of design. Nature will always help in matters of ecology and beauty

Interior decoration of the house from the bar (internal decoration of the brusade house)

The houses from the bar are most often discharged with a timber imitation or other natural materials. To the peculiarities of the interior decoration of the house from the bar can be attributed that when using a dry profiled timber, the inner side of the walls can not be wrapped on, but simply pollute and paint. Less frequently, a house from a profiled bar is plasterboard, tiles, etc. This is partly caused by the fact that the walls look beautiful and naturally and without decoration. It is also worth noting that the internal finish of the house from the bar is usually started after shrinkage at home.

Interior decoration of a skeleton house

Houses made in framework technology do not give shrinkage. That is, if a set of a frame house is made of dry wood, it will absolutely not change its size and shape. And any finishing works can be started immediately after installing the roof.

If the carcass of the house is made of lumber of natural humidity, then the wood drying is possible to increase the gaps in the connections. In this case, the facade works and the interior decoration of the frame house are available after the natural perception of the frame. (3-6 months)

Interior finish of the house of panels

Houses from the sip panels are the same frame houses only in them as a wall material used a sip panel (structural insulating panel), consisting of a layered insulation, from two sides covered with sheets of OSP. As in the case of frame houses to the interior, the house of the panels can be processed immediately after the completion of construction works, no time for shrinkage is required.

Internal finish of the house of the log

The most optimal option for the house of the log will be grinding and wall covering with special compositions and cavropka with decorative rope. Simply put, the preservation and emphasis of the natural beauty of wood. But in some cases, the lifting of the log house is performed by plasterboard, MDF, trim tile in the bathrooms and other similar materials.

Nuances finish

Starting to finish from the inside, a wooden house is possible only after painstaking the topics: methods, technology. Options that passes air are taken as materials for the walls of the walls, create a good microcirculation.

If we use sealed materials, then the walls of the house simply stop breathing. These rules are fully referred to the process of insulation, outdoor processing. If the structure does not pass the air, the occurrence of the greenhouse effect is inevitable. It will be possible to solve the problem with the help of forced ventilation, which means that essential investments will be required, the time loss, the need to control the quality of ventilation.

When carrying out the interior decoration of a wooden house you need to use lightweight materials that will not increase the load on the foundation.

Beginning of the process

Finishing is possible after the end of the current shrinkage stage. This rule concerns the new, just erected at home. If you have to handle the old construction, you can immediately begin. It is important to take into account the following:

  • If the base of the house is a log and an ordinary bar, then ideally the finish starts not earlier than the year.
  • If the base of the house is a dry profiled or glued bar, you can start after 1-2 months.

It is necessary to take into account climatic features, average temperature, humidity indicators. The decoration of the inside of the walls of the logs and the usual timber is allowed at the end of the cacopa.

The work implies two stages:

  • At first, the process of the cacopa is carried out after a few weeks from the moment of assembly of the walls.
  • The second part begins at least 6 months after shrinkage.

For the cacopa of the walls, we need material with heat-insulating, sealing properties. All high-quality criteria correspond to the packle, jute. They are common due to the available cost, unpretentiousness, strength. Also in practice, it was so that some use moss as a material for cavinc. There were no more modern substitutes.

Works are carried out from the external and inner side at the same time, it is necessary to start from the bottom. As soon as the crown on the one hand is ready, it is necessary to move on the other side - this will help avoid skew.

When the work is completed, the object is raised by several centimeters, but soon the interventical aggregator will become more dense, the initial height will return. Drafts will practically not make themselves felt due to the dense fit of the bar or logs, it will significantly increase the thermal insulation indicators.

Wooden wall caups are a special type of activity implying its technologies, nuances, you can find more about this in the article. As soon as the second cachatka ended, it takes from time to time to measure the height of the walls. If the data has not changed during a couple of months, it means that shrinkage ended and it is quite possible to start the finish.

Preparation for finishing

It is not always advisable to arrange from the inside of the wall. If the interwetant insulation is invisible, and the design is neat, neat, then from the skin can be abandoned, replacing for cheaper, practical paints and varnishes. However, if the sutures of the cacopa are unattractive, there are defects of the surface, the texture is uneven, then only the decoration will correct the situation.

It is very important to protect the woody breed from mold, fungus, regardless of the features of the materials used. Especially for such purposes, manufacturers offer efficient, safe, inexpensive antiseptics. Additionally, you can take antipyrenes, which, as can be seen from the name, make the texture of non-combustible.

Varieties of finishes

The finish of the house with their own hands is not one, but several options:

  • Plasterboard.
  • Wall panels.
  • Molds of different shapes.

Regardless of the specifics of the materials you need to install the frame on the surface. Ideally proven to be wood. Yes, some technologies involve the refusal of the frame, but the base should be flawlessly smooth, without chipping, protrusions. The painting on the frame is suitable, as:

  • It will help hide wiring.
  • Provides a clearance for drying wall, air circulation.
  • Do not have to do the base level.
  • It is convenient to install thermal insulation materials.

There are also their own features. So, there is a chance that rodents will appear in the gap, insects and have to make additional measures to get rid. The wooden cover of the house implies the presence of a small clearance at the ceiling, it reduces the manifestation of shrinkage and deformities. The optimal width is 2-4 cm, this space is easy to hide using the installation of a decorative plinth.

Cover with lining

The inner finish of the house with a tree is a great variety. The lining guarantees an abundance of forms, widths, special textures depending on the tree of wood. You can split the lining on the basis of the transverse profile to the following types:

  • American.
  • Landhauses.
  • Blockchas.
  • Standard.
  • Softline, etc.

Different fastenings:

  • With the help of curls.
  • With the help of self-tapping and nails at an angle.
  • Nails in the ramp. This method is not too common because it is considered not very attractive from aesthetic point of view.

Self-tapping screws with nails and curmmers are not easy, it is necessary to attach and eliminate the deformation of the lining on the front side.

Self-tapping screws or nails are often replaced with special construction staplers with brackets. This allows you to use brackets with a narrow part from the side of the "back" and with long legs. The basis of fastening materials is special metallic compositions, steel with anti-corrosion processing.

Wood is taken as the basis of the lining, and therefore the shrinkage is also relevant. If a chamber drying was performed, then the material will be the highest quality. However, it is not so easy to buy the lining, which has passed the chamber drying, is not so simple, so many household owners conducting the finish choose more accessible options. It is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • Fixing initially, you need to remember that the facing will have to dismantle, so it is necessary to decide on suitable tools: self-tapping screws or nails.
  • If you follow the aesthetic considerations, you can dismantle the lining, and then beaten again.
  • It is possible to leave the surface in natural form - as it is.
  • If there was a natural drying, then the gaps arise between the finishing elements.

Features wall panels

Wall panels are a wide variety of design solutions, the ability to realize projects of any complexity. Perhaps this is one of the favorite options for designers, since it does not limit fantasy. If we talk about the finishing of a wooden house with the help of wall panels, then you need to determine correctly with the type:

  • Leather.
  • Plastic.
  • Glass.
  • Bamboo.
  • Wood.

Each option has its own specificity, for example, if you choose glass, it is worth it to be especially accurate and observed precautions. In addition, the glass is massive, which implies an impact on the carrying structure. If the wall fence is miniature, thin, then it is better to refuse this option.

Features of plasterboard

Plasterboard is applied very active, it is inexpensive, light, beautiful. Nuances:

  • It does not differ great strength, resistant to mechanical effects. Ideally, it is worth sowing it only 2 years after the construction of the object. Plus, the operation mode must be common, with heating included.
  • Having arranged the trim after 1-2 years since the construction, you need to mount drywall on a floating type frame. This significantly reduces the risks of the finishing and base relative to each other.

On problem zones, cracks should not be revealed, which is achieved by the coding of the reinforcing network. It is inexpensive, its base is polymers, the seams, joints, angles are enhanced with it.

If it is possible, it is better to use the rails and bars from the tree. If a metal profile is taken, waterproofing measures are carried out: the general rule says that, if materials with excellent properties come into contact with each other, waterproofing is necessary.

Old wooden buildings

If you work with old wooden houses, you need to objectively assess the condition of the object, in particular, walls, provide additional protection, identify suspicious zones, further explore them. Create a chisel, knife, screwdriver. The following are considered to be problematic areas:

  • The density of which is different.
  • The texture of which is different.
  • The plot is darker or lighter than the rest.

Sometimes it is necessary to face that wood fibers crumble, thin. In such cases, it is better to turn to a specialist to identify the degree of defeat. If there were no serious defects, it is enough to treat an antiseptic base.

If you have any questions about the interior decoration of frame houses. Write to us.

- This is a classic in construction. The popularity of the material is not reduced over time, but only increases. In this regard, the question arises how to properly separate the walls of a wooden house inside. To solve it, it is necessary to deal with the specifics of wooden construction, characteristics of material and cladding technology.

Features of the interior decoration of the walls


Internal finishing works in a wooden house should only follow the building shrinkage. For this it may be necessary from one and a half to two years, and for the final settlement it is necessary for about five years. If it is necessary to finish a wooden house before the complete shrinkage is required to use materials with special characteristics.

Wooden house is environmentally friendly


Before the start of the finish, determine the purpose of each room in a wooden house. Next, the interior is selected and the locations of the sewer pipe, the heating system and wiring are determined. The implementation of these activities in this order will continue to hold finishing works without any obstacles and difficulties and disturbance of surface integrity.

Paul and ceiling

The construction of floors involves the creation of a structure consisting of two layers. This event also includes a reliable protection device from moisture impact and heat loss with the subsequent creation of a smooth surface using boards.

The floor can be laid on the lags, on the soil using the lag, fit on the beams of overlapping or on a solid base. When choosing the option proceed from the design features of the house.

The resulting surface of the floors is treated. For this, grinding machines of various types are used. It is necessary to stock by sandpaper of various grainability and abrasive discs. In the final stages of floor grinding, the floor should be carefully cleaned.

Floor floor

As a flooring, it is recommended to use polymer compositions that have a water base. Its finish can be carried out by any materials that are presented in the construction market: massive boards, parquet, laminate, carpet and a number of others.

The ceilings of a wooden house can be performed smooth or not to take any actions with it.

The optimal solution in the first case will be the construction of the ceiling stretch design, in the second - only applying a layer of varnish or paint. The finish using the lining or imitation of the bar, panel material or plasterboard.


At the first stage, the decoration of the walls of a wooden house includes wood processing with special means of protecting and applying plaster on their surface. They must be prettled and covered with primer.

To obtain an attractive type of walls, the layers of coating material should be applied evenly.

In some cases, it is resorted to the creation of an additional heat insulating layer inside. To do this, use mineral wool or foam, which is placed in the formation of the gap between the wall and the heat insulator. For mounting the insulation, a doomle and a counterclaim is constructed. Minvatu is inserted into it, and steam and waterproofing are built on top of it.

Wood itself after proper processing looks very aesthetic. It is enough to expose it to grinding and cover with varnish, and the material will acquire a noble and attractive look.

Wood nobleness looks after processing

If a decision is made on the lining of the walls, you can use any material suitable for this.

Often used wallpapers for painting or classic finish option using wood.

When carrying out facing work, special attention is paid to the walls. To obtain a surface with high quality and good aesthetic properties, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

The direction of wall cladding affects the visual perception of space space. When completing the finish in the horizontal direction, the room is expanding, and the vertical - increases the ceilings.

Immediately apply paint undesirable. It is better to try it on a small separate plot.

Preferably create walls in light colors. If necessary, they can always be darken.

How dark will the tone, depends on the number of paint layers applied. As a rule, a coating is made in three layers.

Before starting the cladding, the joints and seams are necessarily insulated. It must be remembered that these works can be carried out only after the completion of the building shrinkage.

The finish is allowed to lead year-round. Conduction is not allowed when the temperature is reduced less than 15 degrees Celsius.

Must material must pass fire protection. To do this, use special impregnations that do not allow wood to ignite. This requirement should be strictly respected, as the tree is a hazardous material in fire.

Under the technology of finishing the surface of the walls and the use of high-quality materials, for a long time, the repair will not be required. As a rule, repairs are necessary in those areas that are less than others are protected and exposed to a greater degree of adverse factors. Repair is also subject to surfaces that wear out during operation.

It's no secret that the house of wood is most adapted for permanent residence primarily due to its absolute environmental purity. In the summer, in such a house is cool, and in winter warmth. The heating of a wooden house, as a rule, takes less energy than to build a stone or concrete.

The wooden structure breathes especially easy, and many diseases are forgotten, it is necessary to cross the threshold of your own house from a tree. Now the tradition is returned again from natural environmentally friendly materials. In the first place of course a tree.

The indoor interior is no less important than the facade

When building any house, special attention is drawn to how it looks outside. And if the facade is decorated for universal ferris, then the inner interior is important, first of all, from a functional point of view and "decorations" here can be superfluous, many are considered. But it's not at all.

The interior decoration of the wooden house is important from all points of view. There are many beautiful and, at the same time, the highest degree of functional finishes.

On numerous sites, you can see the photo of the beautiful decoration of the wooden house and choose the most acceptable option for yourself. As a rule, beauty here is equal to the concept of comfortable accommodation.

The better to separate the wooden house from the inside

As you know, wooden buildings with sufficient durability are still not so steady tolerance of the weather. Therefore, such a house outside is taken to separate more resistant modern, including synthetic materials. The inner interior is definitely the best to separate wood. This is primarily important from the point of view of ecology.

In the house, finished with a clean tree to live much more comfortable. However, the use of wooden arrays will significantly increase the cost of finishing a wooden house. This must be taken into account when designing.

The costs of such a finish can significantly exceed the cost of construction itself. Therefore, sometimes it is advisable to resort to no less functional, but cheaper finishing materials from the composite tree.

It is also permissible to use modern composite materials using synthetics. Natural arrays include details made entirely of wood.

The most common lining from various wood breeds.

Most often, lumber from pine, spruce and birch are used for decoration. Such lining is quite simple both in the manufacture and use when finishing. It looks organically almost in any, even the most modern interior.

The cheaper includes composite finishing materials made of wood. In this case, the foundation of the finishing element is made of less valuable wood, and the facial part is decorated with expensive or even exotic rocks.

Combined finishing materials are often used, when the basis is the synthetic materials, and the facial part of natural wood species. In many cases, completely synthetic finishing materials are also applied.

In any case, it is necessary to take into account that the use of synthetic materials in a wooden house is less advisable than in the city apartment. Again, for the consideration of the greatest environmental safety.

Finishing with your own hands

So, consider how to finish a wooden house with your own hands. A tree is just the material with which almost everyone can cope with who wishes to separate their dwelling on their own. Traditional lining to everyone on the shoulder, although it will require a lot of time and accuracy in work.

But the result will be many years of comfort without constant change of the interior in pursuit of fashion. Conservative wooden finish does not leave fashion ever.

It is also enough to simply separate your home and composite materials using valuable wood species. Such a material will not be much more expensive than solid lumber, but will give the opportunity to diversify the interior and make it exquisite.

It is possible to use modern synthetic materials, but it does not need to overdo it, if you decide to pay special attention to ecology.

It is also possible to separate the inner interior of a wooden house and traditional plasterboard, if necessary, aligning walls, which is difficult to achieve exclusively wooden structures. But then all the charm of contact with a tree, both visual and physical contact, will be lost.

Any unnatural material will not give the same warmth and comfort, like any of the most freaky wood. It is also necessary to take into account that the wooden house changes its dimensions depending on the time of year and humidity, which does not occur with the buildings from brick or concrete.

Oscillations can not be attributed to the category of critical, but still they are. If you apply a wooden finish for a wooden house, then these oscillations will be compensated by the homogeneity of the materials and will not rush into the eyes. And for synthetic materials or drywall, it is necessary to take into account during construction and especially interior decoration.

It is necessary to provide additional compensating gaps so that the plasterboard does not crack over time, which happens quite often in wooden houses. There is no specialist without specialists.

Additional calculations are always extremely important, taking into account the specifics of the tree when applying heterogeneous materials for finishing.

Why do everything on your own

There are many ways to make a finish with your own hands. Each owner should always find a compromise between desires and its financial and physical abilities.

You can always refer to the specialists, but without a doubt everything is done with your own hands at times is valued more expensive than the work of even the most experienced master.

In your house, we always do everything from the soul and for yourself, even if not everything works like a real professional. You can hire specialists, but then there will be no opportunity to say: "But I did it myself!"

Nature will always help in matters of ecology and beauty

It is worth emphasizing that any natural finishing material can be considered environmentally friendly and healthy. Therefore, the finishing of the house inside can also be made and natural stone without restrictions, which also looks very beautiful. Here the fantasy flight is unlimited.

And if there is a sad boulder not far from your house, bring at least one pebbles home, put it near the empty wall and you will see how the stone itself will be transformed, and the interior of your home will be promoted.

If you live in a house of stone or concrete, bring any even a non-zero area from the forest and again you will see how your home will be transformed. The house will be much cozy and warmer.

Stock Foto Wooden house finish (inside)

Houses made of wood have unique magnificence and beauty. The natural texture of the array with the original patterns creates the atmosphere of heat and coziness. Correctly completed the finish of a wooden house inside the photo of examples of what can be selected in the selection, the attractive type of structure will preserve for a long time and will provide comfort of accommodation.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of the house from the tree should take into account the mass of individual factors and indicators. It is important to determine the time of residence and weather conditions of the region in which the structure is located.

The use of the house in the warm period of the year does not require additional insulation, the use of facing materials, it is sufficient to simply cover the wood by the vessel, varnish, tinting solutions.

The wooden house is able to maintain a unique temperature and humidity level, so choosing finishing materials it is important to maintain the advantages of the microclimate and the natural nature of the structure. Registration of walls, other surfaces should be different environmental and safety. According to experts, optimal finishes should be similar to the rocks of the main structure.

The effect of temperatures and humidity in the operation of the house can affect the material, causing an extension, or compressing, so it is better to make the basics and interior coefficients to the most coincided. It is not recommended to use a coniferous array in wet rooms and a strong heating, due to the extraction of the resin. It is important to maintain an individual approach when making different rooms at home, given the features of each room.


The design of the inner cladding of a wooden house using drywall in most cases is used to eliminate various defects, irregularities of walls, or to hide communications. In some cases, drywall materials are used to finish the ceiling surfaces, or as additional interior partitions with imitation of natural textures.

In rooms with elevated moisture level, it is recommended to use materials with moisture-resistant coating, with high temperatures - fire-resistant. Installation of drywall is better to do on a crawl of a bar. For houses from a tree, it is not recommended to use structures from a metal profile.


Modern types of cladding of clapboard photos are distinguished by aesthetic appearance, simplicity and ease of installation. Special fastenings on the lamellas allow you to make a beautiful, smooth surface. The color palette of the material will perform a great imitation of the tree. The optimal area of \u200b\u200bapplication will perform rooms with high humidity: kitchen, bathroom, toilet.

The main advantages of the material lining:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of installation;
  • a wide selection of colors and shades;
  • variety of varieties.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted the high cost of the material and its demands in terms of care. The covering of the walls of the walls is performed after the preliminary work and the creation of the cruise of the bar. Before installing the lamellas are thoroughly cleaned, dried. If necessary, ammonia solutions are used, or hydrogen peroxide to eliminate defects in the form of spots, strips. At the completed stage, the surface, lined with clapboard, is covered with varnish, sandwiched and processed with varnish composition.

Block house

Application Block of the Haws for the walls of the walls will save the style and microclimate of a wooden house. The main advantages of the material include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • mechanical strength;
  • aesthetics;
  • a light weight;
  • simplicity of assembly.

The disadvantages of the material, though little, but they are among them low vapor permeability and high flammability. Material is a good imitation of natural wood texture, as in the photo, having a high degree of decorativeness. As an interior decoration, it is recommended to use lamellas with a thickness of about 25 mm. Massive options will need to make a stronger fraud from the bar, which as a result will significantly reduce the free space of the room.

After calculating the number of necessary material, experts recommend adding about 10 percent of the stock. The color of the lamellae from another batch may vary, which will adversely affect the appearance of the trim. Before the start of work, the Block House must purchase a room temperature, having placed in a room for about two days.

Stages of main work:

  • installation of material is performed on a pre-prepared fragment from the bar, 50 cm increments;
  • for heat and sound insulation, it will be necessary to close the space between the bars insulation;
  • boards Block House are connected using special protrusions on their surface, as in the photo;
  • materials will require a certain care in the form of cleaning, periodic staining, or varnish coating.

Pure shed

The inner design of the premises of the wooden house with a clean log cabin will preserve the style and naturalness of the residential structure, ensuring exceptional environmental friendliness, cleaning of the finish. The coating will require systematic care actions, update coverage, eliminate dust and contamination.

It is also recommended to repeat grinding, finishing with varnish compositions with a frequency once every five years. Wooden house walls may be subject to shrinkage under the influence of moisture, change temperatures, drying the bar, shrinkage. The finishing of the pure slab will not be able to hide this defect.

Recently, more and more people are preferred to finish private houses precisely pure logberies, which is due to the fact that such a finish is characterized by environmental friendliness, natural beauty, durability. As for minuses, it is quite a large amount of material because of which it is difficult to dry, light fire and possible rotting.


In wooden houses, such a type of finish like plaster is used very rarely. As an exception, it can be used for decorative coating of certain zones. Finishing with plaster is performed by textured variants of the material.

The advantage of this type of coating is the possibility of fast and affordable alignment of surfaces, which can be seen in the photo. Also, the benefits of the material include:

  • elasticity;
  • preservation of initial properties for a long time;
  • resistance to various mechanical impacts;
  • does not require careful care;
  • does not absorb dirt;
  • excellent parrotability;
  • a variety of colors and textures.

The main disadvantages include the high cost of high-quality decorative materials. The specificity of the wooden house, taking into account the periodic shrinkage, expansion under the influence of temperatures, will require repeating the finishing with a putty with a frequency of every five years.


The surface of the bar without flaws with a smooth, smooth surface can not be hidden behind the trimming, emphasizing the natural beauty, style, decorative staining. Previously need to perform grinding and tinting of walls. Small seam defects are easy to hide under a special cord, which will create an additional seal, protecting against drafts.

Wall covering and ceiling is performed using a color antiseptic, or water-based paint. Such processing will provide aesthetic surface type and will allow you to breathe. Colored antiseptics have a mass gain:

  • provide reliable protection against pathogenic microorganisms (fungus, mold);
  • keep the structure of the tree, aesthetic species, prevent darkening;
  • it is advantageous to emphasize the naturalistic sector;
  • create a beautiful tone, highlighting natural wood patterns.

It is possible to carry out surface treatment with a colorless composition of the antiseptic, triggering the coating with a toning solution, adjusting the color intensity by the amount of applied layers. Selection of staining as in the photo will help to set the style of the room. There is a huge variety of shades of tinting composition with various types of coatings from exquisite gloss to silky matte text.


To emphasize the individual style of the interior will help the decoration with wall panels. Materials are selected depending on personal preferences and interior solutions of rooms. The panels can be made of laminated, veneered MDF with good imitation of wood pattern, plastic, bamboo, natural wood, leather, gypsum.

The following can be attributed to the benefits of any wall panels:

  • relatively simple installation;
  • excellent warm and sound insulation properties;
  • attractive view.

In addition to the listed advantages, each of the specific types of panels are inherent in additional advantages. The same can be said about the minuses that each of the types of material are individual.

The size of the panels is selected individually. Installation of elements is very simple and performed using a spike of the groove of the system. Previously, it will be necessary to make a lattice from the bar on which the panels are installed. As a result, smooth, seamless coating is formed, if desired with imitation of a tree, which will easily fit even in the most intricate interior.

Registration of the floor surface

The choice of wooden house flooring should be durable and reliable. Natural boards are able to emphasize the style of the room, performing it with a harmonious addition. Special treatment with varnish, antiseptic protects the coating from the effects of moisture, will prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Floor finishing laminate has a number of advantages, reducing the time spent on laying and ensuring a high degree of decorativeness.

Experts recommend using the insulation, which is placed on the draft coating before finishing. Thermal insulation will reliably protect from the cold. Fungal insulators, mineral wool, or bulk materials are successfully used. Laying is performed between the main beams. Between the draft floor with the insulation and the finish finish, it is necessary to leave a gap of about two centimeters.

Finishing the ceiling

The design of the ceiling surface has many variations. The interior decoration of the wooden caisson type looks exquisite, beautifully, thanks to the original combination of decorative inserts and beams of wood. The option of painted ceilings is used in the interiors to create national stylistics in style ethno.

Ceilings of wooden houses can also be lifted with clapboard, creating a smooth surface. The shades and textures of the material allows you to highlight the color of the ceiling against the background of the walls of the walls. Natural beauty connoisseurs, using country style, loft, can leave the ceiling without change, while maintaining the pristine beauty of wood with natural chips, crashes, beams.

Scandinavian style in the photo for wooden houses is especially popular, featuring conciseness and restraint in the design. The minimalistic setting harmoniously transfers heat, the beauty of natural materials. A tree as the main material is present in the decoration. The original Scandinavian style will emphasize the individuality of the structure, give it a complete view.

Premises with high levels of humidity will require special attention to the finishing ceiling coating. It is not recommended to leave wood without coating in that case. In the bathroom, the kitchen rationally use stretch designs. PVC coating is resistant to moisture and steam and reliably protect the wooden surface. The species diversity of textures, color solutions of stretch ceilings allows you to perform high-quality and stylish finish.

The best options for finishing the ceilings in a wooden house will be the following materials:

  • laminate - it looks great in the ceiling finish;
  • stretching - save if the house gives shrinkage;
  • veneered panels are perfectly combined with wooden walls.

Stretch ceiling
Veneered panels

Options for plating walls

The decoration of a wooden house inside can be performed in various ways using modern materials with excellent quality characteristics. The choice of design of the surface of the walls of the photo is based on individual preferences and stylistic solutions of the interior of the room. Successfully apply materials with realistic imitation under the timber, lining clapboard.

Facing the walls is made after the installation of communication systems, electrical wiring. Initially, check the surface surfaces, making sure in the smooth plane. In the case of irregularities, it will be necessary to mount the framework, or the lattice for laying the finishing material. The distance between the racks of the lattice from the timber must be from 40 to 70 cm. The space between them should be carefully filled with insulating material.

After fixing the insulation, you can proceed to finishing. The finish of the lining with the imitation of a natural bar will emphasize the style, the original look, will fill the atmosphere of the room with warmth, comfort. Before laying it is important to check the material for the presence of defects, make sure that there are no chips, bitch and damage. At the final stage, the surface is treated with a special putty, polished, covered with verses and paint compositions. Experts are recommended to give preference to the semiam coating of varnish, in the interiors with a wooden finish, glossy compounds after several treatments acquire an unnatural shine.

If we talk about what material to finish the walls is better, then in the case of a wooden house, you can leave a natural look of the log cabin, pre-polishing it and smoked. It is also worth applying an antiseptic or water paint to protect the tree. Also an excellent option will be any materials on a natural wooden basis. If it allows the financial situation, it is worth paying attention to a cork cover, which has a mass of indisputable advantages.

The main stages of work on finishing

The decoration of a wooden house should be made in stages in compliance with all the rules of work. The main stages of finishing events are:

  • staff;
  • finishing walls;
  • ceiling cover;
  • laying outdoor coating;
  • morilka treatment;
  • staining.

Shvi Study Siruba

Before proceeding with the execution of finishing works, mandatory measures should be made to process the base of the walls for bioprotection, the fire retardants of the house. Special compositions protect the surface from various influences. High-quality processing can also provide decorativity of the coating.

The final stage of construction is the decoration of a wooden house inside, and in this case help the owners decide on the style of the future dwelling can be a photo, but to choose materials will be independently, as well as to hold a number of preparatory work. Wood makes special requirements for subsequent decoration, so when carrying out internal works, its properties and characteristics should be taken into account. In addition, you should not forget that the wooden house is not only beautiful and warm, but still has a special energy. Its design from the inside can either emphasize the unity and harmony with nature, creating an atmosphere of a unique coziness, or to be up-to-date, but it is no less comfortable.

When should be carried out on interior decoration

The inner finish of the wood house should be carried out only after the main shrinkage is held (this concerns only the "fresh" log cabins). At this stage, an active destruction of the tree occurs, the bar or logs change their dimensions in a smaller side, and the insulation is pressed. If the inner finish is made to the end of the shrinkage, then as a result, you can get a curved coating, which can also fall off and have to start again.

The duration of shrinkage is influenced by:

  • Design type of house.
  • Material (timber, log, etc.), its initial humidity.
  • Climatic construction zone.
  • Construction time.

In particular, the house of glued bar gives the main shrinkage after 3-4 weeks after the construction, it is the fastest time. Other types of wooden houses require a shrinkage for several months and even years. On average, the finish inside the house can be started only 10-12 months after the end of the construction itself.