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Ive jam slices. Iziva jam is the most delicious recipe for the winter. Quince quince jam - recipe for cooking at home

Cooking time: cleaning and slicing quince - 30 minutes, on all stages of cooking - about 1 day.

Exit - 1.5 kg

Pamper your loved ones - weld your delicious jam from quince. This useful fruit is not very impressive in the raw form, but after heat treatment it acquires wonderful taste. You can easily prepare the fragrant and preserved the maximum vitamins jam from quince, the recipe from the photo will explain all the subtleties and nuances.

How to make quince jam slices

Quince covered with a fly, worry thoroughly. It is easily flushed, enough to lose the sponge. Remove the core from the core with seeds and damaged places, if any. Tatch the quince of lobes 2-4 mm width plates.

Note: When cleaning the fruit from the core, the source weight of the product will slightly decrease. Use 1 kg of sugar per 1 kg of purified fruit.

Fold out slices in the dishes for cooking and immediately spend sugar. This is done in order to avoid the darkening of the quince in the air.

Sliced \u200b\u200bslices, bother with sugar sand, leave for a few hours, during this time the juice should stand out. To stand out more active, mix the sugar-fruit mixture a couple of times. Ideally, the syrup that turned out naturally should practically cover all slices. If the quince gets not very juicy and will be bad to give off his juice, add some water.

Put the future of quince jam on a small fire, bring to a boil and boil 5-6 minutes, occasionally stirring. If the foam will be formed, then remove it with a spoon. Now we need to get a good room. This procedure will need to repeat two more times. By the end of the third cooking, quince will find transparency, and the jam itself will become a beautiful reddish shade.

Before putting the container on the fire for the third time, wash and sterilize banks with covers. Spread hot jam on ready-made tanks, close the lids and cover the "fur coat".

You will definitely love this skit and, possibly, next time you want to cook it with a lemon or with an orange, with vanilla or with nuts, with pumpkin or apples. Perhaps, ask the question of how to cook jam from Quince in a slow cooker or even in bread maker, because all these recipes exist.

Step-by-step recipe for jams from Quince is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Lovers of fresh quince can be counted on the fingers, because the taste of this fruit is tart, and he himself is very solid, the fruit is also not simple in processing. But quince jam, as if on a slice of the Sun, locked in a bank, is considered a real oriental delicacy, which bears a huge benefit.

Useful properties of jam from quince

In folk medicine, yellow fruits are able to save a person from a whole list of diseases and ailments, to provide the body with such necessary substances such as pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), ascorbic acid (C), Nicotinic (B3) and pantothenic (B5), and also Riboflavin (B2).

That is why lovers of traditional medicine very often use it for medicinal purposes:

  1. High content of pectin will help to establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the liver.
  2. The fiber will ensure the normalization of metabolism.
  3. In addition, Quince is rich in natural sugar - fructose and glucose, vitamins B, C and P, salts, organic acids and microelements.
  4. Punches contained in the fruits have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory property.
  5. Ive jam has diuretic properties, it is recommended to use when cystitis.
  6. It will help to cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as toxicosis;
  7. There is jam recommend that whose body is weakened by the disease, thanks to the useful workpiece, you quickly hide minerals, vitamins and come to normal.
  8. With colds, quince jam is used as an antipyretic agent.

The selected recipe and the quantity of sugar affects the caloric content of this product, but on average it is considered not too high - 273 kcal per 100 g. However, it is not recommended to use the jam in large portions, quite a few spoons per day.

Apply the qualities of fruits in cooking in a wide variety of purposes. For example, make a side dish to cook almost any meat dish, cook the magnificent compote of an unusually thick structure. We recommend cooking a few jars of delicious quince jam to please our own body and soul this winter.

Jam from Quince - Recipe with photos

How to arrange a "general cleaning" of the body, improve his health and preserve youth? The necessary set of activities is able to provide such unique fruits like Quince. Pectins of this magic product can be compared with the work of the vacuum cleaner.

Only in this case, the "aggregate" created by nature is designed to save a person from the waste of its livelihoods, slags and toxins, at the same time to establish the intestinal peristaltics. Yellow fruit jams can deliver the hormones of pleasure and happiness to people.

Your mark:

Time for preparing: 12 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 2 portions


  • Quince: 4 pcs.
  • Sugar: 1 kg
  • Lemon juice: 2 dessert. l.

Preparation instructions

The most delicious jam from quince

The technician of cooking isvova jam there are several, most of them involves the alternation of cooking and cooling processes and takes quite a long time. The option of a tasty and fragrant delicacy that we suggested relatively quickly, while getting everything in the same fragrant and useful.

  • quince fruits - 2 pcs. (1 kg);
  • white sugar - 1 kg.

For boiling jam, it is preferable to use an enameled bowl, a pot of thick bottom or a pelvis (if double / triple portion is taken). Please note that quince fruits - dense and heavy per 1 kg will be only 2 pieces.

Stages of preparationthe most delicious and fragrant quince jam:

  1. Like any other fruit, before starting the cooking, we thoroughly wash the fruits of quince and wipe them.
  2. We cut the fruits for the quarter, we remove the core and bones. Preheat that this process will need to make some power, because the quince is hard.
  3. Cut every quantity on thin strips or small cubes.
  4. Put the slices of quince in a deep saucepan, pour water so that the fruits are covered. We bring the contents of the pan to the boil, then reduce the intensity of the fire, continue to cook another quarter of an hour. So far, the fruits will not become soft.
  5. Turning off the fire, with the help of a noise, let out the quince pieces. Water in which they copied until we merge.
  6. We allocate a bowl in which the cooking jam will occur directly. Sugar is poured into it, pour a quilted decoction remaining after the previous step, at the rate of 0.2 liters per 1 kg of sugar. If desired, from the remaining liquid, you can make a delicious and useful drink, sweetening it and boil.
  7. A bowl with sugar, poured by awheme decoction, put on fire and make syrup. After dissolving sugar, we continue to boil another quarter of an hour. The finished syrup will not foam, it will become transparent, and if you drop a little bit on the clean plate, it does not spread.
  8. Continuing to boil the syrup, add to it a supreme quince, we thoroughly stirred and leave before boiling. The foam formed during the process (it should be a lot), we remove, otherwise you can not count on long-term storage of the finished jam.
  9. By the end of the cooking, the jam from quince will become amber, its readiness is checked, as well as at the syrup.
  10. Turn off the plate and immediately spill on sterile, absolutely dry from the inside cans.

This recipe will turn into a favorite one for you, thanks to its sweetness, aroma and donated lemon kit. Prepare in advance for its preparation set of ingredients:

  • 1 kg already peeled and chopped on Solki quince;
  • 3-3.5 art. Sahara;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1 lemon;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • any nuts or mixtures there are about 1 cup.

Cook a delicious jam With nuts for the following steps:

  1. We mix water with sugar and prepare syrup;
  2. After its boiling, you suck quietly slices, we welcome about 5 minutes, after which we remove from the fire and leave for 12 hours.
  3. We put the jam on the second boards. The sequence is the same: 5 minutes of cooking - 12 hours of rest.
  4. Remove the zest from lemon. Citrus itself cut into thin slices, be sure to exempt from bones.
  5. Peeling from the peel of the nuts are dried in a pan, which are not very fine.
  6. For the third time we put the quince jam on fire, add a zest, slices of citrus and crushed nuts. We welcome a quarter of an hour and spill on sterile banks.

How to cook jam from quince with lemon?

Quince and lemon - amazingly tasty and complementary tandem. And the resulting jam will become a real salvation in the rich in colds winter time.

For 1 kg quince You will need:

  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tbsp. water.

Stages of preparation Iaven jam with lemon:

  1. Under hot water thoroughly rinse every fetus quince, wipe dry with a clean towel.
  2. We remove the core from the cut in half, we remove it into the pieces of 2 cm in width, put it into a suitable saucepan.
  3. Mix with sugar, we leave for 2-3 hours so that the fruits are let the juice. Sometimes it can happen that the juice will not have a lot, this usually happens if the quince is not too ripe, you can add about 200 ml of water.
  4. We put the dishes with quince on the slab, after boiling, weganing about 5 minutes, periodically stirring. After that, remove from the fire and let me cool.
  5. The procedure described in the previous paragraph repeat the minimum three times, while the jam does not acquire a pleasant amber tint, and the fetus themselves themselves become transparent.
  6. Before the last boiling, we put in the jam crushed on a blender lemon.
  7. Also hot quince jam spread to banks

Quince of jam from quince slices

Aiv slices in the jam prepared according to the recipe described below will not be lit, and will retain their own integrity.

The taste will remain a bit hard, but this fact will only give the additional charm of your conservation, because the fetal slices will be similar to Cucatians.

The proportions have a standardized meal for jerseys: 1: 1, respectively, sugar and fresh, ripe fruits without dents and traces of rot, as well as 1.5 cup of clean water.

Cooking transparent quince jam slices

  1. Cut our fruit on the part, remove the skin, remove the core. All this can be bolder. Cut the fruits on thin slices, no more than 1 cm thick.
  2. We shift the chopped quince into a comfortable saucepan, pour water so that the fruits are covered completely.
  3. We welcome the quince about half an hour, after which we get noise. The remaining water is filtering through the gauze and pour back into the pan for the preparation of syrup.
  4. We mix the quince of the broth with sugar, which we introduce gradually, stirring.
  5. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add quotations to the syrup, mix and cook before boiling. After that, we reduce the fire and continue to boil another 45 minutes, periodically stirring with a wooden spoon. Control so that the slices do not boil if boiling will be too strong, turn off the fire under jam, let it cool half an hour, and then continue.

The readiness of the syrup is verified by the usual method. After readiness of the jam, we break it on sterile banks.

How to cook jam from quince in a slow cooker?

The basic ingredients of the quince jam remain unchanged, even if you decide to prepare it in an indispensable kitchen assistant - a slow cooker. Proportions of quince and sugar 1: 1, this ratio is optimal.

Stages of preparation Jam from Quince in a slow cooker:

  1. As in previous recipes, my and cut the quince to the slices, pre-removing the core.
  2. We lay out the fetal slices into the tank of suitable size by layers, each specking sugar. We leave for a downtime for a couple of days. In the morning and in the evening, do not forget to shake the contents of the pan. So you will give sugar evenly distribute.
  3. Putting the mass of the mass in the bowl of the Multivarka, prepare the jam with an open cap on the "quenching" mode of half an hour.
  4. After a complete cooling, re-run "quenching" by a quarter of an hour. Repeat the procedure several times until the syrup is ready. Spread jam on sterile jars.

Simple and fast quince jam - the recipe is nowhere

We offer you a recipe for a unique jam, which united the two most useful autumn dawns of nature. An additional plus is what takes the process of cooking quite a bit of time, because the jam in one apparatus is boiled.

Required ingredients:

  • 0.4 kg of pumpkins;
  • 0.3 kg of quince and sugar.

Stages of preparation The fastest and simple prescription jam from Quince:

  1. Purified from the crust of the pumpkin is rinsed and cutting with slices, we do the same with quince, which previously remove the seed box.
  2. We mix both the main ingredients and fall asleep them with sugar. Let's give a few hours to stand and let juice.
  3. We put a sweet quince and pumpkin mass on fire and bring to a boil, after which we reduce the flame half, and we will be reeling for another 30 minutes.
  4. There are still boiling jam in sterile banks and ride. Or already chilled jam can be closed with polyethylene lids and stored in the refrigerator.

To obtain an ideal transparent, amber and unusually fragrant quince jam, remember several rules:

  1. If the slices of quince are suspended with sugar and leave for the night, it will be stronger than the juice, the jam itself will eventually get much delicious.
  2. A cooking pan is better to choose a thick-walled stainless steel or an enameled bowl, a pelvis.
  3. When cooking in a slow cooker, to get a more liquid jam, use the "quenching" and "cooking" modes, and if you have more soul jam jams, prepare on "baking". True, in the latter case, so that the syrup is not burned and did not take on the bottom of the crust, often it will have to stir.
  4. If you want to be kept longer to be kept, add fresh lemon or citric acid to it, they will perform the role of preservative.
  5. The finished quince jam serves as an excellent filling for sweet baking, adding to tea or watering for pancakes and pancakes.

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Quince is one of the few fruits that differ in high rigidity. Chew him in raw form is uncomfortable and tasteless. But in the form of jam, jam, jam or confiture it will give one hundred points of the fory thanks to the unique aroma.

The five most commonly used ingredients in the recipes of jam from Quince:

To make a solid quince of soft, you need to do the following:

  1. Fully clean from the peel and the hearts.
  2. Cut it into pieces: cubes, slices, circles - as you like. The main thing is not to be thicker 1 cm.
  3. Square to lemon juice. It is better to do it simultaneously with cutting so that the fruit does not dry.
  4. Pour water so as to cover the quince almost completely.
  5. Blanc on slow fire for 10-15 minutes.

It will make quince softer to the fill of the syrup. If you immediately cook it in sugar, the likelihood that it remains solid, indisputable. Although the softness of the quince of the jam depends on the variety of the fruits from which it is prepared. Usually recipes specify which fruit variety is based on.

Five low-calorie prescriptions of quince jam:

What other fruits can be added to jam from quince

This south beauty is remarkably combined with most fruits growing in the south. First of all, this is citrus: oranges, lemons, tangerines. She covers with apples and pears. Of the more exotic products, which you can add to sweet blanks with quince, it is worth highlighting pumpkin and zucchini. And the watermelon crusts.

So that the quince jam is not only delicious, but also beautiful outwardly, you need to adhere to the recommendations in the recipe and do not move away from the cooking technology.

To help several tips and comments:

  • for jam, selected ripe fruits with a strong pleasant smell
  • overreed Quince even more solid
  • so that the jam does not suck, add citric acid to it
  • failure in water before cooking in syrup guarantees the delicate structure of the fruit

It has a bright rich taste and is huge benefit for the human body. It remains all the valuables of the fruits that launch the metabolic processes, digestion, strengthen the protective forces of the body. There are any fruits for processing - tart, acidic, sweet, large and small. The main ingredients are white sugar and ordinary water. You can add an apple, pumpkin, cinnamon, nuts, spices and other ingredients.

Quince - hard fruits, which are not tasty in pure form and are practically not used. For softening, they boil them and leave it in the syrup. You can first blanch too hard fruit, especially if there are still vegetables with fruit during cooking. Fruits are cut for jam usually finely, but you can do quite large slices.

Quince is growing mainly in the Caucasus, in Asian countries, southern European regions. Cultiviate it in different world countries.

Connoisseurs argue that the workpiece is the best way to eat fruits, because after thermal processing, they acquire a pleasant bright taste, much more interesting than they have small fresh apples.

Amber Dessert is not so hard and difficult, there are different ways to prepare. So if you like to make stocks for the winter, we recommend paying attention to.

Use quince quicing, with nuts, spices, skins and bones are removed or left. Cooking the jam can be in a conventional saucepan or - the principle will be the same.

Strictly observe the proportions when cooking syrup - on average, 1 kg of quince take a glass of water and 1 kg of sugar (just look in a specific recipe). So that the jam was juicy, withstand the fruits in the syrup, and before cooking, hide them with boiling water.

Use of Quince

Ive jam is the most fragrant winter blank. The characteristic saturated smell of the goodcomer gives the crusts of the fruits from which syrup is made.

But the fruit dessert is not only delicious - it bears invaluable health benefit:

  • allows you to forget about avitaminosis;
  • treats depression;
  • removes overvoltage, stress;
  • improves digestion;
  • helps in the treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, liver;
  • accelerates recovery during colds;
  • reduces cholesterol content in blood;
  • heals the stomach ulce.

Features of the preparation of delicious delicacy

Awa jam in syrup is not so hard and difficult, especially if the workpieces are planned not on an industrial scale.

Recipe Choose any, most importantly - follow the rules of preparing delicacy.

  1. Dry fruits for jam can be used, but add more water or syrup during cooking.
  2. Juicy fruits give maximum juice when insistenceing with sugar.
  3. The peel can and not delete - in this case, rinse it thoroughly to remove the fluff. In the cortices of quince, there are many essential oils that make a ready-made dessert as fragrant as possible.
  4. Solk use usually without bones. You can try to leave bones to experiment with tastes, but in this case it is impossible to store jam.
  5. Before cooking quince is washed, finely cut and blanched. If you plan to use Monorzept (without additional ingredients), you can skip the moment.
  6. Singing quince with delicate fruits (pears, apples), it is recommended to cook it first, otherwise it will simply do not have time to become soft.

Consider the most delicious jam recipes from Quince so that you can choose "your own".


The easiest and most fast recipe for jam from quince. Long heat treatment is not required, cooking fruits is enough about half an hour.

The procedure for action is.

  1. Rinse a kilogram of fresh fruit and cut on the slices, remove the core.
  2. Lay everything in a saucepan, pour the glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 20 minutes, then add kilograms of sugar sand. Sugar sand is desirable to make gradually - so it is better dissolved.
  4. When the mass boils, hand over it on fire for another 5 minutes.
  5. Leave the mixture in the morning, in the morning digest the jam again.

Banks used to lay a dessert pre-sterilize.

With apples

A very tasty jam is obtained from a mixture of quince and apples. Apples take sufficiently dense, late varieties.

The main points are.

  1. Prepare 600 g of quince and 200 g of apples, as in a classic recipe.
  2. Make 3 glasses of juice from fresh red currant (you can do without it).
  3. Add 1.5 kg of sugar powder into juice or water and start cooking. When sugar is dissolved, bring the fluid to a boil, slow down the fire.
  4. Wait until the syrup becomes light, add fruits into it, mix and leave for the night.
  5. In the morning, again negating the mass - 7 minutes will be enough.

You can change the jam again and digest it. Components must be soft.

With lemon

You can add to dessert lemon - 130 g of citrus per 1 kg of quince. Sugar is also needed 1 kg, the water is enough glasses. From the lemon, cut a zest with thin stripes, prepare the ingredients and boil them for half an hour before softening, add sugar, mix so that it is well dissolved. Pour the juice of lemon juice and boil over 5 minutes again.

By the same scheme that lemon, an orange can be used. The difference is that after cooking and insteading the mass of quince and sugar in it, not juice of lemon is added, but the flesh of orange. It is best to cut the pulp on the cubes or break into small pieces. After adding an orange, the jam boost for another 40 minutes.

Walnut jam

Delicious energy dessert, to prepare the following actions.

  1. Prepare and fall asleep with sugar flesh of quince (take them in a kilogram) before the selection of juice.
  2. Mass are boiled on fire for 10 minutes.
  3. Fry nuts on a frying pan without oil or calcinate them in the oven, crushed, add to jam and boiled another 10 minutes.

With pumpkin

Pumpkin in jam is added in the same way as apples - 200 g of vegetable on 600 g of quince. It will be necessary to remove the peel from the pumpkins, rinse it, cut into cubes. The rest of the preparation scheme is standard.

Amber jam is, in fact, a classic recipe, but more complicated, allowing to obtain a dessert of very beautiful color. Take 1.5 kg of quince, remove the peel and seeds, cut the flesh. Add 800 ml of water, put on fire and boil 20 minutes before softening the fruits. On 3 glasses of water you need 800 g of sugar.

After boiling, the jams are withstanding 20 minutes on fire, so that the fruits are pretty soften, then the mass is reset to the colander. Quince you need to keep 4 hours in syrup - so it will absorb sugar better.

The secret of the amber dessert - in large quantities of sugar, multiple boolesis and insistence of fruits in syrup.

With rosemary

In the quince when preparing jam, you can add spices, fragrant herbs - for example, cinnamon, rosemary.

To make a dessert with rosemary, you need to perform a number of actions.

  1. Wash the kilogram of large fruits and cut them. The preparatory stage is the same, regardless of the recipe.
  2. Fold the slices in the pan, pour water so that it overlaps the fruits for several centimeters.
  3. Put the container on fire, cook the ground until it boils, stirring periodically. For more than 20 minutes, it is not necessary to keep jam on fire.
  4. Add sugar (100 g), lemon juice (15, and ml) and pinch of rosemary.
  5. Screw the fire and leave the saucepan for another half an hour.

Welcome and run into banks.

So that the jam was very tasty, it is important to remember about several secrets.

  1. Sliced \u200b\u200bslices of fruits during the preparation for the preparation of the jam, hide boiling water. If you do it before sagging sugar, juice will be more.
  2. Spices improve the taste of sweet jam. Main - turmeric, vanillin, cinnamon, but experiment is not reborn. The main thing is not to overcome - the spices should be moderately, not excessively.
  3. An interesting combination of quinting is obtained with flax seeds, sesame, poppy seeds, citrus sister. You can make several different jars to compare the results and find the perfect recipe.
  4. For the winter quince, the quince is closed as any other jam. Banks with lids must be sterilized, the finished delicacy is removed into the cool dark place.

Fruit kilograms Prepare with skins either without, pour sugar into a lot of sugar, put a couple of days to get juice. Periodically shake the jam so that the sugar is distributed evenly. Lay out the mass in the multicooker's bowl and turn on the extinguishing mode for half an hour. Cool, repeat the procedure twice.

Try syrup - if it is thick, spacing, you can roll jam in banks.


Now you know how to cook jam from Quince, and you can please home delicious useful billets. You can watch the video on which the stages of creation of syrup, the preparation of fruits with peel and without.

We remind you that skins can be removed or left - it all depends on personal preferences, the jam with the skin is obtained more rich and tasty due to essential oils. Bones are usually cleaned, but if you wish, you can make jams with them.

Recipes are classic, amber, with the addition of spices, nuts, pears, apples, pumpkins, orange pulp, lemon juice, can use freshly squeezed red currant juice.

By the way, quince fruit is very useful, which has antiseptic, strengthening, diuretic, astringent action.

So do not deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying such a delicacy, indulging households. To make the jam well stored, sterilize the covers with banks, follow the technology of its preparation.

Banks and covers. Store the jam in warmth, for example, bite the blanket or plaid. After transfer to the basement, the storage room or place it in the refrigerator.


  • 1 kg quince;
  • 750 g of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.


From Quince Remove the core. Cut the fruit with cubes, clean from the peel is not necessary.

Pull the fruit with sugar, add lemon juice and put on the minimum fire. Prepare under the closed lid if you want the jam to be softer. You do not need to mix. After 4½ hours, remove from the fire and burst into banks.


  • 1 100 g of quince;
  • 600-900 ml of water;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of citric acid.


Quince Clean, remove the core, cut the pulp with small pieces or slices. Fill with water so that it is completely covered. Bring to a boil and prepare on medium heat until soft, about 15-20 minutes. Remove the quince and measure 250 ml of the branch, the rest will not need.

Mix the liquid with sugar and boil. Pour the fruits and boil on a small fire for about 20 minutes. Add citric acid and leave another 5 minutes. Boil jam on banks and roll off covers.

Alena.kul /


  • 2½ kg of quince;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 orange.


Quince Clean and remove the core. Cut the pulp in small pieces.

In the pan fold the skins and cores. Fill with water, boil and boil on medium heat for about 20 minutes. Perfect.

The resulting decoction will pour the flesh of quince. Boil on medium heat 12-15 minutes. Drain the liquid, add sugar to it and cook for 5 minutes. Hot mix with quince and leave for 12 hours.

Orange together with a zest cut into small cubes. Add to the standing quince and half an hour boil on weak heat. Boil jam on banks and roll off covers.


  • 2 kg quince;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 120 ml of water;
  • 4-5 cinnamon sticks.


From Quince, remove the core, clean the fruit and cut into small slices. Fold in a saucepan, pour sugar and pour with water. Boil on a small fire of 2½-3 hours. 10 minutes before the end of the process, add cinnamon.

Ready jam bully on banks and sunmate covers.

nanka-photo /


  • 1 400 g of quince;
  • 80-100 g of fresh ginger root;
  • 1,200 g sugar;
  • 200 ml of water.


Cut the core from Quince, divide the fruits into small pieces. Grind.

Sugar fill with water and boil 8-10 minutes until it is completely dissolved. Add quince with ginger. Boost and boil on a small heat of 50-60 minutes. Periodically, neatly stir.

Ready jam bully on banks and close the lids.

manyakotic /


  • 2 kg quince;
  • 1,200 g sugar;
  • 200 g of walnut;
  • 240 ml of water;
  • ½ lemon.


Quince Clean, remove the core and cut the fruit with slices. Pull with sugar, mix well and set aside for 2-3 hours.

Nuts pour warm water so that they are covered in full, and leave at the same time. After rinse and latch.

Sound from quince and 240 ml of water to boil and boil 5 minutes on medium heat. Remove from the stove and insist hour and a half. After strain and press all the liquid.

Finished decoction pour to Iva. Put on the stove and boil on slow fire. After about 2 hours, add nuts and squeezed out of lemon juice. Stir. After 7-10 minutes, remove from the fire and burst into banks.


  • 30-50 g pistachios;
  • 2 quince fetus;
  • 60 ml of juice;
  • 600 ml of water;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • cardamon - to taste.


Pistachios free from the shell. Quince Clean, remove the core. Cut the fruit with medium slices and pour half lemon juice.

In the saucepan boil the water with the cores of quince, sugar and cardamom. Boil on medium heat for 5-10 minutes. When sugar sand is completely completely, add slices of quince, cover the cover and reduce the fire. Cook for about 1½-2 hours, after removing the cores, add the remaining lemon juice and boil another 8-10 minutes. Then mix with pistachios.

Ready jam break into the jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

Alisafarov /


  • 1,200 g byi;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 800 g of sugar;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon;
  • ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • ½ teaspoon of ground fragrant pepper;
  • ½ teaspoon of vanilla extract.


Quince Clean and remove the core, then cut the fruit with small pieces. From the oranges, squeeze juice, soda on the grater.

In a large saucepan boil the water on medium fire. Fall off the sugar and boil until the sand is completely dissolved. Add quince with salt, zest with juice, cinnamon, muscat, pepper and vanilla. Continue to prepare about an hour and a half.

At the end of the process, run the jam on the banks and cover the covers. Put in a saucepan, at the bottom of which is a napkin. Fill with warm water on cans and boil on a small heat for 15-20 minutes.