Repairs Design Furniture

All unusual beds. Original and creative beds for modern interior. The most expensive beds

Incredible facts

Considering the fact that sleep is an integral part of our health, and we spend a third of our life in bed, it is very important where and how we sleep.

If you do not feel about people who are ready to sleep at least on the floor, the choice of a suitable bed can be a pretty entertaining. The benefit that the choice of a beloved vacation spot today is just huge.

Modern designers are trying to satisfy the requests of different people and create such original, funny and exclusive beds for every taste.

1. Aquarium bed

If you can not imagine life without your favorite fish, you may have to taste such a bed-aquarium. Right over the bed is a 2460 liter aquarium, which you can admire, lying in bed. Of course, if such a bulkdin is not frightened, and even filled with water and lively, you have over your head. There is such an unforgettable experience of $ 11,500.

2. Golden bed

This huge double water bed covered with gold 24 carats and Swarovski crystals On the sides. In addition, the bed is equipped with the latest technology, including the built-in folding plasma TV, DVD and Blu-Ray Player, BOSE Acoustic System, PlayStation 3 game System and Internet connection. In general, everything is for complete relaxation and only 676,550 dollars.

3. Magnetic soaring bed

This bed was created by a Dutch designer Jandjap Rudjsesenars (Janjaap Ruijssenaars) and able to withstand 900 kg, grate in the air. Several magnets are installed on the bed and on the floor, which causes the bed to swim in the air, and practically invisible lesi hold it in place. There is such a wonderful bed of 1.2 million euros.

4. invulnerable bed

If you can't fall asleep at night, because all the time worry about all sorts of dangers that you are threatened, then a bed has been developed specifically for you that protects you literally from everything. The bed will become your shelter from terrorist attacks, natural cataclysms, robbers and pursuers.

She is equipped high-level safety system, including polycarbonate bulletproof coating, mirrors that allow you to see from the inside, respiratory protection means, smoke sensors and movement, communication system, and besides the DVD player, microwave and refrigerator. Such a bed that can be called a whole house costs $ 160,000.

5. Rocking bed

This bed called "Personal Cloud" (Private Cloud) was developed by a German designer Manuel Kloker Manuel Kloker. The swinging frame moves a bed like a rocking chair, soothing you and driving into a deep long-awaited sleep. Beds can also be given a stable position with a frame-lining. The rocking bed is on average 6,800 dollars depending on the size.

6. Smart bed

What can be a big incarnation of luxury, like a bed that is covered by itself. All you need, it is in the morning to wake up, press the button and watch how a mechanical hand with two rollers aligns and fills the blanket, lifts and puts the pillow to the place and gives your bedroom a presentable view.

7. Bed on the ceiling

If you lack a place in the house, but you have a lot of money (which in itself is quite absurd), then the bed on the ceiling is what you need. Bed, named bedup, most of the day spends on the ceiling, providing you with an additional free place in the house. By the time when you need to go to bed, you lower it to the desired height, for example, do not move furniture items under it. There is such a bed ranging from 3800 dollars.

8. Bed for quarreled

This bed that is practically instantly turns from a double bed in one-bedroom, invented designer Marcia Harvey Isaksson (Marcia Hanvey Isakson).

The design allows you to divide the romantic double bed into two separate beds using a rail mechanism from the headboard and wheels that breed you with your spouse in different directions in the event of a quarrel.

9. Acoustic bed

Externally, this bed resembles a large wooden box, but inside this large bed is equipped with 12-channel audio round system, speakers and amplifiers for perfect sound, which you will literally feel the whole body. If you still install a large plasma TV, then, most likely, you will spend all day in such a bed.

10. Bed-american slides

This double bed was created by a Cuban art group. Los Carpinteros For the gallery. Of course, this bed is unlikely to fit into the usual apartment, especially since it was created as an object of art, and not for sale.

Everyday life is difficult to imagine without a bed, and every person with confidence will describe its appearance. We offer projects of beds that will be able to completely destroy the usual image of this interior object. Modern beds can be very original, real masterpieces. Merry and functional, they definitely will not be unnoticed.

For most people, the main thing in bed is not its originality and an unusual appearance, but functionality. The project of the bed won the first prize at the Stockholm furniture exhibition in 2007. Functional design allows the bed to grow with the owner. All this is possible due to the frame around the bed, which, despite its fragile appearance, has a solid design. The modern model from designer Joel Hesselgren allows you to turn a single bed in a double bed if necessary.

The bed that will enjoy everyone, regardless of age. Such a bed will be able to wake the baby inside each adult. She looks like a real book with pages, cover and all other attributes. Pillows are used as bookmarks. The bed is the perfect solution for families in which several children. For children, it is important to have your own space and learn how to manage it. With this bed they will be able to combine pleasure and duties. The project was created by the Japanese artist Yusuke Suzuki. The model is ideal for a spacious children's bedroom, because it is incredibly interesting to sleep in it, becoming part of the book, part of the story and mystery.

Modern beds are able to satisfy the needs of ecoentziasts. The Ecotypic Bed model is original and unique. It contains everything you need for life: a lamp above your head for reading, speakers for music and even a place for colors and curly plants. The special LED was installed in order to help plants grow indoors far from natural light. Health and comfort for the first time merged in the revolutionary product. Probably, no one will be against rest on the bed, which changes the humidity in which there is air conditioning, and everything is fragrant with freshness and aroma. Plus, there are also live plants around!

The time that is now called "retro" was in fact a period of large innovations and huge bold steps in design and technologies. A convertible bed made by Joe Colombo is a successful example of a combination of a living environment and an unbelievable concept. Inspired by the appearance of the convertible, the designer created a yellow folding cap, which can be closed, ensuring a sense of complete privacy. The bed was among the first among those models in which the control panel was provided, ensuring the operation of the fan, radio and telephone. In those days the bed was called the "Machine for Life", because it was not just ordinary furniture, but a variety of moving parts and mechanisms.

The model will have to taste the fans of "Star Wars". The project was developed by designer Kayla Kromer. The bed provides full-featured headlights, the projection of the star field and a lot more. Such a bed will definitely not be unnoticed!

Since we are talking about modern beds, it is worth recognizing that designers think about different categories of the population. Patients and older people also need comfortable furniture that meets their real needs. The bed was specifically designed for people with physical disorders that can not travel to the toilet. It is built into it toilet, where waste is contained in special closing bags.

Funny and probably a very comfortable bed model! Especially the idea will enjoy nonconformists, because there was nothing like that before, and it looks very unusual. Especially spectacular bed will look on the second floor. With such a bed, no crumbs are scary!

Oddly enough, but these stunning American slides are a bed! Although her form makes think about possible dizziness, it was developed for relaxation. Very unusual and extravagant subject of the interior!

The suspension bed is kept only on four ropes tied to the ceiling, one for each angle. Ropes can easily withstand the weight of the bed and the weight of people sleeping there, but people will not be able to get a feeling of a hard place to sleep, and it makes the bed even more unusual, because it is constantly in motion.

Sofas beds were popular and earlier. The reason for enormous love for them was explained by functionality. New concept is called Morfeo. A very good model especially for those who like to read in bed. The sofa bed has a very funny, original look. She reminds something of the famous cartoon character Shrek, the same ears as two reading lamps. Lamps can be configured individually by installing in several positions, so each lying can read in a position convenient for it.

Thematic interiors are becoming increasingly popular in children's bedrooms. Super heroes fascinate toddlers, and for each of them have their beloved character in the bedroom - a real dream. But thematic interiors are popular not only among children. Bed Sandwich can be found in Fantasuite Hotels network hotels. A funny and very original interior of the room looks like a dining table from a restaurant, on which a sandwich is served on a plate. There are other products on the table: mustard, ketchup, napkins. A variety helps make life less boring and more diverse.

In such a bed, everyone can distract from external noise, pretend to prettify and take a break. Sound double bed with 12-channel surround sound. The bed really looks very big, because inside it there are many mattresses, speakers, amplifiers, thick wires and enough volume for perfect sound and acoustics.

The bed is called floating because it is slightly higher from the floor level. Neither the cables nor the rope for fasteners of this bed are not used. This is a cantilever bed that perfectly fit into the modern interior.

Bedroom - a place for a full-fledged night rest, here all the details of the interior should bring comfort and convenience. Only from the owner depends on what bed to equip in the bedroom - a functional and folding in the wall niche, soaring in the air or in the form of a huge book, where it is convenient to fall asleep with small leisurers. Each year, designers offer original beds capable of hitting the imagination of the septic skeptics. It's time to leave a conservative thinking in the past relative to ordinary rectangular designs, making a sleeping place an exclusive place in the house.

The defective sleep becomes the cause of irritability and depression, and the dull bed causes melancholy. If you use non-standard thinking, the most unusual beds will not only improve the mood, but also save useful space in the apartment.

Advantages of non-standard models:

  1. Full sleep will give a lifting cabinet bed, which is converted in the morning in a closet or rack. The use of transforming sofas with drawers will allow storing bedding;
  2. In any modern style (Hai-tech, modern, avant-garde) will fit round bed. On such a bed can be in different ways, the injury is minimized due to the lack of sharp corners;
  3. The use of a multifunctional attic bed is suitable for a children's bedroom. The owner receives not only a sleeping place, but a computer table and a wardrobe. Furniture occupies a little useful space, while a full-fledged game area is created and a place to sleep;
  4. Furniture designers are created to order, suitable for small rooms. The bed can be part of a wardrobe, extend from a wall niche or desktop;
  5. For large rooms choose podium beds. At night, on such a large space, it is possible to rest, but in the daytime, the bed hys up into the podium, which will turn into a place for games with the child.

Unimaginable design models will decorate the bedroom if approaching the situation with a fraction of fantasy. It is nice to relax from the daytime bustle on the bed of grass, suspended design or a bed-hammock. The most creative will appreciate the advantages of the attraction bed, although it is necessary to highlight a huge area for such a design.

There are a number of shortcomings of the use of models:

  1. The overestimated price that is growing in geometric progression, if the fantastic model came up with an eminent designer;
  2. For many unusual beds, there will be a significant area that in the conditions of "Khrushchev" sounds unthinkable;
  3. It is difficult to choose bedding for a round model, and you must relax on it difficult;
  4. The attic beds can cause injury, are not allowed for people with sore joints, make it difficult to care for sick babies, stuffingly breathe under the ceiling.

The original models are affected by the form, sizes and color scheme in the design. Such furniture will transform a boring bedroom, will give unusual sensations. Compared to classic structures, it is much more expensive, but will be inspired by the accomplishment of people of creative professions.

For kids, you can pick up a bed in the form of a typewriter or carriage. The model contributes to the development of the feeling of the wonderful, will help to quickly learn the colors, and fall asleep here - solid pleasure. Models are equipped with orthopedic mattresses, painted according to sanitary requirements.

The most unusual models from around the world

Among the abundance of unusual beds with photos, it is difficult to choose the most original design. Any of them will turn the bedroom in a special place where you can raise fantasy.

Creative solutions for the bedroom:

  1. For brave, a fairy bed, attached to the ceiling with thick ropes. Let it and not quite convenient, but the measured shaking will help to relax, moved the coup on board a pirate vessel;
  2. Molecular chemistry lovers are delighted with a bed made of 120 balls covered with soft material. Saving on the molecular model is so convenient that you want to spend in it all day;
  3. The connection of the functional bed and the multimedia player - will allow music lovers to fall asleep along with your favorite films. Sleep place looks fashionable and creative;
  4. Creation of Dutch designers - an unaccompired giant yarn, which can be rearranged every time in search of a place to sleep;
  5. Entertainment for the strong spirit of people - to sleep among the huge teeth of the toothbrush. Regarding the availability of question, but the fantasy of the developers causes a mute delight;
  6. The first impression of the bed without legs - it did not cost without magical intervention. Metal design joins the wall, so it seems to steer in weightlessness;
  7. A cheap cardboard bed will enjoy exclusively slender students who do not have enough funds that purchase a full bed. Among the cards are stored a notebook, which is an unconditional plus;
  8. Models in the form of nests filled with eggs hang kids;
  9. Eco-bed is a revolutionary model of the future. It combines a place to relax, wrapped with indoor plants. It provides not only reading and dynamics lamps for listening to music, but also a special backlight for vegetation Lian.

Choose one of the most unusual beds in the world from the presented variety is quite difficult. Extremely popular with fast food lovers model resembling sandwich, and the sewer's sewer will help strain after a working day, providing comfort with additional devices - MP3 player and high-quality acoustics.

A bed has been developed for the longest. It is enough to use a zip-lock in the morning to fill the crumpled bed.

Unusual materials

When choosing for the bedroom, the original bed should be closed to the material that was used for the structure of the model. An unusual solution will be applied instead of conventional materials more natural - bamboo or rattan.

Creative approach to the choice of materials:

  1. Designers apply pallets for the construction of a spectacular bed. This design can be constructed independently, painting pallets in colors, harmonizing with a common bedroom style;
  2. Registration in the style of Rustic. Attracts the gaze of the design made of untreated wood. The model combines an old eye with modernity, attracts attention to himself;
  3. In accordance with the style of High-tech, you can make a place to sleep from metal pipes. Such pipes are used for the construction of racks or shelves in the garage;
  4. Basket Bed from Wire. Complement the interior in the style of Loft or grunge, has stability and durability, will decorate the bedroom;
  5. Bed from stack of books. Books after laying in stacks, tied with a twine for stability, for convenience, we will placed on top of the mattress.

Add the originality of any bed an interesting headboard, which can be done independently or order. An unusual solution is a stylistic board in the bedroom, where they leave important entries, attach bright collages.

For the original bed, it is necessary to choose the design to paint on the walls correspond to the general design. The use of mirror panels, metal pipes, photo wallpaper, backlight, will turn the bedroom not only in place for night sleep, but also the most creative solution for the apartment.


A fairly original bed on the street, in-depth to the floor with a fire in the center. Enough romantic 🙂 The main thing - not to burn the fire ...

Super-original bed in the form of a boat suspended to the ceiling. I would not mind ...

Bed on the second floor; On the first - workplace. Although from the point of view of illumination is better, it would probably be on the contrary.

Another option of a two-story bed, this time - street. Agree that this bed must be protected from mosquitoes.

By the way, we have already affected the mosquitoes on our website in the article "How to cope with mosquitoes? Easy!".

The third version of the two-story bed - this time more successful. And the lighting is good, and the workplace is near, and more - where is warmer, and under the bottom there is nothing disappeared.

Plus the original bookshelf - in our collection of shelves from subsection "".

An interesting bed, already protected from mosquitoes:

Another breakdown in the floor bed. Only this time without a fire and not on the street:

Huge, just a hefty and original bed in a beautiful interior:

Funny bed by the fireplace - so that warming was. Excellent cozy Nestshko!

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Beds are unusual: 24 options and their features

Many modern beds are distinguished by an unusual design. They can be any form, with various accessories and from different materials. Some models are forced to be surprised, others - lunizing, and some cause bewilderment - how to sleep on them?! Let's get to know them closer.

Bed beds

Large beds are designed for a full rest. During sleep, a person should not feel cowardly, and the sides and the back of the bedroom should not interfere or prevent healthy rest. It is quite natural that the large bed must be installed in a spacious room.

World designers are developing annually and produce spacious and comfortable sleeping places. Often they have an unusual shape and interesting materials instead of a mattress.

3 Most Creative Beds

The consumer market presents a variety of beds that cause delight. And the unusual product, the higher its value:

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In appearance resembles a classic sofa, but with some functional modifications.

For example, there are built-in lighting devices.

The model is very convenient for evening reading.

Lodge Sandwich

The option is popular for installation in children's rooms.

In appearance, the model resembles an American sandwich.

On the ropes

The design is kept on four ropes that are attached to the ceiling part of the room.

For such a bed it is important to choose a mattress strictly in size.

For interesting models of sleeping places it is important to choose unusual bedding. It can be sewn to order. Bed linen can be made of non-standard materials that will make rest comfortable and full.

5 most expensive beds

The cost of the product depends on the built-in functions and on behalf of the manufacturer. To date, there are certain models that have an incredibly high market value. What exactly:

Photo Description


There is a built-in TV, a mirror and a stand for drinks.

There is a significant minus - the bed is incredibly large.


Royal Comfort Level 3000 springs.

Woven material manually, and is distinguished by high quality.

Parnian Furniture.

This is a real chic of modern production.

Designer in the process of manufacture and decoration uses real gold, stainless steel and natural wood.

A TV in a rotating screen is mounted in the bed, a stand for phones and game consoles.

Jado Steel Gold Bed

It has incredibly high cost.

The model is distinguished by incredible extravagance, grace and luxury.

Construction decorated with real gold and Swarovski crystals

It has even built-in Wi-Fi.

Bed with Baldakhin Supreme

This model made of natural wood of two varieties: cherry and ash.

Be sure to stock chic polarketahin.

For decorating, more than 90 kg of natural gold is used.

The most unusual bed in the world

Perhaps the most unusual and original bed on the market can be called a vertical bed. His design allows the owner to sleep standing.

Dense surrounding fabric does not allow to lose equilibrium and fall out of the product. This design allows you to well and fully sleep, as well as relax after a difficult day.

It can be used both adults and children. There are numerous colors, but the most demanded today is a snow-white shade. The bedroom will be attractive, and sleep is healthy.

5 most original beds

The daily life of a modern person does not seem without full sleep. According to statistics on the bed, a person is poured at times better than on the sofa or bed chair.

Modern projects of beds are distinguished by their originality. You can find enough bold and unusual, it would seem that not intended for sleep model.

I propose to get acquainted with the most unusual and creative bedroom beds:

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Option 1. Lodge, getting up with the owner

This masterpiece of modern production.

The bed is characterized by functionality.

The design grows along with its owner.

This possibility is ensured by a special frame.

The design in appearance is fragile, but withstands a lot of weight.

Option 2. Book

An interesting appearance allows the use of bed at any age.

Externally, it resembles a real book with deployed pages.

Pillows are bookmarks.

A large sleeping space can be actively used by families in which two and more children.

Option 3. Equulous

A unique and functional device in which there is not only a luminaire for reading, but also speakers for listening to music, stand for flowers.

There are also air conditioning, and a system that changes the level of humidity.

Option 4. Convertible

Great retro style spokesman.

It has a folding cap that allows you to provide a calm dream.

In stock There are backlight, control panel, air conditioning, radio and even phone.

Option 5. Hamak

An incredibly comfortable model of a bed.

Especially spectacular product looks on the second floor.

10 most unusual beds

Modern designers offer a wide range of beds that are well suited not only to decorate the interior of your home, but also for comfortable and full sleep.

On such beds you can relax not only at night, but also during the day. For greater extent, funny, original and exclusive sleeping places are created, capable of satisfying every taste of consumers:

Photo Description

View 1. Bed - Aquarium

If you are a connoisseur and an amateur of aquarium fish, then such a bed is created precisely for your home.

The aquarium location is made above the bed, in some models also on the sides.

The total container of such aquarium varies from 2.5 to 5 thousand liters.

Fish can be admired before bedtime and immediately after waking up.

The cost of the bed is from several hundred rubles.

View 2. Golden Bed

This is a spacious double bed, the body of which is covered with real gold in 24 carats.

Some models are also covered with Swarovski crystals.

The bed is also equipped with modern technical devices: a plasma TV, a DVD player, an acoustic system, and even a game console.

View 3. Magnetic soaring bed

This is a unique development of a Dutch designer.

The total weight that can withstand such a design is 900 kg.

A certain amount of magnetic bands is installed and fixed on the floor, thereby creating an effect of a soaring bed.

I note that the bed remains on the spot.

View 4. invulnerable bed

According to psychologists, some people suffer from various phobias.

For example, it is fear of cataclysm, robbers, attacks of terrorists, etc.

This bed creates a cozy shelter that protects the owner at the highest level.

Inside the box have the necessary entertainment installations.

Televisions, music players, lighting and gaming consoles are in great demand.

Also inside mirrors, motion sensors and smoke, others.

The upper coating is made of polycarbanate bulletproof.

View 5. Rocking bed

The second name of this bedroom is a personal cloud.

It is designed under the guidance of a German designer, taking into account the physiological characteristics of a person.

The bed has an unusual swinging frame that allows the user to immerse themselves in a long and deep sleep.

Psychologists say that such a device for sleep subconsciously returns a person in a newborn period.

The frame can be fixed in one state, it is done using a special frame - lining.

Size can be ordered under the order.

View 6. Smart Bed

This is a real embodiment of luxury and comfort.

The bed has the ability to refuel independently, it is enough to press only one button.

There is a special mechanical hand - gently straightens covers, pillows.

View 7. Bed on the ceiling

If you are plans to functionally equip a slight space room space, then this device is suitable for your interior.

The bed at the ceiling guarantees the ability to equip the workspace under it.

I note that such a bed has the opportunity to descend and rise to the necessary height.

View 8. Bed for quarreled

This is a classic version of a spacious double bed, which has a specific "highlight".

In a matter of seconds, the bed turns into two single places.

The device works with the rail mechanism.

View 9. Acoustic bed

It is characterized in the form of a spacious and wide wooden bed resembling the appearance of the box.

Inside there is a built-in device providing 10-12 channel audio surroundings.

Also available are universal musical columns creating an ideal beep.

Some models have a plasma TV installed.

View 10. Bed American Gorki

This is an unusual double bed, which was created by the Cuban Art Group.

I will note that few people will have to sleep on this work of art, but it uniquely decorates any interiors.


For the adult bedroom, unusual double beds of various modifications are purchased. But for the baby's bedroom you can buy an interesting attic bed or a two-level construction that is convenient for two children. Choose what you like best!

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August 3, 2018.

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