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Homemade nozzles for engraving. Hans for engraver. Surgical set of homemade master. What is a regular in stores

Engraver, called a different mini-drill, a dremel, straightforward typewriter or bormer is a multifunctional tool. With it, not only cause engraving, but also drilled, grind and perform other operations for processing different materials, such as wood, metal, glass, stone. The device is widely used both in everyday life and in various industries, in jewelry, when creating advertising and souvenir products. All diversity of the functionality of the equipment is due to the fact that there are various engraver nozzles.

Nozzles for frequently performed work types are supplied with a tool. Cutters for more specific operations need to be purchased separately. In order to work correctly and produce a densem, while achieving high quality processing of parts, it is necessary to know existing varieties of equipment, as well as for what works each type is used.

There are a large number of equipment species to work with a mini drill. A wide range on the market allows you to choose a tree nozzle and many other materials that engraving equipment can work. Also, individual masters make them independently.

Constructive nozzles (bors) consist of two parts;

  • tail, clamping in the cartridge of the tool (diameter from 0.8 to 8 mm);
  • working materials are processed.

Equipment is classified according to two main criteria:

  • according to the type of material from which they are made;
  • in terms of use (intended).

According to the type of material being processed

According to the material cutters for engraver there are the following types.

There are also combined bors, whose steel shank, and the working part of the carbide. The scope of their application corresponds to the material of the head.

Carbide equipment is high-quality, durable and refers to a number of expensive consumables for dremel. The shape of the tips determines the features of its application. With the help of such borov-peak, it is good to handle bones, plastic, making tracing (denote the contours of the pattern). Diamond nozzles Also distinguished by quality, even if the kit, in which they enter, refers to the category of cheap consumables.

You can find a set of borffeps on the market, all the elements of which are marked by any color - It indicates the level of sharpening. Marked with black are the most productive bors, and the sharpness of green or blue is already worse. A yellow nozzle marked is the optimal selection when performing finishing workpieces.

By destination

You can use the engraver engraver not only for engraving, but also to perform other operating operations. The separation of consumables used in the operation of straight-lifted machines is presented in the table below.

Work performedApplied nozzles
engravingsuitable above varieties
drillingperformed with steel or carbide drills
polishingcircles from felt, cotton, felt, sandpaper, skin, as well as special devices (holders), which can be independently wrapped (for example, felt)
grindinggrinding stones (various shapes and from different material) and circles (from sandpaper), diamond rings, rubber cylinders
pumpingbors with a ball-shaped working part
cutcutting discs
cleaning surfaces (for example, from rust, scale)wire (steel), dense, fabric brushes
understanding holes or cavitiesdiamond Sharushki
creating a groincone-shaped bars

Consumables from each group can be used in the processing of various materials. Wherein equipping for milling Applied mainly by professionals.

They dreamed on which a flexible shaft was installed, equipped with any kinds of consumables suitable for a tool cartridge in diameter.

Overview of the most popular vessels for wood and metal

Wood belongs to the number of materials most frequently processed in the engraving, along with glass, metal, stone. They often used when performing threads on a tree, drilling miniature holes in it, applying images on the surface of this material, grinding, as well as creating small grooves or tongs. Therefore, popular species of nozzles for woodwork are:

  • wood cutters;
  • drill;
  • circles for cutting;
  • polishing, grinding wheels and cylinders;
  • spherical and cone-shaped bors;
  • diamond and carbide nozzles of different forms;
  • felt shag.

There are also specific types of wood cutter, but they are used even by specialists very rarely. Purchase consumables to process wood of different breeds using a straightforward machine, recommended by a set. Thus, everything that may be needed when performing workers manipulations will be collected immediately in the same Case.

Review professional engraver

A professional tool is a separate (high-quality and expensive) category of equipment, which is capable of withstanding considerable operational loads without negative effects. Such devices are customized to equip the corresponding consumables.

Professionals are qualitatively handled the smallest details of the blanks. Therefore, they need such a wide variety of consumables when performing work.

Specialists engaged in engraving various materials professionally recommend purchasing sets of nozzles from well-known brands, such as "Dremel" or "Dexter". The significant cost of products of these firms is fully justified by the fact that their products are distinguished by reliability, high quality and durability. The use of borpresses on wood, metal and other materials of these companies make up the accuracy of processing billets.

Often, specialists have several sets of equipment intended for processing different materials and perform various operations. Also, individual elements included in their composition have their own design features. Usually such sets include:

  • mills for metal, wood and other material, of different designs;
  • drill;
  • felt, diamond, as well as abrasive shag;
  • wire brushes, for cleaning surfaces;
  • engraving rods;
  • cutting discs.

Also as part of the sets come across the cutter edge straight.

Cutter straight edge TOPFIX

Replaceable tooling brands "Dremel" and "Dexter" can use not only specialists of workshops, but also a homemade masters who wish to improve in the art of engraving.

According to professionals, one such tool can serve as much time as 10 low-quality nozzles of unknown production.

Some engraving masters recommend products fIRMS "ZUBR", less qualitative than the "dremel" or "Dexter", but cheaper. The kit may include up to 180 units of consumables in demand varieties. But the products from the "bison", in general, refers to semi-professional and household categories.

Typically, the milling nozzle on engraver is included with the acquired tool. But with permanent operation, it is wearing over time. Also, cutters may be needed for specific operations - then you need to buy new bors in order to continue to work with the dremel.

The ideal option is the acquisition of product engravers recommended by the manufacturer. In such cases, a guarantee from firms to the device is maintained. But it happens that the original consumables are not allowed for any reason, or they will be very expensive with a small amount of upcoming working operations. Then you will need to acquire analogs or apply even homemade. In this case, the main rules of choice are as follows.

  1. You should focus on the suitable dreamet diameter of shanks: Most often it is 2.4 or 3.2 mm.
  2. It is necessary to acquire nozzles for metal and other materials under the type of work that is planned to be performed.
  3. To engrave, you can use and inexpensive sets, for example, Chinese or Russian production.
  4. With permanent, long-term work with a mini-drill (especially with solid materials), it is recommended to purchase high-quality, professional kits, and to occasionally engrave - sufficiently household.

During training, inexpensive products will be suitable for various operations with dremel. Over time, they should be abandoned in favor of better equipment.

Homemade engraver nozzles

You can buy nozzles on engraver not only factory production, but also make them with your own hands. Specialists of workshops and homemade craftsmen have come up with many options that are suitable for performing various operations with different materials.

To independently make polishing, grinding, milling, drilling consumables for dremel, as well as cutting devices, use such materials and parts:

  • phaneur;
  • sandpaper;
  • residues of abrasive circles of different thickness from the corner grinding machine (bulgaria);
  • felt;
  • felt;
  • various fabrics and rubber;
  • steel wire;
  • wheel from a cheap lighter;
  • old bors and drills (drag them);
  • knives from the electric shaver;
  • hacksaw blades;
  • metal lids, for example, from beer bottles;
  • champagne corks;
  • an ordinary dowel (on his hat makes teeth) and others.

Below in photographs are some ready-made self-made accommodation to the engraving device of the milling type.

Additionally, applied with homemade special (for example, diamond) pastes. At the same time, the experts achieves the result of the finishing processing of billets of different density, comparable in quality using the factory analogues of the borot.

Homemade hits for engraver are suitable to perform a variety of work. in domestic conditions. They will also save money through the use of affordable, cheap materials and details from handicraft or failed (unnecessary, old) mechanisms.

A wide variety of different nozzles makes it possible to perform a wide range of various works with different materials using a drenel. It is better to select consumables that meet the recommendations of equipment manufacturers. Professional sets - This is the guarantee of product quality, but they are expensive. To save, the necessary devices can be made independently. It should only be borne in mind that at the same time warranty service for a mini-drill is lost, and during operation there may be a load on the tool.

The engraver in its functionality is very similar to a conventional drill or grinding machine, but its main purpose is the processing of parts that differ in miniature sizes. Using such equipment and special workshops for the engraver, it is possible to effectively perform various technological operations, which include drilling, milling, grinding, engraving, etc.

The list of materials that can be processed using the engraver is also sufficiently extensive. This is soft and puffy in wood processing, solid steel, fragile glass or ceramics, various types of plastic and even bone. Naturally, various work nozzles, differing among themselves, both structural execution and manufacturing material, are used for processing using the engraver of various materials.

What is the hooks for engraver

Working nozzles or tools used for works with engraver are presented in the current market in a wide variety. Their design includes two main elements:

  • shank, with which the tool is fixed in the cartridge of the equipment used;
  • working part, which performs basic functions, interacting with the material being processed.

The following factors are influenced by the choice of workshops for engraver: the characteristics of the material being processed and the list of technological tasks that must be executed. Those of home masters and specialists who work with engraving installation on a regular basis are trying to immediately purchase a set of an engraver nozzles that includes tools for various sizes and destination. Depending on the needs and financial capabilities of a specific engraving wizard, it can be a more modest kit that includes several dozen necessary tools, or a professional set, which presents nozzles to perform various types of metal, wood and other materials.

Choosing work tools for engraver, it should be borne in mind that collet cartridges can be installed on its separate models suitable for nozzles of only a specific brand. To use such equipment complete with any types of nozzles, you will have to purchase universal colanggi for engraver, which are also sold by entire sets.

Diamond bors for engraving works

The most popular types of workshops used to complete the engraving plants include diamond bors for engraver. The basis of such a tool is made of instrumental steel, and the diamond powder is applied only to their work part. The mechanical characteristics of the diamond powder make it possible to successfully apply the nozzle for processing such solids such as steel, ceramics, glass, artificial and natural stones.

Diamond bors (or shag) are used mainly for finishing curly holes. As a rule, diamond consumables for engraver are sold by entire sets of 10-20 tools of various shapes and sizes. Working with them, it should be strictly followed by the rules of their operation, so as not to damage the diamond spraying. In the standard design, the diameter of the shank of the engraving nozzles of the diamond type is 3 mm.

Tools from abrasive materials

The most budget option for use in a kit with bormer or engraver is nozzles, the working part of which is made of rubber and abrasive material. The diameter of their shank is 2.3 mm, and they are used mainly to work on metal, including stainless steel. Abrasive tools are usually sold by sets of 6 pieces and have a different configuration of the working part.

Separate manufacturers (in particular, FIT) produce abrasive engraving nozzles in various colors, which allows the user to easily determine the tool category. Thus, abrasive shares of red color, designed for metal work, are made of aluminum oxide, and green, made of silicon carbide, are used to process products from stone, glass and ceramics. For the convenience of performing various technological operations, diamond hammers are made with a different form of the working part, but their shanks always have the same diameter.

Using abrasive nozzles for engraver, operations are performed as boring holes, surface grinding, etc. These nozzles are optimally suitable for use at home, for their professional opportunities will not be enough.

Working nozzles for grinding and polishing

The engraving machine, as mentioned above, can be successfully used for fine grinding and polishing products from various materials. As a workshop to perform such technological operations, a shag, made from felt, is used. Since felt is not distinguished by outstanding abrasive qualities, they use such a tool only with special polishing pastes.

The choice of polishing pastes of a certain type, which in their characteristics and chemical composition seriously differ from each other, depending first of the properties of the material that will be processed with their help. Thus, the grinding of solid metal surfaces is performed using a paste, the basis of which is paraffin and polishing powder. For work on wood and glass, special polishing pastes on the basis of diamond powder of various fractions are intended. With their help, it is possible not only effectively remove scratches from the surface of the tree and glass, but also to bring the product to the perfectly smooth condition. Experts recommend preferred those of them in which the diamond powder has the size of the fraction 3/2 and 5/3.

Such accessories such as felt grinding nozzles for woodwork, metal, glass and other materials are successfully applied not only complete with a specialized engraving unit: they can be equipped with dental borrows and the simplest manual devices.

Working nozzles for professional engravers

A separate category of workshops that are equipped with engravers make up the tools of the professional series. Experts for whom work on the engraving installation is the main acquittal of activities, as a rule, have at their disposal whole sets of various nozzles, differing among themselves material manufacturing, constructive performance and form of the working part. If we talk about the most type composition of such a set, then it is necessarily included:

  • mills for engraver of various shapes, sizes and design;
  • drills that convert the engraving installation into an effective drill;
  • diamond, abrasive and felt shag;
  • wire nozzles, with the help of which they perform the purification of the treated surfaces from the traces of corrosion and other contaminants;
  • cutting discs for engraver, which are quite difficult to purchase a piece.

The presence of a specialist who uses engraver in his professional activities, such a roomy set of tools is explained very simply. Often to perform a high-quality and accurate study of the smallest items on the surface of the processed product, only the cutter, cutting disk for the engraver and other tools of the same size, does not allow. That is why even as part of processing one product, the tools often have to change, choosing nozzles suitable for performing a certain technological operation.

In addition, the presence of a set of tools in which there are drills, cutters, cutting circles for engraver and the shag of many other types, is an indicator of professionalism and suggests that an experienced person who owns his business is in front of you. Masters that are constantly working with engraving devices choose expensive sets of professional series tools also for the reason that it is quite difficult to purchase individual tools from such sets (in particular, the cutting circle for engraver) is quite difficult.

Brief overview of trademarks

Today, finding in the domestic market the engravers and work nozzles for their equipment do not represent any problems. At the same time, the variety of equipment presented in the free sale and tool allows them to choose them under their needs and financial opportunities.

Professional nozzles

Those masters who engage in wood engraving, metal and other materials at the professional level and already have at their disposal the appropriate equipment, it is worth paying attention to the work nozzles produced under the trademarks "Dremel" and Dexter. The high cost of such a snap for the engraver is quite justified by its exceptional reliability and durability. Another important advantage that the cutter is different, the cutting wheel, the boring, as well as any other tool of these brands, is high processing accuracy.

Having stopped at the Dremel or Dexter workers, keep in mind that one such tool is able to serve as much as 10 Chinese production nozzles. In favor of acquiring quite expensive, but high-quality products from well-known manufacturers, the fact that in the range of these companies can be found nozzles for various purposes and size. So, it can be various cutters for a borders or engraver, drills of different diameters, a disk tool, as well as the shag of any other types, designed to perform wood, metal, ceramics, glass.

Budget models

Cheap, but worthy of the quality of the nozzle offers the domestic manufacturer - the company "ZOMB". For affordable prices, you can purchase sets of nozzles that include up to 180 tools of the most sought-after types, designs, sizes and shapes. In such sets there are tools for drilling, cutting discs for born or engraver, milling nozzles, diamond and abrasive type shag, as well as much more.

All nozzles included in the kitchen brand set are placed in a plastic case, ensuring convenience of both storage and carrying to the place of work.

Nozzles from Chinese manufacturers

There is a twofold opinion about the Chinese production nozzles. On the one hand, their quality and reliability are under a big question, on the other - they cost significantly less than brand equipment. The Chinese milling nozzle for the engraver, the cutting disk or bur for drilling will not last long, but also throw them away, given their cost, it will not be so sorry. If a professional works for engraver, then even a cheap Chinese mill will not prevent him from performing the work of qualitatively (though, it will have to change such a tool more often).

Chinese nozzles for bormers or engraver can be recommended to beginner engravers who can use their first skills in this matter with their help.

The affordable prices of Chinese nozzles allow you to acquire large sets of "sample" beginner engravers

Homemade nozzles for engraving installations and borms

For simple engraving works in the home workshop milling, cutting disc, grinding and polishing balls can be made with your own hands. You can use a corrugated wheel from a conventional lighter or a dowel to equip an engraver lighter or a dowel to equip the engraver or bormers or a dowel on a hat. The working nozzle for grinding or polishing is also quite easy to do: for this you can use a wooden drum with a shank, on the side surface of which sandpaper has been pasted.

Many homemade nozzles for engraving installation (if they are used to perform not too complex works) show themselves well, while the cost of their manufacturer is minimal.

However, as a flexible shaft for the engraver, it is possible to use the drive shaft from the born or shaft for the car speedometer or a motorcycle. We use this option for our homemade.

Due to the flexible shaft, the device has an advantage. During the operation of the device, there is no excessive load on the arms. It is determined by the fact that the shaft head is several times easier to power to the integrated drive.

Manufacturing workshop

The body of the workshop, in the clamping mechanism of which the cutting tool will be recorded, can also be used from bormers or make yourself. In our case, it is made of steel (used the services of Tokary - the neighbor in the garage). This option has its advantages - strength and accuracy, but also cons - greater weight. Due to the low loads, it is possible to make a non-ferrous metal housing (for example, lighter aluminum alloys) or from a textolite bar, drilled in its inner part, a stepped hole for bearings and processing the outer contour of the case under its hand for convenient retention.

The threaded part of the housing is designed for its connection with the used speedometer used and matches it on the thread. In our case, it is M18x1.5 with a length of 10 mm. The housing is 70 mm long bevelined under two ball bearings with a diameter of 22 x 8 mm.
As a drive shaft with a collet clamp that will be installed in the housing, we use a double-sided hand tool with replaceable collections, sometimes used to revert holes in the board. It's time to mechanize this tool.

The outer diameter of the tube (handle) of the tool housing is 8 mm, somewhat enlarged when performing a rifle rifle operation. The thread of the collet inlaimed into the tool - M6. We disassemble the tool and the assembly assembly with two ball bearings.

On the width of the bearing, for its dense landing, with the edges of the tube we clean the ripples. Press the bearing on one side. To fix the shaft in the clamp of the cutting tool in Tsang, we select the suitable sizes, install it in the middle of the tube and fix the pins. Drills through the installed sleeve, in diameter, through hole 3.5 mm for the installation of the stopper during the clamp.

In the threaded hole of the tool tube, on the one hand (instead of the collet), we screw the segment of the copper tube with a diameter of 6 mm. For this, at one end it is pre-cutting the M6 \u200b\u200bthread, and the other end gently compress to the tight occurrence of the square at the output end of the flexible Speedometer shaft. As a result, the full length of the drive shaft must coincide with the body length.

Presses the second bearing on the other side.

We measure the distance from the front end tubes to the opening for the stopper. The collected shaft is set to the housing, until it stops into the rear wall. We note on the housing the location of the locking hole. Remove the drive shaft and drill the locking hole in the housing. Greased bearings collect a working nozzle. Check the alignment of holes for the stopper. If the bearings turned out to be unprotected, cut out and install, from the Canggi, a protective washer of plastic or felt.

After a complete assembly of the body of the working nozzle, the open end of the drive shaft must coincide with the end of the body, and the chosen end of the copper tube is to be flushed with a threaded end.

Install the collet of the desired size.

Fix flexible shaft on the housing.

To secure the cutting tool

We use the paint as a stopper.

As tools that convert a compact engraving device into a multifunctional processing device, apply:
- drills, with which engraver turns into a minider;
- cutters of various designs, allowing to carry out the processing of flat and shaped surfaces, as well as holes, grooves and recesses of different configuration;
- disk tools used to perform cutting operations based on small thickness materials;
- metal brushes, which are used for stripping the surfaces of the surfaces from the traces of corrosion and other contaminants;
- abrasive tools with working heads round, semicircular, oval and cylindrical shapes used for grinding and polishing surfaces;
- Tools with a working head of a conical shape for applying the inscriptions and patterns to the surface;
- Tools, the working head of which is made of felt, for performing polishing operations.

Quite high-quality cutters for engraving installations can be made of broken drills, if you give them the working part, the desired configuration using a conventional grinder.

Drive device
Drive electric motor, which can be used by any motor, operating from electric current with a voltage of 220 volts. It can be an engine from a washing machine or other household appliances you do.

The optimal for homemade engraver is the motor from the sewing machine, since it is possible, in fairly wide limits to adjust the rotation speed of the shaft. Such engines are usually able to develop the speed of rotation of the shaft up to 6 thousand rpm, which is quite enough for everyday engraver. With soft materials it is better to work on slow revolutions, since the high speed of rotation will entail overheating to the tool or melting the edges at the product being processed. At medium speed, it is recommended to work with a metal. Processing the solid natural stone is best at maximum turns.

As a drive for an engraver, you can use a grinder with a "flying" gearbox, drill or screwdriver.
This temporary application is possible.

"Dremel" (engraver, boron machine, mini drill etc.) now - the name is nominal.
Dremel is the name of a group of straightforward machines intended for polishing, milling, drilling products (parts) from various materials and surface treatment.

It is desirable that the tool is equipped with the speed adjustment system. It does not hinder the digital display, which allows you to visually control the revolutions. The ability to directly turn on the maximum speed increases the convenience of using the machine, eliminates the need for unnecessary operations. Flexible drive shaft guarantees comfortable and accurate work in hard-to-reach places. The machine includes nozzles selected to perform basic operations - grinding, polishing, milling, cutting, drilling.

Here are about these nozzles (which are included and which are made by their girlfriend) I will try to tell you in this review.

Let's start afar - with elementary security ruleswhen working with the dremel :)

The first thing I will strongly recommend you - use protective glasses and protective petal. A medical bandage and even any flap of more or less dense tissue will be suitable for this purpose. The mask will protect the respiratory tract from the inevitable dipping dust. Believe the word if the mask is not to wear, then by the end of the work with the nose dreamer, you can shake the decent amount of copper or plastic carved.

Points are needed to protect the eyes from the same plastic dust and from metal fragments / balls, flying in different directions when grinding, for example, copper dendrites. I do not advise you to use glasses from glass to protect your eyes. The glass can crash, damaging the gas, or scattered by the flying fragment. Do not save on glasses, purchase plastic, made specifically for eye protection.
Next, the cautions will be issued in small portions as needed :)

So, nozzles.

They are inserted and clamping drills, shift nozzles for engraving, cutting, grinding and polishing:

Tsanggi, most often, comes complete with a dremel and differ from each other with a diameter of the hole for nozzles and drills.

To drill holes of various diameters at hand, you must have several different-caliber drills. And the more the range - the better :) The drills are blown up and break, especially thin (0.5, 07, 1 mm). The hole diameter usually exactly corresponds, and better if it is slightly larger than the diameter of the cord, pin, wire, chains, or other types of material for the roller, on which a bead or other decorative element will be fixed later. On this photo - reduced with a diameter in section from 0.5 to 2 mm:

* The workpiece is needed very hard to keep your hands so that it cannot break out and fly away. The flight is so uncontrollable at all, and the speed is colossal. The speed of rotation of the shaft in modern mini-flippers - from 9 thousand revolutions and up to 35 thousand. Breakdown from the hands of the bead is completely able, for example, breaking the flower pot, standing on the window, or a vase in the other end of the room or, which is much worse, to hit the face, if you still ... neglected the advice to protect him.

In no case do not touch the hands of the rotating pieces of the drenel (nozzles, drills, discs, colangu) - you can seriously hurt.

As the opening drills, it will not be superfluous in the bead that there will be a reciprocal movement of the drill. This allows drilled plastic to release the channel for further drilling. Otherwise, the bead risks split.

If during the drilling process, the drill "strung" in plastic, it is better not to try to pull it out or drag on the hole. Immediately turn off the dremel and carefully pull the drill.

Be careful when processing metal parts, you can burn your hand. Metal quickly and strongly heats up. At least for a couple of seconds, take breaks so as not to give parts overheat.

Metal brushes:

They are intended for processing metal surfaces. Differ in the shape, pure bristles and rigidity, ultimately. In this case, we have steel, hard, brushes and brass, soft. The shape of the brush is flat disco-shaped, as on the upper photos, and there are also a car-shaped form:

The selection of the brush is determined by which surfaces are supposed to be processed - flat parts or textured surfaces, with a resistant coating, or with a thin like foil.

On this photo shows plastic brushes:

These are soft brushes for neat cleaning of metal surfaces at hard-to-reach areas. They are also suitable for more accurate polluts of surfaces with a thin weak coating (copper, for example).

* All listed brushes (metal and plastic) are not suitable for grinding plastics - they are strictly hard for this.

Grinding stones.
In this photo - nozzles for grinding and polishing surfaces from metal and plastic.

In the upper row (gray and orange) - nozzles of coarse stone. They are only suitable for having serious roughness and are not suitable for thin works and works on plastic:

Homemade flat slope for grinding.
On this series of photos depicts a homemade nozzle intended for grinding flat surfaces. I made such a nozzle on the basis of a stone that went complete to the drenel, with a smooth flat surface (in the top row on the left - gray-green):

Circles are sold in construction stores - "pancakes" with Velcro, to secure hefty (centimeters 15-16) grinding discs from the sandpaper:

"Pancakes" these with a reverse, smooth side have a sticky layer. Cut from such a pancake circle, a diameter with a stone round flat nozzle (photo above), we spare the protective layer, we glue this circle to the grinding stone - and we get the nozzle for the shift disks of the sandpaper.

* You can use the usual velcro selling in any sewing store, putting it on the surface of the stone-nozzle on ordinary second glue.

Now about the shift disks themselves.
In the same building stores :) Sold and replaceable emery discs. The diameter of the disks is the same as the "lipuchy" - approximately 15-16 cm. On the one hand, they are a regular emery (with different degrees of graininess, by numbers), and on the other - the response part for the velcro.

So, from these discs we cut many, many small circles (the diameter should be equal to the diameter of the velcro or per millimeter more, but not less!) And, as necessary - insoles, replace these homemade scattered emery disks to new:

Another view homemade nozzles For grinding and polishing round / oval beads.

On this photo - rivets:

These rivets are designed to operate with a special pistol. The diameters of technological "tailings" of these rivets are different - depends on the size of the rivet itself. It is selected in this way, which exactly corresponds to the diameter of the toothpick, on which the bead was baked.

Approaching the grinding can be the emery sponge or the most ordinary emery of the desired grain.

In this case, the email sponge (photo on the left) is taken for example. This soft material that does not allow the bead too erased during processing in this way.

On a long "tail" rivet is put on beads. The rivet tail is inserted into the collet of the corresponding diameter, the collet is fixed. Now you can turn on the dremel and grind the bead, as shown in this photo:

* Rivet with a "tail" is just an example of the fact that you can always find something that needs to be easily adjusted under the tool. The rivet in the description can be easily replaced by the ordinary nail of the desired diameter, fixed in the collet so that the hat holds the bead, and the sharp part went to the collet.

Nozzle base.

Such a nozzle is necessary for fixing on its rod of coarse grinding disks, cutting discs, soft polishing disks and felt nozzles with a through hole, as well as all sorts of homemade nozzles:

Next - several types of nozzles used much less often, but still necessary.

Felt polishing cones and discs.
They are used for finishing surface treatment of plastic and metal surfaces, but due to the fact that they are mercilessly to use such nozzles on large turns - there is no resolutely to use them.

In the image and likeness, it is quite possible to make homemade fabrics, which will serve much longer than the finished felt and much less litto the room with fluttering fibers.

Engraving nozzles.

With the help of such nozzles on the surface of plastic and metal, you can apply a drawing, inscription, make recesses, furrows, notches, etc.:

* In the shops of medical equipment, almost always, you can purchase diamond bours. The range is very wide. The service life of such bors is quite large, and the accuracy of the work performed with their help is an order of magnitude higher than the standard engraving heads, components of the dremel.

Now about how you can get out of the situation, if there is no dreamer, and the purchase is not yet foreseen, and manually grind / polish no strength ...

Budget set for manicure It can serve several months as a low-power grinding machine. Includes such usually several nozzles. In this set, it was possible: a pair of grinding heads, "pemb" metallic and flat felt nozzle.

Grinding heads (with metallic cones of different diameter) and a flat metal can be used without a design of the structure, but by a felt nozzle by changing the barbaric method :) We pull the felt, with a rough essay we clean the plastic platform and on the same principle that is described above, we make a flat grinding nozzle with replaceable disks. This is what we have after manipulations with the manufacture of Lipucco-Eatchekov:

Such a device can be easily (but not very fast) to grind flat plastic surfaces, metal, wire, etc., which does not require large revolutions for high-quality surface treatment:

These are the pies.

Thank you for caught :)