Repairs Design Furniture

Types of substrate under laminate. Substrate for laminate (cork, coniferous and others). What to choose and how to put it? Combined and integrated

The laminated floor lays down the technology of floating, it means that it is not fixed on the basis. Need an amortization layer. It is multifunctional:

  • Aligns the surface. According to the recommendations of the SNIPs of the black floor drops should not be higher than 2 mm on each tempor - meter. If this is not the case, the alignment is required. But even if the surface satisfies these requirements, small flaws are still present. They are leveled by the depreciation canvas.
  • Protects against noise. Laminate is noise. It practically does not absorb the sound, which is very noticeable during operation. Isolation is soft enough, muffled crackling, creaking, etc.
  • Prevents moisture from entering lamellas. Laminated decoration is a plate pressed from wood raw materials. Water falling for it is detrimental, so the insulation is delayed by condensate, which moves from the base.

Thus, it is necessary to sharpen the substrate. The exception is only the luxury material, on the reverse side of which an insulating layer is already fixed.

Varieties of shock absorbing canvas

There are different insulation in stores. It is necessary to choose a solution that will work well with laminated design.

Polyethylene foamed

The fiscal variety. Released with a roll or in the form of sheets. It does not affect its characteristics, but it changes the convenience of laying. The canvas is easily rolled, fixed. Sheets are connected to each other. Otherwise, they will move when laying a lamellae. The latter suggests large labor costs.


  • Resistance to moisture.
  • Not bad heat, sound insulation.
  • Simple installation without the use of special tools: enough tape and stationery knife.
  • No conditions for the development of microorganisms.
  • Models are produced, duplicated by aluminum foil, for better heat reflection.


  • The disadvantage is considered a short service life.
  • The plates gradually lose their elasticity, cease to perform depreciation functions. It is possible to notice this by the state of the floor: it starts to fuse slightly, creak.
  • Repair is not possible, you need replacing the shock absorbing panel.

Foamed polystyrene foam

Available in the form of different plates. There are rolled models, but it is not very convenient to work with them because they are easily breaking.


  • Elasticity and rigidity. Even the intense loads can easily withstand, not crushed.
  • Good insulating characteristics. Isolator effectively, keeps heat.
  • Relatively low price.
  • Uncomplicated installation without special tools.


  • After some time, the operational characteristics of the shock absorber change.
  • It is crushed, crumbs.
  • His leveling abilities are small. Therefore, the locks of the finish finish can be deformed.
  • When fire, expanded polystyrene is released toxic substances.

Cork and its varieties

The insulator is a pressed cortex of cork tree. This is a safe environmentally friendly material.


  • Elasticity. Restores the form even after a very strong, long compression. Over time, this property does not change.
  • Good insulating characteristics. Effectively holds heat, absorbs noise.
  • Resistance to the development of fungus, mold. They do not fall on the surface, so it can be put in any room.
  • Insensitivity to high humidity.
  • Durability. The canvas serves without loss of properties to decades. Similar to high-quality laminate.


  • Hard, aligning properties is insufficient. Therefore, the insulator does not fit into a non-smooth surface.
  • Lack of moisture protection, it easily passes water to the finish finish, a high price.

A varieties of the shock absorber from the tube with bitumen or rubber are produced. They retain the characteristics of the analogue, but the water is not allowed, the price is lower.

Conifer tile

Raw materials for its manufacture - wood, usually spruce. Hence the name appeared. These are porous dense stoves, no rolled variation.


  • Elasticity, which allows him to preserve the form even after multiple compression.
  • Good. Porous structure effectively delays sounds.
  • Environmental safety, since it is made of natural raw materials.
  • Low thermal conductivity providing good thermal insulation.
  • Long service life.


  • The material is complicated in the installation. The manufacturer recommends laying it with small gaps between the plates diagonally diagonally.
  • Significant rigidity causes low leveling characteristics. Therefore, the needles are good only for a smooth surface.
  • Another minus is a high price.

Combined shock absorber

Practical combination of polyethylene with polystyrene foam. The first is present in the form of two layers of the film, between which the polystyrene foam balls are located. Such a structure allows you to remove condensate from the base.


  • Effective waterproofing, moisture does not fall into the finish finish, even if the draft floor is not quite dry.
  • Good ability to align. Moving balls easily level small differences.
  • Long service life, and properties do not change over time.


  • High price.
  • Weak insulating characteristics. The combined cloth practically does not exhaust the sound, does not save heat.

What thickness of the substrate under laminate is better

The height of the shock absorber is different. It varies from 2 to 8 mm. The choice depends on the state of the basis. If it meets the requirements of SPEPs, use the material with a height of 2 mm. For coating with small defects, it is recommended to select the plates of 3 mm thickness. Low height shock absorber for standard finishes is urgently not recommended.

Sometimes the incompetent masters put two layers of the material at once, motivating this by the fact that the insulating characteristics improve. However, with uneven pressure, which arises during operation, the canvas begins to fit. On the thick shock absorber, the height differences are obtained significant. As a result, lamella locks are gradually deformed, breaking.

A varieties of a height of more than 3 mm can only be used for a parquet board, reinforced laminated coating with a thickness of 10-11 mm.

How to choose a substrate for laminate

So that the floor finish served for a long time, it is necessary to choose a depreciation canvas, given the features of the room in which it will be laid. What you need to consider:

  • Status of the base. The surface is carefully inspected, all detected flaws are noted. Based on this, the thickness of the panel is determined.
  • The need for thermal insulation. Low thermal conductivity is necessary if the room is located in a private house or on the first floor. If the floors are not cold, this property can be neglected.
  • The degree of moisture resistance. Actual for fresh screed, for premises where there is. In these cases, moisture-resistant canvas are chosen.
  • Soundproofing level. Considering, it is worth choosing a shock absorber with good sound absorption.
  • Release form. This moment does not affect the operational properties, but it may complicate the installation. Roll panels are very easy to lay, sheets or plates are more difficult.
  • Lifetime. It is worth correlating it with the estimated time of using an outdoor finish. If the latter will last long, does it make sense to acquire an expensive durable model?

Another important point is the cost. Choosing which substrate for laminate is better, we consider different price segments. Cheap cloth - does not mean bad.

Features of choosing coverage under the warm floor

The main function is to give the room. Therefore, it will be completely excessive layer with low thermal conductivity, but it is impossible to do without it without it. We will have to select the option as possible heat. There are special models for such purposes. They are distinguished by the presence of perforation, through which heat waves are additionally passing.

Preparatory work

The best substrate will not save the repairs if the base under it has large differences in height, poor waterproofing, falls apart with medium loads. If at least one of these items is present, it is impossible to move to the finish: the money will be spent in vain.

Therefore, the first, where to start, is to clean, align the foundation. If it consists of wooden boards, it is better to remove them. Then make. To facilitate total weight, ceramzite concrete is allowed.

1. Clearing

If the base cries, remove everything that is easily knocked down. If there are no screeds, the following layers of cake will be laid on a crushed stone or overlap over the basement (in a private house). In the apartment, respectively, on a draft basis.

2. Waterproofing

Put or apply. Its varieties are a huge variety, here are the main: rolled, film, penetrating, in the form of waterproof powder, mastic. A rolled familiar to many of us is a runneroid or its modern modified variations. In general, all kinds of insulation will not deliver trouble, but with novice mastic coping the easiest: it only needs to smear. However, drying will have to wait a few days.

Waterproofing is the most important stage of the flooring device. Not only on the upper floors of apartments, where you need to protect the bottom from (and your wallet from the cost of repairing neighbors). In a private house and on the first floor, the apartment needs to protect from moisture coming from the basement or soil: it is able to destroy concrete. It is especially necessary in premises with a warm floor to increase efficiency, extend the service life of the system, in private houses and in apartments on the first floors, because heat loss through the ground is very high.

3. Insulation

Several are in demand: mineral wool, ceramzite, penurex, plug, polyethylene with a top layer of foil. Vata under cement does not fit: drinking with water, it loses its protective properties. The same thing happens with a clay, so when the device of concrete floors is, as a hydro and heat insulator, it is worth laying except as a layer between the rubble and a rough screed to block the flow into the house of groundwater.

Penoplex practically does not have flaws, except for high flammability. It is planted on glue over waterproofing. It is advisable to walk on the shakes of a metallized scotch, so that the sheets are not "drove", or fill them with glue for expanded polystyrene. The durability of the fusion allows you to lay any coating on it, and the low coefficient of water absorption is to calmly make a screed.

The plug is good everyone except the price. Approximate cost of 1 m 2 sheets with a thickness of 1 cm - 645 rubles. Foamed polyethylene can be made without waterproofing, moreover - over concrete directly under the decorative coating. It is fixed with bilateral scotch, if there is no self-adhesive foundation. Put a foil layer up, the joints are sampled with a metallized sticky ribbon.

If the penplex was used, you can. Then it is necessary to put the Faneur from above. However, it is a more expensive and less durable option, compared with concrete. To protect the entire design from the sediment and the appearance of microcracks, use the reinforcing grid. If you have previously laid the grid, then it will be convenient for you to mount the pipes with the help of clamps.

4. Pouring tie

Mark on the walls perfectly smooth horizontal line, it will be the top point of the finished floor. Spice the horizontal space to separate sectors using the rails. These will be lighthouses. Focusing on the line on the wall, install them in parallel and secure on the floor of the cement. Prepare the solution. Cement Mix with sainted sand in proportions 1: 3.5 (cement more).

To increase the smoothness, density and strength of the mixture, add a plasticizer. Pour water the last. It needs about a third of the mass of cement. The number of materials depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the thickness of the screed. Concrete mixer will save time and strength to prepare the solution. If it is not, helps a manual building mixer.

Place the finished solution in the Sector sectors with light rails and lay it with the help of the rule. In the first ten days, concrete recommend to keep under the film and sometimes spray with water. Finish floor put after a complete fold. Time depends on the thickness of the concrete. Each centimeter dries about seven days. You can start to start earlier - after two or three days after the fill.

To reduce the load on the overlap are often added. The most common option is a semi-dry screed. The faction of pebbles - 5-10 mm. For one part of the cement, three pieces of sand and four parts of the ceramisite are taken. Waters need so much so that the ceramzite does not pop up, but the mass was not dry. Without lighthouses, do not do here. The thickness of the layer is from 3 to 7 cm. After a couple of days, the finish grout is required in 1-3 cm from the bulk of or cement-sand mixture.

Stages of styling of shock absorbing canvas

Installation is always carried out in several stages:

  1. Preparation of the surface. Small garbage, dust is removed by a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Cutting cloth. A sharp stationery knife rolls on the strips so that a partial occurrence on the walls was performed. Sheets, if necessary, sue too.
  3. Laying. The strips are put on the prepared foundation. If the riflation is present, it must be put on the corrugated side. Foil, on the contrary, up. After the final fixation of the sheets to the floor of the tape is performed.

Any of shock absorbing coatings will serve without problems for more than ten years, subject to the correct choice and competent laying. Not always the best substrate under the laminate is the most expensive. The price of many models with good performance characteristics is very small.

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With the question of acquiring an outdoor cover, any person who buys an apartment or makes repairs in it. There are many options than to store the floor, one of the popular - laminate. This material is considered durable and inexpensive. To put it properly, all stages should be observed, including preparatory. It is at this stage of work that a question appears which substrate for laminate is better.

Falled substrate

The use of the substrate comes from the characteristics of the coating material itself on the floor. It is made of waste of woodworking enterprises. That is, the sawdusts under the influence of high pressure and temperature are pressed.

A decorative layer is applied to finished sheets from above, repeating wood texture. Then, cover the entire surface with varnish to increase the service life. On the underside of the laminate boards is a layer of polymers, which protects the material from moisture and mechanical damage.

From all sides of the panel obtained, locks for fastening are installed, so laying the laminate is easy. Put boards on the screed.

Note! When the irregularity difference on the floor should not be more than 1 mm on 2 row meters.

At the same time, it is impossible to lay the boards directly to the concrete, otherwise, when walking, they will knock on the screed and quickly wear . It was for these purposes that a lining was developed, which acts as a shock absorber, and also increases the level of sound insulation indoors. And it provides the necessary level of vaporizolation so that the coating is not deformed during operation.

What a substrate for laminate is better based on its features

There are different options for laying between the floor and the coating:

  • from traffic jam;
  • polymers;
  • foil;
  • needles;
  • combined options.

To choose a substrate for laminate on a concrete floor, it is necessary to take into account the features of each of the above species.

Cork coating

Major dignity - environmental friendliness. Even in the children's room, you can safely use a lining from the plug, it does not distinguish any harmful substances. And this material has a long service life, good depreciation and sound insulation.

In addition to positive moments, there are negative. These include:

  • high price;
  • it is afraid of moisture, so not used for warm floors.

It is made of crumbs of oak bark. Sometimes not only natural material is used, but also add rubber or bitumen, which reduces the cost.

Thus, it is advisable to apply such a coating for dry rooms, without installing warm floors. Most often, the plug is combined with inexpensive laminate to make the total cost of the outdoor coating optimal.

Polyeneetylene substrate

Substrates for laminate (sheets) are made of polyethylene in several options. All of them have positive aspects to which include:

  • High ability not to skip moisture;
  • Well maintains heat;
  • Not exposed to bacteria and various chemicals;
  • Light weight and low price.

However, there is a disadvantage that all this outweighs - a small life and quick loss of form. That is, such a substrate will be acceptable in a room with a large moisture and on the floor of the board, which in itself requires periodic repairs.

Polystyrene foam

The material is recognized as a golden middle time and quality. It consists of such a variant of two layers: expanded polystyrene and foil. There are estruted (single-layer).

The substrate easily stacked, does not miss the sound and heat, hides various floor defects, and at a price - this is an accessible option for many consumers. The disadvantage is only one - in the process of long-term operation can lose the form.

If you choose a substrate for a laminate on a warm floor, which is better suited to such a coating, then polystyrene foam is a suitable material for such structures.

From wood

This option is made from natural materials, it is able to "breathe", only the price is significantly higher. Despite the cost, sheets of wastewatering industry are in great demand due to durability and thermal insulation qualities, according to which they are compared with a soft insulation.

For example, a coniferous substrate for laminate Customer reviews has the following: "Infrequently write reviews, but this substrate just struck. I have been lying for more than three years, during this time neither allergies nor any other trouble caused. I thought that the coating would begin to "walk", but nothing like that did not happen. Very satisfied".

Another review: "One familiar bed for itself such a natural substrate, was unpleasantly surprised by the aroma from her. I could not stand, I handed over to the store, as it turned out, the needles perfectly absorb all the smells. Replaced the new packaging, it was already fine with her. "

Thus, accurately answer the question of which substrate for laminate is better, quite difficult. For each buyer, good will be the right-selected option based on the purpose of use, humidity in the room and the planned cost of money.

What a substrate for laminate (price per m2) will be more profitable

When determined which option from the whole manifold is more suitable, we suggest a table with tentative prices.

PictureFirm (Article)VarietyPrice (rub. / Sq.m)
TepopolFoamed (2 mm)15
TepopolFoamed (4 mm)30
Wicanders.Cork (2 mm)120
Tuplex (RT-011)Combined (extruded polystyrene foam and two layers of polyethylene film)130
Steico.Natural needles (7 mm)575
Coeksribas (CR-105-10)Cork (10 mm)514

And also when choosing can look at the rating of manufacturers, according to buyers:

  • The best natural substrates. In the first place is PREMIUM CORK (Portugal), this material has high density and low. It is manufactured from a compressed cortex cortex. Price: 90 rubles. per square. meter (2mm). The following is Parcolag (bitumen-cork option). Refers to ventilated material. Price: 95 rub with a thickness of 3 mm.

  • From the extruded polystyrene, buyers allocated VTM, Isopolin. This gasket is considered the best price and quality ratio. It has high indicators for noise and thermal insulation. Price: 55 rub. per square meter.

  • Among the polyethylene options, consumers allocated Tuplex, worth 99 rubles. Made a substrate from modern materials that allow you to ventilate space.

Thus, when you think that it is better to choose which laminate under laminate, you can rely not only on the material of the manufacture, but also to the rating of users, as well as for the price policy.

A relatively new material is laminate - takes an increasingly visible place in the building materials market as one of the most inexpensive materials with which it is easy to work. At the same time, it gives an excellent result on visual perception of the floor covering, ease of care for it and durability. But this result is possible only with a qualitatively made finishing coating and a properly selected substrate under the laminate.

Functional Purpose Substrate for Laminate

For the successful use of this type of cover, there are a number of requirements that you need to adhere to. They include, above all, to the formation of a floor "cake", a multi-layer device compensating for the weaknesses of the finishing coating and ensuring the durable fulfillment of the floor of its functional purpose in full. To do this, it is formed a substrate for the laminate to be formed before it, which is assigned to such tasks:

  • steam protection, the purpose of which to protect the floor pie from the moisture of air arriving from the bottom;
  • the insulation function is minimalization of heat loss from the floor screed, which is especially important when the ceiling plates of the first floor are located above the basement, designed to store products with a special thermal regime;
  • soundproofing - relevant for the second and above floors;
  • alignment of the defects of a draft screed, which is especially relevant when used as a finishing flooring of the laminate.

What a better substrate under the laminate to choose to our readers. To understand the problem, find out what is laminate.

The basis for the manufacture of such a board is wood-fibrous stove of increased strength. The surface is covered with a layer of melamine or acrylate resin, which is a protective layer. A decorative layer of paper under a transparent coating can mimic any surface from wooden to stone. The lower layer of waterproof by impregnation of paper protects the board from moisture. In a number of manufacturers, the conjugating elements are covered with a layer of wax.

Choosing a substrate

The substrate is a multi-layer device, but taking into account the properties of the coating material, special attention is paid to its ability to smooth out the effect of various kinds of irregularities on the surface of the bearing plane of the base.

Non-woven fiber substrates

This is probably the best choice as a substrate for laminate. Fiber floors for the floor are different from all their competitors not only by the ratio of price \\ quality, but also the best physical indicators.

Triotex is engaged in the production of these substrates, and has already established itself as a reliable supplier of quality materials.

The advantages of fiber substrates:

  • Beautiful moisture insulation - the substrate is covered with a protective film that does not allow wetting;
  • Soundproofing - due to its structure, the material almost completely absorbs the sound;
  • Heat insulation - in its heat-insulating properties, nonwoven fiber can be sacred with cork coatings;
  • Fine smoothing small irregularities - the main purpose of the substrates. And with this substrate from the company "Triotex" copes the best of all.

Among other things, fiber substrates are not susceptible to rotting and "premium" over time.

Installation is one of the easiest among competitors. Unlike other fragile materials (traffic jams, needles, polystyrene foam), the material is enough to roll on the floor and cut into the right places.

The Tritka from the company "Triotex" is suitable for any purpose - to align the floor of the laminate, for its noise insulation and insulation.

Cork materials

Crushed natural material Cork as a substrate is formed into rolls on a tissue basis, the thickness of the material is 2 - 10 mm. Due to its physical properties, it is popular because of the ability to smooth out point irregularities, leveling their impact on the laminate.

The cork substrate also works well when the wooden floor is putting on the wooden floor. At the same time, the preparation of the surface is to remove old paint using scrapers or special composition intended for this purpose. The field of this must be consolidated by the screening of the flooring with additional screws or nails to the lags of the floor. Chips and cracks need to be eliminated by putty special composition for wood.

When setting the substrate, the usual technology is used for such cases. Loons of sheet material are laid on the floor, while joints are allowed, both in width and inland, which need to be glued together with a construction scotch . Attention! When the substrate is unacceptable, local blown and swelling.Over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room, it should fit tightly to the floor.

The positive qualities of this material include its low allergenicity. As an agglomeration of natural material and the same binders, it is initially environmentally friendly. This allows the use of such material in residential premises, children's rooms, kitchens and other similar places.

Among other positive qualities are the following:

  • long service life, reaching 30 years with a clear observance of surface preparation technologies where a cork substrate is used and its installation itself;
  • the stability of the material to deformations, after the removal of the load relaxation of the material layer occurs after 2 - 2.5 hours;
  • sound-insulating properties - the porous structure and elasticity of the source material effectively quench the sounds of both penetrating nature and vibration waves from the working electrical equipment and instruments. Already with a layer thickness of 2 mm, the material quit sounds up to 12-14 decibels;
  • heat-insulating properties - low thermal conductivity led to its use for insulation of walls, ceilings, floors and other multidirectional planes;
  • the material is an antiseptic of natural origin, not exposed to fungi and lichen, and also does not serve food for home rodents.

A unique property is the ability to reduce the radioactive background and the harmful effects of other building materials.

A negative factor is the high price of cork materials, which is successfully compensated by a set of its positive characteristics and durability.

In addition, the low thermal conductivity of this substrate prevents its use for any warm floors.

Coniferous substrates

This material is made of chips and wood chips of coniferous breeds. With the pressing of products, no foreign binders are applied, in such an important quality own resin, contained in the wood itself. The materials used and the method of production reasonably make it possible to consider coniferous substrates by environmentally friendly material.

The main forms of release are rolls and plates. The latter are packaged in packs of 7 square meters at the size of the cards of 59 x 89 cm and the thickness of 3.5 - 7 mm. When laying as a substrate, the seams are sampled by construction tape.

Initially, this material was intended for use as a soundproofer, but the identified ability to damp the drum and vibratory loads led to its use as substrates under various finishing floor coverings.

The coniferous substrate under the laminate has a number of valuable positive qualities:

  • high soundproofing capacity creates comfortable accommodation conditions in the room;
  • the use of a coniferous substrate allows you to maintain heat heat;
  • the density of the tiles can significantly level the irregularities of the base when laying both on the concrete floor and on the wooden;
  • when mounting a coniferous substrate, there is no need for additional adhesive compositions, tools and devices;
  • the absence of synthetic additives, adhesives and modifiers allows you to attract this material to environmentally friendly;
  • when operating, the coniferous substrate is well held by the form, does not sit down, holding the form for at least 15 years.

A significant disadvantage of the material is its ability to be melted in the presence of moisture.

Therefore, we mentioned above about the need to use steam protection in the substrate. In addition, when using coniferous material, moisture protection is needed between it and laminate to eliminate it from a wet cleaning.

Polypropylene foamed

This material is the most popular of the class of synthetic products for use as a substrate for the finishing floor covering, including laminate.

The material structure has a bubble structure than its low thermal conductivity and sound insulation properties.

One of the reasons for the high popularity of the foamed polypropylene is its low price, which does not indicate its insufficient quality. It successfully withstands the laminated coating and is intensively holding the heat and sound.

The form of release in the form of rolls or sheets is performed with a wavy surface, which ensures the ventilating space under laminate. In addition, with a thickness of 3 - 5 mm, the substrate successfully copes with the irregularities of the floor base.

One of the disadvantages of polypropylene substrates is the destruction of bubbles with repeated loading. The consequence of this is flattening material with the loss of its basic qualities.

Wide use has recently obtained folgized substrates, and the metallization can be one-sided or double-sided. Such material works at the place of installation as a flask of thermos, effectively maintaining the heat of the floor. The substrate thickness in this case is 2 - 5 mm.

To avoid the insulation of the laminate from the heating elements in the device of warm floors, the substrate must be placed under heat sources, preventing leakage to the base of the floor. At the same time, special importance should be given the quality of the surface of the base of the floor, regardless of the material of its manufacture.

Polystyrene extruded

The second type of substrates from synthesized materials is extruded polystyrene. This material is endowed with significantly higher strength qualities and is capable of perceiving significant loads for a long time.

Release form - mats or plates of greenish color.

A distinctive feature of polystyrene foam materials is their high density, which gives bubbles with air in them additional strength. With permanent heavy loads, the slabs do not seek and are not deformed. The same quality reliably smoothes peak loads in the field of floor irregularities.

For the warm floor, the main appointment of the substrate is thermal insulation in order to eliminate heat loss. Especially relevant to the use of substrates on plates of overlapping the first floor separating it from the basement. This allows you to maintain a microclimate in the basement room, necessary for storing stocks and reduces energy consumption for the heating of the building.

The order of laying the substrate

Such an operation should be started from any angle and act at the same time as in the case of installing floor tiles:

  • if a sheet substrate is used, place its first card in the corner, make sure that there is no skew of the angle. If it is - to place the cut line for the entire row and cut off the stationery knife on the markup;
  • when working with a roll material - the last joint is made with an overlap 7 - 10 cm and, using a ruler, cut off the double layer of material for the entire length. Removing narrow segments, we get the perfect joint even when the cutting is irregular;
  • all the juggling edges should be glued throughout the entire length, forming a hermetic floor covering with a substrate;
  • secure the substrate with a tape to the walls around the perimeter.

At the end of laying the substrate you can install the boards of laminate.

  1. When installing the finishing coating from this material on the stroma wooden floor, you need to remove the old paint. After that, it is desirable to tear one or two boards and check the condition of the supporting elements - lag. If you have been detected at least in one place, you will have to completely dismantle the old coating and replace the damaged lags. At the same time, check the adequacy of thermal insulation and, if necessary, replenish its level using clay, blastine slag or foamed sand. Re-closing the floor with the same boards (if there is no need to replace), carefully fasten them with screws, having overall heads into the body of the boards.
  2. By installing warm floors, it should be borne in mind that most coolants are afraid of genderlessness, especially film. And the substrates are not salvation here. It will correctly arrange self-confined ties, reinforced by fibrous chips and no longer think about irregularities. Forced repair with the replacement of mats will be at times more expensive.
  3. It is necessary to take into account the requirements of SNiP, so that the level of gender in all mating premises was the same. It is easy to consider in the construction of the house. And when performing repair work in a separate room, it should be remembered that the minimum thickness of the laminate with a substrate from the simplest polystyrene foam is 7 - 8 cm, and to take into account in the work of work.

Many buyers are wondering how to choose the way to choose a substrate under the laminate and why still put something under this flooring? For starters, let's see what role the substrate performs, and what properties it should have. Good substrate for laminate:

  • compensates for small irregularities of the foundation, which facilitates the laying and extends the service life of the laminate;
  • it gives noise (for example, from steps), promotes the soundproofing of the room;
  • reduces heat loss, i.e. performs the function of thermal insulation;
  • absources the condensate and microcapels of water, which appear on the screed, protecting the laminate from the effects of moisture.

It is also desirable that the substrate will be durable, sustainable biological threats did not give a shrinkage during operation and did not create bubbles.

In online stores you can train a huge amount of types of substrates. All of them to one degree or another possess the above properties. To determine which substrate to choose under the laminate, we analyze the most common options.

Eco-Cover substrate

The emine-covered Eco-Cover substrate for parquet and laminate is a new composite material based on a foamed EVA polymer, qualitatively different from the usual polystyrene and polyethylene.

EVA material (ethylenevinyl acetate) occupies a special place among modern polymers. This is an environmentally friendly highly efficient foamed composition polymer material. It has the following characteristics: High wear resistance;

  • has the properties of the dielectric;
  • resistance to the effects of chemicals (oils, solvents);
  • hygienicity (racks to the effects of bacteria and fungi);
  • the material has excellent depreciation;

Cork substrate under laminate: pros and cons

This rolled or sheet material made from natural oak bark. A lot of articles are written on the theme of the advantages and minuses of cork substrates under the laminate, here we bring a brief list. So, to the basic advantages of the cork substrate belongs:

  • one hundred percent environmental friendliness;
  • good heat and noise insulation properties;
  • preservation of its characteristics and geometric proportions during a long (about 15 years) operation;
  • depreciation properties.

But it should be borne in mind that the cork substrate has a fairly high cost, so it is impractical to use together with a cheap laminate. Also, the disadvantages of the substrate from the traffic jam refer to low moisture resistance.

Coniferous substrate

It is made of coniferous wood rocks. The coniferous substrate under the laminate has the following advantages:

  • one hundred percent environmental friendliness;
  • high porosity, which makes it possible to "breathe" the coating;
  • high sound insulation properties;
  • durability, preservation of its characteristics and proportions for 15 years and more.

The disadvantages of coniferous materials are the high cost and exposure to mold when moisture getting.

Many users choose a substrate of foamed polyethylene, without even thinking over what kind of substrate is better under the laminate. This is due to low price. Besides low cost, to the basic advantages of foamed polyethylene refers:

  • moisture resistance;
  • inconsistency of rotting and biogrosam;
  • ease of installation;
  • moisture and vaporizolation properties;
  • the presence of reinforced variants (metallized, fooled, etc.).

The substrate from foamed polyethylene quickly loses its elasticity, as a result of which gaps appear under the coating. First, it can lead to the back of the Half, secondly, the floor becomes "noisy" - when walking there are bell sounds.

Extruded polystyrene substrate

There are substrate substrates from extruded polystyrene foam, which are produced in the form of plates and do not create "waves" under laminate. Used primarily in rooms with high load on the floor.

Substrate for laminate for concrete floors

The substrate for laminate on the concrete floor should have steam, moisture insulating and softening properties. You can use synthetic options (for example, polystyrene foam).

The use of a polyethylene film substrate is optimal. In such cases, a moisture and countertile material (for example, a polyethylene film) first is first stacked on a concrete (for example, a polyethylene film), then a depreciation-softening layer (cork or coniferous substrate).

Do not forget to read about how to choose a plinth for laminate, since it is more profitable for all accessories to buy along with the main coating. Also consider that for mounting the substrate you will need fasteners (for example, construction tape) and other add-ons, the list of which depends on the material selected.
